Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Mar 1900, p. 4

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\Ve hope that wherever your Int .may be cast. you will find occasion for the use of your many excellent talents and that your influence may be ever :for the right and the uplifting of hu- umnityfli ‘ Signedeon behalf of the school : JOHN HICKSON \V. L. CARVER “'ILLIAM FRISBY The.present,ation took place as seon ,-aa all had assembled and got warmed ‘np after the drive. Mr. Forester made an able reply. He said what he had done for the school was done he- cause he felt .it was-hiaduty to help whenever possible. He pointed out that, it was a great pleasure to meet so :mnny Qf ‘his friends together and {thi‘flkh‘d :the school for the presents “‘ \Ve, the representatives of the Victoria. Square Sabbath School have athered tn-night that we may enjoy n ; ew hours in your genial presence, and 'to express our regret that; you are about, to leave our community and Sabbath school. u -’With a dee sense of your many benefactinns, L ose assembled have de- sire. in the name of Victoria Square Sabbath Schnul to present to you this field glass and silver mounted shaving 'hrush as a. token of our increasing ad- miration and esteem for yourself and of our ratitude for your labors in behalf ogtrhe school. \Vhile occasions such as this are eVents that relieve us from our busi- ness cares and atford us opportunities ‘to nnbend and mingle in chesrful :‘recreation with our esteemed friends, yet are they min rled with sadness when mom with w om we are assoâ€" ciated leave our midst. You have been connected with our Sabbath school for a. number of years and with- 7in that period you have greatly en- deared yourself to us by your amiable character, your earnest devotion to duty, and the hearty interest you have ever manifested in the welfare of our school. The oh’icers, teachers and senior classes of the Victoria Square Sabbath School assembled at the home of Mr. Ed. Forester on the evening of March 7th, and made him a present of a beautiful field glass, also a silver- nmunted shaving brush. The super- intendent made the presentation, Mrs. Wm. Frisby reading the following ad- dress : New Advertisements. I Chango~FL C. Bailey. Cardâ€"James Newton. For Saleâ€"S. Baker. Eaton. March > 15, i 1500 it it t RICHMOND HILL. TRADE RETURNS. The trade returns with Great Britain continue to show substantial growth in export and import. The imperial trade returns for the first two months of this year show the fol- lowing among other increascs over the ‘similiar period of last year :â€"wheat $560,000; fish $260,000; bacon ‘ $240,000; cattle $190,000; cheese $135,000; oats $125,000; lumber $125,000; hams $55,000; eggs $30,- 000; wheat flour $145,000; pease $15,000; or a total increase for the two months in the value of goods purchased by Great Britain from Canada of over a million and three. "quarters. which is at the rate of $10,- 000,000 in the full twelve months, even it the improvement remains stationary which it is not at all like- Ily to do. Nor is the improvement in 'one direction only. There has been ‘a decided increase in British exports to Canada also, principally in textile manufactures which have increased $540,000, metals, raw and manufac- tured $465,000; and wool. cotton, tetc” unmanafaetured $105,000 so ;that the increase of trade since the first of the year between Canada and 3the Mother country has been at the ~i‘ate of over $17,000,000 per annum. {But it is growing all the time, and =the year’s record may be safely an- ticipated to be even greater than this. And yet some politicians would have the country believe that the Govern» .ment’s trade policy is detrimental to “the development of commercial inter- course between Canada and the Old Land. ' negative by three points. and asked for all to make themselves at home. The ensuing two or three hours \vere s )ent in games of all sorts. Both old :IIK young took pmt in these. in fact, a few of the older ones seemed H) be more than delighted. An excellent lun‘c'h was provided by the ladies about eleven o'eloek, the coffee being: furnished by Mrs. Lawson. \\'lien everyone had satisfied