Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Feb 1900, p. 7

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T-lm fifthl part of, the annual report of the Bureau of Industries for the provdnw, dealing with municipal statistics for the your 1898 has just been issued, and embodies many sug- gestive details as to the growth, po‘ pulalion, and financial standing of this municipalilles, compiled from the as- Itmlltlcs Show ('IIIN Grow n1 Expense Michael Hallem, of St Th! Cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills- There are moreover a number of other diseases which are caused by disorder of the kidneys and Dodd’e Kidney Pills by curing the kidney dis- order removes the cause of these other troubles. Thus it is that Dodd's Kidney Pills are the only radical and permanent cure for Drupsy, Heart Disease. Rheumatism, Lumbugo. Sciatica, Bladder and Urin- ary Complaints. Female Disorders and unhealthy condition of the blood. A DIABETES CUBE. As for Diabetes the statement Iigned by Mr. Mis‘hlael Hallern, of St. Thomas, and witnessed by Mr. E. E. Ostrander, of Dutton, will prove that the claims made for Dodd’s Kidney sesament returns The comparative tables summarizing the figures cover a period of 13 years, 1896-98 inclusive, will! the exception 01‘ those relating to municipal debts, which are only made up to 1897. While the popula- tion during this period has increased from 1,828,495;to 2,001,3‘0, the tow as- sessment has been augmented from $694,830,659 to $809,184,833. maxation for all purposes has increased from $9,009,335 to $12,222,966. or from $4.93 per head of the population to $6.19. The Increase of. debenture debt, taking Lhe whole period 1886-97. has been rapid, municime obligations having risen from $29,924,863 1L0 $53,577,475, but a "I have been troubled for one year with Diabetes. My bat-k was in the worst kind of pain all the time. My urine was very dark and my condition was getting very serious. A friend of mine told me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. I have now used one box and am already completely cured. My urine is at its natural color and my back is as strong as a board. I can- not praise Dodd's Kidney Pills too highly for I am certain they have saved me from the grave." Piils are absolutely true. The state- ment reads:â€" Toronto, Dec. Shimâ€"The following paragraphs contain truths as vital as any olrergymaq ever uttered, and they should receive the earnest attention of all who md them. Tilt-wand Island Park, July 22, 1899. The Arnold Chemical Co. Dear Sirs.â€"At the beginning of this month my constitution was so much fun down that I had to get A PROMINENT AMERICAN DIVINE ON AN IMPORTANT SUBJECT. leave of absence from» my con- gregation for four months. I Left New York on the 10th inst, and while In Toronto I saw Dr. Arnold’s Engâ€" lish) Pills advertised in \he News and boughb'w box of them. When Icomâ€" menoed taking them my cundixion was such :hat I could not sleep and my up- peLite was very poor. but before I had finished the box I could sleep well and enjoy a good meal, and now I [eel like I new man. In the first. plnce I Neel Indehied L0 the Toronto News for pulâ€" ting me on the right track, and in the second place I think Dr. Arnold‘s Eng- lish Pills ‘ha best medicine I ever took. Enclosed please find which you will please boxes of your pdlls to lbw, Dr. Arnold‘s English Toxin Pills, the Only remedy that cures disease by kill- l-ng the germs that cause it, are sold by all druggists at 75c. box; sample size. 250., ou‘ sent post-paid on receipt of price, by the Arnold Chamfioal Co.. Limited, Canada Life Building. 