tilt? at: RICHMOND HILL. {January 4. Jâ€" 1051) 140(3‘ Akin“. Division ("unit will be held here next Thursday, the 11th inst. Buy your Skate Straps at \V. IIarii- son’s llai ness Emporium. \Vith a few I'm-options every house in our village is occupied. Come to the fountain head for bar- gain giving. Atkinson k\.' Switzei. .Fire Brigade meeting for Election of 'Ollicers, (to, next Monday evening, at 7.30. Prion-\‘Chile (‘oal Oil 20e.; Photo- genc 23c. per gal. Atkinson 6; Swit- 281‘. The. Vv'. (l. T. will meet at the home of Mrs. Savage next Tuesday evening at 8 o‘clock. Mnnicxpal councils throughout On- 'tario hold their iii-st meeting next Monday, Jan. 8, at 11 a. m. Ladics‘ flaunt-lette night robes. 470. and 85c. ; tlannelette drawers. 23, lit) and 400. a pair. Atkinson & Switzer. Missionary sermons will be preached in the lllethor'list (‘hurch on Sunday. January 1-1, by Rev. Mr. Fit'lpatrick of Toronto. Best golden dates, Glitz: figs, laundry starch Mia; Mince meat. jellies, all tlavors, ‘Je. Atkinson Switzer. 50.; 9c.: A BMW-tint: of the (‘vurling (‘lub isl called for Monday evening. after the Fire Brigade meeting, in the Council Chamber. At the Junior Epworth League to~ morrow the subject. “Take Time.†will be taken up by the superintend- ent. A full attendance is requested. Try a box of Patterson’s chocolates or bun-buns; we have a fresh supply in this wm k. Atkinson Switzer. The owner of a lady‘s tortoise-shell fancy hair pin,fonnd in the rink on Monday, may have the same by call~ ing at-Tuu LIHERAL ofï¬ce. A parkâ€" age of tea has also been left at the same place for identiï¬cation. The skating rink was opened for the ï¬rst. time this season on New Year‘s Day. The skaters evidently enjoyed the pastime and good music was fur- nished by Messrs. A. .l. Hume, \V. E. \Viley and F. Redditt. ForJanuary trade we are offering some good values in men’s gloves. Men’slined kid gloves, 470., 75c. and $1. Atkinson 6: Switzer. A collection in aid of the hospital for Sick Children was taken in the Methodist Sabbath school on Sunday when $2.137 was collected. By a. reso- lution passed afterwards by the ofï¬cers and teachers the amount was raised to $33.00. The High and Public Schools of the village re-opened yesterday with a good attendance. Miss Dobbie, the new teacher for the 2nd department of the Public School, was present and took charge of her classes. ’ Rubbers and ()vershoesâ€"Our stock 1's large, our prices are right. (lome .and see us. Naughton Bros, Elgin Mills. _.A meeting of the East York License Board was held at the Clyde Hotel on Saturday. The princi ml business was the. transfer of the license for the Palmer House from A. 13. Pluinmer, .,administrator of the late “Halter Hulse to John Palmer. “’atch Night Servme was held in the Methodist church Sunday night .commencingatll o‘clock. The hour before midnight was taken up with rayer and testimony. and short ad- resses were given by Revs. Messrs. \Vellwood Large. and Bowles. Flanneletts, Shit-tings, TickingsLin- ings, Factory Cottons, Linen tablings, towelling's, at old prices yet, at Atkin- son & Switzer’s. THE LIBERAL Carrier boy desires to express his thanks to his village pat- rons for their generous recognition on New Year’s morning of his weekly visit to them during the past year. Charlie has a large number of homes to visit, but he Would like to make his bow to many new subscribers during 1900. T0 DELINQUEN‘TS. We. must thank those who respondâ€" ed a few weeks ago when we sent them their account for their subscription to THE LIBERAL. “'9 regret, however, that. a large number of our subscribers _ paid no attention to tlukreminder. To - the, latter class we. would respectfully ask for a remittance at once. BOOâ€"Blankets, men‘s and boys' shirts and drawers, heavy tweeds, flannels, &c., are goinw at clearing prices. A snap in cardigan jackets. Naughton Bros, Elgin Mills. VOTE OF THANKS. The following resolution was passed .ata. meeting“1r of the teachers and oili- .cers of the Methodist Sabbath school .on Sunday last: Moved by Mr. ‘Vright seconded by Mr. McMahon that the. thanks of the ofï¬cers and « teachers be tendered to those who trained the children and made the cos- tumes for the entertainment held on - , Christmas Night. l Rth} ELECTION. l The following is the result of King municipal election held on Monday :â€"- For rem r- ~(‘i-ousley, .