Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Dec 1899, p. 2

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' A German‘ officer has invented an wetylene searchlight which can be riezl by one man, and which will lluminate everything wnthin a dis. fiance of 100 yams. It is expected to be of great use in searching for ‘the Wounded after a battle, and in bridge buildlugrat nigh-t. . In China hem; are employed to hatch fish eggs. These are sealed in an eggâ€" hell and placed under the unsuspect- n‘g hen fbr a few days“ The conâ€" ents of the Shel} are then. emptied inâ€" a shallow pool, where they can bask In the sunshine until the minnows are strong enough to be turned into alake or river. Velvril Is Said to Be Superior to the Natural Product In Some Ikcspecls. Vel'vril is the name by which a new substitute for rubber and guttapercha is to be known. It is to be used barge- ly for deep sea cable insulation, to take the place of rubber, The desira- bility of such a substitute being found is see/111' in :the fact that one cable re- cently laid required over 500 tons of rubber, or one~fiith the annual output, for its insulation. The new insulator is a mixture of nitrated linseed or casâ€" tor oil with nitro cellulose. This gives a' homogeneous mass, the elastic and other properties of which can be modi- fied by changes in the proportions of the constituents. A good imitation of Para rubber is secured by mixing two pints of nitrated oil with one pint of nitrocellulose. Castor oil yields better results than linseed oil. The. elasticity of the product is 25 per cent. l It is said to be more durable than rub- lber, and it can be molded under heat and pressure, or worked by dissolving in any suitable solvent, and then evaâ€" porating the solvent. Velvril is claimed to be superior to vulcanized rubber, in that it is without action on copper. It appears to possess many advantages, 'but satisfactory informa- tion as to its host of production is not yet forthcoming. The purposes for which it is expected to be special- ly adapted are machine belting, the manufacture of portmanteaus, camp‘- ing-out sheets, loin cloths for horses, balloon materials, hose and tubing, carding wire foundations for spinning rollers, floor coverings, paints, enam- eled leather and fishing lines. It is nonâ€"explosive, and not more inflamâ€" mable than other kindred organic pro- ducts. The mules which accompany a batâ€" talion are supposed to :get within 500 yards of the men; in action, and the carts to within 1.000 yards. The man who actually bring up the cartridges to their comrades of the fighting line are salected from each company for their strength and agll- ity. This duty of bringing up supâ€" plies of ammunition during the enâ€" gagement is a very arduous one, and only the most physically fit are able to attempt it. IWhlenever a soldier falls or is wounded he is immediately stripped at his ammunition, and it is at once distributed among the men who are still capable of carrying on the fight. The reserve ammunition for each bat- talion iscarried in four carts and on the backs of two :pack mules. When an action appears imminent, a tem- porary reserve, called a “brigade re~ serve,” is formed. This consists of two carts taken from each of the four battalions composing the brigade. Thus special reserve is placed under an ott- f-icer selected for the occasion. In the event of any of the battalions becom- ing detached from the brigade, they receive their own carts back. again. AMMUNITION PACK. .