Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Dec 1899, p. 5

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The Annual Entertainment and wGhristmas Tree of the Presbyterian "Sabbath School will beheld in the School-Room on Friday evening, the 22nd inst. The entertainment, which will consist of songs. mcitations and gfiialogues, will begin at half past seven, and the admission will be ten cents. The teachers and scholars are makin . ever effort to make it a, success, an 4wi11 e pleased to see all their friends present. 'The League service on Friday even- ing will be in keeping with the spirit, of the time of the year. "Passages of Scripture from the prophets and the gospels whiting to the birth of our ‘uviounwill be quoted by different ...members of the League, and two es- says will heread, the subjects of which are: “’ he‘Bnge of Bethlehem” and Ladies’ fancy combs, embroidered and lace trimmed handkerchiefs. fanc ' arses. fine value at; Atkinson‘ :2 Witzeti’s. The above play, which is one of the -most popular on the boards, will be presented by the teachers and students of the Dramatic School of the Toronto College of Music, under the auspices of the Richmond Hill Fire Brigade, in the Masonic hall, on New Year’s night. Full particulars will be given by post- ers in a. day or two. A pair of nice, warm blafikets is n splendid present for mother. Look at the blankets Atkinson & Switzer:ofl’er. It is not too late to buy an Imperial range, lots of cold weather- yet. 0. Mason. » “ Glory to God in are invited to co: Christmas service. A public meeting for the nomination ‘of candidates fur the office of move. and four councillors will be held in the. Council chamber to-mormw, Friday, at the hour of noon. During the hom- between 12 and 1, nominations will also be taken for three Public school trustees for the Union School Section. All rate myers who can do so should .attend t e nomination meeting. Remember, you can get. the \Veekly Sun of Toronto and Famin Herald (including premium pictures) for $1.25; Sun and “79.9ka Globe, Witness, 0r VVestel-n Advertiser. for $1, and Sun and this paper for $1.40. Send to Sun Office, Toronto. for four successive ‘sumple copies (If that paper. They will be sent free of charge. Mixed nuts, almonds, {ithx-ts, Bru- zils, walnuts, peanuts. 150. 1b. Atkin- son & Switzer. cht saws, axes and handles, all pnccs at C. Mason‘s. Connqissourvcluster raisins. 159. per 1h; Dehesa clusters. 186. lb. Atkin- son & Switzer. The Thornhill Methodist Sabbath School will hold their anniversary 0!] Sunday and Mmulay, Dec. 313?; and Jan. 1st. M1“. David Plews, of Toron- to, will preach mr-wning and evening at the usual hours. On Monday an oyster supper will he served from 5:30 to 7:80 p.m., after which an excellent literary and musical programme will be given. For particulars see hills. A large assortment, of pocket knives at C. Mason’s. If the weather is favorable the Thnrnhill skating rink will he opener] ‘rm Saturday(ironing, Dec. 23rd, and also on Christmas day. Thm-nhiil band in attendance. At. the Annual mseting of Markham tuwnship Conservatives held at Uu- innville on Friday Mr. Robert Ash was elected president, and Mr. W. H. Stiver, ju, Secretary. Speeches were made by Mr. W. F. Muclenn, M. P., ,Mr. T. L. Church and Mr. \V. H. Hit-ll. A discouraged purse can cut a great stroke in our holiday goods depart- ment. Atkmsun 6'; Switzer. Rog'E‘r’s' pocket kllii'gg Masen’s. The High and Public schonis will (-1059. to-day,‘ Thursday, fur the ChI-itstjnas hnlidays, and will I'D-open 0n \Vednosduy, the 3rd ( 15 January. The Cantata. to be [th‘sented in {he Methodist church on Christmas night has never yet, been given in this sec- tion of country." The music is first class, and from all accounts a, rich treat is in store for those who attend. Holiday happiness here. Atkinson '& Switzor. Christmas (-hocx-fulness here. Av kinstm & Switzer. We are striving influstrionsly tn imid ynur preferencv. Atkinson & Switzer. The ith sitting of Division Com-t Will be held here on the nth of next month. The last day of_De(:ombvr will be the last, day for service. Don’t fail to attend the ontvrtnin- ment in fhé Mrnhuliist chm-ch Christ» was night. The programme pmmisos to give good satisfaction. A Joyful Christmas and a New Year of Happiness to all waders and friends (if THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, Docmnhvr 2'1, 189:? *fi: Elm @mmfi. Hockey skates chm! p at 7. Mason’s. 1413(3 All???