‘llih‘: Lemon, 506. For L'U'vltlt‘ilitil'flr 71311; s, 465; ll-‘U‘l‘h 42L"); Gallagher, L1 ggc, 515; Rogers, «151. ,«-_ ‘lll ‘ l‘ixtia r' daid granulated sugar 22 lbs. . “3-1.1 l‘leia Yellow sugar 25 lb. ior 3,1.- l: 175 lb. best. pure lard for till)“. Algiuunl i; fir. ilzcr. l‘fY l.t)';:i§l73 OFFlCERS. The following oilicers were elected .‘vl. \\‘., \\'. T. Storey; I‘ltrl't‘lllilll, H \‘t'. I i.. .ila:<s; ()veiswr, D, Hill: lieeordrr, ll. I'l. Law: Financier. A. .l. Iii-mic: Receiver, F. .‘lit‘onaghy; (luide, T. F. McMahon ; l. \\'., .l. l’. (ilass; 0. \‘.'., ll. F. Hopper: ‘Grand 'lmtlg‘e Rip. A. J. Hume; Alternate. it. 1‘). Law: Trustee, \‘v’. A. \Vright; Auditors for 1:80, Storey, Pugsley and Mth‘dalmll. During the month of January we will sell all Dry Goods, Groceries and Crockery at very close prices. Look LEGGEAPALMICR. Thcinarriage of Mr. Frank Legge of Oak Ridges. and Miss Elizabeth Palmer of this village, “as solemniZed in St. Thomas†Church. Toronto, ml Tuesday at 12.30 p. In. The ceremony was perfol'nlt‘tl by Rev. C. ll. Shortt. in the poesenee of a few relatives and friends. The bi'idesniain was Miss Sadie l’aliner, sister of the bride. and Rev. Mr. Field, pastor of St. John‘s Church, acted as gim-msman. After the Ceremony the bridal party took .luncheon at the Queen's Hotel, and later in the evening the young couple at up. he: “honing “f Ivy Lodge, proceeded to their home at Lakc A. o. ‘l’. \v.. flil'll::-_Vt':1r19i}0: l “ Iltgvx- Beth 0f the c'mtrnvtins I p M†L (-hmhyz parties are well and favorably known in this place, and their many friends , “'ill wish them many years of happi- ness and prosperity. CANADIAN Maine/ANN. An unusually large number of illus- . trations grace the number of The (Tan-i ndian Magazine which opens the now ’ year. These include smeral lull-page , graphs taken in and about Canterbury ‘- (lutllt‘tll'ill, at the llenley Regatta. last‘ year, and in and about (‘onstantinople. l The artic‘es which these illustrations} accompany are brightly written. The 1 opening contribution is it charming' story of the North-\Vest by \V. All lion. .l.\\'.Longley contributes a Nova ‘ out for bargains. Atkinson & Switâ€" zer. \VEST YORK CONSERVATIVES. The annual convention of the \Vest York Conservative Association was held at “'eston on Saturday. There was a large attendance. The, follow- ing: ofï¬cers Wei-e elected :â€"President, Dr. Godfrey. Mimieo; Vice-Pres... S. & lib-(lime, \Voodbridqe; Secretary, Jos. Barker, \Veston: Treas. A.J.Gritï¬th, \‘Cesion. llon.N. C. “Wallace. was the unanimous choice of the convention as standard~bearer of the party in the next Federal election. He was pres- ent and gave an able address. Messrs .l. “3. Elliott. Isaac Crosby, J. H. Sanâ€" derson and \V. ll. l’ugsley were dele- gates from .‘icbmond Hill and Reeve P. (E. Savag was elected a’Vice-Presi den‘ 'or this , ‘ace. POPULAR MONTHLY FOR JAN‘Y. Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly for January starts the new year in great form. with a generous literary and artistic menu, including the following pieces dc resistance: “ America at the Paris Exposition,†a comprehen. sive article by the llon. Ferdinand W. Peck, (‘ommissitmerâ€"General for the United States. thoroughly illustrated from‘the oï¬ieial plans, with vieWs, portraits, maps, etc. : “ England’s Free lland on the Nile,†by G. \V. Steevens. the world-famous corresponâ€" dent of the London Daily Mail, and author of “ \Vith Kitchener to Khar- toum.