Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Jan 1900, p. 1

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l ~W.HEWr£3 VOL. XXII. nunâ€"=â€" “ (the fittest ’ IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNINGl it? THE LIBERAL PRINTING& FUBLISHlNB HOUSE I East Toronto Ofiice. My. RICHMOND HILL. ONT. T. F. McMAHON. Emma & PROPXHETOR. BUSINESS CARDS. DB... LANGSTAFF. RICHMOND HILL. OFFICE “(HIRE S to 19 a m: mutual. 6 to S p m DR. L. LAWRASDN, Member College Phasitciann and Surgeon-.1, ll . RICHMLOND HILL. Office Hours :â€"‘5 to 10 a. n1.; 12 to 2 p 111.; 7 to 9 p. m. \va. Rogers Bowfis’t, Room 12, 121 Victoria. St, Toronto. Best fitting tr-eth, also replaliug. at lowest. prices. Good work. DH. T. A. CUltillil, Dentist, (Successor to Dr. Cecil Trotter) Oddfcllow‘s Bldg. Toronto, cor. Yong.) and ()olh-ge 52‘s., Toronto, \Vill be in Richmond Hill every . \Vcducsday. OEtlce:â€"-Next door south of School. iii. W. Cecil. Train, .51., DENTIST,- Cor. Blocs' and Mutant“; Ave., Toronto. Public Telephone 3388 to ‘ appointment. mm Wtcrinizrg J. T. Erich troy, VETERINARY SURGEON â€"--ANL‘-â€" VETERI N ARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, Graduate of the Ontario veterinary Cullen.“ Sailcsattmidcd toon shortestuoticeund at rea- with diploma. from the Ontario Veterinary Dental School. will \‘iSlt Maple on Monday and Friday of each week. and Concord on Friday from 1 to 3 p. In. (Jail: promptly attended to Diseases of liOI‘SEN.’.. ttle and other domesticatâ€" ed animals treated by the latest and most up» proved methods. .«Mi HOUSl, RICHMO ND HILL. Romodelledfind newly furnished throughout. One of the most cnnvcuicut and Comfortable hotels on You::e Street. Evcry modern con- venience. Sample rooms for commotciul travellers. Auidealsmppmgplnce for riding tit-driving pm‘tiosdiicyclists, or former: going to or l‘uturning from market. ‘lcctric ears passthc door. TERMS. emu Pm: DAY. Joan; PALMER. .. 13-". Linear, @Ra‘fi‘ffilig 158 KING STREET EAST. TORL’XTO P re p Ev .rv neeommo lotion to gusstfi. Bonrd.$1 Der dc HOUSE PAINTER, l Glazier, Grainer and Paperâ€", i M 19 "J 0. D 5 ' timber. etc. attended on the shortest notice and 0N; Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCY, RICHMOND HILL. _ 7â€"” I :sit‘lllll. illifldii, Gilli?” é’a SKEWS Barristers, Solicitors, 520.. l 25 KING STRE!-.T WEST. TORONTO. Grant‘s residence, Wuodbridcc, cverv evening. l Thornhillmnch Wednesday from 10 to 12. Telerhcnc £984 A. G. F. LAWRENCE, Barrister, Solicitor. l'fctary. 86c. Suite 77 and 7S Fret-hold Loan Build- ings, cor. Adelaide and Victoria Streets, Toronto. Money to loan at 5 per cent. LIBERAL Office, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. M. TERRY. , NOTARY PUBLIC, HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer ofiziwriace Licenses. u CJ RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. LENNOX It MORGAN, Barristers u aid Solicitors. Monev to loan on land and chattel mortgages at In \ost imes. Auroral mooâ€"â€"I{uncvcil toihe old post office. one door “(it of the entrance to the Ontario Rank. Newumrket otheeâ€"Three doors south of the 1135:. 011106. T. Hunnznr LENxox. G. STV. Murrow, -iurorn. Newmarkct '» JAFiâ€"i "Vle 'w‘l & lvlaCDUoALh Bau-istcrs. Solicitors, etc. TORONTO OFFICE: X0. 1, Adelaide St... Fast. itr. Cook will llé‘ at Maple on Thursday aftcimion of each week. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. Money to Load ’I‘clcphcno kliiil S“ ENCER LOVE. Barrister, Soifvitor. (ouvevuncu’. Notary i'.llrllL', Il‘cv. lanes Building. 