Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Feb 1900, p. 7

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G’reeoe has followed Ibaly‘s example in forbidding the exportation of finti- militias. NoiiJce has been served» on Egr- .1. ...... _.-,_V- ,, eign gove/rnments and learned some» ties. , Duke Robert of Pad-min is a father [or the nineteenth time. Only one of his children, the late Princess of Bul- garia married. The other eighteen, Bight boys and ten girls, live With him En_ the Castlb of Schwarzau in Aus- Ina. QUEBEC ONCE MORE. An English boy‘s periodical recently took (L vote on the recreations its read- ers preferred. The result gave this or- der:' Football, cricket, cycling. swim:- mzi-ng, gymnzrsticsL reatling, rowing, , I,.Â¥L:_ ill“ Anna lholotle “'11s in llllfern' From Chlldhnmlâ€"Dnrlors Gav:- Ilt'l' [in no a Chrome lnvnlldâ€"Tu-Dn: In unper- nbnmlanl [[0111 In From Ilse of Dmlcl's Kmva I’lllq. St. Justine, Que, Feb. 5.-â€"Miss Anna Cholette, of this plane, has been an in- valid, owing to Kidney Disease, all her life until quite recently. when she be- gan to improve. Her many friends We're delighted at the change and she met with congratulation and encour- agement on all sides. It was not gen- erally known, however, that the cause of Miss Cholette‘simproving condition Was due to Dodd‘s Kidney Pills, and it whs not until the other day that the tact was given out. But such is the case and Miss Cholette acknowledges the benefit she has derived from Dodd‘s Kidney Pills in the following letter, giving full details of her case {or the benefit of other sufferers: nun-B. c” __ stamp collecting. Croquet game last in a. ‘list of twenty-two pastimes and golf twentieth. Being English boys they knew nothing of Lacrosse. " Since the age of eight years IhaVe fluffered with inflammation of the kid- ‘JeYs. I am toâ€"day twenty-four years old. I hasten to write you, therefore, to give you the full dehails of my cure, I commenced to he sick when going to school. I was not able to bear the fatigue or studv. One day mother fell sick and the doctor profited by the occnsion to tend me also. He came often to see me for six months when he told “16 it was not necessary to come any “101:9? my trouble would right. itself ---~--- g u.” “way”, as I grew older. He made nothing of the months I had been unwell already. "The trouble continued cpnstantly after that. I suffered greatly and was bed-ridden almost continually. At this time I was under the consulta- tion of two dontosrs. They said I hm! been suffering this long time of in- flammation of the kidneys. They gave me many medicines, and I was under their treatment for two years. They gave me no relief. .__V‘, "My parents were greatly pained at seeing me suffering so, and as for myself I felt that I could never find pleasure again: in this world. Mr. Sergeant Spinks‘ vwhosezname is worthy of Dickens, die/d recently in London, as the last of the serjeants. The serjeantsâ€"at-law formerly mono- polized the prantioe of the Court of Common Pleas, but their privilege was done may with thirty years before the reform of the law courts in 1875, put an end to their office. le0 judges are left who bwama serjeamts, as was crus- tomary, on being appointed to the bench, but SeJrjeant Spinks was the tast [mm to bea'r the title made fam- ous by Mr. Serjeant Buzfuz. "My father one day read in a news- papar of the¢ good effects of Dodd's Kidney Pills. He bought three boxes of them to trry and they gave me seine relief. He bought me a dozen more boxes. and now I am perfectly well and. overflowing with life and‘ spirits." _ Picton, Dec. 18th.