Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Nov 1899, p. 7

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n, One reason for the popularity of the hutomobile among women is that it Hench an absolutely clean conveyance. There is ‘no dust to speak of; no mud thrown up by the hoofs of horses, and the most immaculate costume loses none of its freshness after the drive. Then there is a safety about the horse- less carriage which also appeals to ev- ery woman who had been condemned to drive behind What are known as " ladies’ horses,” those staid old slow- going animals that are tagged safe and reliable enough to be trusted un- der a feminine rein. “'omen like good horses, but very few have the strength nerve and skill necessary to drive them. That they are advancing in this‘ particular accomplishment is proved by ‘ the fact that at recenL horse shows women have carried off many of the first prizes. But the automobile, at present, is the chosen conveyance, and there is little doubt that New York. will soon see many of the carriages propelled by fair hands that have been rained to handle the brakes, to back and steer in the very adept fashion that Newport women are exploiting this summer. The fact that the elec- tric carriages have been exiled from \the park drives has militated against their use in town, but that restriction is to .be removed shortly, and this au- tumn the girls will probably glory in the use of these new-fangled driving machines, rejoicing in them all the \ore in that they eliminate from the a; of womankind, one persistent ter- 1, the cabman. The very men whom the shoulderers thought to please have long since been disgusted with their self-elected cham- pions and ashamed that their business should seem to need such helpers. The Mutual Reserve Fund will doubtless follow up vigorously those! who have toully tried to injure it, and all honest man will hold up! its hands, for the public loves {airplay and is already tired of the persecution by disappoint- ed moneyâ€"seekers, of an association which, with serious problems to solva, I. honestly trying to meet them. There is one thing evident, when the association has come through such a rigid examination at the hands of an to put it mildly. did them scant justice, hostile Department of insurance, who, but is "compelled." to say they are ab- solutely solvent with practically 3, mil- lion.- dollars of surplus over and above all liabilities actual or contingent, they have nothing to fear in the. fuâ€" ture. Had the law been carried out and justice done the association, it would have shown nearly two million dollars of a surplus. This is the Strongest endorsation the association could possibly get. Not only so, but‘ id the thoughtful mind it means that oible, and) that the vile attempt that the association is practically invin- cible, wnd. that the vile attempt that has been made to injure the: interests of thousands of policyâ€"holders will and in inspiring still greater confidence in the association, leading on to still greater achievements in the (future, making thousands of homes happy at the lowest cost consistent With abso- lute safety. One will naturally inquire what the Mutual Reserve has done to merit such unfair treatment. Its greatest sin fwms’ to. be that it has saved its pol- icyâ€"holders about forty millions ol‘ dol- lars which its competitors would have taken from them, and to this charge it pleads guilty. But why it should be abused for working for the peo- Ple’s interest is difficult to underâ€" staud, unless it is on the principle that the most clubs and stones are always found under the best apple tree, and no doubt the insuring public will take that view of it. Indeed, it looks as though the the question of the future would be whether the public are to WOrk for the stockholders of insur- ance companies, or their own families, as the business seems to,be drifting into the hands of a few manipulators. In other words, is it to be life insur- an_ce for the people or Hooleyism?