‘The British fleet today consists .t 489 ships, with a total displacement of 1,500,000 tons. Sixtyâ€"four “battle ships carry 50.000 officers and no: and )Qount 2,,671 guns. There are 15174 nuisers. while among the smallerf art are 218 torpedo boats and don )pyers, 113d 36__larger Atqrpedo was-4y She was hi. nurse an! conctant com- panion uftor the dastardly atte-yt upon" his liï¬o until he ms able to apâ€" pear in court once more. She would not be separated from him for amnâ€" ment. If her constant care had availed nothing, and Dreyfue‘ defender had 'lied,she would have died too. Awhite face in a coffin, close to Maiti‘e La- bori'sâ€"one that bears a faint family resemblance to that Australian baby of two and thirty years agoâ€"would have been the last of that series of pictures in “One Woman‘s Life.†Madame Labori loved her husband. She was his bonue camarade. his sweet- heart. his guiding spirit. He was her irlo'l. her ideal, her king of all men. She always went to court to hear his speeches. Parisians wondered why the brilliant Maitre Labori’s wife Went so often to his office. Was she jealous? Not that. The Maitreeaid he could not study a case well if she were not there among his books and his documents. She laughingly humoured this whim, though it cost her many a drive on the Bole. many an afternoon at the con-‘ cert, many an evening at the theatre; She was proud of the flowerâ€"covered yoke. She loved him for his lovingi tyranny. She thrilled to team in unit under his Ipucllâ€"“our speech." Maitm Labori himself bowed her out of his office. Hewould not entrust that agreeable duty to his clerk. " Madame it shall be done," he said. Maitre Labori secured the divorce, and soon thereafter he married his fair client. It was a terrible revelation to inno- cent, sunny-natumd Madame de Pach- man. She had not dmamed that the Russian pianist, her lehrer-husband, could be untrue. She took her two babies in Mar arms and cried a little. Then she went to see Maitre Labori, the brilliant young leader of the French criminal bar. She cried when sh.o_told her story. tree in Nova. Scotia, who stared thoughtfuny treat the Atlantic liner, and who knelt beside her brother’s bogy in the English hotel. She plays superbly, with a finished :lelgance and marvellous brilliancy, Her touch is at all times smooth and dainty. That was a half dozen yeam ago. In Madame de Pach-man might be traced a faint family resemblance to the inconaoquent pink bundle we have seen in Australia, and the young girl who hid angl sang in the Applig Vladimir d8 Pachman, the great Russian pianist, had a favourite pupil in Vienna. In time he married her. They touin America. together. The critics said the pianist’s Wife was al~ mogt aa_great a gepius as_ he. u > _ _ Strange are the subtleties of human intercourse. A grey day of discontent. a. purple day of discord, and life is navea‘ quite the same again. The neighbors did not know, and perhaps Mrs. 0 Key herself did not quite under- stand why he and bar husband. separ- ated, and she and wistful-faced Mar- garet were on their way to‘Europe in search of a new happiness and a new home. The slim figure, wrapped in msteamer rug, looked lonely in its isolation on the deck. Margaret O’Key was thinking that childhood [messed too fleetly and that she woqu gladly have called it back, but the {Dung lips were set in a straight mvc line, and there was a. world of resolve_ in the candid brownieyes. There is something of a family teâ€" semblanoe to the insignificant bundle in Margaret O’Key, daughter of the "gentleman farmer" of Port Wil- liams, near