We regret, however, that we can- not fully understand his remarks relative to the Canadian contingent sent to South Africa. Rev. Mr. Steacy’s words are as follows: “I might give you reasons why, accord- mg to reports, six hundred of the ’Canadian boys who have gone to support the throne were taken from the Church of England, three hund- sred from the Presbyterian, While bulysome ï¬fty from the Church of Rome, and ï¬fty from other religious bodies. I might with justice on my «side charge the Canadian Cabinet with blind bigotry in granting a Roman chaplain to ï¬fty volunteers, and refusing until forced, to grant a Church of England chaplain to six hundred of Canada’s best sons,†&c. Rev. R. H. Steacy of St. John’s Church, in that city. The rev. gen- tleman, who is one of the most pop- ular and highly-esteemed young clergymen who ever labored in this place, welcomed his brethren to the Church of England, and in eloquent ianguage {Irged his hearers to give their hearts to God, and warned them against procrastination. RICHMOND HILL. November 16, 1899 The Ottawa Evening Journal of the 6th of November contains» a sermon preached to Orangemen the day ibeforeâ€"Guy Fawkes’ Dayâ€"by It is unfortunate for the reader that Rev. Mr. Steacy did not state the reasons referred tn. We cannot think he believes there is moreloyal- ty in the Church of England than in all the other churches combined. We ï¬rmly believe that Canadians are imbued with loyalty to the Queen from one end of the Dominion to the ether, and .it would be a mistake to suppose that any particular church or any particular political party has a monopoly of that commodity. Mr. Brewer, the Conservative rep- resentative of East Eigin in the Leg- islature, was on Tuesday unsealed by the Court of Appeal. Certain persons Were convicted of bribery and were held by three of the four judges who sat on the case to be agents of the candidate. Corrupt practices had been proven at a. former trial, but the matter of agency on the part of those guilty had not been established. As to the “blind bigotry of the Canadian Cabinet,†it is not; well to be too credulous in flying reports. 'It is difï¬cult to believe that one re- ligious denomination would be more highly favored in the appointment of a chaplain than another denominat- 1cm. Mrs. Speuoely who has been ill for a week or so, is quite better again. Her :son from Toronto visited her on Sat- purday. Mr. Wm. Elem: ,. wife and child, moved in with her t Tuesday :for the winter. '7 Mfé. T. Legge had several friends to wee her last week, some from adis~ tance. . Master W. J. Street; of Tomnto, and :two of his floung friends; T. Benson and Mr. Ba er. wheeled out to Bond’s- Lake. and spent a day at Lake Wilcox san_d__0&_l§_ Iï¬clges. _ Clerk’s Noticeâ€"C. H. Stiverl For Saleâ€"John Bastard. Changeâ€"C. Mason. New Admâ€"R. Sivers, Noticeâ€"Wm. Cook. For Saleâ€"Berti Hopper. Change~ W. A. Sanderson. Legge havé twin daughters, born (m sthei; 7th ult. Mother and babes doing we . . @112 Egiheml. Dame Rumor has it that a. wedding will be reported from this place in the near future. Messrs. Thompson, Beynon and Ash have returned from the North West. Mr. Beynon left Winnipeg at 4 p. m. an the 11th inst“. and arrived home on .the afternoon of the 13m, SeveYal from Oak Ridges 'attended the weddin in 81;. J ohn‘s Church on Tuesday of ash week, when Miss Jessie Legge and Mr. Wm Ellison were aamted .iu the bonds of Amatximoqy. TMVI‘. kind Mrs. Wm. Ash of Lake Wilcox, have a. son now about two weeks 701d, and Mr. 31nd Mgs. Fred I Mis Keltié bf Newmarket, has been vigibing {riflends i2 ï¬bigfligiuityn ‘ u q SERMON TO ORANGEMEN. New Advertisements. Oak Ridges Adespatch dated London. Nov. 12, stated that the steamer Szu'dinian from Quebec with the Canadian con- tingent fov South Africa. have arrived at