Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Feb 1900, p. 7

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l‘lie 'l‘om Thunin ol' the British Armyâ€" Boy Iloro of lhc Battle of Elanclslnnate. It may not be generally known that the youngest soldier in the Queen's Army is but nine years of age. Nor is he a make-believe soldier ei: her, for he has been recognized as one of the armed defenders by Queen Victoria herself. His name is James Ewen McNeil, and he is the son of Sergeant- young soldier wa jesty by Colonel Queen sent a gun knowledgment. There are many youthful drummer- boys in the Army, one of the youngest being in the 2nd Battalion king's Shropshire Light lnlanLry, who is but thirteen years of age, and is now at the front. He *has been referr- ed to by Drum-Major Keene as a "smart, akhletiv youngster, of whom the battalion is proud." Highlanders 1n the Dublin Fusiliers there is a young hugter boy of fourteen, who was badly wounded at the Battle of Calenso. A war correspondent gru- pliicully describes the intidtni, \\hi.h weeks volumes for the courage and nerve of this little soldier. He was one of the first to‘he‘ wounded in-the left attack, receiving no fewer than three wounds in the chest and’ one in his right arm. One would have thought that the pain caused by such wounds would have fallen. But, like a true soldier. he mantully struggled against his weakness and staggered hack to the dressing station in the rear. \Vhen the chaplain saw him he asked him his age. Maj “FJurteen years seven months, sir," replied the wounded soldier. Staples, Feb. 12,â€"Thxcre IS no doubt in the minds of the people of this district that the conten- tion that backache is a symptom of kidney disease. is literally and abso- lutely correct. If not, how is it that Dodd’s Kidney Pills. a kidney medi- cine, cure backache? For there is no dispute about it that Dodd’s Kidney Pills do cure backache. New cases in this neighborhood are coming to light every day. Mrs. Katy Lougheud is onet of the most recent, but there are scores more. It is interesting to note that the shortest soldier in the "Army, is B. Grace, of the lst Battalion Grenadier Guards, who is but 4ft. Gin. in height It is strange, too, that this regiment should be able to boast of the record in the other extreme, in the person of Private McCulloch. who stands 6ft. 81-2 in. in his socks, the tall- est soldier in the Queen’s Army. "'Whei‘e do you feel the pain?" he kindly asked. Mention, too, may be made of Trumpeter John James Shurlock, the boy hero of the Battle of Eland- slaagle. This youthful hero of the present South African compaign is but sixteen years of age, but the bravery which he dis-played only a few weeks ago is worthy. of record here. He belongs to Squadron A of the 5th. Royal Irish, Lancers, and at the engagement referred to shot three Boers with a revolver. “The men of his regiment," wrote a correspon- dent at the time, “were so delighted with the youngster’s pluck and prow- ess. that when the fighting was over they carried him round the camp in triumph." Young Shurlock joined the Army when he was but flourteen. The Truth About Backache Proved By Dodd’s Kidney Pills. “There is only a stinging in my right arm," came the brave reply. Ira. Katy Lunaheed Gives Evidence-No Doubt In line “luds of the People of Smpleuâ€"Balcknche Is Really Ind- ney Avila. Dodd's Kidney Pills were first given to the world. the fact had never been aclually proved. But, Dodd’s Kidney Pills have turned the theory into a fact. If one has backuche one‘s kid- neys are out of order, and no amount of medicine which does not act on the Kidneys. will do the slightest good. How many people have been crippled with lame back and given up trying to be cured in despair? They were not aware that backache is but a symp. ‘7 II. has long- been contended that backache is really kidney ache. But up to within 591} years ago, when be cured in despair? They were not anvare that backache is. but a symp. tom. nor. a disease. The real Backuche. u‘Lout which uo~ body who ever experiences it can be mistaken, is not an ache of the la k at all. It is the ache of disordered