VOL. XXII. AT (BE LIBERALPRINTINM PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. THURSDAY MORNING T. F. McMAHON. D R. LANGSTAFF. RICHMOND HILL. Ofï¬ce Hours :-â€"â€"8 to 10 a. m.; 12 to 2 p. m.; 7 to 9 p.111. Best ï¬tting teeth, also replating, at lowest prices. Good Work. Oddfellow’s Bldg, Toronto, cor. Yonge and College Sts., Tux-onto, $1 per annum, in advance. DR. T. A. CURRIE, Br. W. Seen Tzaï¬tar, B. A}, DENTIST,- ï¬roved methods Telephone 3368 for appointment. (Ii-dusts of the Ontario Veterinary College, with diploma. (tom the Ontario Veterinary Dgntnl School.willvisitMaplo on Monday and Friday of each week. and Concord on Friqu from} 1 co 3 p_.>m. Calls promptly attendad to L Diseases lroiï¬esmxittle 33a 0thefti61ne$ticߤ~ ad anipmlsï¬regted by the latest and most up» VETERINARY SURGEON Every accommodation Der Bemodelledmad newly furnished throughoub. One of the most convenient and' comfortable hotels on Yonge Sateen. Every modern con- venlenoe. Sample rooms‘ for commercial ï¬rnvellers. Anidealstopping place for riding otdxiviug parties,biuyclists, or farmers going to or returning from ~mun-1961:. Electric curs pnsathe door. (l JOHN PALVIER. PALMER HOUSE, Room 12. 124 Victoria St, Toronto. Cor. Bloor and Spadlna Ave.. Toronto. Member College Phgsicinus and Surgeons, nt. HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainerland Paper: Hanger. w. HEWESON, J. '1'. Mai: lroy, RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILI RICHMOND HILL. Dentist, (Successor to Dr. Cecil Trotter) Will be in Richmond Hill every Wednesday. floezâ€"Next door south of Public School. DR. L. LAWRASDN, BUSINESS CARDS. stoleqm Calls from a distance promptly attended to. :- El Lasagna, @fla‘flwï¬ Eï¬ï¬â€˜gfla, VETERINARY DENTIST. RICHMOND HILL, RICHMO ND @112 gamma: IS PUBLISHED EVERY 158 KING u'mmnr EAST. ronom‘o OFFICE HOURS Emma. & Paormnron. W\\\. Rogeyvs B mxflsx , TERMS $1.00 PER DAY. mama. Wtsrinarn hm!)â€" mutal. (“08pm go guests. Board. 31 ’FI'TT :‘0 p RI. TEEFY. NOTARY PUBLIC. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. LENNOX & MORGAN Money to loan on land and chattel mortgages at lowest rates. Aurora. ofï¬ceâ€"Removed to the old post ofï¬ce, one door west of the enhance to the Ontario Bnuk. Newmarket ofï¬ceâ€"Three doors south of the post oflice. T.HEBBEBT LENNOX. G. STV. MORGAN Aurora. hewx Barristers, Solicitors, etc. TORONTO OFFICE: No. 1. Adelalde St" East. Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. COOK & MACDONALD Money to Loan lanes Building, 75 Yonge St. (cor. King). Toronto East Toronto Ofï¬ce. Mr. Grant’s residence, Woodhrldge, every evening. Thornhill.each Wednesday from 10 to 12. DUNGAN, GM?†34 SEEMS Money to 101m at 6 per cent. Suite 77 and 78 Freehold Loan Build- ings, cor. Adelaide and Victoria Streets, Toronto. ! RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL SALEM Ecmn'r. 63 Winchester St, Toronto Lioenseu Auctioneers for the County of York. Goods sold on consignment. General Rules of ntock.etc.,promptly attended to at reasonable rates. G. R. Gouldmg. Newton Brook. agent lot the nboveu LicensedAuctioneers 1'0: the County of York,reâ€" spectfully solicit your patronage and friendly mflueuce. sales attr‘uded on the sLortest notice and a reasonabel‘atus. P. 0. address King J. T. Saigeon. Richmond 11111 Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Sejesmttended to on shortest unticeand at tea.- sonablerates Patronagesmicited. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Generalsales of implements, fug‘nimre.sta.nding timber, etc. .ubteuded on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. ' Patronagesolicited. P. 0. address Maple. Licensed Auctionear for the Counties of York and Ontm‘xo. All sales of {mm stock, &c.. at- tended to on the shortest notice and reasonable rateq. Mortgage undbniliï¬ sales attended to. Residence. Stouï¬â€˜ville. Ont. A 1m :3 amount improved farm p ten-est. Easy tern; mission charged n 25 KING STBE“.T WEST, TORONTO. Freehold Loan Buil Or at Richmond Hill on Saturdays A (1} 00d Farln For Sale or to Rent Tlia‘mai‘e the land f?!