Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Mar 1900, p. 4

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Ne W Advertisements. Change 7 H. C. Bailey, Abundance of Powerâ€"W. Mnger. Standard Bankâ€"J. F. Rowland. Changeâ€"P. G. Savage. Seed Barleyâ€"Thus. Hopper. Change-Atkinson & Switzer- the nitric. llTill‘ACh l, 1900 RICHMOND HILL. THE PATRIOTIC FUND. Our postmaster has received the following circular from the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa, J. M. Courtney, C. M. G., who is Treasurer of the Canadian Patriotic Fund As~ sociation. By this circular, our read- ers will understand that Mr. Teefy is authorized to receive subscriptions to the fund by persons desirous of con tribiiting. We hope that he will be enabled to make a return to the Treasurer worthy of our loyal vil- lage :â€" CANADIAN PATRIOTIC FUND Assocm- TION. Ottawa, 16th Jan’y, 1900. SIR,â€"I have the horror to send you herewith, by direction of the Executive Committee of the Canadian Patriotic Fund Association, of which Her Majesty the Queen is Patron aird His Excellency the Governoi--General is President. subscription lists, which you will be. good enough to place iir your office. I have to ask you to be good enough to receive airy subscriptions that may be olfered you foi the Association, and transmit the same, through the agency of the bank with which you transact your Government business, to the uri- dersigned as Treasurer at Ottawa. I should be obliged if you would send me from time to time. such subscripâ€" tions as you may receive. together with the names of the subscribers. as it is the intention of the Executive Committee to have the whole printed in book form as soon as the lists are. closed. I trust that you will do your utmost to aid the Association in the interests of the objects for which it was es- tablished. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, J. M. COURTNEY, Treasurer, Canadian Patriotic Fund Association. To the Ppstiiraster, Richmond Hill. EXTENDâ€"THE JURISDICTION. The Government ought to serious- ly consider the petition of the city of Kingston, asking to have the powers of the Division Court extended so as to include signed documents up to .500, open accounts of $300 instead of $200, as at present, and claims for damages up to $100 instead of $60. The desire for an expansion of the powers of the Division Court is not confined to Kingston, but extends to all sections of the province. The great feature of the Division Court is its cheapness, its finality and its free- dom from technicalities. It is par excellence the people's court, and its extension on the lines indicated would meet with general approval.â€"World. The cable from the Toronto Globe’s war correspondent in South Africa on Wednesday of last week announc- ing a. battle at Modder River in which nearly ten per cent. of our First Contingent were either killed or wounded, sent a thrill of intense feeling throughout the Dominion, and brought home to our people to a de- gree that has not been experienced since the memorable years of the re- bellion fifteen days ago, and even then not in the same degree, the grim realities of war. Our boys went .to the front, and are still go- ing, filled with loyal enthusiasm and prepared for the worst that the for- tunes of war might bring them, and the nation cheered them of? with the fullest confidence that they would prove themselves worthy represent- atives of the Dominion in the armies .of the Empire. That trust and con- fidence has been more than justified, and with the sadness which toâ€"day overshadows our country at the loss of so many brave sous, is the glori- ous