Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Mar 1900, p. 6

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I'lle Experiment Trlul In [Kn-Mn Wllh About the beginningLof this century a distinguished French philanthrop- ist, A. Joux, advised poor meo- ple to: sleep as much‘ as possible dur< ing the winter months, as only thus would they be able to live with any degree at comfort. This strange theory is now Leing tested by many persons in Russia, and, according to a report which has been issued, their al- most complete abstinence from food has produced no harmful resultI and bus even from their standpoint provad highly beneficial. These people live at P:kow, a district south of St. Peterziburg, and the reason why they have adapted the practice at sleeping during the winter is because for the last few years their crops have been insufficient to pgovidu them with the necessary means of sustenance. When the elders of the district saw that starvation stared the people in the face, they advised them to make their remaining stock of food last as Long as (possible and to go to sleep during the winter. This suggestion was adopted. The members of each family stretch themselves on cots around the largo stove and slumber day and night, Once in' the twenty~ florur hours they get up and refresh themselves with a morsal of hard bread baked last” autumn and: a drink of water, after. which thsy lie down (A man never thinks he is bad as he really is 3111., say me more cum I eve my Catar preparaat There are thirteen streets in Lady- amith, fairly well laid out. The town habita nt hnubit of but the not be beaten as noure for Cntnrrh." Qatarrh-cy-zona is anew method of treatment guaranteed to cure the most chronic cases of Catarrll, Asthma Bronchitis. Coughs, Colds, &c. Sure sale a'nd pleasant to use. Sold by all dmgglsts. Trials outfit sent for 106 in stamps by N. C. POLSON 8:00., ngston. Oat.. Proprietors. again an ball cane 5,c<)o to build Dec. 80, 1899. T9 Guarantee Fungi New insurances issued during 1899 Exceeding the best, provikéns year by nearly one millidfi: Insurance in force at end of 1899 (net) . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... The financial position of the Company in unexcelledâ€"'t A centage of net; surplus to liabilities exceeds i l S pm- Home Company. hat or any Other IION SENATOR GOWAN, Q. C., E. GURNEY, ESQ. LL 0.. C.M‘G. JOHN N. LAKE, ESQ. L. W. SMITH. ESQ. Q.C., D.C.L. J. KERR OSBORNE, ESQ. D. MCCRAE, ESQ. Guelph. HON. SIR WM. R. MEREDITH, Chief Justice of Ontario. MANAGING DIRECTOR: HOV. G. W. ALLAN WM. MCCABE, LL.B., F.I.A., F.S.S SECRETARY: MEDICA L L. GOLDMAN, A. I. A. J. THORBURI‘ Dec. 30, 1809. To Cash for l‘rcmiums . ‘ . . . . . . . . “ “ 'l‘o Cash lucomu on Invebaments Dec. 31, 1898 To net Ledger Assets The Report containing the proceedings of the Annual Meeting, held on January 80th. last, showing marked proofs of the reat progress and solid ros- erity of the Company, will be sent to the policy- olders. Pamphlets exp ana- ry of the attractive investment plans of the Company and a copv of the annual report, showing its unexcelled financial position, will be furnished on applica< tion to the Head Office or any of the Company’s agencies. Dec. 80, 1899. By pny'mvnts for Death Claims, " “ By all other payments . . . . . . . . Dec. 80, 1899. By Mr. Ro NQRTH AMEREBAN UFE r. ASSURANCE COMPANY. Head Office: ll2-ll8 King 81.831 Wesr, ‘ " TORONTO. Catarrhozone ANTIDO'I'E FOR HUNGER. axen 1' used rh. 0L1 ions bu nton as Brnoflclnl "cull". u ‘Dougall. of Vankleek Balance net Ledger Asspts‘ ASSETS. Mortgages, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Debr-nturos (market; value $608,935.65) . . . . , Stocks and Bonds (market value 858739150 Real Estate, including" Company's building Loans on Policies, etc . _ . l . l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Loans on Stocks (nearly all on call) . . . . . . . . Cash in Banks and on hand. