Saigoon and McEwen’s sale of Hopper & Proctor-‘s Cattle, Horses and Broncho Ponies at the Palmer House 4111 Wednesday, rthe 6th of December, should draw a. large crowd. This will he a good op ortunity to purchase milch cows, am? there are a. number of ï¬ne ponies among those recently brought from the North ‘Vest ’by Mr. Al. Proctor. ' Specialâ€"~Meu’s working boots, 75c. ; women's solid leather laced boots. $1 ; rubbers and oval-shoes, many lines at; .vld prices. Naughton Bros, Elgin Mills. The December meeting of the W. M. S. will be held at the home of the pres- ident. Mrs. W. R. Proctor, next Thursday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Members are urged to be present, as business of importance will be trans- acted. The subject for prayer and study for the month is “The liquor, opium and slave trade. and all covet- lousiiess and hindrances to Christian- You Wish a ï¬rst-class farm and ‘home paper? Then see the VVee’kly Sun before placing your order. A post card request, sent to the Sun ofï¬ce, Toronto, will secure for you four successive numbers of the Sun, free, and if at the end of that time you do not, wish to subscribe your name will simply be dropped and there will be no charge whatever. Remember the entertgiiment at the High School on Friday, the 8th of Dec. Only ten cents. v» u, Vvuwww uuu .Swiss Hand Bell ngers, who post- poned their entertainment; on account of bad wenthm here IL few weeks ago, will returnon the evening of Satur- ,‘l...v 'IDLL A:- h . .___ Brooms 15, 20, and 25c.; ï¬rst quality mmtches, 80‘ box; good scrub brushes, 210C. Atkinson & Switzer. “ Scientiï¬c Temperance Instruction†will be the subject, for die‘rea‘ssion at the meeting of the W. O. T. U. to be held next Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Switzer. A good pm- grnmme. bearing on this subject, will be given. Each member is requested to be present. were évenly Ina-tchpd. and the game resulted in a draw, Mr. Rice, mathe- matical master of Aurora, refereed. ’Tis not what you pay for Dry Goods and groceriesâ€"it is what you get for what, you pay. Atkinson 85 Switzer. ,, 4_ luv VLAKJ [Juan (ELI/‘31 schnnl VVednosdny evening. Messrs. "Cy. Baker and R. 'Kerswill captained the respective teams. The two teams As will 'be seen by new advertise- .)nent on another page, Mr. H. C. 73 ~11 A number of workmen started to rnmke the proposed connection ‘ho- twevn the Metropolitan and C. P. P. .on Saturday evening but were stopped hy’l‘oronto policen‘xen. Some of the Metropolitan workmen Were roughly ,lmndled, and the unpleasant aï¬â€™air will file tried in the com-Ls. The match between the School fautlmll teams of Aurora and Rich- mnnd Hill took place at pen->15 after "Alana! "KY 1 fl ,- V" ‘ . . . ‘ . k...\. lie-15C, .ull'. 11. U. Bailey, an enterprising merchant of ‘anle, will accept: next Saturday coupons cut from this paper. His customers will do well t) watch his annuuncemenbs in THE LIBERAL from week to week. The decision in L110 Glassâ€"Hulsv she-9p «case has not yvt‘be-ongi\'en hy Magis- trate: Ramsden, nutwithstnnding pubâ€" 31ishod repm-(s to the contrary. The entm‘tnimnent by the High Schunl Litemxjy Society will be held nn Friday of next week. Admission, 10 cunts. V n... L Nxtv\ll' lay, 16th of Degenvibér. D’ï¬ley will lax-form under the auspices of the ).