Rumodelled, and newly furnished throughout. One of me most convenient and cumertablo hotels on Yonge Street. Every modem coxâ€" venience. Sample mum (or commercqu travellers. Anidealstupping place {or riding or driving psrtiea.bicyclists. or {armara going to or returning from market. Electric cars passthe door. proved method} 'rmws $1.00 PER DAY. JOHN I'ALWBR‘ - (La-mate of the Ontario Vetsrinary Cnlleae. with diploma. from the Ontario Veterinary DentnlSehool.willvisitMupm on Monday and Friday of each week, and Concord on Friday 11'ng _X7t073 p_._m. Calls [gromptly attandefl to . wr.v.._,.“_, wuuuuuuu nu Disaaéhé (Sfï¬ï¬eéicuttle and other domesticat‘ on animals treated by the latest and moat ap- _â€"n..mi ... an. ,. : _ Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. HULSE HOTEL, Von. XXII». VETERINARY SURGEON PALMER HOUSE RICHLIO ND HILL. Telephone 3368 for appointment Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. 3:. W. Cecil Traï¬ter, B. .5; DENTIST, LT "5E LIBERAL PRINTINGJL~ PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. \Vill be in Richmond Hill every \Ved m'sd ay. Omanâ€"Next dour szvuth of Public Schooi. THURSDAY MORNING- Room 12, 124 Victoria St., Toronto. Best ï¬tting tooth, also replnting, at- prices. Good work. DR. '1‘. A. CUREIE, Dentist, (Successor to Dr. Cecil Trotter) . Oddfellnw‘s Bldg†Toronto, cor. Yongo and} College SL5... Tuman rm. LANGSTAFF; RICHMOND HILL. Ofï¬ce Hours :â€"8 b0 10 a. m.; 12 to 2 p. 111.; 7 to 9 p. m. Cor. Eloor'und Sipzldma Ave 'l‘broauo. ' Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. TRipans Tabules: pleasant laxative. :J.GALLAN0UGH, .'. F. McMAHON. BIAPIJE. THOROUGH LY REFITTED. flem‘ber Comma Physicians and Rm 6 at. $1 per annum, in advance.' ‘6 VETERINARY SURGEON, 'I‘hornhill. ' VETERINARY DENTIST. RICHMOND HILL. RICH. MON D HILL DR. L. LAWRASON, OFFICE IEGUFRS Slolnam: 83039“: BUSINESS CARDS. Elm: IS PUBLISHED EVER Y ileum. Wm. Regen» 1) mx‘t‘x st , Enron 5: Pnornmron. Sï¬fttcrinzu'y . Moilroy, â€"-A)ZD-â€" Wraiml. gum; 'geonu, Prop ré'g EM tccommodatiou to guestl. Banning) verda "‘ " ' Licensed Auctioneer 101- the General sales of implements, timber. etc. .uttended on (.119 1 M reasonable rates. Patrouugmoucited. 1'. U. ad‘ Liceuapd Auctinuezr for the Counties 01 York marl Ontario. All sales of farm stock, die" at- tended td nu the shorted, notice and reunonable mtew. Murtguga and bailiff sales attended to. Residence. Stouï¬â€˜ville, Out. A large stock of Funeral Furnishings ‘ kept at both places. Licensed Auctioneers for the County 01 York salesmneudod to on shortest. notine and at ren.‘ souublerateu Patroxmgesnlicited. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHIIL Licenseu Auctioneers for 3118 County of York. Goods sold on consignment. General sale? of utock.etc..promyt1y amended to at reasonable mtsa. G.1€.uouldmg. Newton 8.130014, agent. for tho above. LicensedAuctioneers 102' the County spoctfully solicit your patronage a: lnfluenco. sales attended on the 61.0: and A reasouur-emtea. Liponsed Auctioneers for SALEM Ecmum-‘r, 6:) Winchester St. Toronto J. 'l‘. Suigoon. Richmond um East Toronto Ofï¬ce. Mr. Grant's residence, Woodbrldge, every evening. Thorniï¬il.each Wednesday from 10 to 12. JOHNSTON, ROSS & FAL- CONBRIDGE; Barr-issuers, JANES BUILDINGS, Tonox'ro. E. F. B. Jo:fl -.;I‘(§'N_ Q‘ _C: N GEORGE 13¢ as Money to Luau IaneaBu-ilflify‘g, 75 Yonge St. (cor. King).Toront-o‘ St-.. East. Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursd afternoon of each week Barristers, Solicitors, etc‘ TORONTO OFFICE: Ho. 1. At' HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses T. Ham;an LENxc COOK & MACDENAEJ Aurora. nfliceâ€"erm’ed tn the old mm door west of the cutr 'Ouzunu Rank. Newmarbeh oriï¬ceâ€"Three duors 5‘ Lust (mice. Mouev to loan on Honey to loan at 5 per cent. LENNOX a: MORG Suite 77 and 7S Freehold me Build- ings, cor. Adelaide and Victoria Streets, Toronto. LEBERAL 0mm, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. NOTARY PUBLIC. Undvrflikors a Embahncrs, C STOKES 25 KING ST}! E7. éflfléfl’, GEEE’EME EQE‘ERW mm MM & smgg Harriet-er. Solicnnr. {Souvevnnoen Pablic, Etc. 158 31:10 STREET EAST. Toncxro RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE MONEY T0 LOAN AT Barristers :nui smut-ï¬lers. RI. T133131: VVRIGH‘I' BRO S 'ster Bum Baking! «8: Pa entice Snigcon & ï¬zcEwcn Rit‘hmond Hm on Wednesdays SPENCER LOVE, Barristers, Solicitors, .d'c Makes & “laugh. .l. I). Readnmn, cbioueer {or the County of York. 5 of implements, iurniturestunding Mtegded on the shortest notice and COMMISSIONER IN THE J. DI l‘u‘uknxnmbcn N. E. Smith. F. LAWRENCE, ,Solicitor. Notary, ace. 13â€"11mm doors south of the 1am! and elm-Me! mortgages at lowest tithes. RICHMOND HILL, THURS!) 1‘3. MN “(7H .8, 1900. Aumm. Eï¬mnl. (6 In Essentials, Unity; in Non~Essentials, Liberty ,- 0. address Maple. )2' the County of York ,x'e- patronage and friendly yd on the sLortcst noticr P. 0. address Kim: E: No. 1, Adam ' ‘ Monmx mum em post ofï¬ce. the entrance to the J. H. PRENTICB Uniouvixle Te] eph one 2661 Telerbrne 2064 K. McEwen, Weston. ', Notary WAN, hewmarkct D BLOUGS ay OTTAWA, March 3â€"The satisfaction which was felt when the debate upon the Address concluded in twu sittings is being sadly modiï¬ed by the waste of time. which has characterized the Eroceedings of Parliament during the alunce of the ï¬rst month of the Session: and this past Week has been worse than any of its predecessors. One afternoon was entirely taken up with a debate on Yukon matters which was simply a reminisCence of the no- torionsdiscussions of last session. The leader nf the Opposition introduced the discussion with a rehearsal of a number of the old fmnilinrcharges Sir Hibbert Tupper threw mound so indiscrimin- ately last summer, but the only eï¬â€˜ect uf the debate, beyond demonstrating the fact after six months more hunting up evidence nothing further has been discovered but another anonymous letter writer, was to give an oppor- tunity to the Minister of the Interim- to demonstrate the care, and business- like attention which had been given to the regulations governing the admin- istration of affairs in that t'u‘riturv. PLAYING TO THE GODS. Another afternoon was devoted to a display of pyrou chnirs from Mr. Speaker’s left, anent the alleged frauds in the late byeâ€"elections in “’est Huron (ESPECIAL CARS will leave Nm-th Toronto and Newmax-ket at 7 p.m. :md 7.15 p.1u. respectively and return at the close of the Concert. P. G. SAVAGE, Reeve Richmond Hill. ‘1‘. F. MCMAHUN, Chairman. Sen-utax-v. ll. Rrading. Progrmnme to Commence at 8 o‘clock 10. RICHMOND HI uL, Irridav If. van in g March Mb, 1900 ..PROGRAMME .. Patriafcio Concert ! Our Ottawa. Letter. Song Song" Sung. Cornet Solo Reading Reading Song Bending Song Sung T' ‘ 401mm Song. Song.. Song... . ~ Em pim Tublenn Song . . . . , . . . . . . Reading Song... Cox-net Solo. . . Reading. . Sung LIEUTENANT T. HERBEm‘ LENNOX WILL OCCUPY THE CHAIR MISS