‘ In addition to the above, there is always with the regular ammunition column seventyâ€"seven rounds for each man, and a further supply is carried in the "ammunition pack” of fifty-five rounds per man. Aooordi‘rnglythe total amount carried in the field for each imfantry soldier works out at 300 rounds. . I \Vhen our soldiers are attacking a Boar position their operations require that each man sham have a large sup»- piy of ammunition. This must all be carried forward as the fight pro- gresses. The Boer entrenched upon a hill-top may have the largest nup- piy of his ammunition by him side, and he is not weighed down‘ by it. as our soldiers are when storming the posiâ€" tion, WHAT HE CARRIES. During a proLracted fight the Bri- tish soldier is, in most instances, oom- pelled to fire away all the ammunition which he is personally able to carry. An ordinary private carries 100 rounds. Just before an action, when heavy firing is expected, this 100 rounds is supplemented by fifty more from the battalion reserve of seventy-seven rounds per man. Thus each private advances into battle carrying no less than 150 possible dealers of death- Powder Monkey on the Battlefieldâ€" flow the Annnunnlon Is Supplied. If it were not: thatf there is a very excellent and elaborate system of supplying soldiers with ammunition during the course of afight it woulr'r beaimosot hopeless to attack any pun} tion. Modern cartridges are very heavy things to carry. The long bulâ€" let, the heavy brass work; of the case, and the. weight of the wade and pow- der, all combine to produce; an article which, though it is of small compass, is very weighty. ACETYLENE SEARCHLIGHT A SUBSTITUTE FOP. RUBBER. HENS HATICH THE EGGS SERVING HIM WITH SHOT.) One of the most remarkable freaks of nature occurs in .Mexico. It is a river that is not a river. . The bed of it lies in a valley between; the Rio Grande, and Pecos Rivers. It is not a dead or dried-up stream. It is simply lost. Numerous bilg tributaries flow into it from the neighboring moun- tains. Immediately, however, they reach the bed of the main stream they disappear from sight. Thus, for some reason or another, a river which should be 300 miles in‘ length has no existence which could be proved. France losses every year by infec- tious and contagious diseases 240,000 lives, or nearly double in number of lives lost’ in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870. It is quite easy to cure yourself of or Asthma it you use Catarrh- ozone, the medicated air treatment for all diseases of the nasal and respira- tory organs caused by germ life. Ca- tarrhozone will cureâ€"absoluter cure â€"â€"Catarrh, and is a very pleasant remâ€" edy that can be used Without any dan- ger or risk whatever. When inhaled it rapidly volatilizes, and finds its way to the very seat of the disease, where it kills the microbe life that causes Oa- tarrh and at the same time restores all irritated membranes to their normal condition, effecting a permanent cure. you simply breathe; Catarrhozone does the‘ rest. One trial will demon-1 satrate its worth. For sale at all drugâ€"i gists or by mail, price $1.00. For triall outfit send 10K: in stamps to N. C. Pol-i son & Co., 518 Kingston, Ont. ' i MRS. WINSLOW’S SOOTHING SYRUP bu been used by mother! for their children teething. It soothe; the child, soft/ens the gums. allays pain. cures wind colic. andis the beat remedy for diarrhch 25c. a bot- tle. Soldb Ill druggists throughout. the world. Be sure and a: for “ Mra. Wimluw’s Soothing Syrup. According to the recent studies of Signor De Sanctis of Turin, children begin to iream before their fourth year, but