m IN‘KENIVEQRE Durham Brown's Letter Published Last Week Cause of Comment. One Many other people in Kenmore Fuuw from personal experience tiheyalue (f Dodd. Kidney Pills. \Vhether for 1110 two fnrmerly incurable and fatal mala- dies. BTlght's Disease and Dinbeies, or for any of the oiher forms! of Kidney Diseaseâ€"Rheumzlti~m. Heart Liseas‘e, Dropwy. Urinary and Bladder Gomâ€" plamt~. Female Trou’bles, Blmd Lis- Ordercâ€"Dodd's Kidney Pills are “on- aidered infallible. Dodd's Kid: ey P 113 IS" the only medicine that ever (ured Bright's Disease 0r Diabetes, and yen- ple here have a w‘onderml faith In them. no of Ilnuy Snvh (Lute! In “rumore- Dn'hl‘u lilIlIu-y I’llls “'I-ll Knuwn T. ere â€"l'lmnmuuu Corrobnllon or IKI'IIVVI‘I'I Mulemnn: As amnounced some time ago, the ,etirement of Mr. A. G. Rameay from the offices of President and General Manager of the Canada Life Assur- ance Company took effect on the Blst of December. The Board of Directors at their first meeting of the year, held yesterday, on proceeding to fill the of- fice of President elected the Vice- President, Mr. F. W. Gates of Ham- ilton, to that position. Mr. Gates. however, on account of his advanced years and impaired health, felt com- pelled to decline the distinction, and the Hon. George A. Cox was unani- mously elected as President of the company. v-_r.._v ‘ It was but just and fitting that he Directors should turn to the man who during these forty years had lab- ored with Mr. Ramsay to make the company the magnificent success it IS toâ€"day. Starting in as an agent of the company at the age of, 21 years.‘ Mr. Cox at once brought to bear on the business that tireless energy and» in- domitable will which have ever been characteristic of the man, and to which his position in the world of finance is toâ€"day largely due. Discouragcment and fatigue which would have ‘daunt- ed a less courageous spirit only served as an incentive to greater effort when there was a prospect of securing busi- ness. Personal convenience was nrt consideredâ€"it was the welfare of ihe company that was at stake, and as a result of his faithful. energetic-K serv- ice the business grew and prospered. As time went by the company. recog- nizing- the devotion of Mr. Cox to its LONG STANDING ERROR COR-r RECTED. Uncle, said one oi the children, what Is the difference between a cat and an elephant? 1 know what is in your mind, child, replied the professor. yet the old an- swer, to the effect that lhe elephant can’t climb a tree. is no( altogether correct. An elephant may nol l‘e able to climb to the the. branch“. but he can get as high as the trunk. The professor. it may be observed in passing. is loaded for all kinds of game. Fatherâ€"So my daughter referred you to me! The Suitorâ€"Yes. just as a matter‘ot form. Jan. :bâ€"mo ||Lllu\uuu.unuv uused here by the yuh‘uca- letter signed by Durham the papers: IasL week. Mr. De oi the most expert box- the country, his cheese 9. models of good workman- CANADA LIFE’S NEW PRESIDENT. litxle comment Figures may not lie, but when a. girl looks like 160 pounds and only pulls the scales down at 116. there is something wrong somewhere. The opinions of a child may be of no value, but they are at least hon- est A girl is invariably in love when she refers to the twilight as the gleaming. The student who takes up médicine finds it far more pleasing than tak- ing it down. - Some men are too proud to be seen carrying anything but a walking stick or a jag. The woman who paints her cheeks and the man who dies his- whiskers fool only one person. A bachelor says that widous weep not because of the lo:s.of a husband, but. because of the lack of one. Men of mature years have much to be thankful for because of the. failure of the majority of their youthful plans. ' Probably no person living ever saw a. picture of Cupid that; looked as though the little fellow had good com- son sense. pence? WVï¬-Eï¬nbleâ€"I am rum there will not 'be. My wife. would never agree to it. Heâ€"YOu have :tolen my heaTt. Sheâ€"That‘s a nim .