Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Feb 1900, p. 4

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DEAR Simâ€"Under instruction of the Hon. Minister of Agriculture an- other distribution of sample packages of the best and most rnductive sorts of cereals, &c., is now lie,ng made from the Central Experimental Farm. Ot- tavya. The distribution Will consist,as heretofore, of samples of oats, spring wheat, barley. field pease. Indian corn, and potatoes. Each sample will weigh three pounds. The quality of the seed will be of the best, the. varieties true to name and the packages will be sent “free to applicants, through the mail. The object in view is the improvement of the character and quality of the grain, &-c., grown in Canada, an effort xvidely appreciated, and the choice of -varieties to be sent» out will be confined to those which have been found to succeed well at the. Expeliniental Farms. These. samples will be Sent oniy to those who apply personally, lists of societies or individuals cannot be con- sidered. Only one sample. of one. sort can be. sent to each applicant, hence if an individual receives a sample of oats he cannot also receive one of wheat or barley. Applications should be. ad- dressed to the Director of Experimen- tal Farms, Ottawa, and may be sent any time before the fifteenth of March. after which date the lists will be. closed. so that the. samples asked for may all be sent outin good time for sowing. Parties writing will please mention the sort of grain they would prefer i and should the available stock of the ‘ variety named be exhausted, some other good sort will be sent in its place. Letteis may he sent to the Ex- perimental Farm, free of postage. “'31. SAUNDERS. I Director Experimental Farms :‘OITAWA. Jamaal-y, 1900. 5 A very fair presentment oi the matter of railway rates as viewed by the shipper is contained in the re- marks of the chairman of the hard- ‘ware and metal section of the Toronto 'Board of Trade, when presenting his -' annual report the other day to that body. “The question offreight rate” he said, “ is a serious matter to the members of these trades, as the re- cent extraordinary advances in the rates on iron and steel commodities emphasize. It is of vital importance that some just and equitable system of levying these charges should Le adopted by the Canadian railroads. .The policy of making one section of 'tlie community make up for the loss incurred by carrying foreign or through traffic, and of making rates favorable to one place to the detri- ment of another which has existed so long, should not be permitted to state: sided roads, deriving all their powers and privileges from the people, and no effort should be spared to bring the public mind to the point ofinsist- ing on their rights through Govern- oontrol or otherwise." A deputation from Toronto waited upon the Postmaster-General a few ‘days ago to petition for a reduction ‘of the drop letter rate in cities from 'tWo cents to the old rate of one cent. ‘The rate was doubled by the late 'Government at a time when each year showed a large and growing deficit in the Post Office Depart- ment, and now that the vastly im- rproved method has almost restored the financial equilibrium it is not an unreasonable proposition to ask that the rates be restored. The great re- ‘duetions that have already been made, however, first by cutting down i the imperial rate from five cents to two cents, and then the domestic "rate from three cents to two cents, ihaving necessarily caused a tempor- =ary shrinkage in the revenue, and it ‘is obviously wise and necessary to ‘wait until the increased business "which will result once more equalized lrevenue and expenditure before mak- «ing greater reductions. "This was! Ythe contention advanced by the Post- ?mas'ter-General in reply to the peti- 9tion of the Toronto deputation, but :mtimawd very clearly that, he would. jgladly make the reduction as soon as. *prudence would permit. To The Editor of THE LIBERAL Distribution of Sampl Seed Grain. RICHMOND HILL. February 8, 1900 Ohingeâ€" H. C. Bailey. Chaugeâ€"Atkinsnn a Switzer. Vnu han Cotmcil .133. B. McLean. 