‘ 1 The Mutual Reserve Fund Lll’e Defends Itself-Col. Jamel ls Acting for the Company. (From the Toronto Globe.) The Mutual Reserve Fund Life As- ciation has commenced proceedings against former officers and employ- ees charged with circulating false and Libellous charges against the associa- tion, The charges were first made .with the New York Insurance Depart- ment, and when it was found that the department ignored them in its exâ€" haustive report upon the association they were repeated to various New York newspapers until one was found willing to give them publicity. Col. E. C. James, the eminent at- torney in New York, is acting for the association, and the charges are to be pushed vigorously, not only against the original offenders, but also against anyone repeating the libellous state- ments. The move of the Mutual Reâ€" serve will, it is believed, commend it- self to all honest men, and all who are. interested in the association. It is a move that should have been made long ago. For years it has been slan- dered and villitied through journals that are no credit either to the insur-l ance business or to journalism. These attacks have been put in circular format and sold by the thousands to compet- ing companies, who supply their agents with them, who, in turn, distribute them among the people with a view to prejudice public opinion against the fissociation‘. THE CARRIAGE FOR WOMEN. ACTION COMMENCED. {Paris is to have its bull fights 1'0 add to the excitement of its populace. The arena, ’however, will not be withâ€" in the city walls, but at Engien, which is some 12 minutes‘ journey by train. Railway. First-class CommaroiH'Houu. Modem-in}: vgovomontIâ€"Ruu modern. 81'. JAMES’ HOTELS-E Gmggsnacion. Montreal. Geh'oéiilfiii u'E‘BIFmS'? AVENUE HOUSEâ€"4 ARTIFICIAL PAVING BLOCKS. The newest artificial paving blocks to be adopted in Germany are made by combining coal tar, sulphur and chlorate of lime. The “ Balmoral,” Free Bus 3;}; Hotel Oarslake‘ Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Ali dmggiats refund the money it it fails to cure. 25¢ 3:. W. Grave’s signature ls on each box. The champion speller of Missouri is Judge Benny S. Kelly, of St. Joseph. He can spell any word in the Eng- lish language, with which he is familâ€" iar, has written three law books, and no printer has been able to discover an error in the orthography of his manuscript. u An arteBan well is on the farm of Charles Schafter, at Wapu‘konata, Ohio. He lately turned on the water to irrigate his parched lawn, and with t1_1ejlui_d_ 053.1119 myriads of little fish ensure- I youthful complexion. Sand 25 cent: to; trial botth or It cud 1m oimulu on akin Ind oomphxlon. Add!“ . J. UBQVEABT. no 0mm 8%. W..Toronto. wwwme of the black bass. from two to four inches in length. .'CIGAR BOX MAKING. The construction of a cigar box may seem to be a. very simple matter to the novice, but the box passes through 19 different processes before it is ready to receive the cigars. " Pharaoh 1130.1 RELIANCE CIGAR la Tosoam‘l 10"- FACTORLMonma: During a. recent small-pox outbreak in Altoona, P9... all cats and dogs inâ€" infecbed' houses were put to death, by order of the Board of Health. This was to prevent the spread of the dis- ease by these animals roaming from house to house. Whenever a black cat passes a Hindoo sentrly at Bombay he gravely salutes it in military! style. This is be- cause of a supenstition which leads him to believe that the cat contains the soul of a British officer. LU. B..Y’ S Ame married, romance ceases and his- tory begins. \Vh‘en you get Catarrho- zone and use it your Gatarrh. Bronâ€" chitis, Asthma, or Hay Fever disap- pears, and health begins. C'atarrho- ZODB will cureâ€"absolutely cureâ€"Oat- arrh. There is no danger or risk in using this pleasant and effective remâ€" edy. It cures by the inhalation of medicated air. wnich is sent by the aid you breathe to the mi‘nutest cells and passages of the lungs, and bron- chial tubes. It cures because it can- not flail to reach the right spot. You. breathe,- it does the rest, $1.00 at all druggists, or direct my mail. Send 100 in stamps for sample outfit to N. G. POLSON. 