Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Nov 1899, p. 5

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At the Epworth League on Friday might Mr. Hume will give an address mm the subject, “The Christian as a “Citizen.” Also a choice programme of Instrumental and vocal music is being {premix-ed. The Mendelssohn Chm-is- ters have kindly consented to be pres- ant and render several selectinns. All are welcome. Chair taken at :8 :o’clock. - On Monday evening at Mrs. Trench’s .‘a. huge number of Epworth Leaguers .nssembled for the purpose of organizing a Reading Circle in connection with that or anization. It, was unanimous- i‘ly deci ed to form one, and the follow- ng officers were elected :-â€"President-, . 1‘. Fred W. Harrison ; Secretary, iss Trench. All desirous of joining :he class will please hand in gheir umestathe secretary. .As will be seen by advertisement on ranothenpage, the Palmer hotel busi- iness is for sale by tender. The hotel jsproperty at, Edgely will also be offered for sale by auction on Tuesday, the 28th inst. The ‘Veekly Sun of Toronto, is a “ clean paper,” SPnszlbional reports of “murder trials and all similar matter is ~religiously excluded from its columns. There is not a. line in it that may not “be read by any member of the family. -At; the same time no paper gives a. .Imore complete summary of events or #30 great a volume of interesting in~ iformation. At a. Inevtviug of the Quarterly board for the Richmond Hill circuit held 011 .‘Monday the-following were elected Stewards of the Methodist church: Richmond Hill, J. A. E. Switzer, I. Crosby, J. H. Sanderson; Victoria. Square, S. M. Brown, G. Gee: Head- =f0rd, A. Helmkay; Patterson, W. x‘Rumble. jr. Mr Switzer was-elected Recordingâ€"Steward. At a meeting of tumors lwltl in T0â€" ‘l'onto on Monday it, was decided that in consequpnce of hides and tanning materials (If all kinds advancing in price at- lonst 25 per cont that, the pride ofloatvher- be also wheel 25 pm cent. Among the tanner from this county were Hon. E. J. Dans, King; Mr. J. Newton, Richmond Hill; and Mr. F. T. Dnvilleg of Aurora. VVe challenge Competition on every point, Tartan checks, regular 15 cent goods for'lOc., turtzms, regular 1250., for 9c. W001 blankets, regular $3 for $1.95, very fine wool blankets, size 68x 88 inches for $2.50. Atkinson & .Switzer. A meetingnf the officers and teach- ers of the Methodist Sublth School was held last. evening when it, was de- (tided to hold thvil- unnule entertain- ment on Christmas night. A commit- tee was appointed to endeavor to pro- cure and superintond a. suitable cun- tata. The usual Clu-isbnms Tree will be a pan of the pmgzmnme. No man, young or old, should be without; a neckâ€"scarf, when you have such a, choice of pmt ms and culmrs at 15, J. 25, 35, 50, 75211111 :51 at Atkinson {z Switzvx 4. - Mr. Pma'cy S. Hunk. of Toronto College‘ of Music, tchhc‘r 0n the org,th and piano, wishvs to organize a class in the \‘iilzlgv. Ho wiil be here:- on Ca - urday, Nov. 11th, to make arrange- mw x-I L. ‘. iev. J. (J. Spam-- at {am mi in Vic- ~1‘m-i:c B. 0., a. former pc star in the Iethndisb church here, has accepted :1 call extended to him by Euclid- nvenue church, Toronto, subject to thenpprm‘al of the Smtioning Omn- finilztce next J1me. Specialâ€"Lmlies’ wool hose, 15 05s., Boys’ short pants, 2%., Mum‘s wps, 40 cts.; Men’s all wool uudvrsnirts, 350., and a. snap in hny’s shirts. Inaugl‘lton Bros, Elgin Mills. See the thin ginsa decorated tum- hlersutirfic. a dam; colored salt and poppersifters at 5c. each. Atkinson «S; b‘wibzer. As the! Public Library year cum- mencud on the first of November, mm- residm‘ntfi shrmid rem-w their mel‘nber- ship at once. Tickets, 50 cents a year, may be had at THE LIBERAL oifict“. Boots 5; Shoc'swâ€"‘va'neu’s Solid Leather bouts, vzu'xamte-d shong and good to wvar, $1 pm: pair. Naught-on 131-03., Elgin Mills. Orders taken at THE LIBERAL office for the Christmas Number of Saturday Night, :1 dpsc‘riotinn of which appears (-‘isewhere in this paper. Price 50 cts. Eden’s pure linen Eng‘l'sh fumed points at 15c. 01' 2, for kinson & Sw1tzor. On