Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Dec 1899, p. 1

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VOL. XXII. 1-.1' (HE UBERAL PRINTING dz PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. IS Pmmmm EVERY ‘ TH URSDAY LYORNING “1". F. McMAHON. D R. LANGS'H‘A FF. Office Hours :â€"8 to 10 a. 111.; 1 p. 111.; 7 to 13 p.111. Best fitting teeth, aiso repluting, at lowest prices. Good work. Iamduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, with diploma. from we Ontario Veterinary Dental School, will visit Maple an Monday and Friday of each week, and Concord on Friday from 1 to 3 p. m. 08,113 promptly attended to Diseases of horses, cattle and other domesticut 0:1 animals treated by the latest and most up- EVJX‘Y accommodation to gueatv. Board. 31 nerday 13R. T. ‘A. (mum: V‘h/ Gddfellnw’s Bldg, Tux-onto, 001'. Yonge and (Juliege SLs., Tm'onto, proved. methods. \Vill be in Riclmmnd Hill every \lenesdzty. Dflicezâ€"Next (lum' south of Public kkzluml. 133’. W. Gem T‘rcfifzar, Bi .5: DENTIS’I‘: Telephone for a ppointment. Bumodelled, and newly furnifihed thro‘fithout. One of the most convenient and comfortable hotels on Yongo Street. Every modern conâ€" venience. Sample rooms for commercial Stavellera. Anideulsmpping place for riding or driving parties, bicyclists, or A {wafers going to or returning from market. ‘Bus meets all twins. Electric cars pusstho door. $1 per annum, in advance.] TERMS $1.00 PER DAY. MRS. “I. llULs‘E. - PALMER HOUSE, A [m ge amount of private funds to loan on improved farm property. Five per cent. inâ€" teresh. Easy terms for repavment. No com mission charged on loans. Apply to A. G. I". LAWRENCE. Freehold Loan Building, Toronto Or at Richmond Hill on Sat-urdavs ‘6 MONEY E MONEY! Room 12, 124 Victoria St, Toronto. Cor. Bloor and Mandamus: Ave., Toronto. Member College Physiuizms mad Sm‘gceuu, Ouc. ETERINARY SURGEON J. T. Mommy, RICfl'MON D EIL L. RICHIVIOND H' Dkéfitist, 7 (Suceessor to Dr. Ceci1 Trotter) DR, L, LAWRASON, BUSINESS CARDS. E. émam @Ra‘fi’fiflg $®M§fiw GFVECE EEQUR§ 8 so 10 am: 6 m '53 p m VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND‘HILL, RICHMOND HILL, 158 KKNG STREET EAST‘ TORONTO Emma & Paomm'ron \V mu Reggae, B enfls‘x , mama; warrizmrg ‘â€"",AND-â€"â€" fiental. 9! Prop. Mon-fly #0 Loan thes Building, '?5 Yonge St. (conlflng), Tomntol Bfirristers. Sohcitors, Sm. Room 1, No. 18 Toronto St, Toronto. ALFRED MACDGUGALL, FREDERICK Cy JONES, Solicitor to the Treasury of bnhario. fiollcimrs tor the Reliance Loam-und Savings Company. MACDDUGALL & JONES, names, mm & ssfizéflé East Turnnto Office, Mr. Grant‘s residence, \Voodhrldue, everv evenin g. Thornuill, each Wednesday from 101012. Money to loan at 5 per cent. Barrister, Seliciter. Ndary, 84c. Suite 72‘ and 78 Freehold Loan Build- ings, 001". Adelaide. and Vicbm'ia Streets, Toronto. N OTA RY PUBLIC}, LENNQX & MORG- Moaev t9 loan on {and-cm? chm/to} mart-gages at lowe’m ratesv T. HERBERT Lxxxox, G. SI‘V. Manon: Aumm‘ . Nowa Aux-urn(‘mPeâ€"Remrved to the 01d pnszt (#1160. one door “'Ont/ Iii the umttume to the Ontnrm flank. Nev/market ufty ~Thrco (mars south of fill) push 011‘ o. Notary Public, )onveynncor, Valu- ntor, Cmmuxssioner in B. It, &c. Money to Loan. THORNHI LL. Money to Loan COOK & MACDONALD Barristers, Solicitors, .etc. TORONTO OFFICE: No. 1, Adclzude St, East. SALEM ECKARD'I‘, 63 Winchester St. Toronto Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each wet-k. Licenseu Auctioneers for the County of York. Goods sold on coneignmens. General mum of stock.etc., promptly attended to at- reasonable rams. G.R.Guuldmg, Newton Brook. agent for the above. " icenuedAuctinneers for the County of York,ra pectflflly solicit your patrounge and friendly influence, sales attended on the sLortest notice and a. reasonube ratas. P. 0. address King ) J. 'I‘. Snigeou. Richmond " Mill Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Sales attended to on shortest notice mm at rea- sonablerates Patronage. solicited. Barristers, Sanitm‘F, 62:9,, 25 KING STREmT WEST, TORONTO Licensed Auctioneer for. the County 01 York. General sales of implements, turninurestanding timber. etc. Attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronagesolicibed. P. 0. address Mn we. Licensed Auctionesrfor the Counties of York and Ontario. All sales of farm stock. ($0.. at tended to on the shortest notice and reasonable rates. Mon-tame and bailiff sales attended to. Residence, Stoufiville, Ont. A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at: both places. HIS-H COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. 