8a C02, Kingston, Ont. Murder is not considered a. very great crime by the Parsees of India. According to their code, a murderer receives ninety stripes on his bare back while the man who neglects his dog receives 200 stripes. In Austria babies are allowed to sip beer at the age of three months, and some proud Ifiotherss are given to brag- ging about the quantity of the bevâ€" erage which little Gretchen or Hein- rich can dispose of. Married people outlive the unmarâ€" ried, the temperate and industrious live longer than the glutonous and idle, and the residents of civilized na- tions live longer than those of unâ€" civilized countries. A Few Paragraphs Which Will Prove “'0th Bending. Six undertaken in Hartford, 001111.. were recently (summoned. at midnight, by telephone, to a 11011188 wherein no one was dead. The duped undertak- ers were mad enough to coffin the ghastly jokerL -uu “aw-um: um: nu sol'd byâ€"all d'ruggfis. 50v. a bottle. BULL FIGHTS IN PARIS T0 CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAY ‘Jéwfgww a; MA 1474 Wu-d‘d4é WW." Jew 9‘ GALLA LILY CREAM MONTREAL HOTEL DIRECTORY. When a Man and Woman ITEMS OF INTEREST. " °" “W” 81.50 a (:91 I European Plan. Rooms ", 'LOM.'1.“."-aru& 0.»- .MoiGll-Collezo Avenue Family Hotel um $1.50 per day. ll Puma. of Grub]. Que. I 01¢" Mum-Murat. ,Oppome am. né’pbe- Lyvg, block: from C. Y“ Gives new life to the Hair. It makes it grow md restores the color. Plan. F. 0. BALVERT 8: 00., HANGHESTER, - - ENGLAND. 7 com nuns 162'0‘1‘19e5 ii; a. my LEM; Garters Cormack S; 00.. Agents, Montreal. 4 carbollc Dlsinfoctunta. Soaps, Olnt- mont, Tooth Powder-o, etc.. have been awarded 100 medals and diplomas for superior excellence. Their regular use prevent infecti- ous diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain I supply. Lists mailed free on application. Virginia, never fall in love with a man who hasn’t any sense of humor. Why. Aunt Alice? I refused one once; he took; me seri- ously and never asked me again. The readers of this nper will be pleased to learn that there in an east. one dreaded disease than science has been able to cure in all its stages and lhut is Cntarrh. Hall's Cabarrh Cure ll the only positive cure now known to the medical maternity. Caterrh being a cone- titution-l disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hell's Catarrh Cure is Lakeninter- nally, noting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. thereby del- troying the foundation of the disease. and givin thepatienc strength by building up the coast intiou and assisting nature in doing its work. The propriebozs have I0 much faith in its curative powers. that they oii'er one Hun- dred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list, of testimoniah. Address. F. J. CHENEY 85 00., Toledo. 0. Sold by druggis's. 75c. Hull‘s Family Pills are the best fifiy‘by'fia‘ti'e‘; ihfth'é‘i'r'éiifiifii 69;}?qu fil‘oo’mu flu child, when thu cum: Illuyu n. cum wind cello. ind 1| the but remedy or dinn- mu. 250. a bot.- flo. dogdbyplludgyulibg upropggoquh orld. Bo m u“ “‘ 'E'rfi-I'IITWlmlow'l Swthlfirsm" v" N‘amsfin -â€" IV isubpos; I auto ; butâ€" I FOR OVER FIFTY YEA” mm,- WINSLOW'SfiW'FEJNG. 