Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Dec 1899, p. 5

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$1! you wdnt i0 buy a Uhustl'nasvpros- nt. come and see. Max:011 the Hard- are mam. The children of thc Methodist Sab- bath School, under the management (sf acompetentcommittee, are practis- ian almost every afternoon. and ex- pect to presenter] Christmas Night, a. cantata, “Santa. Claus Expected," which is unusually bright and inter- esting. The entertainment; will be. held m the auditorium of the church | 315.3 large crowd is expected. In the sheep-killing case, Glass vs. Hulse, the decision is that; the defend- ant pays half the amount of tho claim. about $85, and costs. By this it wuuld seem that the magistrate found that; the sheep were killed by the two St. Bernard (lugs accused, but that only xme of those dogs belonged to the Hulse estate. mad $4.50. A'tliinso'nlk SQvi'tzm: Between the first and svcond parts of the programme at the Public Li~ 'brzu-y onLm-ivniIIquJt (m Satin-Any evening, a quantity (1' Magazine Lic- m'atme will he sold by auction. Put an extra 25 cent pivce in your pocket and get some firstâ€"class reading matter .at a very low cost. \Vhite thilwt fur trinnning, 1 inch wide. 400., 2 inch, 80c. [101' yd. ; black .thibet, fur trimming. 750., 909,. s" $1.65 a yard. Atkinson & Switzer. Chx-istnms-v Fine selected raisins, cleaned (:m'mubs, walnuts, alnmndsg at prices that will intm'vst you. Cook- ing ‘uisins, 5 (19. per ll). Nunghton Bros, Eigin Mills. Why not make a Change and take home a‘ pair of those heavy woul blankets for an Xmas gifL. \Ve have them at, $1.95, $2.50, $2.65, $3.50, $4.00 The \Veokly Sun of Toronto offi‘rs :1 Splendid list of prmniums to those who get up clubs. A watch is offered for ten subscriptions and a. Sherâ€"plutâ€" od tea set far fm-ty subscriphiuns. "Phase who do not can: to compete for a premium are offered liberal cash cmmnissiuus. Solid to the Sun Office for a full list; of pI-mnimns and for all particulars as to terms. IA full range of men’s and boys’ neck semis imam-nu with polka (int, at 150. and 250. ; silk and wool mixed at 50c. ; and all silk at 750., 95c. and $1. Atâ€" kinson & Switzea; ~ Canadian Aimzu , Pmtkui, Diaries, Chris:th Lfili‘dri‘ I [vim-(I books, and banks of all kinds for sale at Tliid LIB- more. The rognlar- lllt‘OLlng (If the \V. C‘. T. U. will bu held at the home of Mrs. M. Storey nvxt \Vednvmluy evening at 8 o’clock. 'l‘lw I‘GPUI'I, of Hm delegates to the Prwinciul Convention held in Guelph will ho given, and :1 must in- teresting time is expected. The momhm-s .‘n'v reg-noster to nth-ml tli meeting, and are urged to invite mm; friends to come with them. The annual meeting (if the Markham Township LiberalUnruservutivo Assoâ€" ciation will be hvid in Victoria Hal}, Uniunviilv, (m Fridzry, tho 151h inst. at 2 p. m., i'm‘ the olvolmn of (#130013 and the transaction of othm- business. Mr. W. F. Mach-em, M. R, is expected to he prvscnt. All ()unscr\‘ativvs inâ€" sited. As tlnx wear m? 11110 Masonic Hull 2: 33' he noedvd as u dressing; Menu) by the Eckurdt (huncdy (Jumpany during: their (-mvrtainmom, L110 Public Li- brary will nut, 1w 0pm: for Uw 0'- v:hango 0;“ 1mka (>11 Saturday evvnh at" this \'\'{‘(" The annual (ll)!‘lsilnz‘.s 'C‘rvu and E1:- tm-tnimm'nt, (if the Victoria, Hilliare Sabbath .