Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Feb 1900, p. 1

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VOL. XXII. Is PUBLISHED EVERY THUR SDAY MORNING A? m LIBERALPRINMG a PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOHD HILL. ONT. T. F. McMAHON. DR. LANGSTAFF. Office Hours 2â€"8 to 10 a. m.; 12 to 2 p. m.; 7 to 9 p. m. ‘Wnn. Rogevr.‘ ’Bexxfis", Room 12, 124 Victoria SL, Toronto. Best fitting teeth, also replating, at lowest prices. Good work. DR. T. A. CURME, l)entist, Oddfellmv’s B1dg., Tnl'onjo, cor. Yonge \Vlll be in Richmond Hill every \Vednusday. Oflioezâ€"Next door .90ch of Public School. ‘t 32. W. Gee-11 Tzsttar, B. 35, DENTIST,- Telephone 3368 for appointment. cast . q . Gmduato of the Ontario Veterinary Collene, with diploma. from tho Ontario Veterinary Dent-.1 School.wi11visit Maple on Monday and Friday at each week. and Concord on Friday from 1 to 3 p.111. Gulls promptly attended to Diseases of hnrses,\e and other domesticat ed animals treated by the latest and most ap- proved mchhods. VETERINARY SURGEON Member College Pligsicinun and Surgeons. at. Remodelledmud newly furnished throughout. One of we most. convenient and comfortable hotels on Yonge Sweet. Every modern con- venience. Sample rooms for commercial travellers. Auideulstoppingpluce fur riding ordriviug parties.bicyoliscs. or farmers going to or returning from market. Electric cars pass the door. Evan accommodation to guests. Board DB1 (In Cor. Bloor and Spadlua Ave.. Toronto. JOHN I'ALHER. 'BICEIIVIOND HILL oF‘r‘ECE llOlJR§ 9:0 “Dam: 61:» 8pm RICHMOND HILL. w. HEWiSCN HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grains: and. Pager- Hanger. BUSiNESS CARD-S. DB. L. LAWRASON, (Successor to Dr. Cecil Trotter) J. T. Eficfilmy, per annum, in advance. @112 Calls 1‘; VETERINARY DENTIST. RICHMOND HILL, v and (Jolie. 158 KING STREET EAST. TORONTO Eamon & Pnormzwon IDENC‘E, RICH) TERMS $1.00 PER DAY. E. figmem mama. wetcrinaw figural. 1 a distance prom attended to. ifii‘aeml Toronto, $9333 0ND HILL Prop TORONTO OFFICE: No. 1. Add“: COOK & MACDONALD su. Fast. 1 Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday l afternoon of each wch. I Money co Luau James Building, 75 Yonge St. (cor. King), Toronto WNBAN, SWEET 85 SKEEE‘ES East Toronto Office, .h. Grant‘s residence, Wondhnds w. eve‘rv owning. Thnruhiil,aach \Veflnesdfly from 10t012. Money to {mm at 5 per cent. Barrister, Solicitor. Ifct-ary, 84:. Suite 77 and 78 Freehold Loan Build- ings, cor. Adelaide and Victoria Streets, Toronto. DE. "EDIEEFY. NOTARY PUBLIC, LENNUX & MORGAN, Mouev to loan on mm mm} chm-tel mortgach at lowest rates. Autumnffi-‘eâ€" Ii-a'unyed to the oh! past ({Cwe, mm dour wwt 'of the entrance to the Gucm‘m Husk. Newmarket otfmeâ€"Tbreu duors south of the sz5 Office. SALEM ECKARDT, 63 Winchester St. Toronto T. HERBERT LENNOX. G. STV. Mom; Aurora. A < 25 KING STRE T WEST, TOEONTO Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Goods sold on consignment. Genera] salee cf utock.etc.. promptly amended to at reasonable rates. G. R. Gouldxug, Newton Brook, agent. for the above. LicensedAucticneel-s for the County of York,re- spectfully 501' it your patronage and friendly Influence. an s mttpuded on the shortest notice and A rezlsonabe rates. P. 0. address King ENGH COURT OF JUSTICE, 62c. ssue-r of Marriage Licenses RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. J. T. Snigeon, Richmond hill Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Salesmttonded to on shortestuotire and at rea- sonablerates Patronagesohcited. Licensed Auctioneer for the County 01 York. Generalsmles n! implements, tux-nimre,sta.n(1ing timber. etc. .uttended on the shol‘fiest notice and ntreasonable ratbs. Patronagesolicited. P. 0. address Mavle. LIBERAL Officp, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. Sufism. Solimtor. Convevuncor, Notary Public, Etc. Licensed Auctionearfnr @119 Coumiefi of York and Ontano. Ali snlesof turn: stock, &c., at- tended tu on the shortest amine and reunonuble rates. Mortgage and builifl sales attended to. Residence. Stouflville. Out. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHIIL MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%, C STOKES For S 01' MI A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept; at, both places. Unden‘takers a: Embalmcrs. Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Bal‘ri‘eirrs and Sofirhcrs. GUN SPENCER LOVE; Richmond Hill on Wednesdays Barristers, Suliciim'a, :S'c. Rickard! & ' Fl cnsice )NEY Saigcon a NECEwcni. RECHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1900. WRIGHT BROS, M Stokes a; Blough. CnMMISSIOHEB IN THE 3.111011! J. I). Reudman, (a? ood Fan-1n F. LAWRENCE, 13211211. T’H’m'mw'rm: Tm- N. E. Smith. ale or to Rent In Essentials, Um‘ty; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” Talc-Thane 21 Richmond Hill P. O MONEY! Telerhrne 2984 J. H. PRENTICB Unionvixle J. R. McEwen Weston. Aowfimrket 3).}? D BLOUGE Markham l The fifth session of the eighth Par- liament of Canada has opened in prop- m- form and with all duo constitutiun- nl pomp and circumstance of state, and on Monday next, Her Mnjf‘stvy‘s % faithful Commons will settle. down to what promises to be an unusually ro- ltracked and tedious session. he speech from the throne which is al- Iways anticipated as a kind ufin‘tm- lduutory notice (5f the Gavel-mnent’s programme, for once fulfilled its pur- pose. forecasting an amount of pro- gressive. constructive legislntiun fur _ “have the average. V‘. .0..- .V Â¥_.,nr. m’fhe opeâ€"nng paragraph naturally referred to matter-s in S0uth_Africn :md to the prompt assistance so enthusiastically tendered hy the Gov- ei-nmenb and people of the Dominion and so cordially acet-pted by the Motherland. The splendid develop- ment of tmde which has marked the regime of the present Administration received attention, and the promise was made that action would be taken to provide for the proper INSPECTION OF FOOD STUFFS intended for expot t, a course frequent- ly advocated in these letters. The de- velopment of trade with the VVe-st In- dies and South America was also promised special attention. In behalf of the working classes reference was made to the spgcial regulations recent- 1y promulgated by the Governmentl for the purpose of insuring adequate provision for the sanitary protection I and medicalcnre of all men \vorkin i (m raiiwas‘s and public, works, wig! legislation was promised for the pur» l puse of providing boards of arbitration i to :LSSist in the adjusting of labor" tron llles. _ _ I Measures are also foreshadowed to renew and amend existing banking laws, to regulate the rate of interest, payable upon judgments recovered in courts uf law, to provide for the taking of the next decennial census, fur the better arrangement of the doctoral districts. t0 amend the criminal code, and so forth and so on. Truly a sub- stmxtial first; instalment, and an evi- dence that the. Government is by no means satisfied to rest upon its 031's, though its record far surpasses any 0f its precvdvssm-s in splendid results. This fact, has apparently only acted as an incentives in grezl-tez-vef’fut-its