0161‘ ’s Noticeâ€"U. H. stiver. {Ellie fiibeml. New Advertisements. sof THE - LIBERAL Dated this 99th dav oihfhifiZryCE. D. .VVVV .. _.â€".. r" sun 91- pazsuus 0! whose clunu he shall not. have had nutice at. the time 0! Hum) uisnihucion. Duncan. Grant. Sksmrs dz Mxlinr, 31-3 2.5 K‘ v St. W.,'1‘oronto. Sn tor: for said executor A. D. 1900. to send to Edward Martin of the Vil- lage of Thornhill, executor of the mid deceased. udvzessed to Thamhlll I’o-t Ofljca, full partic- ulars or chair claims against the astute of the‘ stud deceased and of the seem-my. if any, held by them. N OTICE islrereby given. pursuant to R. S. 0.. 1897,Chup. 129. that all creditvm and others having claims 'agningt the estate vf William MyersMuhshaw,lateof tho Township of Markham, in the County of York, humor. de- ceased,who died on ox abuut the 4th day of gibruuy, A. D. 18-39, are rfiquixed on or buiore e Money to Iran on first, mortgage farm proper ty, at five per cent. 29-“ Enquire nh mm m Ereflé’égi‘s F. 'I , u.» “Hwy.” 0 for “minis smfiri'i‘nmc. disc “A 'rréiuse onlhe . Hone," the book free, or address g all kinds M luwgstpricés. 7 _ Putz-ouuge sohclted ; sutlsfuctiou guaranfised LUMBER uh hahd 311311;; few “:1sz Kill 1)?» m‘cpurei :0 supply DRESSED LUMHE R. Inf u.“ ' ‘_n_(1_s and (19 PLABING AND MA [CHING of '2'ng glégmgg $1.00 IN ADVAMSE. The suhsmiber would i'espectfniw imimatl 0119 pub“; that having rebuilt the chhplung n I” NEAPLEG And doubied its cavacity he W busy Chopping seasan e a further notice Gimp Tficudny. “'(‘dnefiday :' :5“an of each “i R‘peus Tabules. 3:921:15 Tabules WILLIAM MYERS MUNSHAW, See the range of men's Dominion suspenders we are sr-lling for 240. per pair. Atkinson & watzvr. The Scan-born Maplra Lonfs on Tues- day won the District Modal by filst defeat/in Georgetown. and :tftvrwm ds Newmar et. In the fon-vnoon va. market won from Scnrhom. The nmtchvs were played in the Victoria Rmk, Toronto. Fail-hunk's tar snap, 10c. : Copco soap, 50.; Richard’s mottled '30an 2 rakes for 5c. : Apple Bloom, Punch Blossom and Oatmt-ul Toilvt Soap, 10v. per box of 3 cakes.Atkinson & Switzm'. DR. 8. J: KENDALL $0., ENOSBURG FALLS. VT. mono”...oeeooouocuouooaoeounooooalu‘ Dr. McKay, of Inger-sol], M. P. P. for South ()xfm d, is SPI‘itHlSIV ill with tyéplmid fever, and his (-(mditinn is con- si ered critical, serious complications having developed. Half a dozen cases of smallpox have been discovered at, Toronto Jnnctiur. The pleasure is 01.118, the px-nfitlynm s, on Fnday and Saturday. Atkins‘n & Switzer. _ Mr. ansden on Monday fined Mrs. McKay of East Toronto $25 for n. breach of the Medical Act. Remember the bargain days at. the Concrete, Friday and Saturday, Feb y 9and 10. Atkinson & SwiLzm'. He i§.plso_stil! kagping ._ALL Ki Money to Lean S ubscribe for ienry Marsh. In the matter of the estate of News Notes Dcceas ad gentle cathartic Enquire nb THE'LIHERAL Off: Wore. PM. -DS 01' will be GLOBE OPTICAL cot ‘ "V ANTED â€"- SEVERAL TD‘US’EWORTHY persons in this state to nmnagn our busi- 116:5 in than arm and nearby counties. It is mainly cfl’ice work conducted 11* hams. Salary straight $900 a year and expensvsâ€"dcfluitfibona- fille. no more. no less salary. Monthly $75. References. Enclose self-addressed stamped gpyalopa. derben E. Hess. Prest Dept. M. Chicngb‘ A good set of single harness to exchange for wood, green or dry. > 0f Turrmtu, Canadaâ€"the coming cnmv pauy fur the