Halifax, Nova Scotia. Mr. mud Mrs. O’Key were living on a £6,000 [um and they had built 3 £5,000 house. They were the finest folk for many miles about. Margaret wws so happy she sang all day. Perched in the bou‘ghs of the supple tree she sent forth soft trills that sat the passers- hm to wondering what manner of bird was hidden high yonder among the leaves and blossoms. \Vhile they were still wondering the face of a young girl showed mung the blossoms, and tire laughter of a young girl followed t em. Madame Labori, wife of M. Labori, the world-famous counsel to Dreyfus, is a radiantly beautiful woman. The beauty is not of form and feature alone. The radiance is that reflected by one of the kindest, most generous hearts in the world. She is tall, and of grace- ful figure. Her hair has caught the glow of the burnished chestnut, and her eyes the calm, brown depths of forest pools in autumn. Her com-V plexion shows a hint of crimson rosesl beneath the olive. Her teeth are as; white and (Well as young corn. Her; face in repose is noble and gentle]; Alight with quick thought, it is arch,§ chan‘geful, fascinating. A beautifull‘ face and figure that appear centrally; in a series of pictures we vsill namea One VVoman’s Lifeâ€:â€" 1 It is atiny, flannelâ€"wrapped, inconâ€"i sequent figure, in the first. It has anj insignificant nose, scarce worth the? name, and a feeble mouth and pink}, skin and fuzzy hair hardly worth the: mention. But Williaun O‘Key, who hadi a father's interest in the insignificant; bundle, said the eyes were quite worth looking at. Their first glance was deep‘ and brown and meditative. That was in Australia two-andâ€"thirly years ago.§ Sketch of Mme. Labori. 9.: ink 13 15 coil! defoise ships. BRITISH FLEET. [Houxâ€"How dxd you finain get rid of those undesirable neighbors? Jameâ€"Well, first I hung a scarlet fever sign on the door, and when that didn't have any effect I began taking lessons on the trombone. Queen Victoria’s collection of lace is said to be worth about $400,000. The Princess of Wales owns $250,000 worth of lace, and the (axâ€"Empress Eugenie has a splendid collection, But that of Leo XIII. surpasses them all, being valued at almost $1,000,000. Wheeler rather rough; Priscilla? Pris- cillaâ€"Yes, mamma, And yet he says he shaves every day. Take Laxative Bromo Qulnine :l‘ablots. All dragging refund the money it it: fails to cure. 26c. E. W. Grave's signature is on each box. 9 en a youthful complexion. Bend 25 cents for tria or post card for circular on skin ‘und complexion Ad W. J. anu HA my 480 Queen 5‘. W.,Tomntu. CHAMPION TRAMP. A Paris gymnasium instructor claims the record for long tramps, having walked 57,600 kilometers, or about 85,000 miles. on ordinary roads. Among his trips were Paris to St. Petersburg. in 38 days, Paris-Geneva- Venice and Paris-Berlin. He tried to walk to Madrid, but was stopyled by the Spanish authorities when he reached Barcelona. I belieave. said the fond mothem that George is in love? It may be so, re- turned the practical father, and again it may be nothing but a case of indig- estion. -A man looks just about as doleful in one case as in the other. Statistics prove that 97 per cent of our population is affected with some form- at Catarrh, but since Catarrh- ozone, the new medicated air treat- ment for Outarrh and kindred dis- eases, has been introduced, this per- centage has decreased. Catarrhozone never fails to cure Catarrh, Bronchitis. Asthma and Hay Fever, and is war- ranted to cure the moat chronic cases of these diseases. even after all else has failed. It cures by inhalation. No danger, no risk, pleasant to use. For sale at, all druggists or direct by mail. price $1.00. .For trial outfit send 100 in stamps to N. C. Polson &. 