Mr. W. F. Maelean, member for East York, from time to time ad- dresses the electors of his riding through the columns of his morning newspaper, “The World.†He has for some weeks been expressing him- self in an unfair way against THE LIBERAL in View of the opinions we hold in regard to the dispute between the City of Toronto and the Metro- politan Railway Company. THE LIBERAL has on several occasions reâ€" ferred editorially to the desirability of having connection between the Metropolitan and the C. P. R., be- lieving that thejunction would great~ 1y benefit the County of York as a whole, and for this we are accused of writing for the interests of the Metâ€" ropolitan Railway. On the 4th inst. The World went so far as to insinu- ate that the articles in THE LIBERAL bearing on the question had been written by Mr. Moyes, and on Tues- day of this week that paper again sneeringly referred to “ The Metro- politan Railway speaking through Tm: LIBERAL.†We would prefer not calling attention to the clum- sily-worded editorials in this paper, but in justice to the Metropolitan Railway we feel it our duty to say that the insinuations made were alte- g‘ether without foundation, as neither Mr. Muyes nor any other person in connection with the company had ever written a line nor even suggest- ed a line for the columns of Tun Lin- ERAL. We are not proud of our composition, but must confess that no paragraph bearingr 011 railway matters had ever been written 01‘ dictated by any other person than the editor whose name appears in every paper issued. This being the case it scarce- ly looks like" good manneis on-the part of the editor of The World to make the insinuation, harmless as it is. Changeâ€"H. C. Bailey. IiIEï¬MOND HILL. December 14, 1899 The World is apparently 0f opin- ion that the representatives of the company and the outer municipalities along Yonge Street are engaged in a conspiracy to turn Yonge Street into a roudbed for a railway. Some peoâ€" ple have been led to believe that the County Council gave the company permission to run steam locomotives on Yongc Street. The least enquiry into the matter would convince them that they are utterly wrong, as no such power has ever been granted. The World is pleased to attack the Railway Committee of the Privy Council upon the ground that they have joined in a conspiracy to steal Yonge Street from the County and hand it over to the Railway Company. Such a charge as this is' not credit- able to the party making it when the circumstances of the case are known. The matter of connection with the C. P. 12., however, is in the courts, and, speaking from a County stand- point, we hope the request of the County Councillors will be granted. Reference to the statutes of this Province will show any one that the Metropolitan Co. in using its railway along Yonge Street is absolutely under the control of the County Council in carrying on freight busi» mess. The last agreement made with the company so provides, and not only so, but it goes further, and provides that freight rates are to be ï¬xed by the Provincial Government. Had there been no opposition to the proposed connection there is no reason why coal cou‘id not now be iaid down at every house along Yonge Street at a price very little above the price at which it is deliver" ed on any street in Toronto. The World publishes an article from last week’s Newmarket Em. THE “WORLD IS TROUBLED. New Aavertisements. It is well known that Mr. Hill, M. P. P. for West York. is in favor of lower rates on trolley lines, as when he was a member of the County Council he expressed himself plainiy and vigorously on the sul-jeet. There is no reason for thinking that either Hon. E. J. Davis or Mr. John lich- ardson is in league with the Metro- politan Company, therefore, when legislation governing all electric rail- ways comes before the Legislature, the memhe 's for the three Yorke may be trusted to guard the rights of the people. At the same time they will do justice to the railroad men, who have sunk probably more than half a million dollars in the trolley venture. You will always ï¬nd :1 full and \anl asmn-Led stovk hf mvn‘s and lmys‘ gloves, mitts, &('. Atkinsun u Swilzm'. Mr. I). F. Mc\Vntt, barrister, of Barrie has been appuinwd smainl' judge of tho County of Lumhtmx. The result of tho Mnnilobn (‘zf‘CtiOHS held last Thursday sovms 10 he that the GL-wn‘wuy Gm‘ornnwnt has bum) defeated by 41.5111th majoriiy. Sir (image Kirkpatrick, vx»Livnt.