(311m turther notice Nufls will be closed st tho Richmond Hill Post Omce as (allows:â€" MORNING . . . . ‘ . ‘ . . . . . . . . 8‘05 EVENING .. 5‘40 N.B.-â€"Regiscered Letters must be handed in Ms least Flfceen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours {or closinv .Ivnul‘v--â€"_ V“ 1 . m. Sunday Séhéol (Li. 2.30. Prayer meéting ednasda evening. Roman atholic Churchâ€"Services on alter- nate Sundays 8.“) u. n). and man u. m. Methodist. Churchâ€" Services at 10.30 a. m..aud 7p. m. Sunday School at 2.30. General.) prayer mgqting Thpfsdgzy‘ cve‘gina. A ‘1 NA»... "l‘t’u'lf‘zrf‘vempemnceâ€"lueots ï¬rst Wednesday 01 each moutu FireBrigudeâ€"Moets ï¬rst Monday of every month Public bemry and ReaJing Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday evenings Eoworth Leagueâ€"Meets every I-‘ridny. luvuvlub .Richn dav on Court loud Ladâ€"alan F Mid A M â€"Meer.s Monâ€" or before full moon Richmond. A 0 Fâ€"Meots second and tom-t]: Friday Ivy 0! each Lodge. A 0 U W~â€" Meetainurtb Tuesday monthi A -- .,~.,,,.., 53' Wood's Phospho line is sold in Richmoné Bill by \V. A. Snudenon. Drugg'lst. Episcopal Churébâ€"â€"Serviccs M; 3 p. _m. every Sunday. I , 7 Presbyï¬eria‘n Chm‘c â€"Seryicos at 1‘ n ., , -. n on 1...-.. v. luv“ damp‘iiiï¬xjs o s â€"Meets second and (much Wednesday The Grant English Remtdy. Sold and recommended by druggis‘s in Canada. OMIyeu _ \ able medicine dlSOOYel'e . 4. \ *2»? clmges guaranteed to cure toms of Sexua Weakness. all effects of nbua or excess, Mental Worry. Excexï¬vc use of To homo. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipl of price. one kaxe 81. six. 55. Om will plea-x “twillcum amphlets tree to any address. TM Wood Company. Windsor, 011i J. H. PRENTEGE (Of the ï¬rm of Eckui‘dt é": Prentice). agent. for the Massey-Harris Labor- Saving Mzwliim'ry. \Vuguns. Plows. Scufliers, &c.; ailsn the Sawyer & Massey Engines and Threshors. the Brantfm'd “'ind-Mili. and the Up-tu- Dute Toronto Fanning Mill. Ail Masseyâ€"Harris I'vpuirs kr~pt by H. A. Nicholls, Richmond Hill. Businvss solicited. ‘ TRADE MARKS DESIGNS ' CcpvmcHTs ac. Anyone sending a sketch nnd descri tlnn may qulckly ascertain our opinion free w ether an invention 15 prnbnbly lamentable. (‘ommunlcw tlons strictly conï¬dential. Handbook on Patents my: free. Qigesi agency‘foLMjK-unpg‘xfmcn I [fl GOING NORTH Lesvoc P R Crossing at 6. 7.20. 9.40, 11.30 3.111.; 1.30. 2.40. 3.30, 5.40, 7A5 p. 1“. Leave Richmond Hill 8.05, 10.35 a. 1r..; 12.25, 2.15 3.25. 4.25, 6.35, 8.30 p. m. Leave Newmaxket. 7.45. 9. 11.25 V 4.95.515 7.30 p. Leave Richmond H11! 7. 8.15, 2.40, 3.50. 4.50. 6, 8.05 “53:35:â€; BEER YEFEGEE “1311.16 a; (.0. 'r'é'ce'rve apegal notice. \fitPgub cme. In tho A handsomely mustmted weekiy. Lyn-nest ctr. culation of Any scientiï¬c journal. Terms. 33 A year; four months. $1. Sold by lepewaGflxloq. MUNN. 51.30: METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE Sammie fimea‘icm IUNN & ï¬ewgg Branch Oï¬h‘e. 6‘35 F St“ “'asblugmn. . POST OFFICE NOTICE Between Toronto and Newmnrket‘ 2:14" élï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬Ã©a' $1.88 Hi ATWANGE. OFFICE CLOSES A’l‘ 7.3C P M M. TEEFY. Postmaster. Village Directory. Univnville. GOING SOUTH Wood’s Phosphodinq, i‘ï¬Ã©wmk 9.40, 11.50 a. m 13.11). 8.05 540 handed in the above 1.53, 8.16 JERRY SMITH, 77‘] tack the highest course obtainable to learn my trade, and am now pre- pared to do the most difï¬cult jobs in Give me a, trial. Your money refund- ed if not satisfactory. I shall be pleased to have you call and examine some of my work manship. Unfortunater leave it in the hands of inferior workmen for repairs, and consequently get their watches botch- ed up. General Bagging Basmess Tragsaeted. HEQHEST CURRENT HATES PAM me BEPD§IT§. 