42 King Ittreet west, Toronto. Rev J". C. Glass, D Thousa ad [3111 nd Park ONTARIO'S PROGRESS. A SHDRT SERMON. ’ ours most 'n wu-IhllH. mpeotfully, J. C. GLASS, two dollars for send me three the hddress be- mas. whé 097,645 im1886, and $148,810,000 in 1:9‘. City valuation: have increased from $154,20l,L21 to $i3i,()77,376, and the as- sesaments at towns and villages from $88,07S,0 3 to $124,297,397. The; increase! in the debentures debt bias been entirely in the liabilities. The volume of oily debm hlms risen from $18,469,893 to $37,840,377, and that of lhle towns an-d villages has also more than do'u'hled. County debenture debts, ht w-Jver, have s'endily decreaa d from $3,505,744 to $1,808,107, and town- ship in«l_.ab.ednesa also shows a. Slight diminution. Sickness Banishedâ€"Health Restored Gentlemen,â€"â€"Dr. VVard‘s Blood and Nerve Pills have done my sister so much good that in grateful appreciaâ€" tion I told Mr. Tully, the druggist, I would gladly give a testimonial un- solicited, as to their merits. My sister, 15 years of age, caught a vio- lent coldâ€"since then she has been in very poor health, lost all colour was anemic, her blood had no vitality, and she had no physical strength, she be. came extremely nervous. so much‘ so that she could not stand any exertion or excitement, and it was impossible for her to get restful sleep, she lost her appetite, her heart became very weak, palpitating so violently that she could hardly breathe at the sligh- test exertion. When she commenced taking Dr. Ward‘s Blood and Nerve Pills two months ago she was in a state of complete physical and nervou prostration. Her blood was scanty with no more strength than water, Since taking Dr. Ward‘s Blood and _ Nerve Pills she has been rapidly mend. » ing, her appetite has returned, She‘ sleeps well her nerves are stronger, and her heart gained strength so that it is able to fulfill its functions. Prior to taking Dr. Ward's Pills she had taken many medicines without any‘ special benefit. Dr. Ward’s Blood and , :Nerve Pills are certainly the only medicine that has done any good. Beâ€" fore taking them she was getting weaker, ler heart and nerves losing‘ strength daily. Since she had began taking them she has daily and con. tinuously gained health and strength. CLARA ELLIOTT, 30 College street, Peterborough. Ont. A Boer farm and homesgead is, it is said, to be, one of the [eaLures 01‘" the Paris Exhibition. In this form will be exhibited the chief Wild animalzv of the Transvaal. The means of transpor- tation in the country are also to be illustrated. Cannot Recommend It Highly Enough M155: Ethel Hildmanl, of West Lake, 0nt., says: "I am pleased to say that Oavtarrhozone has given me the best of satisfaction. No other remedy has been- able 120 do as much for me as Cntarrhozone has done. It has cured a‘ {hacking coughâ€"thus result of pneu- monla and I feel I cannot say too much m its praise. It is everything you guarantee it to be.” Catarl‘h-o-zone is warranted to cure Catarrh, Asthma. Bronchitis and irritable throat. Sold everywhere. Trial outfit sent for 100 in stamps by N. C. POLSOEN 8; CO., ngston, 0nt.. Proprietom. The city of New York annually pays £10 in gold in one sum to every blind person who has been resident a year in the metropolis and who has not been an occupant of a city institution during that time. In time of peace General Joubert, the Commander-in-Chief of the Transvaal forL-ec. reads French novels durlng the intervals of military work, some- times composes French verses, and enjoys spending an- evening chatting with his comrades. It's In more delicirvns than Jan-n. Sold only In Lend Plcknu. O’KEEFE’S‘L}? HAVE YOU TASTED v ' Inv‘goulu nd 5‘ LID" W OB. Toronto. TRANSVAAL IN PARIS A SISTER SAVED. CEYLON GREEN TEA ? 19E“? $3733: M ALT rianhonn GENERAL AGENT (Overheard on the Riviera.) He. Oh, Gwendolrin, do come out and look at this lovely sunset; the orange tints am simply grand. She. My dear Percy, how can you be so foolish? Don’t you see tbmt‘I have on a blue dress? Besides. or- ange never suits my complexion. More boy babies die under the age of six months in cities than girl babies. ‘ There is aperenninl nobleness and even sacredness in work; in idleness alono is perpetual despair. Labor is life; work is worship. Isn't]. Fir lu- Oommoroill Hon“. 