realization of the theta that we stand closer to the heart of the Em- pire at this moment thanevser ‘before, still more confirmed in our resolve to .do our full duty in the present emergencies CRONJ lfl SURR ENDEllS. On Tuesday last Ci‘onjc, the fairi- ous Boer commander, capitiilated un- conditionally to Lord Roberts with his entire force of probably 4,000 men. The good news was received with great joy all over the British‘ Empire, and it is gratifying to know that our brave Canadians took 0. prominent part in bringing about the victory. The end of the. war may iiot yet he in sight, but the capture of Tuesday will go a long way in convincing the enemy that they must sooner or later bow to the inevitable. The Shoe Factory. To the Editor of THE lriiiiviiAL: Sirenâ€"In last week‘s record iii the Liiih‘iiAL of the doings of our Village Council there was a iniontc of an otl'cr by Mr. \V. S. l’allorson. of Toronto, on certain conditions to establish iii this place a shoe factory. According to the report there was nothing done iii the matter. Irrespective of whether we as a vill- age are iii a position to entertain a. proposition involving so great a respon- sibility or not, is it wise to ignore the proposition altogether by taking no notice of it? I understand that there is a. standing Citizcirs’ committee for the initial consideration of propositions that may at airy time come lo the front that might be of interest aird benefit to the village. The were and council help to Compose this commit- tee. If they. the municipal reigning authority iir our town, were to call its rirembers together to talk over the matter it would look as if We. were alive to our future irrtcrcsts and open to offers of a sirrriliar character, until a proposition is made by some enter- prisng company that the committee could endorse and i-eeoiirnrcnd for sub- iirissiorr to the serious consideration of the. ratepayers ol' the village. In multitude of counsel there is soiii<.~ times discovered a. grain of wisdom. CITIZEN. Richmond Hill, Feb. 28, 1900. Temperancevifle To The Editor of Tar-1 LIDE‘RALZ DEAR SimfiKindly insert the fol- lowing in your valuable paper : \Ve have in our midst. a branch of the Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, organized nearly two years ago, and at that time Mr. Geo. L. Stewart and his wife, Janet Stewart, joined the Society, each placing (mo thousand dollars on their life iii favor of the other. A short time ago Mrs. Stewart was summoned home, by that grim monster, Death, and while she was able to say that. she had a title clear to mansions in the skies. it alforded her consolation iii her dying hour to be able to say that she had made. some substantial provision for her family who \vere left to mourn her loss. To-day Mr. Stewart. irf road me that he had received a cheque for one thousand dollars, being claim iii full, just eleven days from the time the notice was sent to the Grand Council of C. O. of C. F. CHAS. NORMAN, Recorder. Temperanceville, Feb’y 21. 1900. News Notes. Robert 'Wilkins, a tanner who had worked in Davis’ tannery, Kinghorn, was found in a (lying condition in the stable at Lemrox’s Hotel, Aurora, on Thursday morning last and died short- ly afterwards. In our direct import just coming to hand there are black and blue worsteds and extra tailor’s trimmings ; of these we will make up gent’s suits in latest styles for $17.50 and $19. Atkinson & Switzcr. The following have been elected members of the North York Prohibi- tion Alliance :â€"Presideirt, \V. C. Bo- gart, Kettleby; Vice-President, L. G. Jackson, Newmarket; Secretary, S. H. Lundy, Aurora; Treasurer, S. J. Green, Newmai'ket. z .u'urokn. Harness Oil is the best preservative of new leather and ilre best renovate: of old leather. 