‘ MOB O STOKES A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill‘on Saturdays. Barrister. Solicth‘. Convevancer, Notary Public, Etc. Barristers and Solicilors. Undertakan k. Embalmans. A. G. F. LAWRENCE, MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. 16‘ “(est r. Barrister, Solicitor. Notary, Scc. Richmond Hill on Wednesdays SPENCER LOVE, YSâ€"tf Eckzu-dt & Prentice WRIGHT Saigeon & Ni (:Ewon. Barristers, Solicimrs, 620.. COMMISSIONER IN THE Stokes & Blougll. J. D. Readman, art RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, MARCH, 1, 1900. N. E. Smilh. £23211. In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." NMWI‘ON TANNING CO. Richmond Hill P. O lent AWRENL‘E.‘ [Old Loan Building, Toronto ! repuvz vntefunds to loan on ty. Five per cent. in- repuvment. No com- 19. Apply-to ‘uditior BROS, MONEY! 3d 0011. Markham, e or to rent. a. clav loam. and J. H. EREN'HCE Umouville Telephone 2661 Telerhcne 2984 J. K. McEwen. Weston. Newmmket D BLOUGE SATANIC LANGUAGE, In the course of a sermon in a lead- ing Methodist Church in Toronto last Sunday accoxding to the Evening News of that city. she. preacher is re- ported to have condemned in the most emphatic terms, “ Sir W'ilfrid Lauricr, Mr. Tax-to and the rest of those French demigods who have tried since the hostilities began, to stir up racial strife between the French and Eng- lish.†The best reply that could he made to such absurdities is the follow- ing stingin rebuke by the Montreal \Vitness, t c recognized exponent of the views of the English and Protest- ant minority of the Province of Quebec in which if any where this racial strife would be felt :â€"“ More satanic language than the above from the To- rento evening News †says the Witness “ we have never seen in print. “7e do not hold the preacher mentioned for the astounding calumny with which he is credited, as a paper which would ‘ so traduce the man who has done more than any statesman Canada ever had on behalf of British connection, and who is true to his country, in spite of such little-minded malice and hideous mgratitude, would misrepresent any one to gain its base political ends. As for the stirring up of racial strife, the whole of the antiâ€"Laurier press has never ceased to fume with it. While the French organ of Sir Charles Tup- per has been rupplying its readers with antiâ€"British sensations the English ones are doing everything that lan- guage can do towards making ourfel- low countrymen bitter toward us. No More eflective method to this end could possibly be adopted than the pom-in of such unscrupulous venom 1 upon t 105s of them that have been utterly true and splendidly loyal.†INEXCUSABLE DESCRIMINATION. The railway commission proposal has received further attention this week, and no better evidence of the necessity of effective action and that with no undue delay, could be produc- ed, than the ï¬gures quoted by Mr. Campbell of Kent. He said that last year the rate for flour for export from Toronto to Montreal, 334 miles, was 14% cents per hundred pounds while from Chicago, 500 miles further west, to the sauieisea port the rate was only 15 cents per hundred pounds. At the same time from Guelph, Galt, Strat- ford and other outside milling centres, per hundred pounds more than the rate from Chicago. Last year too, the Americans could send flour from De- troit to Montreal for export, for 11% to millers had to pay. It is not neces- sary to point out how injunbus suchdis- crimination is to the Canadian