Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Mar 1900, p. 4

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Nothing of vital importance has transpired from the war centre since the relief of Ladysmith by Lord Dun~ donaid. The relief to the beieagured town came not a day too scan as star- vation was already staring “the 'in- habiz‘zrts in the face, and many were {VBELF "1"" 1‘ "1" bx gicknass imwi An all assuming anxiety to win a little cheap applause is leading Oppo. sitionists to do curious things these days, and sometimes their action is, to put it mildly, not in the best possible taste. Conservative Whip Taylor, for example, inquired on Thursday whether the Government intended to take any steps to erect a monument at the Capital in memory of the Canadians who had fallen in South Africa. The Premier's digni- fied reply conveyed a well-deserved snub to the fu§y little gentleman from South Leeds. He said ” The Government believes that so long as the war lasts all our efforts should be devoted to fighting the battles of the empire. and when the war is over the Government will be eager to re- member not only the dead but the living as well. The invasion of private property by students of McGill University, Montreal, carrying before them the national colors, is greatly to be de» plored. Such lamentable demonstra~ tions are always in bad taste, and en- danger the friendship which should exist among the various races in the Dominion. Some of the French jour- nalists in Quebec, the same as some of the rabid partizan journalists 'of this province, may be in a manner re- sponsible for much of the bad feeling caused by inflammatory editorials, but students of such a noted university as McGill is, should be slow to give offense. The French, after the relief of Ladysmith, may not have been as demonstrative as some would like, but it is folly to ask men to shout it it does not proceed from the heart. It is important in the present crisis that the British, who are standing for the cause of justice and liberty, should be victorious over their brave but misguided opponents. but it is also important that the different races in Canada should live together in peace and good-Will. Next Tuesday, March 13, the Rev. C. M. Sheldon proposes to commence conducting a daily newspaper, The Topeka, Kansas, Capital, as an ex- periment on strictly Christian lines. We presume that these lines will be in accordance with the author‘s views as exemplified in his popular volume, “In His Steps.” In his new ven- ture the author has the advantage of his ideal proprietor of “ The News.” He has a world-wide prestige, and the result will be a world-wide pat- ronage. The very statement of a proposal to run a daily newspaper, taking as the motto, “What would Jesus Do ? " has created a universal curiosity so that subscriptions are al- ready flowing in with every mail and from every continent. The rush is expected to be so great that the posâ€" i 63.1 authorities have to increase their‘ facilities so as to be able to forward the orders and supply the demands. Should the publication of the paper he continued for any length of time, and when the novelty has somewhat subsided, and curiosity gratified, 'there might be required a Virginia Page or some other millionaire to subsidize the enter-prize. RICHMOND HILL. March 8, 1900 flew Adâ€"Jurry Emmi. Légal Cardâ€"Jnh‘flhahjiibgé-t chonbridge‘ Hotel Curdâ€"Mrs. W. Hulae. Quaâ€"F. .1. Gaugnqugh, V. S. @112 fli‘nmal. Changeâ€"H. C. Bailey. haugeâ€" Wllkius a Co. nughuu Council «Jan. B. McLean. filerk's Noticaâ€"C. E. Stiver. _ NEWSPAPER EXPERIMENT. New Advertisements. The Inn-I6 V‘is beFIééfily clean. yielded {01- me last year 11 ushelsto the acre, weight 561ba. The undersigned has im- ssle a new variety 0! Sean Emmy. 1‘ Stanjeyi" THE - LIBERAL HOUSE PA IN TER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. w. HEWESON, GflLB . The néxt meeting of will be held at Bond‘s Luke. C. PATTERSON, SIMEON LEMON, Clerk. Reeve. ,v x. V «7. .». Rngersâ€"nggeâ€"«fllut the tender of S. H. Lundy, nf the Aurora Bannm', for the township printing and ad- vextising for the year ending Max-ch lst. 1901, he acceptedâ€"Carded. Rogersâ€"ng'gCâ€"tbat the auditm-s’ report; of the treasure-1’s accmmts for the year ending Dec. 31, 1899. be and the sun+e are hereby accepted and al- lowed, and the I-eevo and, we clerk are hereby instructed to sign the sumo.