Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Dec 1899, p. 5

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TEMPERANCEVILLE. ’A grand concert will be given in the Hall, Temperanceville, by the pupils of the Public School of that, place on the evening of Friday, Dec. 15. There will be choruses, quartettes,duets,reci- cations and dialogues, but the chief at- traction Will be the Columbian Drill to be given by sixteen girls. Proceeds in aid of school library. Everybody is in- Vited to come and enjoy a. real We t. Single tickets 150.; double tickets, 25 . \Chair taken at; 7.30. V The opening of the new Presbytei-iun Church at Brown’s Corners will take splace ‘an Sunday, the 17th inst. Dedi~ catory sermons will be preached at 10.30 _a-. 1n. and at 7 p. m, by Prof. Ballentyne of Knox College, and at 2.30 hy one of the neighboring clergy- men. Collections will be taken at Each service on behalf of the Building Fund. A social will be held on the following Monday evening. For par- ticulars see bills. The Whole store is 011 the latch and the way is Open for the coming of the new Xmas goods. Atkinson & Switzer. , Aftera. period of 23 years, during which time he gave every satisfaction to the Government and to the public, Mr. Proctor ceased carrying the mails to and from the G. T. R. at Richmond Hill station last Thursday. Ali" mail matter now comes by Metropolitan, by way of Toronto, and arrives here in the morning at 8.15,a.m.and at 6.30 in the evening. The mails close here at 8.05 a. m., and at 5.4-0 p. m., and the post ofiice closes aty7.30 p. m. ‘-It will take some time to become accustomed to the new arrangements, but on the whole they are giving much better satisfaction than the old. Great value in men‘s wool and fleece linedshirts and drawers at 500. and 550. Atkinson & Switzer. Pure lard, 8&0. per lb. ; corn starch, 60.; choice cleaned cum-ants, 8c. Atkinson & Switzor. Q OnttanSpools have been advanced by the manufacturers 300. a, gross and a. sharp advance has taken. lace in many lines of dry goods, but, t e very best value can always be found at the Concrete. House. Atkinson & Switzer. One thing Canadians can boast of over their American cousins is the fact that Canada has a bigger, better fam- ily paper with more subscribers than any paper across the line. We allude, of course, to “ The Family Herald amt Weekly Star,” of Montreal, which is‘ read in Canada alone by over half ~a million people each week. The .im- mense increase in the “Family Her- ald’s” subscription lists this year is a great tribute to it and is due to some extent to the two handsome pictures. “ Battle of Alma" and “ Pussy Wil- ows,” both of which are included in e year’s subscription. Can our merican friends show a. bigger dol- 1’s. .worth P We think not. "The Toronto Weekly Sun, 'tbe best farm and home paper in Canada, czm be had combined with the Family Herald and \Vevkly Star (including the Star’s premium pictures). for $1.25; combined with the \Veekly Globe, Witness, or Western Advertiser for $1.00; combined" with the Weekly “Mail, $1.30, or Twice a -;Week Hamil- ‘ton Spectator-“for $L25. Orders “for any of these combinations to be sent to Sun Office, Torouto. The Board Of Education is advertis- ing fcr a teacher for the 2nd Depart- ment, of the Public school, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Miss Mary Trench who has successful» ly taught; that Division for the past few years. Large posters are out announcmg a Christmas market: to he held in thu Aurora Drill Shed on Wednesday the 20th inst. Prizes to the amount; of $150.00 will be given for best dressed hogs. quarter of beef, turkeys, geese, baa-reels of apples, cracks nf butter and almost everything sold in a market. All entries are free. Ten cents admits W»; to the Library Society concert in the High school to- mormw evening. Court Richmnhd, A; 0. R, will meet to-mm-mw evening for the election of ofiiCex-s. of agreeaBle surpri§e8. Atkinson & Switzer. The Patterson road which has hPen closed hetWeen Yonge St. and the 2nd cor}. ip qrg‘é‘r ‘tg {lime 1:119 _b1'idge re: The. programme of High School coh- cort is given elsewhere in this paper. A ‘specml meeting of the Village Council will take place on Saturday evening at 8 o’clock. Chop ing done daily at Mager‘s mill at, 4 an '5 cts. a. bag. RICHMOND HILL, December Christmas cheerfulness holiday hap- piness here. Atkinson & Switzer. paired at Boyle’s Mill will be (finned :‘nr traffic again this afternoon. \. Prime white Canadian coal oil, 180. 