†brilliantly illustrated by VVar- rcn B. Davis and H. C. Edwards, and many other excellent articles as well as a number of poems, &c., &c. For Januaay we will make up a good black clay worsted suit lined with best Italian satin and ï¬rst quality trinnnings and a ï¬t guaranteed, for $17.25. Atkinson 8: Switzer. “ UNDER TW'O FLAGS.†The annual entertainment in con- nection with the. Fire Brigade was held in the Masonic Hall on New Year‘s evening and attracted a large audience. As the principal feature on the programme. was the production of a drama, more than the usual degree of enthusiasm wasaroused. The play, “ Under Two Flags,†from Ouida’s cele- brated novel, proved unusually inter- esting, and the. company of perform- ers underthe direction of Mr. H. N. Shaw. the Principal of the Dramatic School at. the College of Music, made a most favorable impression. A de- scription of the play is unnecessary here, suï¬iire it to say none of the four Acts were destitute of interest, every Act wasinvcsted with a. goodly share of comedy or tragedy of more than ordinary interest, and, as might be supposed, the drama contained a. charming love story. MI. Shaw, as Bertie Cecil, was of course the star of the evening. and proved himself admirably gifted for ï¬lling the role of the leading personage. He was ably supported, however, by several skil- ful actors who played their parts with much vigor and brilliancy, and are de- serving of unqualiï¬ed praise. (Jhicf among the support was Miss Louise Proctor who took the part of Cigar, ette, the " Friend of the. Flag.†From thc time she appeared in the second Act until the fatal shot was ï¬red she. kept up the interest, and every move- ment was rendered with a dash and vim that could not but be admired. Mr. Frank Kennedy made. a. good Lord Roekingham and Mr. L. Anthea as Black Hawk, convinced the and xnce that he deserved the knock-down low administered to him by the Life Guard. amused the audience in the love scenes with Rake, but the, funny man of the evening was Mrul'ule who act- ed an Irish Knight of the Pigskin. His humorous and pithy speeches were all good, and a unique sketch given in . front of the curtain between two of the Acts was thoroughly enjoyed. As mie‘ht be expected a few of those who tutï¬i part lacked individuality, but on . the whole the support was satisfactory and the company is well able to chal- lenge comparison with the best organ- izations of its kind in the province. Miss May )Iawhinncy who was pretti- ly attired, and who has a magnetic personality, was in good voice, and her Songs contributed between Acts, The hall- was. delighted her" hearers. taxed to its utmost capacity and should Mr. Shaw and his pupils again visit this place it will be necessary to secure a larger building. The receipts l amounted to $77.55. Miss O’Dea as Nora Bic-Shane, _ . 1 Fraser, the Canadian Kipling. The: . Scotian story. Robert Barr‘s stric- . tures on Canadians as book-buyers are replied to by the six prigs whom he scored for placing Dickens before Thackeray. (l. A. Bramble, in his series on the. Big Game of Canada, writes of the wapiti and antelope, and Arthur Heming contributes a drawing of a Manitoba wapiti or elk. Ernest 11. Cooper deals with “The Principles Underlying the Trust.†and Bleasdale Cameron tells why he believer: that the. Red lndian will soon be exterminatcd in Uanada. N ews 1v otes. The Evangelical Alliance. has issued a. request that Sunday next be observ- ed in Canada. as it will in Great Brit- ain, as a day of prayer-and humilia- tion in connection with the war in South Africa. Largo solid onions. 