75 Yonge St. (cor. King). Toronto. liivhhmn-l Hill on \i’cdnesdays. SALEM ECKARDT. .13 \\ inc-Lester at. Toronto. Union ville Richard! G; F: (“Mice Auctioneers for the County of York. ' Goods soid on consignment. Geimiftl sales of ntock,etn., promptly attendefi to ut reasonable rate . G. K. Gouidmg, Nuwton Brook, agent ‘ for the above. C S I‘OL D BLUL‘GI} Mann's «‘3: Enough. Liceiisedhuetioneers to: theCounty of specttully solicit, your patronage and friendly influence. 3141 “ ‘nled on the slortest notice and a a'easonnimliitfi. P. L). address King J. 'I'. Saigon“. Kicbuiunil lliil : J. 1’s. McE“ cn, Weston. Snigron d; Mcifu‘t'n. Licensed AnctEoncers for the (‘ounty of York. sonuhlerates PatronageSolicited. _ J. i). Honduran, Licensed Auctioneer for the (‘cunty 01‘ York.‘ Generalsnlesofiinplome' ts, furniture standing atrensunnble rates. Patronage solicited. P. 0. address Maple. E. Smith. LIPPIZSIWI Ant-{mung for the Counties of York rindonturm. All Hill'S of farm stock. &c. at.- tcudcd to (in film shorten: notice. and reasonable rates. Multan-1c and baitilI bales attended to.. 1teaidcucc.S .uiTville. Ont. Undertake-J's & EmmalmrI-s, A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. ' :~:-r-' ‘ ’ " ,u. virnfifiitusa ' 01;. A, G‘s 0d li‘al‘lil For Sale or to Rent The west part cf lot Continuing to.) acres is f. x~n e or to rent. The place is clean. tho soil a clay 10pm. and El": Lair} is in emu-dent condition. Apply to 'I‘Hm .\‘l-.\\'1‘O.\' TAVNIXG ('0. liirlzitcim Hill 1’. O I a v- " MONEY ’ ll"e Urth H I I; A large amount of private funvi»: to loan on improve-l :1 property. Fivz: per ccnt. m. [0]“ . Fr forms for repavucnt. .\’o con;- lulfi cu Lint ml cn loath. 1‘ _l i i\ In A. ('r. F. I. \\Vl;E.\( fen-choir” can l Ill 01‘ L1CRICil.t_-Lllil 1...; ‘lul eon. Markham. ' w zsâ€"tf in}. Toronto itiuc v'as rcmm ed 213,000 I cattle valued at over $3,000,090 went Our Ottawa Letter. The. past. week has been marked by several important public addresses by leading men on both sides of the politâ€" ical font-c. and with the session 4 f Par- liamcut. not two \vecks off, there is a seething and bubbling of the cauldron which promises lively timcs in the legislative halls when once the ranks close in the baiilc. First there is a meeting at. Sher- brookc. Quebec, where Sir \Vill'rid sci forth in most uumislakeablc terms his position and thc position of his (lov- crnmcui. on Imperial maltch and his estimatc of the miscrablc attempts be- ing made in some quarters to stir up racial and religious discord :h“ “'c belicvc it our duty ” he said “ as a British colony to take part in this war, and to pcrtuit. 2000 Canadian volunâ€" teers to enlist. in the English army and to fight for the mother country. WE ARE A FREE COUNTRY. ours is a constitutional govcrnmcnt. and our duty is to put into execution the popular will and the moment; the popular will was known to us. we had but one duty to discharge and we disâ€" (vharged it of our own free will. There was no power to constrain us to act as we did; butin the plenitudc of our legislative independence we had the right to reply to the popular will maniâ€" fested to us. “'0 did not do it for the purpose of lending,r England a. material aid which she did not need, but we rc- joiccd at the opportunity of giving in the world a sin-clash) never sccu beâ€" foreâ€"{he spectacle of the colonit‘s bcâ€" hiud the mother countryâ€"and that. wc could not remain indiii'crent. whcu England had a war with one of he: enemies.” To those who would set race against raCc and ct-ecd against crced he said : “ Is there. not in this country enough liberty, justice and enlightenment ? liave not all an (rqual share of happi- ncss and prosperity P ls thcrc not room in this country for a. great nation ? 