RICHMOND HILL, March 8. 1900 A {food pmgmmmc is the Patriotic unncert (m pustorn. ‘Tlm senior prwn'th nglw meeting has been withdrawn this wen-k on account of the Patriotic CnnCPl't. Max’s pure linen collars. all sizes at 2 for 25c. Atkinson & SWiLZOl'. Px-ntructml Services are bt-ing hold in the Dnnknrd chm-ch near Gnrmley. They are conducted by the Rev. Noah Zook of Kansas. Fn'day alum-noun of this wool: the Junior Epworth League will mes-l, at the home of Mrs. Trench at the usual hour. Tho thjevt; is “130, Glm "â€" Prm‘. 27a1m129. Members are urged to attend. Ladios’ undressed kid ghwvs. regular $1.00 fun-25 cents. Atkinson & Swit- zor. The town ln-H was rung Thursday evening when the good nmvs was con- ï¬rmed that Ludysmitb had been re- relievod. Thvï¬re-cmckers had. how- ever, been exploded a. week before. Best pure Inn]. 3 lhs. fur 250.: pure corn starch, 50.; golden syrup, 150. qt. Atkinson & Swilzcr. A spoci: Atkinson Miss Dnhhie teacher in the Central Department, of the Public School. has resigned 1101' pnsiLion to take effect, on the ï¬rsbnf April. A meeting Hf the Board was IwId on Monday when it was decided tn advertise for another teacher. Admission to the Patriotic concert, to he hold in the Masonic Hall on Fri- day March 9th, 25 cents. The Standard Bank opened up hero (m Saturday. and, considering the al- most impassable condition of the roads dusdnnc a good business. The grill work has been completed, and the manager. Mr. Rowland, is very much pleased with his nvw quarters in the Grand Central Building. Men’s heavy socks, 100. shn-Ls. 250.; heavy sm shuts, 50 cents. Atkinso Mr. Fred Harrison will be the load- er at the Epwm-th League Reading Circle next, Monday evening. The study is from page 155 to 215 of “ The Beacon Lights of the Refornmtion.†The meeting will open at 8.35 sharp. met, all members be present for no one can aï¬ui-d to miss one of the discusâ€" sions. Mr. Harrison will do all in his power to make the study interesting. A cox-dial invitation is extended to everybody. As will be seen by card on another page Mr. F. J. Gullzumugh, V. S., has made m-i-nngomems with Mr. Sander- son to huvr- telephone messages from those requiring his sm‘vicos profession- ally, charng to him. Parties tele- phoning will receive prompt attention. The-(ware over a hundred children practising in Miss Long’s Kindergarten Class at, Aurora this your and will give a. concert in the Mechanics’ Hall on Monday evening, March 12th. The progranune will consist of Kindergar- ten chursus, songs, drills, dialogues nndlecitutions by the children. Mr. ï¬ewey’s orchestra will furnish instru- mental music. Admission 150.. This is Miss Long‘s fourth concert at Aurora; Miss Long has arranged to Kippm-ed herrings, 10c.; Rich Red salmon, 110.; Kipper-Cd chicken, 100. Atkinson & Switzer. Special cars will leave Toruntn at 7 .and Newmzu'ket at 7.15 for the Pat/1 iot- ‘ic concert to be held on the evening of March 9 in the Masonic Hull. Men's-overcoats; $1.99; men’s m‘er- coats. $2.99; Men’s suits, brown or blue, $4.50. Atkinson & Swnt‘zor. Professor Mackenzie of Trinity Uni- versity, instead of coming by trolley. took the train to Richmond Hill station last-Friday evening. and was stormstnyedall night at Maple. As the roads were ‘hlocked with snow it was impossible to reach this vil- lage. and in consequence the lecture and concert in aid of the High School Library was postponed. The full pro- gramme will be given on the evening lof Friday, 23rd inst.. of which further motive will he‘given. train ‘ week. Through the kindness of Mr. C. D. “Bu-1'81], President M. R. R. Co., a. 5 Medal car will leave Thm‘nhill at the ecse of the evening session of the County S. S. Convention this (Thurs- dny) evening, March 8. for the conven- ience of those. attending fx-omRich- mond Hill. It is hoped thata large number will avail themselves ufthe sumo. Storey Sims. . ‘I‘he following curling matches have beenpluyed during the week in the modal series :â€" Storey Palmer IJ AIJ§. POSTPONED TO