during the balance of the life of this Pan-12::- menl'. The speech of the Minister of Public Works at, the Young Liberal Club banquetinTomntu has attracted an unusual amount of attention, partly because itl was the first occasiun in which Mr. Tarte haul the opportunity of meeting an Ontario audience since the sending out of the cmlimgents, and partly because a full and fair re- port of what. he actually did say has been given to the mummy. in satis- - n' r 7 ~ 7 - actory contrast to the garhlpd and m- accumte reports which have been pub- lished of his recent speeches in the Province of Quebec. \The Minister stated his position frankly and fully, and it was exactly the position he had taken from the first, though his reiteration of it had been made necessary by the persistent misrepresentation of his opponents. He declared that when the first con-g tingent was spoken of, “nobody thought that the war with the Trans- vaal would be a war, We all thought it would be a kind of pleasure expedi- tion, that was the. general opinion not only here but everywhere. My per- sonal opinion was that the Canadian ‘Governnient before doing anything should have called Parliament to- gether; that was my opinion then, it is still my opinion. \Vhen British re- = verses came, when we all found out what we had to face, that the British empire had to face. a serious war, the question came of sending another body of troops. I think I betray no confidence in saying that I did not op- pose the sending of the second con- tingent. Very far from it. I con- curred with my colleagues, and when ‘ the time came for sending the second ~ body of troops I did not hesitate one 1 minute." Surer none but the most prejudiovd opponent can object to such a position and it is the position Mr. Tarte has maintained from the first. True pa- triotism dons not consist in shouting, and the empiro at large does not; doubt I Canada’s sterling loyalty because her Government refused to go into hyster- ics. but proceeded in a calm and states- nmnlike manner to act promptly and viiiciently, being ready with the nee-dâ€" od aid even before the' time specified or expected by the Home authorities. Ottawa, FPl)’y, 3. I Our Ottawa Letter. MR. TARTE AND HIS CRITICS. Mowing is schoulreport for month mury, 1900. IVâ€"Ada. Miles, Ernest, BOWPs, 'Buwvs. IVâ€"Elumre Rmnmn, Airmza 3n, Joe Mulnck, Gem-g9 Mile-s. IIIâ€"Pearl Pearson, . Pezu-l Concord. g 662; Jr. IIIâ€"Noxma Fisher, Fred Miles. Margaret Stewart, Percy FishenFlora Gollzmd. Third Class lJnniorâ€"Sadie Fisher, John Mortsnn, Ella. Phillips. Second Class Seniorâ€"Gladys Sai- l geon, Gen. Brown. John Hearn. Jennie ;Gnml>le, Eddie Gamble, Chas. Hart, ; Frank Grady, Geo. Hart, Joe. Jones. 7, Amy Phillips. 5 Second Class Juniorâ€"Stella Cluhine, Joan Topper. Victor Jones, Pearl Phillips, Lexie McKenzie. Promote-d to Senior Part Secondâ€" | Leonard Duncanerne Cluhinofitella l Ml_i_rphy, El-ny Dibh, Annie Bs-ll. u, A v gi‘l‘l'ilflstella ReamanJesse Farrell. VVilkie Bowes. Jr. llâ€"Bentrice Reaman, Chas. Pooh, Russ Charlton. Pt. IIâ€"Albert Bowes, Jesse Bowes. Sr. Pt. Iâ€"Ella Remnun, Ross Fishâ€" Present ovory dayâ€"Ernest Rowes, Edgar Bmves, Flora Golland, Fred Miles, JK‘SSC Farrell, Chas. Ponle. flggmgute attendance for month. 