Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Feb 1900, p. 5

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Cnmic :md Fancy L at THE LIBERAL uflice. At the Annual of Educatiun huh Boyle was fwd:- Mr. J. A. E. Swil The Munuging C4 The \V. C. T. U. dvsiw through THE LIBERAL tr» express their appl-mziution of th survicvs of 11“ W11“ assistvd in the programme at thvir annqu Parlru- Sonja] on Tuesday evening of last Week. OvercoatSâ€"W’I‘ are shmving a “me of M'emnnts. nhryut half-price. Naugh- ton Bum. Elgm Mills. ‘ Last \Vm I‘d film-('9 Jr lncv, son 0: went In S (‘."illl:\.“:lll( thatvd from of tln- luvs: tn gk‘L in“) RICHMOND HILL, February 3. 1900 At the Inst mot-ting of the Cnunly Council seven-n1 eases of alleged own-- charging (In the Metropolitan were re- gmfir‘d, and a crlmmitrtoe with Mr. J. D. Evnqs as chairman ho look mtn the matter. 'A great, snap in odd pieces 0f Muss- wure and crockery on Friday am? Sat- \u‘d=\y. Atkinson & Swilzer. KM“ 1a 0, How hi-nripu! «If 31(‘l$."t:1.5u Senna}, Chnalmxxi, has fmwm'dod a lihmul domitinn to the Nulivlml Pan-i- otic Fund fur “Tommy Atkins Babies," contributed by his puPils. “’0 ohservo by $129 Globe that James Bx-ackiu, formerly of this Read carofully our quotations for Friday and Saturday. and ynu‘ll find {how genuine bargains. Atkinson «‘c Switzor. The Mxmuging F. McCtmnghy H. Sundusun, Friday evening this wevk at the Ep- worth Lenng will he Military Even- ing. An appropriate entertainment will be given, inciuding solos and read- ings by Miss Ethel Switzer, Miss Violet; vaey, Mvsm‘s. E. Mason, “H Harrisnn, A. J. Hume and others. No couection. Everyone Welcome. A Pal-101' Social and Concert will he held at Mr. G. J. C(mk’s residence at Hope on Why 14th. Unucox't to con- sist, ofrecitutinns, solos, duets, chor- uses, and instrumental music. Ad- inissimx, 15 cents. Oysters served extra. Dr. J. T. Nnunan to preside. Pronevds in aid of Sunday Schoul Or- gan Fund. 'Rubbersâ€"~W’man’s and Children's Rubbers. Odd lines tn he Clem-ed out. less than cost. Naughton 8:03., Elgm M ills. 'To-morrnw nftvrnuon at the Junior Epwm-th League essays will he read nu the use of our senses, as follows :â€" The sense of Touch, by Miss Loreen VVx-ight ; Seeingmlnster Leon Pmctm-: Hearing, Miss Olive Switzer; Smell, Miss Genevieve Hun-is ; Taste, Muster Frank Storey. Members are urged to be present. ‘There was more than the usual stir in the village yesterday, nmny people being here haul the sum-minding~ nei bhmhonds. Among the drawing car 3 were the monthly salv, the auction wle at The Palmer House, a .meeting of the Bevf Ring at; The Do- miniun House, and the Annual Meet- ing nf the Bum-d of Education. The Richmond Hill hockey team was defeatt‘dat Max-khan) by a score offigoals t0 nil on Friday last. The play thrnughnut was very loose on ac- count of the size of the rink and the pnorlight. The home team is quite confident ()f retrieving their lost lam-els when they meet on their own 109. A fine lot of ludies’ kid gloves, rogu~ lav $1.25 and $1. Friday and Saturday of this week for 25c. pm- p21i1'. Atkin~ son & Switzer. Pure Guld Jelly. all flavors. 9e cornstarch, 5a.; dates, 66.; c cum-ants, tic. ; extra prunes. 