3:119; Marmage Llcenses. ’ .mdxmnND HI‘LL POST 0F§‘IHE. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHH L LIBERAL Ofiico, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. Bat'ristel'. Solimtm: Convemucw, Natary Pu blic, Etc. O STOKES A. G F. LAWRENCE, Undertakers &, Embalmcrs. Eizlrrificrs and solicaim's. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. SPENCER LOVE, Richmond Hill on Wednesdaya D. .IAMES, RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1899.” Eckau'dt & Prentice WRIGHT BROS, Saigon“ & McEwcn. smokes & Blough. COMMISSIONER IN THE J. D. Readnmn, N. E. Smith. Emmi. In. Essentiais, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." Temuhoue 47 ’I‘eluph 0116 2661 Tulerhvne 2984 J. H. PR-ENTICE Unionvme JA B. McEwen. Weston. Nowmarket 1' AN, D BLOUGH The ass'ertinn that was freely made by Oppnsitionists during the last 808- sima nf Parliament the British preference had practically kiiied trade with Germany. is not substantiated by the returns uhiished of the last year’s business wit, that country. In spite nf the fact that Germany assmnbied an unfriendly attitude toward the Domin- ion, and imposed the maximum tariff rates upon Canadian goods, thereby moving her out of the “ most favored nation class.” our exports to the Fnt‘hgrlun' have: very greatly iliCl‘PBS‘ ed. In 1896-97 the town value of Cana- dian exports to Germany was $757,531. The following year it had grown to $1.045,448,whilae last year in had grown in $1,837,448, in other words our trade with Germany has increased just, one. hundred and fifty per cent in two years. If this is the way the Liberal trade policy is killing the trade of Can- ada we can stand lots of it. IT IS WORKING ALL RIGHT. One of the leading importers of Eng» lish dry goods in \Vestern Ontario has been expressing his opinions upon the effect of the Government’s [)l'(’.f(‘l'(’ll~ tial policy opinions that have been formed from his personal experience and nhservation. He. declares that the pl efereum has induced the importation of British woollens and dress fabrics to a remarkable extent, giving to ‘ Yorkshire in particular a great, lever- age over foreign manufactures, the. (inference. in duty being twenty-five per cent less than the. duty paid upon German and French wool fabrics. He observes further :â€"“ In cotton goods this also applies, and it. has quite ehhnged the, importation of cotton shoe laces from German to English goods, or rather I should say English woods which had almost; disappeared 12mm this market can now readily coinâ€" pem against Germananade g<mds. In silks it has fostered the importation of 1 English silks to a remarkable extent, as I know from my every day experi- ence. French and Swiss si”.s, as also Japanese, will always‘he. o5 in Canâ€" ada, but in the surah “makes of silks the. preference given to. British manu- facturers has induced a specially large importation of these. goods since the new tariff came into force and this can readily he. proven to ‘oe because of the preference in favor of British manuw factures.” , OUR POSITION BETTER UNDERSTOOD. Thanks to the persistent and well directed efforts of the Federal Govern- ment, and it, must in fairness he added to the kindly assistants) of our late (inxvernt)r-General, Lord Abeldeen, the Mother country is evidently getting much clearer and more accurate ideas as to the actual position of the Alas» kan boundary dispute. The London (Enga) Globe, for example, comment- ing the other (lay upon the subject unâ€" der the head of “ Canadian Rights,” states briefly the circumstances under which a, huge section of what is now the State of Maine. was lost to the Doâ€" minion through the supineness of Lord Ashburton, who, more anxious to terminate a ti oublesome business than to stand up for Canada. is said to have pleasantly observed, “ Well, we will not quarrel about two or three lines of latitude, we will put the line there.” “ The result was,” said the Globe, “ that Canada. lost a splendid piece of territory. which .would be' of inesti- mable value to her commercial inter- ests were it now in her possession. It is not at all surprising, therefore, that our fellow-subjects sometimes display irritation in connection with the, Alaskan boundary ; they conceive, that their neighbors are hoping to get the better of British diplomacy in this matter as they did in the case, of Maine. Happily British statesmen no longer regard “ two or three degrees of lati- tude ” as not worth making a fuss about.” ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT YET. In some quarters, however, there. is still an almost incredible lack of knowledge of Canada and of her affairs, and that too in what should he the best informed circles, as is strik- ingly shown by a report, in the Lon- don (Eng.) Standard less than a» month ago, in which Lord Aberdeen is made. to talk about the imperial importance of the “ Central Pacific Railway.” The same paper’s knowledge of our climate too is apparently none too ac- curate, for in another issue about the same date it refers to thehoys who have gone to Africa as havi1.g been “reared in the snows of Canada.” The, dear old Standard would have. a. lit if it heard that the first snow seen this season in the rapital of these Arc- tic regions fell on December 4th,» 'and that within 50 miles of Toronto flowers are still blooming in the open air. \Vhen the Government sends its next immigration advertisement to the Standard it might be Well to enclose a. little educational literature with it. ACCEPTING THE INEVITABLE. The effect of the statesmanlike ac- tion of the Provincial Government in prohibiting the exportation of Can- adieu logs is already becoming appur- Our Ottawa. Letter. ent. for the. lumbermen of Eastern Michigan have started to move their mills into Ontario, apfrsciating the fact that the judgment rendered by the Ontario Courts is so clear cut and decisiVely against them that it will be throwing good money after bad to prosecute the appeal, and although the pmceedings may he carried through as a matter of form, they have small expectations of its succeed- ing. Their only rinnaining hope is that some. arrangement may be arriv- ed at through the medium of the Joint High Cmnmission, and it, may be safely concluded that the R‘lichigandeI-s will continue to use every effort towards, that end. If the present condition of affairs continue, however, the. Michi- gan mills will be practically idle next season, save. for what little. timber can be taken off the Indian Reserved and the lands that do "not belong t0 the Province. The. Georgian Bay mill on the contrary would now run at, their full capacity and new ones are build- ing. Already seven Michigan lumber- men had arranged with Canadian mills for the cutting of their logs. A large number of the members of St. Andrew’s and St. Paul’s Churches, together with a few other friends, as- sembled at the Manse on Thursday evening and gave, a warm welcome to Rev. 0. A. Campbell and Mrs. Camp- bell, who had just returned after a. bridal tourof four weeks which they spent at Smith’s Falls and other places East. An excellent tea. was serv- ed about 9 o’clock. and after the, tea a number of toasts were pmposed amt responle to in :L felicitous manner. After " The. Queen ” was duly honored the “ Bride and Groom ” was proposed, which was responded to in choice and appiopriate words by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Campbell. “Neighboring Con- gregations" brought forth good speeches from Revs. Messrs. J. A. Grant, J. \V. Stewart and S. L.‘ W. Hal-ton. Among the. pleasant features of the evening was the presentation of a handsome cutter to Rev. Mr. Camp- bell, by tlie'yo‘ung men of the Maple congregation, the presentation was ac- companied by an address read by Mr. Charles McNeil. and at another stage Rev. Mr. llm'ton read an address from the. combined congregations. After ail had partaken of the good things provided the table was removâ€" i ed, and the company all assembled in the large parlor where a short pro- gramme was given. Several choruses and instrumental selections were. renâ€" dercd, also :1 solo “ My Own Fireside” was sung by Mrs.(Dr.) Sisley. Messrs. J. and G. McNeil gave. a couple of duets and Mr. G. Elder a. solo. Mr. Jas. McNeil acted as chairman. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed them- selves, and when the party broke up departed, wishing the. bride. and groom every happiness for the future. A literary and dvhn ting society has been organized with Rev. S. W. Harâ€" tou, Pres, Miss Morrison, Vice-Pres., and Mrs. Sisloy Sec. A full house greeted the appearance of the. Eckm-db family last Saturday night. The music of the bells was very sweet and pleased everybody,and the singing of the two boys Gor- dan and Bernard was much apprvcint- ed and received great applause. They are splendid pm'for'mel's and every partdf'tho programme was Well ren- dered. All who were present: were well satisfied with the ontértaimuent. At‘a regular InveLing of Vaughan Lodge, A. F. 86 A. M., on Tuesday évening. the following officers were elected for the ensuing Vear: W. M., J. A. Mchnald; S. “K, VV. ‘Vier: J. “7., R. Rumble; Scc’y, R. Richard- son; Treus.. J. H. Kirby. The Village council met in the coun- cilighmplwr on Saturday, Dec. 9. Members present, fife reeve, coun- cillors Hill, Innes, Palmer and Trench. