,4. , VOL. XXII. E “ Oils (guard †IS PUBLISHED EVERY , THURSDAY MORNING A! THE LlBERALPRlNTlllGli PUBLISHlNG HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. '1‘. F. McMAHON. Eniron it Pnormnron. l) LANGSTAFF. RICHMOND HILL. orvmn norms ï¬tolflnm: Gaospen ‘ ER. L. {Allin-Emil,â€" Member Collcce Plivsivians and Surgeon x, Ont. RICHMOND HILL. Ofï¬ce Hours 2â€"9 to 10 :1. 111.; 12 to L’ p. n1.; 71:09 p. m. . rum .._4. __ casual. \V \\\ . Rogers B cvv‘v‘vs’t , Room 12, 124 Victoria St., Toronto. Best ï¬tting tooth, also replaliug, at lowest prices. Good work. 1) ll. T. A. G U it it ll, Di‘lliliï¬tg (Successor to Dr. Cecil Trotter) Oddfellow‘s Bldg, Toronto. cor. Yongc and College Stsq Toronto, \Vill be in Richmond Hill every \\-’oducsda.y. (Eileenâ€"Next door south School. Dr. W. Cecil. Trailer, B. 12., DENTIST,- Cor. Mom- and ï¬padnua Ave“ Toronto. of Public Telephone 3368 for appointment. m , rtrrinary Tit? some}: VETERINARY SURGEON mkNDâ€" VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, (£1.11qu0 of the Ontario Veterinary College, with diploma. from the (lnlmrin Veterinary Dantal School. will visit Maple on Monday and Frideyot each week, and Concord on Friday from 1 tofl p. 11]. Calls prompth attended to Diseases of horses, cattle and othcr domestian ed animals treated by the latest and most ap- proved methods. PALMER HOUSE,- RICHMOND HILL, Romndelled,uud newly furnished throughout. One of the most convenient and comfortable -4... use p... hotels on Ynugo Street. Every modern cun- venience. Sample rooms for commerciall travo'lers. .\n ideal snapping place for ri-iing or drivnug parties. bicyclists, or farmers goinu to or returning from market. Electric curs pnsstho door. TERMS $1.00 PER DAY. .lilllN PALVIER. - Prop E. ï¬ction", Q$§§§E 33%;» 158 KING srmmr msr. TORCNTO Every accommodation to guests. Board, $1 nor do Wilma cwi soil, , HOUSE PAINTER, ‘ Glazier, Grainer and Paper-z Henge . Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL. “In Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, IQOG. 33ml: as. "HT‘EEECEF‘E'. NO’i‘A RY Pl? WHO. CUMMIESIU'REH IN THE HXGH COURT OF jUSTlCE, Ji-c. issuer of Mariana License-s. 3 RICHMOND HILL POST OFF:i LENNOX’ t? Mohair, Burl-asters and Solicitors. \Iouev to loan (.1) land and cbnltol nitirfgcgrs at lowest rates. lurovar‘flice-rllrmoved lo the old port, I‘n‘l‘ce. one door out If (be (‘llllilllt‘e tot-.110 Outrvrio Pauli. Nuvrmarkct oilii-(‘A'lirrc doors south of the just, ollicc. T. HERBERT LICNNI'X, G. S'rV. Murrow, \urora. IN. cv. mm'kt t W- OTVTV†‘77"; (Willi, COOK é} lzlACEoanD llaii'islcrt, Frolicilors. etc. TORONTO 017171013: No. 1. Adelaide St. Fast. Mr. (look will lie :11 Maple on Thursday afternoon of (â€"acli \vcck. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. Money to Luau Telephone 2601 SPEI‘Q CER LOVE. Barrister, Soli ‘llfl'l‘, Convovam'cr, Notary 1‘ iblic, Etc. lanes Building 75 Yon-16‘ (cor. Ring). Toronto. Richmond llill on \‘i'einesdnys. aimless, silicates Burl'lsiers, Solicitors, 11's,, 25 KING STllE "1‘ “WEST, TORONTO. Essl Toronto Ofï¬ce, Mr. Grant's residence, \‘vundlyrldce. erarrv evcuiv'c. Tlmruhillmmcl. W'mluemlny from 1010 1?. “dopey to loan at :3 per cent. Telei’bcne 9931 A. G F. lAWRENCE, barrister, Sc titer. Eatery, 86c. Suite 77 and Tr: Freehold Loan Build- ings. cor. Adelaide and Victoria Streets, Toronto. LIBERAL Ofiice, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. mm, . mm_ J. H. PRENTXCE Unionviile SAM-7M Ecumm‘. till Winchester St. Toronto. Edna rd 3 a; 'i'r‘l entice Licensed Auctim e rs for the County of York. Goods sold on cons iniuent. General sales of sl.ocl;.etc., promptly attended to at. reasonable rates. G. It. Uouldinfl. llrwtou Brook, acent for the above. T c sTonns Stokes & Blough. D BLOUGE LicensedAuctioneers to: the County of York,reâ€" gpoctfully solmit your patronage and friendly mfluence. sales attended on the sLox‘test. notice anda reusonuberates. I‘.O.nduress King J. 