00., Box 518 Kingston, Ont. Dodds Medicine 00., Gentlemen,â€"I have been troubled far over a year with Female VVeak- ness and Urinal Trouble resulting from Kidney Disease. I have consultâ€" ed a doctor who gave me medicine that seemed to make me worse. At times I would be deaf and shortsighted. I was told of Dodd’s Kidney Pills and I got one box, I have used part of the box and am completlely cured, and strange to 33} both my hearing and eyesight is now unuffecfsd. You may publish this if. it will be the means of assist- ing others. ‘ R. A. \Vade is the lawyer who do- fended Prendergast the first time he stood trial for murdering Carter Har- rison, Mayor of Chicago. He had been retained in a number of aensa- Lional trials before and has been sinoe. and is one of the best known lawyers in America. He contracted Kidney Disease and the uric acid, al- ways present in the system when the kidneys are deranged, attacked his eyes and Mr. \Vafle went blind. He started to take Dodd’s Kidney Pills and gradually the kidney trouble dis. apgeared and his sight returned. A Wade'u Slg'llt Was Restored by Bodd‘n Kidney Pillsâ€"“rs. Geo. Barnes “'al No: Only Shortslgllted, nut Deaf- Pan-t of a Box of Dodd's Kldney Pllls Restored Both Slghl. and Hearing. Smilh’q Falls. Dec 4.â€"â€"The case ofl R. A. Wade, the great criminal lawyer of Chicago, is at pa‘esent exciting con- sidefabie attention in the United States, many of the papers of that country having devoted considerable space, to it. A similar case has; occur- Dad on our own side of the line, in thaL of Mrs. George Barnes of thin town, ' The Case of R. A. Wade, the Criminal Lawyer of Chicago, Duplicated by That, of an Ontario Lady. A PARALLEL BASE. Now read Mrs. Barnes‘ letter and see how what was almost considered a miracle by the people of Chicago has been duplicated in Canada. Her Motherâ€"Don't you find Jack not Mr. hob wnter Ind atom: pl‘pel. furnawl, boilers and tanks, to keep In heat and save fuel. Eurek- Miueral Wool and Aabestoc 00.. Toronto. T0 CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY CALLA LILY CREAM DRASTIC MEASURES SOME FINE LACES remain, yours, eta, MRS. GEORGE BARNES. WE COVER catarrh. Smith's Falls. Price 50 Cants per box, ï¬ve boxes $2.00. All drutim. or San. Willlmnl a 00.. Toronto. Ont. NDIGESTION is very insidious. The appetite becomes poor, capri- cious, or is altogether lost. Pain, accompanied by nausea and flatu- lence lollows the taking of food ; nutrition being arrested, the blood becomes impoverished, and then appear various nervous affections, such as headache. dizziness, sleeplessness, neuralgia, hysteria, and the collection of distressing symptoms to which the name of “nervous debility †and “ heart trouble †has been applied. The liver is speedily affected, and then we have constipation, foul tongue, offensive breath, depression of spirits and sallow skin. THE IWBE I. SIMPLIOITV ITSELF: BLWard’sz'ï¬Ã©â€™fve Pills Thaw 0F lndigeston sausage casings___bfew impurml ions fluent English Sheep and Am- srican Hm: Cnfingf» _r imle t ugh ' Music flashers Wanted COMMBN SENSE KILLS Roaches. Bed Bugs. Rats and Mice. Sold by all Druggistl, or 381 Queen W. Toronto. What Is forced, ‘memimeln-t? It's the kmd a timid man gets off when his wife» gives a dinner. ‘ Hall‘s Cabarrh Cure i9 taken mutually, ‘ucb- ing diruccly upon the blood and mueous sur- t‘cee! of me syflam. Price, 750. per bottle. Sold by all drum sm. Testimonials tree. Hull‘s Family Pills are the beat. Dameâ€"Whisky is usually measured byï¬ the pint. _ ' \Vu. the undersigned. have known F. J. Chane? for Mm Inst 16 years. and believe him werfuc 1y honorable in all business transact ons. and ï¬nancially able to carry out any obli- auon made by Lheir firm, V1331 8:. 