â€"We read a. great deal oonoerning the hardships and suf- ferings endured by the Canadian pion- eers in the early days of our Dominion. But the truth is that many of our des- cendants, in ' our own times, endure equally as much as did their foreâ€" mt heirs. The case of Miss Anna. Young, of this town is an instance. Miss Young is a. grand-daughter of Col. Henry Young, the United Empire Loy-ailist, in whose honor Fort Henry, at Kings- ton, was named. She says :â€"" I had sui- fered with rheumatism for twenty years. My poor body was all twist- ed. out of shape, so you can imagine the agony Iendured. My physicians could not heip me; all the medicines I used were utterly useless. "I read of Dr‘ Arnold's English Tox- in Pills, one day, and thought I'd give them a trial. I am thankful for hav- ing that inspiration, for I am now frge lrom very terrible wins and aches, thanks to Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pillsâ€"and to them nlone. I cannot, of course. be made young again, for I will be 79 years old in December, yet I fee' I can end my days in peace, thanks to Dr. Arnold's English. Pills." Penalties of Dr. Arnold‘s English Toxin Pills, the Only medicine on earth that cures disease by killing the germs that cause it, are sold by all druggists at 750. a box; sample size 25c., or sent prepaid on receipt of price. by The Arnold Chemical 00.. leited. Cand- da Life Building. 42. King St. W., Tor- onto- Young Lady of St. Justi: Writes of Her Experience With Dodd's Kidney Pills. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. LIFE'S DIFFiGULTIFS. Modern Methods of Living- of St‘ Justino Prince Prosper of Arenberg, broth- er of the head. of the house and cousin of the President of the Suez canal di- rectors and of the German Colonial So- ciety, has been sentenced by a Ber- lin court-martial to threeâ€"years‘ impri- sonment and to be expelled firom the army for a brutal murder committed in Southwest Africa. While in oomâ€" mand of a district station, after a talk with a native servant, he ordered a sentry to shoot the man; the man fired in the air, but on the Prince re- peating his order fired again wound- ing the black mnn. It is believed that the Kaiser will interfere with the carâ€" rying out of the sentence, as he has appointed a commission to inquire in- to the Prince of Arenberg‘s sanity. Look here, Mr. Tanneyhill. said bank‘s president, severely. You ‘ stop blowing clouds of smoke ove cashier’s head. “'Doesm" 118â€"11? jean inquired bookkeeper. A SAUSAGE TRUST THIS TIME. Customerâ€"What l Twenty-five cents mpou‘nd for sausage? \Vhy, Ican get them down‘ at Schmidt's for twenty cents. Butcherâ€"V611, den, vy didn’t 5'8” Customerâ€"Because he was out of them. Butcherâ€"Val], und if I vas out at ‘em’ I sell ’em fret twenty cents, t00. Mkhucwl. The bank objects, young man. Sup- pose it shoufld reach the ears of our depositors that there was a dam] 0‘791‘ the cashier at this bank? How long could we stem the run? Gentiemen,â€"Dr. Vt'ard’s Blood and Nerve Pills have done my sister so much good that in grateful apprecia- tion I told Mr. Tully, the druggist, I would gladly give a testimonial un- solicited, as to their merits. My sister. 