'l‘. Snigenn. Richmond Hill Weston. Saigcon a: McEwcn. Licensed Auctioneers forthe County of York. Salosattcnded to on shortest noticeund at rea- son ableretes Patronage solicited. J, Reildmnn, Licensed Auctioneerfor the County 01 York. Generalsnles of implements, lurnituresmnding timber, etc. attended on the, shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Petronngi-snlicitcd. 1". 0. address Maple. N. Smith. Licensed :‘luctinnnbrfnr the Counties of York Allsales (ii l'nrm stock, l{'(’.. at- shortcst notice and reasonable nnd Ontario. tended to on the, rates. Mortungn nn-l bai'ifl sales attended to. Re (l81‘.(‘(‘.3tlllli:l'lll0. Out. Mn- :-. more-s megs. WRIGHT BRO S , [lazelt-r'tukcrs .1: Embalmcrs, RICHMOND HILL 8: THORNHILL A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. mm 7 A (irood Far-null, For Sale or to Rent The vrcst } art of lot containing lu-J :ime .r sale or to rent. The place is clcflu, .- soil a. clay loan]. and the land is in e).\'i‘llrlll L'ulllllthIl. .lpplv to TH 1. Ni“ TTON TANNING (‘0. SSAtf Ric .mcpp Hill Y. 0 MONEY l MONEY l l l Alargenincuntofprivatefuuds to lean on improved 1“ l property. Five per cont. in. Lereï¬t. lit: termstuv repnvn-ent. K0 coul- mrssiou (buried on loans Apply to A. G.F. L‘.\Vi \L‘E, Freehoid wanBuilding,Toronto Or at RlCllEllULLd Hull k n Suturdnys, Sud con. Markham, J. B. McEwen, Our Ottawa Letter.- Tbc introduction of the resolution providing $3,000.0llll to meet. the ox- pcusos of the Canadian coulingcuts for South Africa his given the (lppo- silion an opportunity of withdrawing its ill-advised and inopporlunc autagh ’onism to the (imcrumcul and it has ,liastcncd to take advantage llu‘l'cnl. ‘ln spite of the fact that. ho had been assured again and again that our Gov- crnmcnt had done cvci yl bng lllJll lbc 3 imperial authorities would permit in ,ll-udcring aid lo the Dmpiic, Sir (,‘bas. 'l‘uppcr had pcisisted in declarng that they should have donc more. relic-rat.- lllg his opinion in most umuistakablo terms not many days ago. in his speech during the debate on the Ad (lll':~>. when he had all the facls before him and was in possession of the cor- Irospoudeucc which had tzuki-u place upon the subject. Moro mature con- sllll'lzllltlll. however, has enabled him to Sec that the Government was right in what it had done and that his mi!- icism was ill-advised. llo admitted that the colonies bad. by the deliber- ate decision of [be llnpv-l'ial :ullil:u1‘â€" itles. been all plact d on the some Ioniâ€" ing, that the Dominion was doing oxâ€" actly the same as the ()lllcl' colonics, and that there was no (liltcrcuccin llletrcatmcut to be cxtcndcd to our volunteers from that which the rcpi oâ€" sentatives of the colonial empire would receive. He therefore williâ€" drew flll'lllcr opposition to tthov. Icrmnent’s policy. it is of course sali» factory and gratifying to receive evcu this tardy acknowlcdgremcnl, but it. is difï¬cult tonvuid the impression ilthL Sir Charles might (-asily have arrived at this conclusion much earlier, bad he not imagined that political capital (‘Ullld be made by the antagonistic alâ€" titude he has up to this time assumrd. SA'I‘ISFiEl’) THEM: THTRST FUR. KNOWLEDGE. The order papcr of the llouse. of Commounis ol'tcu loaded down with all manner of frivolous questions by members of the Opposition, who do not appear to consider it beneath their dignity to waste lbc time of Parlia- ment, by makng inquiries of the mos-t trifling character upon subjects which cannot be. of the slightest. public inâ€" tercsl‘.or Value. \Vliile many of the enquiries madcarc no doubt for llle. honest ;lll'pUSl‘ of eliciting: useful and tween try information. they inc lilien )uudoubtcdly put down simply in the ' hope ofelnbarrassing the Government, but sometimes llic inquisitive member gets a Roland for his Oliver. An