Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Feb 1900, p. 4

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“ Our Boys." In addition to the promised treat in store, the proceeds of the entertainment; will be devoted to one of the most worthy of objects, viz.. the Red Cross Society. The pr0« ceedings will be under most dis- tinguished patronage both, Conserv- ativesand Liberals having promised their presence and patronage. Amongst- others the following have allowed their names to be used: N. Clarke \Vulluce. M. P.; “1'. F. Muc- lean. M. P. ; W. J. Hill, M. P. P. ; J. ‘V. St. John; Mayor Davis of North Toronto, etc. Special our facilities will be provid- ed for visitors to Thornhill, and the admission has been fixed at as small a figure as possible. Kipling’s “ Absent Minded Beggar" will find a place on the programme, and those desirousof conâ€" tributing more than the admission fee will have the opportunity of doing so, ,and in this manner contribute to the most worthy object for which the en- .ortaiument has been projected. The air will be occupied by \V. J. Hill, . P. P. for West York, ‘We call the attention of the readers of THE LIBERAL no the advent of the Eglinton Dramatic Club at Thoruhill on the evening of Saturday, Feb’y 24. The Egiintun Thespiims have already given abundant, proof 0f the dramatic .abilit-y. and will' on this occasion, pre- sent Bvx-uuԤ well knpwu comedy, “ n ix The dispatches this morning in- .dicate that the British have recently achieved some brilliant successes. The War Office reports that Generals French and Gordon have captured five Boer Laagers, that the Free State has been invaded, and that a flanking movement is in progress. Lord Roberts appears to be conduct- ing the campaign. Some severe fighting has been done during the past week in South Africa, but there is little change in the state of affairs. General Buller ag‘tin crossed the Tugela river, but was afterwards forced to retire as he found the position could not be made serviceable for advanee operations. The Boers are stubbornly contesting every step of the way, and the re- lief of Ladysmith is found to be a most difficult task. The Dominion Government was not long in implementing its promise to provide for the contingents in a manner worthy of the country. One of the first matters of public interest to come before the House is a resolu- tion appropriating the sum of $2,000,- 000 for that purpose. Of this amount $850,000 has been already spent in sending out the first and second con- tingents, and the balance, $1,150,000 '38 to be used in defraying further ex- penses incurred in the same connec- tion, and for providing a fund out of which separation allowances will be paid to the wives and children of the married officers and men. This fund will also make provision for the Can» adian soldiers to be paid the differ- ence between the imperial rate, and the rate they would receive under Canadian regulations. The trade returns between Cana- da. and the Old Country for the first month of the present year are excep- tionally gratifying, for the increases in the principal lines of export are in excess of anv previous month. The increase in the value of Wheat ini- ported from (‘anada is $500,000; of 'bacon, $190,000; cattle, $165,000; flour $115,000; oats, $65,000; lumâ€" ber, $60,000; fish and timber, $30,- 000 each; cheese and hams, $20,000 each; and eggs, $10,000; or a total increase in these articles of over $1,- 200,000. As an offset against this there is a. small increase in sheep and horses, peas, corn, butter and pulp. But the total decreases are less than $200,000, making a. net increase for the month of considerably over $1, 000,000. British imports into Cana- da. also show a general increase especially in woollens, carpets, and metal materials. RICHMOND HILL. February 15, 1900 Changeâ€"H. C. Bailey. Changeâ€"Auunn‘nn «1' Switzer. 