are unable to recall dreams before the age of four or five. This age. he concludes, is that at which a. child first becomes distinctly consci- ous of self. Aged people dream less frequently and less vividly than the young. Women's dreams are more frequent, more vivid and better re- membered than those of men‘ Crim- inals and delinquents dream‘ much less frequently and much less vividlyf than other people. ‘Two-thirds of the most depraved criminals examined by Signor De Sanctis were never conscious of mental activity. "I have long been troubled with severe pains in my back, and I always thought that the cause was from my constant! work on the) 'bench‘ I found out my kidneys were affected and once Iwas certain of that I resorted to Dodd’s Kidney Pills. I am happy to say; three boxes left me clear of Back- ache, I can highly recommend them to any person afflicted with that form of! Kidney Disease." ‘ The whirâ€"r-r of the alarm élock is an eye-opener. Poverty ’may be a blessing, but only when it clings to our enemies. A plagiarist is a writer who collects his thoughts. ‘ It 15‘ said that a model woman-earns a ilvinug by trying on cloaks. IA? physicmn says the outbreaks of humanity are always m -\ or less rash. i All men believe in dreamsâ€"while asleep. The luxuries of life are the things we dom'L really need. He us a busy man; who does half as much as he intends to do. Mr. \V. S. Bushy, of: Tweed, thought his case was ofi the latter kind. He bare with} it for years, thinking it in- separable from his Work. Finally, how- ever, he found his mistake. He writes ;â€" - Tweed, Nov. 27. There is a shoemakâ€" er in this town who is one among the thousands who have been cured of Backache by Dodd‘s Kidney Pills. The shoemaker’s work sitting bent over the bench or last all day is naturally a strain on the back, but that of itself is never the cause of the real Back- ache. Barkache of the genuinely pain- ful and distressing kind is caused by disorder of the kidneys. In fact the ache or pain is situated directly in the kidneys as the sufferer will find if he tries to rub the pain away with lini- ments, as he would were it a mere stiffness of the muscles. SHUEMAKEB’S STORY Tweed Shoemaker Who States He Was Cured of Backache by Dodd’a Kidney Pills. W0 Reason to Doubt It. He Is But One of a Thousandâ€"Dodd's Kidney Plllo AI- wnys Cure Backnche. wWWW' THE SCIENCE OF DREAMS! POINTED PARAGRAPHS. WORSE THAN \VAR FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS Be Cured of Catarrh. A LOST RIVER. Thousands of persons in Germany live literally "on straw," making it up into rblankets, panniers, boxes, knickâ€" nacks, hats, bonnets, etc. Profession-x a1 schools have even been founded where the trade is taught in all its varieties. HalT’s Cabarrh Cure is taken internally, act- lng dlrocbly upon the blood and mucous sur- hcea ot the system. Price, 750. Der bottle. Sold by all drugs eta. Testimonials tree. Hall’s Family Bills are the best. We. the undersi ned. have known F. J. Cheney tor the last; 5 year“. and beneve him nerfoctly honorable in all business transact- ona. and financially able to carry out any obll< anon made by their firm. EST 8L TRUAx, Wholesale Druggiats. Toledo. 0. WALDING. KINNAN & MARVIN. Wholebale Drugglsts, Toledo. 0. Hal : nntnrrh (her in inhun inl'nrnnllv ant. Greek divers have discovered treas- ure in a Russian flagship sunk in Greek waters in 1770. Gold coins to the value of $55,000 thava already been recovered, and the divers report great stores of silver and jewels; which the storms of a century have washed out from the bulk of the 01d wreck. The last laundry 1 patronized was the worst I’ve struck yet. [In what way! W'hy: Isent ’em six collars, and all I got back back was the buttonholes gramss' Hutu-:33: Railway. Fixat'clnn Oommerciii' $10350.