20c. peck : rolled oats, 10 lb. for 25c.; good coileeground fresh, 12$, 18 and 25c. a lb. Atkinson & Switzcr. The Ontario Government have granted $500 to the lied Cross Society for the beneï¬t, of the second Canadian contingent. This action was decided upon at a meeting of the Cabinet yes- teiday. Before. stock-taking We want to clear out our entire stock of men’s and boys’ felt. hats, and in order to do so we are going to make prices attract- ive. Drop in and examine our stock. Atkinson k Switzer. The.Goveritor-General has received a cablegram from Right Hon. Joseph Uhaniberlin congratulating him on the gallant behaviour of the lanadian contingent in the engagement at Sunnyside. “'c have a few of ouriminense stock of Christmas ties left over, which must. be cleared before Slof'k'i'uliillg. These are all Well made and lined with silk. Regular 2."). l0 and 50c. ties on Satâ€" urday any tic 23c. Atkinson é: Swit- zer. itEASEEHAGE‘E LIaGGEâ€"T‘ALMImâ€"At St. ’l'lmmas’ Church. To- ronto. by the Rev. C. H, S'nortt, on Tuesday. January 2, wall, Francis Alexander Lemme, third son of James lavage, Esq, Oak Ridges. to Elizabeth Palmcr, sixth daughter of Thomas Palmer, Esq.,of 'tichmnnil Hill. will sail... l‘he next meeting of the Council of the Township of Markham will he held at Uniouviile on Monday, Jan’v 8th. 19w, At 11 o‘clock a. m. C ll ETIVER, Clerk Vaughan t’lcuncll. The next meeting of the Council of the Munici- pality of Vaughan v. ill be held to the Town llall Vellum, on MONDAY, JAN’Y 8, 1900 at 11 (1.11]. JAS B MCLEAN, Clerk RICHMOND HILL SKATE??? RINK The above rink will be open for Skat- I crs during the season on “'EDNES‘DA ‘1' AN 1) SATURDAY ' Evenings of each week from 7.30 to 10 o‘clock, I GOOD MUch ON SATURDAY ' EVENINGS. Rink open to Curlers every day, and on Tuesday and Friday evenings. Admission for skaters. 10 cents; Chil- drcn 5 cents. Fifteen Adult’s tickets for 31.00 Thirty Childrcn's tickets for $1.00. 1 l P. G. SAVAGE, Reeve. u??- MM ‘1 ‘52::- 'H w. w“- l‘ ,r. l a3 If its from Atkinson & Swit- lnilitary pictures, a number of photo-l .. To Well Sinkers Applications will be received by tile under- ,signed for putting dn'on a pipe well on the, School douse property at Sewton lizook. All - information on applicaiixm to I ALEX. WATSON, . Sec. of School Board. ' l “NQWJD Bmgk, Jan. 2, 190.1. t ‘ , V5 9' j zer’s its Good. inprchensivetlffér ings after Holidays. A? i ‘. . . u The quotations below are close to the line, some cases below 0031;. W e advise early ordering. Standard Granulated Sugar, 221bs. for $1. Extra Yellow Sugar, i5 lbs. for $51. Best Pure Lard, 12; lbs. for $I. Good Coffee, ground fresh, zlc. per lb. Best Laundry Starch, 45c. Mince Meat, gc ; Golden Dates, 6&0. ; Figs, 5c.; Green Coffee, 100 ; Best Selected Raisins, 9c ; Seeded Valencia Rais- ins, 10%C. ; Evaporated Cali- fornia Peaches, 110.; 3 Boxes Matches for 25¢. , w. 1> r V: {were . We. ‘ 'Wt; mmmnmm ./ ,aj'f Atkinson él: Switzer llllil * N HORSE BLANKETS at 400., 500, 7‘s. and £41 each. VVINTEK MITS, fully lined, at 250, 500. and 60¢ each. SLEIGH BELLS, 150., 20c.and 2:0. each. CONCERTINAS, 759, $1, $1.25 and $1.50 each WiLKE NS <31. 63G... 166 and 168 King- St. East, 3 doors west of Georgc Street, Toronto. mâ€" ERICHEE Beat and Rosterâ€"sir Takes this opportunity of thanking his tricnils and customers for their liber- al patronage during the last year, and to 1110 .‘irm for the last forty-ï¬ve years. Time has made its customary changes, and as the Credit System is amongst them, I have decided from the 17th of Novcinbcr, 1899 doing A Strictly Cash Business. I hope to see my old customers and to make the acquaintance of manv new ones and if reliable goods, and close prices, honest dealings, and con. tcous treatment will do it, it will be done. So give us a call. N0 trouble tc show goods. Men’s custom work a specialty. Repairs neatly and promptly done. Wishing you all happiness and hoping to share in your general pros parity. “ 4 s1 \w ’5‘ ‘K’ .3119 11 .i. _‘5’ 53,, it . 77:?! {I} galls? ‘I Remain Faithfully Yours ROBERT SIVERS,