W bio gotta. a Hint, iMai'ch- m) I; ()(3‘ ALIAS. Fire Brigade meeting next Monday night. The thermometer Monday morningr registered 20 below zero in Richmond Hill. Men’s white laiindried shirts, linen bosom, all sizes, at 50c. ‘Cach. Atkinâ€" son & Switzei'. The Newniarket hockey team Cele- brated Pancake Tuesday by a Pancake Supperattlie Dominion House after the match Tuesday night. Colored eanibiic shirts, collar atâ€" tached, in stripes, at 5110. Atkinson & Switzcr. Mr. Fred Harrison will speak on “ The ()are of [he Body " at. the Junior Epwortli League to-Inorrow after- noon. A full attendance is requested. Good Canadian twecds made up in latest style, a lit guaranteed, for $12. Atkinson & Switzer. The intermediate department of the ublic School was closed Monday and uesday owing to Miss Dohbie‘s illness. The teacher, however, was able to re- sume duties yesterday. The best value in coffee. ground fresh at 15, 15', 25 and 30c. per lb. At- kinson tVL Switzer. Remember the lecture to be given in the Masonic Hall to-morrow evening in connection with the High School. Don’t fail to hear Prof. Mackenzie on “The Boers in South A hint.†Pure. pepper. pure. ginger, purci cloves, pure cassni, pure spices of all ; kinds at .‘. tkinson & Switzer's. At the w.o.'r. U. ninetingio beheld . at Mrs. II. F. Ilopper's next. Tuesday evening a Service in memory of the late. Miss MacArthur will be held. A full attendance is requested. New prints, new ginghams. new shirtiugs, new table oilcldths, just. to hand at Atkinson 8; Switzer. Among the Canadian inventors who have recently obtained patents through the agency of Messrs. Marion & Marion, Montreal, is \Valter McLeod Scott. of Stoufl’ville for Insecticide Powder. Men‘s suits, $t.50; men’s overcoats, $1.99; men‘s working shirts, 23c. ; heavy Soch, l‘dc. Atkinson A: Switzer. Yesterday‘s Globe contained a photoâ€" graveur of James R. Vickcrs. 10th R. .G., one of the wounded in the. Siuth African war. Young Vickei's, who is only 21 years of age, is a nephew of Mrs. Chas. Cooper of this village. Now passing through the. customs the ï¬rst shipment. of spring and suin- mer goods direct. from Glasgow for Atkinson & Sw’itzer. Mr. Ii. J. GUI'SOII of the Markham Economist. has been appointed Clerk of the Second Division Court of the County of York, in the place of Mr. John Stephenson, resigned. Congrat~ wilations Bro. Corson. Horse Shoe. salmon, Lynx salmon, Maple Leaf salmon each 2 for 250.; .kippei'cd herring, 10c. ; kippered chick- .en, 10c. Atkinson A: Switzer. Rev. H. E. \Vellwood, B. A.. son of Rev. N. VVellwood, who has been reaching for some. time in the Second Iethodist Church, Collingwood, has .receiVed a. very hearty invitation to remain in year. Cameo soap, 7 bars {oi-25c. : Happy Home soap, 5 bars for 25c. ; fine toilet soap, 10c. per box of 3 cakes : mottled castile soap, 2 for 50. Atkinson & Switzcr. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Skt-ele had a birthday gathering of relatives on ‘Saturday evening, it being the. Slst ‘birthday of the former. Besides rela- tives in this vicinity the following were present from a distance :â€"~Mr. and Mrs. Pearson, Seneca Castle, N.Y.; Mrs. Dunhani, \Vatei-loo, N.Y.; Mrs. D. U. Skeelc, Alden, N.Y.; and Mr. J. E. Skeele, Principal of the Cayuga ‘High School. \Ve are sure that every citizen joins with THE LIBERAL in ex» tending congratulations to our esteem- ~ed felluw-townsman. For spring suits we are making up a good Halifax in fawn, brown and