8c. ifornia. Peaches, 12c. Atkinsn Switzua At the regular Quarterly Board meeting of the Methodist Church held on Monday, the 5th insL, the follow- ing resolutiun was adopted on motinn of Mr. W". Harrison. seconded by Mr. I. Crosby : That, we‘ the members of Richmond Hill Circuit Quarterly Board. desire to express our sylnpatlly with Bro. Jonah Leek and his fumin in their unusually sore hercavenwnt. and to assure them that Gui-earnest prayer is that, tlwy may be divinely gust-lined and comforted, Wood \vnn‘ted. Sue adv. Regular “we-ting of Cuux't Richmond Friday (Welling. Ia()(j ALIJSME. t week’s \Vvston Times containâ€" i-(‘e Ivttors from Mr. T. G. “’31- ;on of Hun. N. C. \Vallnce. who to Smth Africa. with the first iinn Cunlingmlt. The lvttors urv from Brlmontlmt by U19 tum- ‘ uwssngvs the men are impatime , into active servicv. QUAR TER LY BOAR D. M CLEANâ€"BA YLISS Social and Concert will be ’E-r ggi‘éamz'i old‘yvstof-aay M r. J. N. eh-cled Chairman, and ,vibzer. Secretary-Treats. Committee are Messxs. ,‘VV. T. Storey, and J. all x‘e-elecbt‘d. mooting of the Board we Valentines WélS '01's. 90. ; best, , 60.; cleaned .ues. 8a.: Cul- Atkinsml and L appointvd l The Panic Publishing Company. Tn~ mum. lluve in press a, “ Lifv of Dwight l L. Mendy," and they mmnuncv that it ‘ will he rmdy to place in tlw hands of the public during the first. week of Fehrum'y. The book will he publish- 1 ed in pupe'r and cloth binding. and will contain over 200 illustrations. This bunk is sure tn haw’ a. Very 19. 0 circulation. as the prior has been ma. a so low that she great mass M" the pew ple may secure it. Price. in attractive papex' awn, 25 cents: uluth. 50 cents, post paid. For sale at all lmok stm-es. A “muting of the High Schnul % letic club was bulk-d on [‘V‘b‘y 2 for pun-pose of I-c-mgunizing. The (-l was taken by Mr. S. Cunpc‘l‘ and foilnwing officers were decked 3â€"â€" Ho'n. Promidé‘ntâ€"VV. J. mm, M. E FwsidenLâ€"F. J. Johnston, M. A; Vi’cv-l’rvsidi‘ntâ€"â€"J. M. lladwen. Curtainâ€"VJ. J. Alkinsun. The East York Plowtnelfs Assncizp lion held thvir annual meeting at Ilugnes’ Hotel. Thm'nhill, on Sutur- ’ day. The treasure-1’s ropm-t. showed a ‘ good balance un hand. The following lufficers were elected for the current, ’eflr: ' 3 Hun. President, “[111. Milliken ; i President. Alex. Weir: As no report had hwn received from Tut-onto Junction High School nu grant was made for that institution. viore closing the St‘ssimi last, Week York Gunnty Council mndv the fnl~ lowing grants to the High Schools and Model schools of the. Countv -.â€"â€" lowing grants to the High { Model schools of the. Count' \Vostnn . . , , . . '.... Markham . . . . . . . . . . . . x . . . Richmond Hill . . . . . . . . . . . Newnmrkot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Any-0m. . . . . Nowmarkpb s'c'fl'n’wl' I . Tor. Junction Mndpl schuol The Epwortl) League Reading Circle will nth in the Vestry next Monday Pveninga‘t shaxp. Members will please read from page 53 to 109 of “ The Beacon Lights of the Reforum- tinn.” The reader will he Miss Trench. who hopes all will be prepared to take part} in the discussion. A collection will be taken to defray the expenses of the Circle. Lei: no member be ab- sent from the meeting. Last Monday evening an exceptionally profitable hour was spent under the leadership of Mr. E. Sisley. Non-numbers are wvlcome. tux-s at thv highest. pitch (If 9xcxte~ mvut the v.'lmlv'e\'vning becauso of the evenness 0f play and the (‘Mseru‘ss of lb? $00.11*. No sppciui nwntiun can he made of Hm playing: of the Richmond Hill team. $3 9305 phyvd a perfect gunw. Gamble, Lepm-d and Bruntou played a. Very strong game for the “sit-(yrs. The return match will be pinynd next W601i. The Vellm-e Literary Society will hold their scooud annual Concert. and Debate in the Township Hall on Friâ€" day evening, the 16ch of February. thjpct of debate, “Rpsolved that, Canada is :1 better country to live in than the United States.” The affirmâ€" ative will be upheld hy the home 80’ piety, :1 nd the negative by the Maple Literary Society. The progt-annue will also consist of