in- stance of this kind occurred on Thurs- day afternoon when chief Opposition - whip Taylor of Leeds wanted to know how many copies of Sir Richard Cart- wright’s recent Toronto speech had been printed, how they were paid for, if government stationery Was used and departmental employee occupied in addressing envelopes and franking privileges utilized to send them through the mails. Sir Richard promptly replied that, he believed sev- eral hundred thousand had been issued, but as there was so much valuable in- formation therein hc regretted the number had not been largcr, that no government, cmploycs had been on- gaged in addressing or mailing the same, and that only a very small proâ€" portion, if any, had been franked through the mails. Recognizing the anxiety of the. Opposition for the full- est information, Sir Richard proceed- ed amid ministerial cheers and laugh- ter, to quote from the Alltllt()l‘-()i(‘llol'- al’s report (luring Conservative regime a number of items where civil servants had been elupluycd in preparing and sending out Conservative campaign literature and paid for out of public moneys. PARTY (‘AUCL‘SES Each side has held a caucus since the. session opened and in each case im- portant business was transacted. The Opposition led the, way on the second day of the session when tllcy decided thzltrit, would be inadvisable to offer an amendment to the Address, but that it Would rather be the part of wisdom to assume a Micawbcrdike al.- titudc and wait, \viLli what hope and patience they might, for something,r to turn up. The ï¬rst Govermm'ut caucus was held on St. Valentine’s day and was mainly for the pmpnsc of filling the vacancy of chief Ministerial \\'liip created by the rclircment of lluu. st. Sutherland. The choice fell upon Mr. “'illiam Gibson who has represented Lincoln fol-the past nine years, and than “‘111 m a more popular man is not to be found on either side of the House. The local whips sclcclt-d to ass st .‘lr. Gibson were )lcssrs. Calvcit (“'cst llitldlnsox), and Frost (Leeds l and Grenville), for Ontario, Flint and l l I Savard and Bourassa for Quebec, and Bostock for the \Vcsl. srnATHcoxA‘s HORSE. The ï¬rst detachment of Stratbcmia’s Horse has ‘ll‘l‘lVNl at the i‘apilzll. and in Spite (If the iunrtistic, thouin in some cases picturesque, costumes which many of the men arrived in. :1 distinctly favorable opinion has ban Logan for the Maritime I’rovinces.‘ No 34 crcalcd. They are without exception men of magniï¬cent physique and as hard as iron, and in the course of a week wbcn their new boon supplied, and (lol. Steele has had an opportunity to lick them into shape, we shall have in our midst a splendid crodil to the Dominion, but be uuexrellcd for the particular work that will be assigned them. Ottawa, Feb‘v 17. 1900. ‘Rï¬â€"G‘ Maple Two large loads from here nttcndcd the concert at Vellorc last Friday evening. lengthy. was we“ carried out. The dobatcprovml vr-ry inn-reeling. Thc subjcct was “Resolved that (‘anada is a butler count! y to live in than the Cu- itml Hiatus.“ 'I'ho Sill‘tllCl‘l'ri for tho af- firmative wcro Messrs. J. \V'. McDon- ald. .l. ('x. McDonald and \\'.S:ln(lersoli of Vollorc, \vbilc Messrs. R. S. Thom- son. (‘. ll. Byam and .1. 1i. Campbell ; of Illapli- uphold the States. The judges, Mr. l"ar<piliarson. Dr. Sislcy. and A. ('arlcy gave. their dccxsiou in favor of the aliirmative, the side win- Hing; by one point. The Monthly meeting of the \\'o- man‘s Auxiliary was held at Mrs. H. Jackson‘s on Tuesday evening. Quite a large number \vr-re present. .