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. The fulldvizing accounts were ready VlZ. 1â€"â€" Ler Gaby, account for coal &c.$33 00 W. R. Proctur, teaming account 41 80 W. T. Storey, for 1 hand-axe . . 80 John Innes, lumber account 14 34‘ Joseph Hull, oil accminb . . . A . . . . 9 27 “NA. Sanderson, drugs . . . . . . . . ’ 70 Henry Blanchard, work . . . 11. 28 75 H. Blanchard, digging grave. .. 3 00 Trustees of Presbyterian church, for grave, plut for Mary Maxwell . . . . . . . A . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ()0 Moved by Mr. Palmer secondedi,;l')y Mr. Hill that the treasurer do pay the foregoing aCCOIIIltSr-Oill‘l'lt‘d. The clerk read :1 cmnmunication from the clerk of the Iounty 7nuncil dated 26th Nov., vnclosing a “ Report of Special Committee ” in refel once to Cmmtv Roads. Moved by Mr. limes, secondvd by Mr. Palmer that the I'eeve be hereby appointed on behalf of this council to attend the meeting to be held in the County Council Olizunber on the 12th and 13th inst. to which reference is Village C 01111011. Maple Miéll'éafl'by Mr. Hill seconded by Mm Palmer that the treasurer refund one dollar to Mr. Bert, Hopper chmged to him fora. dog which is now dead.â€" Can-led. made in the comnmnication just read; â€"Curried» Deputations from the Curling and Hockey Clubs were pI-vsont and ad- dressed the council on behalf of their respective clubs. Mr. Palmer moved seconded by Mr. Trench that the Curling club may have the use of the Rink during the ensuing season for the, sum of twenty- five dollars on the same cundiLinns as heretufuraâ€"Ceu-ried. Mr. Palmer moved seconded by Mr. Hill that the Hockey Club be charged twenty-five dollars for the use of the rink during the ensuing season upon the fullmving cn‘mlitinns, viz. ; one night each week and half ian hour each skating night before the skaters take the ice.#Um-ricd. ‘ ~ The council adjourned. The following is the school report of Concord for the month of November 1 e 1'. S)". IVMAda, Miles. Ernest Bowos, Edgar BOW‘?§. _ J72 IV-«Elmore Reaman, George Miles. Sr. IIIâ€"Elsie. Tmymx - Jr. IIIâ€"Pearl Pearson, Percy Fish“ Sr. 11-~Hectnr Edgar, Margaret, Sthm-t, Fred Miles} Eliol‘iLGOUHhG. h Jr. II-~Birdie Riddell, Ethel Whitâ€" more, Estella Reamun, \Vilkie Bowes. Part IIâ€"Maud P0010. Sr. Pt. 1â€"Pearl Miles, Mm-y Golland. W'ilfrid Keffer, Chas. Buwes. _ Present every day-â€"Empst Bowes, Edgar Bowes, George Miles, Nor-ma. Fisher, Percy Fisher, Flora. Golland Fred Miles. Mm amt Stewart VViikie Bowes, E1 hel \ hitmm'e, Birdie Ridâ€" dell, Albert Bowes Jessie Bowes, Pearl Miles”? Iary Golland. Agg' pgnfto attendance. 844. Hug. éxast daily attendance. 43. ' E. J. AJOHNSTON, Teacher. Jr. Pt]. {â€"Ofml Stewart, Ella Rea- mnn, Russ Fisher: At the last, regular meeting of Court Union, A. O. F., Thm-nhill, the fol. lowing officers were elected for the ensuing year :â€"P. C. R,, J. Drury; (l. R., E. A. James; S. C. R. Goo. Pear- snn; Trans. J. E. Francis; Sec’y, A. E. H. Pearson; S. “7.. J. Pearson; J. W., J. Chapman ; S. B., J. Moore; J. .13., J. Baker. The new officers will be installed by Bro. J. Drnx'y at the first regular meeting in January. Initia- tinns will also take place the same- evening. \Ve are pleased to welcome amongst us at Thornhill, Dr. Dome of Toronto. who has recently returned after many months’ work in NewA York and Chicago Hospitals. The Dr. has joined Dr. Rolpli Lnngstuif in his private hospital at Richmond Hill. = The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by - druggists in Canada. On] re ablemedécine discovere, s é ‘9. “ ~ . ., ckages guaranteed to qure 9. forms of Sexua Weakness. all effects 0?th or excess, Mental Worry. Excessive use 91 bacco. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed On receipt of price,‘ one package $1, six, $5. ‘ One will please mwm cum. Pamphlets free to any address. - The Wood Company, Windsor, Onfl‘ L‘l‘? Wood's Phnsphodineis sold in Richmond Iii]! by W. A. Sanderson, Drugglst. A first-class farm of 113:1(‘1‘05 in the township of Vaughan. Goad clay loam, gnod buildings, well fenced and watered. Within a mile and a quart- er of Yonge Street. Terms reason- able. FARM for SALE Apply to J. H. PRENTIOE, auction- Bl‘l", Unim‘n‘illv, or at THE LIBERAL Office. 41â€"Lf' M” X' Wood's Phosphodinas h. [Single copies, 3 cts. Thornhill. Concord. M. TEEFY, Clexk. No 24

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