- (im‘vrnm' of Ontario, (“I'd yvsbvrdny mm 11mg afu-l' a lengthy illness. Children’s \VUUI Imus, 230. ; rod felt hoods lilwd 730. - child’s whitt- hoods . ’ , ’ I . ’ DOC. and $1. Atkmsmx & Swuzvr. “"0 have a chnice linu of men’s umhl-vllas in all silk with onyx lmndlcs and Iontlwx' covering, at, each; cheaper1i1)(xs;lt95(‘., $1.23 and $1.55, all suitahlu for Xmas gins. Atkinson & S vitzer. bearing on railway matters, and is anxious to know What THE LIBERAL thinks about the Jim’s views. We agree with the Era that the Metro- politan fares are too high, and have often said so, but we do not agree with The World when that paper says the Government should compel the company to carry passengers at a cent a mile. The, fnlhnving is the rvsnh‘, of the fnul- byeâ€"vlvctiuns hold on Tuvsiluy :~â€" South Brant, Libel-:11, Maj. 439; 501111) Gillan-i0, Liberal, Maj. S; East E1- g‘in, (Znnsomuujve, Maj. ; \‘fost ICI- gin, Conservative, Maj. 2}. Xmas candies : Butter sculch, 12c. ; buLteI-cups, 12(:.; Putvtm‘snn’s (21mm:- Iqu, 20, 23 and 3.33. ; hon lmns, h’Uc. ; L’nth-snn’s 1 11). box vxLl-u (:huiw hon hons. 45c box; Gownn’s chnvuiute ginger, 1100,. ll). ; (:huicu mixed candies, 7:50. 11). AQkiuson & Switzm: Dr. Cecil Trotter and Mrs. TmMel' spout Saturday afternoon in the vil- Iago. va. Mr. Large and Rev. Mr. Moore of King will exchange pulpits next Sunday. “7:11' news is not, mumm'nging. Gen- eral Methuen after two days’ ï¬ghting at Moddor River was severély (:lu‘ck- 0d, and tlm battle ondod disustmusly for the British. Tho lass of killed, wounded and prisonms during the past week is heavy. Reeve Savage has been in Toronto this “wok )‘epi-eseutii) the Village Ununcxl at the Good {wads Unuwn~ tion. Mr. “'30. Trench has been engaged as Principuluf the Unium’ille Public School. duties to ommnonce after the Christmas holidays. Mr. Alex, Marsh and his grand- deulghtrvr, Miss Ella Marsh, started for Huntsville yesterday to spend a few days with Capt. (i. F. Marsh, brother of the farmer. - Miss Anna Smith and Master Verne Impard nf Newmarkeb spent, Saturday with Mr. T. F. McMahon and family and returned home by the 6.30 cm . Newmurkot Lender and Recorder.â€" va. R. S. E. Large, B. A., B. D., of Richmond Hill, called on friends in town on Tuesday. on his way from Quemisville. Rev. J. A. Grant and Mrs. Grunt at- tended the reception at the Manse, Maple, 011 Thursday evening, tendered to Rev. 0. A. Campbell and bride on their return from their wodding tour. Rev. B. S. E. Largo, B. A., B. D., gave am address in the Lmnonvillc Methodist chm-ch last evening. Vocal selections were also given by Mr. Large and Miss M. Trench, A. '1‘. (1M. Mrs. Gavel-s .of Gulf, Vice/President Ont. \V, C. T. U., spent Friday and Saturday with Mrs. G. \Viley, Corres- ponding Smretary. A special meet- ing of the Executive will likely be held at an] early date to appoint; a treasurer to ï¬ll the vacancy caused by the death of Miss McArthur. PERSONALS News Notes. uvuvw‘n. WEDNEMIAY, Dev. 20#Credit Rule n! fm-m stuck. imp‘cments, furnitur, AM», on lot 16. (inn. :2, Scurlmrnmemnging tl) (lerleu Monk. Selle .‘atll n’c‘mck. Terms 10 months. lickm'dc & Prentice. auctioneers. Wmnnsnm’, Dec. 210â€" Ca'cdm $1139 of farm Wok. impiemems, 610., on lot H, (30:149. King the px'opertv of Patrick O’Neill. Sula at 1 o'clock. Terms 11 111011015. Saigmm a“; Mcv Ewen, auctioneers. THURSDALDGC L'1~ Credit sale of horse, cmv, )‘ips,houxehulfl iurniture 5'0, tho pruperu' m Una George Lungsmï¬. ’I )mmhm, S't‘lu m; 1 o’chrck slmrp. No reserve. flickurdc A: Pren- tice, auctioneers: Tman'rDAY.Dec. Qlâ€"Crcdit sale of farm stor'k mmlements. 