391' gal. in 5 gal. lots; photogene, 22c. n 5 gal. lots. Atkinsnn & Switzet‘ For the gift-makirgg 50.3qu ‘a stock CANA‘BA’TO THE FORE. L(_),(3 A1485. ‘ CHUREH OPENING. MAIL CHANGES. In the Christmas number of “ The Canadian Magazine.” there is a, beauti- ful illustrated article on The Canadian Contingent. There are pictures of the loading of the “ Sardinian,” of the men’s quarters and the officers’ rooms, of the embarketion, and of the ship as she pulls away from the Wharf, of the review on the Esplanade before v the Govermrâ€"General and Sir Wilfrid Laurier, of each of these §entlemen addmssing the troops, as we [as group photographs of the officers and of the various local contingents. Altogether the article is one whichplaces on prec- ord the whole history of the proposal to send a. contingent, the organization, the final review and the embnrkation. But this is not the only feature of this excellent number. The issue contains over two‘hundred pages, and is by all odds the best issue of our national magazine. About, 20 enthusiastic curlers met in the Council Chmnher Tuesday evening ,and after organization every one pres- ent joined the club. Last year’s )resi- dent, Mr. W. T. Storey, occupie the chair. The following ofiicels were elected for the resent season :â€" Patronâ€"VV. 1‘. McLean, M. P.; Presidentâ€"“7. T. Storey ; lsb Vice-Pres.â€"P. G. Savage ;' 2nd Vice-Pres.â€"-T. Newton ; Treas.â€"H. A. Nicholls; Sec’yâ€"T. F. McMahon; Auditorsâ€"Brydon and McDonald ; Com. of Managementâ€"Pugsley, Pal- mer, McOnnaghy, and J. H. Sunder- son. Speeches were made by the newlyâ€" elected officers, a. committee was ap- pointed to WAib‘on the Councill rela- tive to rent; of rink, and the secretary was instructed to get printed member- ship tickets. The club look forward to a number of friendly matches with neighboring clubs during the winter. McBRIDEâ€"BUBMRD WEDDING. A few intimate friends and the brother of the groom witnessed the marriage of Miss Luella. Bullard, of Youngstown avenue, and F. E. Mc- Bride, the yonn est sonof Samuel Mc- Bride. Richmon Hill, Out. The cere- mony was solemnized by Rev. H. S. Jackson at. the home of the bride at 7.30 on Wednesday evening. The bride wore white. organdie over changeable blue Silk and carried a bouquet of white roses. This estimable young lad-ykis well known in Warren and has many friends. Mr. McBride has been [in business with his brother in this city for the past..yenr andvis well liked by all who know him. The .rooms were prettin decorated withsmilax and white chrysanthmeums. Those present expressed their best wishes for the happy couple by suitable tokens, afaer which a. light luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrs. McBride will be at home to their many friends after Wednes- day, Dec. 6, at 545 Youn stown averâ€" .Froxn theWarren Daily. V ribunsz. Cold Snapâ€"â€"Men‘s and Boys‘ rubbers and socks, overshoes, &c. Children’s rubbers and overshoes. Fleece lined shirts and drawers. Naught/on Bros., Elgin Mills. Britainâ€"Jim D. Derry; Chorusâ€"The High School ; Canadaâ€"M 1'. F. Storey ; Roa‘pers’ Chorusâ€"Misses G. Boyle, G. Cooper, G. Han-is, A. Lawson, G. Lynett, N. Naughton, A. Startup and Agnes Stewart; ; Old Greek Lifeâ€"Mr. F. Harrisnu ; Soloâ€"~Miss Lynett. ; For A’ thatâ€"Mr. E. Newton ; Soloâ€"Miss Stevenson ; Chorusâ€"The High School ; Chair taken at 8 o’clock. John Kelly of Thornhill (it pretty badly crushed on