‘ 85,000 FROM CHICAGO. ;.L despatch from Clairâ€"ago. says;â€" A despntch from Cily of Mexico, laysrâ€"The subscriptions started in the British colony here in behalf of the wHows and orphans of British Ioldlers killed in the. war in the Trans- !E:_l_ has already reached the sum of Gen. Buller is ordering the [mops now arriving at Cape Town [0 proceed to Durban to reinforce the Natal col- umn. Absence of news from him hus led to the surmise that he is trying to join Gan. \Vhite by a flank move- ment. "The Boer position. already formid- able on Dec. 11,has since been greatly strengthened, extending for an area of 12 miles. It is entrenched according to the most modern methods throughout its entire length; wire fences have been placed before all the trenches at ev- ery point; guns have been got into position, and there is every evidence that the Boers are well supplied with ammunition. Only a powertul at- tucking force can hope to make a suc- cessful assault.†“Five hundred colonists of the Vic- toria \Vest district have perfected an apparently anti~British organization there and as individuals have openly expressed disloyalty, and havelhreat- eneu to attack the railroad station. which is on the direct line between Cape Town and De Aar. The Afri- kander Bundites at a meeting there passed a reolution asserting that the troops in the vicinity irritated the farmers dangerously. The meeting proclaimed its loyalty, but declared the conduct of the troops forced the people to use expressions and (-ommib acts which were capable of being in- terpreted as disloyul." KILLED NUDIBER 137. A despaich from London suys:â€"An official report from General Buller reâ€" ceived on Wednesday, places his num- ber of killed in the battle of Tugela river at 137. .Buller‘s first report said he had lost 83 killed. “'ednesduy‘s desputch adds that the Connaught Rangers suffered the heav- iest in the engagemem, having 24 of- [icers and men killed. The Dublin Fusiliers, came next with 1 killed. The field batteries, which were subjected to a particularly heavy fire, lust only 10 killed. OPENLY EXPRESSED UldLOYALTY LA correspondent of Lhe London Daily News, telegraphimg from Modder rhfel, lgst Satuyday, says:â€" A Cape Town despntch, dated Sutur- dny, says: The Time:‘ correspondent al L‘hipve- ley says that the Boers have dammed the river below Bridle drift. randering It almost impassable The Dublin Fusiliers had four men drowned while attempting the passage. People who know the country consider the Boer pogllion to be the strongest possible. The Daily Chronicle's correspondent at Chieveley tells-4 story of the four- teen-year-old bugler of the Dublin Fusiliers. He received three wounds in the chest and one in the! arm. He Itaggered back to the dressing sla- tlon unaidedn In reply to the chapl:1in's question if he was suffering pain, the lad said, “Only a stinging feeling in my hand." GREATLY STRENGTHENED. A despatch from London, Thursday “Wmâ€"Additional reports from Celenâ€" 50 Continue to demonstrate the infer lority in range of the British artil- lery. The naval guns alone were able to reach the enemy's trenches. "In. the afternoon all the British re- names were brought into the attack, which was delivered with aubllme courage. The plains north of Mod- en river were black with the British areas who were deployed in the at- tack. but no coura e oouldl break the goers' defences. an latein {ha day the rilish retreated to Modrler river. leavâ€" dead and dying. . . .,. ""EIâ€"lig'lisâ€"hwï¬r‘isohers say their killed and wounded numbered 2,000A They Ilso say the Blavk Watch was out to News†rim; great news was received here With nonchalance. A BUGLER'S HEROISM. 1 1 despatch from Pretoria, via Lor- ano, Marques, says:â€"The following advices have been received from Mod- der river regarding the Magorqfontein battle:â€" . v . . _ _ _ . -J “.9. "The Boers' losses were insignifi- ggnt. Exclusive of the Scandinavians, 8 were killed and 48 wounded. 