Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Mar 1900, p. 7

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This apparenL explanation of the genesis uf Hm gl'inlmond Hinds strong- support in thja experiments of Moissan. who obtained artificial diamond Uy dis- solving nar‘bon in molt-en iron and im- mersing Lie mass in cold water until ca Lfirm aurlaoe» crust had formed. The "ohfillrc'd" mass was then removed. to mlle its still molten com to solidify 6|.Mdy. (“his it does with: the 'level- mment of enormom pressures. because the mtuml expanmion of the iron on pulsing- into this sohid; condition 15 re- ahsheld by the strong! 31m“ of "chilled" Inset-all. The isolation of the diamond gs thgm aqopmpljished. by dissolving the t Orlzlnnl llulnv. - The "dry dig-sings" of the Klmbeb‘ .Iey district, in South Africa, Mfgrd‘ the: unique Locality in which the diu- mond haw [has far been lound .11 its original. Home, and all our Knowlelge oi the! genesis o[ the mineral has lIcon derived from study of this locality, says Popular Science Monthly. The mines ave located in "pans," in which [is found thn: "blwc ground" now recog- nized. as the disintegrated matrix of the diamond. These "puns" are kn-qwn to be the "pipes," or "necks," elf tore-ign Vcltmnoas. nowv (hwpr us- necad by the forces of the atmoa-l chemâ€"in tact Worn down, -E II' to their roots, qt least to their rtumpu. Thaw remnants 01 tlm "pipes," through which the Hun reached the aux-Lace, are surrounded in p1er i] a bluck shale containing a. large yerâ€" oerntage of carbon. and this is oeiiev- ed to be the material out of which the diamonds have been formed. What 9pâ€" pear to be modified fragments; of the black shale inclcsed. Within the "pipes" 1.1.crd. evidence that portions of the shale have been broken from the parâ€" ent beds by the force of the ascending current of lavaâ€"n common enough; ac. compunimeut to Vulcan-.0 actionâ€"and have been profoundly altered by the high temperature and the extreme t5- Ilrostratic prcssure under which the mss must have been bid. The most [Important feature of this alteration has been the recrystallization 7f the carbon of that shalia into diamond}. lpprm-Jnne One of the pathetic sights which haunt the memory of the traveller re- turned from the hunt of Africa. is the suffering of the [Native porters on long Lnd'divfficult journeys. Africans are m lazy raoe, it is true, but the hard work of "packing" for hundreds ni miles over rough rouiefi is often Hm lunch for strong and “'iiiing men. We knew. says an English mission- Lry. recounting an experience of this kind, that in every part of the thick foreat through which uur way lied wad enemies waiting for the stragglers, whom they would at once spear and then steal their loads. The porters knew this perfectly well. but they «Lid nqt seem to mind it, and for the sake In one part of our journey the way led. (lirough thick forest. Hour after hour we toiled on through the terri- ble heat. There seemed no air to breath» Than th'ere was the sicken- Ing want of water and proper nour- ishment. not to mention the waer wtlfk of urging on (1)10 porters. their lives. [non in acid. In proof of this claim, Owen Byrne of Perth. states that he was completely Goo cured of Kidney Disease by Dodd's Motherâ€"- Kidney Pills. He suffered for a long Couldn‘t y period. and no other remedy did him I.yau? lny good. His sufferings were VeryI Dau-gh‘le disAtressing, and he was in a totally |nu one for hopeless state, when he began louse he: knew I Dodd's Kidney Pills. They curud h‘m I ln a few weeks. This is only one of Mill hundreds of cures in this county. m lnleresllng llvestlgnuon at Peril: - lllrncle of Modern Science â€" Dlseme Being Wlped On: by llodd's Kidney l’llll-Tlle ('ase of Owen Byrne. Perth, March 5.