1-toils,soliens, black- ene and protects. Use Esters ! harness @il or. your best hnmCSS, your old har- ness. and your Cllrrluf’,(‘1(ip,nrrll they will not only look better but near longer. Sold cvorywlrcrein cnnseml slaw from )‘ pints to tire gallons. “Mk by bLLHlAllll 01L ((3. o The Royal Templar: of Temperance Meet in the Temperance Hall 0n the first Wed- nesday oi’ each month. Assessment system. Payable monthly. Lady or gentleman. l l [ Class; Ago $500 Sl,090’$l,500 $2,000 $3,00 A 16t025 25c i 500 i 75c l 00 1 60 B 25mm 280 ‘ SEC 1 83c I 10 l 65 C 30 to 35 300 660 90c 1 20 1 80 D 35 to 30 340 670 l 01 1 35 2 00 E 39 1:349 380 ‘15c 1 13. 1 50 3 2:3 F 42 to 15 430 85c 1 28 1 7o 2 55 G 45to48 500 '3100 150 900 300 n ismso (thrift-5.188 25(1315 3 A. E.'SWITZER, J H. SANDERSON. Financial Eec'v Select Councillor. Rina as Tabules cure nausea. Ripnns Tabules: one gives rellet. ‘3? yank: To holes cure dyspepsia. Sale Register. FRII‘AY Mar. '1~Credit side of farm stock, in) i ||.t'llll'lrl!i, A'c , 1 ii lot 12:. con. 5, Markham, it ashcll the property of Henry Stovcr. Sale at l. lci’uisc' months. lickur‘dt Jr l’ientire, uuctr'iiitcr'n. )Ilcurc is Sun. 1 rr lot 354. i'exi'Zli'd coir. Mni'k- llflll., The pr'npertv cf Ed Flirf‘fllcr. hum nt 111 o'er-r k. ’l bl‘llli'l 7 months. N. r:. bilritli, iinenom-l-r. _ ‘TUL51‘AY wu- Ii 7 (‘rmlit sale of {mm st.-cli. one pic-r oils dun, on lot :52. con. 15 Svnrln iv, the property or H on Moi-nan. Sale Iitl U't‘u-r‘h‘. 'l more e "H irilrs. l‘it'klu‘llt «5t I'rentivo. am:- tionu-r’s. ’I‘i‘rqui‘. Main-h Câ€"i rodit sale of hero vr-lrules. (nu. on lot 17, con. 5, Vauu' ("ell ire! the property of Jarrett llros, . nrl 4"I'lrrl'i\’. No. reserve. Sillgmil; & l'incir auctioneers, WM ."I'.‘I“\Y,‘llllll'il 7~Auction sale. of a Vulnâ€" Ilblrtur'm farm stock, ((0... at 'lm-mpsoii's Hole]. Lansing. «ale at 1 o'clock 'lcr‘ino from i in ‘1 months. Eekanl it Prcntr'e, Illl‘ ill‘lll’H‘l‘s‘. Tncicsrnri Marrhkd‘redit sale of farm nlrol'ivi, lllll'il‘hh‘lrlH demon lot ‘JN. coir i“). limo, lb:- 1‘1‘1 1 NW or Tlms. Ilnll. Ssilo at l o'cmck. 'I'esnr» llr months. Saigoon & {ill-illwl n, nuc- tionoers. l \Vlinwtsimr, Morel] l-var'odit sale ‘ iror-ioq rattle, n.0, at the Pill!“ rr 11mm com no: Hill. Furle- at l p. m. ’l‘oi'nis lur- v ill.“ :ni- L'eon d' Mclv'wen auctioneers. “TEDNI‘ il‘AY. March err tr'edrt sale horse, cow, iinplcmen's. Aim, on lot so, eon,~l rum Y. ik, Iciiricr‘oiIV store, tlro propt. .‘l p ol ( li'l‘. Mort I‘lly. Sale, ‘li. 1 o'clock. ’lerirrs :4 "Hiulilm l“ harm and l‘rontien, airctioiicers \VEI)NI<..\I‘AY, Mul‘r‘li :l--(‘rcrlit snlc‘ (for in stir-k implements Mu, lo’ in, con \"vu: hrm, the pro; ertv of .l -\. Mt Kinnrm. firm cur p. m. 'lclors “a months Saigeoii dz hit-elven. aire- tioneers. Tiii'irsmr .‘lrm-lr i'lnnl» (‘iei‘rit sn‘vn oi {arm stock, implements, on lot 'At. eon. .-‘. Tans! York the property of “'14. Jarvis. Sr. e at 1'1 o’clock. Lunch provided. Terms R wonths. Elkardt and I'i'entieo, auction- eers. Moxiln',Mnr-eh 2t.- t‘a'edit mile of farm sleek ll|lllll‘ll|(‘nil~',ri{(‘,0n1003,1Hliil'n?l.\'l\llitllllll. Moxnw. \lNll‘li 5â€"Credit sale of farm stwkim- , N o. 18. I Any customer presenting this Coupon and 50 Cents at our store on SaturdayMar. . 8, will receive 14: lbs Yellow Sugar. Mm” You can always rely on our groceries being freshas we replenish our stock every week. Our prices are always attractive to Close cash buyers. Give us a. trial order. H. C. BAELEY the property of Ankh: iry Bowen, Faro rt l o‘clock. 'ler'anB months. Some »n d' Mc- Ewan.