‘iulxoul will be held in he church mi tho evening 01' Saturday, Dec. Anniversary swiman will be prvaclwil on the l'(,>llm\'i1r9,~ day (it 2.15 and 7. p. m. For particulars soc bills. T11? mmmxiilflv (-1" management of the Board of lizhimtim) are asking for tendms for alum: 25 val-(1:; of gn'on hurdwuod, bndy mmd, bwch or maple. for the Iiiv‘nmund Hill sclumls. Trud- crs will be rum Evod (m (n' ht-fm'u the 15L day ui'.l;;1m:u-y m-xt‘. “bud tn bu (la’iivm‘ I 1))" Ihv pm] of Vein-um It is nut 100 late to buy an Import}! range, lots ui‘ cold woathmr yet. U. Mason. Mr. John Fx'nvlm' of ‘szmdln'idgv has purchased M15. Hogan’s Hutvl, King Dity, and pulp-Us" taking possession ahuut lhv beginning M the va Yvelr. At a mvvting of {110 Bimd ('f Educm {Lion held 1m Friday tn hing, u resoluâ€" tion was pnssrd mum-sting; [1w (“ZN-I'vâ€" 1:u'y to pro}_);1rv;1 slutmm‘nb {m- publi» «cation sh<mxng Lho present, I'm-(‘ipts and (‘Xpi‘m‘zihn'v nf UN} High Hz-‘(mul‘ andthepndmhiv(1mm in): (m l‘xw vilâ€" Inga in (:mv :x 111ml 1mm:th- i:; wngngt-d. Roger’s pockx-L knives chomp at (7. Mason’s. A lung.0 ;1: at 0. Mason. Mme-ML (If pockvé. knives Don’t. Yam? [0 hun- the‘ Swiss Iii-H Ringers iu the. Masonic {all on Sat- m'dny (awning. (ionm'nl mhnix‘shm, «1-5 cunts; ]‘(‘S(‘l‘.‘l‘d Beats, 2;“) <’ “bf; children, In cums. RICHMOND Hm Hockvy skntvs (flu-up at (' I; (B i fan? to hun- the‘ Swiss Iii-H 111 the. Masonic {all on 5:11?- rouing. (ionm'nl mlmi ‘ “on, Dvcwuher L, 1899 é%?§&é. {man’s ,A committee from the \V. M. S. will he in the school-roam of the Methodist. church next, \lenosday afternoon, the 20th inst., from three to eight (y’cloek to receive the annual pnnud offerings which will be distributed among the needy of the villa e. Last year seventeen baskets were 1 istrihut- ed thus carrying it little Christmas cheer to as many fuenilies. As the olferings are divided irrespective (If denominations the committee hope that many will avail themselves of this oppm'tunity to help those on whom this World’s goods are not so plentifully bestowed. The year has been one of many blessings lmth tem- poral and spiritual and “ \thLt shall we render unto the Lord flu-all His goodness to us?” “Freely ye. have received, freer give.” The Methodist Sunday school of Richmond Hill intend celebrat- ing their anniversar ' as fullnws zâ€"(ln Sunday, Dec. 24, anniversary sermons will be preached to the children, at 10.30 a. m. by Rev. N. \Vellwoud, and at '7 p. in. by Rev. R. S. E. Lax-gt). On the evening of Christmas Day (Dec.25) the school will give an entertainment in the church. The Brilliant Cantata. Santa Clans Expected, will he present- cd. This Opcrctta abounds in catchy music. sparkling dialogue and fancy costmning, and itis safe to say that for some years an entertainment of equal excellence has not been present- ed to the public. Special features are intixiduced, including the Boys’ Drill, Parade of the Brownies, and a realistic production of “ The Soldiers of thc Queen.” the. whole to conclude with a visit from Santa Claus. A Committee will he at the church from 2 p. m. to receive articles for placing on the Christmas Tree“ The church will be brilliantly illuminated and dccwratcd for the, occasion, 'and the cammittee .of management assure every visitor of a pleasant evening. (lame and be young with the children. Admission, 