Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Jan 1900, p. 8

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Until further notice Hails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Office as follows:â€" MORNING ............. .. 8.05 EVENING .. .. 540 N. B.--Rogistered Letters must. he handed in “133.36 Flfteen Minutes om‘lior than the above mentioned hours for closinn LeaveC P R Crossing at G, 7‘ 1.30, 2,40, 3.30. 540‘ Leave Richmond gill 8,05, y Episcopal Churchâ€"Services at. 3 p. In. every Sunday. Presb an Churchâ€"Services at 11 a. m.. and '7 p. m. unday Schonl at 2.30. Prayer meeting Wednesdaé evening. Roman ahholic Churchâ€" Services on alter- nate Sundays at!) a. m. and 1mm a. m. Methodist Church #Servim‘s m 10.30 a. m.. and ‘1 p. in. Sunday School at 2.30. General prayer meeting Thursday. evening. Richmond Lodge. A F and A M â€"-Meets Mon- dav on or before in]: mnnn UourbRichmond, A O F â€"Meatfi second and fourth Friday Ivy Lodge. A 0 U Wâ€" Meets fourth Tuesday of each month Camp E12113. S 0 S ~â€"Moeta second and fourth Wednesday it '1‘ of’l‘emperancoéMeois first Wednesday of each month Fire Brigade-Means first Mnnday of every month Public Library and Reading Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. Thursday and Sabumav evom‘ngs vaorth Leagueâ€"Meets every Friday. Lenve'Newmarket 7.45, 9. 11 4.95. 5.25 7. METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE Leave Richmond Him 71' 8.115. 940. 11.50 a. m 22.40, 3.50. 4.50, 6, ms 1). m. W. HEW’ESON, Glazier, Grains ‘ and. Paper- Hanger. Calls from :1 distance promptly attended to. Farmers can now obtain the cele- brated Tohique Gypsum Powder at Britnell's, C. P. R. Crossing. Yonge Street, North Toronto. A car-load just received from the mills. It will reshon up your fall Wheat. Two hundred pound bag for $1.25 or $12.00 per ton 41-tf BRITN ELL 8: CO. Anyone sending n sketch and descri tion may unlckly Mcermin our opinion free w xether an Invention is probably lamentable. Communica- Mons strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing pntems. Patents taken t rough Munn at C0. receive apcclal notice, without; charge. in the Scientific Emmcmi, A handsomely illustrated cnlmiop of nuygciepyflg “2&3 ’ $1.96 IH Afii’AHfiE. cumuuu u: uuy m “7.. - h 7,. V mm: four months. i=1. Sold by an newsdoalers. UNN & Bo. evBroedwar- New York anch 0mm. (.35 F 5L. “'uahivgion. D. C. POST OFFICE NOTICE RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL Between firiyihi: Office. 633 HOUSE PAINTER, OFFICE CLOSES AT 7 Village Directory. Land Plaster YOUR. 5385553533."? Toronto and New-market GOING NOBT 7I WHO IS GOlNG SOUTH 8.05, 10.35 a. m 6.36. 8.30 p.111 SES AT 7.30 P M M. TEEFY. Postmaster weekly. Immest cir- jnumal, 'l‘ernjs.§3n 7.45 x speak drug- ‘9 sug- ‘y and 12.25 3.15 AGENTS WANTEDâ€"FOR "STORY OF SOUTH AFRICA “ by John {Elm-k Ridpath, L. L. R, Edward 8; Ellis, M. A.. J. A. Cmpor, Managing; Editor of the “Canadian Mugazino.‘ Toronto, and J. H. Aiken. of London, Ont., who has returned this week from 12 years’ travelling in South Africa fur us. “'9 are the only Canadian Pub- lishers who have had a. branch in South Africa. for nineteen years. giv- ing us an immense advantage in pro- curing photographs and mate-rial. Our authorship letterpress hnd en- gravings are superior, and Canadian Contingcnts better illustrated than in any rival work. So sure are we of this that We will mail free to any one ()ssossingn rival prospectus. Circu- ars and terms free. A ply. ~lVm-ld Publishing Company, uelph. 0n- In the Vlllngo of Thoruhill that vary demmhlo proporcv belonging to the Cogswell Esmue. A 200d brick dwellmg house,two frame houses. a brick blacksmith shop, wagon shon. sheds, stnhlm. are. Terms verv reasonable. For pm. ticulurs. Applv at once to D. JAMES 01' ED. MARTIN. 