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . Premiums Outstanding, etc. (less cost of collection) Interest and Rum, due and accrued . . . . . . . . . . . . Market value of Debentures and Stocks over cost Guarantee Fund . A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a 60,000.00 Ax‘suranreund Annuity Reserve fund 2,929.55‘2‘00 Death Lesscs awaiting proofs, etc. .. 51,507.35 Surplus nnot Be Beaten. in‘ the twentyâ€" » and refresh ursol of hard 1n and. a drink thsy lie down For the year endcd December 30th, 1899 8y p1 erho: ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE cur 501116 ‘ bucoma JOHN L. BLAIKIE. poores VICE-PBESIDF ' DIRBURSEMEN q LIABILITIES. HON. SIR FRANK SMITH, K.C.M.G DIRECTORS: PRESIDENT: RECEIPTS. Jeir :11 era] until recentlyI and it has‘gnly .tvhrvoyp'Lstrs V arnd of physicians. Medi: men In St. leleruburg have decided investigate (110,7 mane; chosely, thromth and of physicians. Mediral men In St. leleruburg have decided to investigate (he, manner chosely, as they are erper-‘nlly anVimvs to nhtnin answe's to two questions :â€"First, drflE‘ 1hr: lomper:‘lum of [ersons who remnin torpid and who sleep for whole m'-n‘ha in 'his Pnsh'nn undergo nny change; and second, in wth olhnr manner, if any, does this: mode of liv- ing a’fect persons physically and. mentally? ' .Duxing the hat two yvnrs 41,375 men have been ki led in bnltle. The Boers reques gel-'5 pemfission to leLs, but be refused. The longest newspaper title in ex- istence is that of a Greenland pub- lication, which rejoices in tha euphon- ious designation of “Arrangagliotio Natinginnavnik Sysarammas Sivik.” Water in Sou precious as gold ilely more preci nesses a terrible President Kruger is an have put a tax of from L ty per cent. on the output burg gold mines. It“. In mar. duliclum Lhan .hmm Sold only In Lend l‘nchu. La Yosoana O’KEEFE “ Pharaoh ma: HAVE YOU TASTED Profits,etc. .8803.081.50 uom’ivb'éb‘ MEDICAL DIRECTOR! J. THORBURN, M. 1)., Edin CEYLON GREEN TEA ? {lf‘gf’za «flaw FE’R .. . . .. . . .e23,045,403.oo cious. le drou 744.8?553 148653 81 I and San .1 Adam. L‘sronto. 0 Elm A0331. h Africa is often as and sometimes infin- life, lessen thyi ‘n thy Certificate. ed President Kru- use Dumdum bul- I! hm. otannby. an v 063" War. fiTBp MALT ELIANCE (‘16 AP. ACTOR! . Homes $524,418.01 ...s 4,929,140.00 :ém/ YJWX- $3,336,710.21 $3,565,477.36 nounced to hirty to. fit- of Johannes- 1,416,982.68 579.939 37 559,993.62 834,651.79 221,665.37 194821.42 28105.96 8,041,059.?5 y year wit- 1 some part. 5870,9740: 584,263.82 977,451.6 833,592.33 137 710 21 r298 24 074.75 394.16 That teller ought to go into bu-"i- ness and fail. said the tramp to his partner about a man from whom he had a'k-yd a small favor. VVhy' He oomprcmiwd wid me fer fifty cents on the dollar. Hm" jou melan? W’y. I stru k Maria a dime and he Are numb (Tamrrh (‘ure is when in‘ermxlly, and MILE di~ rec”) on I hehluod ind mun-nus mlrfuvca. Halli-x (‘atarrht nre is x‘otmq'u k Invdvcine. It Wm prescribed by mm of the he ! pnysu‘ i mu m Ihis mnmry Ior ym I, and isarcgulur pICuL'YID‘i n. It i; compmed of Lhr bCHL loniw knmvn cam. hinv d l'ViIh we bt-nf blood purifiers, auung d’ rnvty on the mucous uurfucevn. Tho purr at. combir‘ation of tho two iugrcdmnm is what ya odures such wonderful remim in cuninx Catnrr-‘n. >end Mr [enlln‘oni Is free F‘. J, f‘HH‘IEY 8:, C()., l’rups., Toledo. 