bronze green. ï¬nished with best trim- mings, for $12. Atkinson & Switzer. CHANGE OF DATE. Lutheran Open Social. which was to .have been held on the 15th inst.. will "be held on the evening of \Vednesday, 7th inst. The change of date has been thought advisable on account of the present good sleighing. The soeial will be held at the home of Mr. John Clements, 3rd con. Markham, directly west of Unionville. HOCKEY BOYS CARNIVAL. There was a very fair attendance at 'the carnival Tuesday evc niug. Special cars from Toronto and Newmai-ket 'brought a. large number of visitors all ~along the line. The ice. was good, but- the number of masqueraders was small. The. principal feature of the evening was a hockev match between the home team and Newinarket. The visitors proved too fast for the Hill team, the latter being defeated by a. score of 7 to l. The proceeds amount- :ed to ’ that church for another. Mr. John I). Falconbridge, who for some years has been associated with the legal firm of Bcattv, Blackstock, Ncsbitt, Chadwick and Riddell, has President, entered the. firm of Johnston and Ross. l took charge of the evening, and [open- The new firm will be Messrs, Johnston, Ross and Falconbridge. Mr. l Falconbridge is a Well-known can very popular university graduate, and is the son of Hon. Mr. Justice Faleoiiln'idge. of the High annual irport. The President made it Like his distinguished father , very pleasing speech, after which he (loin-t. Mr. John I). Falconbridge is a former pupil of the Richmond Hill Iligli School. . Ladies’ (‘oats.»~\\'e have a few Ladies‘ Jackets, sizi-s 32 and 34, navy blue and brown, unto-date style, at half price. Naughton 131-05., Elgin Mills. READING (‘lliClil‘L Next. Monday evening the prorth League Heading (‘ircle will discuss chapters (5 and 7 of “ The New Citizen- ship.“ The leader, Mr. E. Sisley, who, on two former occasions so ably led the discussion on this book, will be sure to present the subject in an inâ€" ten-stingr manner. Let. every member of the Circle be present next Monday evening, and come prciarcd to ask and answei questions. Jaist Monday evening a most proï¬table hour was spent. in the study of the “Life of Luther." The meeting will open at 8.35 sharp. Non-J_iieinlieis are always Welcome. TROLLEY ACCIDENT. Tuesday was a day of accidents on the Metropolitan Railway line. Some- ; thing happened to the geaiing of one oftlie cars going south. and had it. been going fast at. the time it Would in all likelihood have left the track. 1 In the afternoon one of Joe Brillinger‘s .cows came in contact with a car in the Village, and last evening after dark a. car ran into a truck CarclesslV tained at. Sunny Hill Farm, the resiâ€" dence of Mr. and Mrs. John Savage, a few evenings ago. The host and hostâ€" . ess extended every hospitality to the guests and made. everybody feel per- fectly at. home. Music and various games wore indulged in and a. most enjoyable time was spent. Some of the older members of the Board of Management joined in the. youthful have been right their feet had appar- ently forgotten some of the intricate windings of the iuazy ï¬gures which- they attempted to cut. One of the features of the programme was the performanceof some tricks in lager- demaiu which were executed with such adroitness that observation was Completely eluded. AGRICULTURAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the R. H. 8: Y. S. Agricultural Society was held yesterday afternoon. The. auditors’ report