‘L1:._ 1‘ : , The High school fontha‘ll team met tho Newmnrktâ€"‘t High School team in Aurora on Friday last, when the lat- ter won by one goal. Among the events of the wardnring rthc past week have been three vicâ€" Lm-ies won by General Mothuen over the Boers. The loss on both sides has been heavy. “ Unclv Tom’s cabin †was played by :n travelling (:mnpany in the Masonic Hall Monday night. The general opinion is that those who wore un- avuid’ably a bsentdid nut miss much of'(-‘ilt. ’uhlic Library. Every subscriber 'tcrthe-ï¬nntreal \Veekly Star is entitled to two hand- some pictuyï¬. “ Iï¬gzttle of Alma,†and n 1 Just. what yuu want “you want to pay price Atkinson & Switzer. l ,7.;._.\u. “u, u. Luxun, null “ Pussy \V‘ Illuws.†Orders taken at THE LIBERAL ()fl'cc‘. Tun cents admits you to tlw Litnl'ary Snciety concert; on Friday, the 8th Gf Decembeu. The Eckzu-dt Coxrnedinomp‘any and u. Hung n." no ‘Sve the. range of Niagara suspend- m's just rem-ime at. 23, 25, 35 8c 50 (its. Atkinson & Switzmu ‘Fire Brigade on Mandis; é§Vé€ingne§t1J Dec. 4th. Divisian Court will b9 hvld here next Saturday on arrival of 10.35 cm'. A meeting of tho hunkoy club will be held on Tuesday evening next. (W E‘ RICHMOND HILL, November 30, 1899 *gnlax- .mo‘n thly >meoting 1.1 (D (3 A I; Q . at just what. in our stare. of the A case of assault charged by Mrs. Eliza. Woods against John R. Camp- bell was tried in the Court Room here on Saturday.afternoon by Magistrate Ellis. The charge was hat the de- fendant had gone to the' ouse of Mrs. Woods on the. 20th of October between 10 and 11 o’clock in the forenoon and assaulted the prosecutrix. The de- fence proved by Messrs. Watson, Irwin and Robert Brownlee that Campbell was at Richmond VHill Station and at Maple between '10 and 12 o’clock on the day in question. The Magistrate after hearing the evidence dismissed the case with costs. Mr. A. G. F. Lawrence acted for the prosecu- trix and Mr._R. J. Gibson for defend- ant. Bargains for Saturday :â€"â€"men’s fleece lined kid glove in all shades, 47c.; best English collars, in all sizes, 2 for 250.; any 500. tie for 25m, 250. ties for l5c., colored czunbric shirts at 45,75 and 97c. Atkinson 8: Switzer. In a country Post Ofï¬ce, .the other day, a farmer received with his mail a large cardboard tube, about two feet long. On examination he found ,it contained the two beautiful premium pictures, “ Battle of Alma,†and “Pussy Willows." They weie reat- ly admired by all present an the farmer made the remark :â€"“ I have been a reader of the “Family Herald and Weekly Star †for ten years ; it is the best paper printed and Well Worth ï¬ve dollars a year, but I get the pa er and these two ictures ALL FOR 0%}? DOLLAR!†e induced four others right. there to subscribe, and they too will get the pictures. The annual meeting of the Bible Society will be held in the school- rooui of the Methodist church next \Vednesday evening. Dec. 6th at eight o’clock sharp. The Rev. Dr. Parker, pastor of the Methodist church, To- ronto Junction, will address the meet- ing on behalf of the interests of the Society. The Secretary will read the re- port nt‘ the work done here during the year-and the ofï¬cers vill be elected2 for the ensuing .year. ( collection will be taken at the close 0 the meet ing. Alarge attendance is requested. Bost green coflee, 100.; roasted coffee,gmund fx-esh.15c.; a big $ Worth of sugar this week. Atkinsun & Swit- ZCI’. The Epwortl) League Reading Circh will meet in the vosLI-y of the Metho- dist churchmexb Monday evening, Dec. 4, at 8.35 sharp. The leaders that, evening will be Mr. F.J0hnswn, B. A., who will take ,up forty pages of “Among the Forces †(somencing at page 