821W? :3- 929-. Hicksâ€"To be strictly upâ€"to-date you shp_u1d get an autnmobile. Husbandâ€"This paper says a man wastes fully one-third of his life in slee.p._ Wifeâ€"Does that include the time he puts in at church? A crow hatchery, the only one in the world, has been established in Brook- ville, Pa. The crow's eggs are hatched Pin an incubator, and when the birds are eighty weeks old they are guillo- tined. The heads sell for twentyâ€"fives cents each, and are used as adorn- ments for bonnets. me. I have also used other medicines, but got no relief, I have used two dozen boxes of Dodd’s Kidney Pills and am completely cured. I can high- ly recommend this medicine above all others. Two years ago I could not look up to the $01) of a building, my back was so bad. Now I can stoop and bend with ease. The doctors want- ed to perform an operation, but I would not allow this. Dodd’s Kidney Pills are better than doctors." The case of Mr. Thomas Brooks, of North Bruce, belongs somewhat to this latter class. Mr. Brooks ‘says: "I was troubled with Diabetes, I con- sulted a doctor, but he could noAt,‘_help Seldom, indeed, nowadays is adeat‘h‘ from Diabetes in this district. Dodd‘s Kidney Pills are too well known here for that. Diabetes is cured‘ before it advances to adangerous degree gener- ally, though there have been‘ cases where prejudiced people, trying everyâ€" thing undex the sun before resorting to Dodd's Kidney Pills, have been snatched from the edge of the grave by their use. O’KE EFE’S ‘é‘i‘r’FBn M ALT North Bruce, Oct. 30. However it is in other parts of} Ontario this big toe of the province knows {the value of Dodd’s Kidney Pills for Diabetes. It was not so long ago since Diabetes was considered incurable throughout Bruce County. Anyone who contracted Dia- betes, or its twin malady 'Bright’s Dis- ease, were given up as hopeless by physicians and friends. And some of the most prosperous, popular and in- fluential men in Bruce have been car- rieudoff. by Diabetes. : NORTH BRUCE N W Soon There Won’t be a. Leg Left for Diabetes to Stand on. All Over the Cnunlry hlnbelu Is Bella. Vlnqnluhml by Dodll's Kidney Pllls -Thomas Brooks. of North Bruce. Till Timeâ€"Ills (ruse Requlred Two Dozen Boxes. When a. Londoner desires to express deev grief for the loss of a. relative he puts crape on his cane. Elephants have only eight teeth, two below and two above on each side. All baby elephants’ ‘teeth flall out when the animal is about 14 years old, and a new set' grows. ELEPHANTS HAVE EIGHT TEETH. I vigomtol Ind Stu-n them. LLOYD 001). Toronto. GE EEAL AGENT. CALVERT’S THE TRAGIC JOKE $100 Reward, $100. INDEFINITE. HELP. W l’ C 996 ES'ENG ’C f‘ ‘ gm mum: 5m mam: WA rdé, P. 0. Money O‘rdéi- in they isire'st. ind cfiédpégt way. E‘Pleuna mention this paper. ' ' of Music. with words complete, all (he lxtest songs. Regular price 40 and 50 cent; each. our price We. each. or 7 for 506. Also song books containing 50 of the latest comic and sentimental songs. inciuding “ "he Girl I Loved in Sunny Tennessee.” “Just as the Sun Went Down," “Helio. My Baby." “ I Guels I'll Have to Felegraph My Baby," etc" 50. each, or 6 diflereut kinds or 250. - Papers. Periodicals. Books and Magazines, in- c}uding comic, sporting and theatrical papers and mngn. zmés. YOU can order anything in read- innr mnH-pr nuhlinhnrl in Hm I‘nnliuh lannnnlvn 250 to 400 pagerâ€"lint coo numerous to mention, but we can assure our patronl that they are the but. value in Canadn. and include the best known tumors, such “Conan Doyle. Cnpb. Chas. King, the Duchess, Bel-L113. Clay. Zola. Anthony Hope. Hawthorne. Ki Ii: 3, Stevenson, Scribner. etc. Regular price 25:. an 500 each, but in order to make room for our Christmas goods we have determined to close :hom out at 100. etch, or 3 for 25 cents. "(When ordering. send Sc. extrt for such book. to cover postage). . WE have Five Thousa‘nd Sheets of Music. with words complete, all (he lxtest . ing matter published in the English language, through us. and you may rest assured that your order will be promptly filled. We are agents for Street a Smith‘s publications. 