choruses, dialogues, duets and solos by local talent, and a 40 minntos’ play, 11 characters, enâ€" titlvd “Love under Obstacles.” Mr. Alex. Muir, the author of "The Maple. Leaf,” is expected to take the chair. Admission, 15 cents. Chair taken at 8 O’clock. The committee extend a warm welcome to all. HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC CLUB. SHELDON’S BOOKS. “7e have received from the Poole Publishing Company, Toronto. in copy of “ The Crucifixion of Phillip Strong,” by Charles M.Sheldon, the well known author of “ In His Steps.” The book contains over 2100 pages, and is a tragic tale showing how a. noble man, who endeavored to exem lify the spirit of Christ, was oppose. and persecuted. The Mary is one of intense vigor and pathos. It will secure. a wide reading, and it, should make a deep impression upon every reader. The Poole Pub- lishing Company have eight of Sheld- ou’s hauks at 15,cents each, in attract- ive paper covers, or 30 cents in cloth coVei-s, post paid. They are the most widely read hooks of this genti-ution. For sale at all book stores. At the last. meeting of the Board of Health for the Township of Markham, held January 20th, the following resuâ€" iution was passed :â€"-â€"“ Moved by Mr. D. James, seconded by Mr, John Nigh that, \he Markham Health Officers be instructed in take such :{Ctinn with the Medical Pi-acbiuners in this and ad- joining municipalities having patients with diseases which we mentiuned in the Medical Health Act as to thvix‘ duties in pineal-ding the premises where such diseases exist and to prose- cute such persons who fail to comply with the provisions of said Act.“ Vice-President, Wm. Stivel': Sec’y-Treas., Tbos. Hum! ; . Directors, Wm. Patch, J." Slater. \V. Duugherty, D. Beldam. (2‘. En)â€" pl'inghmn, \Vm. OI‘InOl‘od. \V. H. Patterson, R. French‘ A. Steers, G. Third, Thus. Little. R. Ash. W'. G. Rennie. V Captainhvv’. J. Alkil Trmsurorâ€"R. Kirby. Secretm-yâ€"J‘ G. Lam Auditors, W. McDonald, G. Neville. CONCERT AND DEBATE. THE L EAST YORK PLOW first, hock we‘d bl‘l‘l’ COUNTY GRA READING CU? ELEVEN T0 TEN RESOLUTION. Hi‘fi‘. "my ma‘vch of the season u rm Thursday evening Newmnrkot and the The locals Won by 11 [‘he game was fast and E OF M ()UDY. ICLE. sphuul Milk “by 2 for the . The chair pvl‘ and the '(med 2-â€" lIiH, M. RR U LL‘ $35000 350 00 175 00 175 00 3’50 00 Ono Ufnul‘ citizens having been in Stnuffvillea. few days ago tells of n. rather peculiar x-mnecly for that com- mon disease. consumption. Rev. Mr. Lawrence. the Church of England minister in that village. is spending the winter in :\ canvns tent on the the south side of Main Street. opposite {hepost 011109. The l'(‘V. guntlmnun spent :1 Lime in the Suniim‘ium at Graventh-st. but returned to take charge of his church. The patient has impmved much in health. and thinks that he is much better than if he were living in :1 brick house. The tentis heated by a con] stow). At a meshing of the Board of Educa- tion yesterday a report of High School Inspector Hodgs‘on was read bearing on his recent visit of inspection which was most satisfactory. Our High school has had many fluttering reports in years gone by. but the opininn was expressed at the Board meeting that this was the best report ever received which must be encouraging to the teachers and pupils. We give the fol- lmvin from the report. “ Since I visite this schonl it has got, into new and conunodious quartet-s. I have great pleasure in reporting that the. stnif is wry «impotent, and the char» actor of the teaching is satisfactory. He also notesâ€"~Dieciplinv, good : Buildings and Equipment, first-class: Teaching, first-class; Provision