â€" ' Moderfi‘ifi; pmvomentaâ€" ates moderate. YeE. I always like to have other people» keep iIL in mind when they are dealing with me. A l Hotel Oarslaka IIULUI Dul'alanu, fromil. d y u? opp. G.T.R. Station, Montreal. Geo. Garalnke a: s rop’s. AVENUE HOUSEâ€"3 RELIAN E CIGAR la Tosoana’ 100' E‘ACTOR€.Mnnnreal ' u n A The Balmoral, Free Bus “31,23; Well, the old man replied, he can put. inn his time after that trying to become as great as he thought he was at tlwenty. Do you believe in the observance of, the golden rule? - Ah exclaimed the youth, we have fallen upon evil times! What, is there left for one who is over forty, now- adaya} Send one cent stamp for circular. W. J. URQUfiART ' Analytical Chemist, 489 Queen St. W., Toronto. We ofl‘er One Hundred Dollars iteward for‘ my case of Catarrh that cannot; be cured by Iail‘s Catarrh Cure. F._J. CHENEY & 09., Toledg, Q. THE SPIDER'S APPETITE. Cbmmemtinlg on the amount which a spider actually consumed during 24 heurs Sir J. Lulbbock says: "At a similar rate of consumption a man, weighing 160 pounds, will require a whole [at deer for breakfast, a steer and five sheep for dinner, and for supâ€" per two bullocks, elght sheep and four hogs, and just before retiring nearly four barrels of fresh fish. The stores of ice at Windsor, Osborne and Balmoral castles are very large. At Windsor there is storage room for abowt 500 tons. There the supply is obtained from the lake beneath the north terrace, from Frogmore, and from the lake between Frogmore and Virginia Water. Ice is not only lav- ishly used in the Royal kitchen, but also for reducing the temperature of Her Majesty’s apartments in hot wea- ther. Then it is packed in pretty wooden buckets and stood in the fire- places. Blemishessi’fgfin Complexlon Those who prefer electricity to gas for lighting purposes are within meas- urable distances of enjoying the same facilities as those offered by gas com- panies to their customers. The elec- tric light penny-inâ€"the-slot meter is being introduced. Your house will be wired for you, and on dropping in the coin] you will receive your due pro- portion of light, warranted to stop just when you have company, and no charge. G . Q “ Pharaoh 1 00.” ’33 3mm”: O'KEEFE'S $8» MALT Take Lsxatlve Bromo Quinino Tablets. All druggllts refund the money If it fails to cure. 26c. E. W. Grave‘s signature in on each box. ELECTRIC LIGHT SLOT MACHINE. TREASURE FROM THE SEA. Invigorabes Ind 81178;: Shem. LLOYD “700”. Toronto. GE HEAL AGINT. HOW SOME MEN LIKE IT. T0 (HIRE A 001.1) [N 0N3 DAY NOBLE WORK TO DO- MONTREAL HOTEL DIREOTORY. TREATMENT- A SLIGHT RETURN. LIVE ON STRAVV. THE QUEEN’S ICE. How’s This ? mamâ€"Canine Avenue. Family Hotel rates 81.50 per dq. ll Pam. 9g Guppy. Qua. FA éi‘bhifMéfiiiéEi European Plan. Rooms IOpposite G.T.R. Depot. (:19, blocks 1mm 0. P. Portland. Mu, to Liverpool, calling at Halihx Westbound. Llrge and fast Steamers Vancouver, Dominion, Cambroman. Dominion Llne Mica Ueraul Cones Hum: I)an. ure.Wholeaome. Rourlab In . 160 1b., orllbs. for 250. once is eTnlt 400 not“. éFor [his lg :11 Grocers, or send 1 05:} 17. pack“! \0 ch: R0 C 00.. 1'54 Qgeen ., oronfio. R0898 “IIBil'GrovvaW’positivel and on manentlv cures Baldness. liar ralinc But. Dandruff etc.. and render: the hlir soft. grassy Ind beaulltuf. To timouisll from Indian Toron- unlonon. Price 3}. par boulo Steam and Hot Ind 001d Wntor Pipes, Gold Star“; Pipe; {Kitchen Boilora. etc. For pnrtioulnra app y to "IDA BOILER COVERING 00., lelted. .; T'Er'éuEB',‘ 43213 B" 33‘1"? £13533:le a. Estimate: urnlsh‘e 3'0.)