7 Idol-it; Wfl-h- nod-nu. La Toscana. 10c. STA“ 0v Omo. CITY or Touno. )w LUCAS COUNTY. FRANK J. CHENEY makes oath that he is senior partner or the firm of F. J. CHENEY & (‘0.. doing buuinens in the City of Toledo. County and State aforeuaid, and hm said firm will pay the sum of ONE HU DEED DOL. LA RS for each and every case of Cn‘uum that cannot he cured by the use of BALI-’5 Gummy CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Red bats were first worn by‘ car- dinals in the year 1245. Take Laxative Bromo Qulnine Tablets. A11 dragging refund the money-it in falls to cure. 26c. 14:. W. Grave's signature is on each box. Miss Hazlett, the Irish lady cham- pion golfer, and a moat finished play- er. is not‘ yet seventeen. b.13jtntlon. Meme-1. 9603mm" 03.. he Sworn to before me “airwbloi‘ibed in presence. thin 6th day of December. AD. 18 . , , , , . . “y at In A u:\‘v The Scottish Highlander's dress as worn at the present time is sometimes very expensive. The uniforms worn by officers of several Highland regi- ments cost £200 each. That of the Prince of \Vales cost £375. The dearest material for curtains is English woven silk which may cost up to £6 a. yard». Send one cont :anp for mom". W.J. URQUHART Anulgt'lcgl Chegisz. 4g” ngoq B}. W.. Toronto. AftfifiousEâ€"g 5-”- "" "" “‘ " L'memso’N ’ SEAL Notary Public; 'fiiif'géharrh Cure in uken internally. and acts directly on the blood and mucous surhoes of the system; §ond for mammalian; f‘rag. .....u.... .. n Tho “ Baimoral.” Free Bus 336:2; ST. JAMES' HOTEL“: Sold by Druggista, 75o. Hall's Family Pllln are the best. Blemishes 5:13,?“ Gompfiexion TREATIAENT- “ Pharaoh 100. Hate! Garslake, Last spring a large number of Scottish girls emigrated to Manitoba, and within six months twoâ€"thirds of them were married. ‘V P C 10l2 MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP In: been used by mother! for their children teezhlng. It soothe- the child. notcenl the gun". alleys sin. cures wlnd oolio. India the be". remedy for dinrr can 250. I bot- tle. Soldb ell druggists throughout. the world. Ba mo Ind n (w “ Mn. Wlnalow’l Soothlnx Snug Cal-bone Disinfec‘ants. Soaps. Olnt- ment, Tooth Powders, etc.. have been awarded 100 medals and diplomas for superior excellence. Their regular use prevent Infant ous diseases. Ask your dealer to obtuin a supply. Lists mailed free on application. uvuunu. .V. In _ , , _ ex crience as to district, w settle 21 oronno Chambers. Toronto. §ausage Casingsâ€"~- pnsirlun»l’_ay prompt. Like 1» week. Write quick for yum euces. 50: McKmnox ' Books, Ronnrlel, cru- cathollo Prayer oifixea, Suapulara. Religious Pictures. Statunry. and Church Ornamonca. Educltionnl Works. Mail orders recofive prompt. Atlan- Hon. 0. I J. SADLIER 8: 00., Montreal. REPRESEN'I’ATIVE ‘L' Garters iHE DES MOINES lNGUBATORâ€"Bost and cheap"! 0. Rolland. solo agent {or the Dominion. Band 3a. (Onmn lnv mmulozuo. 373 St Paul Street. Muntrenl I Ron‘s-ml. solo agénl (or the Dominion stump (or catalogue. 373 St. Paul Street, M ORONTO cutting School anon wool-l Mum-gen In all desirous o! sequin“ a thorough Inoflgqlgt _al lynuu-v vâ€" ..... a - to all deslrona o! scqumnl a thorough knowledgo at Outfit-l M Fitting Gontllncn'l Game-u. Write (or pudmflm. II: Vans. 81.. “rants. Mica AW Ike-n 3nd Hot. Ind Oold Wu" Pip“, Cold Star-go Pipe: chhon Boiler; on. lb! pnrtlonlm apply to IIGA BOILER COVERING 00., leltod. It and Bulk flavoring In the Worm. T0 CIYRE A com) IN ONE DAY F. 0. CALVERT 8: 00., MANCHESTER - - ENGLAND. CHEAP MANITGBA FARMS N0 EYE FORA COLORS. MOHTIIAL HOTEL DIREOTORV. CALVERT’S FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS (‘asingn'relinblu uodu at ri ht pries. PARK. BLAOK\ ELL & 0‘. Toronto. GOLD CURE 100. Guru In I flay. P. Mo Cormack & 00., Agents. Mantra-l. Toronto. Ilenmm. uni London In i. f féfiifir EYE 60:71‘6516. 