kidneys. The kidneys are siiualid kidneys. The kidneys are situand opposite the small of the tack. Thus the pain is termed Backache. It is no use treating Bucknche, so called. local- ly. It is the kidneys that demand treatment. That is the reason that Dodd‘s Kidney Pills have such a re- putation for curing Barknche. Mrs. Katy Lougbeed, of S'aples, Kidney Pills as the test thing 1 lame back that I ever got. I ha only used two boxes and they cur me." The night befure Sir Redvers Buller 13ft London for South Africa, he was a. visitor at the famous "Beef§teak Room" of the Lyceum Theatre, where at mediated that his absence from. a. visitor at the fzunous "B Room" of the Lyceum Thezltr: :11 medicâ€"ted that his absenc England would not extend over 51' period than twelve months PBUUF PDSITIVE. YOUNGEST AND SHORTEST. can highly y Pills as McNeil 'eil, of the Cameron A photograph of our was sun to Her Maâ€" 1 McDonald, and the :aciiovus letter of acâ€" Immend ntre, where ence from. over a long- Dod cylLLL-Cu a“ Luv "My sister had used Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills with remarkable benefit. and I also began ‘0 take them. I candidly state that improve- }nent began almost immediately. til] {toâ€"day I am in better health, and much stronger than I have been for years. To Dr. Arnold's English Tox- ln Pills, and to them alone the credit is due." ‘ VA :12. w.- A mum: ulkus DANGER. Ilt is able to fulfill its funclions. Prior to taking Dr. Ward‘s Pills she had taken many medicines without any special benefit. Dr. \Vard’s Blood and Nerve Pills are certainly the only medicine that has done any good. Be- fore taking them she was getting weaker, ler heart and nerves losing strength daily. Since she had began taking them she has daily and con- tinuously gained health and sirength_ CLARA ELLIOTT, 30 College street, I Peterborough, Ont, HOW SHE OVERCACME IT. AND BAF- FLED HER TORMENIOR. Toronto. Dec. 26th.â€"Miss Ida Hob-; kirk, of 184 Harbord SL. this city, is a young lady who is exceedingly popular with a very extensive circle of friends, all of whom are rejoicing oxer her recent escape from a ierrible danger. The. Snory of her experience is deeply interesting. told in her own straightforward way. Here is her narrative: In 1896, I took a position in a down-town store. My work was not unusually hard, but soon found I could nto stand it, and my health failed. I grew very thin, had splitting headache continually, dizzy Spells, and extreme weakness. My tongue was thickly furred, harsh and dry, every morning, and I arose tired and aching. I was dull and low- spirited all the time. - -\ A_.‘A1A'¢ The great cities of the world use up an enormous number of horses every year. and these must constant- ly be resup'plied by others from the country or from foreign lands. In is stated that in the suburbs of London alone there are 750,000 horses in use. and that 100,000 horses must every year be sent into these suburbs to take the place of those worn out. RINGS AND GLOVES. News comesâ€"and from Paris â€"-that we are supposed to wear our rings outside our gloves. But the fashion is a vulgar one, and will be adopted by none but extremists. There is some excuse for its existence in France, however, for in France women still persist in wearing tight-fitting cloves. which in America and England France, however, for in France still persist in wearing tight- gloves. which in America and E are considered the worst form Every; girl and woman who sulters as Miss Hopkirk did, should use Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills. They Will give new life and health. Dr. Arnold‘s English Toxin Pills, the only medicine that cures diseases by killing the germs that cause it, are sold by all druggisis at 75c. a box; sample box 25., or sent post-paid on receipt of price by The Arnold Chemical Co., Limited, Canada Life Building, 42 King St. \Vest, Toronto. Sickness Banishedâ€"Health Restored Gentlemen,â€"Dr. Ward’s Blood and Nerve Pills have done my sister so much good that in-grateful apprecia- tion I told Mr. Tully. the druggist, I would gladly give a testimonial un- solicited, as to their merits. My sister. 