Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Mar 1900, p. 8

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Until turther uétice Hails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Office as follows:â€" MORNJ‘I} 8.05 EVENING .. ., .. 5.40 N.B.â€"-Regiaterod Letters must be handed in It least Flfteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned houra for closinv Episcopal Church-â€"Servicea at 8 p. In. every Sunday. Presbyterian Churchâ€"Services at 11 a. 11].. and 'l .111. Sunday thool 0.1; 2.30. I’myer meeting ednesday evening. Roman Cutlmlic Church-Services on ulter- nnte Sundavs at!) a. m. and 10.30 a. m. Methodist. Churchâ€"Services at 10.30 2).. m.. and 7 p. m. - Sunday School at 2.130. Geneml prayer meeting Thursday evening. ' “ ' I V“ I! nlhn‘n Ml’nn ___.1 A â€"R§chfixond Ludfiu. A F and A M â€"Meets Mon- dav on or before full moon CourtRichmoud. A O Fâ€"Meets second and lourth Friday Ivy Lodge. A O U Wâ€"~Meetsfnurth Tuesday of each month Camp Elam. S 0 s ~Meets second and fourth Wednesday R T of ’l'empomnce-Meets first Wednesday of each montu Fire Brigudeâ€"Meets first Monday of every month Public Lthry and Reading Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. Thursday and Suturuav evenings Epworth Leagueâ€"Meets every Friday. Losde P R Crossing a176, 7.20. 9.40. n a 1.30, 2.40. 3.30. 510. 7.45 p. 111. Leave Richmond Hill 8.0r 10.35 a. m.; 12.25. 3.25.425, 6.35. 8.30 p.1n. METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE Leave Newmmrket7.45,9.11.25 a. 111.; 4.a5.5.25 77.30 p. [nu Anyone sending a sketch and deacri quickly nscermi Invention is pro gtlon may n our opinion free w other an babiy patenmble. Communica- tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents 3011!. free. nglest ngenny‘foi- iii-13g natenta. n,‘ ~nnnlu‘n J. H. PRENTEGE cum. “co. \Iluuu- “gum -v. .WN-..“ Patent/s taken throu’h Munu &°CB:;€O§TVG mega! {mm-e, without. 0 £56. in the [3' Wood's Phospho line is sold in Richmond Hill by W. A. Sanderson. Druggxst. A finndsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest dr- cuintlon of any scientific ournnl. Terms. $3 I year; tour xuoyths. 81. So 11 by nleewsdggJu-E. (Of the firm of Eckurdt & Prentice), agent for the Massey-Harris Labor- Suving Machinery, ‘Vagons, Plows, Seutflers, &c.; also the Sawyer In: Massey En ines :md Threshers, the Brantfm-d 'iud-Mill, amd the Upâ€"tn- Date Toronto Fanning Mill. All Massey-Harris repairs kept by H. A. Nicholls. Richmond Hill. Business solicited. / dru ists in Canada. 0111 3'93 ‘ ablifinedicine "gigozereci. ' es gum-a o cure torms of Semafi'efkness. all eflects of am: or excess, Mental Worry. Excessive nae ofi’l‘o buoco. Opium or sumulnnts. Mailed on recelpl of pripe. one aokage S1. six. 35. One will pm “Wage. mpglgcs tree to E9? addrea. _. figAA- fii-Tfl'mflfiofiths. $1. Sold by all newsdealen. UNN: 34:03.51ET°“E??§.NB_WXQYK The Great En lish Remedy. i Sold and recoglmended by a} druggists in Canada. 0111 rel: able medicine discovereci. S’t‘i‘éfitific Hmerican. POST OFFICE NOTICE IUIII‘ u "U. IIUII nu- Brauch Office. 635 F St“ Washington. D. C. Between Toronto and Newmnrkot GOING NORTH OFFICE CLUSES AT 7.30 P M M. TEEFY. Postmaster Village Directory. 6““ «Ix/[7% Effie WW‘E'JnSpen‘“ 'y',"\i*‘in7'ds6i{5il MyUU U11 ionville. GOING SOUTH ihurchâ€"Services on alter- ,. 