MARCH 23. class at, Rféhmond HilT next ll Iinv of made up ties at 25c. & Switzvr. MEDAL MATCHES. FIRST . .21 SEMI-FINAL. .. .20 . . . _. . NOTICE. Sanderson Pugsley. . . nnnonced fur March 0. See : Flannelctte 'ge working ‘11 & Switzer. Q G l The Mt-menlitnn cars have never missed getting to Richmond Hill any 1 day this winter until Tuesdny of lhls . work. Sinu- tlmt time the mails have :heon brought by sleigha. and there are now twn services ’a. day. The. snow packs-11 on the truck solid, um] the snow-plbw \‘vus powerless. Sev- PI‘ulmu-s lmvvlwon din-lied owing to g the deep snmv, but they are gradual- ly working further north. This has boon the worst oxporionce for the trolley 31' nu: it came here. The heaviest 32-inch Canadian Her- ringbone feaLlu-rtiuking. 23c.; 10 oz. (.‘Iuttvunudv, Zlcts. Atkinson & Swit- zer. Of the many pretty calendars for 1000. the “ Little Sweethearts " Art Calendar is the best for the home. Its six sections of bright, pretty children's faces will cheer and glndden any house- hold. There are six beautiful groups, in water-color designs, by Frances Brundage, the famous painter of child- ren each group in 12 colors and size 10xl2§ inches, on fine. “’hatmnn paper; bound together at top with silk ribbon. making the prettiest and most artistic colloetiun of water-color repro- ductiOH ever issued. Each of the «is: sheets contains two months†dates. be- ing a complete calendar of the year 1900:. This calendar is sent-free to all subscribers to Frank Leslie‘s Popular Monthly for 1900, the giant of the one dollar magazines, together with the November and December nu mhers. 1899, or the .lanuar ' and February i5sues, 1900. Frank eslie Publishing House, 141-143 Fifth are“ N.Y. Miss Louie Harrison returned on Tuesday to her position at Mr. Starr‘s establishment. Newmarket. Rev. Mr. \Vellwnnrl‘s discnurse iwxl. Sunday evening will be based on “The Sin Against the Holy Spirit.†Miss Eva ‘Viley of Toronto sant‘ Saturdayaud Sunday at home. Her fri0nd Miss (Ewen who nccompanied her. and who leaves in a couple of weeks for a year’s stay in England, returns to the city today. M. O’Hallemm, a, well-known hotel- keeper at Dem- I’m-k died at. mid-night Sunday night after a few days illness. Rev. J. E. LilnCPil-‘V. lute pastor- of Parliament street church, Tm-onto,nne of the brightest ministers in the Meth- odist cqnference died of pneumonia last Sunday night, aged 52 years. A good range of men’s ready made suits in blue serge and In own checked tweed at, $4.40 and $4.50 a suit. At- kinson 8.: Switzer. Extra cleaned em'mnfs. 4 1h.f0r 250.: Best selected Valencia raisins, 31h. for 250.; Best Japan rice, 4 lb. for 250.; Extra gnlden dates, 4 lb. for 25c. At- kinson 85 Switzer. The Queen has n‘cdewd that in the future on St. Patrick’s Day all ranks of her Il'ish regiments shall wear as a distinction a. sprig of shamrock in thpir hpaddress to commemorate the 9a,}: lantry 'of ‘her Ilish soldiers in the recent battles in South Africa. Best green coffee, 106.; Extra prunes 80.; California peaches, 12y; Atkin- son & Switzer. Mr. T. Herbert meox. barrister, of Aurora, was on Monday nominated by the Conservative-s of North York to oppose Hon. E. J. Davis at the next General election for Ontario. Mr. John Om-rie,a farmer of East Gwill'rm- bury was at the same meeting nem‘in- ated for the Commons to oppose Hon. “'m. Mulock. \Ve hzu'eafew lines of the newest Ammican and English impm-tations of men’s hats in shades of London dust, Pearls, tobuc, fawn and slate, all new and nutty-shape. 