Tuesday. be young; man and George Pearson were engage cutting off a log from a tree on a. hill- side near VVright’s mill. Wth the cub was made the stump partially rolled on Kelly, crushing him and breaking three or four of his ribs. He was carried home on a bed and his in- intli‘es well;e_ at once zittelidpd t_o by Dy. Nelles. His escape from death was al- most miraculous as the weight. of the stump which rolled on him was four 01- five tons. The patient has since been comfortable under the Dr’s care. The Fire Brigade have made ar- I-angemonts with the Dmmutical School of the Toronto College of Music to present the play “Under Two Flags ” in the Masonic Hall on New Years evening. Both the. play and the company are highly spoken of. The Hfuckey Club reâ€"m-gani'zea on Monday evening with the following officers : Hon. Proa, Reeve Savage; I’ve-8., W', Ulifl’md; Sec’y, C. Ellston; . T)-eas.. W. Trench; Capt, H. Sandersan ; Com. of Management, W. Clifford, C. Ellst-on, W. Trench, H. Sanderson. W. Hall. Don’t fail to attend the High School entertainment, to he giv‘en in the High Schmrl building toâ€"morrow (Friday) evening. The \Vest York License Commis- sioneers met Tuesday evening and granted the t-ransfernf the license of hum-‘1 at Maple from Mrs. Richardson to Mrs. Hulse. . v THE CANADIAN CONTINGENT. Chorusâ€"The High School ; Hmulet’s Addressâ€"Mr. Roy Kirby ; About Birdstiss Clark ; ' Loch Lomondâ€"Tht-ee Old Buys ; British Libertiesâ€"Mr. C. Wiley ; SOlnâ€"Miss Clubine ; Chorusâ€"The High School ; Presentation of Diplomas. H. S. CONCERT POGRAMME. PART I CURLERS ORGANIZED. RIBS BROKEN. PART II M essrs. Huskin and Gut-t2 of Toronto spont-S-ml'idnry With‘Mr. Fred Harrison. The Misses Redditt returned home on Tuesday after spending .a. week with relatives in King. ‘ Rev. R. S. E. Large, B. A., is billed to preach Sabbath School anniversary sermons at Laskay On Sunday, the 17th of December. Mr. Charles Guy has been trans- ferred from the Bank of Commerce at Spadina Ave. and College St. Toron- to to the branch at VValkerville, Ont. Mr. Alex. Campbell, who spent the nst three years at Vancouver on the Bacific coast. made a. couple of days’ stay with his brother, Mr. A. J. Campbell, last- week. Edward E. DesLauI‘iers, of “ D”. Company, one of the Canadian contin- gents, died on the Sardinian, and the body was consigned to the deep. Much pride is centred in our grocery business. The. right kind of prideâ€" px-ide that keeps the stock free frnm mferior qualities, while at the same time keeping prices at the lowest level. Atkinson 85 Switzer. Mr. W. T. Robinson and Mr. S. B. Kirkland of Maple spent Sunday with Mr. J. T. Suigeon. Mr. Walker Hall returned Friday after an absence of about a year and a, half, most of which time was spent across the lines. Newmarket Eraâ€"The Misses Swit- zex- and Mr. Johnston of Richmond Hill were guests of Mr. and Mrs. 00011le over Sunday. Qun‘Tz â€"At the residence of her son-in-Iaw. My. James Oster, Thornhlll Station, Mary 0.» Phillips. widow»! the late Georgeflunntz;»ian her 82nd year. ' ="In'Le:rment took place yesterdnv in the Lutherâ€" an Cemetery, Buttouvflle. The” excise returns just published show that the penple of Canada com: sumed. during the past twelve months, cigars to the extent of about 125 for each adult; male in the country. Collectors, east side of c\"illageâ€"-1V1iss- es Storey and MeLelland ; west; side; Misses Switzel- and McConaghy ; Vic- toria Square, Misses Stoutenburgh and McKenzie ; Headfox-d â€" Misses Thomson and Elsun ; Pattersonâ€"Miss- es Rumble and Savage. The resident ministers were all present; and assisted at the meeting which was most inter- esting and instructive. This weekâ€"-Extm good matches, 3 boxes f01-25c. ; Happy Home soap, 10 bars for 250. ; 10 bars Ammonia Elect: x-ic soap for 25c; ; good coffee, ground while you wait, 3. 1h. ; golden dates. 