1n. and 10.30 a. m. -â€"Servicos “10.30 a. 113., and nol at 2.30. Geneml prayer waning. A F and A M â€"Meets Mon- AfiyflfifiE 8.05 5.40 handed in the above 12.25, 2.15, 1.53. 3.16 STANDARD BANK Of Canada 4 Cents per Bag. Genezal Banking Business The undersigned has .1'01‘ sale a new variety of 8933;! Barley. '_‘ Smuky’ ~V'I‘Ee'vgdfié" isrpreriec't’ly clean, yielded for ma last year 41 ushels to the acre. weight 56 lbs. THOS. HOPPER, Transacted. HIGHEST CURRENT HATES PAID (IN DEPOSITS. RICHMOND HILL Abundance oi Puwar CANADEAN PACIFG Sefllers’ To Manitoba. and Canadian North-West will save Toronto every TUESDAY during March and April. ‘ , Passengers travelling with Live Stack should take the train leavmg Toronto at 9 p. m. Passengers travalling without Live SLock should take the brain leaving Toronto at 2 p. m. Colonist Sleeper will be attached to each train. For further particulate and copy (if “ Settlor’s Guide" apply to any Canadian Pacific Agent. or FARM PROPERTY The executors of the estate of the late Jane Norman, deceased, will offer for sale by public auction, by J. T. Suigeon, auctioneer, at Bond's Lake Hotel'l OAK RIDGES, 0n Saturdav, March 3, 1900. The foilowing valuable property. being the south he.“ of lot number (SS, in the 1st concession of the Township of Whibchurch, excepting there- out; that part containing about 2 acres owned and occupied bv Thos. Legge. This farm com. prising 98 acres more or less, is well si'uated on Yongs Street, about. 20 miles from Toronto and 3 miles from Aux-om; electric cars pass the door; school and post. oflice opposite the farm; church convenient. On ".the premises there is a. frame dwelling house containing 8 rooms, wood shed and couch- house uttached,large cellar. frame barn. horse and cow smbles and other outbuildings. The farm is well watered. hnvmg a. neverâ€"failing spring, two cisterns and one well. There is a good orchard of nbcutZ acres; 5 acres 0: fall \vheat.about ‘20 acres of rye, and some 25 acres 1ghing has been done on the pla There is a. valuable gravel piton the farm. yie ing u. .300er revenue. It is anexceedingly sirable place for intending funn purchasers ingpect. c ». .. . ’E. c .â€" â€"'Ferms and conditions will be made known at time of sale. At the same time and mace these will‘ offered for sale by tho execute rs of the estate the late Wiin Norman, pun-t. of the east In 01100 69, 156 concession in the Towusblp of KL west of Yonge Screen. containing 30 acres we or less. On this propercv is a frame barn \vi shone basement. It is all under t-uitivubic well fenced. :2; miles from Aurora, and .ebout mixes from Toronto. fiféififi and conditions made known at time an e. For furtherinformation applv to CHAS. NOPAIAN, ESQ, ’I‘empel'uuceville 0r MERCER & BRADFORD, Solicitors, 31-5 25 King St. \V’., Torontc ficldl Ira scarce. bm thou wno write Sunson & Co. .Porlland, Huunmill receer free, full informanou About Wonk wlflh \hey can do. And Inve It home'me will Hum from $5 to $25 per day. flung b Mill in operation every day except Monday earned on mahsulu: A Branch of this Bank has been opened at On account ofnsnrplus of water W‘ Mager purposes Executors’ Sale Capital Grinding Grain Rest am! gantrfismmts. J'. F. ROWLAND. Acting Agent. A. B.NOTMAN Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent 1 King St. E, - - To: At the hour of 2.30 o’clock p. m., Seed Barley :dT‘i on [re signâ€"ATE” 7 “05¢ Let: sun of um: um: forum‘s. Come One‘ fine-Way Excursms 0F VALUABLE 01311 kinds at $1 4300.000 600,000 Come All Richmofid mu Toronto man! at on“ All i luv. the estate of e east he.