1’._‘ :melaend [1; _ord._ars for 250. worlgh [and up- Wholosale and natall News Dealers 37 and 39 Adelaide St. West, TORONTO. ONTARIO. WE have a gggline of Booksâ€" The Anglo-American News Go. For full information and relorvatlonrof deepinaon but)“. address ' n. O. Towxsmm (1P, t'I'.A.. st. Loull, Mo. 11!). ARMSTRONG TEA" 7 W. Fortâ€"ah, Detroit. Mich Bxulu Wmsox. b. P. A.. m Adams-It... Chicago. In Personally conducted California Excursions VII MISSOURI PAOIFIO NW and IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE. THROUGH TOURIST SLEEPERS. ' LOWEST RATES. 0. Rolland, ml} 37:56:75; Eh; Dgnvninion‘.‘ Egg-8'; lump for analogue. 373 St. Pa. Street, Mounted. .I1“ I“ MOINES IIIOUBATOI- n Dnu-_.l .nl- -_.‘_L L- n” I} gnu unholy!!! Music Feachers Wanted Nw‘m tau 11 t Sausage casingsâ€"E...xf.h"s°£eep‘l“..‘a 1:. «loan Hog Casing-rumble coda nt‘tigjlt p110“. nAn n1.nv.y-n- w‘lvu person, gentleman or lady to represent ro- liable firm; position pox-mutant; $600 per yam- ind expenses ; experience umfimslag. ‘ _; A. ‘KEEFE, l‘flnl'l" Some Grout Bargains. Apply to JAMES flcK. STEWART, Drawer 16, Kinoardine P.0., Ont. Stammerers‘i‘i HARRIS $2.00 FARMS “nun. mu.- us Dr. Anon. Berlin who wlll oonvlno- you he on sun you 21515 é“é ' to all desirous ofmquirlnz u Charm-13h kuowledfira‘ Cutting and Fitting Gentleman's Gsrmenta. Write for pmloulnn. No receptacle has ever been made with sufficient strength to resist the bursting power of frozen water. Miss \Alt'onr-So he married that Sitckleby girl at last, ‘did he? - What digmhe at the wedding? niiehmto. Estimates {urnibhed for work complete or to materials ship‘wd to ny an of the country. Phone 196 G. DUTHIIR on. Ado nldoamdmar Bte..Toronto Miss Blitheâ€"A dejected fool: and a breach of promice suit.- R o o I: I and Sheet Metal Works. ROOFING SLATE in Black, Red or Green. SLATE BLACKBOARDS (We supply Public and High Schools Toronto). Roofing Felt, Pitch, Coal Tar, etc. ROOFIN G TILE Bee New City Build, luau, Toronto. done by ourflrm). eta} Ceilings. Cor- ningagtg. Egtimeqes furnibhgdfgr work 901111113“ or to, permanently cum Cntarrh of nose. â€" I I throw. atom-oh and bladdsr. 500 t 81 I box. Write for partieulau. Thu Indhn Ont-uh Cure 00.. 146 30.. Juan-at. Montreal. T’IONTO Outtlng School otters special advantages to all dnxirnn- nf nnnnirlm. u "Hummk bunâ€"“Am. -1 LAW GRATEFULâ€"COM FORTING. as (.116 are the most. Ilmplo and. angle» handle: :11 Per-on hm! 010031 0330 R , Yarn. Fenhors, or ln um an t. inst. at reunite. d a nl, fi ’ n. no an ls will convince you Hut they wl l do all wa claim for I o . on Dyes are POSITIVE Y Union yes, and will dye Cotton, Wool, Silk or Mixed Goods with Al run a, U our r‘runlse for them, or send direct and we will mnil free so any address 10:: package, or thus for 25°. 3 dune-nch to agents- TORONTO HOME DYE 60.. TORONTO: P0135 Distinct: Terlrerplg‘énoliflo; THE MOST NUTRITIOUS THE SUPERIOR QUALITY OF LU D Ceylon Ica speaks for itself. A trial is the mosfi convincing argument in its favor. Lead Packages. . . . ‘ - . . .25. 30, 40, 50 &. 60¢. BREAKFASTâ€"SUPPER. AN IRRESISTIBLE POWER. GO'TO )alif’ernia - carry in stock all kinds of WILLI‘AM 81.. :rononio. PER Du SURE â€" RELIABLE Chain -nliable gvoodait right. m: as; PAR BLACK ELL E 00., oronto. To ufla the latest apd mos_t popular_DY_E oAn rthe wazrkgt, knowr! ag AT THE NUPTIALS. Ion SAL! â€"â€" BRUCE COUNTY â€" Dist. Manager, Londofi. Ont. LADIES WANTED via...... Buys Scrap, LEAD, COPPER. BRASS. MIIIO. MI". I HIIOI Mrumnfibou remvod to Weilegvmgrgs" Ich- Inond 8|. .. oronbo. m Yonxo at. Toronto. HEW IIIIHSIIHl U WI. 158 Yong. 8L. TORONTO. ONT. compute SHEET MUSIC CATALO DE and SPECIAL RATE OF DISCOUNT. We .w'vmasm WK Canada Whaley. Boyce To send tor our Huh“ SHEEI m cal-[u Inc" w o In" (tiled to In aural uln- when. Wm. M High Glass Water Tube Steam Donors. for All Pressures. Duties and Fuel. SEND FOR DESCRIPTI‘VE CATALOGUE. Esplanade, us. I; mun, Manager. The canadian ‘ Heine Safety BOELER MONEY LENT on security of real estate non-tango. Government and Municipal Bonds. etc. DEBENTURES ISSUED for 1. 