4m, mum/6, con '7, Vuuuhmw, mu pmpm-Ly of John Bennett-s. Sula 2n; 1 o’Mm-k. Terms 10 nwntns. Suigeon &Alc-E\\‘en,uu=‘- tiunears. FRIDAY, IRAQIâ€"Credit 35k: of turn] flock. in)» plernauts, nu Ms 12, um. 1|), Markham, the prupertv of W. E. Rumor. Sale at 1 (Volock. PL kmxlt & Prentice, auctioneers. SATURDAY Dan 23 «Auction 53119 mi blacksmith tools, (1., nt- Dung)", 4th crm. Mnrkhum, tlm property MGan Cmviru Sale at 1 (r'clmh. ’j‘ermscash. SJigeun & McEweu, auction» eevs. I :n'ties getting their bills winked at. this 011100 will receive ll. untice simiim‘ to the above mum OF CHARGE Did you ever notice how few peo- ple are original in things they say and do? For instance, one man makes a fortune out of a simple thing; inimediateiy hundreds of others try it. This is human nature. Whiie it is gratifying to be the “first man †to bring out an idea, the great mass must be content to follow their leaders. There is one line that is al- ways original, however, and that is the business of B ‘zidley-Garretson (30., Limited, of Brantford, Ont, he- cause they continually bring out pub~ lieations to suit the times and seasons, thus their agents are. kept steadily at it and make big money. In fact, no other occupation is more honorable, healthful, lucrative, or offers half as many opportunities for promotion. It is a life school. Many men and women in Canada to-day testify to the truthfulness of this claim, in fact, it is conceded on all hands, that one year’s experience with this ï¬rm is worth more to any young man or woman than. two or three years at college, from an educational point of View, and ï¬nancially it is all that can be desired. AGENTS :â€"â€"'Did you ever think of handling our latest work “ The Light. of Life†?, Iï¬ not, now is a good time to start. $3.00 a day sure; some make twice that. Experience or capital unnecessary. BRADLEY-GARRETSON Co. Limited, 3 BRAXTFORD, ONT. Wholesale and Retail Butchers, deal ers in L2? No. 1 and N032 mli in Richmond Hill by W. A. Sanderson, Druggisb. “’0 make a specialty in Home Renderâ€" ed Lani, and ()ur own make of Sausage. I am prepared to do Family Washings. Gent! and Ladies‘ ï¬ne iinen a. specialty. Work guax‘ antaed and patronage solicited. 52M ‘ TILLIE MAXWELI TRICES A'l‘ FARMEBS’ wuzaoxe. Wheat, white, per h, sh ms 0 , .,,,,.- Wheat, red, per bush ., Wheat, goose, per bush. Outs. per bush Peas, per bush .. Barlev, Der bush.. Turkeys, per lb Dressed Begs. pen: Geese, per lb (‘hickens.per pair. .V .. Ducks. per put . Butter, in pound mils. Eggs. fresh ............ Potatoes, prr bag Apples, per km .. Hay, clover Hay. timothy Straw shut. Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000Ladles. Safe,efleotua.l. Ladies ask Taonr dm gist for Cook‘s Cotton Root Con» and. ke no or er, as all Mixtures. pills and miutlons are dangerous. Price, No. 1. $1 er box ' No. 9, 10 degrees stronger.†per box. 0. 1 or , mailed on receipt of price and two swoem stampg. The 9001‘: pongapany Windsgrz‘OnIt; stam ' s. The coon company wxuuwl um. 03. 1 and 2 sold and recommended By all @- mponsible Dmgglats 1n Canads. BEST I MEATS Richmond Hill FRESH & SALT MEATS To the Public. Vegetables in Season. GLASS & W3; :“eW Men Original. ,Oook’s. Cotton Root congound LAUNDRY GLASS & 00., Richmond Hill Emma Warm“. When you want the Sale Register. Always go to Of all kinds. wwwwwmï¬wflwï¬mï¬mmmww 00000050000001106 Ira $000 1250 0 43 l\ (13 540 021 10'. MASON, Mixed Candies 5 C158. 9.; 1b. New Seeded Raisins 160.1391“ Limited gaggitity clgamé 13.1218 5 cents a Fe. New Fig, 5 03355. a £1). Is the place to buy yrzux'r‘Hnrm‘ss and other supplies. Single Harness from $10 up. All work guaranteed first-class. Suskul (-hvwan and Black Gallmvny Rubes, $8 1.0 $230. Julie Stable Blankets. 35 cents to $2.50 each. Shaped \Vnnl Blankets, $2.25 to $5 each. Du‘uch Kelsey Blanketee, $1.25 to $2 (Incl). Host English Kersoy Blankets, 80x80 incl), $4. to $6 each. imam Trunks, Valises, Mitts, Gauntlets, and other supplies as low as the lowest. Repairing Axe Handles, 50. up; Crosscut Saws, 50c. per foot up ; Axes, 700. up ; Rogers’ Butcher Knives, 20c. ; Pocket Knives, 50. to 759. ’.- Cow Chain-s, 12%0. Hardware, Tinware, Stoves,Hocky Skates, and everything sold at a reasonable price. HARDWARE STORE From 8 (3.611153 per roll and up. Paint your own Buggies and (darts. Ilepairing I’rongpfly 130116. Pfomptly RICHMON D HILL All kinds of Tinware made to order. Richlnond Hill am mwmmwmgwmmnmmmmm (JrE O . MO I) ONAIJD Done. Any customer presentimg this Coupon and 25 Cents at our store on Saturdayfleo. 16611, Wm receive 14 of Rolled Oats. Richmond Hill