RICHMOND HILL, February Regular meeting of Court, Richmond tu-mm-mw evvning. British and Hall. Have you 54091 the magazines Rename; Rnum. The Set-rpmry-trousurvr of tlw Sick Children‘s Hospital, Tux‘untu, acknuw- ledges the H‘ct-ipt of $3.25 from the pupils of Richmond Hill High school. Palmer and Nichulls rinks had a cut-ling match in tho Mvdul series on Tuesday BVPDiIIg. Tho former won by 3 puints. Palmer’s Black Joe trotted in the 2.10 class at, Ottawa ynsLm-duy and tho day before, muk txvn heats but lost the race by u nnse. Grvnt v iug shirtx, sucks. Al The noun car was thrown off the dread; at the G. T. R. Crossing one mile south of Aurora on Tuesday. Snme person had plum-d :11 spike on the rail. which might have been the cause of a sm-ious accident. ‘ The trustees-(if the nythudist church had a meeting (In Tur‘sduy evening to umsidel' the advisability of lighting the church with acetylene gas, but. lzmthing was (lctvx-minml on. The half in the re 7 A dospatch from Ha days ago stated [hut had taken sick on the sent to the hospital He. is suffe; gng from was thuughL would 11( ac‘cmupany the. 901 Africa. The pul'ivnt i Scholl of this village. ing thn- hm pils sung, “ gave tlu-vp dinns and L A ï¬re hruke nut- in the house of Mr. Nnrmzun, near the Mothndist church ut'l‘hurnhill Tuesday night and was burde to the ground. Forturmtely the inmates escaped. MinNm-umn had Edgely. Fl' (roiling nbm ï¬re bvful'v ( burs \vm'ku ing. Thu ll ish Amm-i through (in ground 1‘1 coffee for .The “7. M. S. of the Methndist church will meet at the home of Mrs. Storey. Richmond Street, next Thursâ€" day afternoon, March 1, at, three o’clock. Members are requested to at- tend 11's business of importance must be transacted. Any person intei'ostvd in Mission work will be welculneat any of the meetings. The annual nu mnnd Hill and Y1 tural Sucivty will Hall (in \lenvsd: 2.30 p. n1. for ll and Uthm' busin open to the publit Intel-psling and in: were given on Friday 6 Epwm-th Lvngue as a denvm- Service. The “Denmnstmtions of 1' Mr. Switzer spoke lllldk of Obedience, Mrs. Atk )assion, Mr. Johnston ( eeknoss. and Mr. I! The chair was taken by Quaker (vats, 12$c. Swiss food. 140. ; ï¬ade beans. 1~1c., Atkinson 6c Switzer Mr. Switzer, treasurer of the Board of Educutiul), has held printh and (lis- Lributed among the ratepayers of the village and school section a ï¬nancial statement, .of the Public and High School fur the year 1899. The ruceipts of the High School amount tn $2» ' ’ with a balance on hand of . . . Public School reveipts are $1.)J9.05, with :1 balance in the trensurer‘s mmds with a balance on 11mm or Public School I‘eveipts are with :1 balance in the treasure of $179.89. The accounts 11; certiï¬ed correct by the village sou & Switzel‘ No. 1 Laundry Starch, 430. : Pure Corn Starch, 5c. ; best, R vicar-L50. :_ best, Japan rice, 6C. A timely article in the March Dc- linentm- is devoted to the .detuils of growing seeds, plants and bulbs. The timeliness is outweighed, however. by the fact that the article is designed to open up t9 women a new line of healthful money-making. The Delin- eator is devoted solely to the interests of women, and in many of its main features is an invalr-uhle guide to the tin ifty women who haw to ma ke their own clothes, as well as to the women who purchase clothing, yet desire ad- vice and suggestions in doing SQ. relief of Lady the buildingr X IJ()(3 A1196. ï¬re occurred pupils of! value in men’s heavy work- ,s, punts, nvm-ulls, smucks zmd Alkmsun 6.: watzer. nu seen the war ‘lelnt‘S m the. I m- “any in l cnï¬ of the tow \Vodnvsdn m from Halifax a few days mi that Tmupvr Sche-Il g on the train and was hnspital for treatuwnt. g from tvnnsilitis and it would not he allowed to the soldiers to South Dutivut 1511 Sun of Mrs. the kitchen was all on :CUVOICd but the neigh- Vt‘“ and saved the build- : will be paid by the Brit- 11 Insurance Company gent, Mr. J. T. Saigeuu. L meeting 1 Ynngo will be h: and instruc Friday evoni me as a. 0111 (ms of the lake under Mrs. Atkins the Doc ï¬vfpm- 1hr; an oxu Ltkinson & Switzvr. lIJI smith ,ht' Hi :n'e lli( cheers :91). I ftFT'n m ussm bald in next, 2: rice t1; flaked L' Lloyd‘s hotel, 11mm last. The hon was all on but the neigh- saved the build- let the 11v kinson on (m Patiem Hume on .