St. Vincent, Cape Verde Islands. She has still 4,400 miles to sail to reach Cape Town. The‘business men of Aurora have decided to hold a Christmas Fair in that town on the 20th of December, and a. cpmmittee consisting of Messrs. F. T. Daville, D. A. Radciiï¬e and E. Braund have been appointed to solicit subscriptions. FRIDAY, Nov. 17â€"Creilit sale of standing timber on lot 20, con. 5. Markham the property of F. L. Stiver. Sale at 1 o’clock. ‘l‘erms ll months. Eckardt-a: Prentice. auctioneers. TUESDAY, Nov. Zlâ€"Creuit sale of farm stock, im- plemems, 650... on lot 29, 5th eon. Vaughan, the m’opertv of John Gillie. Sale at 12 o'clock Dinnerfor those from n (listétnoe. Terms 11 months. Eckwrdt dz Prentice, auctioneers. WEDNESDAY, Now. 22~Credit sale of standing timber on lot 22, con. 6. Markham, the prop- erty of Home? Wilson Sale at l oolock. Terms 4 months. Eckurdt & Prentice, auc- tioneers. WEDNESDAY, Nov. 224mm: sale of term stock. implements. on lot 31, can. 10, Vaughan the propertvof Archibald. Common. 9an at 1 o'clock. Terms 11 months. Suigeon & Mc- Ewen, suctieneers. THURSDAY, Nov. 23â€"Auction sole of f-arrm stock, implements, 6w . on lot 41. con,1. Vaugh- un (Richmond Him, the property of Geo. Morgeson. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms Chill. Eckardt & Prenticegam tinneers. _ FRIDAY, Nov. 24 â€"â€"Credit sale of standing timber on lot 27, 5th con. Markham. the property of Mrs. M. Jenkins. Sale at lo’clook. Terms 1; month». Eckerdt & Prentice. auctioneer-s. SATURDAY, Nov. 25â€"Oredi' sale of farm stock impements. &o., at Weston, the propurty of James Webster. Terms 11 mantle. Suigeon IQ McEwon, auctioneers. MOXDi\Y,Nov.27â€"Credit sale ofcnttle at the Woodbridge House, W'oodbridgo. Terms 6 months. Suigeon 52 EoEwon. auctioneers. TUE ‘DAY, Nov. 28â€"Auotion sale of hotel prop. erty, in the village of Edgely, on the gravel roe/1 between ’l‘horuliill and Wuodhridge. Sale ntl o’clock. Saigeon & MuEwen, nusâ€" tioneere. \K‘EDNEeDAY, Nov. 29 â€"-Creriit sale of f-u‘m stock. implements. &c.. on lot 2C. and con. Marl;- lmm.the property belonging to the. e bite of the late John Kelly. Sale at 12 o'clock. Terms 10 months. Stokes & 33km 1h, sucts. FRI iAY. Dec. lâ€"Credit sole of form stuck. im- pennants, &,c., on lot 12. 2nd con. Vaughan. the property of John Evans. $ilrs ,m. one o'ciock. Terms 10 months. Eckur It & Prentice. auctioneers. TUEsDAY. Dee. 5â€"Uredit sole of farm snack im- plements. 650.. on lot 22, 2nd can. V‘Vest York, the property of Milton Stung. Sale at 12 n'olOnk. Terms 10 months. Eoktnlt & Prentice. suct oneers. TUESDAY. Uoo. 5â€"Credit sale nf r: fl-‘l'uï¬ of good hardwood hush on lot 15, 7th eon. Vauu‘nen (near Pine Grove). the property of the Corn~ eron estate. Terms 11 momlis. Fniigeon & McEwen. nuctiom are. WEDNESDAY, Dec. 6â€"Credit sale of ï¬nal; milch cows. springers and young cattle ut the Palmer House, Richmond Hill, the property of H. F Hopper. Terms 4 months. Baigeon & McEwen, auctioneers. WEDNESDAY, uec. 6-â€"Auctiun sale of 100 acre farm being rear of lot 93, 31d ".on Southern, the property of John Clark. Also the stock. implements and household furniture. Sale at 12 o’clock. Lunch at 1-2. 30. Terms 12 months. Eekardttk Prentice, auctioneers. I§Parties getting their bills printed at this omce will receive a. notice similar to the above mum Oil-tumor. James’ Dome Lead, 2B0xes for 250. 1‘ Non Such Stove Polish, 3 bottles for 250. ; N0. 