Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Jan 1900, p. 4

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The Sun says: “ Of course we are fully aware that The Mail does not love the proprietor of The World, and that; he is a thorn in the flesh of The Mail ” &c. We sympathize with The Sun in its delicate position, but hope it may '-be instrumental in bringing about love. and harmony between the two “"011- w‘::" :. Of'co “ meeting of the East York Conserva- tive Association, and thinks that; the readers of The Mail should not be “ humbuggod by such exaggerated reports." For some time past The Mail and Empire has contained some pretty severe articles not at; all complimen- tary to either The \Vorld newspaper or its proprietor, Mr. W. F. Maclean, M. I’. The World, however, has shown no disposition to resent the im- putation, but last. week The Markham Sun came to the rescue. The Sun claims that The Mail had misrepre- sented lilrMaelean in its~report of the rates would in a few years more than i‘epay all that the road cost the coun- try. Not a man in Parliament, Con- servative or Liberal, ever said a word against the bill. A good deal was heard about the increase of the national debt. It was amusing to hear some politicians talk about the national debt. Under the Conservative Government the debt increased at the rate of $6,500,- 000 a year. The Liberals had com- pleted the works commenced by the Conservatives. They had increased the debt by only seven and one half millions in the four years. Mr.‘ ‘Campbell spoke, too, of the deepening of the canals, the extension of the In- tercolonial Railway and the opening of the Yukon. Some Conservatives cried out about the expenditure. The Conservatives had left an ex- expenditure of $38,000,000. The Government last year spent $11,000,-‘ 000, but of this $2,000,000 was for the Yukon and .would be repaid. Then the expenditure for the Drum- mond County Railway was being re- ,paid again and again. The Oppo- sition had always cried out about ‘ their loyalty, but it was the Liberal , party that had granted a 25 per cent. preference to British goods, reduced the postage on letters to other parts of the empire, and for the first time in the history of the empire sent 2,000 of Canada’s sons to fight for the empire. In the course of an after dinner speech the other evening Mr. Archi- bald Campbell, the Federal member ‘for Kent, neatly summed up the record of three years of Liberal ad- ministration as follows: The Gov- ‘ernment had on taking office, he said, to face most difficult questions, such as the Manitoba School question, which, if it had not been settled, would have ended in rebellion or breaking up of Confederation. With- in six months of taking office the Liberal party had settled this ques- tion, and it'they had done nothing more they would have won the grat- itude of the people of Canada. Then they had to face the revision of the tarilf, which had been burdensome to the people of Canada. They revised that tarifl‘ so as to lighten the burden of the people, and at the same time stimulated the industries of the coun- try. Had the old tariff remained in Yorce the people of Canada would have paid for their importations of last year $3,000,000 more than they did pay. Then came the Crow’s Nest Railway. The concessions ob- tained from the C. P. R. in freight RICHMOND HILL. Changeâ€"H. C. Bailey. Changeâ€"Atkinson :2 Switzer‘ a 1 £231“: @21th SUMMED UP THE RECORD New Advertisements. anual'y 1900 R. Ager . . . . . . . . . . W. R. Capell \V. Scott . . . . . . . . ‘ T. Read . . . . . . . . . . ‘ Gen. Fox-ester . . . . ‘ RUSS Bizty Kliuck The following persons have been ap- ninted a. committee to look after the illeting of delegates to the conven- tion : Messrs. \V. Ftisby. N. O. Huger- man, Geo. Love, Geo. McCague, L. N