-\ vcry pleasant time was spent at the oyster social at Mr. G. J. Cook's on \Vcducsday evening of last week. The pl'UH'cdS amounted to over $28. This is to Inc used to puichasc an organ for tlu-Habballi Ncluml. Dr. Norman of King (lily occupied the chair and an interesting programme was given. Rev. \V. Dean of Sundcrlaud has V accoptr-d tho call to become pastor of the Maplc circuit. subject to the ap- proval of the stationing committee in June. Miss Annie Glass of Jefferson, is visiting; with friends in the village. At the last meeting of the Quarterly Boarll‘ Methodist church, Maple cir- cuit. motions were made and carried expressing: entire conï¬dence in, and appreciation of the services rendered by the pastors during their respective terms. ‘gliutou circuit has extended an in- vitation to Rev. J. \V. Stewart of IMapIe-cirruit to be their Pastor for (be ncxl tc‘. m and Mr. Stewart has ac« r-cptcd the imitation subject to the c. Htomary approval. »â€"â€"â€"‘7*. Markham Council. The Markham Township Council met on Tuesday, 13th inst. Members all present, rceve in chair. Minutes of last meeting lead and confirmed. Communications i-eceivcd:â€" From M. Teefy, clerk Richmond Hill, re share of rent from toll-gate llnllscs. From J. U. Lundy, clerk of \Vliit- church, re ceda r on Town Linc. From L. E. Rice, M. 1)., re sanitaâ€" rinm for the poor. Dimmaâ€"Eckardt~»that the clerk communicate with the. clerk of Rich- mond Hill offering to pay that munic- ipality one-third of tlic net amount, of the rent that has been received in the past and that may be received in the future from toll-house No. 2, Ymge St, as a settlement of dispute rc tollâ€" ‘: houses, on condition that Vaughan Tp. concurs in this resolution. SummcrfcldLï¬Eckzu-dtâ€"tbat Treas- ‘. urcr pay the following accountszâ€"T. F. McMahon, for adv. council meet- ings, $5, adv. road machine, $1.50, printing ï¬nancial statements, $12; F. l’adget drawing and levelling gravel put on road opposite lot 2‘), Con. 3, $111.25; Hart & Riddell, stationery supplies. $16.61: E. Heisey, stripping gravel pit. $5 :Cursou A: Son, letter llcuds. cards and adv. $6.75. DEmlnaâ€"Sisley that the trcas. pay halt" the accounts for labor, material ivc. furnished for Yonge St. $114.35. Summerfcldtâ€"Sisley-â€"that the col- lector’s rolls for 188$) be accepted by this Council and that the collcctors be relieved of the following amounts of , IaXcs :â€"â€"\'\'esl half. 1). Brooks $12.39; y Salcln I‘lckardt, $11; Thos. Humber- l stone. $10; A. Linton, $1; Mrs. (T. 1 Press, dog, $1; Albert “Vllitc, $1.2-l. East half, E. lc‘ole. $2.96; Mary Doh- erty, 90 cents : .l, Paxton, dog tax. S]: i “'m. Size. 2.233; S. \Videmali, dog < lickardt Summerfclthâ€"tiull. trcas. ‘ pay the followng accounts:-â€"Il.Leech, 270 yds. gravel, $27. : Gco. ’l‘ooley, 121 yds lietwwn York and Markham, half amount, $0.20; 15. \Veldrick, 20 I yds, £3. Slhll‘y#1)lllllllll’â€"lll;ll. the trcas. pay (iiass l\' (70., Richmond Hill, $12.0ll,f0i‘ shcop worried by dogs. SlSll‘YAâ€"Slllllllll'l'fl'ltltillllll (-lcrl: b1- ? instruclcd to write llll’ clerk of York ' county to remit the amount due this municipalitv from unpaid taxes ve- I turned to said County. ISckardtâ€"Sumim-rfcl(l‘â€" that this council grant $1.50 per “'I‘l‘l-i towards the maintenance of the widow of the late \Vm. Pebbles, said grant to con- tinue during the pleasure oflhecouucil. Dimina Sislcyâ€"tbat Mr. Summer- fcldt be Commissioner to act in con- junction with a commissionerappoint l by \‘y’hitcllurcli Council to take >LlL‘ll . ;‘ 1.16.. outï¬ts have ‘ body of men which will uotonly do ' 'l‘lu- programme, which was . .LVL‘. action as tbcy may deem advisable in regard to the trees growing on town- Iinc in 8th. and confer as to the, advis~ ability of straightening the road at. this point, and that the Clerk is here- by instructor] to notify the clerk of “'hitchurch of this resolution. Sislcyâ€"IMmumâ€"{bat the Medical Health Ofï¬cer receive $15 for services for lhlll), and that treasurer pay same. Dimui:Lâ€"â€"~lCcli:Irdtâ€"tbat whereas it is cousidcrcd advisable to establish the surva of the township. be it resolved that the rccvo and Mr. llimma be commissioners tn take such action as the. law directs to establish