FLORENCE G. BEiL. MISS EDYTH SWITZER - - A‘ General Admission 25 Cents. In aid (if the National Patriotic Fund To be held in the Masonic Hall, MISS ESTELLA BUTCHEIL Miss ESTELLA BUTCHER. MISS FLORENCE G. BELL. Positiver N0 Encores. MISS ETHYL SWITZER. MISS MARY TRENCH‘ I’Alï¬ '1‘ I. MR. FRANK KmXER. MR. FRANK Kmxmz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘We‘x-e Britons None the MR. JOHN KIDNER./ Mus EMMA BYAm MR. A. S. SAVAGE. “‘hile There’s u Thread in the Old British Rag MB. A. S. SAVAGE. .MISS EMMA BYAM. M 183 EVA P Mlss EVA FETCH . .If That’s the Case I \Vunt to Join the Army MR. JNU. KIDNER. Mzss F. CROSBY. MISS F. CROSBY Mn. E. MAISON. / MR. E. M ASON. EVA FETCH. \Vliile there was small jusjiï¬cntinn for the time taken up in these two mattels there was little if any more in the wearisome debate upon the resolu- ' tinn to provide $2,000,000 to pay the expenses of the South African Contin- gents. Watching the debate fmm the . press gallery, one could not help cnm- ' ing to the conclusion that the Op- | position were 5n rattled at. the chafliug I thy hadreceh‘edfor collapsing so come and Brock-ville. Considerable time andala-i'ge amount of public money was wasted last session by the Opposition in a desperate attempt to unearth crookedness in connection with these matters. but after examin- ing nearlya hundred Witnesses they were no further on than they were at the start. At, that time the Govern- ment granted every possible facility for a. thorough investigation, and again on Tuesday intimated their anxiety to assist in the proper admin- istration of juctice if any wrongdoing had occurred; but it is greatly to he feared that the Opposition is not. half as anxious to carry out a ligitimate in- quiry as they are to convey the idca to’the electors that the Liberal party has been implicated in corrupt election practices. regardless of whether there is any evidence to justify such an im- pression or not. Tentng on the 01d Camp Ground _. H . .n Who Carries the Gun ? in all things, Charity." Great Britain and Her Culonies THE CONTINGENT VOTE. Tho Absent-Minded Beggar ACCOMPANIST. Britain and the Tz-answuxl My Own Canadian Home Ordered to the ant The Queen’s Letter The Ensign Bearer Ereole Love Song Danny Deever .Call Me Back Selected Secrflary. Bob-o-link Matching Selected Selected Selected Selected Sir Fullowipg is school report for Feb- rum‘y :â€" Sr. IVâ€"Ernest Bowvs,Edgur Bowas, Ada Miles. J 1-. IVâ€"Elmm-e Reunmn, George Miles, Alonzn \Vntson. Jr. IIIâ€"Fred Milvs, Flora. Gollnnd, Percy Fisher. Norma Fisher, Margaret Stewart. Jr. IIâ€"Beutrico Reaman, Ross Charlton, Chas. Poole, Maud Pnole. Part 11~Albert Buwos, Jesm Bowvs. Sr. Pt. Iâ€"Ella RemnamRoss Fisher. Presgyt every dayâ€"Ernest Bowos. ~~~ Sr. 11~Ethel \Vhitmore, Estella. Rennmn, XVilkie Bowes. Jesse Farrell, “Walter Stewart. a like result is being ‘reached. Schemes for the erection of smelting and blast furnaces and nickel reduction Works, are being developed in various parts of the country, as for example in the city of Hamilton where a Wealthy syndicate has been organized for the manufacture of nickel in quantities which in theicoursebf a year will in that one concern alone exceed the total output of the present time. SlMlLIAR ENTERPRISES ARE UNDER WAY at Sault Ste. Marie and other places. The importance of this is greatly en- hanced by the fact that for all practi- cal purposes Canada and New Caledon- ia are the only two countries in the world where nickel has