7 “The fighting opened with heavy pannonading at 4 o'clock in the morn- ing, under cover of which masses of Infantry advanced toward the BOBI‘S. They were received with a steady fire. which repulsed the advance before 1119 English came within measurable disâ€" hnoe. "About this time the men of the Seamdinavian corps, who had a grvat recond tor reckless courage. charged. nmd were cut off on a scrubby kopje. it is reported that they lost several mad and wounded. and that many of them were made prisoners. V'Tg'second attack met the same tum, althou h the English charged bravely agalys a hp†0; Mau_se11 bullets. AL_ Heroism of a Fourteen-Year-Old Buglerâ€"The Boer Position on Modder River Has Been Greatly Strengthenedâ€"Dis- loyalty of the Colonistsâ€"Gen. Buller's Loss at Tugela River. "Having received large reinforce- ments, and his army having rested since Nov. 28. Lord Methuen advanced ugalnut General Cronje's army. Which occupied a position on bmh sides of theirailway for many miles. TRIBUTE II) THE BRITISH. Boer General Says They Fought Bravely in the Last Battle. BY A FLANK MOVEMENT 87,500 FROM MEXICO President Schull, of the British- American League of the Chicago Board of dee, on \Vednesduy cabled 85,000 to lhe chairman of the Soldiers‘ Relief Committee in London. the money lobe used for the relief of the families of the! Brilish soldiers killed in the South African war. The London Daily News says It is assured by high auLhorily that the “11‘ Office is not anxious concerning the safety of Ladysmith, and that then is a supply of food: in the town jured man carried by Lieut. Pousonby was mortally wounded while in the arms of Lhat officer. An eye-witnesxs of the battle of Colâ€" enso states that the ammunition col- umn thrice attempted to get to the abandoned field guns, but the fire was [00 hot. An armoured train also made an unsuccessful attempt. The prominent feature of the fight- mg was the marvellous rapidlty with which the Boers moved their heavy guns from point to point. Lieut. Ponsouby, of Thorneycroft’s Mounted Infantry, and Pie. Farmer, of the Natal Carbineers, attempted to save some of their comrades aL immi- nenL peril to their own lives. An in- jul‘ed man carried bv Lieur. Ponsnnhv The Boers express themselves as sat- isfied with Friday’s battle, and boast that they cannot be turned out of their present pobition. The» Dutch stripped our dead. ‘ During the fighting some heroic deeds were performed, the irregulurs vying with the regulars for distinc- Lion. A despatoh from Chieveley Camp. Sunday says:-â€"Gvneral Buller's army moved back five miles to-day, the march beginning at one o'clock this morning, two brigades going to Frere, in order to defeuL a possible attempt on the part of the Boers to execute a flank movement to destroy the railroad on the British rear. The Boers admit that they suffered considerable loss during' Friday's but- Schofield, Capt. Colgrove, and Lieut. Roberts, son of Lord RoberLs, to bring off the disabled guns left near the river bank on the British right. Lieut. Roberts, who was mortally wounded, was buried to day. Capt. Colgrove was wounded in the leg, and four other bullets pierced his clgthing. The Boers considerable tle. The British lost in Friday’s action 140 killed, 634 wounded, and 811 miss- ing or prisoners. The most daring exploit of great action was the alLempL of Schofield, Capt. Colgrove, and Roberts, son of Lord Robert bring off the disabled guns left the river bunk on the British The Queen has sent a letter to Gen. Lord,Roberts, the newlyâ€"appointed (-ommander-in-cliief of the British forces in South Africa, warmly sym- pathizing with him on the death of his gallant son, and thanking him for the great patriotism he has displayed in putting aside his terrible private grief in order to devote himself to the affairs of the nation. Regarding the infantry. volunteer companies will be raised for attach- ment to each battalion of regulars serving. in or ordered to South Africa, with a corresponding reserve com- pany at home. The terms of enlist- ment will be the same as that of the yeom'mry, The volunteering enthusiasm con- tinues' everywhere. It is remarkably strong in’ Scotland. A colonel in Ed- inburgh says he could lead a thousand _The yeoman‘ry are to wear neutral tlnt cloth shooting jackets, not neces- sar'ily uniform, felt hats, breeohes, and galters. ' All must be good riders and marksman. The Lord Mayor oleondon, Mr. A!