Saturday next We wiH svll any of our! fifty (rent; ties for 350.. any 350. tie for2z'm., any 250. tie for 200. At- kinsun & Switzm: Put-r? Iim-n Bath Tuwvl, 18x36 at 10c. ouch; Honey cn-mh towel, gnod size, 5c. each. Atkinson éi: Switzer. At a. meeting of 1110 Board of Educa- tinn on Monday the advisability of en- gaging a third teaclwr for the High School was discussed, but no cm1<zlus~ ion was zu-riw-d at. Court Richmond will meet th-‘Y‘mnu ruwevening. . IICHMOXD HILL, Novmnhox- 9; IJ(}(L‘ AWEJPEL EPVVORTH LEAGUE. READING CIRCLE. FOR SALE. 03V Em.» hqu E.” I353 cnllm‘ in Atâ€" ed. The book itself contains sixty~ four pages, profusely illustrated by leading artists. artistically printed, and containing stories by the most popular Canadian writers, besides sketches and short descriptive para- graphs. Among the authors who contribute stories to this number are Grant Allen, Pauline Johnson, Bleas- dell Cameron, Mrs. Yeigh, Capt. Jack Crawford, E. E. Sheppard, Joe T. Clark, Phillips Thompson and many others. The main pictorial supple- ment is a copy, in its original colors, of that classic of animal paintings by Rosa Bonheur, entitled the Horse Fair. The purchase of this picture for $55,500 by Cornelius Vanderbilt, its presentation to the N ew York Metro- politan Museum of Art, and the recent death of Rosa, Bonheur and Mr. Vand- erbilt, all lend interest to every one who has seen or heard of the great picture. Even the brush marks made by the (pleat artist are. faithfully re- produce by embossin , and nowhere in an art store coul the picture he bought for five times the price of this superb Christmas Number and its four other stipplementary plates. Some of the stories are very funny and all of them good, and the illustrations are by Howard, Sam Hunter,0arlAhx-ens, W. Goods, lnnes, Kilvex-t, Gordon and (luallener. .Every one should feel sufficient interest in the great enter- prise shown by the publishers tolorder this collection of good things at the nearest news agents or from once!" the boy canvassers. The publishers are the Sheppard Publishing 00., Limited, Saturday Night Building, Toronto,; and the price is 50 cents per copy. On Thursday afternoon at, the close of school, the High School Literary Society will hold its first .meeting. A short programme will be presented by the committee in charge. The society will endeavor bo’promote the welfare of the students, and boifui'nish an out-, let for tfieii‘ musical and literary abilâ€" ities, as there is much sgootl talent: available. .Three .good pupils have joined the classes during the past, week. There is still a large part of the Christmas term before us, and intending pupils would do well to enter now, so as to be properly prepared for the work of thinegv- yeaf._ The School Board continues to im- prove the school property, and will do still more to promote the comfort of the students and the efficiency of the school. Newmarket High School team will meet the boys in afriendly ame of foot-ball at the park after so 001 on Friday. Come and. see the boys play a{ good game. ‘ This is tho title 0f the design of what? is doubtless the haudsomcst and mast, artistic cover page ever issued in Canada. Bunclws of maple leaves of summer and autumn hues, amongst) which are mixed embossed gold coins, sm-ruund a, picture representing the Spirit of the Rain and the title, “ T0- mnto Saturday Night’s Christmas, 1899.” More beautiful symbols of Can- ada’s p '(vsperity could not be express- 7““ RAIL‘NA Y CONN E- " ‘1 ON. A (tmmnitboe of the County Council met on l‘wiomhey and dis nssed the px-o- pnfik‘d Iviom-opolit'mx Railway connec- tion with the C. l’. R. :11, North Toron- to. The inmnhmts of the County Council present. wen- ‘lVarden \Vood~ cook, (\ uncillors Evans, Pugsley, Gibson, Fithg Stokes, Hartman, 'h and Johnaton. The Mrtropoli- n was 1-(‘prvsontox‘i h); "dossrs. l. D. n-on, J. \‘v'. Moyvs and W’ailtvr he wick, and Mayor Davis and Mr. Ellis nppom‘i‘d on behalf of the town of North 'l‘ou'mto. The two last imian opposed the idea of carrying [Wight on Yonge 5%. After the pros. and cons. had been heard the \Vm'den and Councilior Evans Were appointed a committee to go to Ottawa the fol- lowing d nd recmmnond the Rail- ‘ ' (lo , 4109 of the Privy Council . on r, the folh‘m'ing: (1,) That the ‘L‘mmoc in): be-iwm‘n the Metropolitan nudlle. 