made for teaching the pi-escrihpd courses of study, Satisfactory. He also credits the Library with $38.50 on account nf new books, magazines and apparatus. INSPECTOR HODGSON'S REPORT A unique masquerade carnival under the auspices of the Fire Brigade will he held in the rink on Tuesday evening next.St.Va.lentiue’s Day. A committee of ladies has been appointed tn super- intend the valentines, and a thorough- ly enjoyable time may be expected. During the evening a, realistic engage- ment will take place between :1 coin- any of The First Canadian Contin- ent, and the Boers at Sunnyside. ' he Canadian fun-cs will he superin- tended by General Johnston and Lieut. Sanderson. whiie the Bus-rs 'will he generalied by Commandu Nicholls and W. Savage. Roman candles will fnrm part of the ainuiunititm. Admission spectators, IU C[$.; skaters. I5c.; mus- qlwmdvrs l’i'L-v. Thug? in costume will have the ice exclusiwly fr! m 7.30 un- til 9 o’clock, when the rink Will he opened to all skaters until 10.30. Don’t miss this ice treat of the season. Richmnnd Hill. Lakeview. F. J. Johnston 0. Bnyiis r'. McL‘onngny J. Aldxundm- M. Boyle H. Vthttz’r \V. H. Pngsloy, $11.25 J. Halley. Sk. 11 J. Cuson J. “7. Kennedy A. J. Hume D. Glynn XV. ’1‘. Storey A. \Vrighb J. H. Sundei-son,Sk.ll E.A.Thdmpson, Sk 19 RETURN MATCH. Two rinks nf the LukvviPW Curling Club came up from Tmnntn Saturday aftermmn and played the return match with the home rinks. The visiâ€" tors were defeated hy sixs‘nnts. Aft“- the match the visitors were treated to a. supper M The Dmnininn House, The fulln\‘;ing is a summary of the mth : Richmnnd J F. J. Johnston 1". McL‘onn ny M- 1395’)? g The follmviug rinks have been chosen to play for the Smith modal :-â€"â€" 1. J. Eyer, E. Barker, “7. Sander- son, N. Boyle, skip. 2. N. McDonald, Dr. Lawmson, \V. Hall, P. G. Sax-ago, skip. 3. D. Boyle, J. Gatsely, A. Moodie, J. Sandkirson, skip.“ Graingex', H. A. NiChulls, skip. 6. D. m, J. Brydon, F. J. John- stou, J. Palmer, skip. '7. G. Cowie, G. Sims, A. J. Hume, F. Sims, skip. 8. R. Far-quhzu'son, C. Ellston, F. McCunaghy, \V. Storey. skip. 4. Hopper '65. Newtnn, T. F. Mn- Mahon, G. McDonald, W. H. Pugsley, skip._ ‘ Rink 1 has been selected lfy ballot to play 2, 3 to play 4. 5 to piay 6 and 7 to play 8. The first four numbers to play day matches, the his: four matches in the evening. Mr. H. A. Nicholls in fitting up the south part of the Grand Central Building for a branch of the Standard Bank is showing cummendahle enter- terplise. N0 pains or expense is being spared in making everything suitable for an up~to~date bank. The main room where the business will be trans- acted is 21x14 feet; :idjnining this is the manager’s room, and upstairs directly above are a. sittingâ€"room au'd twa bed moms. Adjoining the mana- ger’s room a very fine vault has been built in which were used $300 bricks and 35 toise of stone in the foundation. The west windows in the bank will be plate glass, and the whole will be neat- ly papered. painted and grained in a. few weeks when the bank will get in their metallic cmmters and necessary furniture. The rooms are all heated by a‘ furnace and every part is com- plete. The Standard Bank is (me «if the leading money institutions of the day. The stock is worth 195, and the management is enterprising and en- ergetic. it is the intention of the manager here to give every advzmta e to those doing business in the ban , Cheques will be umrked at par in Tu- rnntn. and the highest rate of interest will be given for money on deposit. Besides the manager the bank will open here with an accountant and an under clerk. Majority for Richmond Hill FOR THE SMITH MEDAL. VALENTINE CARNIVAL. McKenzie, W. Trench, F. A NOVEL CURE. THE 'NEVV BANK. Fyiday and Saturday, FEB. 9 AND 10. Heavy military flannel. 