1.9 there not room enough for each of us to preserve the, pi ide of his origin and at the same time to aspire- to great things in the future?" The country will be slow to helich ill of a man who is ready to speak thus candid- ly but unequivocally at. all times and that is just the. reputation Sir \‘fib frid Laurii-r has. NO CAUSE FUR ALAini HERE. On the same occasion Hon. Sidney Fisher, Minister of Agricultural, ap- pealed to his hears-ls to say, \\ hcthcr the historic pvt-diction that the acccsâ€" ion of tho Liberals to power would deâ€" stroy Canadian industries and ruin the home market had becu verified. 1'11- der Liberal administration Slit-r- ‘orooke‘s factories were humming as they had ucvcr done. before. Had the farmers, he asked, ever received twelve cents a, pound for their chccse before? The fact was that for butter. cheese. and all agricultural products they rc- ceived better prices than ever before. In eighteen years of Conservative Govâ€" - ernment the trade of Canada increas- cd $18,660,000as compared with $82,- 635,000 under only three and a. half ycars of Liberal Government. In 1896 the average tariff was 22 per cent ; toâ€" day it is about 20 per cent. If the tariif 0f the. last (Joust-native ymr were stilliu force an additional sum of $3,000,000 would have bccu taken" from the people. By the Fielding tariff the. sum of $3,000,000 wAs SAVED to the pcople last year. Having rc- fcrred to the development of the Yu- kon. on the principle that thc Yukon ,must pay for itsclf, he pointed out that last year for the first time the luâ€" tei'colouial under Mr. Blair’s mauagc- mcnt showed a surplus as a result of extending the road to Montreal. -ir. Fisher next defended the administra~ tiun of his own department. In reply to tho sneer-s of Sir (‘harlcs Tuppcr , that the cold-storage system was out of date, he read a resolution of the Montreal Butter and L'hecsc Associa- ' 'tiou thanking,r the (-lmcrmumrt for the, Hc Sl‘t‘lll'- V system and approvng of it. (-d the abolition of the United Stall-s quarantine, thus giving (‘auadians 1 access for thcir cattle with the result, .HlCHMlliVD HILL 8: THORNHIIL: that every animal thc farmers wants-d to sell was Sold at a price. previously i Under the four and one- years quarantine 3,762 animals uuk nowu. half éwcrc exported valued at Silt‘lltl. 111 two and one half ycars siucc quaranâ€" iuto the United States. oPâ€"fir Sergeant Fury. This village has no quictcr o1 unas- suming Cilliie‘li that Mr.\\'m.Fury.who with his wife. liVl'S in his bi ick cottage l'll 'J‘rcuch Street in the \Vcst I‘Ind. You might. talk with him on any sub- jcct and he would not lltipl(‘>S you as being a man of war. it is trite his sit-p dcnotcsfirmness. and no soldicr (-vcr \vulkctl more err-cl. A few ycai-s agoa sketch of his life was gin-n in thispapcr, in which was rifcriml to hi'ads of, l l l the part he had takcu in ruppiessiug- ln :1 l.\ v. Satiauay's the North \Vcst Rt‘lwlliiin, column article in last , in all things, Charity." \Vorld some interesting incidents are given of l.icut.-(‘ul. S. B. Htccle. the sccoud iu commanud of the North \Vcst Mounted Police. Contingent. and in this; article. our cstcomed citizen, who is rrl'crrcd to as Serge-ant Fury, is shown to havc been a man of cour- age and determination. 011 one occas- ion, in 18345. he was sent. to suppress a. strike in the North “'cst when Col- Steele was suffering from typhoid fever. The following." is taken from the article in question: “’l‘hcre were. in the neighborhood about 1.700 ‘ bad ineu'~gamblcrs. sharps and otln-rs, who lived upon flceciug the workmen. These fellows attempch to provoke a riot on the part of the strikers, and things began to look \'(‘I y cloudy. Col. Steele had been forced a day or two previous to thc events to be (le'sm-ibcd to take to his llt'tl, suffering from typhoid fever. One 'morning his sergeant, a most valuable man, named Fury, who had scrvcd in an Irish rcgitm-ut and was afraid of nothing. came to his sick bed with the