25 cents; fliniddren 15 cents. Doors open at 7.39.1. Entertainment to coni- mencc at 8. Proceeds to be demoted to the Sabbath School Fund. PRESEN’ ‘AT’ION. A recent, number of the Brandon Duin Sun gives an interesting account, ufa banquet!tendered Mr. John Mc- Cague on the eve of his departure frmn Brandon to Vancouver, B. U. The 1-0- (ill)l(‘llL who appears to be :1. young man of Sim-ling qualifies. is a brother of Mr. Own. A. BlcnglU, Victm-in Square, and Mr. Jns. ML: Fugue, Elgin Mills. During the evening Mr. Mcâ€" Uzrgue was presented with a handsome bible. and a. number of the, gentlemen who spoke referred to his good work 21543 citizen, in the Epwmth League, and other departments of church work. His old friends here will be, pleased to hear of Mr. McCague’s Well- merited 1M upuhu'ity. The Epworth League Reading Circle will hold their third “mating next Mummy evening, DOC. 1Q, in the Vestry ()f the Metlnnlisty church at 8.35 sharp. Mr. Fred Harrison and Miss Switzerwill take up the snhjvcts of study. The former fifty pages Hf “Marvels of Our Bodily l)wvlling” (-mmnoncing at page 123:1ml the lawn- “ Aumng the, Forces,” from page 87 to 12}. The moot'ng will close as before, pmn’iptly at 9.. ). Members are urged to ho. present, but, anyone taking an interest in the circle will be we-lcmnun The two p’r‘evibus meetings have been very pruii‘t‘ahlc and the met-ting of DvComlm-ri hudmovon a larger attend- ance than that, of Nov. 20. Fm- LI '3 Wt-vk: 3 lbs. host selected ruicins, 2.30.; new cle-mu-d (-urmnts, 80.: imported poo], mixed, 2/00. a ll). ; new dates, 7; . .ulslv figs, 15; ; con- som- ulustvr 1': m ins, 21115. f01' ; 9x1, .1. (ivssm-‘L (innit-:19. 170.; slwllod almonds. 330. 11).; mince meat, 90. Atkinson Switzn-r.‘ The annual meeting of the Vaughan Reform Association will be held in the Tuwn Hull, Vellum), on Tuesday, Dow 19, M2 1mm, fur thlwlvctiun of officers and the Lmnsm-t-imx (If nlhol lmsim-ss. A, full attvmlun * is requested. Mr. Just Lu hum], anothershipmenLof hulios’ and gt‘ms’ ties in :zllthenpw (:ulol-ings in bum-110 siiks, &c., includ- im}; all the lanai slurp/m; in flowing ends. English square, \Vindsmottvs, four-iwhzmds, lmnhm'ds 21nd puffs, all nmdec-xpmwsly for Xnms tmdv. Atâ€" kinson 6; Switzvr. present. The Annual Entertainment, and Christmas 'l’we (ef the Pmsbyterinn Sabbath School will be held in the ‘choul-Romn on Friday (EVOUng, the 22nd inst. The entertainment, which \Villcuusistof songs. radiations and (lialngum, will hogiu at lmlfpnst sewn. and thoadnzhsim; will be ten cent-S, i‘he awn-hers and scholars are making every 01"?an to make it a success, and \Viil ho nk-asa-d to see all tht-ir friends present. At the Jipwm-th League next Friday (wvning :1 debate. will U1: gin-h (m the suhjvut, “ [{esnlvul that, the present mum-s of raising money fur church purposes are not conducive tu spiritual development.” The :xflin‘xmtive will be taken by Mr. Hun-ism) and Mr. Juhnston and the negative by Mr. McMahml and Mn fiber-(‘3'. Also-:1 «hoice pzcggmmmc of \‘mmd and inâ€" strumvnml mush: is I‘ming" prepared. Evoryhmly is welcmne to cmne and (\njvy the pmgx-ummo. Noti‘cuuurlnrge end“ an this page and in looking over the “at set.- if more is mm smnething that, would please either ymu‘svlf, ynur husband or your children forum Xmas gift Atkinsnn 6’: Swim Hill, M. P. l \V. J . CHRISTMAS POUND OFFERING. VA'UC- H A N REFO R M 1‘} RS. CHRISTMAS NIGHT. READ] NG C! R ( )LE. , is [‘X1)L'Ct.