2;-4 Exocutors. READ THE Canadian Home Journal tux-i0. Send 10 cents for sample copy will like it. Addlessâ€" “Canada. for the Canadians.” 25-4 Thornhill, Dec. 14th.1$99 WW w- VII/mum) gum « n forms of SexuafNWoakness, :1 effects of 31mm or excess, Mental Worry. Excessive use of To buoco. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on recelp' of price. one ackage $1, six. $5. One will pleas: mwfllwre. nmphlets free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Oné u? Wood‘s E’hnsphodine is so‘rl in Richmom' Hill by W. A. Sanderson, Drugglst. Assures on all the modern p‘ans, and is 91x0 the most prosperous and prom'essne companies in emsbence. > Premiums low, polioies unconditional and ‘noufgu'feimble. Take a pohcy W131: the district agent, ME: £1“ Wood's 15110ts13'11odinefi LIBERAL " FOR. SALE Life Assurance C9“ Ema mL'E‘SWfiWm-W 7:1 monthly magazine full of intorc mg reading matter and useful information for Ripans Tabules. Ripans Tabuies cure dizziness. Ripans Tabules cure constipation. Ripans Tabules aura dyspepsia. Ripans Tabuies cure liver troubles. Ripans Tahules cure torpid liver. Subscription price $1 per annum IG-IGâ€"G Ripans Tabules cure headache. Ripans Tabules: one gives relief. CANADIAN \VOMEN AND CANADIAN HOMES The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by a? druggistsin Canada. On! rem able medicine discovere . S ckagcs guaranteed to cure 9.. you can receive it with this papvr for one year by sending your 01-- ders to the publishers of THE Ln;- ERAL at $1.75. Canadian Home Journal (20., Limted 5.1043 TORONTO'. OXT . F. McMA HON , ’fltw decttiscmmts. J OFFICE OF CAN iw‘fi‘VWWVWE’ moan UN RICH MOND Hlul ridg CG DU GLEBEEEG V‘Jeekly Mail THE LIBERAL and the “Weekly Sun. THE LIBERAL and Canâ€" adian Home J o urnal ‘ TEE LIBERAL and the Evening Globe THE LIBERAL and the 1-Wer Daily Globe THE LIBERAL and the LIBERAL and the Daily World FEE LIBERAL and the 1:315, 1901 ‘ ‘H’l’ ‘1 HE LIBERAL and the E i~; VJeekly Globe ° U HE LIBERAL and the '5 Ff; “ THE LHBERAL,” RICHMOND HILL E LIBERAL to Jan. Evening Star Daily Mail ' ’Ieuv LIBERAL and the 2 TTTTAAL-EAAJ-unnl‘l-Am ‘Westminster THE LIBERAL. JOB amfly 3h0flld have a per and a City l‘i ubsoribe 110W. LIBERAL and the LIBE EAL NEAT AND ATTRACTIVE KVITEI DONE AT 813.101 5): 4.5% 9%} i? :83” Ru E l High at . E2! @9 mm mums And (1 on ki) The Next Sitting uf Division Com-H} N0. 3, County of York, will he held in the Court Room, ny F'luurwill make Ere-ad, but we RICHMOND HILL MSW = mum“ TEUfiRDAV, JAN. 11TH, (Of the firm of Eckurdt & Prentice), agent for the Massey-Harris Labor- Suving Machinery, “Hgons, Plows, Scnfflex-s, &c.; also the Sawyer & Massey Engines and Threshers, the Brantfnrd \Vind-Mill, and the Up-tn- Date Taronto Fanning Mill. All Massey-Harris repairs kat by H. A. Nicholls, Richmond Hill. Busim-ss solicitvd. J. H. PRENTICE {£11333 Pu. tr (‘hn-p dz: Mad ( 'p makt‘ nnd hr: lungn IL is strict! e 811 NAUGHTON BROS. Henry Ma We guarantee De?! RIGEEQEB BELL, r11 Commencing at 10 a. m T. F. MCMABONA Unionville. ) sni ALL, A. MOODI E, 1‘30] :EWOEEHGAL cot; E'amiiy Flour nge Street, Toronto. md hnt. ad with Ln any â€"AND-- ly‘v‘ijixz'E’Sé'm) meER (If uJI mun AND MMGHING u! 'n broad. lighter broad lmt will kwp moist, 3y exempt Manny’s. ELL IT. Huul um q pmplo and sold nuhlc price. >evin flEQESfl. 'autuu Miamction guaranteed ALL KINDS OF few days will he h or will durin hup 11ml fliwol‘ ; 1M)- ESHE my intimate to e choypmg min WELL WLLS. 'action. 1966, CLERK

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