- wof’k pomflg |_-‘_z.._‘; LA _. tfififiufifiéfifii‘iféfiéfifi .. V.--“ .. u. uunu, \u um: Montfeél, Toi‘oxfio, Ottawa l I V " ' ' " “ a 0mm; Manna.) Black. find or Gran . S ATEB AOKBOAR 3(F e surply‘ uhlio and 13m: 0113791 0 any). Roofing clingI huh, Goal TA 0. 4800 ‘I G ’hL (gag ygylgiw x5116. R 0 0 F I N G 8"“ Shoot Metalworks. EQQZEFR “1441‘??an Nut. nA: ~“an.” n.1- ..... “Ema Lfileanlngl " Nawim n tlo II n Sausage Gaelnssâ€"E...m’;h.:, :‘na 22.. W“ KO! gems-121w; refit-lehj win Music Makers Wanted Raul of unzo :â€"Flrlt Cubin 0 npwnrdn: 5000 d Qintflfif’ggeqnn. Q2150 .131! big“): n ROKCO Ind of. or PRéDUOE. to Ignit- 09m I N! The amen Commission (50., lei edl Oar. Vlut- arkot & nolbom'o 81.. Toronto, fiurupfi cum-n; (tom :11 gm- ; lo ” prenat- frufl fire:- 33 EFEQgEmmL ' 0. Rolland. Iole antic for £58D31BE$I stamp for catalogue. 373 St. Paul Street. Montreal 71d bud-d". m '13:“ rice for-i;riféul;}}r’fi; tndlln Ont-uh un .. “6 8i. Juan-It. Montreal. nluy or nonmiuio}; “pork o.._.‘_,.._ -A , once un DOGIIIDI’I. THE DI! MOINIG INOUIATORâ€"B n n;.n....a ..-|- NM... g-_.u__ n_. ‘3'!“ tan-en»! Ionl for Now Onuloguo. perm-nanny cum I Ontarrh of non . - I I throw Item in nu! Muir!" [mu ll 1 In“, Writ. fnr nnrtimllnrn. In ooLn nun: 1004 cumin: 5mg. r. no carter: Cormack & 00‘, Agents, Manuel]. Send one cent sump ior cgrcularva. J. URQUIIART, Analytical Chemist. 4 Queen St. onto. POULTRY, BUTTER, I008, APPLIQ, null (“than D“ nnnnw ‘0‘ ............ T ,,,,, . I to all dellroua of} “Mn: 3 thorofigh knowlecPo‘ of Gun!“ Ind Fitting G ntlemen'l Garments. Wr be (or nude-hm. You bet I would, answered the pris- oner, I’d take to the road through the woods, and they’s never catch me. ell-bone Disinfectant... Soapo. Olnt- mont, Tooth Powdery etc" huve been awarded 100 module and diplomu for superior excellence. Their regular use provenb infecti- ous diseases. Ask your denier to obs-in a supply. Lists mailcd tree on application. T DROHTO cuttlnz School otters spacial advantage- tn nll dnllrmn nl nnnulflnn 1 Ham-mm!- hnnmlnnn. no Blemishasgfl‘gn Complexion HARRIS Now tell me, said the visitor to the penitentiary, if you had your life to live over, don’t you think you would choose a different road! Bugs, Rats tad Mice. Sold by all , COMMON SENSE KILLS Roaches, Bed Drugglatl. or 381 Queen W. Toronto. Lead Packages. 25,30, 40, 50 and 60c. 'For Snéoélg iii Grocers, EYES?! E the R0 MFG. 00.. 154 ueen Azania vsnted In every loan lLy. A REVELATION TO NEW USERSâ€"A NIOIOSITY 1'0 on on"- .hanIt and Ian Dovorlnz In “I. World. WERE); iflbrfiition ipprlricarlbnl “on”. or D‘VID NBRAN E E 00.. Gwen] Ann“, I! t. Smmut at. Montml. LUDELLA I: Wynn ’M’ih‘ifih‘ifiifi "Eb." VWholugerornyi. : 140131 Dining: 'qulgglpnollfi. . _.â€"...â€" vvv Look for went; in your toivn, or send djrecb. ILL instantly relieve a tickllng cough or. Iruw’u 00mpound Syrup ef Lloofloeâ€"uk Drx ggists for urâ€"lengby mail on reoei t, of 250. Bryeon MIdIOiI lepgneary, Mo trMI.'e_ F. G. GALVERT & 00.. .AMOHEUTIR. - - INOLAHD. For eh cry lend your work to thu BALDNESS GUHED. Toronto. Holmes]. and London. In. TREATMENT- A; WVISE. PRISONER, Cuiu unreliggle cooâ€"d?“ rl “HEB-'10"; ‘ “- PARK. 3m x mm. c 50.. Toronto. ’WIL’LI’AI 8L 'I'onouio. CALVERT’S PIPE AND BOILER 235 Bonmnllol Arm, To'rolto. 5051a“ & co., [393. ignite“. nuy- Eon-up, LEAD. COPPER, BRAsI. MERGE}? 388?