4: Cents per B:- To Manitoba. and Cnundinn North-\Vrst will cave Toronto every TUESDAY during March and April. Passengers travelling without hive should take the train leaving Toronto at Passengers traveliiuspwit‘u Live Stack take the train icuvzug uronto at, 9 p.111. For further particulars 311.! couy e " Butler's Guido " apply to any Cnnndlan Paciï¬c Agent. or REPAIRING It's a. sad fact that a great many poo- ple who invest, mom-y in u Samara? RICHMOND HILL CANADAN PACEFEO Tuesday, March 13th,190u. TUESDAY, MAR. 13, 1900 SAD. BUT TRUE E the next meeting 0! the Couucil of tho Township of Markham will be held at Unionviue on Vaughan Council. The next meeting of tbé Council of tbe‘ Munici- pality of Vaughan will be held 111 the Town Hall Vallore. on ï¬bmdaneg 3! Mar Mill in anemainn every day except Monday Cplouist Sleeper will be nzmched to each GOOD WATCH A Branch of this Bank has been opened at. On account nfnsnrplua n Huger purposes Ca in: Grinding Grain RICHMOND HILL Clerk’s Notice. A. B. XOTHAN Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent 1 ng SLE. A - TO' 31m: gavutiï¬tmtuta. J. F. ROWLAND. Acting Agent. L‘s! () 1' Canada Practical \Vabchmzlker, FINE WATCHES. Como One‘ ne~Way_ Excurssï¬ns Ag 11 o'clock a. m. Of all kinds at M 10 n. m. JAB B MCLEAN. Clerk $1,000.000 600,000 C H STIVER. Clark Come All of water Tomggo should Stock The Next Sitting nf Division Court for No. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room, TUESï¬â€˜a’, ï¬PRIL 330, 1980, LIBERAL OFFICE. The subscriber would respectfully intimate (.0 the public that having rebuilt the chopping mil: a†MAPLE And doubled its capacity. he will during the busy choppxug season and until lumber notice chop He is also still keeping ALL KINDS OF LUMBER on band and in a. few days will be m'apurel to supply DRESSED LUMBER uf ull kin-d5 und duPLAhIVG AND MATCHING 0! all lnuu‘s at. lowest pricas. Patronage solicued ; satisfaction guaranteed Life. Assurance Co. Assures on all the modem plans, and is {me o! the must prosperous qud pros'resewa communes in enstence. Premiums low. policies unconditional and nonfurteimblo. Take n_policy with the district agent, ,__V r. V ,,,,,, 11935 in their own and nearby cunntin. It is numiy on‘n‘e work conducted at. home. Salary straight #9803 yea: and expunsesâ€"deï¬ni!e,bonn- ï¬de. no more, no ions salary. Monthly 575. References. Enclose golï¬nddrevaed stamped envelopo, Ember: flan, fvcsL. Dept. M, Chicago. "‘ ' 31â€"8 Féï¬ii. 3mm JOS. HALL, A. MOODIE, -â€"ANDâ€"- Monday. “’cducsday and S: unluy of each week. Any Flour will make BI-Pad, but we will guumutcc High Grade Family Flour AURflRA BELLE T. F. MCMAHON. To make more Invad, ï¬ghter bread .nnd bread that will keep moist 1ongar, and better flnvur- ed bread with less lab- m-Chmj any other flour. , â€" SEVERAL TRUSTWORTE? 73NTED 'u this stage to lmannge _nur bus V .pchp G. S. BRLDWIN. Made mam FLcumNe mzLLs. NAU G HTON BROS. It, is strictly Henry Marsh. 3JOKE/YOND Biff-EILEEN BELE, )omnmncing at 10 a. m. T. F. MCMABUN, CLERK to suit the poople and sold at a reasonable price. TAILOR Richmond Hill HUME, OF CANADA. HE SUN NEVV SELL IT. .__ON_. RICH MOND HIIJ WTT al- THE LiBEBAL and the Daily Mail THE LIBERAL and the THE LIBE EAL THE LiBEBAL Evening Star THE LIBERAL 7 Daily World Farming 1' ', U TEE LiBEBAL and the E Montreal Star,&; 2 pictures ' Every family should have a local paper and a city paper. Subscribe now. RICHMOND HILL, Also represent the Vv’estcrn Fire Insurance, York Mutual .‘ire, London Guarantee and Accident Company, Appraiser for Canada Permanent Loan and Savings Company. 4 TE EIGHT-DAY CLOCKS, fully gunmntepd, strikvs the hours and half hours, only $2.50: 0X BALL, made of Sulid brass, only 100. per pair, until all aw sold ; this is only half their value ; COMBINATION HARNESS, COBBLER’S AND TINSMITH'S SET, only “This THE CQNFEQERATEGN LIFE TEE LIBERAL and. the Weekly Globe THE LIBERAL and the Weekly Mail THE LIBERAL and the Weekly Sun THE LIBERAL and Can- adian Home J o urn al THE LIBEEAL and the GLUBEEEQG RATES Hasjust published a new set of pamphlets giving full par- ticulars regarding the different plans of Life Insur- ance. The Unconditional Accumulative Policy is one of the best policies, guaranteed, ex- tended Insurance, Paid up Policy and Cash Value. Pamplets will be sent on application to P. G. SAVAGE, District Agent, 166 and 168 King St. East, 3 doors west of George Street, Toronto Facing far Emumme “ THE LEBERAL,†. RECHMOND HILL. Westminster Evenin g Globe E LIBERAL Daily Globe THE LEBERAL. : â€"â€""- * “r v "w 7:" - - Isa. set whlch would save a. vast amount of trouble, and running to shoemakers, harness shops or tmsmiths. WILKNS & 00.. ‘Vl'l‘ E1 and the and the and the L1 5.55 5.75 5.50 5.75 5.50 5.50 5.9 2.75 5.55 2.55 3.75 5.55 9E7,