ï¬ing [0 may after you have been begging me for six weeks to accept it. Themeâ€"Do you think there will ver 'be Such athing as unlversal welfare, gradually increased 1115 term- tory, until it embraced all Ontarlo east of Toronto and came to be recognlzed as the company’s most Important branch. In 1892 hls w1se counsel and great experlence in insurance matters won for hlm a place on the Board of Dlrectors of the company. which he has since occupied. While the Senator's keen judgment and wide experience in inveLtments have given him a commanding place in financial circles, it is. his recognjzed position in the insurance world 0t Can- ada which causes ’nnt only the Direct- ore of the company but its thousands of policy-holders to turn by' common consent to the man whoiis best, fitted to maintain its prestige and- continue the honorable, conservative policy which has made the Canada Life As- surame Company almost a national 1n- stitution. When in 1861 Mr. Cox_ first became connected with the company as its local agent at Peterboro', its buslnes‘; m torce amounted to only $3,500.000. Toâ€" day, at the close of 'Lhe most success- ful year in its history, its business in force stands at over-$76,000,000, or twenty-1WD times greater than 1113861. It will be a matter of congratula- tion to those interested in the româ€" pany's welfare to learn that Senator Cox will arrange to give a large share of his personal attention to the con- duct of its affairs, and that he will have the active assistance and 00-01)- esrntiorn of his son. Mr. E. \V. Cox; the A~sistarut General Manager. who has already had sixteen years' experlence in the company's service. AN UNJUST ACCUSATION POINTED PARAGRAPHS. A' DEADLUCK GRASSHOPPER PLAGUE. {The authorities in Algeria gave $40.- 001) toward fighflng grasshoppers. In one district 3,2100 camels were emplpy- ed to carry the material; for burning over the places where eggs had been deposited. Shepherd G. Frost. Chatham. N. B.. writes: "For a number of years I have bran trouLJM \vixn .amn‘d anrf‘headache, and have tried many remedies during that time, but wilh‘ 1y cured of Catarrh Calarrhozone as the est cure for Catarrh. the trick for me.†I Every man has been, is. or will be handsome in the eyes of some wo- man. RE] IANCE CIGAS 1a Toscana! 100' nation! .Momrea We would direct the attemti'on of 'inâ€" vestors to the advertisement of the Sun Savings and Loan Company, To- ronto. They are offering safe and profitabie investment 601‘ your sur- plus funds. They want agents in all unrepresented districts. The man who has nothing to do but clip coupons cuts quite a figure. A sample room is dangerous when too many samplgs are taken. Tnke Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggius refund the money i! In fails to cure. 25c. E. W. Grove‘s sugnamre is on each box. In the world's great ’drama the ocean plays the principal role. O’KEEFE’S}; MALT His satanic majesty it probably the Nick of time we hear so much about. MRS. wmswws SOOTHING SYRUP boa been used by mother! (or their children teething. It toothe: the child. softens the gums. nllays painrcurea wind colic. and in the host remedy for diarrhma 250, I bot- tle. Soldb Ill druggists throughout the world. Be “In nnd I: for " Mrs. Winslow‘s Soothing Syrup. The miss-guided youth does ervery- thing his sweetheart tedls him to \do. Send one cent RLEmI‘ for circular Analytic“ Chu ~' 489 Que The mam who is bent on joining the army has to stand straight. Iemishes siig‘fip Complexion by locnl applications, u Ihey cannot reach tht disenned portion of the out. There is only on: wny m cure dentnmu, and that is b constitu- tional remedies. Deafness is cause by an in named condition of the mucous lining of 1m Eusunhlan Tube. Vi hen this tube is inflam ed you have a rumbling round or impel-lee! hearing, vnd when it, is en Lirely closed dentnem is the result, and unless the inflammation our be taken out and this hub» resLorod to its no: mm] oondiilon‘ hearing will be doltro ed for ever: nine ones out, of men are cause by Ca tarrh. which in nothing. bnu nn inflamed onndi "Inn of the mucous aurlscea. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by caunrrh) that mu not: be outed by Hall's Oacnrrh Cure. Sand (01 cllculnrs, t'ee. ‘ F. J. CHENEY a 00.. Toledo. 0, Sold by Dru gins“. 150. Hull's ani 1 Pill:- nre the be“. A corkscrew is sometimes used in opening a conversation. “ Pharaoh 100.‘ Some men ride a exercise. MONTREAL HOTEL DIREOTORV. WWW The “ Balmoral,†New GILR. Stating Hotel caféiakg KVETWE'HOUSEH 81- JAMES' H0TH--?:£°§§::&%§;,.D5PԤ: Bullvny. First-0X35: Commerch House. Modem im- .flovomenuâ€"Esul modem... lf yuu are in doubt about do it. Garbo": Dlalnf;ctunto. Soaps. Olnt- Mont, Tooth Powdon, etc.. have boa: awarded 100 moduli and diplomas for superior "“ '7 â€"Aâ€"-«I-- “an nmv-nr. infmtl. mom. I Wu: r-â€"..-._, - , awarded 100 moduli and diplomas for superior excellence. Their regular use prevent lnlootl- on: dissuol. Ask your dealer to obuln . supply. [data mullud tree on applloamlon. 7“____ A A- LLOYD‘W'GS'D. Townm. GEN mil), AGENT T0 CURE A com! IN 0318 DAY Investors Should Examine. Can Catarrh Be Cured 7 Deafness Cannot be Cured um |°HW° sum AND VV'I'I" TREATMENT- FOR OVER FIFTY YEAR!) CALVERT§ =76. CALVERT & co.. ‘NOHEITER. - - ENGLAND. I European Plnn. Rooml from $1 A day ug. Opp ro Mammal. Gen. Cgllakel Co.. p'l. for circulan W.J. URQUHART ' c. 459 Queen SE. “1.. Toronto. †rum, 0! Gnnby. QIN- . as...» lanthanum McGillâ€"Coilogo Avenue Famin Hotel rate: 31.50 hobby merely for pEFVd Ey‘ ‘V l’ (1 I00? it, don’t hu I dhtinct fluor o! {II o whirh mutt: overy on. Ila-0 bu once tlied I. \nm. is aim. a ‘ That every citizen of Canada ES could read this advertisement. Fortune knocks at every man’s door at some time. Now it is knocking at yours. WE SHOW Y6“ each town or counlry district will get this u sary, for start. For full particulars address Music Embers Wanted permanently curu 'Cunrrh of non. â€" I - throat. Itomnoh And bludder. 500 t 11 1 box. Wribe for mnionlnn, Thu Ind-tn (hum: Cur- Oo.. 146 BI. Jun“. Monti-«L Lad other PRODUQE. to emuye bencjen'nlhyonuggn The’ Dawsoq' cam’miggia.3“'c;.fimï¬m Cor. West-Marks: I: colborne 81.. ToroMn. ppuuyhggnea‘ gccs, APPLES, Carters - Banks, lhaariua, Cru- Catholic Prayer olftxea, Scapulars. Ev-liuvoua Plcculrea. Statuary. and Church Ornlmeuu, ducsuonll W0 ks‘ Mm! order: rmalve prompt aneu- Hon. D, l J. SADLIER & 00., Montreal. THE DES MOINES INGUBATOR-Beat and ohoapofl n Danna nnIA nlnnL fnr Lhe Dumluion. Swnd Set; v. “u..- “Amp {or cnulogue. 373 Sc. 1 ï¬lilgireen LAW New impnrmtlom ï¬ne“ sausage caSings â€"F.ngllsh Shetp and An- monn Hon Outingâ€"reliable noda It r1 th priu. PAR . BLACK ELL l. 0.. Tomato. HARRIS veï¬ng Flaniygl for menu in y'our or sand diraet. Montreal,Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec 8 000 ACRES 6000 FARMING LANDSâ€"ARENAC | 10501:, Ogemaw and Crawford Countiel. Title per- feco 0n Michvgnn Centrnl. Derroin a Muckinuc and Loon Lake Railromlo. at prices xanginx from $2 to 55 let acre. These Lands are 01033 to Enterprising New nwns. Churches. Salmon. em. and will be sold on on Buns. Rmts and Mice. Sold by all UMMUN Suï¬-“II: “ILLS Hummus, bed E Drugglstl, or 381 Queen W. Toronto. & .9. may. _. owns, Chu 5.7801100â€, etc.. and win he sold on ( reasonable terms. Apply to R. M. PIERCE. Agent. West Bay City, Mich 0r J.W. CURl‘lS. Whittomora. Mich. lpeoill clock. guaranteeing large dividends; 3110 an in- stalment stock pnysbre in monthly instalments. drawin cnah dividend , halt yearly. Parties wanting safe nu proflLnble investment bhould correspond with the Sun 3 wings 3nd Luau Uumpur-y. Toronto; money xounedon favorable terms; agents wanted in unreprucuted dis mm; wnto us. Large Kauq of passage :â€"Fim Csbin 350 upwardl: Socond Cabin. 