information that Hughie ichau. a despcrado, who had to his credit the deaths of three men in A1“ kausaw tho prcvious winter, had been found inciting the strikers to riot. and that Davidson, in attemptingatarre-st lichau, had been badly handled and forced to relcasc his prisoner. Col. Steele ordered Fury to take sufficient force to arrest Bchan, and to shoot. if necessary. Fury did so, and with the aid of his men was dragging Behan to jail, when ho was attacked by the crowd of Ii‘chau‘s sympathizcrs and forced to lit-c, shooting one man in the shoulder. This cxcited the crowd still morc. butjust then Colonel Steele apâ€" pcarcd ou the scene. armed with a \‘Cincht-ster. Uudaunted by his ill- ness, he had ripen from his bed, dress- t‘d and staggcrcd down to the little bridge which lay between the jail and the spot where the mob was collected. Addressing: the int-u, who greeted his appearance with curses and derisivc shouts, he quicily told them that he would shoot down without hesitation the first man who made a motion to draw a pistol: that Magistrate Hope Johnston was about to read the riot act, and that the police Would immed- iately after fire on any party of more than 1‘2. mun. The-re was but nine of thcm, but the dcspcradms must rc- mcmbcr that everyone would die in his tracks lit-fore the mob would be al- lowcd to l't‘nl'tlt‘ Behauâ€"whn. by this time, had been carried across the l)l'l(l){l‘. “ \Vhile the mob stood scowling a few feet. away, .‘Jagistrate Johnston rcad the Riot Act. .The crowd, most of whom were Americans, had heard a good tlcal about British law, and when they heard it expounded by Mr. Johnston, and lookcclat nine magazine rifles that stood between them and l Bellan, they first hesitated, and then melti-d quit-tly away. " That night an cngiue was backed t0 thejail, lichau was put on board, and takcn up the line (50 miles, so that. any attempt at his rescue would have been futile. This did not finish the game, howr-ver, for the next mornng Fury and his men went into the camp of the cncmy, and carried off 20 of the ringleadcrs to fail. Colonel Stccle and Mr. Johnston held court at once. and sentenced each man to a fine of $100 and six months at hard labor. Then taking an engine, they went to where Behan was imprisoned, and ‘meted out the same punishment to l him." ' â€"â€"â€"ao.~â€"- Maple , Two large slcigh-loads from here at- tended the monthly meeting of the “'oman‘s Auxiliary at Mr. Henry {uinble’s last Thursday evening. The. ltl‘ct‘llllg‘ was very successful, and the proceeds are to be used in aid of a hos- ‘ pital for Indians in B. 0. At the open mccting of the. Literary Socicty last \Vcducsday evening an in- tt-resting programme was given. Thc subjcct of debate was, “ Resolved that \Vater has caused more destruction than Fire." The dccisiou was given in favor of \Vatci'. A surprise party was hcld at Mr. H. Jackson‘s on Thursday evening of last ww-k. A fcw of our young people gathered there and had a pleasant time. Miss A. Chestnut is visiting with friends in Toronto. Mrs. Cross and Miss l.. Cross of Barrie are spending a wcck at the parâ€" sunago. .-\.nuiversary services were held at. St. Paul's church last Sunday. BUY. A. Mt-Gillivray of Toronto preached morning and cveniug. _...