(’(1 to b Mr; and-Mrs. Gmuud hold a. gather- ing of their many friends on Friday 1st,. Th0 o30ning addrrssywas given by Mr. Roy ,1 irhy, and later in thv pmgminme Mr. 1). Derry and Mr. E. Newton cou- tril’mtvd recitations. An essay (:01)- taining much information on “Old Greek Life,” was read by Mr. F. Ha r» risnn. That, ever popular selection, Loch Lomond, was well render-ad by Messrs. R. Fai-quharson, F. Johnston and J. H. Sanderson, and it, is needloss to say the. “Three Old Boys” were forced to H‘spnnd to an encore. Th0 presvntation of diplomas at the end of thv first part of the programme gave variety to the entertainment, particu- larly as the four (rlorgymonâ€"Messrs. J. A. G 'ant, N. \Vellwood, J. W. Stewart and F. C. Keam~who were callvd upon to pc-iform this pleasant task, ware in their happiest vein, and made the presentations, accompanied by bright and witty spcechw. The room was packml to the doors, and mam' were forced to stand in the halls. The plaot- was imatly decorated with flags and everng-ns and looked well. The chair was ably filled by Mr. J. A. E. Switzer, ami Miss Maud Clark nct~ ed as piano accompanist for the music, inns. Much credit, is due. to all whn assisted in the entertainment, but 'a .vm-y large share is merited by Mr. J. H. Sanderson whn had charge of €119 musiwl part of the programme. The teachers and pupils (if the High Sehou] are. to be congratulated on the sneee e (if their modest and enjoyable entertainment given in the. High Schndl building on Friday evening. The programme, as given in last. week’s LIBERAL was carried out to the letter, and, as advertised. the entertainment commenced at 8 o’clock sharp. The choruses by the school were well sung, and Miss ()luhine, Miss Stevenson, and Miss Lynett were, applauded after“ their vocal solos. Interesting papers were read by Miss Clark (ill “ Birds.” Mr. ’3. Wiley on “British Liberties,” and Mr. F. Storey un “ Canada,” and these were all the mom enjoyable when it Was known that they had been prepared ‘sulely by ,themselvn' Miss Gertmde Nelson is improving slnwly aftey apygembiqn la_sb week. Mis_s Lizzie McCague has been away vigijzinghfor t.}_19_last, few weeks. MrsflGeo. Baker has just returned from a visit, to Toronto. M iss Carscndden 0f Temppramcevi'llp, is ‘vjsibiflng “1th hm- Sj8t61'2_Ml'S. Neil]. Mr. G93. Forester has-disposed of a 'aluable span nfflhm‘seg _ If (he above company who are to give an entertainment in the Masonic llall on Saturday evening of this week; are, as good are they are represented by the press wherever they have been, the Puhlie Library. under whose aus- pices lliey are tanning, will have rea- son to be proud of the company. The Leader and Recorder last. week, reâ€" ferring to the entertainment at Schom- berg, said : “ Those of our citizens who availed themselves of listening to the lu‘ekardL Family .fiiwiss Bell-Ring- ers, in the Music Hall, Tuesday even- ing last, went away more. than pleased with the evening’s entertainment, which surpassed their most sanguine expectations. Considering the short aimouimement and cold weather, a large crowd greet/ed those famous and popular entertainers, who opened their programme with a hand selection;=fol-‘ lowing