Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Feb 1900, p. 4

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Without; belittling either the brav- ery or the skill of the Boers in war- ‘farc it HUW seems ahn05t certain that they have made their best fight and “that a reverse! of the tide of war has set in. General Roberts who is sup- posed to be conducting the campaign is maintaining his reputation as a, military leader and it is hoped the ’termination of the war is not very ‘distant. Dispatches were sent out every- ‘vwbere yesterday announcing the re- lief of Ladysinitb, but ili'i'fortunately the good news has not been confirm- 'ed. Much sorrow is also caused by the loss of so many Canadians at a battle at Modder River last Sunday, ‘ Vaughan Council met at the Town ‘Hall. Vellore, on Tuesday, Feli'y 13th, at 10 :1. m. 1.lil_en.ihers all present. Reeve in the c nur. Mr. J. M. Peal-en of Toronto Junc- .tion was present in behalf of the To- ronto Suburban Electric Railway Co. and addressed the council. re an ex- tension of road from “’eston to Schomberg via \Voodliridge and point- out the advantages to be derived fl'nnl ‘ruuning an Electric.Rail\vuy through the bark portion of the township. The nmlterwus laid over for further consideration. A claim for damages was presented «by Mr. George McGullocl) of Bramp- ton, through the solicitor. which was not. cnturtuined by the council. he not ~b3ing present. A connunication' was received from J. ROSS Robertson re Sick Children’s Hospital. Toronto. asking grant for samc, also from the Consumptive San- itarium, Toronto. Also a communication fmm the Clerk at. Richmond Hill Asking for «mo-third rent of toll-house on Yonge rilvreet in accordance with County By- 1w. The following accounts were ordered to be paid : Wm. Harper. lubor.. . . . . . . . . . $ 3 ()0 ‘M’m. Marwood. “ . . . . . . . . . . .. 12 37 Dr. Rutherford, the Liberal memâ€" bar for Macdonald, Manitoba, has given notice of a motion expressing the opinion that the railway compan- ~ies should at the earliest possible noâ€" iment he brought under theseontrol of a board of railway commissioners clothed with full power to enforce the observation of such regulations as zmav be necessary in the public in- terest. This matter was discussed in the House last session, on the initia- tive of Dr. Rutherford, and at that time the Premier intimated that the Government full y appreciated the im- rportance of the question and expressed the hope that a practical way would soon be found of overcoming the dif- zultics in the way of carrying out this suggestion. The general trans- portatien policy of the Government ’ ince it assumed office has so vastly improved the situation that the coun- ~‘try will have great confidence in its ability to accomplish this much de- sired reform also. ’the number reported being 19 killed and 61 Wounded. The bravery of ‘our Canadian boys and the sad fate of so many of them bring the realities of war veryv close to our doors. 