â€"’_l‘11ere has been a remarkable falling-off in the number of deaths in this district, of late. 80 noticeable has this decrease become that it had the result of causing sev- eral interested persons to investigate as to the cause. This investigation has revealed the fact that the falling- off has been entirely in Kidney Dis- aaSes. l Startling Decrease in the Num. ber of Deaths From Kidney Diseases. This discovery startled the investi- gators somewhat. For the decrease was traced, in every case, to Dodd's Kidney Pills. It was found that a few years ago, before this medicine was in- troduced, the recoveries from Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Lumbago, Rheu- matism, Sciatica, Neuvralgia, Paraly- sis, Gravel. Stone in the Bladder, Urin- ary, and Bladder Diseases. Blood Im- purities, Diseases of. Women, and Heart Disease, was very rare. But since Dodd’s Kidney Pills have come into general use these diseases never preve fatal, when the pills are used. This disclosure led to further in- vestigation. to discover why the numâ€" ber of deaths from Kidney Diseases should decrease, while those from oth- er causes remain at abom the same figure. especially as it was known that nme out of every ten deaths are caus- ed_l)_y Kidney Disease in some tel-ma Experiences of )llsslounrlrs In Hu- Ihzlrt of .U'rlcn. AMAZING DISCOVERY If if “S 3:11qu foi' \xr'hgiznnifist it FALLING BY THE WAYSIDE hittle nest w AFRICAN D‘AAMON DS. Ihe ISL-mules "our In Their willing to y (Lid sake risk Mrs. J. Webhmm, of Mount Forest. 0n[., says: “For a number of years I 'haaN-e been a sufferer from Asthma. and during that time I have consulted many doctors on my case. and have used many of the soâ€"called ounes for Asthma, but never got relief. At times I have been so bad. that I found it. ne- cessary to have all the doors and win- dow-s open to get my bwath‘. I had given up in despair of ever being cut- ‘ed till I heard of your preparationâ€" iCatarrhozone. I have used it and am now perfectly curedâ€"thanks to your wonderful medicine. I recommend it as a positively sure cure for Asthma.“ Cmtarrho-o-zonuo is a guaranteed cure for CnLarrhI, Asthma. and Bronchitis. Sold ‘by all druggisls. Trial outfit sent for 106 in stamps by Na 0. POLâ€" SON 8: 00., Kingston, 0nt., Proprio- Luv-u uw- -v- ._.. 7, ,, carpi-ed our loads. ruLfiong them death had become common. Some hm! died from want” of food; others, from other oaunes. . L have been for the pqor creatures who I was wanting wum a compuuwu m. one time, when we came upon a poor fiellow sitting. or mthwar reclining, by the roadside. We tried to urge him on, lbul ha shook his head. \Ve raised. him to flu! feet, 'but he could not stand. I five!» his pulse. It seemed to ha" stopped. His heart seal-(>er heat, and we know it would all be over soon, All we could do was to cmrry mm. ta 5 more comfortable spot. give him all the food‘ we had. with us. and the hut- 11-2. of cocoa that I oarr'uad on my back. Than, with sad hearts and driven by necesaity, we left him there to lie. A bachelor says a wife is unmoubted- by! a good thing to have around [he houseâ€"Lo Mame things on when they go wrong. "IX-“VHR'Litwém he to do! There were no villages to; ma lefi amd around. Motherâ€"I'm Surprised. at you! Couldn‘t you tell he was going to kiss yau‘? Daughterâ€"Yes, mg, but there was I met an old enemy of yours toâ€"day, Robert. Many