showed the net receipts of the. last Fair to be. $100. The. following oiiicers were elected :â€" President, Thos. Lloyd ; 1st Yichresident, \V. H. Pugsley; 2nd Vice-President, D. Lynett; Sec’y-Ti-eas., H. A. Nicholls ; Directorsâ€"“7m. Thompson, L. L. Hartman, .0. Norman, W. \Vells, T.H. Legge, J. Slater, RV. Orinerod, Geo. Leek, G. Padget, D. 0. Steele, Geo. (iorniley, R. Elliott, J. N. Boyle, \V. H. Cliibine, F. J. Gallanough, Geo. Dibb, T. F. McMahon, I. Crosby, J. H. Sanderson, J. Palmer. W'. Eyer, P. G. Savage. An Executive Committee of nine members were elected, said committee to meet; .on Saturday, the 17th of March. MOODY’S REMARKABLE LIFE. 4 “'e have received a book of much importance at the present time, from the. Poole Publishing,r Company, To- ronto, “The Life of D. L. Moody.†The book is attractive, and is well printed on good white paper. Thirty- three pages of illustrations embellish its pages, covering the outstanding features in Mr. Moody’s career, home I life and religious experience. Its cir- culation will probably be very large, as Mr. Moody had a powerful influence in Canada, was known here quite as well as across the line, and his was a potent name in thousands of Christian households. 25 cents in heavy paper co‘ver, ‘or 50 ‘ cents bound in cloth, is for sale at all bookstores or will be sent postpaid by the publishers on receipt of price. Everyone will want to read the life work of this remarkable man. HiG ii SCHOOL coNc-EHT. ‘ o'clock. ‘. left on the track in front of the Grand Bell, so rano, Chicairo: Miss Frances H pastimes, but. while their heads may 0 The book is published at I The. concert on Friday evening, the 2nd inst., will afford an unusual treat to allwho attend. The Mendelssohn (lliiii'isti\i~s have choruses in hand which will ensure them a. royal wel- come. Miss Gcinmill of Stratfoi-d. has consented to appear and will give. a. number of new and interesting move- ments in physical culture. Now that. Ci-onje has been captured and General Roberts“ army is in the. 'heart of the enemy’s c(untry, all are. anxious to find out the facts about the Boers and their land. Professor Mackenzie of Trinity University, will give his now famous talk on “The Boers in South Africa." invariably met with a warm reception. The H. S. Glee. Club will sing new songs to enliven proceedings, so all may look for a pleasant and instruct- ive evening. The proceeds go to the g He has given this talk on : many occasmns this wmter and has :mBij“, SCIOPTICON VIE‘VS. The Junior League entertainment last Friday evening was in every rc~ spect a success. The Junior League Master Starr McMahon, hie we do live Why non live well Life is composed ofeating, sleeping, Working, but the greatest of all these is eating. ed the procoedings promptly at. eight After the openng hymn, “Hark! ~tis the Shepherd's Voice,†Mr. A. J. Hume led in prayer. Master Karl Storey, the Secretary, read the called upon Rev. Mi. \\'ell\vood to show his si-iopticon views of the scenes in the British Isles and “ The Pilgrim‘s Progress." Mr. “'ellwood explained the pictures very clearly as they were thrown upon the canvas. Both the members of the Junior League and the audience paid the best attention throughout the whole evening. From time to time the audience sang beauti- ful selections ï¬tting to the picture. be- ing exhibited. At the close of the entertainment, the l’iesident, on be- half of the Juniors, thanked Rev. Mr. \Vellwood for his kindness, and called upoh