â€" Carried. - John McCallum was engagvd to 0p- omte road machine this year at $4 per dav, he to furnish besides himsvlf om- man and team, and to operate in southern division. RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL‘ Mr. John Burns was instructed to purchase- from the “'ilkinsmx Plow Co. 24 bottoms for road scrapers to re- pair thosg that have lwcume worn. King council hPld m1 ndjmn'nvd meeting at Hogan‘s hotel un Sutur- dzly. March 3rd. The following bills worn paid : S. H. Lundy, advertising, $1 : D. Blough, services as auditor, $8; Lloyd Hullingshoad, servicps as auditor, $8. Joel Edwards was I'vlievcd from cul- lecting $45.58 taxes in the north divis- ion, and \V. 0. Wells from cum-stung $5.99 in the south; in each case there being nothing on the I'ilLl‘d promises to dish-ail). It is to be hoped the concert to be held in the Masonic Hall tomorrow evening in aid of the National Pat- riotic Fund will be well prtronized, not only by the citizens of this vill- age but by those in surrounding neighborhoods and villages. The object is a worthy one, and apart from this a glance at the programme which appears on another page will give assurance that the entertainment will be first-class. Let all who can, endeavor to assist by their presence, so that the committee will be enabled ‘ to forward a cheque which will do credit to this section of country. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. - Roberts and his amiy of some 30,000 men are pushing forward and al- though the Boers are strongly en- trenched in diiferent places the Brit- ish forces hope to drive them from their positions and capture the re- treating enemy. Late dispatches go to show that the Boers refuse to Stand their ground. Lord Roberts tele- graphed yesterday that the enemy were in full retreat, followed by the British troops. King Township Council Subscribe for Seed Barley mu. m nut-a. but thou who write Snnson a Co..l’orllnnd, Kunmvifl raceva fret, full information khan: work which may cnu d0. and live It homeflhu will [my hnm from a. lo 313 per day. Some hue ' ‘ Icr Ier. young or old Clplul I has 1"” u: twat-rt ll cue. le‘wn Aliuav. THosI HOPPER. Richmond mu J H. SARDERSON J A. E. SWITZER. Select (.‘cuncxllur. Financial Sao'v Class PRICES AT FAnMx-zns’ \MGGoxs. Wheat. white, par bush Wheat, red, per bush‘ 0 68 WheuL,~goose, per bush 0 69 Oats. per bush 0 32 Yeas. per bush . 0 60 Barlev, Der bush Turkeys. per lb Blamed Hogs. petcw .. Geese, per 1!) ........ Chickens. per pair Ducks. pot pmr . . . . . Butter. in pound rolls Eggnt fresh .............. Potatoes, p: r 1mg Apples, per bl?! . Hay.clover Hay, timothy . Straw sheaf" I‘D-1 uéâ€"woooooaaco “Olin Al KID-‘0‘- Sgoomsguggmnm Meet in the Ten) emnce Hall on (be first Wod~ new uy of each month. Assessment system. Pa. able monthly. Lady or gent amen. Ici‘ No. 1 and No.2 3011 in Richmond Hill by W, A. Sanderson, Dxuggist. Of Tun-um, Canadaâ€"the coming com pauy fur the farmers of Yurk Co. Business Solicited. GORE, ()F GALT. J. T. SASGEGN, Manchester, of London.Eng., BRITISH AMERICA, GLOBE ~‘ 0mm“ (:05 On the premisvs, Richmond Hill, a thm-ouglihrvd Rvgistrm'vd Jm'SPy Bull, and :t thumughhl-cd pedigreed Berk- shire Boar. ’l‘ei-ms $1.00 Cash. 32â€"tf » T. LUDFORD. ' Richmond Hill. I am prelim-ed to do Family \Vushing'fi. Gents‘ nud Ln-lies‘ tine linen‘a specialty. Work gunk nutecd and patronage solicited. 