a Imam w‘ho humbly speaks of his own insignificant-AI. gets mad if other peopie refer to it. Before marriage a woman worries bwamse she is single and after mar- riage she ‘wvornes because she isn’t. Mn]. I'll lulc‘ommerolawfluuu. £33.51; punchâ€"Em nod-nu. View of this year’s results, the man- agement contemplate increasing tlm oapital by $250,000' making it $1,000,- 000,n.m1 explore new fields for business. The mport in detufil appears in an- other cotum-n of this issue. The first step is often. so expen- siv-P =hat you can't afford to take the second. The sixty-sixth annual meeting of shareholders of the Britishâ€"America Assurance Company. held on Friday last, developad a most satisfactory re- port from the directors. In both the fire and marine branches the losses have been comparatively Light, and the net profits on the increased business of the year enables the directors to pay the regular dividend of 7 per cent. and add $7,000 to the reserve. In If the bone form a trust theyLwill prdbahly try to control the egg plant. BRITISHâ€"AMERICA ASSURANCE CO, .13. 9mm. Mantra-L Gal Cuil‘uu c'o.. Prov; hVinuI HOUSE~ OiTIAM ES'TItJâ€"fé'fl Tho “ Balmoral,” Free Bus Hotel Garslakg, tOFL . Take laxative Bromo Quinlne Ttblou. All dnggllts refund tho money I! in fall- to cure. Ibo. E. W. Grave's signntnro In on each box. RELIANCE CIGA- I'a FAC'I‘()R\ Mnnrr‘n‘i “ Pharaoh 100.‘ O'KEEFE’ ‘1‘; .or MALT [VI hr IIIOYI delicious than JAB-I. Sold only h Lend Pukeu. as it! YUur Xadlor's bill I didn’l knuw I had one. father. Who HAVE YOU TASTED Terrible Suffering From Asthma. Invico n Ind 5155 Hall. LLOYD WOO . Toronto. GE LL AGENT T0 CUB! A COLD IN ON! DA! GOOD ENOUGH REASON MDNYIIAL IIO‘I’II. DIIID'IORY‘ A FAT] [ER'S JOKE CEYLON GREEN TEA ? we 10 Le, already ma, but there tell, except him, MoGlllâ€"Collonfijvenuo: Flmilj Em] mm 91.50 yer d". Opposite (ERR. Depot 'Itwg blouh lrom O. P: MIC. of 0min. fiuo. FEETO‘RifMHHLFo: Europe-u Plil. Boom 1m}! may u2~ 0.» An. ’1... OLD. up. was and The Boer losses in killed and wound- ed are estimated by authorities In South Afnica to be nearly 7,000. Dr. Leyda, huwever, says that lha Boers have only had 212 killed. about 1,000 wounded and 200 taken prisoners. 01d Squjlldigâ€"Walter, there has been a. mistake made in writing this bill of fare. 'Waiterâ€"Yes sir. , Old Squilldigâ€"[t nays"barley soup." It should be "barely soup." ( with LOCAL APPLICATIONS as they mnnnt reach the put of the (ll-one. (’atmh la a blood or constitutional dlseaso. and In order no cure it. you may 0 tan lnternnl remedial. Hull‘- Cnmrrh Cure la taken internally. and Rcbu ax. roomy on the blood and mucous surf-cu. Hull's Comrrh Cure in not a quw k mediolne, It. wa- proscrlbsd by one of tho bow nhyut has in this country 101- yen». audit 3 regular proacrlpll no [I la compoud of the bell. wulca known com- bined with the bent, blood urinary acting di- rectly on the muooul our noes. ’1 he porfwct, comblnatlon of the two Ingredient; is what. noducos Iuoh wonderful results In curing 3mm, mucus-31mm? fr°°-_ . What is arbitration, pa? Well, it is a good. thing for you, Tommy. When your mother wants to whip you I coux her off, and when I want to whiicp you she ooaxss me off. ' Book: Rouarlea cru- olflx'es, Boalean. Religious Pictures. Statuary, and Church Ormmouu. Education-l Works. Mnil orde[5_re‘(‘e_lv_e 059mm attpn» Hon. Toiucroduue Dr. qu'e "on-r Pills lor mlkiug blood [orpnle people. female ucakmules. llver and kidney disease, nervousness, weakne-a o! the I Item. am. we give FREE your choice of a 15k Gold lnLed Watch. plain or engriued, or