â€" tred Newton, is raising and equipping a force of a thousand volunteers among the city corps. The large city tu'ms are contributing the necessary assnst: ance. Col. Sir Charles Howard Vin- cent, commander of the Queen's West- minster Volunteers, has also offergi to raise a regiment of a thouse picked marksmen. GUNS BEING PREPARED. There are being prepared at the Woolwich arsenal, for shipment at once, eight 5-inch guns. on specially designed carriages. These guns are adapted for the use of a flying. col- umn, in view of facility of attack, purâ€" suit, and retreat. They are of long range, and fire 50-pound shrapnel or Iyddite shells, or common shells. The arsenal is also furnishing 18 more 5- inch howitzers. VOLUNTEERING ENTHUSIASM, A tlespntch from London. sayszâ€"The War Office has issued the particulars of the enrolment of volunteers. The mounted Infantry will be named the Imperial Yeomnnryt The term of enlistment will be a year, or not less than the duration of the war. The men will be drawn from the existing yeomanry, into which others possess- ing riding and shootingqualitications may be drafted for the occasion. Each man will provide his own horse, cloth- ing, snddlery, and accountrements, the Government making a capitation grant therefore, and sup lying arms and camp equipment. T a pay will be_nt cavalry rates. The volunteering enthusiasm con- tinues' everywhere. It is remarkably strong ln’ Scotland. A colonel in Ed- inburgh says he could lead a thousand men out of thaf city in a week. Among the promxnent volunteers are the Earl of Dudley and Lord Arthur Grosvenor, son of the Duke of Westminster. “'HITE CAN HOLD OUT4 BULLER FALLS BAC‘K QUEEN’S MESSAGE that Capt. A despatch from Modder River says: \Vhile the British litter-bearers, un- der Chaplain Robertson, were bury- ing their dead at Magersfunlein some of the Boers were inclined to be com- municative. The gist of their tate- ments was that while the fighting was outside their own boundaries they were entirely satisfied. They said they knew their own farms were safe, and, fur- ‘ thermore, even if the British were vic- torious, the burghers felt that their terms would not be confiscated. There- fore, they had descended on Kimberley land Aliwell North, marched through 'Laing‘s nek into Natal. Their Govern- iment believed that in fighting in British territory they might induce ithelr compatriots in all of South Af- lrica’ to fight for the control of the Eoountry; whereas if the Boers retir- 1 ed within their own frontiers this hope lwould be at an end. Joue‘s wife left him because he stole a kiss. She must be particular. She is. He stole iL from the cook. 7 Lady â€"- I baveun‘t but I can give you shoes. Trampâ€"Excuse me, mn'nm, but I'm no goat. Hair :I lion-n From-lune" Wounded in a Lively Skirmish. A despatch from Tacoma, \\'n., says: â€"Hong Kong maiJ advices state an- other Franco-Chinese war is imminent over the delimilaiion of French “leas- ed†terriorry at Kinngâ€"Chou bay. on the Tonkin border. Marshal Su, China‘s most famous general, and the victor of the battle of Liang Shan in the last Franco-Chinese war. was sent to Kiang Chou bay with 30,000 wellâ€" drilled troops. He bore special orders from the Empress Dowager to uphold the Chinese cause, and fight, if neces- sary, without further orders from Pe- kin. A skirmish between Chinese and French troops followed his refusal to longer temporize over boundary nego- tiations. Half a dozen Frenchmen were wounded. and sixty Chinese. Mur- shal Su is preparing for a big fight. Premature Inn-his In the Proportion of 0m- In Two Hundred. A despatch from New York, says:â€" Members of the Academy of Medicine