47, and Miss Mary Trench, A. T. C. M., who will take “ Marvels 01“ Our Bodily Dwelling â€;from page to 122. An ilfvitation igextendcld 3) all to join the circle. Already twenty-fourg' names are enrolled and a, keen inter- est taken in the study of the two named books. The attendance at the ‘ meeting (if the 20th inst. was good. A proï¬table hour may always be anticiw pnted. Why rmttdiscard-that old but when ynu can buy one of those new Ameri- can fedoras in black, brown, and beav- erat $1, $1.50 and $2. Atkinson & Switzer. Thefnllmvinghunks have been add- ed to the Public Library this week :â€" C-lippvfl 1Wings, Fund in Hoathnnd Disease, 1 set My Novel. Active Sor- vice, Assrwinte Hermite, Bonhm‘mno. Diunysiuhu Gentleman from Indiana, Hugh Gwythe, Kit Kennedy, N0. 5 John 8b., Uhimney‘Um'ners, Honor of Thieves, The cost nf Her Pride, The Measure of a. Man, The Road 60) Paris. Path Ufa Star, “'nn by the Sword, Roving Commission, No Surrender, Th9 BarI-uy’s, ,At the Cross Rimds. Help 31110 High School Library and Gymnasium Fund by attending their («mom-t rm Friday after next, at. thv High School. EP\VORTH LEAGU E. The Epwurth League will hold thoia' monthly roll-cull service on Flzidaiy evening. The subject for considera- tion is “Shadows.†Zeuh. \'., 7. Mr. Hume will lend the discussion of it, after which the members, in response to their name-s will offer their thoughts on the subject. Those in the habit. of repeating a scripture verse. and also theothm- mvmhers are this time 1-9- questm-d to use a stanza of poetry from our hymn-writers or other pm The hymn “\‘Vhon 11-h? Roll is called up Yondvr†introduced at last roll-call \vill’be use-d again. A few crumbs 0f comfcuat, may be gathered 1mm and there but if you wzmt a whole loaf of satisfaction come here. Atkinson & Switzcr. Mails from Toronto via the Metro- politan Street Railway arrive at the Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce as follows: Morning at 8.10. Evening at 6.30. 02059, morning at 8, evening at 5.45. M. TEEFY. Pus‘mmster. Post Oï¬â€˜icoJï¬chmond Hill.N0v.27,lS99. ,_ \J . .. urn»; AILIBOIUII’ 1111‘s. 0. “an ls . Lmnbermen, Mrs. Dem-y; Narcotics, st. 0. Mason ; Press and Journal, Miss Wiley; Railroad, Mrs. W'. A. Sanderson ; Social Purity, Mrs. Switzm‘ ; Parlor Meetings. Mrs. Hume; Scientiï¬c Tmnperance Instruction, Mrs. J. H. Sanderson. Extra good quality imported black clay worsted made in up-to-date style and ï¬nished with best, quality trim- mings fur $16.75. Atkinson & Switzez'. CHANGE OF Tï¬iï¬ féï¬MAILs. The fQHQwiug Supts. of Depts. for W'. T. U. work have been :Lppomt- ed for the year: Evangelistic. Mrs. M. Swrey: Flower Mission, Mrs. J. DISMISSED .VVITH COSTS. GREATLY ADMIRED. ADDITJONA‘L BOOKS READING CIRCLE. BIBLE SOCIETY. Messrs. R. Moodie. A. Boyle, H. Vandm'burgh and H. Mamh started Monday to take a course at Commer- cial College on the corner of Yonge and College Sts,, Toronm. ‘ Rev. Mr. Gilmy, a post graduate in Theology, Toronto, preached in the Methodist; chm-ch, Sunday evening, and taught the hihleclass in the Sab- bath School in the afternoon. Rev. R. H. Steacy of Ottawa spent Tuesday night with friends at Oak Ridges, and gave THE LIBERAL a friendly call Wednesday morning. Mr. Alex. Q. C. O’Brien, Mrs.O’Bri< u and baby daughter of Deer Park,spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. New- ton-Brown at Foulden Lodge. Miss Beynon nf Tempemncéville, a. sister of Mrs. \Vellwood, spent Satur- day at The Parsonage. Dr. C(mltex 0f Ottawa, Deputy Post- Mustor General, made a. short visit with his parents on Saturday. Rev. N. \Vellwoeefl attended a Thor.