Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Feb 1900, p. 5

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. , ._../â€"-... «a» y; )0 i; (the git RICHMOND IIiLL, February 15. 1.000 ]J(-)(j Aiifi. Treasurer have been printed. and are being distributed among the ratevpay- ers. The balance of Assets over Lia- bilities is given as $7,730.57. the only liability against the village being $5,- 155.70 for High School Debentures. v'l’he miin balance in the hands of the The Junior Epwoith League have‘ Contributed $2.50 the Patriotic Fund. to J list to hand, a. range of izicn's color- ed shirts to retail at line. eaeli. son & Switzer. The Sick Children"; TIT-ih'pllill have acknowledged receipt of $3.25 from High School scholars. Minutes of 'l‘uesday‘s meetings of Vaughan and Markham Uouiicrls will be given next issue. Prices at .klkilison r‘( Swilzer's for balance of Feb'y are much in favor of buyers. The subject, for Junior Epwortlr League on Friday is “Boy Mission- ai ics." A full attendance is requested. Farinosa, l>lc.; Swiss food. li>ic.: Jersey oats, l-le.: Quaker oats, lilo. Atkinson k" Switzer. A Hockey Match will be played hcre on Friday, Feb'y in, the contesting teams being Thornbill and Richmond Hill. A Very exciting game is expect- ed. Do not fail to see it. The. music ns prepared special music for the rink on Saturday even- ing, and in return were treated by sonicofthe ladies, during recess, to special refreshments, a part. of which. it is needless to say consisted of lemon tarts. Good values originallyâ€"the new price for balance of February make»; it hem exceptional. Atkinson & SwitZt-r. A Single Rink Roaspeil for a. pair of Red Hone (int-ling Stones. preseritml by Mr. James ’lforranee. of the Frank- lin House, will take place in Moss Rink, Markham. to-dny commencing at 10.30 a. in. The \V. C. T. U. will meet at. the home of Mrs. Derry next Tuesday evening at, 8 o‘clock. Subject for dis- cussion will be “ \Vork among Limiâ€" bermen." As this will be an interest- ing meeting it is hoped every member will make an effort to be present. Allover Venice insertion in black and white. 18 inches wide, white $1 a yard, black $1.35 a yard. Atkinson & Switzer. Good practical sermons were preach- .ed in the Methodist church last Sun- :day in behalf of Higher- Education, by Rev. ' John Bur-wash of College. The collection and subscrip- tions amounted to over $30. "For choice confections you should try our stock. Patterson’s globe chocolates, 20c. ; club chocolates. 350. ; bon bons, 300. ; walnut chocolates, 1350. Atkinson & Switzer. The Hockey Club play the return match in Newmarket to-night. A special car will be run, leaving Rich- .mond Hill at 6.30, and returning leave Newmarket at 10 o‘clock. Return fare 25 cents. Tickets can be procured from members of the team. Hon. Edward Blake and Hon. VVnr Mulock have resigned their positions as Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor re- spectively, of the Toronto University. Both gentlemen retire with best wish- es for the success of the University. and resigned owing to pressing work in other departments. Best green coffee, 90. : figs, 4115c. ; gglden dates, 6c. ; celluloid starch, 9c.; ebb’s pure starch, 9c.; best cocoa, 200. ; best. Rangoon rice, 4.50. ; best Japan rice, 6c. Atkinson 6.: Switzcr. Mr. George \Voods of Carrville, a young man who had suffered many severe attacks of illness, died at his father’s home early yesterday morn- ing. He had been in the village on Monday of last week, but shortly after confined to his bed with periton- i is. The Masonic fraternity in meeting assembled on Monday evening passed a. resolution offering the Masonic. Hall, lighted and heated, to any organiza- tion in the village getting up an enter- tainment the proceeds of which will be handed over to the Patriotic Fund. A deputation of Ontario tanner-s waited on the Provincial Government on Friday and asked that body to pass legislation that would stop the expor- tation of tan bark. and have the. regu- lations which apply to saw logs and pulp \vood apply to tan bark taken from timber lauds. Among the gentlemen composing the deputation were Mr. James Newton, E‘lgin Mills; and Mr. I“. T. I‘avillc of Aurora. Arrangements have been made thus for-the Epworth League service Fri- ‘day evening. Subject, “Demonstraâ€" strations of the New Life." Varied phases of the subject will be consider- ed in short talks as follows :-0bed- ience, Compassion. Patience and Meekness, Zeal. Choice music will, mingle in the prograrrimc. "Come. and we will do thee good." HIGH SCHOOL ENTEhTAINMEXT. An Entertainment in aid of the High School Libr-aryand Gymnasium Fund . will be held on Friday, the 2nd of March. Professor Mackenzie of Trin- ity University will give his famous Victoria Atkiu- . talk on, " The Boer iii South Africa." 