___ ng Plowmen's Banquet. Over 100 officers, directors and othcr friends attended the annual banquet of King Plowmcu's Association held at Suitou‘s llolcl, Schombcrg, on Thursday evening last. Many of those present \vcre representative plowmcu. and a good sprinkling of ladies sat around the tables. The spwad was a good one, and the tysttis was pit-pared in such ~ xccl- [Single copies, 3 cts. lent style that the most faszilious must have been satisfied. After justice. had been done in the dining-room, all re airt-d to the hill where an cnjoyabc prograumie of spceches and songs was given. Mr. Jesse \anton,Postmaster of Kcttleby, made an ideal chairman, and gave one. of the best, speeches of the evemng. Mr. Brown’s gramophone contributed a number of selections, and the vocal solos of Miss Butler, accompanied on the instrument by Miss Hollingshead: and Mr. J. Blough, accompanied by Miss Blough, were. interesting features of the programme. The first toast on the List was. “ Municipal Institutions." This brought forth able speeches from County Councillor Norman. reeve. Lemon and Councillors T. H. Large, J. Rogers. and R. Gallaugber. “King Plowmcu ” was ably responded to by the treasurer, Mr. (i. Lawson, and the sct-retary, Mr. J. T. Saigcon. The names of Mr. Murphy and Cap- tain Armstrong were counccted with “ Our Sister Societies ”: Mr. Stahl, editor of The Leader and Recorder. for “The Press,” and Mr. Arch. McCallâ€" um championed “The Ladies” as he. always does. During the early part. of the evening " regrets “ were read from Hon. \Vm. Mulock, Mr. E. M. Morphy. Mr. J. B. Thompson. and Mr. F, T. Daville, mayor of Aurora. The banquet is said to have been one of the best in the history of the Association. -â€"â€"â€"<oOâ€"â€". News Notes. The new city directory shows Toron- to to have a. popblatiou of 261,087, a gain durint,r the last. year of 16,500. Another fresh stock of Patterson’s fine chocolates and bou bone, at small prices. Atkinson & Switzcr. Mr. John Ruskin, famous through- out the world as an Art critic. died at his home in London, Eng., Saturday afternoon. He was in his 82nd year. A special Meeting of the Canadian Lacrossc Association will be held at the Queen’s Hotelr Strrutfville, on WVcdncsday, January 2lst, at 2 p. in. Just received a special line of baking powder in lb. tins, and a beautiful piece of opal ware given with each tin. Notice the north window. Atkinson & Switzer. The directors of the. Bank of Mon- treal have subscribed $10,000 to the Canadian Patriotic Fund, making thcir total gift for war purposes $27,500. Ladies white cotton night robes, 53 inchcs long. with tucked yoke and frill. 50c.; ludics’ white cotton night robes, V shaped yoke, luck and em- broidcry, 70c. Atkinson 6c Switzer. The Grand Jury found a true bill of manslaughter against the cabmau who was driving Mrs. Rogers, who was killcd by a (‘hurch street trolley, but exonerated the motorman of the car. Ladies’ white cotton night robes, with round yoke, and tucks and in- sertion. and trill of embroidery, 97c. Atkinson & Switzer. Four Liberal M. R’s were returned by acclamaiiou last Thursday as fol- lows :â€"Isaac J. Gould for “'0st Ori- taaio : J. Arehambault for Bet-thier: Victor Gcoifriou for Uhambly and Verehcrcs; and J. H. Bourassa. for Labellc. “'0 always have. a clean and well assorted stock of men’s furnishings and are always upâ€"to-date. Atkinson & Switzer. Mr. Isaac J. Gould, M. P., for “'cst Ontario, has accepted Sir \Vilfrid Lauricr’s invitation to movc in the Commons theaddressin reply to the speech from the. throne. Mr. Victor erii‘rion, M. P. for Chambly-Ver- CllCl‘t‘S, will second the address. Remember the bargain days at the Concrete on Friday and Saturday. Jau'y 25 and 27. Atkinson tic Switzcr. The Annual Met-ting of thc Reform Association of the Township of King will be hcld at Kettleby at 3 p. m. on Friday. 23th inst. In the cvcning at thc ’I‘cmpcrance Hall a public llllfl‘illlg will takc place- at which il(l(ll't"3\(’.\' will bc dilivcrcd by lion. Ym. )lulock, 1’.istmastcr-Gencral, and Hon. E. .l. Um is, Commissioner of Crown Lands. ;-rist.'v‘.i'.1\e cf . and the hch rcnm 1e. .l.“1'. hurls 1-01". cm; and pints... .. l l l LL‘.__‘_K....:~.‘. ' x u“ M31; . In ut hum».

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