15 years of age, caught a vio- lent coldâ€"since then she has been in very poor health. lost all colour was anemic, her blood had no vitality, and she had no physical strength, she be. came extremely nervous, so much so that she could not stand any exertion or excitement, and it was impossible for her to get restful sleep. she lost her appetite. her heart became -Very weak, palpltating so violently that she could hardly breathe at the sligh- test exertion. When she commenced taking Dr. Ward’s Blood and Nerve Pills two months ago she was in a state of complete physical and nervou p-rostration. Her blood was scanty with no more strength than water, Since taking Dr. Ward‘s Blood and Nerve Pills she has been rapidly mend. aindt it. Sickness Banishedâ€"Health A Bath parson, the Rowe, who before tak 5V colonel in the Royai thrown. up his cure tc taxy again. ing, her appetite has returned, she sleeps well her nerves are stronger, and her heart gained strength so that it is able to fulfill its functions. Prior to taking Dr. \Vard’s Pills she had taken many medicines without any special benefit. Dr. Ward’s Blood and Nerve Pills are certainly the only medicine that has done any good. Be- fore taking them she was getting weaker, l~er heart and nerves losing strength daily. Since she had began taking them she has daily and con. tinuously gained health and strength, CLARA ELLIOTT‘ 30 College street, Peterborough. Ont, Miss Lizzie Lamford. of 353 Market St., Chicago, 111., says: "I have been aconskant sufferer from Catarrah for twelve years. During that time I have used most of the known remedies for Cat'xrrh, but can safely say that Catnrrhozone is the best It has cur- : c-A.‘ Mr. Critohett, the celebrated Lon- don ocuLiat, is said to have once re- fused a fee of no less than $50,000. This sum was offered to the distin- guished specialist with a View to in- ducing him to proceed to India to at- tend the eyes of a. wealthy Rajah. awn; . A-lvuv__ ed me. It is very pfleasanu and effecâ€" tive in 35 use. I shall recommend it at every opportunity to my friends." Catnrrhâ€"o-zone is a guaranteed cure. Sold by all druggists. Trial outfi: sent to any address for 100 in stamps. N. C POLSON 8: 00.. Kingston, Out., Pro- It's [at man deliciom than Jan-n. 801g! only In Land Pwkou. It is said of' Professor Maxâ€"Muller that he has conversed and correspond- ed with more men of note than any living. person. prietors . , v , '_ l being large consumers of the very choicest Teas grown in In- dia. and Ceylon. The Teas most; in favor in Ireland are rich, strong, liquoring kinds, similar to Canadian HAVE YOU TASTED The Only Cure for Catarrh. CEYLON GREEN TEA? A SISTER SAVED. SO MANY HAVE bafore taking orders was 1 the Royal Engi'neers, has his cure to enter the mili- of' Professor Ma xâ€"Mullgr Rev. Valentine Restor ed the dude mid the )u must over the I.n tlme of peace General Joubert, the Commander-irâ€"Ohief ot- the Transvaal forces, reads French novels durlng the intervals of military work, some- times composes Frencn verses. and enjoys spending an evening chatting with his comrades. The Scottish Highlanders dress as worn at the present time is sometimes very expensive. The uniforms worn by officers of several Highland regi- ments cost £200 each. That of the Prince of Wales cost £375. Size for size a. thread of spider silk is tougher than: a bar of steel, An ordinary thread will bear a weight of three grains. This is 50 per cent. stronger than a. steel thread of the same thickness, “ Pharaoh 100.