“ ship of King acres more 3 burn mm cultivation. m1 ‘abouh 20 u at time of place yiel J- ll be Any Flour will make Bread, but will guarantee AURBRA BELLE l T. F. McMAHON, High Grade Family Flour jOS. HALL, A. MOODIE, --ANDâ€"- The Next Sitting of Division Court. for N0. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room, TUESDAY. APR“. 3RD, 1900, The subscriber would i‘espectfully intimate to the public that having rebuilt the chopping mill And doubled its capacity. he will durinu the busy choppmg season and until lumber notice chop He is also still keeping ALL KINDS 01" LUMBER on hand and in a. few (1375 will b. pyegareifig sggply DRESSED LUMBER of all ._v“,‘ .u“ «u.mnnvun A: all kinds at lowest prices. Patronage soliclted ; satisfaction guaranteed - MM. WPPENS THE SUN Life Assurance 00., Monday. “’ednesday and Sat- III-«lay of each week. LIBERAL OFFICE ness in Assures on all the modem plane, and Is 9119 of the most Drosgerops qnd progressive compames 1n exxstence. BDVE "\‘NTANTED â€" SE parqus in mi To make more bread. lighter bread and bread that will keep moist Ion rar, and better flavor- 9 bread with lesslab- Or than any other flour: Bfiéand«1013’fi}i’mw ANIS Sail-roams: ox Made to suit, the people and sold at. a, reasonable price. Premiums low, policies unconditional an uonforfeitable. - Take a. policy with the district agent, It is strictly NAUG HTON BROS. Henry Marsh. RICHMOND HILL pe. Herbert EIGEMDED Elma, _0N_ Couunencing at 10 a. 1n. ’1‘. F. MCMAHON, CLERK BIAPLE OF CANADA FLEURENG MéLLS. NEW SELL IT. YERAL TRUSTWORTHY mtme to manage our busi- and nearby counties. It. is :onductred at home. Salmy and expansesâ€"definitebonaâ€" less salar . Monthly 575. 59 self-ad ressed stamped E. 11655, Pres-4:. _Dept. M, RICHMOND HILL TEE LIBERAL and the Weekly Globe THE LIBERAL and the Weekly Mail THE LIBERAL and the Weekly Sun THE LIBERAL and Canâ€" CLUBBEEG RATES THE LIBERAL Daily World TEE LIBERAL THE Daily Mail THE LIBERAL and the Westminster. THE Farming 1' ' V THE LIBERAL and the i Montreal Star,& 2 pictures ' Every family should haveha local paper and a city paper. Subscribe now. THE CONFEERATION LlFE WELEENS & CO. Also represent the \Vestern Fire Insurance, York Mutual Flre, London Guarantee and Accident Company, Appralser for we": ‘:'e':-m‘“ and 3:. days (Turpeny. Hasjust published a new set of pamphlets giving full par- ticulars regarding the different plans of Life Insur- ance. The Unconditional Accumulative PoliCy is one of the best policies, guaranteed, ex- tended Insurance, Paid up Policy and Cash Value. Pamplets will be sent on application to P. G. SAVAGE, District Agept, 166 and 168 King St. East, 3 doors west of George Street, Toronto. Facts far Imumnce RICHMOND HILL. Evening Globe E LIBERAL and the Daily, €519va E LIBERAL and the Evening Star adian THE LIBERAL. LIBE WELKINS & 00.. F. EaraeflEiQN “ THE LEERALv” LIBE EAL and Home Journal IRAL and the VVI'I‘H {51L and the and the Brace and 6_-best auger bitts 01in $1.25. 240 lb. Platform Scales, only . $5.00 4 1b. Butter Scales, $2.00 1200 Platform Scales only $16.00 RICHMOND HILL 150 :75 MO 1.75 3.56

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