were startled on Tuesday night by an uncanny declaration made by Dr. Henry J. Garrigues. “Those who have made a. special study of the question assert that out of every 200 coffins put under ground in this country the occupant of at least one of them is simply in a lethargic state, and. is buried alive." The cabinet met. to discuss the subject of premature burial, uni to witness the workings of a graveyard life-saving appartaus recently invented by Count Michael De Karnice Karnicki. Chamberlain to the Emperor of Russia. Dr. Garrigues asserted that decomposition of the vit-. al parts is the only irrefutable and re- liable sign of death. The wounded were at first placed in a school-house by the English resi- dents,_ but the Boer women in the town remonatrated, declaring that the “Booineks.†as they term tha English, ought t_o b_e shot. * 'fhe blankets were taken from the wounded men and their beds were given to the Boers. TO CALL DOWN PORTUGAL. The London Standard hints‘ editori- ally this morning that if Portugal con- tinues to allow an plies of war mater- ml and forelgrrvo unlteers to reach the Transvaal through Delagoa Bay, Eng- land will have something Lo say m the matter. MASSING AT STORMBERG. A despaioh from De Aar says that the Boers intend to make a determin- ed stand af Stormbvarg. They are mas- sing in great force at the abandoned British camp. One of their camps is occu ied by 2,000 men, mainly colonial Afri antlers. A number of natives have been sworn in as special con- stables to watch the Dutch residean on the border. Three suspected spies, including two milk sellers. were arrested here ya:- terday and held for examination. D TREATMENT OF PRISONERS. The London Daily News’ Cape Town correspondent says that the Boers marched the British prisoners taken at Stormberg to Burghersdorp-. the march occupying 48 hours. during which time the prisoners were without foodl or water. There was heavy firing this morn- ing at Ladysmith. Col. Bullock, of the lst Devonshire, three of his officers, and forty of his men were taken pris- oners by Boers flying a flag of truce. and looking for their wounded. An ambulance train is taking the Brit- ish who were wounded in yesterday's, Friday’s, battle at the Tugela river to Estcourt and Pietermaritzburg. An armistice has been asked for until mid- night to bury the dead. The Boers state that their loss was small. They can be seen to-day placing guns in new positions, commanding the camp. The heat is intense, but the British troops are Well. I FLAG OF TRUCE AGAIN. The New York World prints the following despatch from Chie;veley, Natal, dated December 16111:â€" Another statement claims that the troops in Ladysmith have plenty of ammunition. which is sufficient to last for more than three months. Tramp -â€" Please, ma’am, will you ve. me a bite to eat? Lady â€"- I baveun‘t anything- cooked, FRANCO-CHINESE WAR NEXT. A STARTLIN G STATEMENT. SPIES CAPTURED A STOL EN' KISS AN INSULT air. of old A despatch from Seattle says :â€"Dur- ing the latter part of last August, Corporal Sk'u‘v'mg of the Northwest Mounted Police and two comrades were sent out from Dawson to search for ill-fated parties on the Edmonton trail. Nothing has been heard from the rescurers since. and teérs are en- tertained for their safety. The Imperial Government will pay officers and men from the time they arrive in South Africa. The Canadian Government will make up the differ- ence of 12 cents between the regular pay of 21 Northwest Mounted police- man and that of a British cavalryman. VERY CAREFUL SELECTION. Men and officers will be selected wiht great cure and curpulence will an insuperable obstacle to enlistment. Everyone must be as hard as nails. ’l‘he mounted infantry will be armed with the Lee-Enfield rifle and revelâ€" vei‘s; the artillery will have sabres and revolvers, and each battery will carry twelve curbines attached to the gun carriers, The khuki uniforms in the hands of the Sanford Company are being rushed through. The Lranspurt bill will be about $276,000. The con- tingent is expected to leave Halifax early in January. ,Somr'. names are already mentioned for offir'ers: Dr. Fleming. a son of Sir Sanford Fleming, for suregon Major Hurdman, of the Ortuwa Feild Battery, for a captaincy; Lieut.