'Wutwh Bnpuiriugâ€"Jerry Smith. For Suleâ€"Juhu Uenturrl. 'i’imal. New Advertisements. Thornhill. W. R. Capell C. P. Read .‘ R. Ager . . . . . . R. Frisby . . .. \V. Scott; The Women’s Missionary Society intend holding a parlor supper in the basement of the church on the Laven- ty-first inst. Supper will be served from five to seven p. m., after which a ghoice programme will be rendered. The res‘ultuof shoot on thé 200373.1'ifle range, is as follow :â€" Score T’l Miss Jennings is suffering with a severe illness. Messrs. R. Elliott and E. Carver went to the oyster supper at; Temper- aD‘CPViue on Thursday lgtst. _ 7 7 Mr. Geo. McCagueflx'isiééd his relaâ€" tions at; Stayner last week and return ed with his cousin, Miss Mary VVillimns. Mr. friends. Messrs. R. and L. Perkins have pur- chased a. valuable horse from Mr. Ed. Forester. County Solicitor, C. 0. Robinson, is making on behalf of York County a proposal of settlement: to the Rolls’ estate in regard to the dispute over the land. adjoining the York Mills bridge. If the proposal is not accept- ed the matter will be taken to the Supreme Court; by th county author- itieS. Dr. Nor-man of King City, after-a, successful practice of 12 years, has sold his business to Dr. Lockax'd of VVesL- em Ontario, and intends taking a course in the hospitals of several Enmpean cities before settling in To- ronto as a. specialist for diseases of children. Heavy wool tweed, 240. yd.; hmv- iest, cottonade, 230.; film Halifax tweed, 35c.; good blue serge, 240.; heavy feather ticking, 15c.; red and green tabling. 42c. Atkinson and Switzer. It is probable that Mr. Frank Frosty. M. P., will be chosen Liberal Whip for Ontario to fill the vacancy caused by the elevation of Mr. Wm. Gibson to the post of Chief Ministerial \Vhip. Regular 250. canton drapery fm’200.; regular 200. canton drapery for 16c.; regular $4.75 heavy Scotch wool shawl for $3.90; regular $1 and $1.25 ladies’ kid gloves for 250. Atkinson and Switzer. on your bat harness. your old har- ness. and yanr carriage top. and may will nut only look bent-r hm wear longn. &Id cverywhenein cansâ€"n11 sizes from half plan (0 five gallons. 5 Made by STANDARD ou. co. - Private J. J. Purcell, “B” Company, Canadian Contingent in South Africa, died at Orange River Hospital, Cape Colony, on Monday. John Bull pickles, 10c. ; mince meat, 96. ; our own baking powder, 13%. lb. tin; best pure lard, 7&0. in 20 lb. lots. Atkinson & Switzer. At the annual meeting of the Can- adian Press Association last week, Mr J. S. Willison, editor of The Globe. was elected President, for the ensuing year. Ladies’ linen collars, lap over st yls with I'uund corners, 2 f01‘25c. Atkin- son & Switzer. The Ontario Legislature opened at the Parliaunent Buildings, Toronto yesterday afternoon. v The Clerk was instructed to prepare a by-luw relating to Mr. Jas. Brown- lee_‘_’§ salary. W moved that, the Reeve and the, Ole-1k are hereby instructed to Sign and seal the following petitions to the Govern- ment at, Toronto. viz. : Petition pin-1yâ€" ing for an increase. in the jurisdiction of the. Division Courts ; petitiun pray- ing for an amendment L0 the Munic- ipal Act‘ with reference to the cost of gl-anolithic sidewnlks.â€"Cz1r1-1ed. The following accounts were read The Clerk's account for disburse- ments‘dlu-ing the year 1899 . . .$ 4 Post-ages during year 1899 l . . . . , 6 H. Gamble, for gravel . . . . . . . . . 1 J05. Blanchard, attendance at skating rink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robb. Rumble, 46 loads gravel Moved by Mr. Hill, seconde Innes, that the trvasurm' do 1 foregoing uccnunLs.â€"Cnn-i<\d. Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. The Council met in the Clerk’s Office on F1 idety evening, Fel)‘y 9, at 8.30. ‘ Present: the Reeve, and Councillors Innes, Glass. Tlench and Hill. The latter made and subscribed the usual declaration of qualification and of office, being his first attendance since his election. The minutes of the 8th of January were read and adopted. The Treasurer’s Accounts for the year 1899 and Auditors’ Report were laid before the council for final audit, and after examination, Councillor Hill moved, Councillor Inno's sec mdt-d, that the Accounts and Auditm-s’ Re- port. he passed. and that the usual number be printed and distributed for the information of the ratepayers.â€" Carried. The Coincil adjoin-110d. Gordon is visiting his old Victoria Square Village Councfl. News Notes M. TEEFY, Clerk. but wear ) cans â€":111 .‘e gJIOIzs. L (0. A To PATENT Good Ilka: may be secured by our aid. Adm THE °"ENT RECORD, m. M Score 80 ‘d by Mr. pay the Glass 100 4 60 "VANTED â€" SEVERAL TRUSTWORTHY persons in this state to manage our busi- ness in their own and nearby counties. It is mainly office work conducted at. home. Salary straight $900 a veer and expensesâ€"definite,bona- fide. no more, no less salary. Monthly 575. References. Enclose Bait-addressed stamped any lope. Herbert E. Hess, PresjzluDept. M. Chicsgi Money to loan on first mortgage hum proper, ty. at five per cent. 29~tt Enquire at 0f Toronto, Canadaâ€"the coming com- pany for the farmers of York Co. Businesh Solicitcd. Manchester, of London.Eng., BRITISH AMERICA, GORE, ()F GALT. J. T. SAEGEON, GLOBE OPTICAL 00.; THE - IJBERAL I am prepared to do Family Wushings. Gents‘ and Ladies’ fine linen a. specialty. Work gum- nutaed and patrons-gs solicited. 53-“ 'l‘ILLIE MAXWELI J H. SANDERSUN, Select Connmllor. Class Assessment nystelfi L? No. 1 and No.2 sol-1 in Richmond Hill by W, A. Sanderson, Drugglst,‘ Meet in the Temperance Hall on the first Wed nesdny of each month. Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe,efiectual. Ladies ask your dru gist for Cook”: Cotto- loot Com- nd. Take no 0!. er. as :11 Minutes, pills and mimtions are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 er box- No. 2. 10 degrees enongerfis per box. 0. l or 5, mulled on raoeipz of price and two s-eent stam s. The Cook Company Windsor Ont. W 09. 1 and 2 sold and recommended By all responsible Drugglsse 1n Canadn. IS'Pm'ties getting their bills printed at this Ofi‘me will receive a notice similar to the above FREE OF CHARGE a‘rctinneers, FRIIIAY,M&1‘. 2â€"Credit sale of farm stock. im- plements, (kc , on lot 23. con. 5. Markham, (Cashel) the property of Henry Stover. Sale at 1. Termsu momma Eckardt 3; Prentice, aur-tioneel's. TUEBDAY, Mm- (iâ€"Credit sale of farm stock, im- plements. &c., onlut, 32,c0&1. 3 Sam-bore. the property of‘Glen Morgan. Sale at 1 o‘clock. Terms 8 months. Eckm‘dt & Prentice, auc- tmucers. W1: Ewen. auctioneers. MONDAY. Feb‘y “ASâ€"Credit. sale of farm stock im‘ plemvuts. 640‘. on lot 2, con. 8, King, the urn- party of J. Pringle. Sale at l o'c)uck Terms 8 mouths. Sameon and McEwen nuc- tiuneora, TU Prentice. anctioneerfl. FRIDAY, Feu’v 23â€"Credit sale or farm stock. in plements. &c., on lot 21, mm. A, lfitulncnk the property of Foxâ€"bra Culhum. Sale at, gulock. Terms 8 months. huigeon & M Money to Loan Terms 8 months. Eckardt & Prentice. auctioneers. Tannsnn. Feb‘y 22â€"Crrdit. sale of {mm stock, implements. &c.. on lot 2.13011. 