15 years of age, caught a vio- lent coldâ€"since then she has been in very poor health, lost all colour was anemic, her blood had no vitality, and she had no physical strength, she be. came extremely nervous. so much so that she could not stand any exertion or excitement, and it was impossible for her to get restful sleep, she lost her appetite, her heart became very weak, palpitating so violently that she could hardly breathe at the sligh- test exertion, When she commenced taking Dr. Ward’s Blood and Nerve Pills two months ago she was in a state of complete physical and nervobi prostration. Her blood was scanty with no more strength than water, Since taking Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills she has been rap-idly mend. lug, her appetite has returned, she sleeps well her nerves are stronger, and her heart geine'd strength solhat Water in South Africa is often as precious as gold, and sometimes infin- itely more precious. Every year wit- nesses a terrible drought in some part. The. name of spelt 4.000 difi‘fe himself spelt it la Toscana, 100. 3?} It's far more delicious than annn‘ Sold only in Lead Pwkou. HAVE YOU TASTED STILL IN GREAT DEMAND. SHAKESPEARE’S NAME A SISTER SAVED. CEYLON GREEN TE Shakespeare can be rent ways. The poet 22 ways. RELIANCE CIGAR F.A.CTOR\ .Nomrea ho suffers Soda Wale-r Prescrlln-d as n " Filler" For Almm-I :Il Amwlllofi. "Sniping" is firing by sbarpshooters wherever they see an enemy‘s head or limb. Carbonic acid gas, says a medical authority. has the singular property of lessening the sense of hunger, and may profitably be remembered in deal- ing with cases of diabetes in which bulimia is a prominent symptom. The seat of hunger is found in the solar plexus. By the use of water charged with carbonic acid gas the branches of the solar plexus distributed through the mucous membrane of the stomach are influenced in such a .way that. the abnormal irritation of the plexus which is the foundation {or the raven- ous hunger often present in diabetes and certain forms of indigestion may be greatly mitigated, if not whoilly appeased. Water charged with car- bonic acid gas may like wise be. em- ployed with advantage in many cases of hyperpopsia in which there is a sensation proscnt in the stomach de- scribed by thc patient as a gnawing "goneness," emptiness. etc. Best Remedy In the World for Catarrh. Norway has a law dealing with cremation. Accorrling to the not every person over 15 years of age can be cremated after death if he or she has made a declaration in the, pres- ence of two witnesses. For those un- der 15 a declaration on the part of the parents is necessary. Miss Bessie McK. Kennedy, of King- ston, N.B., says: “I have used Catarâ€" the best remedy in the world! for that dlsease.” Catzlrrhozono is a new scion- tific treatment that cures Cntarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis and irritable throat. Very pleasant and effecllve to use. no deletenpus drugs. Catarrhâ€"o-zone is for sale by all re- tiable drugglsts. Trml outfit sent. for 10!: in stamps by N. C. POLSON &; CO., Kingston, Ont., Proprietors. ‘Ite- Boers requested President Kru- ger's permission to use Dumdum bulâ€" lets, but he refused. 81'. JAMES’ HOTEL--?§g°§{$fi'3}§' I’m" 0. P. lull"). Fir lul Oommeroianouu. Magnumâ€" povmuuâ€" nu moderate. The War Office have so far declined the services of lady doctors who have volunteered for South Africa. Take Laxativo Bromo Quinine Tablets. An dragging refund the money if it: fails to ours. 26c. 11:. W. Grove'eI aignamre is on osch box. Pretoria raceâ€"course. says the prison- ers are not allowed to receive letters. Winn: HOUSEâ€"3 o.r.n.smxon.Momm1. aebJCifialBkea'q' fig President Kruger is announced to have put a tax of from thirty to fif- ty per cent. on the output of Johannes- burg gold mines. The " Balmoral,” Free Bus “(ital Garslake‘ “ Pharaoh 1 00. In the Boer lines at Belmont the ground was littered with cartridges, every one of which bore the mark of the leading London makers. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP ha been used by mother: for their children teething. Itsoothou the child, softens the gums, allay: nln, cures wind colic. India the best remedy for diarr cea 26¢. a bot- tle. Soldb Lll druggiacs throughout. the world. Be "It. and As {or " Mm. Winslow's Syrup. Send one cent. sump for oirculflr‘ WJ. URQUHART Ann] iqul ChemlsgL1§9Qu§en Sc._W., Toronto. STATE OF OHIO. CITY (4F TOLEDO, ha LUCAS COUNTY. ' FRANK J. CHENEY makes oath that he in senior partner or the firm of F. J. CHENEY & (‘0.. doing businens in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid. nnd chav said firm will pay the cum of ONE HUNDRED DOL- LARS for each and every case of CATARRH thut cannot he cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me anu subscribed in my presence, this 0th day of pecember. A.D. 1886. ‘1' hr 1? \Q{\\' O’KEEFE’ f}; $.18: MALT BlemishasJIJINTSED complexion acts of the syste'm. Send f F. J. CHE Sold by Druggists. 750. Hall'a Family Pills are the best. During the last two years 41,375 men have been killed in battle. An Irish Fusilier, writing from the EUMMDN SENSE KILLS Hatches. Bed Bugs. RM: and Mice. Sold by ll] Drugglsu. or 381 Queen W. Toronto. SE AL. Exit-a C'amrrh Cure is taken internally, and du‘evtly on the blpod and mm;tu gurtaces Iuvigoraml Ind Btrel them. LLOYD WOOD. Toronto, GE ERAL AGENT CREMATION IN NORWAY. 1'0 CITBE A COLD IN ONE DAY FOR HUNGRY PEOPLE MOHTRBAL HOTEL DIREOTDRV. TREA FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS “'11 AT “'A R MEANS InvigorateJ QndASftéi‘gme ll Pam, of Onnby. Que. ‘9 ow “Mum. frwlvstimnniuls. free. NEY & C()., Toledo. 0 ‘ European Plan. 8}on 1 flow}! {:39} an. Opp. ‘MoGlllâ€"Collego Avenue. Family Hotel ratel 81.50 per day. EIW. GLEASON. Notary Public Am. PM. 01.50: up. FARM WANTED, west of Hamilton. Must. be chew. Addrets CATTLE. care of Wilson Publishing Co.. Carbollc Disinfectants. Soaps. olnt- ment, Tooth Powders, etc" have been awarded 100 medals and diploman for superior exrollence. Their regular use prevent infecti- ous diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a supply.‘ Lists mailed free on application. FOR SALEâ€"NEAR FRUITLANDâ€"In the Niagara district, on the lake shore. n valuable fruit farm; a Iplendid chance; satisfactory reasons given for sellink. For fpllpnrticulara address E. Diokenson, jun. Korth COLD CURE 100. Cures in a jlfiy, P. Mo- carters Oormacx a 00.. Agents, Montreal. The Dawson commissmnmcrol, Limi'ted, cor. West-Market & colhorne at, Toronto, and blad'dar. 550 & 8X :1 box. inlte forvrfmrurdulérrs. The Indian Oman-h Cure 00.. 146 St. J ames-at., Montreal. gusage casingsâ€"g catholic Prayer Books. Rosarlea,0ru. olflxeo, Scapulars. Religious Pictures. Statuary. and Church Ornamenta. Erluontionul Works. Mail orders receive prompt atten- tion. D. 8: J. SADLIER & 00., Montreal. THE DES MOINES lNDUBATORâ€"Beet and cheapest 0. Rolland, sale a em. fortrhe Dominion. Send ant. Itamp for catalogue. 73 St. Paul Street, Montreal 9nd othgr PRdDUqE. to egauga beat‘reiuhspgnsgqn c}: PoungyL 9511153, guns, ‘APPLES, erican Hog Equip. ms“; Teachers Wanted HARRIS Ipooitl amok. guaranteeing large dividends; 1110 In in‘ stnlmanc stock payable in 11101;th lnstnimenfi. draw] cash dlvldendfi, half yearly. a tea wnuzln uta nu profitable lnvelcment lhuulq gorrelpond wit flflmble Investment Ihould correlpond mm 0 Sun savings qnd Loan 00., Toronto. Eifidford {or asie. Improved and unimproved. One-fifth on: Intending settlen can and get benefit of fifteen earn ex rienoe as to dlltriotto nettle in. A. W. AU TIN. 21 oronto Chambers. Toronto. Moneyloaned on (Even-able terms Imprelented districts; write us. Dyeing! meaning! Moflifeal, TérrafiiSJOt'tawa, Quebec. LAW COCOA EPPS’S LUD E L LA CbYLON ’1 EA GRATEFULâ€"COMFORTING. Wholesale only. Long Distance Telephoneflfl. ‘hf/O. Our Method ls sure and has cured thousandsâ€"some mnounccd lncurablc. Write a! once. Booklet and Proof on requ t. Addy“: “(SWISS-AMERICAN 00., Wlndsor, om“ Canada THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. "nnmsn AmchN DYEING co.