a Gun Metal Watch. Lndiea‘ or Gent‘s rellbnlo time keeper. warranted 5 can The pilh are 35¢ per boxâ€" 8350 for 0 boxes Send this amount. and you will receive 10 boxes and the watch ; or write for partlculnrs. Agents wanted In every Lawn and city. used by mother! for their children wathnl. Illoolhu Lho child, column the gun“. Ill-ya min. cures wind colic. Ind ll the but. remedy for than an 150. I bop do, Boldb Ill dmulsu throughout. the Inrld. B. an sad I: [or " Mn Win-law‘s Soonhm. Syrup. Sausage casingsâ€"â€" afloan Hoi Cnsingsâ€"reliiblc gona n rgfiiBFiSITâ€" ’â€" PARK. BLAOKWELL I: 0.. Toronto fiemfifli‘oi‘ BBm'niTigibi‘"Clif'iifiiiiéd; cor. Wont-Market ls Dolbomo at, Toronto, POR OVER FIFTY YEARS IRS. WINSLOW‘B VBOOTHVINO SYRUP p“ bu- Garters Bid at}!!! PRGDUQE. to cum} buntiniultapgnsun Stem Wind 030101: CANADIAN GROWN STRAWBERRY PLANTS. Shipped in nntilnoed boxes, wich plenty of mm For Otulogue nd Prion Lin. address CHAS. E SNOW. "Strawberry Speolnlilb." Box 3. Cummings Bridge. Ont. and bTadTiar. 500 l .1 s boLâ€"Wrim {orvptartiéulum lndim Oahu-h Our. 00.. 146 EL Julia-at... Manual. THE DI! M0"!!! INOUIATonâ€"Ieu: and cheapest n null-“d .nl. u.-.» nun... “Anna..- a.._,: 9.. Pouunv, BUTTER, guns, Arms. Stem Set Carbollc Disinfectants. Soapo. Olnt moat, Tooth Powdon, etc.. have been awarded 100 medals and diplomas for superior excellence. Their regular use prevent, infecti- ous discus”. Ask your dealer to obtain a supply. Lista mailed free on application. ' 0. Rolland. solo agent. {or the Dominion. $171331; lump (or oatslozuo. 373 St. Paul Street. Montrnl HARRIS Music Eeachers Wanted LAW DINO! SENSE KILLS Roach». Bed Bugs. Rm nnd M100. Sold by All nmnn. or m Qua: W. Toronto. "Mir-fl FfiiN in? 112706.: Profit; Toledo. 0. Sold b druggmu. price 15c. Hall'l smfly P1115 no the best. Wholoula only. Long Distance Tclephonol'lfl. CHANCE FOR: ARGUMEN'D. F. G. CALVERT & 00.. MANCHESTER - - ENGLAND. Catarrh Cannot be Cured WILLIAM 8T., TORONTO. CALVERT’S {14-9 ” BEAVER BRAND ” Macklntosh PEACE MEASURES. BOLD CURE 100. Onru in a HE]. P. Mc- Oorlmcx h 00‘. Alenu. Mounted. A CORRECTION THE DR. DENT PILL 00., 29 Adelaidv St . \Vcal Tvl'untk n. a: a. mum a’cd..'u‘&ftroal. never Inrdens & is guaranteed Water- proof. Ask! r it,tn.lo no other. Ber» var Rubber Clothing 00.. Monte-l. Buy. 85;; , LEAD. COPPER. BRA s. Burn-{dermemmemoved ho Wesley BI 31.. Rich- mond St. W.. otonto. [uan MI". 8 Halo! ‘V P C 1014 New lmporutionl flue-l E-ugliph fiheep‘nnd Am mama: Whaler. lam M Van“ 8L. "IONIC. on. day“. 253% "UN QITELQQU! ih'd'i'ri'ilf FAT! F msc UNI. w. an _0quln_c__6mgg pennnnencly euro- Cntnrrh of nose. I Miro-t. incomng (int‘ The Directors hnve pleasure in pre- senting the sixty-sith Annual Re- port embmoing the financiulstate- manta at £116 Company to the Blst De- cember, 1899. There has been a salisfnctory growth In the premium income for the year in the fire and marine branches. The Canadian fire buainess his shown ex- ceptionally favorable results, and there has been a moderate profit on the ma- rine business wrizten during the your. In the United States, however. this Company has. in common with all 01h- ers doing business there. suiiered from the unu ually heavy fire losses that have occurred in several of [he larg- er cities. The not profit on the year’s trans- wczions, $02,038.59. has [won sufficient to play the usual halfâ€"yearly dividends at the rate of 7 per cent. per nnnum. and. after writing of an amount to cover depreciation in ofrice furniture and securities. to provide for an addi- tion of nearly 87,000 to the Reserve fund, which now amounts to $577,687.. 