7&0. a ll). ; figs 5c. :1 lb. Atkin- son & Switzer. V The. Annual meeting of the Upper Canada Bible Society was held in the Methodist church last evening. Rev. Dr. Parker, of Toronto Junction, was p1 esent and delivered an admirable ad- dress on behalf of the interests of the society. The Depository’s report showed that bibles and testaments to the amount of $10.61 had been pur- chased from the Upper Canada Bible Society during the past year, and that there is at resent in the depository, stock to t e amount of $26.27. The Treasurer’s books showed the receipts of the. past year to be $26 which with the exception of a small balance had been paid over to the Society. The election officers resulted as .fol- lows 2â€"- President, Rev. N. \Vellwood. Vice-Pres, W. Inncs. Sec’y-Treus., T. H. Trench. Depositary, T. F. McMahon. Directors, Andrew Newton, J. A. E. Switzer. D. Gray. W. A. VVrigbt. W. Fury, J. H. Sanderson, Rev. J. A. Grim}, Rev. R. S. E. Large. The Bell Ringers who are to give an entertainment in the Masonic'Hall, on Saturday evening, Dec. 16th, under the auspices of the Public Library are highly spoken of wherever they go: They Were :Lt VVoodbridge last Week and this is what The Leader and Re- corder says about them :â€"“ The cele- brated Eckau'dt Comedy Company and Swiss Hand Bell Ringers held the boards in the Orange Hall on Saturday and Monday evenings last and played to Crowded houses both nights. This is without a doubt a superior company of entertainers and the best concert troupe that has come to our town for years. Every number on the pro- gramme was a good one and not a. dry selection could be, found. The double acts of Masters Burna-rd and Gordon in their military selections Were excep- tionally good, and in the selection “ I want to be a Soldier” brought down the house. The trick violin playing of Clifford and Ethel Were grand. Miss Eva Eckardt in her soprano se- lections was good and acquired much applause. The Eckardt family in their many bell selections showed that they Were second to none in the business. \Vhen they return in February they will be, greeted with a full house.” BIBLE SOCIETY MEETING. HIGHLY COMMENDED. PERSONALS. News Notes. DEATHS. ‘1' hope to see my- oldeustomersand to make the aequaintance of “many new ones-:and if reliablegoods, and close prices, honest dealings, and cour- teous treatmentomfllflo it, ituwiil be done. So. give-ma 05311. ;-No trouble .m show goods. \ ' ' Men’s custom \work a specialty. Repairs neatly and promptly done. Wishing you all happiness and hoping toohgg‘e in xyourlgene‘ral p503: perigy. Boot and Shoe Store. Takes this opportunity of thanking his, friends and, oustomers forthcir- liber- al patronage "during the last year, and to the ,firm \for the last forty-five years. Time has made its customary changes, the Credit System .13! amongst them,~I* have decided fromthe I7th of November, 1899 doing WiLKINS & CO, 166 and 168 King St. East, 3 doors west of George Street, Toronto. figflflfififififimfi‘ Atkinson 8a Switzer To V Capture; The Thief Of Time A Strictlyfcash Business. RICIâ€"I LVIONI) “ITIIJL ; I Remain Faithfully ,Youm WINTER MITTS, fully lined (".1125 cts. pair. ' I WILKINS & 00., ROBERT SIVIERS BOBERT.S1§7EB$. the hearts of Christmas shop- pers with the finest line of Fancy Goods we have ever shown. Make your selection and have them laid aside for you. Sugars, Teas, Cofi‘ees, Rais» ins, Currants, Figs, Dates, Spices, &c., purest quality and ‘best value in the trade. Is busy just before the Holi- days. There’s not much time between now and Christ- mas. if you put off buying presents till the last day you lose the satisfaction of care~ fully planned surprisesâ€"and then the assortment of nice things is not so large. We are now preparing "SOLID STEEL AXES, best quality, only 65 cents. guaranteed the best saw in thé mm:~ ket, only 500. per foot. RAZORS, first-class, hollow ground, only 50c; each. ACCORDEON-S,a.ccording to style and finish, $1, $1.50 and $2 each. v‘ ‘ HEAD £41931 (moss SAW, fully

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