731! and see them. Atkinson 8; Switzer. At the annual meeting of ofï¬cers of 12th Butt. York Rangers, held at head- quarters, Col. Lloyd and a large num- ber of his ofï¬cers preSe-nt, the reports of the various committees were pre- sented; each one showing good results of the past year's work. The following committees were appointed for the en- suing vom' :â€"Regimental Committee, Capt. Allan, Lieut. Lennox and Corp. Nicol :‘ Hess Committee, Major Thomp- son, Capt. Brunton, Major Hillary ; Rifle Committee, Capts. Alf. Curran, Agneu, Elliot, Lieuts. \V. T. Hunter and McLean; Auditors, Lieuts. How- ard and Thom pson. The spring season for tailoring is just opening up and we have made provismn for one 01 the largest trades we have ever done, by importing a Iar 6 stock of black and colored woxu stet s, cheviots, sm-ges, vicunas, Scotch tweede. etc†and are in a position to make up the most stylish suits at the lowest possible figure. Atkinson & Switzer. A petition presented by Mr. Carne- gie on behalf of the Metropolitan Rail- way Company asks for important. leg- islation in which the City of Toronto is interestg‘dt Th_e (:qmpanx‘aski for an act, enabling the Metropolitan Rail- way Company to run its cars over the tracks of the Toronto Railway Com- pany for the purpose of conveying assengers and other trafï¬c to the vnion Station, the watexfrimt, the city markets and the 'Postoflice. and such other points in the City of Toron- to as may be agreed upon : also enabl- iugthe company to join its tracks at, the southern terminus wit-h the tracts of the Canadian Paciï¬c Railway, Grand Trunk Railway, Schomhe & AaIm-a. Railway Company and t e Oshawa Railway Company, and to make trafï¬c and running arrangements with these companies; also to extend its ‘line through or near Stouï¬ville, to Clare- mom and to Oshawa, THE CARS BLOCKED. THE BEST OF ALL. PERSONALS. News Notes. Roberts again Defeats them in Free State. The following duapntvh from Lord Roberts was received at midnight from the \Vur Oflice :â€" “ \Ve lnul u very successful day, and have completely routed the enemy. who are in full retreat. The position which they occupied is extremely strong and cunnineg arranged with a. second line of entrenchments, which would have caused us a. heuvy loss had a direct, attack been made. . . The ï¬ghting was pructic:llly conï¬ned to the cavalry division. which as usual did exceedingly well, and Gen. French reports that the horse artillery butter- ics did great. execution among the enemv. Our casualties were about 50. including Lieut. Keswick killed, and Lieut. Built-y severely wounded,†etc. The villagers were very enthusiastic last week over the news of the relief of Ladysmitht Flags were flying, and the school children were given I» half holiday. Mr. Percy Kefl‘er has been engaged to teach the school at. Vellm'e,-in place of Mr. J. W. McDonald who has re- sigped, _t()§tllqy law ip Toronto. Rev. S. L. Him-ton has been unable to preach for two Sundays owing to illness. His work was taken on Sun- day by Rev. Mr. \Vhite, of Victoria University.†Mr. and Mx~s.A.Shunk entertained a number of friends at, dinner last. \Ved- nesdny evening, it, being the anniver- sary of Mr. Shunk’s birthday. The friends of Mr. W. Dewey, who was manager of the cheese factory here last summer, were pained to hear of his death on Friday, February 23rd, at, his home near Belleville, after a month’s illness. r The mail train on Tuesday did nbt arrive till noon owing to the track be- ing hlncked wi_th snpxm At present there does not appear to ho any improvement in the cundiblnu of Mrs. J. C. McQum-rie. He seems to be gradually getting weaker. ' Report of S. S. No. 4, Markham, and 21, Vaughan, for the monthpf Febru- all-y“:â€" Ulass IVâ€"Aggie Gamble, Mary Gor- nmn, Alex. Newberv. Son. IIIâ€"EthvlClubine John Grady. Jun. IIIâ€"Sadie Fisher, John Mort- SOT). Sr. IIâ€"Georgie Brown, Gladys Saigvon, Jennie Gamble, Chas.