0. Sold by drqums. prim-e 756. Hall'u Fmtu P1115 are the best. NJ, indze-J ; if :1 girl re ‘een timon, I'd knuw'l luck nol to marry such bardâ€"handed girl. \vifh LOCAL A? PLIC.\ HUN.“ ma they cnnnfl reach Iho a ll of line di~owc. l “ta!” h i: a hlnod 01' (0113 film r~n Al (Manse. and m - nlel' Lo rum ‘ 3011 um: t mks internal remnant Ha] '.~ (Tntarrh (‘ure is taken in<ernully, and not: di- rectly on I hehluod and mlwnus Flll’fnCCR. Hall’s Damn-PH nv-e in potaqlu k mmhcxne, It. WM prewribed by mm of me he 2 pnysl‘ i ms In this mum" Ior ym I. nnd irarcfllllzu‘plescrip'i n. If wind blows on you through a hole; Get. a certificate and take care of your soul. dmggmu refund {he'ménlflr'ii (All: usuclfio: 15c. E. W. Gron'a mg nature In on such box. “'hcre bread is wanting nH's to he snld, if you don‘t prepare for the fu- ture. A message travels over an ocean able at about 730 miles a. second. \" l' C 1013 81'. JAMES’ HOWE-06vva um hlocks frvm U. P‘ lulu-y FuflLâ€"OICII ()ommermd Huuu. Modem In- ‘mo-uu~nuu moderate AVENUE HOUEE and by Llo Sol-l |- llv «THIng turn 1nd I [or " Mrs W The “ Balmoral,” Free Bus Hotel Carslake. £2111'21TJ1 Curbolic Dislnfccfants. Soapo. Olnt ment. Too”! Pcwdrys, (Men jun-e been awarded 100 medals and diplomas for superior excellence. 'l‘hI-ir regular use prevent infecti‘ nun diseases. Ask your dea‘nr to obtain a supply. Lists mailed (ran an applimtion. Carters for I312. Improved and unimprvvod. One-fifth cash. Intending sealers ml] and got. benefit of fifteen yeam' e "thence 9: no dimicL Lo some in. A. W. AUSTIN. m,-_»;- FOP OVEk MR3, WINSIAHV'S 80‘ é: firérouw éhsluburs. Turouuo. ‘HIE DI! MOINES lNOuBATOHâ€"Baat and cheapest n pnllnnnl inlA mum Inrlhn hnvuininu RI-nd an orkélland. anle Agent for the Dominion. Sfind73ct stump for catalogue. 373 81.. Paul Street, Menus-l Eaaei‘iars Matti! und hlurider. 5;. t $1 a box. Write for finniéulan. The lndinn Catnrrh Guru 00.. 146 8:. Juliana. Montreal. The Dawson Gomnfission 00.. Limiied, Cor. Wost- Market & Colbomo St. Toronto, Ind other PR6DIIQE. to ensure bouleéults pounng 997153. was, APPLES; AGENTS, “'° yeah plrfinulua HARRIS fififfiafif 15mg: Wholenle only. Long Dinnnce Telephone1729. Take 1.31:“an Bromo Quinlno 'l‘nblom Catarrh Cannot be Cur-ed h LOCAL A; PLIC.-\ r1ch a: they me a R Nuhon, Mnnvvenl‘ Gan PRESENTATWE MANOHES' créppér Bros.. 93 Lombard St., Toronto, Ont 'ro (‘I‘RR l fill." l“ 0V! DAY THE CIIEERFUT. VIE‘V Wricé In ycru :uperstitious r 137 WATCH FREE 744;»? av 3w MONTREAL HOTEL DIREO‘I’ORV‘ THE TRJAMP‘S IDEA CALVERT’S SPEED OF CABLES WILLIAM 3T., TORONTO. OOLD cums 10¢. Curcain a 113: P. Me- (‘ormacx & 00,. Agents, Montreal. .l)\V'S 80‘ rt (or their iuick' (or _|'vnrtivulam and furnish rotor 501 McKmnon Budding. Toronto We have Chip? hnutiagllinx FIFTV VEAN$ YTIHNG SYRUP lhronghoun the world. B- nlow l mmthmu a, my. Mills. Mills & Hales Barristars,etc..removed to Weakney 81:133.. Rich- mond St. W.. Toronto. he good Wises 3 and Mvfllll r Com-Kn Avenue Family How] um 81.50 \VANTFID w Bus am: “Jung-30m»: mu 8] n tiny I) . ‘Upp. 'srnluko & Co. mp I. use You” 8%.. “HOMO. em. ’lo sand [or on! enmnleto SHEEI MUS-I0 CATALOGUE and SPECIAL RATE OF DISCOUNT. WI In Oqulppofi to In uov MUSIC TEPA'aflfl MICInan Whalcy. Rayon permanently cure: (‘Marrh u! now. D throat. Iton‘leh about the 1 ma ihirâ€" in great obstinate, hnl bun mp I Land 11:! Catholic Prayer Rn] sinus Pmlurn, Statuary. n n‘,,.-,.m. ... . Sausage C enan Hog ('n-‘m (uh. 0n MIFI' Loon Luu- In wunnbln term! " amnsn AMERICAN avenue: '60.