3 The H. S. Glee Club and local talent will further- contribute to make the? evening enjoyable. treasurer is :fi.l7(l.1’rl. See this: :33 cent list for our grocery counter: 5 packages pure corn starch for 25(:.: 10 lbs. rolled wheat for 25('. ; 10 lbs. rolled oats for 2.3m: 4 lbs. best Japan rice for 2:3c. : h" bars llappy Ilome soap for 25c. ; 10 bars mottled castile soap for 25('. z 3 boxes of No. 1 matches for Atkinson & Switzer. IIOCK EY (IA RNIVA L. The second carnival of the. season will be held in the rink here on Thursday evening. Feb‘y 22, under the patronage of the Hockey ('lub. A- mong the various specialties that. will be put on is a hot-key match between the locals and the New-market. team. This promises to be one of the events , of the season. ii‘iiorosiii) satin FACTORY. A representative of an American firm was in the village on Monday and laid a proposition before a number of. “mks The object is' tin lnisines-i men here. loeslablish a factory for the manu- faelure of ladies' line footwear, as there is not such an establishment in Canada. The company \vonld guar- antee to employ between 50 and 00 skilled workmen. and the annual pay roll would be about $20,000. The pro- moters ask a bonus of $5,000. “ SURPRISE PARTY.” Nearly thirty of their friends. both married and single. drove out from Maple and vicinity on Friday evening last and spent. the evening with Mr. ‘ and L‘ilrsfiaigeon, Centre Street \Vest. A few hours \vere most enjoyany spent in music, games, cliarades and social discourse, and later in the evvn- ing dainty refreshments Were served. The visitors returned about 1 a. in. after expressing pleasure in finding the host and hostess so comfortable in their new home. LIE-11 FRAUTURED. Mr. “'in. Meek, jr., bar-tender at the Palmer House, unfortunately suf- ferred a severe accident, on Monday of this week. The, carpenters who are making extensive alterations in the house had sawu some of the flooring out of the bar, and as Mr. Meek walk- ed on the, boards they gave way. His leg struck the joist lu-neathiracturing and splinter-ing both bones betWeen the knee and the ankle. Dr. Lang- stai‘l' set the injured limb, and the patient is as comfortable as can be exâ€" pected, but will be confined to his bed during the regulation term. Hard lilies Billy! READING CIRCLE. Next Monday evening the. Epworth League Reading Circle will discuss Chapter IV and V of “ The New Cit- izenship.” The leader will be. Mr. A. J. Hume. Members will endeavor to attend and be. prepared to take part in the discussion. A very profitable hour is in store for them as the leader is one who always throws the most light on any subject he undertakes to ex- plain. The meeting will be. in the ves- try and commence as formerly at 8.35 sharp. It is hoped that the members will remember that a collection will be taken to defray the expenses of the the circle. Those not taking the course are always welcome. to attend the meetings and take part in the dis- cussron. A71}:an LODGE ROOM. It is safe to say that no body of Freemasons in the Province have a. prettier lodge room in which to hold their meetings than the brethren of Richmond Lodge. The stairway, the ante-room, the prepara- tion room and the. lodge. rooui proper have all been reâ€"painted and papered, and present a very handsome appearâ€" ance. The sides of the main room are. covered with blue ingrain paper, above this is a wide border paper, next is a. fancy paper covering the cove, then comes a. narrower border, and the ceiling is papered with a. sky blue paper, dotted with gilt star‘s. Tire chandelier has been bronzed, the officers’ chairs are being upholstered, and everything in the interior is made to correspond. The