'l‘mux, W hulanle szgist-s. Toledo. 0, WALDINO. Knuuxg 85 MARVIN, Wholesale humg‘hg, T019119. O. _ ““l VUGolxgh‘tIyâ€"Yes, and the trouble it gets you in, by the peck. nu SUI URI DISH“. (mm 31 . d I u ' on" G.’I‘.R.Stuuon. Momma}, Ggo Gaslight 8‘0" gop’l. ST- JAMES’ “WEI-"awn $333338“. ’12: Rail wsy. First-ch53 Commercial House. Moduli 1- pmvomenbuâ€"Rntea moderate. We offer One Hundred Duh’arl Reward for my case of Camrrh 1b.“ cannot: be cured by Ila/Ma Camrrh Cum. F. .J. QHESEÂ¥ 8: 09.. Tolqu Q. MONTREAL HOTEL DIREOTDR‘ ~~WWWVW The “ Balmoral," Free Ius AVE'IiiiE HORSEâ€"E Among the curiosities of Prussian statistics is the fact that in a decade 413 school children, under 15 years of age, committed suicide. Hatai Carslako, I lost my purse this afternoon. Gracious, Julia, were you going shopping or coming back? Gussie G‘ooseâ€"Oh that’s just an echo of his wife’s lay. MRS. WINSLOW’S SOOTHING SYRUP bu boen used by mother! for their children teething. It soothes the child, sofbena the gums. allay; pain. cure: wind colic. and is Lha beat ramedy for diarrhoea 25¢. a but tie. Sold b all druggista nhroughout the world. 86‘ mm and a ‘ for " Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. “ Pharaoh 100. Dolly Duckâ€"What is Mr. Cockadoodâ€" let: crorwing about now? REIIANCE CIGAR La Tosaann! 100- FAC‘TORLMonmm ' AS HE FOUND IT. I asked a scissors sharpener the other day what he thought of life. What did he reply? That it was one continugl grind. Prominent Police Officialâ€"Why not, sir? The days are. so short the saloon: have simply got to have the nights to do business in or they don’t geta fair shake. {You people give me a pain, Investigatorâ€"May I ask, sir, if you think it is right to allow the‘ saloons togun all nigihtfllongf r r O’K E T p E - A I S “1314711) .0 L AN IMPORTANT DISTINCTION. SOME OF THEM HENPECKS. Invizomm .z.‘ mar" 'â€" ‘ LLOYD W009. Toronto, GE EBA]. AGENT. ALWAYS TOUCH THE SPOT. SUICIDE OF CHILDREN. YOU KNOW THIS KIND. .m. .u. a m. “gnu prws. h, BLACR'WhLL 3; c0., Toronto. FAR IN TH E BARN YARD. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS UNANSWERABLE. How’s This ? ' II 1’3an. 0! Guilty. Qua. I 013;! Want. Médiiiâ€"dollogo Ammo. Family Hobei lites $1.50 ’91- day. 7 European Plnn. Room: lI Kym}! IA†“1. Opp. u “I. 153 Yong. 8L. TORONTO. ONT. i' 111’ ‘ei'éfy'riï¬sié T A0 ERInCanuu Whaley. Royce ' i1" '8" m &%?.5 ° ‘r’ugrï¬Ã© and SPS m, R - E 0? DISC ‘UNT. W. a", mealtimes}: To send for our! sf: 2 _ §§§§1 Am. P]... 81.50 h up. Galvanizad Steal Wlndmllls and Towers, m. Chou-1n Static, Craln ï¬nders, Iron and Wood Pumps, an Iuppllu. COCOA Dore-l Cone: Hum: Drink. Pure.Wholesomo, Nourish- l‘u‘h 1501b... oil- 2 lb‘s.l_far 250. 301100 in equalï¬pï¬w oqfloo. % 150 lb.. or 2 lbs. far 250. 301100 in equal to 40¢: cones. For 8310)) All Grace". or send 100 for Hb. pachgc \o the ROKU MFG. 00., 154 nee: 2.. Toronto. Ann“ united in over, loos it]. Branifara ROSE’S †Hair Grower " positively and per- manently cures Baldness. Hair Falï¬ing nut. Dandrufl‘l one" and renders the hair soft. lousy lad benutifl Testimonials from leading Toron- mtlomon. Price .100 per bottle Owing to enlarging works. STEADY EMPLOYMENT 7- ENGINE FITTERS, accustomed to close- Wurk on marine and automatic, mnuldern. handy builvrmen. Brantford in 1 live. bright city of eighbevn thousand: waterwarkn. electric railway, gas and electric lightlnn‘. Rean low. living cheap. _V_[I£[§R0£§_,_§rantford, Canada. , i _ E P P ’ High Class W; ‘5 ï¬ollors, for w Guaranteed Cast Steel‘ The Strongest. Lighten: sud Fastest. Skate in the world‘ Made in all length; Price. camp ete Wsth Bouts, $8.00. rder from FIED. IVEV. - 110 Bay 81.] Toronto. 