0. D “ BEAVER BRAND " Mackintosh 5“ never hmmlrns it is guaranteed Water. ( proof. Ask fur itjuke no other. Bea- 13'3 var Rubber Clothing 00.. Montreal‘ PIPE AND BOILER WANTED in your bow“. Large Income â€" Plenum. Ipt. Like positions making 540 p»: ( for particulnm and furnish refer- McKinnon Building. Toronto. II Plyuo. of Gantry. Qua. '1 0m: Inn-(mud. Europe“: Plin. Boon- >I {pm}! I}!!! un. Opp. roGlllâ€"Collnga Avenun amily Hotel rum 81.50 per day. RELIANCE CIGAR h‘AC’l‘ORLMonu-ex ,Owoalu 0.13. Depot. two blocks from O. P. mroved. One-fifth cash. benefit. of fifteen yeura‘ la in. A. W. AUSTIN. Ere} importation: finest Englilh Sheep and Ans wry,“ right pLieI. flowering n - w I v I throat. stomach and bladdar. 5%: a 81 than Write for particulars. Tho Indian Oat-arr): Oure 00.. 146 Sb. James-n... Montreal. T‘IieWDQWabh' carb'mi'sslibi“Girllinfii'fid; cor. West- Market & Oolborno St, Toronto, Ed othfir PRGDUQE. co e'nruge beatjel'ultsypnnjgn Q3 Pouunv, BUTIER. mas, APPLES, Dyefilng l A cleéhihE] Montreal, Toiafii5,-OEK§E; Qaébec. HARRIS LAW and hoot MotalWorko R o o FI N a a 0:010 sum lu mm‘ Red “01053.” snn‘ #AOKBOARDSWVe .uppxi Publ sad I: Sohoo ammo). Roofing Fult. Pitch. ponl _sr. 9N. _BOQFI G_TI[_.E (fie? 1:10:95»; g: ffiénil," a3?“ b ourfl ). Man-l‘beiimn: Cor: chug-M. ll‘hnaeel umllh (or work complete or fol llrlillliupged to n] are of the count! . Phone 19%! n. um & 0N8. Ado aldotwmmsr to..Toronto ha: been used but little; ls practimlly as good an new; will be sold chon : 1 G‘II'ViD Hand Miller: I Emery Slnnd; 1 Lathe, 4 not Led. : l Blissdsle Lathe. Hoot; ZUuuvks, 12 m.: 1 Power Hick 83w; 3 Tube Vices. lrou l‘edastal ; 1 Large Polishing Jack: 1 Speed Lathe; 2 Spoke Threading Machines: 1 Engine Lathe; 22 Split Pulleys of different sizes; 5 Block Pulley! Apply to E. w NESBITT. Woodstock, 0m. THE Following SECONDJ‘IAND MACHINERY In: hnnn "and but lilhln' IQ nrlntin Iv an «And a Music Feathers Wanted roflLnble Invutmenz lhould correlponu mm he Sun Savings and Loan 00., Torqnfiq. ‘Xiioneyloanved an f:vonble lurml; wan-cs wanted in wopruented di. r1 write us Ipoohl stock. nuranteeing Inge dividends; nlw an In. stllmeut stock paynblo In man My inst-lineal. drawln nah divldcndl, half yolrly. Parties wautln Into an profitable Invutmant lhould correlpond wit DINO" SENSE KILLS Routes. Bed Bum. Ram and Mice. Sold by all Dragging. or 881 Queen W. Toronto. COCOA EPPS’S Wholunle only; Long Distanct Telaphonalfli GRATEFULâ€"COM FORTING. Our Mcthod I: sure Ind ha; cured thousandsâ€"some pronouncad lncurablc. Write at once. Booklet and Proof on request. Addnu unnmsu Auzchfi nvzmc co.- THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. Look to! slant in your £03m. or and «fly-3‘. WE ARE OFFERING meumafiésn CEYLUN TEA {of th; very ban lend your work to tho BREAKFASTâ€"SUPPER. This is an age of improvement. \V‘nat wu best yesterday is only a poor second to-day. WILLIAM 8T., TORONTO. FR SALE! ANGIE R’s PETROLEUM EMULSION Men or women in all parts of Osundl to bundle our finds; Liberal cum- mingion or salary and exclusive ter- ritory to right partles. Goods unloc- 1y up-to-date and grout. sellers. Par- ticulars free. Automatic Steam Cooker Go. WANTED. Buy-a Sex-a. . LEAD. COPPER. BRASS. T0 INVESTORS ‘ier Chemical Co. Mlllo. Mlllo a. Halo- Barristers.etc..removod ho Wesley Bldgm. Rich- mond St. W.. Toronto. 295 college gloat Sicâ€"{dilippw 16 WM am 01232 Wham. lime $3551 E'Eih ,srsmt Rm com mum mi m}! use!“ mu 0 DISCOUNT. _v_u III Vang. It. "noun. 0!". SUPPLIES. Anboatoa Condo, Pipe covering, Lubrloatlng 01h. Gr sassyâ€"Mo. ' WM. SUTTON DOMPOUND 03.. 