}? to sale $55.. Koh- uoml so. .. moi-to. 113 Vans. IL. Toronto. “7 P O 1003 covering Mention lhll pap-r. II Wu 7 168 Yong. 8L. TORONTO. ONT. l r o o q u I p p ti Wl'éh 2%.“: gm Whaley. Royce $.63“ 13%;?! sadnfisagbfi'i.“ 3,. MAIL STEAMSHIPS CEYLON Tea holds its friends like a magnet .3 Québec. Tfironto Electric Li M 00 . '1‘ e l ,, . l .. E , . I'm“ . " P The ulzfigfgé 3129.. l The 'ufta P in n Rubber r Tlu WI Ion ublhhflpz 00:, I (All of Toronto who" hellm mu U0 Ion i Prion 50 Cents per box, five hon: 2.00. %11 l or Sam. Williams A: 00., orcnto, High Glass Water Tube Staam Honors, for A" Pngscures. Duties and Fuel. SBND FOR DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. NDIGESTION is very insidious. The appetite becomes poor, capri- cious, or is altogether lost. Pain, accompanied by nausea and flatu- lence follows the taking of food ; nutrition being arrested, the blood becomes impoverished, and then appear various nervous afl‘ections,~ such as headache, dizziness, slee leunosl, neuralgia, hysteria, and the col cation of distressing s mptoms to which the name 0! “nervous debillty " and ” heart trouble ” has been applied. The liver is speedily afi'ected, and then we have constipation, foul tongue, offensive breath, depression of spirits and sallow skin. . THE 0"" II SIMPLIOITV ITBELI‘I The canadlan Heine Safety in. II. ANNETT. Manager. Esplanade, Dr.Ward’s£‘£§§'ve Piils MONEY LENT on leeurlty of rm] unt- mart Govomment and Munloiml Bonds, em. “a” The Appmach 0* Indigestion DEPOSITS RECEIVED. have“ allowed. DEBENTURM ISSUED for 1, 2. 3. 4 orSyo-rq with interest. coupon: attachnd. ONE No. ‘ BUFFALO MN â€"â€" s in high, upright dischargo, ii lxoofifi order. Price $35. S. FRANK WILSON, TRUTH, 73 Adelaide West, Town“. Paid-up Capital, - - $2,600,000 Reserve Fund - - - 1,290,000 Hui Officeâ€"Toronto 5%., Toronto. Innoh officesâ€"Winning, Mam, meouvor, I.I one. 0 omuv nd br ' got. On High: In soars a Lake 3515.140, a. nil maul.“ Thgoe hpdgurclt The Oldut and Largest camadlam um- gage Corporation. gratuitous noon u mun LA DS-ABENAO - 9.5“: 91’?" 9!“. '9'!!!“ MW!” . Faun”! sat: To Manufacturers WILL FIND VERY BISKBABLU HATS, steam Heated, Wm P0 or. Elevator and all oonvun anon TRUTH BUILDING, 73 A‘olnido St. Wont, roman-6. My» - A.W\~W my CA NM“ PERBME EN’I‘ Mafii’fd’cturero coming to Toronto Thu Btro oft, Lights and Into» 81 Kude'in a 1 enzi a. rice, oo yloté _;__ j_~ GRATEFUgâ€"COMFQRNNE. obp; Sherbourno 81., EPPS’S ONE No. 3 STURTEVANT FAN ~24 inch, in perfect order. Price $25. FEED WATER HEATERâ€"6 horse power, in good order. Price $25. NORTHEY ITEAM PUMP-~6 x 4, 1 stroke, in good working order. a! ity about :00 horse powar. Pricfi For further p-rtlculara Ipply Bo Loan and Savings Company. Michigan Land for Sale. IBII. IVIV. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. BREAKFA STâ€"SUPPER. ,lifé Edmi'. ADDY; éo' ' n- "armamt-mrasaw ALWAYS TOUCH THE SPOT. BOILER J. HERBERT MASS"- Ann-ruin! Canndl III a he dally. nmt lmpron u] wstor gun‘s, all can I“ ohanggable. >DBCided r um 6th ' ‘ *zsroflmgw :3'8361; co. 1“ O can treat. '1on Agentsâ€" JOHN J. "All, Supt. and from moonrolurln 1MB Mun-gins Dlrcmr, Town ‘0. .n cable. DBcided M ' he! Mkrgmm . Eapo 00 into Electric L! M 00 . Lmltod. . . mug . any-wau 9.. H2154. 'gpsu Pan; 7- Rather [3.01 ‘nddr "rad u I; mn‘ gals;- xhfi‘iéfiz MEN OR WOMEN Frau} fro] p? Si in inflr” ' 32' :gfagdu $9115.33“): 1 null on 1" fro ' V ' 170 in .‘v' Toronto. 60. Toronto TUBULAR .53. SKATES Hagan Gil-naked Cut 8%“ v 4. 1 in lanes}; - Price 1}. ‘11 git-unis“. Ii; in“. pulling

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