the cravings of their appetite the party divided up in two divisions and played eharades uns til the wee hours of the morning. when the superintendent rolled them together in the parlor. were they sang. " Shall we gather at. the river." The superintendent then dismissed them With the benediL-tioi‘i and all departed for their various homes, after speud~ an ideal evening. Miss A. Stoutenburgh has returned to the city after spending 21 few days under the parental roof. Mrs. T. Boynt‘on is on the sick list present. Mr. 1V. Graham of Aurora was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Nieholls on Sunday. Mr. John Munro‘s sale takes place on the 15th inst. Mr. Graham of Toronto was in our midst on Sunday. â€"ooo- Vellore The school children of this village had a sleigh drive on Tuesday and re- port having a. good time. Miss M. Sharp, of Toronto, was vis- iting her uncle, Mr. E. Lovett, last week. Mr. Richard Jarrett intends leaving for Michigan in a. few days. Miss A. \Vilson of Maple, was the nest of Mrs. \Vm. \Vright on smut: ay. The Kleinburg Literary Society Vis- ited the Society of this village on Fri- day night and gave. an excellent pro- gramme, which consisted of singing, recitations, instrumental music, and a debate in which the membei‘s‘of the Vellore Society look part. The sub- ject for debate was “Resolved that the wax-ks of Nature are more. bean’ti- ful than the works» of Art.” The home Society defended the affirmative. and - the visitors the negative. The affirm- ative was contested by Messrs. J. G. : McDonald. Geo. Sanderson and “I O. McDonald; the negative by Messrs. R. Farr. J. Molhrey and EV. Ewen-s. The decision was given in fa'vo‘r of the Mr. I). Mc- Kinnou of Vellore, occupied the chair. 0»â€" Rainy River Items. 211. l A pleasant event took place here on “’ednesday Feb. let, when Miss Alice May Snider, second daughter of Mr. J. I J. Snider; Van ha n, was united in marriage to Mr. fiames Timon of this ' place. The ceremony took place at the Sault Rapids, the Rev. Mr. Johnâ€" “1:90 km." 'I‘..,...... t . cnn “man I .‘nn The war during the past week has 19.11 been in favor of Lord Roberts and the British. Several important points have been gained.and on Tues- day Bloemfontein, the Free State cap- itai surrendered without bloodshed. President Steyn with a majority ot the fighting burghers fled north- 'Wards. Victoria Square A [alga amount of private funds to loan on improved {arm property. Five per cent. in- terest. Easy terms (or repavment. No com- mission charged on loans. Apply to A. G. F. LAWRENCE. Freehold Loan Building. Toronto 01- at Richmond Hill on Saturdays. THE - LIBERAL HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. MONEY i! MONEY! The mail accnnmmdation is very un- satisfactory t’his winter. There seems to be no connection between the offices. THE LIBERAL arrives here two weeks after it is published, and still we are supposed to enjoy a week- ly mail service. w. HEWISON, Work on the railroad is progressing favorably. The train is now running to “Wu-road. which is only 33miles from the crossing on Rainy River. W'm-k is plentiful. wages good, and there is every reason to believe that, this next smson will be the host Raiiiy River District, has yeg seen. The country is being setiled quite rapidly, more people having Come in last year than ever before. In mmse» sequence of the incraaSe in pnpuhlzinn there is likely to be a. shortage in pro- visions before the opening of naviga- t‘inn. A pleasant (Went, took place here on “deesduy Feb. let, when Miss Alice May Snider, second daughter of Mr. J. J. Snider; Van ha n, was united in marriage to Mr. fiames Timon of this place. The ceremony took place at the Sault Rapids, the Rev. Mr. John- son officiating. Miss May Truth, of PineWood acted as hridvsnnid while Mr. A. A. Snider supported the groom. Mr. and Mrs. Tilson will reside here. and be in charge of the Pinewood post- office. \Ve are having exceptionally mild weather here this winter, only a few cold days when the tlwrmomuier showed 45 degrees ~bolnw. RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL. Mr. Richard Jarrett intends leaving for Michigan in a. few days. Miss A. \Vilsnn