7 r 7 limited. Enslneors: TORONZTGL I. sand [91}; penunnemly Guru Cnmrrh of nose. throat. stomach A most efficient substitute for cod-liver oil, pleasant to the faste, and agreeing with {he most sensi- tive stomach. Used by physicians in the treatment of all throat and lung troubles, and -- if results count for anythingâ€"almost no limit to the good it can do. bade milcd fo toy nddrm 0! NW of 5. cents to cover pomp TORONTO ' mall! flock. unrnnuoinz lnrg- divldendn; nlno II II- Icalmant nook plynblo In mo zhly inatllmentl. dnwln cub djvldeudn, hull yearly. $Irties wuntln “(a in ! groflubla invelmnenb LhOllld currupond wit. (ha Bun ~ ninja and Loan Company. Toronto; mouoylonned til I fa qrnble fern"; menu united In unreprmnkddb ‘1‘th Beautiful Stock sud Grain Furm. comm known as the "Glen me;" it In one-half mile fro Innerkip nation on'thc O‘P.R.. Ind six miles from Woodstock; 300 odd acrel' splendld hardwood hush. about 15 acres cedar‘ fin bolus buildlngl. For tux-chit partiaulln Inquire of E. w. NESBITT, 0’ loner). Ogomnw and Crawford Uountlu. Tlhla pon- leot. On Miohxgan Central. Darren a Mmklnno In Loon Lake Rlsilromlu. at price! nnzing from saw r tore. These Lnnds Are Olale to Entaryrialnl Nuw owns. Churches. Schools. em. 3nd wlu be sold on on muonth ten-nu. Apply to Portland. Me.. ‘0 leorpuol. vln Hum-x. Large and fast Steamers Vancouver. Dominion, Cambroman. mm of pan-so: -P‘ir|v. Cnbln gfigpwdl: Boon-l Onhln, 835; Ste-mac. £22.50 mud ‘ For further inform-Lion npply wlooal noun. or men; writ. m. Bominion Line The Oldest and Largest Canadlan Mom gage Corporation. Farmers Intending to Seed Corn Note This. . In the chat t. III Mmcral Extrac to coloring corn revenccrovn from picking up oorn who!) planted. find 14 acres of can: last year on my 1354.“ tum II had the need all uolore x and 1nd not one nml destroy by crows. I also elllm is u good a! I hesvy com o manure for making corn Krow rloh. feeling so wol loaned with lg that. l have uken LIL: “one: tori B‘armers who ms}: to buy only a small x should sen ln their order: nqt later than Feb. 13%. Small box colon 20 bushglm was 3250' large box color-00 huzlhaln Price 35.00‘ Will be mold {or $4.50 i1 ordered by Feb 15th. forms. cull With order-V. No order: Lulun nicer Much lat. in order w [9!- them all packed a d ship ad baton April in dlroocly It. G.T.R. and C. .R. to shlvplna. Every bong OIJEEM gumubeed to give ntishcdon o! CANADA PERMANENT Paid-up Capital, - - $2,600,000 Reserve Fund - - - [,100,000 “and Winoâ€"Toronto In. Toronto. lunch WIoeuâ€"Wlnnlpog. Mam. Vanoowu'. l. HONEY LENT on‘ security of run] unto om." Government Ind Munloiml Bomb etc. DEBENTUBMS ISSUED (or I. 2. I aim with interest coupons lat-chad. 'I nun, m.“ monoy retundo'é‘ MI. I. AINITT. "flu-I'V- The Ganadian I-Eeine Safety BOILER Esplanade, High Glass Water Tube Steam Boners. for A" Pressures, Duties and Fuel. SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. Relerenue3{ oo_o acngs noon gamma gnnnszRENAo NEURALGIA. SCIATICA. MUSCULAI, INFLAMMATORV, GOUT. LUMBAGO, RHEUMATIC PARALYBIB. ASTHNA la a product of today. LEAD PAOKAGES. 25. so, 49, so and 600‘ Mlchigan Land for Sale. (Afldw flip. Sherhoumo 31., Loan and Savings Company. [KOOIPOIIATED 1355. DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Intern“ “lowed. For tun-her Dlrtlculnn Ipply m DAVID TOBRQQE 9: 00.. GongplAunh. WE ARE OFFERING B. M. PIERCE. A ent. Wet Bay City, Mlch. 0r J.W. OUR‘EIS. \Vhflumol‘e. Mich. ANDREW KAUFMAN. Fergus P.0., Ont. FER SALE. LI. HERBERT MASON. Managing Director. Toronto. Toronto Electric Light. 00.. Linn-d. The T. Eaton 00., Limited. Tho Inlay-Hum: Cu. Limited. Tho Gun: Perch. Rubber t MIL -T|l. Wlllon Publllhlnl 00., Lil'ni . In" boll-n an in non working. JOHN J. MAIN, Illpl. Ind Tm. T183: EJfiifio’dfliCiEfififil. T0 INVESTORS Toronio Box 534, Woodstock. out Toronto m1! MAIL STEAMSHIP.

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