- logicm Convention; in Toronto on Tues- day of thisweok. ‘ Mr.nnd.Mrs. John Morgan and fam- ily of \Villowdale spent, Sunday with Mrs. Nichulls. Ave., N. Y. ‘Mr. A. B. Davidson, P. S. L, paid an Ofï¬cial visit to the Public school on Tuesday. ors, size 10x12§ inches, on ï¬ne VVhat- man paper, tied at top with a silk ribbon; each sheet contains two months’ datesâ€"thus being a. complete [calendar for 1900. Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly, edited by Mrs. Frank Leslie, now publishes the best literature and illustrations that money and energy can obtain. from such authors and artists as Rudyard Kip- ling, VVilliam Dean Howells, A. Conan Doyle, Frank R. Stockton, Mary E. \Vilkins. Stephen Crane, Ruth Mc- Enery Stewart, S. R. Crockett. F. Hopkinson Smith, Joel Chandler Harris, Bret Harte, “Josiah Allen’s Wifef’l‘leury James. “7ill Carleton,“ Edgar Fawcett, and Rev. Dr. Henry‘ van Dyke. A. B. Wenzell, H. Chandler Christy, F. Luis Mora, ‘V. Granville Smity, Clifford Carlton, F. W. Read, Ch. Grunwald and others. Prospectus . for 1900 and a pretty folder in colors‘ sent free for the asking. Specimen. copy for three 2cent stamps. Frank Leslie Puh‘lishingerouse. 141.143 Fifth is thalmnde by Frank Leslie’s Pop~ ular Monthly, justly “banned “the monarch of the 10 cent; magazines.†For a limited period, this famous and popular Inmgazine, now $1.00 :1. your, will send free with Pachvyeal'ly-suh- scription, the beautiful "Little Sweet- hearts †Calendar. This calendar is in six groups of water-color designs by Frances Brundago, the famous painter of Children, each group in {dwelve col- Our stock of dry goods and grocer-- ies never was bettm' assorted and never so fresh and ( as at'the presâ€" ent time. \Ve are prepared to sell :1, bill of lst quality goods such as families generally need as law as any store in Ontario. Atkinson & Switvzer. THE BEST OFFER OF THE YEAR , “fly V“ v.†.._, tation of the ladies. It- is pleasing to seethis spirit of good feeling in our churches. This is what should be. May it ever cuntinue. The annual meeting of the Auxil- iary to the, \Vomen’s Foreign Mission- ary Society was held in the Presbyter- ian chuich on Thursday of last week. There was a good attendance of the members. as well as some of the ladies .of the Thornhill congregation. After devotional exercises, Mrs. Grant, the president}, introduced Mrs. Shortreed, the. President of the VVomen’s Foreign Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church ‘in Canada, who gave. a very in~ teresting and profitable addiess on Thanksgiving. A very pleasant feat- ure of the meeting was a. large attend- ance, of the members of the Missionary Society of the Methodist church. Mrs. Proctor, the president, in aworypleas- ing address said it was a delight to be present. There was also a representa- tion from the church of England. The singing of Mrs. (Dr.) Sisley of Maple. was very much appreciated. The offering amounted to nineteen dollars. At the close of the meeting tea was sewed at which Revs. \Vellwood and Large of the Mcflihodist, chin-ch; Prinâ€" cipal Ii‘arquharson and Mr. Johnston of the High School, Principal Macdon- ; ald of the Public school and the pastor . Rev Mr. Grant‘were present by invi-l ’ power each ; 4 boilers, 6 feet 1 inch in diameter by 16 feet long, each with 90 : three and a half inch tubes ; 2 boiler . feed pumps 6x4x7 inches ; with