i'gholls and B.nSt._()ut§'gburg. The result «of thefiviia‘éfii‘a Square lRifle Club on Satuxday last, is as fol- ows :â€" Misses Clara. and Minnie Lewis of Richmond Hill are visiting friends in th_i_s_ plaicg. Mr. Ross Nicholl has n. cold journey to High School every morning in the saddle. Mr. Lorne Perkins is considering the ad visabilityvof purchasing a home to go to school with. Miss Frances Bx-umwell is visiting her brother, Walter. y ’ "’ ‘ "" l""'l"“' Over fifty members of the A.0.U.VV. came up by special car from Eglinton and Toronto Saturday evening, and conducted the installation ceremony of the new officers of the local lodge. Refreshments and speeches followed. Rev. Chas. Cocking of King, who spent several years as a. missionary in Japan gave an interesting lecture in the Methodist church Monday evening. He gave a good description of the connm‘ynand the custom of the people. The auction sale at Hughes’ Hotel on the last day of this month is likely to draw a large crowd of people. Be- sides the stock mentioned in the bills, a number of other horses will be offer- ed for sale. ‘Veather permit-ting the carnival which was to have been held last; Sat- urday evening will take place on Sat- urday evening of .this week. The Thm-nhill Band will furnish music and good prizes are offered for racing._ $75 be granted on Lloydfown 111.,9tl) Gun. McDonald and Courtney, com- IlllSSllanel‘S; $150 be granted on Lloydtm'cn 111., 9th con. Cooper & Leonard, commis- sioners. $25 be granted on Schomlmrg rd. div. Village cums. $50 be granted to N0. 4 Div. Bonk 85 Stewart cums. $25 be granted to Div. N0 5. Leith- wood and McDevitt, cums. $50 be granted 12th con. Fullvr 85 Gnllungher, coms. $40 be granted Nm'trh. annline, 3rd con. Doan & \Vehster, COIDS. $40 be granted North Lownlitw, ill) con.. Bogart, and Webster, cums. $20 be granted on the. 5th con, lots 1 f0 5. Scott and \Vilkie, coms. The next meeting of Council will be 1215913 at, Harris Hotel, Scoomberg, Feb. I; . CHAS. PATTERSON, S. LEMON, )lerk. Reeve. COIL GOI‘S‘ $40139 granted Lloydtmm'n rd. GL1) com. Humble-ton and Murray, commis- sinners. $30 be granted ()1) Sid lnts 5 and 6 in 10th con and Bl'eedun, Cnlus. $20 be granted on 31' end, Div. No. 5, Butt : coms. $40 be granted on 5th con town rd. Broadway and V missioners. sinn (=1 Norm swnvr $50 lot 19. lot McDmmldund Suns, s! The following glants ‘ gravelling pun-paws. $40.00 be granted in ville, Glass and Paxton King Council hold an meeting at “'utson‘s Ham on Tuesday, January 16. The! following: lxi'lls wore Joseph Billin; T1103. McUuu John Barry, I McDonald mu uencics in Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec returned Liberals by accla- mation, and in only one riding was acandidate put in the field by the Conservative party. It is sometimes said that the Liher- 3.15 are losing ground in the country, and that the next General Election Will show that they do not possess the confidence ofthe electorate. The result of the nominations held last Thursday does not bear out the state- ment. Foiir out of the seven constit- [HIPS U! King Towns 0.05 be granted on sidelilz 5 and 6 in 3rd con. A. {PS Jenkins cmnmissinnm 5 he gl-nntml :11; King 0 man and Amlnnse Davis lm granted nn Lloydiown rd.,7th Davis and Puttage, comm' ion- In Victoria Square Pmch grant-NJ Sullivan Thornhill. [hm snln r «m. 1- on 9th (101)., L ‘ommissinnor's. he applied an 10 and 11. 8th on 3rd (1011., north Hutu and CI:u-kson, on 5th and Pu . . . . . . . . . 57 100 is suffering with a lllk wts wz 51d 3h con. S. Lloyd- :md \Vhite, com- ubletrm Division coulmissinm-rs. 3rd Sl‘UH'n 1H lim .1 I1 UOUHC 101 Score TI 63 100 ,‘ 1)? 111m 18K lmpfirn n unmissix Ill udjmu'm .Och Em $10 l’lll ()0 ()0 iS I? No. 1 and No. 2 5011 in Richmond Hill by W, A. Sanderson, Druggisé. I am prepared to do Family Washings. Gencs‘ and Ladies' fine linen a. specialty. Work gum- uubsed and patronage solicited. 