8’ man «on Mnmuc Limosâ€"ARENAS 0500. Drum and Crawford Uounti :4 Title pet‘- bot. 9n M} lgan central, Detroit :2 buckinac and Loan Luke R‘ih‘euds. at pri ea Lansing from $2 to $5 ;Gl' acre. These Lands are one to Enterprising New owns. Churches. Schools, em, and will be sold on ash nuonable terms. Apply to B. M. PIERCE. Agcnl, \Vest Bay City. Mich. 01' J.W. CURTIS. Whittemore. Mich. loud I. New Mann. Meghanics Wanted, qu othgr PRdDUCE. ,__._ u.-. _ uVâ€"vvu. w cyan-iv was mun: consign to The Dawsan Gommwsmn 00., Limited, 7 a Our. West-Harlot & oolbomo St. Toronto, TOIBNTB Outtlng School otters lpoohl Idvantuges to A†inï¬rm-n n! “nun- ,. « nun", ROKCO mum", BUTTER, mas, APPLE, Ind other PRODTNW: m on“... L"; _,.._ I to I†desirous MuncIquix-inéa‘ thorough kl: 01min: ml Fitting Gontlemon’n Garments. pinto-1m. V .-.. ---vI-ll-'IIII IIIEII" VUI" Lool for agent in your town, or send direct. Montreal,Toronto Ottawa, Quebec. l WHITE. -- Men to tnvel. ulary or commiuion; expel]. oncouuncusp (gin K31§§QSLQQu Montreal. firbrii?’ Inn-'biectl fruit Lreéu (Log Allpclt $30.†weak. ARRWO ‘ LEAD. COPPER. BRASS. Violas-lo only. Lou Dink-an Telephone [1â€. VHLLIAI CI;- TORONTO. “Email..._-E!§ani.ng I GRATEFULâ€"COMFORT) NG. permanently cum Guard: of nose. - I 'I throw. Itomaoh and bladder. 509 a 31 a box. Writs for nrciculm. Tho Indium Oaturh Gun 00.. “6 Bl. Jmmï¬. Mantra“. ' 0. Rolland. Iole went; for the Dmhiniï¬ï¬i VSVélV‘H'3o't: Itnmp for analogue. 313 St. Paul Street, Momma! 7r! THE DE! MOINIS lNOUBATOlâ€"»I tam! ohoaflosi n unnumi .ml- .n-..» (“unun .. .1 «.4 Mrbollo chlnfutants. 80am, Oint- ment, Teeth Powders, eta, have been awarded 100 medals and diploma for superior excellence. Their regular use prevent infecti- on: diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain . supply. mm mailed tree on upplloaï¬on, LAW BILD DUKE 100. Curesin a jlfly. P‘ Mo- carten Cormaoxa 00.. Agents. Montreal. To make sure that when you wish to color my 91-61010 vii. : Dre-ion, Suits Feathers 0mm or n thing that require: dyeing. that you get the bean dyu m the inï¬rm. known in HQME Dims. Home a r the lgtest 9nd gositiygly up but. phat can [ole prpduoad, aajhoy‘wl‘ll (lye Oqttqp. SIIkLWQol 9r M1n_d G # g, 31 the Incest and positively tho but that can be produced, 3.113119: will dye Cotton. Silk. Wool or Mixed Good: equgliy u‘ 300}; results, witheuc the necessity of a > to m ham tnkï¬tl‘ae dyï¬, as [\‘Tfa n.“ n‘wnu ,,,g A in.†-4 . and n tflal packue will convince you them they mll do,an we claim forbhon Do not be put a! with something Just as so :11, because you know what failure you have had in the put, thereto: Mk for HOME DYES Ind mum on getting‘them. To be had of your dth or mailed direct: tree of post-n 100 [mm 0:3 for 26 cents. Have you mad them? I! nob. get a. package and {we convinced. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. Michigan Land for Sale. ll strictly maintain“ Do you use it! Michigan Lam! far Sale. BREAKFASTâ€"SUPPER. For £113.27 but send your wonr'k tn ch- " nnmsu AMERIGAN DYEING GO.’ 5 Tnnl. n- â€"-A"A ~ F. 0. CALVERT & 00., HANOHE’TIR, - - ENGLAND. BALIJNESS GURED. CALVERT’S NEVER CIEAIVGESâ€"The Unllormly ngh Quality 0! 