5l-tf TILLIF. )HXWELI Money to loan on first mortgage {arm ty, nb fivqper cenk ohicugb. VV ANIED â€" SEVERAL TI‘USTWUBTHY persons in this slate to umnagn our busi- nessm their own and nearby counties. It is mmuly office work conducted at- home. Salary straight $900 a. yearand expensesâ€"dvflnitehcnn- fille. no more. no less salary. Monthly $75. References. Enclose self-addressed stamped gl‘lyolope. Herbert E. Hess. Prest, Dept. M. MONDAY.MM'ch icâ€"Credit sale of 13mm stock, implements. d-c , on lot 3. 2nd con. Vaughan. the property olAuLhuuy Bowos. Pale at 1 o’clock. Tel'm‘iS months. Budge-on 6: Mc- Ewenmuotinueers. TUESDAY. March ‘27â€"Cradit sale of farm shock. implements. etc" on 10% 16, Is: con. West Ym-MLnnsing). the property of '11. J. Shep- ard. No reserve. Sale at I o'cIocL’. Terms 8 months. Saigeon «I: McEwen. aucts. IS’PM'ties getting their bills printed at this Ofl‘we will recaivo a. notice simiiar to the above FREE OF CHARGE Ripans Tahules cure nausea. Ripans Tabules; one gives tenet. WEDNESDAY. March H-Credit sale of bones cutie, 61C.. 3‘ the [’nlmur Houso Richmaud Hill. Sale at 1 p. m. Terms “mouths. bai‘ coon & McEwen, auctioneerfi. FRIDAY. March IGâ€"Cudit sale of rum nook. lulplc-memg,e*c.,onlot 22. con. 1, Vuughnu. the property 8)! Robert Ezard. Sale at one U'L'lock. Terms 8 months. Sniuouu 1: Mcâ€" Ewmz. auctioneers. WEpNEmAlemnb Qlâ€"Crrdiz sale horse. cow, Implements, &:::.. on lot 20. ran. 1 Plush Y« rk. Lumeruux store, the property 01 Clans. Mor- ghy. Sula Ht 1 o'clock. Terms 8 months. ,gkm‘dc a'nd Prentxce, nuctinnears. \\'Enm-,mu, Murrh Zlâ€"Ux edit 5qu a! lm-m stovk implumems. dic., 10?. 20, 0011.5. V uuhnn. the propertv ofJ A. MuKlwnon. S!‘ at] p. m. ’l‘vrms‘imonths. Suigeon dz Mel-2mm. auc- tiuuaers. ’l‘acnumy, Mul‘l‘h 22ndâ€"(‘xedit sale of {mm stimk. implements. &c.. on lot. 2]. cm). 3. East. Yorlsnthe propertv of Wm. Jarvis. Sn‘lo n" 1'2 o'clock. Lunch provided. Terms 8 months. Ecknrdt and Prentice. afictioh? oers‘ MoNnAv.Mnrch icâ€"Credit sale of farm stock, immenvenm, &c . on lot 3, 2nd con. Vaughan. the property olAuthuuy Bowgs. Pa)? 31 l igichlnoud Ilill F633 SERVICE 1?; iclnnond I‘lill. The Royal Tempxm of Temperance Aggnt for the fullowing stuck Fire luminance Companies, viz.: Money to Loan YORK MUTUAL, 93 Yonge Street, Toronto. ~- Solid Gold. ...$2.8n’ Best Gold Fill 1.5l ” 5 yrsGold Fill 1.0< Best Glasses... 10( We guarantee perfect satisfaction. 29-h! u xmuwmw wmmmmwmm mfiwgwnm cook's Cotton Rqot anpound A Firatclusa Cash Mutual. OF TORONTO, CANADA. â€"â€"â€"ALSO-â€"-â€" LAUNDRY Enrmnu ailarkris. Sale Register. we \sl,ooo|suoo§ To PATENT Good Idea: may be secured by our aid. Address, THE °"ENT BECORD, more, Md. Enquire at THE LIBERAL Office Br .00 ml‘mrds 0009.1. 31-8 $069 069 000 082 00" 0-17 proper- 13 0(I u m 0. ETA 5" Axe Handles, 5c. up; Crosscut Saws, 50c. per foot up; Axes, 70c. up; Rogers’ Butcher Knives, 100.; Pocket Knives, 5c. to 75c.. Cow Chains, Izgc. Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Hockey Skates, 50 cents, com- plete, and everything sold at a reasonable price. All kinds of T-inware made to order. Gentleman’s, Ladies’ and Children’s Shapes. HARDWARE STORE We are selling Brooms at old prices, viz. : 100., 150., 200., 250. and 800. each to customers. Buy a. And so can afford to give you bargains for your money. Custom work a specialty; repairing promptly and neatly done ROBERT SIVERS THE LlBERfYL ” OFFIGE. argams Day "I You cannot fail to be pleased with your selection. Shoes to suit everybody, both young and old. We are doing a stIictly Repairing Promptly Done. jQB PRINTING ' Any 01,1Lsi‘,orlc1(-‘31fr j a! presenting this g Coupon and 25 g Cents at our store 5% a on Saturday,Mar. 33man g 10, will receive 4 ‘Cans Corn, Peas or Tomatoes. CASH USINESS Come and inspect our new lines of Richlnond Hill NEAT AND ATTRACTIVE H. C. BAILEY, MAPLE DONE AT No. 14. £253}? aond Hill

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