- Look to; slant In your corn, or und EF. 0. CALVERT 8: 00., MANCHESTER - - ENGLAND. WE ARE OFFERING CHEAP MANITOBA FARMS BREAKFASTâ€"SUPPER. fihaumafism For thfiary boat und your work to th A MARKED DIFFERENCE. Compare WILLIAM ST., TORONTO. CALVERT’S :_New lmportaclons flneu :9 carsmgs English Sheep and An: Cnsin sâ€"reliuble coda at ri vht prise. PAR . BLACK ELL l 0., Toronto. ANGIE R’s PETROLEUM EMULSION Angier Chemical Co. bflfiz‘“ Buys Scrap, LEAD. COPPER. BRASS. T0 INVESTORS nun-u. Inn-c .- III-0'" Barrieters,etc..removed ho Wesle Bldga.. Rich- mond 81:51. Toronto. Mllls. MI". 8. Halo; \V l’ (1 l0“ with other: and you wlll at. once notice the diaerence. The flavor of Ludelln has made it a hvoriho. Try It. you will like It. - To send hr of} complete SHE MUSIC CATALO U! and SPECIAL fl TE 0F DISCOUNT. W. no equipped N :wc'mmen‘zs‘: Wham. mm ; Ina Yong. 8L. tonoum. OM. permanently cures Cucunh of nose. I throat, stomach A most efficient substitute {or cod-liver oil, pleasant to the fastc, and agreeing with {he most sensi- tive stomach. Used by physicians in the treatment of all throat ahd lung troubles, and - if results count for anytffingâ€"almost no limit to the good it can do. Sém’plo bottle mailed (a any Address on receipt of lo cents m covcr post-go. Igenh wanted In ' is the chat use I x but, ingrad en: coloring con: i reventorowa from picking up corn 53129:: planted. ad 14 more: of corn last year on my 1 Mrs (arm an ad the seed all colors I and had not one Italk dean-o yorowl. I also clalm It as good as n h wy cont 0 manure (or making corn ll’OW rich. {using no we 3 leased with it (ha I have taken the an my lorl 1 armera who wish to buy only a. small box a ould Ian lln their order! nqc later than Feb. lat. Smlll b0 ‘ colors 20 bushels, pnce 8150' large box 00331160 bull? Price ssm- will be sold for £4.50 u mam 1) Pub!) forum, 095}: with prfler’. "No ordo_n when 91m; n. 0’ Iouoo. Ogeumw and Crawford ConndelL Title pen leec- 0n Michigan Oontml. Dem)“. & Machine I Loon Lake Rallrondu. at prices mnglng from 82 or non. These Lands are Close to Eneerpriolns o owns. Churches. Schools, um. and will be loldon on Insoluble terms. Apply to Farmers Intending to Seed Corn Note This. ominlon Line Portland. Me.. 10 learpool. vIn Hum-x. Large and fast Steamers Vancouver, Dominion. Cambroman. Rates of pan-age: Tim. ()5th upward” 80ml Oabln. :36; amuse. 12.50 mi ha 50. For turnbu- inform-t on lpply to 10011 Manta. or DAVID TOBBANCE E 00.. Gen I'll “can. I! So. Summon Manual. Ipouill flock. guaranteeing lnr e dividends; ullo In In. Itnlmont nook payable in man My instalmenu. dnwin cmh divldenda. halt yearly. Partie- wanMn Info tn grofluble luvenlmenb should cone-pond "It. the Eu :Ivlnga 1nd Loan Company. Torunw; mono, loanodo hvonble termu; taunts wnnted in unrepresented“:- mom; wnco m. in order to gei Lhain all finéiréarahd rib!” 1‘32: ed Elba April lat. directly at G.'I‘.R. and 0.P‘R. for lhi&pln& n 11‘. e b E mznreyy Igucgdeafraot [usranbeed to give anal-{act flow-e used this closec wil tesyify o the above. For catalogue and price 118 wrlte to The Odorless Crematory Closet 00., Hamilton. Ont. Gentlemenâ€"“I hue much vlenauro i noomlgent Ing your Odorless Crematory Closet. whim I um use from you It does Its work weal and in perfect odorlefl whEn In use or burning out. No family can I 0rd to_ Without it, as ibis indispensable to health. and it [I mt a. sense of duty I certify to its great. usefuluels. Your; um; D. g. yHOM'PBQr “I. I. ANIITT, Managua The canadian Heine Safety Esplanade, lilgh Glass Water Tube Steam Boilers, for All Pressures. Dutles and Fuel. SBND FOR DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. Remean one man anon rmmmo LANDSâ€"ARENAO [All «I'm what. boll-n mu bah" working. NEURALGIA. SCIATIOA. MUOOULAR. INFLAMMATOHY. GOUT. LUMBAQO, RHEUMATIC PARALYBIS. fiBTHMA nip. Sherbwme 8L, Michigan Land for Sale. WE ARE OFFERENG B. M. PIERCE. Agent. West Bay City, Mluh. 0r J.W. OUR'US. Whinemore. Mich. ANDREW KAUFMAN, Fergus P.0., Ont. Odorless BOILER Closet. Toronto Electric Light 00.. Lunitod. The '1‘. Eaton 00.. Limited. The Hussy-Harri: 00.. Limited. The Gun Perch- Rubber & MM. 00. The WllIon Pubmhlna 00.. United. JOHN J. "All. Cult. and Tm. T0 INVESTORS cured Toronto OfOfltO Land Packages. 26. so, 00, 60, Ian. MAIL STEAMSHIP.

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