export trade, or how greatly its abolition would stimulate the business of the Dominion. There can be no question that it is time to provide a. remedy for this condition of aï¬airs. THE FRANKING PRIVILEGE. Last week I referred to an inquiry made in the House respecting the al- leged abuse of franking privileges by members of the Government, and on Thursday afternoon the Opposition had the assurance to reintroduce the matter and nearly the whole. sitting was wasted in a by no means proï¬table discussion. There is no doubt in the WCl‘ld that franking privileges of , members and Ministers have, to put it ‘- mildly, been construed by both parties in the moSt liberal manner, but as Mr. Fraser of- Guysborough pointed out, when there is a doubt as to the mean- ing of a law the recognized procedure of the courts is to endeavor to ascer- tain what was the intention of those who framed it; and he showed, much to the amusement of the House, the extremely generous way in which the late Government construed their own Order-in-Council for the beneï¬t of themselves and their friends. Consid- erable ingenuity was displayed by the Opposition in their endeavor to Wrig- gle from the charge, that for the eight- een years of their administration, and for every month of each of those years, they had knowingly and grossly, abused their privileges in this respect. L There was no pretence on the part of the Government that the wrong doing s of one party should excuse similiar actions in their opponents, but that such similiar action had occurred since 5 the present Administration took ofï¬ce, was denied, and abundant proof produced in support of that denial. It ï¬lm 5' b would however he more edifving to hands were to adopt Mr. Fraser‘s sug- gestion, and mutually agree on a more the country and in better keeping with the dignity of Parliament, if all 1. ‘ dystrict interpretation of the law in 1 future. the charge to Montreal was 1% cents. ’ cts., or three cents less than the Toron- v The concert given by the Lilurary Society (in \Vednesday uvening was very successful. The proceeds amount- ed 828, and as :mnoum‘ed this will be used in aid of the National Patriotic Fund. The hall was tastefully decor- ated with Union Jacks, evergreens and pictures for the occasion, and in Our Ottawa Letter. Maple spite of the stormy evening was well ï¬lled. The programme was a lengthy and varied one, and most of the selec- tions were of a patriotic character. Dr. Sisley made an excellent chairman. and performed his duties acce tably. The choruses, “Victoria Our ucen,†“Sons of the Sea†and “Up With the Flag,†were sung by the chorus club of the society and weie much en‘oyed. The soloists weie Mrs. (Dr.) ‘isley, Mrs. E. Elliott, Miss Edith Keffer. Miss Gertie Stewart, Mr. W. L. Keï¬er and Mr. J. Blough, who all sang in a very pleasing manner and were heartily en- cored. Mr. \V. L. Keffer and Mr. J Blough fairly brought down the house in a duet, personating Paul Kruger and General Buller. Recitations were given by Miss Emma Byam, Miss Nellie Campbell and Mr. W. Robinson, all of whom held the close attention of the audience by the excellent render- ing of their selections. Two amusing numbers of the programme were a. dialogue entitled, “ Bridget’s Invest- ment †by ï¬ve members of the society and a. dialogue, “ \Vhy VVe Never Married†by seven maids and bacheâ€" lors. The programme closed with a. fancy flag drill by sixteen young ladies dressed in White, who Went through the different movements very gracetully. Rev. C. A. Campbell, Rev. J. W. Stewart and Rev. E. Dymond were present and each gave a. short ad- dress. The society is to be congratulat- ed on the success of the entertainment, as the object for which it was held is such a worthv one. A quiet wedding took place at the residence of Mr. John Kinnee on Wed- nesday 2lst inst., when Sadie, his adopted daughter. was married to Mr. Marshall Hunt, of Curlisle, Ont. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. \V. Stewart, in the presence of a. few intimate friends of the bride and groom. 1 . O’Rev. J. “7. Stewart; exchanged pul- pits with Rev. Mr. Strachan, of Tem- pe_r_;1_nc<:Â¥:ille Cix-cgjt_()n ‘Sundaylastz Miss Florvnce Vulantyne, of Sunder- land. visited at the parsonage over Sunday. Pte. C. E. Jackson. of Norway, who was killed while ï¬ghting at, Modder River, was a second cousin of T. Cousins (If this place. Mr. Arnold, (3f Nashville, and Mr. W. T. Rollinsnn, of this place, have been auditing the books of the Town- ship at the clerk’s ofï¬ce the past few iLVS. There have been revival meetings gn- ing on here for the. past six weeks and 1111101; good has been the resu‘lt. Afewa our‘you-ng people assem- bled (Lt; the home of Mr. E. Chapman on Friday evening and spent a very enjoy-able time. The time passed all too quickly in games and other amuse- merits, and when the.time came for going home all returned well pleased with the way they had been received and entertained by the host and host- ess. Miss Maggie Snider spent a. couple of days last week in Toronto calling on old acquaintances and reported a good time when she rbturned. - viMriss Hannah Readman of Stouffville is spending several weeks with her si§t91', Mys. Geqyge [)rury.‘ Miss May Snider, formerly of Carr- ville, who now resides in Rainy River District, near Pine \Vood, was united in the bonds of matrimony to Mr. James Telson, a. well-known young man of that place, on the twenty-ï¬rst of February. The wedding took place at her brother’s residence where a large number of friends gathered to Witness the ceremony, which was per- formed by the Rev. G. W. Fisher of Rat Portage. The bride was attired in blue silk ï¬nished with cream silk and pearl trimmings. Miss Teressa. acted as bridesmaid while Mr. A. A. Snider, brother of the bride, acted as groomsnmn. Her presents were both useful and numerous. Granger returned home after three week’s visit at Finches’ Corneys. Vâ€"ijs. VJrartrxiers Vahderbux-gh aid a fly- ing visit to parents, Mr. an Mrs. A. Prentice. Two I-inks fruin Newnvmrket came' down Friday and defeated our curlers in a friendly match. The combined scores were Newmarket. 40, Thurnhill 22. Dr. Dame and F. J. Gallanough skipped for the home rinks and T. H. Bruuton and F. Stewart; for the visit- Rev. F. C. Kean: preached in Rich- mond Hill Sunday eygning. _ & _ OI’S‘ The prize-winners at Friday’s carni- val were :â€"best lady’s costume, Miss Irwin; best girl‘s costume. Miss W. Houghton; best gent’s costume, Mr. R. \Vilson; best comic character, Master Peter Nelles. A championship race between Fred J. Robson, amateur champion of To- ronto, and J. Graham, Mal-kham’s champion skater will take plack in the rink here on Saturday evening of this week. Thoxnhill Band will be in at- teudance. Thornhfll. uarrvihe On Wednesday, let inst. the W’. M. 8. held their pm‘lor social. Durinp the afternoon they welcomed the rep- 1-csentntives from the \V. M. S. of the Melville Presbyterian Church, after which a sumptuous tea was served from 5 tr} 8 p. m. Agood plrogramme followvd, Revr Mr. \Vellwood occupying the chair Mrs. “F. Scott read :L paper, “ ‘Vhy .1 “inman's Foreign Missionary Society Should Exist" ; Mrs. J. Hickson gave a readin entitled “ \Vhy our Society (lid not isbnnd "; Mr. Ed. Forester fluently delivered a. recitation; Miss Lehman and Mrs. Jackson sang a. duet. There was also a duet by Misses M. Klinck and O. Jennings, and some instrumentals by Miss A. Fierheller and Mr. E. McKenzie. The proceeds amounted to $10.40. King Municipal Council met at qupnquyg Eeb.