52-12! TILLIE M AXWELI Q-"_‘fiba iHid‘a’éfidkfiifééfimfiéiééabiifi responsible Druggista tn Canada. MU‘N'N & uuuu uo w Marks. C4. Issuccesstully used monthly by over 10.000 Ladies. Sate, effectual. Ladies ask your dru gist for Cook's Cotton Root Com- pound. Take no ot er, as all Mixtures. pills and imitations are dangerous. Price. No. 1, $1 er box ' No. 2, 10 degrees stronger.“ per box. 0. 1 or 5, mailed on receipt; of price and two 8-eent stamps. The Qanlffloqmpany Wingso‘r: On‘t: J H. SANDERSON, Select Couumllor. Class Meet in the Temperance Hall on the first Wed- nesduy of each month. Assessment system. Pavable monthly. Lady or gentleman. 0f Toronto, Canadaâ€"the coming com- pany for the farmers of York Co. Business Sulicited. GORE, ()F GALT. Llichnlond Iiill Elianchester, of London,Eng., BRITISH AMERICA, ‘ DR. B. .l. KENDALL (10., ENOSBURG FALLS, VT. 5 goo.econnanecuoooooeeoooonooooolom E. T. SAEGEON W) “'1': I Wm Gnu-ml Bullor has fmwurdvd a list. of l'nsnnllvic‘s in Sunday’s fighting with tlw Bum-s north of the Tugnln fiver, 1 showing (5 British killed and 75 \vuumL I killed and Ifiichinond Elill ll] pan Agent for the following stock Fire Insurance Companies, viz.: The Royal Templars of Temperance YORK MUTUAL, .Oook's Cotton Root Compound 16 to 25 25 to 30 30 to 35 35 to 39 39 to 4‘) 42 to 15 45 to 48 48 to 50 LAUNDRY (30.. of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN con- ul as Solicitors {or l'ylantu. Caveats -nde myrinh's for Lu) United States. éunad r France Germany. etc. Hand Book 92301: en: fr Thin. 48V?“ FPMI’S' experience. obtainvd elm-u: MURN & C0. are noticed: wwwzfiAugnl: ' the largest.lfest.and' A First-class Cash Mutual. 0F TORON T0, CAN A DA. â€"-â€"-ALSOâ€"â€"â€"- he 19 fulluwing are among the dis- hes rvcvh 9d since last issue :â€" u-d Dundunuld in cmmnuml of (mo nan-ml Bullor‘s columns surprised ' m-r (-uunnando at Acton Homes, L-Idysmith. The Boers lost 20 War Notes 30c 340 380 130 50c 63c 25c Me 1 and 2.3 3ritish c: wounded \smw 500- 55c th 85c A. E. SWITZER. Financial Sec'v . New foi'k. 51,soo takvn px-isnnel isuztltu‘s were isner. 75c 83c 90¢ 329005330 25E 20 35‘ 50‘ 70‘ 180 200 375 150 C. MASON; Axe Handles, go. up; Crosscut Saws, 50c. per foot up; Axes, 70c. up ; Rogers’ Butcher Knives, 10c. ; Pocket Knives, 5c. to 75c. . Cow Chains, 1231c. Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Hocke Skates, 0 cents, com- . Y 5 . plete, and everything sold at a reasonable price. Repairing { Gentleman’s, Trunks, Valises, Mitts, Gauntlets, and other supplies as low as the lowest. Is the place to buy your Harness and other supplies. Single Harness from $10 up. All work guaranteed first-class. Saskatchewan and Black Galloway Robes, $8 to $20. Jute Stable Blankets, 3-5 cents to $2.50 each. Shaped \Voul Blankets, $2.25 to $5 each. Dutch Kel'sey Blankets, $1.25 to $2 each. Best, English Kersey Blankets, 80x80 inch, $4 to $6 each. HARDWARE STORE And so can afford to give you bargains fidafiibmi P 32m Custom work a specialty; repairing neatly done You cannot fail to be pleasct iensaorg Iiepairing Promptly Done. Sh a I mm If} "a 'fi’fix IE and Promptly ()C All kinds of Tinware made to order, RICH CASH BUSEN not fail to be pleased with your éclcction. to suit everybody, both young and old. We are doingr a snicth 5156 DEM? an Biclnnond Hill MEG MOND H Done. GEO. DICDONALD lUSDECt our ROBERT SEVERE £8 fiJSUitll b‘flfi l on Saturday, Jan. 2.7,W111 receive 50 obs. worth-of any :kind of 0’: presenting this Coupon and 85 Cents at our store 5 3 ies’ am}. Chiidren’s 5' a 1".“ fin s, 49 0133 a 30 anal stslb 32‘! for your money. prqmptly and and Hill 5 33.33 21, 1b. tomer i this i

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