been discover- ed in any quantity, and the demand for it is rapidly increasing. One re- sult of that increase last year was to raise the price about five cents a pound with the result of further ad- \‘ances during the present year. The production of this very necessary arti- cle has attracted much attention in the great manufacturin centers of the. old world and the hngineering News (London. Eng.) in an article discussing the situation, concludes that the great- est bar to the increased cm loyinent of nickel steel by engineers, )e-yond a few cases Where great quantities are not required and where cost does not count, is the questionable ability of present known mines to produce the. requisite supply at reasonable prices. Sr. IIIâ€"Pearl Pearson, Percy Farrell. pletely in the debate on the Address‘ that they were bound to talk on some- thing, whether there was necessity or not. To all intents and purposes the House was unanimous, and had gentle- men in the Opposition benches who spent so much time in protesting their loyalty been thoroughly genuine in the position they assumed, it would scarcely have been necessary to so vehemently contend for that which most people would have, been prepared to take for granted. The French pro- verb, “S’excuse, s’accuse,†Would ap- pear to fit their case. LET WELL ENOUGH ALONE. In the cmu-se of an editorial on the grOwth of Canada the other day, the Toronto Globe briefly sums up the sit- uation as follows :â€"“ The truth is that Canada. is doing very well. and all that is necessary is for the alarmists, honest and dishonest, to leave it alone. There is not a British statesman who would not be ready to sin his nunc dimittis if every part of t to British Empire were in as sound and prosperous a con- dition. Industrially there is life and hope everywhere. The fertile prairie plains of the west are. being rapidly settled. The development of the min- eral wealth of British Columbia has become an old story. Ontario and Quebec are realizing the extent of their resources m mine. and forest. The pulp and paper industry are re- ceiving a stron impulse through the contracts for tie supply of paper to Several London journals. The foreign trade of Canada for the seven months ending with January was $227,653,842, a gain of $31,036,470 over the seven months; corresponding of the previous year, which would mean a gain of $50,000,000 for the entire year. The other day one of the English papers said the. word colony was no longer applicable to such countries as Canada and Australia, that they Were in reali- ty nations; and the British Empire is distined to become a league ofselfâ€"gov- erning nations, free and equal, and each taking its due share of duty and of power.†CANADA‘S NICKEL MONOPOLY. I have previously called attention in this column to the splendid results al- ready becoming apparent from the lumber policy of the Ontario Govern- ment, Which requires that all lumber must be manufactured within the, Pro- vince, with the result that practicall all the big lumber ï¬rms of Michigan are transfering their mills to the Can~ adian side of the lake, and giving em- ployment to thousands of Canadians in the carrying on of the work which has hitherto crossed the boundary line. By adopting the same princi le with regard to the minerals of the roviuce Present, every dayâ€"~El-nest E dgm- Buwz‘s. Aggrvgntvattendance for mnnt Highest duliy uttvndance. 40. E. J. A. 3021 257931, Tm [Single copies; 3 cts. Concord. No 36 usher. 472.