‘tion of ofï¬ â€™be meetiu; schonls had :1 to colebrntc Before leav- E) Scboul pu- Mr. Mull pictures in ligh School Qum-n ‘ fur the Tsey oats, Lie 2 flakes. 1-10. ‘ening at 3hristiqm subject 7 2 and Higl’ The receipts t; to $2425.27 of $272.16 We $1599.05 surer‘s hand: 00d Live the Lh e 111 Masonic $272.16. $1599.05, 1"s hands up been auditors. ens, 140 No. 1 "mgonn Atkin- 1t 1900 was. Life.†udin g Com- ‘9 and Zeal. ahon. Rich- ‘x'icul- .mrnt {K the A Very intm‘osting \V. C. T. U. meeting was hold at, Mrs. De-n-y’s last. Tuesday mvning. As unnumde last walk the subject for the evening was "\Vork Among Lumhm‘uH-n†and “MiSSinmn-y \Vork in Algoma." Tlmse dvpzu'nnvnts of work were thmnughlydiscussed. and it was de- cided tn again send a simply (If com- fm-t hugs to [[1950 men who go to the woudstnwork. and wlm are such a distanooï¬'mn medical aid should an n‘cg-idont, mac 1-. Any donationfm: act-idem, nccur. Any donation for this work will be gratefully received by Mrs. Derry, Supt. of this Depart- ment. High School convert in Masonic Hall Friday, March 2. Admission 15 and 10 cents. Thu rr-gnlm- meeting of the Lutheran Joint Ludios’ Aid Society was held last, Thursday at the home of Mrs. John Harper. There was avery gnod nttondunce, and the proceedings were satisfactm'yuud interesting thrpugh- out. Good snlid onions Atkinson & wachr. Instewl of the usual entertainment tn 1w givvn hy the Junior Epworth Leugzuv this week Rev. Mr. VVellwond will show his Stm-onpticnn Views illus- trative (If John Bunya 11’s Pilgrims Pm- gress. Also sm-nes in the British Isles and some “ funny " pictures for the zulmsmnvnt of the children. A collec- tinn will lw taken at the door in aid of the Junior Louguo. A cordial invita- tion is oxtvndvd to everybody. The Lenng Wlll open at 8 o’clock. Extra cleaned (rurrzmts, (BC. ; best St’ll‘(‘tt'd raisins, 85:. ; good ï¬gs, 411w. ; golden dates, 60. Atkinson &- Switzer. See the men‘s uvercnats at $2.99, nwu’s suits at $4.50. & Switzer. Men’s Rubbersâ€"“79 have a line of {en’s Granby rubbers, wide toe, low 'cut, 250. a pair. Naughton Bros, | Elgin Mills. 3 x The study fur the .Epworth League {{euding Circle Monday evening will bethiiLy-nine pages from “The Bea- con Lights of the Refurmation, com- mencing at page 109. Mr. F. J. John- ston. B. A., will he the leader so a very proï¬table hour may be anticipated. Members are reqnosted to be present. and lwprepnred to take part in the discussion. The meeting will be in the Vestry and commence at 8.35 sharp. Last, Monday evening an ex- ceedingly pleasant time was spent and the discussion on “Tho Inner Life†from “The New Citizenship†was very helpful. The members of thocircle are pleased to notice that the intvrest in the studies is increas- ing. The meetings are (ipvn to every~ Cl-ezlni Snapï¬c. 7‘ Fair] l00..; Mutbled Castile. kinsm) & Switzer. Kippored herring, 94:. ; salmon, 10C. ; Gillett’s lye, Dome Lead, package, 9c. 8; Switzer. TROLLEY ACCIDENT. “7illiam Clarkson, a farmer, who re- sides in the township of King, west of Aurora, met with an accident on Fri- day afternoon which might have cost him his life. He was leaving the hotel shed at Bedford Park with his wagon and team of horses when his rig was struck by a passing car on the Metro- politan Railway. The car struck the wagon and threw it against a tele- graph pole. The driver was thrown in from of the car, but the wheels did not pass over him. The wagon was smashed, and both horses were more or less injured. The man had several scalp wounds, but no bones were broken. and he will be out in a few days. By all accounts the motorman