'in favor of the British. General French has succeeded in raising the ‘Bnge of Kimberly after being invests 'ed for about four months, and rail- 'way communication with the South has been restored. The Boer army has abandoned several strong posi- tions and is retreating to other strong- holds. General Buller’s forces are 'on the eve of another desperate effort for the relief of Ladysmith, and 2the British are re-occupying former “positions in Northern Cape Colony. After many sharp engagements 'with the enemy in South Africa, with results which at. the time seem- ed like reverses for our brave soldiers, the tide of success has surer turned Changeâ€" K. C. Bailey. Chaugeâ€" Wilkins dc Co. 'Unnuda. Pacinoâ€"A. H. Notmuu RICHMOND HILL. February 22, 1900 THE RAILWAY COMMISSION l ) @112 $3.51th New Advertisements. Vaughan Council BETTER NEWS. Ex-Mnym- George E. Tuckotr, head of George E. Tuckotb, Sm) & 00., to- bacco manufactures, of Hamilton, died of pneumonia after a brief illness. Jm'lc Schnles of Toronto in the 12..- pound class defeated O’Brien in New York on Tuesday evening in a. glove contest. and is now champion boxer of Tanuda, England and the United States. Amos A gm- Humer Devins “ \Vm. “'nrdlaw “ Gr. \Vond “ C. Nuttl'vss “ H. Creighton “ Peter \\‘u1-dluw, grave] John Arnold, Work in 1 John \Vhite “ A. McUlnskwy “ H. Creighton, fm'mnau John Allan, labor .. . . \Vm. Ir'vrkins, hauling Jns‘. Neil “ JOhn Darker “ \Vm. Uursx “7m. E.NP “7111,1ka \Vm.Unsgr Uh moth meat at'\'< Home 5 bar fur bar, 220 Regular 25c. Soluble Cocoa. 20¢. per 1b.; Unwan’s Hygienic Cocoa, 230.; lwst Italian Macaroni. 15¢. per lb. package. Atluuson & Switzer. About 5.30 o’clock on Thursday ev- ing the fine umv store, together with the contents. belonging to Fred Spnf- ford of Stnufi'ville. was badly damaged by fire. The building, it seems. was lighted by acetyline gas, the generator lighted by acetyline gas, the generator being situated on the ground floor. \Vhile the foreman of the store was putting some carbide in the generator, the gas. being allowed to escape, he- came ignited, setting the building on fire. Five minutes afterwards the fire- men were on the scenemnd commenced tu pour on water. The steam and gals together caused an explosion, destroy- ing the beautiful plate glass Windows. The fire spread rapidly through the the. building, but the firemen poured on tons of water. and in less than an hour the fire was completely out. Nearly all the gnnds were more or less damaged, either by fire. or water. and the loss is estimated at about $5000, which. it is stated, .is ooveredhyvin- sumnce. Miclm‘c‘l A. Chat Michael Conley John Simpklns \Vxn. Chatterley \V. Chatterley \Vln. Huppvr \Vm. Chatterley; ln David James, stone W'm. Carson “ “7m. E.Ness .