535; ammo. $22.50 and iv 3 so. For further mlormuton lpply wlocnlnuenu. or DAVID TOBBANCE A. 00.. Genenl Agent... 17 St. Element 8'. Manual. 0. Rolluxd no]; SgedldoflhqDflymlglqg. Svnd 300.. EPPS’S Whole-Ale only; MAIL mmi‘wï¬an ï¬ne Ems...†Portland. Me., to Liverpool. vla Halifax. .arge and fast Steamers Vancouver, Dominion. Cambroman. ’ï¬chigan Land for Sale. GRATEFULâ€"COMFORTINQ. “ liliiï¬Ã©ï¬‚flilï¬iiiléiï¬ nvzmshco,’ ï¬n; MOST NUTRITIOUS. WE ARE OFFERING For Lbsâ€"very belt tend your wgrk to ch BREAKFASTâ€"SUPPER. UN LIKE ANY OTHER iiiii’hu‘i’ï¬ï¬roaouio. 00m CURE 10o. bureau A 518,. r. Conan h 00.. Agents. Montroul. ANGEE R’S PETROLEUM EMULSION Angier Chemical h Buy- Scrap. D LEAD. wPPER. muss. Lona Dunno. Telephonoflï¬. T0 INVESTORS Mlllc. MIIII & Halo- Bm‘rhtermaLa. removed to Wesley Bldgm. Rich- mond Fir. W. Toronto. EASTERN DISTRIBUTING 09., Bellsville, Ontario. To send lor our compleu SHEET MUSIC CATALOGUE Ind SPECIAL RATE OF DISCOUNT. We arc equipped to au ply every MUSIC T ACHERlnCanadl Whalcy. Royce 168 Yong. 8L. TORONTO. ONT. A most efficient substitute for cod-liver oil, pleasagt to the taste, and agreeing with the most sensi- tive stomach. Used by physicians in the treatment of all throat and lung troubles, andâ€" if results count for anythingh-almost no limit to the good it can do. mail!!! tb any address on receipt Simple ‘bouie cent; ‘0 cover postage. how you may live in easy circumstances, earning big money honestly and honorany the res( of your lives without leaving home. The ï¬rst applicant from lget this unparalleléd chance. Capital not neces- ars address enclosing two cent stamp. CEYLON TEA CAI. R. ANNETT, Managar. The canadian Heine Safety Esplanade. High Glass Water Tube Steam Boflers, for All Pressures, Duties and Fuel. SEND FOR DESLRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. Toronto Electrlc Light 00.. Limited. The T Eaton Co.. Limited. The Mism‘y Huria Co . Limited. Thu Gun-a l‘en‘hl Rubber 1 Mll. 0‘. The WIIIOD Publishing 00.. Linked. (All 0. Town!» when hollm III, b. «on working. Bears Important News to His Fel- low Citizens. Toronto. Jan. 5,â€"Here is a letter we hope every one of our readers will perusezâ€""I am 39 years old. Have been troubled {or four years with what I thought was Rheumatismâ€" stiffness in the muscles of my legs. later in the arms. Soon the stiffness changed to s eness. \Vent to Hot Springs, and 0 me back a little better. Was a moderate drinker, but quit us- ing liquor altogether, and carefully‘ regulated my diet. One day Igot wet and then the trouble was worse thaw ever. Had to lay off for three weeks. Have had simllar attacks at intervals ever since, each one worse than its predecessor. Had headache. pain in the small of the back, urine dark, scanty and scalding. Began using Dr. Arnold’s English Toxin Pills a short time ago, and am already wonderfully improved. Feel confi- dent they wlll cure me. and Ishall give them the chance and report. 1 have not felt so’ well for years as I have since I began using your pills. H. LEWIS, 477 Yonge St., Toronto. obp. Sherbourno st., Dr. Arnold's English 'l‘oxin Pills the onlv medlclno on earth that cures dlsease by killlng the germs than cums lb. “6 sold by all (1m guts. at 750. I box ; snmpl. alze 25¢. or lent ost- zl on recelpt 0! price. by Th. Arnold Cheminl 0.. lmilad. Cantdl Lil's Building 42 King Street. Want, Toronto. I ‘ 1 WANTED In your town. 1 Llrge income -â€" [’16 mm)! poaitiouâ€"Pay prompL Like positions making $40 at wash. WriLe quickior partieulalr’s - d furnish rv er- ". ,_4 41â€".â€" TAFAI\'A e 11089. A TORQNTO MERCHANT s. Goddamn LI- Buddinl. BOILER Hun.“ w. 50: flcK‘iB‘non B'uiï¬lailni. Toronto. JOHN J. MAI“. Supt. Ind Tron Lead packages. 25. 30. 4o, 50 &6oc. Toronto Toronto SUPPLIED. Asbesto- Goadl, P pa Covering. luhrlonlng 0 ll. Eng lneoraf 0 Mann, em. WM. SUTTON COMPOUND 00. limited. TORONTO. o! to