“victroncer-s. lfi'l’arliesgettrng their bills printed at tliirI Oilice \vill receive 11. notice similar to lire above FREE or cii.\imr=. AN’l l1]) â€"~ SIGV ‘RAL '1'I‘U\'T\'r'l)RI‘IlY ’ persons in this state to mnna- rt our busi- ne>s1n their own and nearby counties. It in mainly nllive work conducted at borne. Salary straight soon it yertranil “pursesâ€"d. (outshone- liile, no more, no loss salary. Monthly ’75. References. Enclose sclfaidilresxcd slumped r envelope. derbert E. lleBS, Pre>t Dept. M. Chicago. 31-8 note? to Learn Monev to loan on first mortgacc farm proper- ty, at live per cent, w-tf Firianrent THE 1,1. m: \L ()f‘fipe ‘ To PATEllT Good Ideas may be secured by our aid. Address, THE °"ENT RECORD, Beulmore. Id. ifiiclinrondm hit 5131 LAUNDRY I am prepared to do Family \‘(nshiiigs Gonts' and Ladies‘ fine linen a specialty. Work guar- anteed and putrouu go solicited. Sl-tf TILLIE HAXWELI ubscri be for" Tan LIBERAL _ remittith er. On the premises, Richmond Hill, a horoughbrcd Registered Jersey Bull, and a thoroughbred pedigreed Berk- shire Boar. Terms $1.00 cash. 32~tf T. LUDFORD. Richmond Hill. A. Best Gold Fill 1.56 . 51- 5yrsGoldFill 1.0( ~ : Best Glasses... lot We guarantee perfect satisfaction. GLOBE OPTICAL (:09. 93 Ionge Sit/reef, Toronto. J. r. SAEGECN, Bichnlond Elill. Agent for the following stock Fire Insurance Companies, viz.‘. Manchester, of London,Eng., BRITISH AMERICA, OF TORONTO, CANADA. â€"â€"ALSOâ€"-â€" GORE, or GALT, A First-class Cash Mutual. YORK MUTUAL, Of Toronto, Canadaâ€"the coming com- pany for the farmers of York Co. Business Solicited. Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is successfully used monthly by over 10.000 Ladies. 8Me,eflectunl. Ladies ask your druglglat for Cook's Cohen Root Com- . Take no 0t er, as all Mixtures. pills and irritations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 er box' No. a, 10 degrees stronger-.38 per box. 0. 1 or 5,1nalled on receipt of price and two about stain s. The Cook Company Windsor Out. on 1 and 9 sold and recommended by 511 gamble Dmggieta in Canada. L‘S’ No.1 and No. 2 soil in Richmond Hill by W,A. Sanderson,Druggis.t. atrium “,iarktiil. PRICES AT FAiruure' wAGooNe. Wheat, white, per bush... 8 O 08 8 0 00 Wheat, red, per bush 0 68 0 00 Wheat, gooso.1rer Lu 0 69 0 00 Cats, per bush .. 0 29 0 30 Peas, per bush . 0 60 0 00 Barley, oer bush 0 41 0 ~15 Turkeys, per lb .. 0 09 C 10 Dressed Hogs, per cwt. 5 25 5 50 ‘reese, per lo .. 0 06 0 0’7 “hie-liens. per pair . 0 40 0 65 Ducks.per pair .. .. 0 50 0 65 Butter, in pound rolls. 0 19 (l 20 Egcs. fresh ............. . 0 23 0 25 Potatoes, p- r bag 0 40 0 05 topics, per bbl l 50 9 ‘25 Min \‘lJVfll’ . 11 00 12 00 I! ~ 2.:in __ 06 00 0000 S“ :I 7 00 8 00 some Gold. ...$2.81. 1 r ,l‘e’lAPLE xmmmtrmcmmmzr NEAT AND ATTRACTIVE you PRINTlNG DONE AT THE LIBERAL. ” OFFICE. Bargains E cry Day! Come and iuspect our new lines of Gentleman’s, - Ladies’ and Children’s Shoes. You cannot fail to be pleased with your selection. Shoes to suit everybody, both young and old. We are doing a strictly CASH BUSINESS And so can afford to give you bargains for your money. Custom work a specialty; repairing promptly and neatly done . ,, 'VERS RiImOI II I V I I HARDWARE STD RE Axe Handles, 5c. up; Crosscnt Saws, 50c. per foot up; Axes, 70c. up ; Rogers’ Butcher Knives, 10c. ; Pocket Knives, 50. to 75c. . Cow Chains, mic. Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Hockey Skates, 50 cents, com- plete, and everything sold at a reasonable price. All kinds of Tinware made to order. Repairing Promptly Done. lo. MASON. Richmond Hill

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