gener- [ ators, transformers, condensers and 1 many other interesting machines, ‘ Every part, of the. machinery nowlworks perfectly, and we are sure that any person who may be fortunate enough to get a pass will receive a thorough explanation of every part and will be agreeably entertainmL by Mr. Mat-r, the head engineer, as were THE LIB- ERAL representative and his friend, ‘ Mr. Moody, on Friday last. Cheapness is not the only.merit«, the merit, is in the. quality of the folluwing gnuds : Kippvred horrings lOc., R. R. R. salmon, 110.. Aylmpr corn 106., best. Japan rice Sic" hPst corn star-ch (59., Happy home soup 3a., pure lax-d 3 lb. for 2350. Atkinson 8; Switzer. One of the most interesting piaces to visit; in the county is the Metropolitan Railwavy’s Power House at Bond’s Lake. The building itself is a. wonder- ful structure and the machinery inside is a study for any person having a. mechanical turn of mind. There are two massive engines of 350 horse- PERSONALS; ANNUAL MEETIN Llishing ,Housé, THE PO‘VER HOUSE. obtain. from such sts as Rudyard Kip- lan Howells, A. Comm . Stockton, Mary E. n Crane, Ruth Mc- S_. R._ Crockett. F. 1t. gs gigging" is :perity. I hope toseemy old customers and to make the acquaintance new ones and if reliable goods, and close prices, honest dealings, : teous treatment will do it, it will be done. So give as a call. No show goods. _ Men’slcustom work a specialty. Repairs neatly and promptly Wishing you all happiness and hoping to share in vom‘ gen Takes this opportunity of thanking his friends and customers for their liberâ€" al patronage duringvtheiastyear,anc1 to the ï¬rm for the last forty-ï¬ve years. Time has made its customary changes, and as the Credit System is amongst them, I have decided from the 17th of November, 1899 doing Boot am. Shea Store. WILKENS 186 and 168 King St. East, 3 dom‘s west of George Stréet, Toronto Zï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚mï¬mm.‘ Atkinson & Switzer A Strictly Cash Business. The Prime Object wwmwmï¬ï¬‚mmm; RICK-I REQNI) IIIHJL (1 work a specialty. Repairs neatly and promptly done. 11 all happiness and hoping to share in your general pros .I Remain F aithfully Yours ROBERT SEVERE WINTER MITTS, fully lined .only azts. pain. WILKle & CO... Of our advertising is to make it easier for your buyingâ€"to sug- gest seasonable goods and give you prices thereon, so that you may virtually do your shopping at home. There is no use to examine the goods, for what we say in our ads. is conï¬rmed in the goods themselvesâ€"~a fact that stands undisputed after years of merchandising in this community. We try to make our advertising truly helpful to the readers of this paper. Its statements are exact Our store news is just as read- able to the housewile as the commercial news is to the com- mission merchant. VVe quote prices that govern the prices for miles around. The merchant will say “ as good as Atkinson & Switzer's,†or “ as .low as Atkinson & Switzer’s.†But the fact remains that it is not Atkinson & Switzer’s, and their store is the depot of sup- plies from which you draw as you please, and pay thevcorrect price every time. ROBERT SIVERS _._.-‘.. MKM-A- UAUVVU v[\ H, Luuy guaranteed the best saw in the mar- ket, only 50c. per foot. RAZORS, ï¬rst-class, hollow ground. only 500. each. ' ACCORDEONS,nccording to style and ï¬nish, $1, $1.50 and $2 each. SOLID STEEL AXES, best quality, only 65 cents. HEAD LIGHT“ CROSS SAW; fully ~..,.._-\.LA A; n ncc of many 5, and cour- No trouble ta