1539;»:ku AVE, To§onta 5031; a; co., IMPORTANT TD LADIES! Bï¬iï¬u‘uï¬lbhï¬Ã©ï¬Ã©â€™Ã© to W's-10%;)?†Rich- llondflt. .. oront-o. mon’l Garï¬ents. 7 WEE: £61“ 11:! Yang. St. Toronto. ylllg. Mlllo ti Halos TUBULAR 33$ Meagan W PC 1001 fhgrouch knovgggt}ge:ol Mention this pupa. TORONTO HOME DYE CO., TORONTO. CEYLON TEA Relemnces{ JAB. n. ANNETT, Manager. MONEY LENT on security of real unto manna. Government mud Municipal Ronda. et-o. The Bahamian Heine Safety BOILER Esplanade, opp. snorbourno st, DEBENTURES ISSUED for 1, 2. 3. 4 or burn. with interest coupons attuchad. Paid-up Capital, - - $2,600,000 Reserve Fund - - - 1,200,000 Head omenâ€"Toronto at, Toronto. Branch Officesâ€"Winnipeg. Mam, Vancouver. 5.. The Oldest and Largest Canadian Mort- gage Corporation. ONE No. ‘ BUFFALO FAN â€"â€" 27 inches high, upright discharge, in excellent order. Prica $35. 5. FRANK WILSON, TRUTH, 73 Adelaide West, Toronto. R“ a hpndsnme Premium h} selling 24 packages of our genuine . , lmperia! English Ink Powder at, 100, per pkg. ï¬nch pkg. makes 50.. e, v arch of ï¬ne ink Sr'nd your name and __-_.ï¬_..._E J addmaa and we will forward you thp Ink Powder 5nd our huge Catalogue, prepaid. When Hold send us bur money and we WM send nu the prom- ium yo-x select. \Yrjte for L? (mm m- 3y. Memliul this paper. IMPERIAL IN 00.. Toronto. Ont. To Manufacturers CA N “M PERMAN iflN’l' High Glass Water Tube Steam aollors, for All Pressures, Duties and Fuel. SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. Portland. Me" to Liverpool. calling at Halli-I Westbound. Large and fast Steamers Vancouver, Dominion, Cambroman. Elm o! pawns :â€" Fink Cubin. $50 “pinto: Smnl Cabin, $35; Suez-age, $22.50 3nd 32:50. For funk-r informuion Apply colon] ugenu. 0! : DAVID TORRANCE & 00.. Owner-l Ann“. 11 8t. Saonmut 8t. Montreal. u. V» RING, an AUTOHARP. ACCORDI- ON, a VIOLIN or GUITAR. lot ‘ selling 9 lumen of Dr. Prloe's Su- aamrllla Blood Pilll st 300. box. DON‘T SEND MON Y. simply send your name Ind 3d- . arena and we will send you ll.“ P1lla,poscpaid. with our Oatslomuu Sell them and remit us the payment and we will Gal (1 you the premium you I _ ielect‘ ThPse Pills oureimpur»hlood. rheumamsm,_ llver and kidney diseases. and all atom-a3 troubles. P11ls returnable if not sold. Write In once and mention this paper. nnnn- n.»- - flaminion Line (All “Toronto. who" boilm ml to}... ivorkimi. WILL FIND VERY DESIRABLE HATS, steam Heated, steam Power. Elevator and all oonvenlencea. TRUTH BUILDING, 73 Adelaide St. West, TORONTO. Mica Manufacturers coming to Toronto Sham and Hot and Cold chor Pipei. Cold Sim-u. Pipes Kitchen Bollon. etc. For particularl Lpply to ONE No. 3 STURTEVANT F5“ A 24 inch, FEED WATER HEATERâ€"~65 horse power, in good order. Price $25. NORTHEY STEAM PUMP-~â€"6 x 4. 7 inch stroke. in good working order. capac- ity about 200 horse power. Price $75. For (urther particulars apply to DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Intereu allowed. Loan and Savings Company. INCORPORATED 1855. a and mention min wper. PRIDE MFG. 00., 88 Bay Strut, Toronto, Ont. in pérfect Order. Price $25. Ghana“ and Ben novorlns‘ In tho Worm. MIGA BOILER COVERING 00., leitoï¬ Toronto. Manual. Md Immo-V m .I. HERBERT MASON. Managing Director. Toronto. PIPE AND BOILER STEM WINDING WATCH, (Lndv'l or Gent'n). SOLID GOLD Toronto Moot-rm Light. 00.. Lumimd. the 1P; Emilee? kinritssi. i‘iié ï¬iï¬i'r'e'r'ciiï¬ï¬ï¬uï¬l Mtï¬. . The Wirlsorn Publish?!†00.. Limit JOHN 4. MAIN. Supt. and Tran (Lndy'a or Gem's), SOLID 00m Toronto Lead packages. 25, 30, 4o, 50‘&60c Goverlng MAIL STEAMBIIIPI