‘ Unlike Mr. Sydney Grundy: Who confesses to having no great liking {01' playwriting, Mr. Louis N. Parker de- chros that he knows nothing more de- lightful than writing? for the stage. Mr. Parker. by the way; is almost totally deaf in one ear. It is estimated that at the begin- ning of the new century Englahd will have 82,000,000.000 tons of coal still un- used and available. Tahâ€" hxatlvo Bromo Qulnlno Tablets. An dmggluts refund the money if it (all: to euro. 2613. K. W. Grave‘s signnmro is on each box. LAD octopus measuring twenty feet across the arms was recently caught at Avalon. Santa Catalina Island. California. ‘ Blemishesaaiflg Complexion TREATMENT- Send one cent «temp for ch‘cullr. W.J‘ URQUHART Analytical Ohemii 18? ngeggbr. >W.. Toronfio: RELIANCE CIGAR la Toscana, 100. “mom'mnnm STAT. OF 0310. CITY (,F TOLEDO. )3” Loom COUNTY. ' FRANK J. CHENEY makes oath that he is senior partner of (be firm of F. J. CHENEY & 00., doing business in the City of Toledo. County and Slate aforesaid. and tjli ‘ ugld firm yileAayA lhe'gm 0! ONE HUN ) LCD DOL- O'KEEFE'SffiWfiEMALT Sworn to before me _aigéufisbfibéd ii: 111; presence, this 6th day or December. A1). 188 , :-- A.W.QLEASQNEH A giant mowing machine has been invented which is capable of cutting a strip of wheat fifty feet in width. LARS for each and every case or CATABRE that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARBH CURE. FRANK J. QHENEY. Hall's Catarrh Curr. is taken internally. Ind acts directly on the blood and mucous suxtace: ot the system. Send for untim \nials. Inc. F.‘J. CEENEY 8: 00., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggiatia.r 760. Hall's Family Pm: are the best. Mr. W. S. Blunt, combines the very different occupations of writing poe- try and breeding horses" ‘ ‘ ' Books, Rosarln cru- ‘CathOIIG Prayer olflxeo. Soapdlaro. Religious Picnures, Statuary, and Church Orlmnmnu. Evlunucionn Works. Mail orders receiva prompt atten‘ ! non. D. a d. SADLIER 8s 00., Montreal. Eighty-five per cent, 01 the people who are lame are affected on the left side. used by masher! for their children mobbing. It Ioolheu the chlld. Iowans the zumu. alloys min. cure. wind oollc, Ind in the but. remedy for dlurhcsn 250. o bfiv Isle. Sold bi LU drunk“ throughout tho world. a N!" Ind In (or “ Mm \ nalow'l Soothing Syrup. burlflunu, "omâ€".1 . dly “ _ on! 03.3. Buiion. Manned. Goo. Clnhh I 00.. grown. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS mas. WINSLOW'S_SQO'_I‘_H_ING sump _hu pm mm: liaise):â€"1 or. “raw H0TEl--?::°:{:fi-‘£;§;.P6P°£r Win). In! Comments) Houu. Modern In .mfl-llwâ€" m modem“. Tho " Balmoral." Free Bus I551 Carslako, Carbolic Disinfectants. Scans, Oil-It~ men}, Tooth Powders, etc.. have been awarded 100 medals and diplomas for supex‘lor excellence. Their regular use prevent infectL oua diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a supply. Lists mailed free on application. Sausage casingsâ€" for sale. Improved and unimgzuved. One-fifth cu]: Intending settlers call and get neflt of fifteen eam‘ exgyrience use district. to settle in. A. W. AU TIN. 21 man!» Chembem, Toronto. erioan HOFQfiaiyfisâ€"reli. ble “1’ .1"; LAW onoun Cutting dohool to .u doslrmu o! acquiring I to I“ d u érmumnéar ChONI’lgh k_nowl 0! 0mm. And "In Gantlemou'l Gsmenu. WI! 8 to! SEAL. vigor-tel und Sire ham. LDOYD 00D, Toronto. 0 ERAL AGE“. 