1". I}. be made. (2) that the company he allowed to run three freight Calm in addition to the motor, and to run two more if the traffic 1‘0- illll'f‘d. (3) that, the company be a1- lowcd to run their freight trains at H. speed of 15 miles pew hour in the coun- try districts and 6 miles per hour through incorporated towns and vii- lzlg‘i‘a, including; ’l‘hornhill. The meni- b<â€"-rs of the Council who opposed this proposition were Gibson High and Iiurtnmn. The (luPSt‘th (7f keeping the people of Canada posted nl’mut the Canadian tmops has lmen solved by the Family Ilemld and Vv’rr’ekly Star of MnntrPah sanding a special war correspondent, who sailed ml the Sardinia!) and Whose- solo lmsiue‘ss will 1w to keep the Fam- ily Humld in touch with the troops in action. Thv Family Herald’s corres- pnndont goes thoroughly equipped fur his wm'k. lie has a photographic out- fit», will be mounted on the field and will have a. mounted m‘dorly. The Family I'iemlcl’s cm'x'esprmdent goes by pcsmiminn of Dr. Borden, Minister of Mliilia, and with instructions spvciully cabled from the VVHI‘ Oilice by the t5; vtm‘y 0f VX'nr. NE‘N FROM CANADA’S TROOPS. mmucipul law if no pmvision is made for taking (tare of those cha actors who insist, on hoing a nuisance to the community, “specially when there is a, li’nckubp Within a. stones-throw. A strongâ€"look'ug young fellnw who hails from the outside has been stagâ€" gering and stumbling about tim wi- nge during Lb". past two days in an int-oxiimtud state, carrying a. bottle with him. His object seems to be to spend his hm‘d-eurm-d summer wages and to make a. fun] 01' himself gener~ Hiiy. Tin-1'0 is something wrong abmfl; \VH EN THE M APLES TURN. High School Notes DISGR AGEFUL. Funnel-s can now obtain the cele- brated Tobique Gypsum Powder at Britnell’s. O. P. R. Crossing. Yange Street, North Ton-onto. A Carâ€"load just, received from the mills. It will freshen up your fall wheat. Two hundred pound bag for $1.25 or $12.00 pet-ton .41-tf . .~BRITNELL& CO. Last (Wenng in Toronto 209 men were initiated into the benevolent. soâ€" ciety known as the Ancient Order of United VVOI-kmen. We have made preparation for cold weather by buying an extra large stock of men’s winter- caps in cloth With leather peak and cloth with plain peak at, 30 and 459. Atkinson & Swit- zer. r The Governor-General has received a cablegi-am from Mr. JOseph Chamâ€" herlin expressing the cox-dial thanks of Her- Majesty’s Government of Cana- da. for offering to send a second contin- gent to South Africa, but assuring the anadian Administration that no fur- ther aidifrom the Dominion is consid- ered necessary. THE SUN Life Assurance 00. 'OF CANADA Assume mmn themodom plans, and in one -of the most :vmsperops and progressive companies 1n existance. Premiums low, policies unconditional and nouforfeitahh. Take 9. policy with she‘dis'trict agent, If you. are baking; fur good value in underwvur call and see our 550. line-0f cotton fleeced or our 75c. line of W001 flux-ed, shirts and l] “wars to match. Atkinson & Swit/Aer. Bold announcements but very true. Good seamless 25 bushel cotton bags, $1.65 per (107... Extra. good 21} bushel seamless cotton rain bags, every bag ovnr 1602. \veig t, $2.65 a doz. At- kinson &. Switzvr. LIBERAL OFFICE. The 16th annual Ontario Provincial Fat Stock and Dairy Show will he held in the city of London, December 11 to 15. Over-$5,300 will be offered in prizes. XVe have just received from the Dw mininn Suspender Co. a- large. ship- ment of men’s braces in all the new colon; and styles to retail at 23, 25, 35, and 50 (31‘s. Atkinsmré‘c Switzer. Mrs. “'ilvy, at the Annual Gnm'en- tion held at Guelph last week, was’ re- elected Corresponding Secretary of the Ontario 'Womau’s Christ/inn Tem- perance Union. Mr. Marshall H. Brown of Detroit, District, Freight Agent; for the Cana- dian Pacific Railway spent a. couple of days with