04. 'I‘hia reserve to cover the estimat- ed liability on unexpired policies has been increased to meet the additional am-ounL at risk, and is more than an ample provision, according to the Com- pany's experiences, to meet losses that will accrue upon policies in force at the and of the yea r. In view of the increased business of the Company and the contemplated en- Largement of its field of operations, the Directors deem the present an op- portune time to increase this cap-ital stock, as contemplated in its act of incorporation, to $1,000,000. A by- law will be submitted to the meeting to authorize the issue of $250,000 ad- ditional stock, to be allotted pro rata to present shareholders at apremium of 15 per cent. We wmt good, RELIABLE, nsnnomm men ln "unrepresented dismcbs' throughout the Dominion 0.. Iell our stack for investment. This stock :uuuntcu flood dividends payable lmnf yearly. or adding to invest- meuc; also to secure applications for goodlonnn. W5 my liberal commissions. Apply, Load P2 01m '65 Total cash income. . . . $1,022,249.88 Total expenditure, includ- ing appropriation for losses under adjustment. 1,560,210,09 liking! cleaning! THE Following SECOND-HAND MACHINERY : has been med but little: L1 practically as good u new; will he mid ChelF: 1 Garvin Hand Miller: 1 Emery Ste’d; 1 Luke. 4 out. bed. ; 1 Blind-la Lathe. 5 foot; 2Unucks, 12 In.‘ 1 Power Hick SAW; 3 'Nbe Vices, lrou Pedestal : I'L BYOHIhinl Jack: 1 Speed baths: 2 Spoke Thresdlng schfines; 1 Engine Lalhe' I2 Split. Pulls” of difiorent. nus: 5 B!ock Pu lcyu. Ami], LOE‘ W NESBITT, Woorhtock. Ont. SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL STATEâ€" MENT. Dividends declared . Monâ€"treh-L Toi’bnto, Chitin, Quebcq Iowa. 0;“an Ind anfard Counties. Title pan out. On Michigan Consul. Deualc a Mmkinw Ind goon his Railroads. a price: unzlnl from 32 to a run. The" Llndl u. Close to Encomrulnl New R . Churches. Schooll. om. Ind will be sold on on nuoublo wrmn. Apply to B. 3!. PIERCE. Agent. Went Bu City, Inch. 01- J.W. CUB’ IS. Whinemora. mm a,” AOIIS 0000 FARMING LANDSâ€"ARENAO Surplus to policyholders .81,327.687.04 The President in moving the adop- tion of the report. said that it was gratifying tolbe able to refer to the satisfactory growth during the year in the income of the Company, which. after deducting amounts paid for The sixty-sixth Annual Meeling of lhe Sharchnl Ycrs of this Company was held at its offices in |his city at noon on Friday last, lhe 23rd inst. The President, Hon Geo. A Cox. occupied he chair, and Mr. P. H. Sims. who w-s appointed to act as Secretary, read the following IF YOU’RE UNDER British America Assurance company COCOA EPPS’S LUDELLA GRATEFULâ€"COMFOBTlNg. g‘L‘ Mlohlgan Land for Sale. DO NOT TAKE OUR \VORD FOR IT. TRY IT AND SEE FOR YOURSELF THAT " nnmsu Ammonia Mime co.- THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. Total assets . . Total liabilities Look (0; goat In your toga. or land Sun Savlngs and Loan company, Toronto. BREAKFASTâ€"SUPPER. For thoâ€"vary but land you: work t9 cl! AGENTS WANTED. CEYLUN TEA FER SALE ! ANNUAL MEETING. $1,473,536.05 145,849.01 ANNUAL ADDRESS. 