did all in his power to avert the acci- dent, and no blame is attached to him. There are many dangerous places along Yonge Street, and both motor- men and the travelling public should be continually on the look out. Two curling rinks went to New- market‘. on Friday last and played a friendly match with an equal number of that town. Aft-91' n sharp contest the visitors Won by '7 points. T e home team after the. match treat 1 the Visihu‘s to a supper :It the Pipher House. _The following are the scores: Richmond Hill. Newman-lid. P. G. Sewage C-zl. Lloyd H. A. Nlclmlls \V. H. Howard W". A. Saudelson Rev. D. Mon-is \\'. A. Sanderson Rev. 1). Mom-is J. Palnwr, skip.12 F. Stewart, skip.12 T. F. McMahon J. S. Downs F. McConaghy N. N. McDougall M. Boyle \V. A. Bruntun \V.H.Pugsley,sk21 T.H.Brunt0n,sk.14 Majority for Richmond Hill, 7. The Newmarket teams came down again yesterday and were again (16L feated by 5 points. The players were nearly the same as in the former xxmtch. For Newmarket A. Binns took the place of Rev. D. Morris, and in the home teams W, T. Storey Aan_d F. J. Johnston took the places of F. McCunaghyand P. G. Savage. The visitors were treated to a supper at The Palmer House. ‘ Bahy:s 0V9] Snap, 9c T TER EOPTICON VIEWS. CURLING M ATCHES READING CIRCLE. UNIONVILLE. per peck. Soothing $1.99 and Atkinson '5011 red ; Royal Atkinson A t'nrchlight p1‘()CPS>i0n followed by the burning in efï¬gy of Paul Kruger was a part, of last night's programme, after hearing that Lzldysmith had been reliever]. The Inner part. might, easily have been dispensed with. CARNIVAL. A Masquerade Carnival under the auspicvsnf the Ht-okoy Club will be held in thv rink here on the evening of Tuesday, Frb’yZ’lth. Among the at- tractions will hv 2L Huckx-y Match be tween Newnmrket and Richmond Hill. Grand march and masquerade from 7.30 to 8.15; hockey match from 8.15 to 9; skating from 9 to 10.30. Band in attendance. Admission, nmsquer- :ders, free; skate-rs, 15c. ; spectuwrs, 100. A special car will leave the C P. R. Crossing and Newmarkut. at. 7 o’clock, returning after the carnival. Return fare 25 cents. Mendelssohn Churistex-s, Friday, 2nd March, at Masonic Hall. Admission 15 and 10 cents. A very successful and enjoyable event was held on Tuesday evening at the resiflencc of Mr. D. Lynett in con- nection with the Richmond Hill Beef Association. The Beef Ring consists of sixtven farmers in tlieimmediate viciniLy,|1IusLuf whom were present Tuesday evening, together with their wives and friends to the number of sixty. Tables were spread in Mr. Lynett’s spacious (lining-room, _and the supper consisted of oysters, hot, and cold: nlvats of various kinds, with everything else necessary for a ï¬rst-classbanquet. The supper being over, a programme of songs and speeches was arranged and a. pleasant hour was agreeably and proï¬tably spent. Mr. T. F. McMahon, who was chairman, propnsvd a. number (If 1 “ boasts,’ whit-J3 a happy manner audience. The “ The Queen." w chairman, prnpnsed a. number of “ boasts,†which were, responded to in a happy manner by gentlemen in the audience. The ever-popular toast, “ ' he Queen," was first honored, when all (present arose and sung heartin the NationalAnthmn. The. “Beef Assn~ cizltion †was next; prnpnsed, and with this was connected the names of the President, Mr. D. Lynett; and Messrs. \V. H. Crlubine and J. N. Boyle. The speakers expressed themselves as thoroughly satisï¬ed with the Asso- ciation, which appeared to give the, best satisfaction to all "the members. “ Our Guests " drew forth good speech- es from Messrs. ‘V. H. Pngsley, T. Palmer and J. P. Glass. A trio of the Mendelssohn Uhoristers in the person of Messrs. F. Redditt, \V. Hall and H. Sanderson gave some of their newest selections, and these musicians were encored again and again. Good in- strumental music was also given by Messrs. Hem-ick and Shierk. and Miss Julia Lynth contributed a, couple of ï¬ne songs. A vote of thanks