Mr. Johnston to take the chair for the remainder of the evening. After singing the lloftology, Rev, Mr. Large pronounced the Benediction. The collection amounted to $4.62.. PATRIOTIC CONCERT. Posters will be circulated in a day or two announcinga concert to beheld in the Masonic “all on Friday evenâ€" ing, March 9th, in aid of the National Patriotic Fund. Citizens generally are showing a disposition to assist in this laudable enterprise, and local enâ€" tertainers in the village and from a distance have. cheerfully placed their services in the hands of the committee. for that evening. Mr. T. H. Lennox of Auroia, has kindly consented to preside, and the following are among the performers who have already ex- pressed a willingness to take part; in the programme :â€"~Miss Florence G. and more or less enjoyment,- And you should have variety, the best, the purest, and shoald buy where your dollar will go the furthest. We make your wants our study. We buy wisely and know what we As to priceâ€"\Vell the price stands for itself. ofier you is tresh and pure. Man article is marked IO cts. that’s ten cents. But the price is not the whole story. .Is-it pure ? Has it been bought at an auction sale of groceries ? Has it been in the store for a year or '9 two We give you our guarantee of the. purityâ€"You can take your own con- clusions as to the lowness of the price. 'We quote :-~ It‘entral Buildinv. Some protruding Crosby, soprano, Toronto; Mr. John ‘planks on the “truck were jammed Kidner, comic, Toronto; Mr. Frank Pure Lard, 3 for 250; best 'through the front of the car and a Kidner, tenor, Toronto; Mr. Victor . _.. . man standing beside the driver had his Hutchison, tenor, Toronto; Mr. A. S. COOkl‘ng P 1&5, 6 for 250.; very ï¬ne face cut. Savage, baritone, Toronto: Mr. E. ,â€" a, ,â€" Mason, cornetist. Toronto; Miss golden Dates 4. “)8. for 250.’ Extra. TIIE (.HOlli o OUTING. , _ 7 . .V i v The choiro‘fthe Presbyterian church Ell-deEByï¬m’ BM‘K‘luuunht‘ Map-19’: C] a d - t, f . t and a few other friends we“) 0mm†. iss step. iit(.iei, elocutionist, 6 me curian S, 4. . 01‘ 25C., ea Aurora; 1 Eva Pet‘ch, elocutionist, Aurora; Miss Mary Trench, soprano, Richmond Hill; Miss Ethel Switzer, soprano, Richmond Hill: Miss Edith Switzer. piano accompanist, Rich- mand Hill. A number of pretty tab~ leans will also be given, and other iii- teiesting features will be. added. Ad- mission, 25 cents. A car will leave Toronto at 7 o’clock. and one. from Newinai-ket at; 7.15. The Metropolitan oinpany have. agreed to the following reasonable rates : Toronto and return after the concert, 25 cents; Ymk Mills, 20 cents; Thornhill, 15 cents; New- market and Aurora, 25 cents; Oak Ridges and Bond‘s Lake, 15 cents. Flakes, 9% 1b. for 250.; Green coflee. Inc. 21 1b.; Pure Corn Starch, 50. 3. lb. Extra Red Salmon, 110.; California Dried peach- Kippered Herring, 100; es, 12¢. a pound; California prunes, 80. a pound. PEI-{SQ bi ALIS. Mr. James Newton of Elgin Mills, has been appointed an iSSuer of Mar- riage. Licenses. Atkinson 65 Switzer Ifyou want to buy a. Miss Gertrude. Dicker, of Aurora, is making a visit at “ Fair view,†the home of Mrs. John Palmer. Mrs. C. Savage and two children of Toronto spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Coulter. Mr. Mahaï¬'y, head miller in Innes’ flouring mill, slipped and fell on the hopper on Tuesday and it is thought fractured one of his ribs. Mrs. Dunliam of \Vaterloo, York, and Mrs. Arnold of Seneca. Falls, New Yoik, are at: Foulden Lodge, the guests of Mrs. James New- ton. SEWING MACHINE New Call on or write Mr. Rowland. of Kingston, the man- W . 