rooms are certain- ly very fine, and the Work reflects much credit on Mr. \V. Hewison who did the job. BROUGHT HERE FOR INTER- MENT. It is with regret we have to record the. death of Miss Isabella Dickson, third daughter of the late Geo. P. Dickson, Esq., of the Inland Revenue Dept., Toronto. Miss Dickson was a native of Richmond Hill, and when quite young removed with the family to Toronto. She was a person of most admirable qualities, always going heart and soul into any good work she would undertake. She. was an active member of the. Presbyterian body, and taught for years a class of C‘hinamen in the Sunday School of that denom- ination. The poor will miss in hera kind and energetic friend, and the loss to mother and sister, with whom she lived. is irreparable. The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon at four o’clock to the Richmond Hill burying ground on arrival of private car bearing the remains and friends of deceased. Among those who accompanied the remains from Toronto were Messrs. Charles Dickson of Kingston -, “'illiarn of Toronto ; Mr. F. Roberts, brothers . and brother-in-law of deceased: also Rev. Mr. Neil, pastor of the “7est~ minster-Church, Bloor St., of which Miss Dickson was a member, and three Chinamen, who wished to Show their love and respect to their late teacher. ‘ admitted free ; spectators 10 cents; ‘ Skaters not in costume, 15 cents. Masonic . ll". . rk'ca &e.. and there was a correspond- CARNIVAL A'l‘ THORNIIILL. l A Fancy Dress (‘arnival will beheld i in the Skating llink. 'l‘liornhillam Fri- day evening, Ziiid ins-l. l’rizi-s will be,l given for Lady‘s, (leni‘s and Girl's best i Representative t‘osinine. as well as forl (,‘Iomic Characters. The Thornhill ‘ Band will be in attendance. The ice . will be reserved for niasqneraders nii- ' til 8.30 and the rink will be open from 7.30 to 10.15. Masqueraders will be VALENTINE CARNIVAL. One of the pretliest carnivals ever given in the village was held in the, rinklast evening under the auspices of the Fire Brigade. There was a very large number of niasqneinders, and many of the costunn-s were ex- tremely pretty. The valentines were most appropriate for the occasion. Each of ten youngr ladies reCeiVed a letter from the pustlliall, Containing a ('oiiplel. appropriate to the character represented. There were brown hearts, and green hearts. and hearts of blue, and black hearts, and sweet. hearts, and hem-ls of sterling silver, ing gentleman l'or (wr'll lady. all of whom wore their hearts on their The military parade and drill under the snper\ ision of drill sergeant Johnston and (‘apt. Sanderson, was very good, and the representation of the engagement between the First Canadian Contingent and the Transâ€" vaal Boers at Hnnnyside was quite realistic. Several (‘anadians fell ikn " to shrink stock. spring stock. Getting ready to welcome If prices are quoted so low as to make you doubt, re- member the necessity, the wise common sense policy that com- pels us to sell now. No matter how wide the gap twixt cost and price, no matter how great the loss, there’s but one object in viewâ€"Make room 101‘ the. com- ing Spring Goods. wounded on the field. but two expert. ladv liliises. members- of the Red Cross, were in attendance, who tender-- ly dressed the wounds, and restored vital activity in the gallant soldiers by means of soothing syrup. harishorn, oi'other stimulants. There wa< some sharp firing. the Boer fol'liiir‘aliolis‘ were stunned. and the enemy were finally driven from their strongholds. Scores of rockets were fired oil“. and for a time the rink was full of smoke. Members of the village band gave a good programme of music, which added much to the enjoyment of skating. The proceeds amounted to about $30. which might have been much increased had the carnival been better advertised, and arrangements made for a. car to leave at the close, of the rink. The ice was in good cori- dition, and every skater seemed to en-~ joy the pleasurable exercise. 51‘ ET) A T‘W Po DrcnsoNâ€"At hor- niotlier's l‘eSltle‘Il"8 '25 Park Road, 'l‘uroutO, on Sunday, Foln-uarv 1i, Isabella. .l. Dickson, third tiaunhtnr of the late Genre P. Dickson. Interment in iiiu Richmond Hill Ce notary on Tuesday, raw inst. «EnsonALs Mrs. J. M. Lawrence of Toronto made a visit with Mrs. Trench this week. Miss McKay and Miss Charlotte Mc- Kay May Storey. Stouffville Sentinel.