“ W'mJlunkin “ \Vmflnsg‘rm'e “ \'\’. Lowery ” A . . J. Tyndall, labor with team J. Cook, 1370 yds. at Tc. per Juhn Kvlleuu, hauling grave John Dulziok "' " G. Kellam “ “ “7. L011}: ‘ " “ K. Line \V. Rumble " “ 1’. Bussinglhwaite “ H. Rumble “ “ H. Graham “ “ F. Linv “ “ T. Prvntic'c “ “ J. Hal’h‘y “ “ A. “'hilnmre “ “ \V. Mm'tsnu “ “ W. Mellish, foreman in pit M. Harrison, work in plt.. \V. Black “ F. OSEOL' “ J. Dvadmun “ \V. “Wight, \ Chas Alex \V. I J. Kirk P. MCU G. Drm E. Pleu‘ T. Jack Valenti Thoma: E. Lille \V. 131-110 John Snider T. Glass ll. “'1! \V. 15m Ed. Carver " " ‘ . . . . Geo. (hmper. gravel . . . “Water Bone, hauling gravel t£ J. Kirkland " P. Mt-OuI-Ler “ “ G. Dun-y " “ E. Pleusunce “ “ T. Jackson “ “ Valentine Ash “ “ Thomas Cook “ " u u R. Li ne \V. Ere-st. Isaac \Vnts‘nn John “'zllson N. Vzmdcrlmrgh Gen. (Jumper G90. Luwr Geo. qu'ruw Thus. \Vilsun Chas. Gillis Jas. Gugiu R. Baxter, work 0. l’illsuu “ Walter Buue. “ . Isaac Reaman, gravel R. Thomas “ J. J. Cook " John Savage _ “ “'m (man Jarrett ‘ “ . . . . . . . Jurth “ . . . . . . . Hutchinsnn “ . . . . . . \Veldrick, sheep claim F. McMzihun, printing. il‘t & Ridden, stntium-r S. Gibson & Sous . .. Ross Robertson . , . . . \Villiums for Mrs. J P' 5119 being in do cumstuuces . . . . . “ v labor m. \Vutson,hauling g1 Nixon, ” mm; snap Darker . M (-Neil . Black, )m-ker >\'('tL qufiun the, council :xdjuun Ht-Vellure, on Tuesday, it 10 a. m. SUI] up, 8 bars fol 10m; Dish ( reek Account, g; to 1: Markham. fur-n, breadiug stun “.193,” u )onley “ News Notes. Hm; Dish Cloth 51 Atkinson & Switze work in pit (mm 7 bars for 250 in pit ‘ICLEAN, u pit )er yd Ive-l . . ; Happy big 12%. mp, large 49 00 14 L2 13 997 19 00 11 2;) 17 10 39 11 14 :53 00 90 DU 01) O! 50 ()U 90 60 . 3 50 0U ()0 50 r 00 5:0 50 1.0 [)0 00 5,0 I“ a To PETENT need ldoas may be secured by our aid. Address, THE °"ENT RECORD, Baltimore. Id. E ' GEORGE BROWN. n13 an absoluter reliable remedy for Spnvln- Spllnb,0urbn, ulngbonon,e|e. Removes the bunch nn leaves no «car. Prlac, $1; slx tbr 05. As a liniment (or family use it. has no equal. Ask your drugglsfi for KENDALL’B SPAVI‘N CURK. also “A Trudse on the none,” she book trse. or address mumc ........-_.w, . . \v., vumw, mu. v, w. Dr. B. J. Randall Co. Dear Slrszâ€"Enclosed lasso find a hvovcent stun for your valuable Horse Book. had one hut it is lost. 1 we used your Kendall‘s Spln'in Cure wlthoul. onn falluro In yen", and Mnllder It the butmnlmaut I'm- nun urban-l In the mm“. Please send me lbs back as you adrer ' homes. 5 befor'e. stn be pleass g um Indexed “1113,5381 Money to loan on firsb mortgage farm proper- ty, ab tut-[per cent. I am prepared to do Family Washinga. Gants' and Ladies’ fine linen a specialty. Wuxk gunk autaed and patronage solicited. 53-1.! ELLIE )[ AXWELI THE ~ LlBBJAHC. MASON, lmlu-I i'rm-n the Clm-‘k of the van- ship of Markham in 1'9fel'vnco to roll! of Lull~lmnso on Yonge Street, (lam. 1.3111 (If Fell‘y. Letter from the Clerk of the 'l‘mvn of Aux-urn, dated 16th Feb’y, in refer- a'm‘r- In the sale of toll~lmuse and gun- l\'(). 3 on Yn‘ngv Street, n'ml division (:i the proceeds equally among the “1111' municipaliLivs, Aurora. 'Jf‘mvnships 01' King and \Vllilclmu'h. Mr. Innos introduced By-Law No. 174, " in prm‘ide for the T5‘llllll)(‘l':ltl(bll (If Junws Brnwnlov as Village lnspvc- tor, vtc., (‘10., and to set forth Llw duties H‘quired of him.” The by-law was read a first, socnnd and lllll'd time and passed. The council adjourned. 1L“ eu‘ uucx MONDAY. Feh'y pwnwuts.