- Look to: “cum. In yvxur mwn. or and direct, Montreal, Toronto. Ottawa, Quebec mull] flock. znnrnnbeein; lune dividends; “so an In. lulmeut amok payabm in nloulhly mailman". \lrnwln u-h dividend . hull yean‘ Parties mmtinz sat: In mfluhlo huvosunent should Curreapnnd with his Sun Savings and Loan 00.. Toronto. cunh tiividcnd . l rofllnble inn-L «mu! Ind Lnu llmnblu Icrllll U'icLl. unto un. moprdented dim rncu THE"?! LnLhe" 2 Smke 2‘3 5p“. iPuVUVe Apply; Lo E‘ to. II nook. [unrlnteeing llrge dividendl; unlmcnt nook paynlm e in monthly Immlmen Clnh dividend . hm "any. Pumas walnlin I hnlbrenv new; “in h Smery {null flomnian Line mm.” Portland. Me.. to Liverpool, VII Halilnx. Large and fast Steamers Vancouver, Dominion, Cambroman. Raw 0! pawns: Tint. Cabin Sgfl upwudl; 8m! Cabin. $36; Star-go. $22.50 and h'.‘ 50. Far farmer "Hun-anion nvply Lolocal Monti. or DAVID TOBRANCE a 00.. Genorll Agent... 11 Eli. Sacramnnn 3L Manned. QQCOA PAENT Monrylonnrdfin (aâ€"vurahla terml; BEBE," "lulud i-l E iiis'éh FPWR’Q 000 ACREi GOOD FARMIN GRATEFULâ€"COMFORTING. vezm Michigan Lan EEWWEiflWE "MW Our Mclhod Is sure and has cured thousandsâ€"some pronounped lncunblc. erlc at oncc. Bookch and Proof on request. 444"" THE MOST NUTRITIOUST WE ARE OFFERING WE ARE BREAKFASTâ€"SUPPER. L EYLuN TEA gfififiifimafigfi “owing RFOONI en nsvd but little This is an Age of improvement. What was best yesterday is ugly a poor second (0-day. M. l'lEl ()g PA! Lulu l'umpany. l'ur-rnh}. mom“) loanndon run; “cut: wuuud In unrepruanhd dub ANfimR s PETROLEUM EMULSION lr‘ y! of ulifl'ércnr sizcai 5 Blackij My}: N SBIIT, \Voodgcock. Ont. o. a J. snout IQQ-AM§I 'ln' 1 bell and your work I J. A gvnc. Went Bny City. Mich UURL‘H. Wlnuemura. Mlun. OFFERING T0 INVESTORS BOND-HAND ‘ly 4 foot T0 ENVESTORS WHY-O um :ier Chemical Co. aw Toronto fiflLE I K WELL Gleanlng I RICAH 00., Windsor 6 91940371; IUCNAC H for :su LowEu'terpriau‘lVg l‘iu‘v; and will be mldon on Books. [In clhxcs. n a co..' err Hack plishi! A most efficient substitute for codâ€"liver oil, pleasant to the taste, anti agreeing with the most sensi- tive stomach. Used by physicians in the treatment of all throat and lung troubles, and - if results count for anythingâ€"almost no limit to the good it can do. 53de bottle mailed lb In} nddreu comely» of :0 cents (o covu poet-gt. M A CHINE RY Sale. marina. Cru ItapuIJra u'lun'lrcalr I o Inlln u. (Ir-"um h- ‘Jlus m“ A. Ramsay & Son. :9 MONTREAL, THE PAINT MAKERS. An! NEW ANNOUNCEMENT EVERY WEEK WATCH THIS SPACE Dr. Ulrie Gabourg, I’luntngnnet. Una Jurlgn A. C. Chndwir‘k, Guelph. Opt} C. J. Mickle, B.A., (Wesley, Ont. 'Rev. John Downie, \Vntford, Ont. L. Dampier, Mgr. Bank of Commech Stmthroy, Ont. Peter Hope. merchant. Perth. Ont. Jns Moffatt, merchant, Amherst. NS To! the 0 lorleufirnnauory C m I. Alll‘n’. "IBIS"- The Canadian Reine Safety BOILER Druxgtus. or 381 Queen “I. Toro'mu Esplanade, app. Sherbourno st. High Glass Water Tube steam Boflers, for Ail Pressures, Duties and Fuel. SEND FOR DEL’SCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. Relemnues For can 033; nq Th 0 s'r ~1 R h'h unLO WW"be Ln: was" mm. 53.. m5“. IL" alme than hon-n may be «on working. NEURALGIA, SCIATICA, Muscuun, INFLAMMATORW Gou‘r. LuMnAco. RHEUMATIG PARALVSIS. hSTHMA LEA'oiéacuczs'. 15.56.40. so and eco‘ 0:11., caia/‘afla \HMON SENSE KILLS Kouhua. Had ' mm. Rum Anq “maximum by nll QW .3,“ 05‘, (’53 @Qw V / 'The ad'srleas Crematory Closet 00., Hamllton, l AfiSM’g WIN â€"FORâ€" Throgm_llsotr1e mm 00., mm} Th: '1‘ Eaton 00.. 1b. MMBPLHAUFA JOHI J. IAIN, Supt. and TI“. ! [0-day WW To ronta oronto. Ontd mnnville. Ont. names of a 30 are usinn am we haw. milad: u . Limlwd. thM I mil. a as 00., Limiw On Yuu and ry Lrulh WW."

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