â€"Miss Stella Morris of Richmond Hill, is visiting with Mrs. A. A. Kennedy. Mrs. C. Boyle returned to her home in Dundas last week from a visit. to her son, Dr. Lawrason of this Village. Mr. Wye. Trench. Principal of the. Unioiiville Public School, spent. Satur- day and Sunday at home and with friends. Mrs. Levi Richardson of Aurora, is making a visit with her brother, Mr. T. F. McMahon. Miss Lilla McMahon of Aurora, is also Visiting at the same - place. Mrs. VVm. Harrison returned from Newmarket Monday evening, where she had been attending her daughter, Miss Louie, who was ill. but who is much improved in health during the past week. Mr. G. B. Smith, ex-M. P. 13., for East York, and Mrs. Smith left Tues- day for the Mediterranean. They purpose spending the balance of the wintcr and the spring months in the south of France. Newmarket Eraâ€"Mr. Coombs, H.S. Principal, purchased the residential property and also two vacant lots from Mr. J. E. Dickson on Friday last, at a very low figure, and commenced moving therein on Saturday. wang 5 A BOTTLE To Thlo Man. I! may be worth a like sum or even unore toyou...” mni, norm Cu, K. 11.. March 15, 1898. Don Sitarâ€"I have used your Kmdnh'nSphvtn Cum ma! 9 think in gm: Llniincnt. i rm. cuied lSpnvIn on my but mm, and i would not min ms for rm, man-i i mined for .75 s before. iwiii rm pluascd a. have you took Ind receipfl for 0 this lnclmd sins!“ , uI read on the cartoon. TEuly you”, FRANK SMITH. Hmizgwn, r. 0., Ontario, rm. 6, ’98. Dr. B. I. Randall Co. Dear Shl:»~En€l\Ml lease (ind A two-uni sum for your ' TIluAlJlO Horse Book. had one but itlslcst. 1 av. uned a g your Kendall] Spawn Cure will-out one full-an ll yuan, and U ' consider n the bMtUnLu-reutl'or mu 0! bun In the maxi“. a Flew send in. Ike book a ywadrm’m lien bottle, for hm GEORGE BROWN. 1c is an absolutely reliable remedy for lip-vin- . Spllnkfinrbs, {tugboat-,0“. Removes the bunch an I leaves no scar. Prloe, 31: II: for 85. A3 a llniment . for family use It has no equnl. Ask your druggm : for KENDALL‘S SPAVL“ (URI. also “A Treatise on the 1 Home," the book free, or address a OI IIIODIIIOIIGIOOUOO'IUIIIIOOOOWW‘I‘I IIWWOQQUWII 0-0.0”00 OOIIIOIOI“ DR. B. J. KENDALL 00., ENOSBURG FALLS, VT. mutating-nacaouomomnu- Ripans Tabules cure constipation. Ripans Tabules cum dyspepsia. Ripans Tabules cure nausea. of Toronto, are guests of Miss- Exceptional. Preparation $3.168 Easy terms of payment. Brings Exceptional The Goods will go with quickness and in their stead will come Spring delights. New bright; ness at the counters. Atkinson dz Switzer Ifyou want to buy a PEANO, ORGAN â€"â€"0R-â€"â€"â€"- SEWING MACHINE * Call on or write W. I. CLARK, Richrnond Hill. Samples always on hand. ' RICHMOND HILL HARNESS - SflOP Is the place to buy your Harness and other supplies. Single Harness from $10 up. Saskatchewan and Black Galloway Robes, to $20. All work guaranteed first-class. Jute Stable Blankets, 35 cents to $2.50 each. Shaped Wool Blankets, $2.25 to $5 each. Dutch Kersey Blankets, $1.25 to $2 each. Best English Kersey Blankets, 80x80 inch, $4 to $6 each. Trunks, Valises, Mitts, Gauntlets, and other supplies as low as the lowest. Repairing Pronlptly Done. RICHMOND HILL SKATING RINK The above rink will be open for Skat- ers during the season on \VEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY Evenings of each week from 7.30 to 10 ’ o’clock, "GOOD MUSIC ON SATURDAY EVENlNGS. .Rink 0 en to Curlers every day, and 1 on uesday and Friday evenings. i Admission for skaters, 10 cents; Chil- dren 5 cents. l Fifteen Adult’s tickets for $1.00 | Thirty Children‘s tickets for $1.00. l P. G. SAVAGE, Reeve. X GE 0. Die D ONALD “Canada for théACanajdians.” READ THE Canadian Home Journal A monthly magazine full of interest- ing reading matter and useful information for CANADIAN “‘OMEN AND CANADIAN HOMES Subscription price $1 per annum OR you can receive it with this pa. for one year by sending your ders to the publishers of THE ERAL at $1.75. Send 10 cents for sample copy. will like it. Addressâ€" Canadian Home Journal Cm, Limrted isms TORONTO, om

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