< Lt'tlm- hum \V. S. Patterson (11“ 1mm». «hm‘d 13th Ft-h’y, 1900,- sugg. iug tn tho ('uulmil “that almm $1.).(JUU and vxvmptinu. uthvr l suhunl HIM-S. from taxatilm he gl- ed in (:onsidnmbiun of whxch a fucl will he vstuhlishvd ompluying at, l :30 hunds. with an annual puy 1-01 at 1. ast $20,000. {mu-l {rm-n the Clor'k of the T0 ‘hicugo‘ N QUE? ~~. ‘ We“) The and n (1911. : 30.0000.0050...CiaoetCSQO-WMOOOOGU on Ivlunu’. W Baltimore, Id. Richfiiond Iiilli DR. B. .l. KENDALL 00.. ENOSBURG FALLS. VT. ouncououooosouuumuonomcout ‘ A! E E Wm” $5$ n. 3,323 Money to Loan iunululrd, all The fullnwix :ul: Lvum' hum DAY, Feb'v 23â€"Crenlit sale or farm small ple‘menta, &c., on lot 21, con. A. lfitub tbeju‘opmty of Forbes Culham. SAIL) o'muék. Terms 8 mnmbs. {mixean A \‘DAY. Feh'y 26~Credit sale of farm steel: pxcumnts. 01.. lot 2, con. 8, King, tlw party or .I. Priugle. sale at 1 O’H ’1 erms 8 months. Szwzeou and McEwuu murmurs. Thi' council met in the Clerk's Offiu Ivlunu’uy. 19m insn', at 8.30 p. n). Prvsc-m: Lln Reeve, and Comm-1|“ 1-: .ll. limes and Trench. l'lu- Imuutvsuf the 9th of February '1? u-aul and approved. l'lw fullmving accounts were rum (1 ul'dvrvd tn he paid :â€"Hn‘1-t. k llhl‘ ll, ussvssuwm, rnlls. etc, $5.10; Jux nnuhnl'd, attendance at. rink, 5:)..‘10. l'lw follnwing communications wvn- 2.9-“ Subscribe for LAUNDRY It may be worth a like sung. or even 11101‘8 Fingnl, Burma 03., N. II, Numb 19, 1893. |m:â€"I have used vour Kendall‘aSpnvin Cure and good Linhmnt. i have cured n Sunvln on my be“ i I wouldnottake $125 for bu, wthhI offered for $75 VLJlage Uouncfl bale fiegisner. frhly y Wrflwmflmfiu Ming their bins ve a notice simh Huntington, P. 0., Ontario, Mu. o, '98. nionhhs‘ 7â€"A uo‘tiou stock. A 0.. M. TEEFY, Clerk :bé cuxtoon Enquire at THE LIBERAL Office similér to the -d By-Law N0. 9 T5‘llllllH‘l'fltiUll Villngf lnspvc- t set inwth HIP FRANK SMITH. Rule of n. valu- at ‘l‘lJnmpsrn ‘5 o’clock 'l'e) w: & chnm-e rk and receip‘a 10i- 31$ at 42M than rantâ€" us of Axe Handles, 5c. up; Crosscut Saws, 50c. per 'foot up-; Axes, 70c. up; Rogers’ Butcher Knives, 100.; Pocket Kni'ves, 50, to 75s.. Cow Chains, 12%c. Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Hockey Skates, 50 cents, com-- plete, and everything sold at a reasonable price. All kinds of Tinware made to order. Gentleman’s, Ladies’ anti Children’s “THE LEBE HARDWARE STORE Wheatiets, '7 lbs. for 250. Commeal, 14 lbs. for 250. H. G. BAILEX. MAPLE HG CASH BUEBENESS And so can afford to give you bargains for your money. Custom work a specialty ; repairing promptly and heady done ROERT SEVERS mmm eland’s Farinosa, 13 cts pkg. eiand’s "Wile at FiaE-zes.111bs.for 25c. You cannot fail to be pleased with your selection. Shoes to suit everybody, both yOung and old. We are doing a strictly Repairing 0 mg :RENTING mcmlg Come and iuspect ou NEAT AND ATTRACTIVE Ric-hanond Iâ€"Iiil BERfC‘cL OFFIQE. Promptly Done. §h0~38 Waxy Day! on Saturdayfeb. 24, Will receive 14; lbs. best Rolled Any customer presenting this Coupon and 25 Cents at our store No. 12. 8&8. 1" new Richmond H111 lines of

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