91". Re ort uf S. S. No, 4. Markham, and 21. an hun, for the month of Jan‘y : Font-t Glassâ€"Aggie Gamble, Mary Gm'man, Alcx.Newbery,Lizzie Hearu, Wellie Mm-tsun. Leonard Glass. Third Class Senior-Ethel Clubine, John Grady, Louis Kerswill, Foncy Grady. Ggo. Topper. h. .. ru‘ l l b l l , evening. Notwithstanding the unfavorable weather last evening there was a. large attendance at the Oyster Supper and Concert given in the Methodist church at this place. Oysters, hot and cold, with other delicacies were served in the basement, and the supper was fully up to the standard. At about 8.45 the meeting was called to order by the pastor, Rev. Mr. ' Strachan, who, after afew appropriate remarks introduced Mr. T. Herbert Lennox of Aurora as chairman for the Mr. Lennox made an ideal chairman, and handled his audience With ease and dignity. Pressure of ‘ our time this morning prevents men- tion of individual parts suffice it to say the programme was well carried out and much enjoyed by those presâ€" ent. The Mendelssohn Chm-isters of Richmond Hill gave. sevc-Ial selections; the Misses Strachan of Aurora, and the Misses Case also sang; Miss Eva Petch, elocutionist of Aurora gave a selection, Mr. H. Sanderson, and Mr. E. Mason of Richmond Hill sang solos, and little Miss B. Folliott and Master A. Hutchinson contributed a couple of musical dialogues.' A Brass Quartette from Richmond Hill played a couple of fine pieces. and another quartette from the same place furnished vocal selec- tions. The proceeds amounted to about $70.63. AVllll guy, uLIx'y Jun-r, ‘xuuu, “L... Number of names entered on the register, 49. Highest daily attendance, 48. Average attendance for the month, 38. Mary Gorman, L. Glass, Georgie Brown, Gladys Suigonn, Eddie Gamb- le. Joe Jones, Victor Jones, J. Grady, Fancy Gmdy, Chas. Hurt, S. Clubine, Lexie McKenzie and John McKenzie attended every day. fiighvst daily attendance. 42. E. J. A. JOHNSTON, Teacher. Bills are out announcing another carnival in the rink on Saturday even- ing of this week. There will he. an open race and a. race for boys residing in ‘hornhill or Within 5 miles from the village. The prizes are silver trophies. and must be won two nights. The rink will be open from 8 to 10.30. and music will be supplied by the Thorn- hill Brass Band. At the Racing Carnival in Thornhill rink Saturday evening, the cup was won by Uowie of Markham. Eckurdt & Prentice’s auction sale. of horses, cattle, «0., held at Hughes hotel, last week was a great, success. There was a very large crowd in the village and stock brought high prices. The fulh‘uving are among the war despatches given out this morning: General Buller again tries to reach Ladysiuith. An important Boer position cast; of Spiuu Kup captured. Boers recaptur- ed it temporarily and were drh en out by bayonet, charges. "Jprersborate fighfing on Monday and Tuesday. \Var Office says operations are still in progress. The long looked for relieving force now only fifteen miles from Lady- smith. ‘M‘IJJ-El Roberts and Kitchener leave for the front. Vigorous operations looked for on the Free Slate fron_tvie:r Canadimfi have Belmhnt for Mndder River to join Methueu’s forces. Temperanceville Jefferson jngIGEON, Teacher. War Notes. Thornhill. Miss Gemmill of Su-atford is visiting Mrs. R. A. Farquharson. Miss Louie Hafiey has returned af- ter n three months’ visit with brothers in Cleveland. Mrs. R. A. Fnrquharson has been made :1. member of the Woman’s His- torical Society, Toronto. Mrs. A. E. Conmbs. of Newmarket spent Saturday in the villa e with her aunt, Mrs. J. W. Elliott. 