with a hell sols), ‘Sweet .Blllll‘ll of Daisies’ was heartily encor- ed. They also played ‘Blue Bells of Seoilaml,’ with violin aceoinpaniment. The bell solos, ‘Break the News to Mother ’ and ‘ Just Tell Them Lliatyou Saw Me,’ were alone worth the price of admission to the. lover of sweet music. The clever handling of the violin by (Mitford and Miss Ethel, .who played Lln: instrument in 22 differ eiikposilimns, and changing from. one to another Without missing a. "note, is well worth seeing. Master Gordon and Bernard are also clever perform- ers and beautiful singers. Justice ’can best hesen‘ed by stating that every memher of the family fills their position in a manner which ranks them as the best; high-c zss entertainers.”i ’ Sou the range of ladies’ skirts in Nan crepon, well lined throughout, :1t$2.75; bctrtm‘ line, $4.35; calm-0d serge skirts :Lt, all cut. in the latest pattern and extra well nmdm Atkinson & Switzer. is sufiiuivut gum “me that the Tomm- to \Vcstvrn Hospital will be kept up to :1 high hl‘undzu'd of efficiency. Invitations have been issued for the opening of the, new Toronto \Vestet-n' hospital, on the evening of Dec. 15th. The appearance of the, huiiding as shmvn (m the lithographed invitation shvws a very large and imposing iu- stitution, sm-rmmdod by trees and walks that suggest an ideal home fur the invalkL The lit-cvssity of such zm institution is “vii-known to all who have gi‘mn tho matter attention. and the nunws ut’ the Board of Governors At the last meeting of Court Rich- Immd, No. 704.15, A. U. R, the fulln'w- ingofiicers wele elected for the eu- sumg yezu' :â€" ' . Auditors. A. J. Hume, R. \V. Glass, and Thus. Ludford. P. U. R”, F. E. Sims. ’ (I. R” Jas. A. \Vl'ight. S. (S. 112, F. Grainger. Tums, H. A. Nicholla. Sw'y, \‘x'. 16. \Viley‘ S. \V., Robt. Carson. J. \V., Thus. Trench. S. B., Geo. Grainger. J. B” Jno. Glass‘ ' Trustees, l‘hos. Newton, H. F. Hop- per and D. Hill. TORONTO \VES’l‘ERN HOSPITAL. THE S\\'ISS B ELL-RINGERS. II. S. E T'i"I‘JI.{'l‘AINl\‘lENT. A. O. F. OFFICERS Vinegar Hill I hope to see my old customers and to make the acquaintgmwa of many new ones and if reliable goods, and oiose prices, honest dealings, and couy -teous treatment; will do it, it will be done. So give us a c:le Ix’o trouble m show goods. p . ' ' . . Men’s «custom work 'a speeia‘hy,. ' Repairs neatly and prompity done. ‘ Wishing-you all happiness and hoping to share in your general pros perity.. Takes this opportunity «of thankng his friends and customers; for :‘heir ‘li‘bor- ‘a'l patronage during the last‘year, and to the firm for tho L151, forty-five years. Time has made its customary changes, and as the (‘rradit System is amongst them, I haveedecided from the 17th of November, Han} doing Boot and; ghea WELKENS 6%; CO. 166 and 168 King St. East, doors west; of George Street, Toronto. A Strictly Cash Busineas. ERIC Ii ii) 1) IE I} guaranteed the host saw in bhé maf- kotr, only 500. per foot. RAZORS, first-class, hollow ground, only 2700. ouch. AGCOR I)lC(lNS,;mcm-ding to style and finish, $1, $1.50 and $2 each. \VINTER M TTS, fully lined only 25 eta-1. pals. WILKENS 8!. (30.. 1 Remain Faithful‘ly Yours ROBERT SEVERE”? ROBBIRT fifEVWEIig, SOLID STEEL AX ES, best; quality, only (£5 C(‘IiL‘Z. HEAD Lmu'p CROSS any, fully

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