1'0 CUBE A COLD IN ON! DA! F. G. CALVERT & 00., MANCHESTER - - ENGLAND. EHEAP MANITOBA FARMS are said to be the best judges of Tea. in Europe, even the poorest classes MONTRIAL HDTEL DIBEOTORI. CALVERT'S ' ___New importation: nnen :0 caslngs English Sheep and Am Casingsâ€"reliable 00d: at ri ht prieo. PARK. BLACK ELL B 0., Toronto. ll Punt. of Gnnby. 0‘“ I own mm Mlllgfllll. a Hal -' III Yongo IL. Toronto. ‘Moflulâ€"Riolleu Avenue. Famlly Hotel ntea 01.50 per day. ‘V P C 1010 onan spools! minnows- Euroiean him. 369:: tharu Public md bl-dder. 506} $1 a box Write forrpnrtiouliiif'fii; Indian Guam-h Gun 00.. 148 El. J amen-3L. Montreal. ' 0. Round. :81}; "£69.16; Eh}. DEERE.â€" séEETe'c' stump for outdone. 8 5:. PM)! Streoc, Montrnl 1‘“! 0!. (“RES lNOUBATORâ€"Boo n DAI N1 -‘I- -_-_A h. u. , “W” ‘ gm! 031933991 00L!) OUR! 10¢. Cure: in n jlfly. P. Mo- mma Cormack & 00.. Anna. Menu-n1. R o o I: I N a and sheet MotalWorke. 300mm SLAT In mm, Rd or Gum. A BLACKBOABDB w. “Pu MI and Huh egg-Toronto). Roofing an, to no.1 n. «a. no we run gee Nu! on. an n WTmuo. donih 0 firm‘. on“ Cellln 3. (Jon 0mm. Enhance «me or work couple 0 org mam. anhliwnd to albyrsfl of the coun . Phone] 0.00? IN: ONSJ oalddhmdmw ts..1'oronto Mica LAW Music Feachers Wanted and 0th; and 0th 1‘ PRODUCE. to egauxe be", rcluns cIonay The awson Commission 90., lel‘ Dyeing? meaning! HARRIS poumzv, BUTTER. gags, “Muss, in! stock. guarantoeln‘ 1" a divide d5; alto an In. lulment stock payable in mm b) lusts menu. drawin cash dividenda, mu yearly. Par lea wnnun ".19 In profit-hie lnvpscmem should cone-pond wl__ Mogtregl, Torgfii3,'bi't5vfa, Quebec. *roflubha investment should correlponu mm he Sun sovlngs ood_l.oan 60.. Toronto. Money loangcvlvoh (:135510 terms; axon}; wnuted In unrepruentad districn: write us. Bum Ind Hot 3nd Oold Wner Pinon. Cold Star-«o Pip“ Kitohon Boilers. the. For pnnlwlnn Ipply Lo IIGA BOILER COVERING 00., leltod, Ipoeinl flock. narlnuolng large dividends; IIID In In- Itnlment uook payable ln monthly inlulmonu. drum: ml: dividends, hall you-[1 Panic: wanna n 0 on grofluble inveltmont should correspond wit t a Sun Avinga and Loan Company. Toronto; monqlomadon {Humble berm]; agent; wanted in unnbnunted dip tricu ; writs In. ficmlnion Lino Poul-n4. Me” to lenpool. VI. Halifax. Large and fast Steamers Vancouver. Dominion, Cambromnn. Raul of pun“ :â€"Flru‘ Cub upvuds: Sound Dubln. :35; Because. 22.50 Ind J ,50. For further lnfonnu on npply Ioloonl "on". 0! DAVID TOBBANCE a 00.. Gemnl AMI. H St. finer-manta; Manned. COCOA EPPS’S GRATEFULâ€"COMFORTING. Wholesale only. Long Distance TolpphoncllflE. rho°SVIIss-Amnm 60., Illndaor, om" cannda Our Method Is sure and hu cured mounds-some renounced lncunblo. Write at oncc. Booklet Ind Proofon reque“. Mun on».th and Boat flavoring In the World. hwmafism cor. West-fluke! & Oolhome 82., Toronio, uammn Ammonia mama co.- THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. OEYLON TEAâ€"7 Look (0y V5101“ hi you} toga. or and WE ARE OFFERING WE ARE OFFERING BREAKFASTâ€"SUPPER. For thoâ€"vary heat load your work}? a}! WILLMM st, TORONTO. Toronto. Montrul, md London. En; ANGIE R’s PETROLEUM EMULSION PlPi AN BOILER Angie! Chemical Co. “WW Toronto Buys Scar: LEAD. COPPER. BI Ti) INVESTORS T0 INVESTORS Mills. Mlllo a Halo. Barristers.eto..removed bo Wesley Bid 5., Rich- mond St. W.. oroum. HERE IS NOTHING CHEAP 0R INFERIOR "I ,It n_nks ugmx gbovohlnythigs alga pygduood {ogpuflty‘EmLMKh‘ qqamy. covering YSu mm