‘2f1Ԥh, 1900. The following bills were paid :â€" F. Brown, repairs to bridge. . . .$ A. W'ells, grant: 3rd con . . . . . . . 5 Can. Sewer Pipe 00., pipes . . . . . 2] H. Hamilton, tax refund . . . . . . . C. Patterson, reg. births, etc. .. 4 E. Quinlm, unloading sewer pipe T. H. Legge, stone for Yonge st 1 J. Billings, salary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 E. Braund, hardware . . . . . . . . . . . W. Ough, hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . G. T. R., freight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Hart, & Riddle, blank forms . . . . ' S. Hilborn, rent of ball . . . . . . . . \V. J. VVells, postage . . . . . . . . . . T. J. Norman, serv’s as M.H.O. R. Caldwell, lumber . . . . . . . . . . . T. J. Robertson. legal fee . . . . . . . Fleury Sons, rep’s to rd. mach.. W. H. Proctor, bal. lumber ace. A. S. Armstrong, legal expenses re McAI'Lhur & Potvta-ge . . . . 60.00 A. R. Fawcett. bal. print’g acc. 38.00 Duncan Megill. tax refund . . . . . 1.00 W. J. Wells, bal. salary as col’r 20.00 J. Edwal'de. “ “ 30.00 Gallnugerâ€"Leggeâ€"that $15.00 be granted to W. H. Tew, to expend in the purchase of necessaries for Julia Cutting, and the same amount, be granted to A. Hambletun to purchase like necessaries for Mrs. Shropshire. â€"â€"Oarried. Gallaugher â€" Rogers â€" that ’T‘. H. Legge be authorized to notify the Met,- mpolitan Ry. to cease placing snow on the travelled part of Yonge St. and to remove what they have already placed there at once and if they fail, to place the matte’r‘beforq the County R. R. Committeeâ€"Carried. DEAR FRIEND,â€"We, the members of St. John’s church, Oak Ridges, take this opportunity of showing our ap- preciation of your services as organist I for the ast ten years, of presenting } you wit 1 this purse, and small as the amount may he that is contained therein we desire to express our grati- tude to you for the kind and cheerful way in which you have labored and i helped us in connection with our church. \Ve ask you to accept this as a slight token of our esteem towards you, and we all trust that God will ever be with you, and also Wishing you Rogers.â€"Burnsâ€"â€"thut the bonds of the treasurer for $36,000.00, with Jacob ~SValton, David Lloyd. T. H. Lloyd and J. H. Walton as bondsmen be accepted as §atisfztctt)ry.:Car1-ied. Gullaugherâ€"Legg‘éâ€"that $50.00 be granted for gravelling 12th con. oppo- site lots 21 and 22, J. Watson and Jams. Coulter to be commissioners to expend the same.â€"Gm-ried. Le geâ€"Rogei-sâ€"that Messrs. Bums and ‘allaugher to be a. committee to ask for and accept tenders for the building of a. suit-able bridge over the Huinher River on 11th con. line of King, they to use their discretion as to design, and to have the woxk done as soon as possibleâ€"Carried. Legge Burnsâ€"that this council do now adjourn to meet at Hogan’s Hotel King City, on Saturday March 3rd. nextâ€"Carried. CHAS. PATTERSON, Clerk. On the evening of the 14th of Febru- ary a. numberlnf the members and friends of St. John’s church, assembled at the home of Mr. Thos. Legge, Oak Ridges, and presented the organist. Miss Libbie Legge, with a. purse, ac- companied by an address. The recip- ient exgressed her up reciation of the remeni mnce in a la ylike and unus- suining manner, and :L pleasant eve- ning was spent together. The follow. is the address :â€" To Miss Libbie Legge: King Township Council a happy and ï¬ros'pemus life. Wé. re- nmin your friends and well wishel‘s. Signed in behalf of the congregation HARRY LEGGE, ‘ THOS. LEGGE, }‘Vm (19113- Rip Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach. Ripa us Tabules assist digestion. Dans Tabules cure liver troubles. Victoria Square [Single copies, 3 cts. Jefferson. SIMEON LEMON, r. Reeve. No 35 51.30 216. 19 .75 41.80 2.50 63.00 29.00 20. 25 16. 20 3. 00 1.95