the. survey and plant monuments at lll(‘ intersec- tions of side roads, concessions and townlincs, and report progress at the next. lmwllng of tlic council, and that the soal of the corporation be attached to this rcsolutiml. Summcrfcldt â€"â€" Sislr-y â€" that when this ccuncil utljourus it stands adjourn- ed till Tuesday, 13th of March. Mr. Suuuncrl'cldt introduced a by- law to deï¬ne the duties to be paid for tavern and shop licenses. The by-law unikcs tavern licenses $80 and shop licenses $200. ' Mr. Sislcy introduced a by-law to establish road divisions in the munici- pality which also received its several readings and passed. DimInaâ€"Sisleyâ€"that. the treasurer pay J. F. Dmison and II. 1’. Crosby $5 each for auditing township accounts for 1809. Sisleyâ€"Summerfeldtâ€"tbat it being reported that certain lcgislution affectâ€" lug this municipality will be intro- duced at the Legislature this session that the recvo, Jas. Dimma, 1). James and “C Scott be appointed a deputa- tion to meet the legislative committee when such matlcr comes up. Council then adjourned. â€"â€"--â€"â€"+.¢> Thornhill. The curlers have arranged for a series of matches to be played for a silver trophy between rinks of the club. On Saturday a rink skipped by H. Clark defeated F. J. Gallanough’s four by a score of 23 to 10. The next match will be between J. Morgan and Dr. Nclles. Another auction salc of farm stock. implements, 62(2, will be hold at llughcs‘ Hotel on the, last day of this month, when another large crowd of buyers and spectators \vill likely be on hand. A Fancy Dress Carnival will be held in the rink to-morrow evening. Prizes will be given for gcut‘s, lady‘s and girl’s best reprcscntativc costume, and for comic character. Tlllll‘lllllll band will furnish music, and a good time is expected. â€"â€"â€"4..____ Willow Vale On Friday evening. the 9th inst, a: very pleasing event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. \Vilcs, when their eldest son Albert celebrated his Blot birthday. A number of relatives and friends were, present. The most noteworthy event of the evening was the presence of Mr. John Peterman of Shoboygan, Mich, great grandfather, at the advanced age of 86 years; also mgr-cat aunt, both taking part in all the games. and apparently enjoying the. fun quite as much as the younger ones. The early part of the cveping was spent in \ocal and instrumental music. Supper being prepared, 26 pal-Look of a sumptuous rcpast, after which games were indulged in until the wee sma‘ hours, \in n1 adicus were said and all repaired to their respect- ive homcs. apparently wcll pleased with their evening’s enjoyment. Mr. Ernest Tyrrell of Richmond Hill, spent a couple of days last week with his cousin at Apple Grove l‘arm. He returned home Monday. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"o.’â€" Vellore (211 Friday evening, Fcb‘y 161b, the Velore Literary Society lll'ld their second annual concert in the Township llall. The evening wasdccidedly line, so that about ï¬ve hundred people as- sembled to see the fun. ’l‘liedvbate between Vellorc and Maple Societies was the principal feature. )lr. Far- quliarson, B. A., of Richmond Hill; Dr. Sislcyolillaplc ; and Mr. A. (,‘arlcy of Slrango, acted as jurlpr s Aftcr carci'ul(ll-liberation llil‘ (ll‘t‘l'sll'il was given in favor of Vollnl‘c Sm'll'ly. ()n the evening of March 3rd. lib-in- burg Litcrary Society pulposc visdilw Vi-llorc, providing a prograuunt- and engaging in a friendly (ll‘lliltl‘ on the subject, " Resolved that the works of Nature are more beautiful tbnu the winks of Art." This will give the wise mm of tlll‘ East an opportunity of crossing swords with the wild men of [lip West. mm 1 "cm Solid Colt, 2 : ~ Best Gold l'Ull 1.59 ‘ .'. , ‘ ' 5 yrs Goldl‘ill lOi mméé 555‘- Best (ilasscs... 10( We guarantee pmiez-t SilllslIJCll- n. amiss CP'H‘ECAEL 93 Yonge Street, Tcroe‘. :o.