7, Markham, the property of John Risobrough. Sale at 9170 o'cmck. Terms 8 months. Eckm‘dt, & [{iclunond Iiill auctic TUESDAY. Richmond Hill. McEv.en. auctioneers. FATURDAY. Feb'v l7â€"Credit sale of tux-m stock implements, &c.. near War-abridge, them-no ert-yut Lawyer Skeans. Side at 1 o'dnck Terms 8 months. Snigenn & MoEwen auctioneers. TUEsnn, Fob’y filoâ€"Credit, sale of {arm stock implements. «to , on lot. 3,cou. 2, Whibchnrcu the vruperty ox Geo. Thompson. Sale at] ann‘. Feb'y 1t Agent for the following stock Fire Insurance Companies, viz.: YORK MUTUAL, 93 rYonge Street, Toronto. ERDAY, Feh’y 27â€"Credit, sale 0! {mm stuck impll-meuts, &c., on Int 18. con. 2, Whit- church, the property of Albert Browning. Sale at 1 O’clnclL Terms 8 months. Smgeou «£1 McEwen. auctioneers mspn, Fah’y 127~Credit sale of Clydesdale and ruudster horses, aux-hum and grade outfle. swine, puulta'y, grain, hay, Lats. im- plements furniture, ML, on lot 5, rear 5th con. Markham (Hagen-man‘s Corners) the pmperty‘ of Wm. Millikan. Sale at 11 o'clock sharp. Lunch provided. Terms 8 months; 7 per cent. per annum allowed for cash. Ex-kmdt. dc Prentice. auctioneers. DNESDAY. Feb’y 28â€"Credit sale. of {arm stock, implements. fire :1) milch cows, 620‘, at Hughee' Hotel,’1‘hornhill. Sale utln'clnck. Terms 8 months. Eckardt 6: Prentice. Solidfldgld. . . . $5.87 Best Gold Fill 1.5G 5 yrs Gold Fill 1.0‘ a 5355 Best Glasses... 10¢ We guarantee perfect satisfaction The Royal Templars of Temperance Subscribe tor cuu. l, Wést \‘ guy of Wm auctioneers. EstyJ‘eu'y Zoâ€"Credibflsale of turn: stuck, implnments, &(-, at. the Ontario Home. Taston. haleano'clock. ’l'erms9moulhs. J. D. Reudmn‘u, Auctioneer. DNENDAY, Feb'y 21â€"01mm sale of farm BIOCk. ifpplemouts,furniturg.etc..on lot ‘22. A First-class Cash Mutual. OF TORONTO, CANADA. -â€"-ALSOâ€"-- - A“ r Nu} SE Sale Register. mm ‘ . , MY. Feb'ylfiâ€"Credltsnia of farm stock. "11- v O Hpnu-nr: .00 (\n Inf. In mm m Rim-v “ml 0 I 16 to 25 25 to 30 30 to 35 35 to 39 39 to 49 42 to 15 45 to 48 48 me 50 LAUNDRY emeuts ,Ogok's Cofcfipn Rpot Compound . Fob’y filoâ€"Credit, sale of {arm stock. ments. «to , on lot. 3,cou. 2, V\'hiLchurcu. ’ruperty ox Geo. Thompson. Sale at 1 k TermsBmonLha. stokus & Bluugh, ‘rty b! the lac eLfi. Payable Sammy. Lady or gentleman. 30c 34c 88c 43c 50c 63c Sâ€"Credit. sale of farm stock im . m. 10!: 2, con. 8, King, the map Fringju. Sale gm” 1 o'c)uck â€"Creditsule of farm stnck. im- :.. on lot lu, can. 10. Kinthe he late James l‘hen-y. Sale at Telms a months. Suigeon .5; ork (Newton Brook). the prop; . Gray. Sale at one o'clock. .nbhs. Lckardt & Prentice, 7â€"- Credit, sale 0! {mm stuck :c., on Int 18. con. 2, Whit- roperty of Albert Browning. k‘ Terms 8 months. Smgeou )tmneern 7~Credit sale of Clydesdan horses, aux-hum and grade ruulbry, grain, hay, Lats. im- mn'e,&ct,nn lot 5, rear 5th (Hagen-man‘s Corners) the n. Millikan. Sale at 11 o'clock Enquire at TEE LIBERAL Otfice 850 $1,000 50c 55c 60c 67c (IO 25 A. E. SWITZER. Financial Bec’v $1,500 (13c 3L8 $2000 33,00 1 oo‘ 1 10 1 20 1 35 1 50 1 70 2 00 2 5c “ml-3 flow Deco: do. MASON, im- 1ke Axe Handles, 5c. up; Crosscut Saws, 50c. per foot up; Axes, 70c. up ; Rogers’ Butcher Knives, Ioc. ; Pocket Knives, 5c. to 75¢. . Cow Chains, Izic. Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Hockey Skates, 50 cents, com» plete, and everything sold at a reasonable price. All kinds of Tinware made to order. HARDWARE STORE Gentlemen’s, Ladies’ and Children’s Shoes. Just received, first spring ship- ment of Prints, Gretennee, Percoles, Sateens, Emeline, Koreans, like, 8120. See our Efercerized Black Sateen at 25 ate. a yd. Bargains Every Day! “ THE LIBERka. ” OFF|@E. And so can afford to give you bargains for your money. Custom work a specialty ; repairing promptly and neatly done ROBERT SIVERS You cannot fail to be pleased with your selection. Shoes to suit everybody, both young and old. We are doing a strictly Repairing Promptly Done. JOB PRINTIN CASH BUSINESS Come and iuspect our new lines of Rielnnond Hill NEAT AND ATTRACTIVE 1 Any customer presenting this Coupon and 50 Cents at our store ‘ v on SaturdayFeb. £30 ' S 17,Wi]1reoeive '70 g 0138. worth of any i dry goods in store. g2.) DONE AT EBAHfiLY, MAPLE Richmond Hill

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