â€"Col. Evans, now'on his way home from Ihe Yukon; Dr. Evans, of the Royal Mil- itary College, [or surgeon; Lieur,-Col. Wilson, Quebec, for tho artillery bri- gade. Offers of service are pouring 111] from all over Lhe Dominion. In- tamry officers have 3 sm enlistment. Charles Ross, a. well-known North- wesL scout, and Capt. “Gat†Howard, of Northwest rebelliqn fame, have volunteered their services. Three Who “'I‘nl 0:1! From Dawson [0 Scan-h for Edmonlun Trnll l'nforln 0f the three squadrons of mounted infantry one and a half squadrons will be recruited from the Northwest Mounted Police and the ranches of the Northwest, the other squadron and a half will be drawn from the Royal Canadian Dragoons and the militia. cavalry. With the levy from the Royal Canadian Dragoons this prac- tically leaves only one squadron: to be recruited. For Mounted Infantryâ€"Toronto, St. Catharines, Paterboro’. Ottawa, Lon- don, Kingston. Mbntreel. Quebec.Suaâ€" sex, N.B., St. John N.B., Canning, N. S., \Vinnipeg. Portage la Prairie, Vir- den, Brandon, Yorkton, Regina, Moose Jaw, Prince Albert, Battleford, Moos- umin, Qu’Appelle, Lethbridge, Fort McLeod, Medicine Hat, Maple Creek, Calgary, Edmonton. Commissioner Herclxmer, of the Northwest Mounted route, has been instructed to grant discharges to all men applying for enlistment, and also to have the horses of the force and the mounts brought in by civilians closely inspected by the Veterinaries. The Government will buy the latter at a valuation, the maximum price, which is seldom reached, being $150. Recruiting “ill be commenced at once. the District Officers Command- ing have been notified last night. The regruiting stations will be: For artilleryâ€"\Vinnipeg, Kingston, Gananoque, qu liton, St. Catbm‘inea. Toronto, Guelph, London, CLtawa. Port Hope. Quebec, Montreal, Granby, \Noodstuck, N. B., Newcastle, N. B., and Sydney, N. S. For the mounted infantry there will be a Colonel, a Major, two surgeons and two veterinaries, and for each squadron a captain, three lieutenants and a veterinary. For the artillery there will be colonel, major, two ofï¬- cers and perhaps a veterinary cap- tain, anl for encbl battery, a captain, three lieutenants and a veterinary surgeon. This roster of officers may be changel subsequently. FROM THE MILITIA. Moreover, according to Mr. Cham- berlain’s cable to Lord Minna, previous cavalry training is not necessary as long as a man is a good shot and a good rider. The uniform will be khaki and a cowboy hutâ€"rough-rider toga in tact. The artillery will be recruited from the tield batteries of the Dominion. This arrangement leaves aboula bat- tery and a half to be drawn from the militia. Details of the compositlcn of thL second Canadian contingent have beeh given out. It will consist of three squadrons of mounted infantry, each 177 officers and menâ€"total, 531 officers and men, and 536 horses; and three field batteries of artillery of 171 offic~ ers and men eachâ€"total 513 officers and men, 393 horses and 18 guns. The grand total is, oifioers and men. 1,014; horses, 929. Toml of 1,0“ Monâ€"A "cry Rigid Ilnpec [Ion-Not a Great Many Mon to Be Taken From the .n llllnâ€"l’osslble om- DIVIDED BETWEEN ARTILLERY AND MOUNTED INFANTRY. CANADA’S SECOND UDRPS. nuln. Poul bly l THE RECRUITING STATION: cor. MOUNTED POLICE MISSING. POSSIBLE OFFICERS THE OFFICERS. THE HORSES 111 chance of Bï¬lwaukee. Dec. 26,â€"Wheatâ€"No. 1 Northern, 661-20; No. 2 Northern, 64 to 66c. Ryeâ€"No. 1, 551-20. Barleyâ€" l No. 2, 44c; sample, 86‘ to 43 1-20. {I‘he French War Office is x'ejnir-ing over a new civilizing influen"e whij may outdo even our dumâ€"dum bullet It is a rifle. and. experiments havt proved how deadly a weapon it’ is. A1. 