farmers of York 00. Business Solicited. GORE, ()F GALT. J. T. SAEGEGN, Manchester, of London,Eng., BRITISH AMERICA, Send 10 cents for sample copy. You will like it. Addressâ€"- OR you can receive it with this paper for one year by sending your or- ders to the publisher's of THE LIB- ERAL at; $1.75. READ THE Isis“ No.1 pad No.2 sold in Richmo W. A. Sum usou, Dx‘uggisn. ' i“ Is successfully uSed monthly by over 10.000 Ladies. Safe, eflectual. Ladies ask your dmggist for Cook”: Catlo Root Com- Pnnd. Take no other. as all Mixtures. pills and mitatious are dangerous. Price. No. 1. $1 a: box;No. 2.10 degrees atronger.$8 per box. . I or 2,ma.11ed on receipt of price and two s-eent stnm s. The Cook Company Windsor Out. m“ 09. 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all responsible Dmggleta In Canada. fleet in’the Temperance Ha nesdu'y o'f earl) (0f the firm of Eckurdt 85 Prentice), agent: for tlu- Massey-Harris Labor- Saving Machinery, \Vaguns, Flows, Scufi’lers, &c.; 11150 the Sawyer 8L Mnssvy Engines and Threshors, the Brantfnrd “"ind-Mill, and the Up-tn- Date Toronto Fanning Mill. All Masseyâ€"Harris repairs knpt by H. A. Nicholls, Richmond Hill. Business solicited. k numtlfly magazine full of inforost- ing 19:; Hug matte - and useful infurmatmn for J. H. PRENTECE Rink open to Curlers “very day. and on Tuesday and Friday evenings. Admission for skaters, 10 cents: Chil- dren 5 cents. GOOD MUSIC‘ ON SATURDAY EVENING-S. Evenings of each \VPPk from 7.30 to 10 o’clock, Canadian Heme Emma}. The above rink will be ODE" fur Skut ers during the season on ."V- unmade. for the Canadians." 30-3 R ich 1110116! Hill. SKATING EENK ikichnzoud Iii“ VVEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY Agent fur the following stock Fire Insurance Companies, viz.: l (1-1 0-5 Fifteen Adult‘s tickets for $1.00 Thirty Childrvn’s tickets for $1.00. Subscription price $1 per annum Weed Wanted CANADIAN WOMEN AND CANADIAN HOMES UDE vr 1 [Dan uvt 93 Yonge Street, Toronto. 0. . . Solid Gold....82.8i ; Best Gold Fill l.5€ 5 yrs GoldFiu 1.06 . ‘ - BestGquses... 1C! We guarantee perfect satisfaction YORK MUTUAL, Canadian Home Journal (30., Linked. Ehe Loyal Templars of Temperance A First-class Cash Mutual. 0F TORONTO, CA N ADA. â€"-â€"â€"ALSOâ€"- ANDERSON‘ lolect Cmmmllnr Cook's Cottcn Root Compound LfiUEEEY Unionville. to urea (in do tine h'nven a sum- putronnge solir‘ cf RICHMOND HILL 42 130 Apply to WM. HARRISON P. G. SAVAGE, Reeve gent-IE TILL] F. M AXWT'ZLY TORONTO. ONT numb." e monfiily m. Richmond Hill 1,500‘ 31-8 thp first We Work :1 Hill by 93,00 Axe Handles, 50. up; Crosscut Saws, 50¢. per foot .up-; Axes, 70c. up; Rogers’ Butcher Knives, IOC. ; Pocket Knives, 5c. to 75¢. . Cow Chains, 12%c. Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Hockey Skates, 50 cents, com- plete, and everything sold at a reasonable price. All kinds of 'I‘inware made to order. HARDWARE STORE Gentleman’s, Lafiies’ and Children’s Shoes. Bargaifls Every Day! “THE LIBERch “ OFFIGE. mmkmau - ‘PVI~'V'TW;£ We Wish to emphasize the fact that we are selling almost all lines of footwear at old prices. Early buyers will save money. em Boot you Righ‘a. ’ Q. BAELEK MAPLE. EEG?) And so can afford to give you bargains for your money. Custom work a specialty ; ’hrepairing promptly and neatly done ROBERT SIVERS You cannot fail to be pleased with your selection. Shoes to suit everybody, both young and old. We are doing a strictly Repairing Promptly Done. O N, CASH BUSINESS Come and iuspeot our new lines of }W€3&§? Richmond Ilill -\.T AND ATTRACTIVE DONE AT Any customer presenting this Coupon and 35 Cents at our store on Saturdayfieb. 10, W131 receive a. '15adiscountonan'y purchase ofbocts, shoes or rubbers. No. Richmond Hill

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