2. 3, 4 or5yearl. with interest coupons actnched. , Paid-up Capital, - - $2,600,000 Reserve Fund - - - 1,200,000 float! affineâ€"Toronto St. Toronto. Branch Offlouâ€"WInnlpeg, Mam. Vancouver, to noel Flag staffs, urlln urlndorl. Iron and wood Pumpl. In cuppllu. The Oldest and Largest Canadian Mort- gage Corporation. u an a... bum rm ufi'm M AGREB noon FARMING LANDSâ€"ARENAO 10-00 Gum-w Ind Onwford Countlu. tlo pn- toot. On hiohim Central. Detroit 5 Utah mo Ln Loon Luke Railroads, At prices unsinl Iron 82 to r um. These land- m Close to EnteTprillnz New will. Churches. Sohooll, 9th nd will be sold on non stumble tel-nu. Apply to ‘ UANMDA PERMANENT Brantforu‘ Roxcg } II? For Sale by all Grocen, or sea 0% or >. \o the ROKCO MFG. 00., 154 ueen .. Torol‘ Agents WIDM in an” loci in. 1‘13; 150 115.1,} 2 Cereal Ooflee Health Dflgk.n1{ujg,molosquc..§oul I-.. 1:,“ “Jul, ., GLOBE OPTICAL 00.. nip. Sherbofirno 8L, catholic Prayer '21::.1'.’%‘£.” 0r aim Religious Pictures. Status”, and Church 01’an 1 Educ-fiend Work . Mtll urderl rocelvo pram t I “on. k n. J. SADLIII I 90., Min In! for N or Guides“ Galvanized steal Windmills and Towers. m. 9nd other "v, v,“ _ _.vâ€" v v... - utuuutv nun swulvl Donn In The Dawson Commission 60., “mind. _‘ _Oor,YIo§t-l!arkot ls Dolborno st.,_1'oyonto, r Mantra-I llld Quebec to leerpool. Lnr c and fast Steamers Vnncouver, ominion, Scotsman, Cambromhn. mm of punc- :â€"â€"Fiut Oghin upw-rdl; loco-l mun. 3:5; ammo, 322.50 and 5% For furthor infomnfion .991] to locll sun". on Look for Lgeniirn your town. or and iron. Montrea1,Toronto, Ottawa, ueboc. Ibsorbcd 1th t (:1 .B ghlal AstlYmsr’ua: ogvgggntniou outed by ante, sun uni gntent remedies, Absolutc harmless. Particulars an «er3 fiddle”, “ Poum'zv',’ "’Bun ER, sins, AME. ...1 ‘LL-.. nnnn‘rrnrn . ”v€!n§_!__._§l,eanlng l Domlnlon Line ROKCO ONMON SENSE KILLS Romhel. BGd Bugl, Rut: Ind Mice. Sold by :11 Drunk“. or 381 Queen W. Toronto. For further pu‘ciculars apply to DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Interest allowad. Loan and Savings Company. INCORPORATED 1855. Miohlgan Land for Sale. Kgérnfits it‘ll“; E er'Ii'ly-lvo-gj _ N For the very best and your work to th- “ BRITISH AMERICAN DYIIIIG 00.“ w,,.,. . DR.’ GRANT. magi ‘ flame: New You. . ._. "n. Anle m-uuu nyyq wwu-n nun“. 'l DAVID TOREA 0] t 00.. Genoa] Monk. 1 8.. hot-Mont fit... llama. 93 Yonge street, Toronto. . ~ Solid Goldfinflfi $3 Bosh Gold Fill 1.50 5 yrsGoldFfll 1.00 . Bean Glasses... 100 We guanntee pox-toot utisfmtion. B. nrmnom A ens. wmn on .Mloh. o: J.W. 063513. Whlltongre. inn. PRéDUgE, to epsége be“ 331:!" room! J. HERBERT MASON. Managing Director. Toronto. route Electric Ugh! 00.. Inmihut he T. Elston Co. Limited. The Many-HI {I Co‘. Limited. The ut-In I‘m 3 Rubberl MI; 09 Thu (hon Eublhbing 00.. would JOHN J. MAIN, Supt. Ind Ml I: well n hugnoxfuscgofi: eveymn can 1‘. an £210. With m lllustnhd mu! :3 and nonme- for 0111wa h Johnston a Mural-lane 7| Youe 53.. “ransom... This book cantata: one hundred tn: 0! the but humorous no! ombnmnz me Nofiro Yahoo. I Dutch dialect» ho h in pron and v1 hm“:- :.::iE-'-€;€:“ i too . I a I no OI“. J gar 311be 00. III) for It! Gents " IMVII IIIAHI) " IIIDJMM n-- In“-..- A. I. .â€" Toronto Mention this pupa. ROYAL HM CTIAHIIIIP

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