was afterwards tendered the entertainers for their pleasing programme, and the host and hostess were thanked for the hospitality afforded the members and guests. Games, dancing and social in- tercourse werc indulged in for a few hours, and the social gathering disâ€" persed about 1 o‘clock, many express- ing the hope that this would not he the last social event held under the auspices of the Beef Association. BEEF ASSOCIATION BANQUET. Rev. F. a. Kenn] of Thm-uliill will prouvh in the Methodist church next Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fox and Miss Fox of Now Ymk city are the guests of Mrs. \V. R. Proctor, ' Miss Violet Stm-Py is spending a couple of days in Newmarket with her cousin, Miss Piphex'. Mr. A. B. Davidson, P. S. Inspector, paid an Ofï¬cial Visit to the Public School here on Monday and Tuesday. Mr. A. J. Hume is in Toronto this Week attending the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge, A. 0. U. VV., as it delegate from Ivy Lodge. Mr. \V. H. Pugsley as a representa- tive of York County Council, attended the annual meeting of the Toronto [n- dustrizll Exhibition Association on Tuesday of this week. MOINTYRWâ€"F 215$. SMILLXEâ€"STREETâ€"At Sherbl ’i'umnto. on Wednesda Thomas B‘ Smlllie. of Gui Amehn. Street. of Toronto. Reception Thursday eveuiu Jackson Boulsx and. Chicago. On the rpmises, Richmond Hill, a thoroughEx-ed Registered Jersey Bull, unda thoroughbred pedigreed Berk- shire Boar. Terms $1.00 cash. 324i T. LUDFURD, DINTYRWâ€"FORIES'I‘ER -By the Rev. Dr. Thomas Jurns Sn. Buptls" Church. Toronto, on Wed- nesday, January 27, Wm. McIntyre, to Max'- guret Louise Forescexu A}: home. 6:) LungLy uve.,'1‘oronho. after Feb'y FOR SERVEGE Ripans Tabules cure constipatiqn Ripans Tabules cure dyspepsia. Ripans Tabules cure nausea. Bipans Tabules: one gives relief. PERSON A HARBIAG Sherboume 86. Church. ,lnesday, February 21, of Cuiuugo, to Charlotte Richmond Hill March 1, a: 907 Shrinking Prices to shrink stock. Exceptional Preparation Brings Excepï¬ional gales Mkinson & Switzer Is the place to buy your Harness and other supplies. Single Harness from $10 up. All work guaranteed ï¬rst~clnss. Saskalchewzm and Black Galloway Robes, to $20. Jute Stable Blankets, 35 cents to $2.50 each. Shaped \Vool Blankets. ("2.25 to $5 each. Dutch Kersey Blankets, to each. Bosh English Kersey Blankets, 80x80 inch, $4 to $6 each. Trunks, Valises, Mitts, Gauntlets, and other supplies low as the lowest. Rink open to Curlers every day, and on Tuesday and Friday evenings. CHINE M A GOOD MUSIC ON SATURDAY EVENINGS. Admission for skaters, 10 cents; Chil- dren 5 cents. SKATING RINK The above rink will be open for Skat- ers during the seasnn on WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY Fifteen Adult’s tickets for $1.00 ,ThiI-ty Children’s tickets for $1.00. venings of each week from 7.30 to 10 o’clock, 5y terms of payment. Samples always on hand. 1K epairin g Pronmpt 1y Done. RICHMOND HILL 3'. CLARK, P. G. SAVAGE, Reeve. RICHMOND Ifyou vvant to buy a Richnlond Call on or write GEO. Ric-DONALD Getting ready to welcome spring stock. prrices are quoted so low as to make you doubt, re- member the necessity, the wise common sense policy that com- pels us to sell now. No matter how wide the gap twixt cost and price, no matter how great the loss, there's but one object in viewâ€"Make room tor the com- ing Spring Goods. The Goods will go with quickness and in their stead will come Spring delights. New bright- ness at the counters. READ THE Canadian Esme Jamaal “Canada for the Canadlans.’ A monthly magazine full of interest ing reading matter and useful information for Send 10 cents for : will like it. Addrc Subscription price $1 per annum 16-106 CANADIAN WOMEN AND CANADIAN HOMES you can re for one year t ders to the pnl ERAL at $1.75 Canadian, Home Jon: Hill. ceive it with this pa M“ by 59ndng your rpilrxhlishers of THE Egg-{GP sum ple copy. ml 69., Limited TORONTO. on?