3'. CLARK, ager of the branch of the Standard Richnlond Ilill. Bank here has been busy the past. few days Gettinv ready for the openin . rms of a ment. The :1)va siife arrived Tuesday aiï¬T Easy te p y was laced in the vault. The. manager will )e assisted by Mr. Beck of Bow- manville and Mr. “"hite of Markham. Samples always on hand. RICHMOND ï¬iLL HARNESS - site? Is the place to buy your Harness and other supplies. Single Harness from $10 up. All work guaranteed ï¬rst-class. Saskatchewan and Black Galloway Robes, $8 to $20. Jute Stable Blankets. 35 cents to $2.50 each. Shaped \Vool Blankets, $2.25 to $5 each. Dutch Kersey Blankets, $1.25 to $2 each. Best English Kersey Blankets, 80380 inch, $4 to $6 each. 5!! “'3 NS. BBITNELLâ€"In Richmond Hill on Tuesday, Feb. ‘17, uson to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brituell. 0EATH!§ STEWNRCH~ On Sunday morning. Feb‘y ‘25, at: the residence of .her daughter. 108.3 Queen West, Toronto, Ann, Wife of the late G. L. Stevenson of Aurom, in the 7lst year (if her age. Intrirmeut: in the Aurora. cemetery on Tues- day, Feb'v 27. HUNT-At. Victoria Square, on Monday. Feh’y 2.6, T1103. Hunt, aged 76 years. Trunks, Valises, Mitts, Gauntlets, and other supplies as low as the lowest. Repairing Prompt 1y Don e. X____ l GREG. RICDONALD “Canada. for the Ctmadï¬ï¬.†EATING RINK The above rink will be open for Skatâ€" I ers during the_ season on WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY Evenings (if each week from 7.30 to 10 READ THE Canadian Esme Journal A monthly magazine full of interest- ing reading matter and useful information for CANADIAN “TOMICN A BOTTLE To This Man. - .. wean! $5 It may be. worth ll like sum or even more loyou ..... Flnpl. Rimes Cu, N. I1, Much 19, 18W. Densian have Lind our Kendnli‘lSpuin (.1170 And AND nun-3oooboIIQOIounocoooow IMOâ€.-“CUIIIIQmOâ€IOIOOOOOOIIOIIOOOOCMI Y Y 0min“: oodLin' t. b a Sn'lnmmybon U CALADIA‘A HOMFS ' mm. mndgl would light. orally; inâ€: Nil; inpma for5175 i deleck, v A I baton. [will bepleucd in luv. your too In rmipu or I I . ' m M“ iii: W n" “mi-hiss «iii-m. GOOD MUSIC ON SATURDAY Subscription price $1 per annum amingm, r. 0., Onluio, Mn. 0, we. ‘ EV ENthS. ! Co. OR you can receive it with this pa for one year by sending your ders to the publishers of THE ERAL at $1.75. Dear Stuâ€"Enclosed plane ï¬nd I two-erutstam for your : vlluble Horn Book. I had one hutllhlon. I no Mod 0 your Kendal.“ Spun: 0."! without. on. flilnre I. you". nd : 3 consider“ the baud-Inca: rm- mm: or bentln an; ngrint. : P d thobockn oundvenimltonbolile, or Mun. ‘ _ , , E I". "n n" ’ scones snows. : Admission for skaters, 10 cents; Chil- I: in an absolutely mllablo remedy for spat! : ; dren 5 cents, send 10 cents for sample copy_ Rink open to Curlers every day, and on Tuesday and Friday evenings. Librar of the Hi ‘11 School. The B’EWM" ""‘"°'."";,§°m°'f“h°b““°h“ ‘ ’ _ . ., . I s _ Masonii: Hall. Friday? evening, March E hill-hii’ylï¬â€˜ggirï¬nflï¬lï¬g‘ffgï¬ï¬gé? ‘ ï¬fteen Adultf “Fm-13 for 31-00 W1“ hke It Addrpsg the 2nd. Doors opLeu at 7 ; en'i‘f‘l‘gkln- £333.13. hook (m, 0.- am... ° Thirty Children 9 tickets for $1.00. Canadian Heme Jamal Co†- Timed ment at 8 o‘cloc ' s iarp. ic ets mi. 3. J. KENDALL 00.. mosaum mus. v1. I adults, 15 cents; children, 10 cents. I IOIMVOVOWIOIWDIQCIIIJ 13' 9' SAVAGE’ Reeve' 15‘10'6 - 0,: 03?