350. for 27c. Regular 6c white canton flannel for 50. Regular 9c white canton flannel for 7%c Regular 16c heavy white canton flannelfor 14c. Regular 25c colored canton drapery for 20¢. Regular 20c colored canton drapery lor I60. Black and white check all wool flannel, 35c tor 30¢. Mercerized satteen all colors, 25c. for 21¢. 29 inch blue and white spot twill, 20c for 156. Ladies’ heavy wool shawl, $4 75 for $3.90 Lad1es’ heavy tourist shall, $3 for $52.25 Ladies heavy tourist shawl, $4 for $3.20 Ladies extra large heavy wool shaws. $6.75 for $5 Another snap in men’s pufl‘ and made up ties, all our 50 and 35c. lines on sale Saturday for 200 each. Remember the Bargains we are offering are genuine and to be convincw come and inspect for yourself. Atkinson £5 Switzer - 46 inch colored cashmere, 50c for 40c. Regular 12%0 light colored gold lined prints for fie. Regular 12%c light colored gold lined prints for 8&0. Regular Ioc zephyr for Be. All wOUi fancy gheck flannel, 250 for 18¢. A line of men’s winter caps, 25, 30 and 40c. for 206. each; Fancy check duck, 13c for me. Fancy dress tweeds, 15c for Ilgc. Eider flannelette. 20c for 15c. 37 inch flannelette skirting, me for go. Cleaned currants, 6c. Selected raisins, 80. 'Green coffee, 8,1,c. Golden dates, 6c. Good figs, 4&0. Celluloid starch, go. Webb's starch, 9c. ‘ No. I pure corn starch, 5c. No. I laundry starch, 4%}c. Peach blossom and apple bloom soaps, 90. per box Pure laundry soap, 8 bars lor 25c. Richard’s pure soap. 25 bars for one dollar Comfort soap, I3 bars for 50c. Baby’s own soap, 9c. Soothing cream soap, 7c. Richard’s castile soap, 2 cakes for 50. Soda biscuits, 7c. ; 3 1b. box for 200. John Bull pickles, 100. Our own baking powder, 13¢ per lb. tin I Malwa package ceylon tea, blue pke. 130., red pkg. 18c. .r Grand mogul tea, I lb. package 23%c. Grand mogul tea, regular 15c package for 13%. 300 japan tea for 25c. 25c. japan tea for zzfic. Good coffee, ground fresh, 12c. per lo. Our 30c coffee. ground fresh, 25c per 1b. Rich red reliable salmon, Ioc. Kippered herring, 12%c for go. Kippered chicken, 9c. Black cat shoe dressing, 'I‘SC. Favorite shoe dressing, 8c. Our regular 25c soluble cocoa for 20c. Tomatoes, 3 cans for 250. Corn, 3 cans for 25c. Royal yeast, regular 5c for 4c. Gillett’s lye, 9c. Keeu’s mustard, half pOund tin, 23c. Best pure lard, 7 1~2c. No. I granulated sugar, 22' lbs. for one dollar No. I yellow sugar, 25 lbs. for one dollar special drive in odd pieces of glassware including pitchers, fruit dishes, celery dishes, sugar bowls. etc. 1 lb. package hoogala tea, black and japan, 25c lor zoc. Large size extra prunes, bright and fresh, 8c. VVhithey’s mince meat, 9c. Cowan’s rock chocolate, 9c. Ladies' kid gloves regular $1 and $51.25 line for 25c. Ladies’ flannelette blouses, regular $1 for 85c. Ladles’ wrapperettc wrappers, $1.35 for $1 Heavy mantle cloth, regular $1.50 for $1.10 Heavy mantle cloth, regular $31.30 for 85¢. Heavy mantle cloth, regular $1.35 for $1 Heavy grey curl cloth, regular $2.25 for $1.35 Heavy mantle cloth, regular $1.10 for 71c. Heavy mantle cloth, regular $2.35 for $1.50 Straw ticking, 72 inches wide,_ regular 250 for 20¢. 33 inch heév'y herringbone tickfilg, 25c'for 20c. Heavy 72 inch 20 oz. flannel sheeting, 60c for 50c. Heavy 3_6_inc_h white _and grey flannel‘sheeting, 2‘70. Still another-chance to secure some of the snaps we are offering during this month. CONCRETE DRY GOODS GRQGEREES â€"-â€"â€"â€"AT THE

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