“ UNDER TRVO FLAGS. in the Highest.” Au come and enjoy this Cher. p at C. of the Delineator, which is called the Century number, begins the fifty-fifth volume, and it exhibits n‘ mmked ad- vancement in many details. There is, as usual, a complete presentation of the season’s fashionable modes, a var- ied selection of brilliant literary fea- tures. andagenemus amount of gen: eral household matter. - Cons icunus amnng the literary articles is “An‘ Afiair of Violets,”"by Harriet. Riddle Davis. a delightful story of happy rei sults following theirsgic ending of a young woman’s efforts in a business venture. In this number also is pre- i Sentsd the-first of a series of practical i Eapers on “Children and Then-Ills," . ,. y» Dr. Grace Pegkham Murray. Christmas wwuldu't be Christmas without a nice dinner, would it? All the delicacies of the season are to be found at Atkinson 8m3wibzer‘s. The Board of Education met Mon- dny afternoon to consider applications for the position of ~ teacher in the sec- ond departmentxof the Public school. The Board had inserted an advertise- ,ment in the daily papers for a teacher whoso-l qualifications were: not » to be lower than a second class rofessional. and salary not to exceed $275. Fifty- one applications were received, after a. careful reading the-choice fell on MISS Sara. Dobbio, of Niagara. Falls. 01117., at the salary named. The new appointee has had experience as a teacher, she has a first class profes- sional certificaterand among her testi- monials was one from the Hon. R. Harcourt, the present Minister of Edn- cation. Boots and Shoesâ€"“7e are showing wonderful value in foot-wear, both in rubber and leather goods. Boys’ and girls’ 8011:)01 boots ispecinvl‘ty. w, “’0 are pléased to acknowledge the receipt of the Christmas number of The Varsity, an unusually interesting jnnrnal published by the students of the University of Toronto. The num- ber to hand contains 40 pages, and the contents embrace articles from many of the ablest writers in the province. There. are also valuable contributions from Canadians whn are now residing in the United States. The Varsity is always interesting to those of a liter- ary turn of mind, and the articles will probably be read with more relish by many (if our citizens when it is known that the editor-imchie‘f IS Mr. A. H. R. Faii‘child, who is well and favor-dbl y known here. Cheer for the cheerful at; this season of good cheer. Atkinson & Switzvr’s grocery is fairly blooming with huli- day attire. ' Mr. John Lander. an old and reâ€" spected resident of York, died at his home, Lawton avenue, Door Park, on Tuesday, at' 4 o’clock. Mr. Lauder. who had passed four score years. was a native of Uppvrwnrd, Lanzu-kshire, Scotland,'and came to Canada with his parents in.1838, settling in Scarâ€" ‘mms tOWmhip, his father- be-ing a. suc- cr‘ssful farmer. Mr. Lauder carried on farming and was also successful. Twenty years ago he retired and tank up his 1-(_~sid<’nce in DPHI‘. Pal-k. 1‘11“. Lauderha'd many friends and was known fr’ii‘hig" kindness and hospital- ity. He’lvm‘tos {whim} him three sons and one daughter, all grown up. He was a. staunch Presbyterian and in politics :L'Liboral. A BRIGHT U}! IEISTMAS 1633113133 A nice, round dollar will go a long way this; season for holiday gifts, if you use itjudiciously at Atkinson Sc Switzer’s. ’ ship. The snk'ial win big Midiâ€"(31%).)? third Thursday of the month. unless otherwise ordered. The ladies ad- Jmn-ned to meet, on Thursday, January 18, 1900. ELLA D. ECKARDT. Sec. The joint Ladies’ Aid Society of the Lutheran churches of Buttonville and Unionville met at the home of Mrs. D. Qunntz, Buttonville, on Thursday, December 14, 1899. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. The resignation of Miss Ella D. Eek- ;mlb as secretary was accepted, and Miss Azaln Elliott was elected secreâ€" tary for the balance of the year. The ladies decided to hold an open social in January at the home of Mrs. George Smmllerfeldt, Con. 6. Markham Town- W'm-d comes tn hand of the death of Mr. \V. E. Brown, a former assistant in the High school. A iottm- from a. fride states that the funeral from his fathvr's homeat‘, St. John’s VVPSt, in thv Niagezra District. was unusually large, and profound sorrow was felt for the loss of one who was taken away in the prime of life. \Vhile here Mr, Brown was loved by his pupils and he was highly rvspected as a. citizen. ' Bestr Elaine figs. 16c. 1b.; Golden dates, 31; lbs. for 250.; butter scotch, 1b.;nqgoigy chocolates, 200. 11). At,- kinson & Switzox'. If you Want tn buy a ChI-ismms pres- erm come and see Mason the Hard- wm-e mun. The Standard Bank of Canada, with head Office in Townto, will 0 (in a branch [mm (m m- almut- the st of {Vein-nary in the Grand Cent '31 build- ing, which has been secured fur a term 0f yours. Aslhe Standard is one n? the lvading banks. WP b952peuk for thmn tho hum-Ly co-ope “atizm and en- dursatinn by the banking publiv. Mr. Nichuils will at, (man engage: in exten- sive nltvmtinns in the building to fit it fm‘the H-Coptiml of its new occu- pants. - MR. JOHN LAUDER’S DEATH. THE JANUARY NUMBER DEATH OF \V. E. BROWN. TEACHER ENGAGED. LADIES’ AID SOCIETY. Naughtrn BrSéJEI‘gJih Mills. BANK AT LAST. CHRISTMAS NIGHT. The Methodist Sundav school of RiahmbHd Hill intend celebrat- ing their anniversary as fallows :4011 Sunday, Dec” 24, anniversary sermons will be preached to the children, at 10.30 a. In. by Rev. N. \Vellwm‘xL and at 7 1)., m. by Rev. B. S. E. Large. 0n» the. evening of. Christmas Day (D9025) the SchUOl will give an entertainment, in the church. The Brilliant Cantata, Santa Ola-us Expected, will be'present- ed. This Operetta abounds in catchy music, sparkling dialogue and fancy costuming, and itis .safe to say that for some years an entgrtvainmunt. (1f equal excellencehas nofi’heen -,present- ed to the public. _ Special. features: are introduced, including-the Bays’ -Dr.ill, Parade of the Brownies, and a realistic production of “The Soldiérs. of ,the Queen,” the .whole to conclude with a visit from Santa Claus. _ A Committee will-he at the church from 2 .p. m. to receive articles for placing .on the Christmas Tree. The church will be brilliantly illuminated and decorated for chebccasion, and the committee of management assure every visitor of a pleasant evening. Come' and be youngywith the children. Admission, 25 cents ; Children 15 cents. Doors open at 7.30; Entertainment to com- mence at 8. Proceeds to be devoted .to. the Sabbath School. Fund. . of the six members of the family is a natural musician, and the various sel- ections which they gave on Saturday evening were well received. The vioâ€" lin playing by several members of the company was cleverly executed, but probably the. greatest treat to a . ma- jority of those present was the Swiss bell ringing. The music produced by the bells of various sizes is delightful. and the ear is never offended by a false or harsh note. Several songs given during the evening were well ren- dered, and the comedy presented was harmless and enjoyable. The per- formers were. most anxious to please their audience, and there was not an objectionable number in the pro- gramme. Between the first and sec: ond parts of the programme about 30 volumes of good magazine literature were disposed of by auction, Mr. J. T. Saigeon acting as auctioneer. The bidding was lively, and $5.20 was net- ted for the Public Library fiom the sale of the. magazines. The Public Library’s share of the doorreceipts was $13.86, less the rent of hall. Day,” consisting of choruses, duets, solos, recitations and responsive read- ings. The committee are sparing no pains to make these services interest- ing. and profitable to all. VAUGHAN REFORMERS. The annual meeting of the Vaughan Reform Association was held in the Town Hall, Vellore, on Tuesday, Drc. 19th. The election of officers resulted as follows : President, Roger Harvey, Purpleville; lst Vice-President. R. M. Hndwen, Teston ; 2nd Vice-President, ‘Vm. Dunn, Edgely; Sec’y, Wm. Mc- Donald, Pnrpleville; Treats, John Mc- Kinnon, Vellore. Chairman for the several sub-divisions are as follovvs :â€"â€"â€" No. 1, W. H. Cluhine, Thornhill; 2, J. S. McNair. Richmond Hill ; 3, \Vm.