62,038.89 52,500.00 DESERÂ¥ES “‘5 N \Md AS THE FIVEST PRO DUCEO. IN FAJI' IT IS JUST WHAT YOU WANT. A. RAMSAY & SON, MONTREAL, The Paint Makers. ‘ HE necessity of using Paint for any purpose, you will be inter- ested in. . . . RAMSAY’S PURE MIXED PAINTS reinsurance, showed not premium re- ceipts of upwards of one and a half million dodara. T11: most encourag- ing features in connec'ion with the past year‘s transactions were the steady and continued gmen of the Canadian [ire business. and the very moderate losses which have been sus- tained in lhe Dominion. \Vhile the general ex‘periont‘e of companies do- ing business in this country had been favorable, owing to the [ire losses having been considerably below the average of preceding years, the exâ€" perience of this company had been ex- cepionnlly so. From reports of the business in Canada that have been published, it appears that the aver- age ratio of losses to premiums 0! all companies reporting to the Dominion Government had been 56 per cent. The British America was 48 per cent. In the United States, on the other hand, the general exper ence. us well as that of this Company, had been much less satisfactory. the fire loss havmg been tar in eztess of dhoso of average years. and the loss! resultl from the Compemy's operations in the field had materially reduced the total profit of the year. In the marine branch. he was pleased to say that the results of the past year 'had been such as to justify the astion of the Dir- ectors in continuing the! business of this department, notwithstandflng the adverse experience of previous years. and so far as can be judged from the present‘ outlook as to rates andl gen- eral conditions of marine underwrit- ing. the prospects for the present year appeared encouraging in this branch. The President also referred to the es- tablishment of business connections at points beyond the limits of Canada amd the United States, where favorafblo opening; might present themselves. The Report was adopted, and a by« law was passed providing for an in- crease of capital stock of the Company to one ~-mi|1ion dollars, b", the allotment of two hun- dred and fifty thousand dollars new stock to shareholders in the pro- portion of one share to every three shares held by them. HACKNEY STALLIONS FUR SALEâ€"4 buy bywo- year-oldu: coaching type: hxgh action; sue. fashionable breeding; Prices reasonable. M. H. Coch- nne. Hilhursn Station. Que. The following gentlemen were re- elected to serve as Directors for the ennuing yenrzâ€"Hon. Geo. A. Cox, J. J. Kenny, Hon. S. C. “7006!, Thomas Long. John Hos-kin, Q.C.. I. L.D., H. M. Palm-1', R. Jaffray, A. Myers and E. W. Cox. 1‘9 the Odorleaa Crematory (Jinn-4 C... Humllbon, Onl DEAR SINâ€"About 3 year no I bou t (run you on a! your Udurtaos Crematory Clouta an av. since mod it constantly in my prlvna twidhnru with spleudld snisiaccum. I am so well planed wl.h It that you csl sh: me another at oncotor my hum. Yours very truly. Jl Mnrvh, Murkdaln. On. The following are the names of a few prominent citizens who are using this closet, and from whom we have very flattering testimonials: Dr. D. L. Thompson, Toronto, Ont. Dr. McGlaughlan. Bowmanville, Ont. Dr. M. L. Dixon, Fi'ankville,'0nt. Dr. C. F. Ferguson, Kemptville. Ont. Dr. Ulrie Gabourg, Plantaganet. Ont. Judzn A. C. Chadwick. Guelph. 0m. C. J. Mickle. B.,\.. (‘hcsley, Ont. At a meeting of the Board held sub- sequently Mr. Geo. A. Cox was re- elected Presuident-and Mr. J. J. Kenny Vice-President. Dr. Ulrie Gabourg, Plantaga Judge A. C. Chadwick, Guel; C. J. Mickle. B.:\.. (Wesley, Rev. John Downie, \Vutford, L. Dampier, Mgr. Bunk of C Stmthroy, Ont. Peter Hope, merchant, Pom Jas Mott'att, merchant, Ami For cnta‘ 0:19 an_d_py because they are the best paints you can secure, and all the best dealers have them. Ask for them. Thu dé'oi'iici Dramatory Close: 00., fiamll'on. Ont. \Vntfoi‘d, Ont. innk of Commerce 25 30, 40, 50 and 60°. Ont

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