if: if. permanent cure: Damn-h 0 none. I! chi-om. mulch ‘I’I tend tor a 990.2%!2355. OOMEIG‘O CHEi mm cAuLoo an snow. an a mséoum. w. iiim'ifiifififl. Whaloy. Rom U WI. we Yong. 81.. Ionomo. OI". A most efficient substitute for cod-liver oil, pleasant to the taste, anti agreeing with the most sensi~ tive stomach. Used by physicians in the treatment of all throat a'nd lung troubles, and â€"- if results count for mythingâ€"almdst no limit to the good it can do. We bottle malléd xb my Adina. on rmipt of 10 cents :o'covu pooh“. HAIL STEAMSHIPC E3257 €328? Farmers Intending to $001! corn Note This. Lo-Ei bioiiiéi. 9| Iowa mam-w 1nd Crawford Counties. Tltlay (one. On mom I: Oeutrnl. Down a Maoulnno m Loon Lake RM I. I! prices main: from 52 m 1 acre. Thou Duds m Close to Enterprulna Ne owns, Churches. Schools. an. and will bololdan I renounqu terms. Apply to ad 14 acres of earn an nu on my 135mm! Ian-m ad tho need all colors and had notono null: dean-0y by crown. I also claim In as good u a In", coal manure {or mnklng corn no: Huh. hall“ :0 lea-ed wlth ll that I hnvo [akin who at}! ny for in gunner: who will: to buy only a mall box should In their orderl nql labor than lab. m. (Iqu b colors 20 bushels. price .50‘ lnrxe he: coldnmbunbdfi \rioo 3500' will be 301 for M“) i! or and by Febgfirla arms. cull with orden. No orden taken she: 1; lat. in order [.0 88% than! all packed nnll lhlppod halo; Emulator-own from lclrlna up can when planted Mineral Extract April lat dlrectly at. CIR. Ind (IRE. [or Ihl Every box of Extract. guaranton to give mum. on money refunded. CANADA PERMANENT The Oldest and Largest Danadhn I." gage Corporation, Paid-up Capital, - - $2,600,000 Reserve Fund - - - 1,200,000 "and allotâ€"Toronto 81., Toronto. lrlnoh MIoosâ€"WInnlpog, lam, Vanaouva', ll Th1: new and most useful Invention has not flowed to be a great seller, but a boon to hunt] any medical men are using this closet. and all pron nounce it absolutely odorless and sanitary in ever! respect. Alter being in the market for over two yell" this clout has become so populer that the menuhomn zre luv; had to double their output. in order to meet an eman . For Catalogue and Price Llst write to nnfifififims 195mm 1m 1. a. 4 as”. with {unrest coupons numbed. " ' MONEY min! on locum of real a“.an Gournmont 5nd Municipal 331:“. m. 0A.. I. MINE", lanes". ouuou salsa KlLLS noun». Bed Bufl'l. Ram And Mloo. Sold by all brand-u. or an Queen W. Toronto. The Canadian Heine Safety BOILER Esplanade. lllgh Glass Water Tube Steam Bollors. for All Pressures, Duties and Fuel. BEND FOR DESCRIPTIVB CATALOGUE. Relemnues{é cop aonn noon name HIDQT-ARENAO; The Odorlees Crematory Closet 00., Hamilton. Ont. NtunALmA. acumen. Iluacuun, INFLAMMATOHV. cow. Lumuoo, RMKUIATIO PARALnls. Arm-IA Mlohlgan Land for Sale. (All at“ flan boil-1 nu Loan and Savings Company. of». Sherbourno 8L. DEPOSITS RECEIVED. low flow“. 'or turthar pntloulan sup]: 0» J. HERBERT MASON. B. M. PIERCE. Amt. W” Buy (My. men. 0! J. W. CURTIS. Whitman)". Mlah'. nunnew KAUFMAN, Fugue Odorless Closet. Inconyomnln 1855 vll 1 h nal Waoflsm {3‘4 ‘hoo. Toronto Elaotrlc Light. 00.. Lunlhd. The T. Emma 00., Limitod. The MulerHAnla 00.. lelhd. Tho Gnu. Perch: Rubbu a M“. 3211. Wlhon Publuhlna 00.. Um”. JOHN J. IAIN. Supt. and from Manuals; Dlrcctor. Tovouto.‘ cm 60. Toronto :rumano ‘ can I pinned. ro lam: slk dean-0y wavy coal ling m_

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