- Hal-t, Frank Grady, Joe Jones, Eddie Gum‘ ble. “P'romoted to Sr. _IIâ€"féhn°'i‘opper,l Victor Jones, Stella Clubine, Gladys ngge, John Kersxyill. ._‘_ v " " Presant. every dayâ€"Mary Gm‘man Alt‘x. Newbery, Leonard Glass, Victor Jones. Lexie McKenzie, Johnnie Mc- Kenzie. Thu. annual conventiun of the \Vest York Sabbath Schotd Association will be held in the Methodist church Thurs- day and Friday of this Week. There will be three sessions each daynum'uing, afternoon and evening. A must in- teresting pi'ogmmum has been amrng~ ed for both day and evening sessions. Mrs. J. Mundey died at her home Friday night. Deceased leaves a. fam- ily of six daughters and one son. The remains were intm‘red in the Thornhill cepxebel'y on~Mondny. Mr. F: J. Gallmmugh, V.S., who has been visiting Richmond ’Hill profes~ sionally every \Vednesday will in futuregn when telephoned for. Mr. Gnllunough has arranged with M1. Sanderson to pay the charges ‘Of any persnn who may require his services. HAMILTONâ€"At Elgin Mills, on Wednesday, March 7th. Jumcs Hamilton,aged 76 years. Funeral on Fridathlarch 9th, at 2 p. 111., to the Richmond HiIl cematm‘v. MDNDE¢Z~AD Thornhlll, on Saturday. March 3rd, Mary J.. wife of Joseph Mundey, aged 61 years Hmounba. ‘ Ham‘sâ€"Ab the residence of her sun, near Gom~ lay, on Saturday, March 3, Mrs. Nancy Heise, in her 72ml year. - The west part of lot 25, 2nd con. Markham, ’ containing 100 acres i910: sale or to rent. The ulnceis clean. the soil a. clay loam. an; I the‘land is in excellent condition. Apply to THE. NEWTON TANNING C0. . Amxge amount 0! mivase funds to loan on improved hum property. Five per cent. inâ€" terest. Easy terms'foz xepavment. K0 com- mission clmrged on loans. Apply to A. G. I“. LAWRENCE, Freehon Lann Building, Toronto .9: at Richmond Hill on Sauna-ye. For Sale or to Rent MONEY MoNEYIi BOEHS AGAIN ROUTED. Average :Ittggdgupc, 31. A (1‘: 00d E‘arnl QSrtf Jefferson. Thornhfll. Maple DEATHS H. J. SAIGEQN, Teacher. Richmond Hill P. 0 While we do live Why n01; live well -â€" Sï¬GP Atkinson ($5 Switzer Trunks, Valises, Mitts, Gauntlets, and other supplies as low as the lowest; The above rink will be open for Skat- ers during the season on GOOD MUSIC ON "SATURDAY EVENINGS. Evenings of each week from 7.30 to 10 o’clock, SKATING RINK Rink open to Curlers every day, and on Tuesday and F riday evenings. Admission for ska-Gem, 10 .cents; Chil- dren 5 cents. Is the place to buy your Harness and other supplies. Single Harness from $10 up. All work guaranteed limb-class. Saskatchewan and Black Galloway Rubes, $8 to $20. Jute Stable Blankets, 35 cants to $2.50 each. Shaped W001 Blankets. $2.25 to $5 each. Dutch Kersey Blankets, $1.25 to $2 each. Best English Kersey Blankets, 80x80 incl), $4- to $6 each. ' Easy terms of payment. Samples always on hand. WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY Fifteen Adult’s tickets for $1.00 Thirty Children‘s tickets4or $1.00. â€"â€"O}R â€"â€" SEWING MACHINE I} epairing Pronnpfly Done. RICHMOND HILL iP, G. SAVAGE, Reevé. .T. CLARK, RICHMOND HILL Ifyou Vvant to buy a Rielnnond Eli“. Life is composed of eating, sleeping, working, and more or less enjoyment, but the greatest oi all these is eating. And you should have variety, the best, the purest, and should buy where your dollar will go the furthest. We make your wants our study. We buy wisely and know what we ofler you is tresh and pure. As to priceâ€"Well the price stands for itself. if an article is marked 10 cts. that’s ten cents. But the price is not the whole story, 15 it pure ? Has it been bought at an auction sale of groceries? Has it been in the store for a year or two ? We give you our guarantee of the purityâ€"You can take your own con- clusions as to the rlowness of the price. YWe quote :â€"â€"â€" Pure Lard, 3 lbs. lor 25c.; best cooking Figs, 6 1b. for 250; very ï¬ne golden Dates, 4i lbs. for 250.; Extra cleaned currents, 4 lb. for 25c.; Wheat Flakes, 9% lb. for 250; Green coflee, 10c. 21 1b.; Pure Corn Starch, 5c. 21 lb. Kippered Herring, Ioc; Extra Red Salmon, no; California Dried peach- es, 32¢. a pound ,; California prunes, 8c. 3. pound. Call on or write GEO. BICDONIXIJD READ THE A monthly magazine full of interest- ing reading matter and useful information for “Canada. for the Canadlans. OR you can receive it; with this pa. for one year by sending your dew to the publishers of T1113: ERAL at, $1.75. Send 10 cents for sample copy. will like it. Address: Canadian Home found Subscription price $1 per ammm Canadian .que3qurpa1 00., Limited 16-10â€"6 TORONTO, ox; CANADIAN \VOMEN AND CANADIAN HOMES