his parents at Victoria Squareand called on several friends in the village on Monday. I’émilytic Prices: Up to close of business on Saturday this week we will give 2 lbs. of choice coflfL-P. ground while you wait], for 250.; \Vethl'y’s mince. moat, Sta; PIII'P Lm-d, 773v; Lynx Sninmn, 100.; I‘IGI‘SD. Shoe Smâ€" mun, lien; ‘7 bars Richmds’ Pure 50;: , 250.; 223 ll). (‘th'il g anulated sugar for 321 ; new selected Valencia raisins 80.; Figs 4;c.; (rm-309. Japan Lea fur 250.; Heavy 36 inch Fianueili‘bie, our 100. fur 9%. Atkinson Sc Switzm'. Mr. John R. Strattun, the new Pro- vincial Secretary. was cm Tuesday elected by acclanmtion for West) Pt‘tt‘l‘bfll'k)’. ' Mr. George Noss, traveller for a Chicago firm, visited his parents :It Dollar, Markham. f0] a feW dnys‘ and spent a short time with his sister, Mrs. h‘thut' Coutuhs. Mr. R. J. McDévitb and Bouttv of Sclmmbm-g, spent; with Mrs. Tiflin. “1'68 nur whiskey buying and our wok buying with startling results. Bernard McEvoy contributes a thor- ough article on “ Technical Education in Canada,” which is quite apx-opros. Charles A. Bramble writes of The Mouse, in the first (lf it series 01’: artic- les entitled, “ The big Game of Cana= da.” Besides several illustrated, them are a. half dozen good poems, and three ex<2ellont short. stories. This November number opens the fourteen- th vulume of nur national magazine. Mr. A. .T. Cnmphwll is in serving on the petib jm-y‘. ‘Miss Lizzie Time mid Miss Susie. Blanchard of {ifomntm spent Sunday 111 the village. E. G. Biggar gives a very clever desâ€" cription (if The F311“! nf Cetvwayu in the Novmnber Canadian Magazine, with many interesting stories about the famous Zulu Chieftain. Frederic Viiiiers cunh-ibntes the first of a series of articlks (in his experiences as a, war cm-respondviit in 'Svrvin Turkey and Egypt. VV. Snnfnl‘d Evans discusses the ’1‘ 'a-nsvaul negotiations historically in his department, entitled “Current Evean Ahmad.” Robert Barr writes of "Liter-tui~§_i11 Canada," and com- T. F . Me M APT-(9N, Land Plaster CANADIANMAGAZINE. PERSON [3 L5. News Notes. R-l'CH MOND'TH Lil’- Toron tn Mr. J. Sunday pv .. ' The LIBERAL. «W’holesale and Retail Butchers, deal! era in We mikes", specialtyin Home Render- ed Lard, and our « own make maiSausage. BRA OF. AND SIX BEST AUGER. BITS. only $1.50; COW CHAINS at 12 and 15c. each ; SHOT GUNS, SINGLE BARREL MUZZLE LOADERS, $3.50 LSI-IQT GUNS. SINGLE BARREL BREAQfl LpApERs, ' $4.50 each ; POW’D ER,- 3%. per- lb. ; SHOT, 4 lbs. for 25c. ; HORSEBLANKETS at; 500.. 600. and 756. each. “’0 have a very fine heavy all-wool Hua-se Blanket which we sell for $1.65 each _ r e Z m S & n 0. S .n h t A WELKKNS & CO. B EST M EATS sFRESH & SALT MEATS To the Public. 2'01 allskinds. Wegeta'nles 1n Season. BLESS 8:. W3, Subscribe tor 166 and 168 King St. East, 3 doors west of George Street, Toronto. GLASS &‘»'CO.,\R-ichmond Hill WVhen you want the To sell you anything we have in the store. Always go to WILKle & 00.. This applies to all the goods 1n our store. This seems a somewhat startling statement to make. However it is true with a single condition attachedâ€"â€" that is that you pay the price marked on them, which in every case you will find so) low it will be a pleasure “6&3? "Emfil'fii'sfii'bflfidmm ' ‘ Mafia“! cure. amp lets tree boon address. The Wood Company, W ndsor, m GLOBE cpncAl. I am prepared to tin-Family Washings. . Gent. and Ladieakflne linenm. specialty. Work gunfi- nutaedvand eronege solicited. 52;“ TILLIE MAXWELL 17» em: Englisi Remedy. ‘ Sold and recommended by g drugglsts in Canada. Org}; re , ‘\ able medicine discove . :1, :3. . 1m kages guaranteed to cure toms of Sexua. Weakness, all effects of ab“ orexoess, Mental Won-y. Excessive use of X19009. Opium or_stimp‘lan_ts.‘yailed or} receip' v.2? Wood's‘Phosphndine is sold in Richmond Hill by W. A. Sauderson,Drugglst. icJLnn-o‘nd Hill .83 Yonge Street. Torontg. We guarantee perfect satisfaction}. LAUNDRY f- Wood’s Phosphodlno,‘ “ €=Solid»-Gold. ...$2.‘8fl ABestzGcld Fill' 1.251 ' 5 yrs Gold Fill 1.00 Best, Glasses... 10!

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