1 Corn Starch, 6c. ; celluloid starch, 10c. ; Webb’s pure starch, 100. Atkinson & Switzer. La‘dies’ flannelette wrappers, $1.20; blouses. $1 ; drawers, 23v. ; corset; covers, 23c. ; night, robes, 47c. Atkiu» son & Switzer. Ladies’ Hygeian Vests, great value, at 150., 170., 200., 250., 35c., 400., 50m, 850., and 75c. ; combination suits, 1500.; 700. and $1. Atkinson & Switzer. There has been nothing verv start- ling in war news, for a. few days. The. British are standing ï¬rmly at their posts, and early engagementswith the enemy may be expectedn Alamo amount otprivate funds to loan on improved farm pro rty. Five or cent. in- torost. Easy terms or repnvmen . No com mission charged on loans. A Ely to A. G. F. LAWREN , Freehold Loon Building, Toronto 0! at Richmond Hill on Saturdays. thlesale and Retajl Butchers, den} 91-3 111 Mr. John McCleaI-y employed by the T. Eaton Company, lost his life by the accidental discharge of his rifle while hunting near Moon River. We make ncspec'inlty in Home Renï¬er- ed Lard, and our own make of Sausage. MONEY ‘I MONEY I BEST MEATS Rlpws Tabulea mist digestion. Rum Tahnles (mammals! MW. FRESH 8: SALT MEATS :0! all kinds. To the Public. Vegetables in Season. GLASS & BD’S, .Eurekn Harness on is the best preservative of new leather and the best renovator. 0! 01¢ leather. It 0119, softens, black- ene and protects. Use on your best harness, your old har- ness. and your can'le top, and they wlll no: only look better but wear longer. Sold everywhere“: cans~all Glues from half pints :0 ï¬ve gallons. 2‘ Mule by unmqu 01L CO. 0‘ Eureka _ Harness 0II GLASS 65 500., Richmond Hill When you want the Sale Register. News Notes. Always go to Did you ever notice how few peo- ple are original in things they say and do? For instance, one man makes a fortune out of a simple thing ; immediately hundreds of others try it. This is human nature. While it is gratifying to be the “ï¬rst man †to bring out an idea, the great mass must be content to follow their leaders. There is one line that is al- ways original, however, and that is the business of Bradley-Garretson Co., Limited, of Brautford, Ont., beâ€" cause they continually hring out pub- lications to suit the times and seasons, thus their agents are kept steadily at it and make big money. In fact, no other occupation is more honorable, healthful, lucrative, or oï¬'ers half as many opportunities for promotion. It is a life school. Many men and women in Canada to-day testify to the truthfulness of this claim, in fact, it is conceded on all hands, that one year’s experience with this ï¬rm is worth more to any young man or woman than two or three years at college, from an educational point of view, and ï¬nancially it is all that can be desired. The Next Sitting uf Division Court- for N0. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room, SMURDRV, BEG. 2M, 1399, AGENTS :â€"â€"Did you ever think of handling our latest work “ The Light of Lifeâ€? If not, now isagood time to start. $3.00 a day sure; some make twice that. Experience or capital unnecessary. BRADLEY-GARRETSON 00., Limited, BRANTFORD, ONT. L. Innes 8c Sons. RICHMOND HILL: MSW - BBURT. We have just received a car load of Which we will sell cheap for cash. We also have on hand a fuli; line of ail ï¬nds 05 dress- ' ed and rough Done and satisfaction guar- sauteed. 4 Shingles :1 Emï¬ng and blaming LUMBER. First and Sewnd Class Few Men Original. RIGEEDHD HIM}, __0N_ SHINGLES Commencing at 10 a. m. T. F. MCMAHON, CLERK Dye Works. Agent Repairing G. MASON, Is the place to buy your Harness and other snppï¬Ã©vs. Single Hampss from $10 up. All work guaranteed ï¬rst-class. Saskatchewan and Black Galloway Robes, $8 to $20. Jute' Stable Blankets, 35 cents to $2.50 each. Shaped “7(qu Blankets. $2.25 to $5 each. Dutch Kelsey Blankets, $1.25 to $2 each. Best English Kersey Blankets, 80x80 inch, 534 to $8 each. Trunks, Valises, Mitts, Gauntlets, and'other supplies as low as the lowest. HARNESS Ready. Mixed Paints THE LlBE‘Rch†OzF'FlvGB HARDWARE STORE From 3 cents per roll and up. Paint your own Buggies andOarts. IRepaix-ing Pron'nptly Done. JOB Promptly RICHMOND NEAT AND ATTRACTIVE Richlnond HM} m SAVAGE’S. DONE AT Done. GEO. zucDONALD Richmond H11!