'he return ed in the emnin but left her little daughter, Alice ‘muces, in the care of her auntie for a. Week or two. Mr. Harold Proctor, clerk in The T. Eaton & Co’s establishment. who has been home for a couple of Weeks, will return to his duties on Saturday. Mr. Andrew Morden, of the Hurtney District, Mam, formerly of this place, who has been down for a few weeks, was in the village on Saturday calling on old friends. Mr.D.D.MacD0nald and l\/Ir.Gmt,hrie.x of Pickering; and Mr. C. S. MacDon- ald, of Lhe Central Business College, Toronto, spent a. couple of days with Mr. N. MacDonald, principal of the Public School, and returned Saturday. Prof. John Burwash, M. A., D. Sc., of Victoria College, will preach Edm cational Sermons in the Methodist; Church next Sunday, morning and evening. Collections and subscrip- tions will be taken in aid of the Edu- cational Fund. ' Miss Teefy on Thursday evening last attended a lecture given in Aurora by Prof. Mackenzie of Toronto University. The subject of the lec- ture was “ The Boers,” and was one of the Series given under the auspices of the Public Library. Miss Teefy was the guest of Mrs. Fleury. WEDNESDAY. Feb'v l-Lâ€"Credit sale of fresh milch cows. springers. horses, swine. etc., at Thompson’s hotel. Lansing. Sale at one o'clock. Terms from 4to 9 months‘ credit. Eckardt & Prentice. auctioneers. THURSDAY. Feb’y L‘s-Credit sale of farm stock, implements. &c., on lot 3, con. 8. Toronto Gore. the property of James Nattress. ' Sale at one o’clock. Terms Smonths. Saigeoq & McEwen, auctioneers. Tnonsnm. Feb’y lSâ€"Uredit sale of farm stock, implements. &«:., on lot 24. con. 4. Scarboro. the property of Wm. Walker. Sale at one o'clock. Terms 8 months. Eckerdt and Prentice. auctioneers. FRIDAY. Feb’y lGâ€"Credit sale of term stock. im- plements. &c., on lot 1o. con. 10. King.the~ property of the late James Cherry. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms 5 months. Saigeon & McEwen. auctioneers. SATURDAY. Feb'v 17â€"Credit sale of term stock, implements, £20.. near Woodbgidga, theorem,- > erty of Lawyer Skeans. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms 8 months. Saigsou d: McEwen. auctioneers. TUESDAY. Feb'y 20â€"Ci-edit sale of farm stock. implements. &c , on lot axon. 2, Whitchurcb. ‘ the property of Geo. Thompson. Sale atl 1 o'clock Termsemonths.’ Stokes 6t Blough. auctioneers. WEDNESDAY, Feb’y 2lâ€"Credit sale of farm stock, implements, furniture. etc.. on lot 22, con. 1. West York (Newton Brook). the moiâ€" erty of Wm. Gray. Sale at one o’cloc Terms. 8 months. Eckardt a Prentice. auctioneers. THURSDAY, Feb'y 22â€"Credit sale of term stock, ‘ implements. &c.. on lot 2, con. 7. Markham, the property of John Risebrough. Sale at one o'clock. Terms 8 months. Eckardt dc Prentice. auctioneers. TUESDAYHFOUY 27â€"Ci-edit sale of £94m stock. implements. &c.. on lot 18,. con. 2. Whim church. the property of Albert Browning. Sale at ln'cluck. Terms 8 months. Saigeou {$2 McEweu. auctioneers Trimmer. Feb'y I'Mâ€"Credit sale of clyilesdalle and roadster horses, durhem and grade cattle, swine. poultry. grain, hay. cats. in:- plements iurniture,&c..on lot 5, rear 5th r‘on. Markham (Hagerumn’s Corners) the property of Wm. Millikan. Sale at 11 o'clock sharp. Lunch provided. Terms 8 months; 7per cent. per annum allowed for cash. Eukardtdz Prentice. auctioneers. WEDNESDAY. Feb'y"3â€"Cre<lit sale of {arm stock. implements. fre4h milch cows. &c., at Bughes' Hotel. Thornhill. Sale at lo’clock. Terms 8 months. Eckardt & Prentice. auctioneers. Ls‘l’arties getting their bills printed at this Office Will receive a notice similar to the above FREE or CHARGE \V'beat, wt \VheM. re‘ Hrj-l : Straw [Single copies, 3 cts. PERSONALS. Sale Register. Enrumu 3&2;erva rite. p I, per (1 rolls bush . . rer bush ‘e'r cwt No 32 (:0 0H 41 40 4U 005

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