2,000 yards the bullet wvnt right through a horse placed obliquely to the llne of fire. the bones in the Il'at'k 02 the bullet being shockingly smash- Powerful! Incentive Thnl Hamlin Ruplcll) Ilevclopnd Sunlh Afrlcu. The rapid development of Africa in due to the gold. iron, soul and other mineral deposits. The Kimberley mines are located in British territory, just outside the boundaries of the Orange Free State, about 600 miles from Cape Town. and supply 99 per cent. of the diamonds of commerce. The existence of these mines was un- known prior to 1807, and since their discovery $350,000,000 worth of rough diamonds have been taken from them, which. after cutting, were easily worth double. Toledo, Dec. 26.â€"\Vheatâ€"No. 2. rash and December. 690; May, 730. Corn â€"No. 2mixed, 311-20. Oatsâ€"No. 2 mixed, 24c. Ryeâ€"No. 2cash, 550. Oloverseedâ€"Pu‘ime, cash, old, $4.95; December, $5.70; March, 5.80. Oilâ€"- Unchanged. Buffalo, Dec. 26,â€"Spr‘mg wheat â€" Very dull; No. 1 hard, spot, 761-40; No. 1 Northern: spot, 741-40; No. 2 Northern, 711-4c. WinLer wheatâ€" Quiet; No. 2 red, 711-2c; mixed, 710: No. 1. white, 701-20 asked, Corn â€"- Steady; No. 3 yellow, 353-40; No. 4 yellow, 351-4c; No. 3 corn, 341-2, to 34 3-4c; No. 4 corn, 341-40. Oats â€" Steady; No. 2 white, 28 3-4 to 290; No. 8 white. 28 to 281â€"4c; No. 4 white 27-1-20; No.2 mixed, 26 3-4 to 270; No. é mixed, 261-99.. Ryeâ€"No. 1, in store. 59c; No. 2 do., 580. Flourâ€"Firm. DuluLh. Dec. 26.â€"Wheat-â€"No. lhard, cash, 651-8c; No. 1 Northern, cash. 64 1-80; December, 651-40; May, 68 1â€"80; July, 691â€"80; No. 2Northern, 61 5-80; No. 3 spring, 581-80. Detroitâ€"Dec. 26,â€"Wheat â€"- Closedâ€" No. 1. white, cash, 70 1-20, No, 2 red. cash and December. 70 1â€"20; May, 73 1-20. [Buckwheétâ€"Ea‘sy. Car 1013. east, 490. asked, and west, 480, asked. Oatmealâ€"Rolled dam, in bags. track. Egronto, 83.25; and in wood, $3.35 per 1. Minneapolis, Dec. 26.-â€"â€"'\Vheat â€" In store, No. 1 Nourthern, 640; May, 66 1-2u; July, 067 7-8c; 0n track:â€"No. 1 hard, 661-40; No.1 Northern, 650; No. 2 Normern, 030.. Flour and bran- Un- changed. ' HEarleyâ€"ï¬gmand quiet;ï¬ car'lots 01 No. 2, middle heights, sold at 380; and N9: 1 wusiquoted at 400. A, . .1. oatsâ€"Stead'y. w'hite oats. 25.1-2c. north and west; 260, middle frelghts; and 26 1-2c, east. Cornâ€"Dull. No. 2 American, yellow. quoted at. 410, truck, Toronto; and mix- ed at 40 1-2c. Canadian oorn dull at 39 1â€"2 to 40c, track, Toronto. Peasâ€"Unchanged. Cur lots‘ acid at 57c, north and west, and. at 580, east. ‘ Bye -- D_emand light waist, and 50c, east. Chicago, Dec. 26.â€"A slack demand and small rlearances at the seaboard took the starch out of wheat to-dny, May closing 3-40 under yesterday. 1-8 to l-4c down, and oats 3-80 lower. Provisions closed unchanged. New York reported only ten boat loads tak- en for export. Seaboard w-learanoes, in wheat and flour, were 46,000 bush; primary receipts were 562,200 bush, against 1,169,100 last year. M'innen- polis and Duluth reported 853 can, compared with 349 last week, and 918 a year ago. Local receipts were 75 cars, 32 of contract grade. Chin-ago, Dec. 26.â€"Flaxseodâ€"-Cloaedâ€"â€" North~West and South-West, 81.481-2; December, $1.48 bhd; May, $1.44. Du- luth, to arrive, $1.881-2; cash, 81.42 bid; December, $1.42; May. 81.43. Flourâ€"Dull. Exporters were bidding only 32-55 per bbl., for strongest roll- 9‘1‘, in buyers' bags, middle ireights. They report cables easy. Toronto, Dec. 20.â€"-Wheatâ€"Outslde markets were easy, and local businesl dropped into a dull rut again. Red and white Ontario is quoted at 65 to 67c, according to nearness to the mill, goose wheat. at ’70 to 70 1â€"20, middle‘ freights, and 69 1-20. north and west; and Spring, east, 650, for export. Mani- tobas easier; No. 1 hard, g.i.L., 77c ; and Toronto and wast, 760, asked; and track, Midland and Owen Sound, 7510- Mill feedâ€"Scarce. Bran ks quoted a! $12 to $12.50, and shorts at 814 to 314.50 west. MARKETS [IF THE WORLD Prices of Grain. Came. Cheese, are. in the Leading Marts. NE\V FRENCH RIFLE CONTINENT 0F MINES. Car lots. 490,