‘ Dunn, Edgely; 4, XV. Thomas, Maple; 5, J. A. Stevenson, Pine Grove :‘6, Jno. McGillivray, Purpleville; 7, “KV‘Voml, Jr., Elder’s Mills; 8, Wm. Thomas, Tot-more. Addresses were deli toyed ‘hy Messrs. \V. J. Hill, the £62m Member for the riding ; VMr.,A.B.ABi~ge of. Toronto Junction ; and County lonncxllor G. 3V. High. There was a good attendance from every "pant, of the, U)Wiiship, every sub-division being represented. ' The meeting closed-With a- vote of the. :1 (S to the rewiring sea-e.- tzu-y, Mr. Frank Smith, for his good work during the past. ten years.~ THE BELL RINGERS. The Eckmdb anily gave an inter; esting entertainment in the. Masonic Hall on Saturday evening. The hall was comfortably filled, and the pro- ceeds amounted to $34.65. Every one of the six members of the family is a natural musician, and the various sel- ections which thev grave on Snturflav VICTORIA SQUARE. The members and friends of the Sabbath School. Victoria Square, in- tend holding their Xmas entertain- ment on the evening of Saturday, Dec. 23rd, when the cantata,“Sa.nta. Ulaus Entertained” will be given by the school. Instead of the _old fashion- ed Xmas tree, the committee have de- cided to have a. Ferris \Vheel on which the presents will be placed. Rev. N. Wellwood will occupy the chair. Ad- mission, adults, 15 cents; children, 10 cents. Doors open at ’7; chair taken at 7.30. On Sunday, Dec. 24; sermons will be preached at 2.30 and 7 p. in. by Rev. N. \Vellwood. At the afternoon Sk‘l‘VlCB the school will occupy the plat.- form and will give a. special Xmas Exercise entitled “Israel’s Promised EPVVORTH LEAGUE. Quite u. goodly number attended the Epwm-th League meeting' on Friday evening. Mr. W. Trench occupied the chair and read the Scripture lesson. Dming the. evening solos were sung by Rev. Mr. Large and Miss Ethel Switzer, and it duet was given hy Mr. J. H. Sanderson and Mr. W. T. Storey. Another feature of the evening was a debate. on the subject, “ Res )lved, thth the present modes of raising money for church purposes are. not, conducive to spiritual development.” The affirm- ative was taken by Messrs. W. Harri- son and F. J. Johnston, and the nega- tive hy Messrs. T. F. McMahon and W. T. Storey. Rev. N. VVellwond and Mr. w\V. A. VVright, with Mr. W. Trench as umpire, sat; as a. bench of judges, and after due deliberation gave the decision in favor of the affirmative. ‘ \Ve have been very fortunate in securing the beef which tank first} prize at the'Fat Stock Show in Guelph last, week. Call and see it. We. have alsn for sale a large stock of poultry. Come and have a, look at it and you will be convinced that we have the finest, display of Christmas beef and poultry ever seen in Richmond Hill} Prices right. Glass 85 (3m .I hope to see my. old customersand no make the acquaintance,»- of mean new ones and if reliable goods,.-and close, prioes,.honest dealinng and com teous treat-mentwill 'do it, it-mill, beidoné. So-give us a call. 9N0 trouble to show goods. ’ ' _ 7 V Men’s custom work asspocialty. “Emits neatly \and. promptly. done. Wiahjgg you all happiuegs and hopigg .to share in your general pros perilty~ Takes't‘nis opportunity of thanking his friends and customea-‘S'for theiltsliber- a1 patronage during the last year, and to the firm ;for the last; forty-five years. Time. has made its customary changes, and as the Credit System is amongst them, I have decided from the 17th of November, 189.9 doing 33mm; Shae Store, LIV. ‘WILKENS 166 and 168 King St. East, 3 doors west of George Street, Toronto. CONCERTINAS, 75c., $1, $125 and $51.50 each We Wan Come to our big store, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, and let us help you think. We have everything, and its easy to think of what you want when you seek. We want to show these Christmas Goods anyway, so come along. The goods are de- sirable in quality and quant- ity and the prices are allur- ing. 1; to See Exierybody have a. Merrmea-s Trying to‘ Think What you Want for Christmas? A Strictly CashiBusmess. RICE} RIOND IT} flglg ROBERT SIVER‘S I Remain Faithmflyy‘Yours WILKINS &, 00.. SI‘7EB$ 50c, 75u.and_$1 each. ' WINTER MI'I‘S, fully iined, at , 25cq sociand 6oceach. - SLEIGH BELLS, I5c., 20c. and 250. each. HORSE BLANKETS at

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