of Maple, was the nest of Mrs. \Vm. \Vright on Satin? ay. The Kleinburg Literary Society Vis- ited the Society of this village on Fri- day night and gave. an excellent. pm- gramme, which consisted of singing, recitatinns, instrumental music, and a debate in which the nwmhei‘s‘of the Vellm‘e Society louk pal-1,. The sub- ject for debate was “ Resnlved that the wax-ks of Nature are him-e. heau’ti- ful than the wurksnf Art.” The home Society defended the affirmative, and the visitors the negative. The affirm- ative was contested by Messrs. J. G. McDonald. Geo. Sanderson and “I O. McDonald; the negative liy Messrs. R. Fair. J. Mnll‘n'ey and EV. Ewen-s. The decision was given in fa'vo‘r of the negative by three points. Mr. I). Mc- Kinnou of Vellm'e, occupied the chair. The school childrun of this village had a sleigh drive 011 Tuesday and ru- pnrt having a good t-imp. Miss M. Sharp, of Tor-(min, was vis- iting her uncle, Mr. E. Lovett, last week. on Sunday. Mr. John Mum-0‘s sale on the 15th inst. Mr. Graham of Toronto Calls from a distance promptly attended to. Subscribe for MONEY J E. SANDERSON. J A. E. SWITZER. Select Counmllor. Financial Sec'v PRICES AT FARMEBS' WAGGnflS. Wheat, white. per bush... Wheat, red, per bush Wheat. goose. per bush Oats. per bush. Peas, per bush . Barlev. uer bush Turkeys, per lb Dressed Hogs, pe cwt Geese. per lb l‘hickens. per pm . Ducks. per pmr . .4 Butser. in pound rolls Eggs. h'esll .............. Potatoes, pPr bug Apples. per bbl . Hay,c!over Hay, timothy . Straw sheaf” . H . . . (38"KQOOOOOOOG 88$835§38835 Meet in the Temperance Hall on the first Wed- uesdny of each mon ch. Assessment system. Pa able monthly. Lady or gent emnu. Class ‘ Ago If No. 1 and N0. 2 3011 in Richmond Hill by W, A. Sanderson, Drugglsb. nfioiflmé bfiégfiié 1622mm Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000Lad1es. Sale.eflectual. Ladies as): your dru gist for Cook”: Cotton Root Com~ ad. Take no ot e:, as all Mixtures. pills and mitatlous are dangerous. Price. No. 1, :1 er box ' No. a, 10 degrees stronger. $8 per box. 0. l or E, mailed on recelp‘ of price and two D-cent atom a. The Cook Company Windsor Out. 3“ 913.} gm! 2 sold oniucognmended By all 0f Turnnto, Canadaâ€"Hie coming Com pany for the farmers of York Co. Business Solicited. GORE, ()F GALT. J. T. SAEGEON, Manchester, of London.Eng., BRITISH AMERICA, On Um prmnisvs, Richmond Hill, :1 thoroughbred Registered Jersey Bull, and a thoroughbred pedigreed Bork- shire Boar. Terms $1.00 cash. SZâ€"tf T. LUDFORD, wmmrwrmwmmw firm Monay tn Iran on first. maxfimge farm props!- ty, an five per cent, :9-5f Enquire at ‘VXIAN’IED â€"â€" SEVER {L TPUSTWUR'I‘HY persons in this sluts to mun-ago our busi- ness m then‘ 0er und mun-by countizs. It, is nm‘inh’ Office Work cunducned a!" hume. Salary straight $900 a vnm'mxd expensnsâ€"â€"de finiteJunm- flule, no more; 120 tests swlury. Mnuuhly M's. leferan‘ves. Encflose sad-addressed stamped ouvelnpe. derherb E. Hess, Fresh. Dept. M, Chic-Ago. (Ll-8 WEDNESDAY Apnl llâ€"Credit sale at farm stock, implmucnls. ((10,, at 'l'l)(:n11mu)1“\ Hotel Lansing. Haie at, lo’clm-k ’l‘en'ns 8 months Erhard:- & Prentice. uucunueers. Idi'l’altiea gamma their mils p1 u;th at this Officewiil reovive a. notice simimr to the above FREE 01* cmmun York (Lansing), the property of 11. J. Shop- nrd. No reserve. Sale at. 1 o’clock. Terms ‘ 8 months. Snigeon Ga McEwon. uucts. WEDNI-zmlxy. March zzl-Cradih nude of hrm I stuckjmpiomentannd household furniture on 10: 16,1'eur3rd con. Vuughan (Sherwood), the property of ann Campbell. J. 1). madman. auctioneer. VV}‘.DNHSDAY, {Um-ch 2Sâ€"Credit saie of bu‘m stock, implements” &c., at; Hughes‘ Bowl. Thomhill. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms 8 Months. Evkunlt & Prentioe, auctioneers. SATURDAY. March 31â€" Auction sale of house. lut am|5ucresotIandheloug-ng to the estate of the late Matthew Pearson, Lansing. Terms made knnwn on day of sale. Sam at 1 u’clomx. Eckardt’ 6; Prentice, nacfioneerm WEDNESDAY Apnl 11â€" ‘ edit gale at farm sfm c’clwk Terms 6 Ewen. nuvtionoer MONDAY March Elli-AI Sula m 12 o‘ 8 months. 681‘s. Fnluu, Mar. 23 plemoma at tho propel: on lot ‘10. Cum. 4, Emu York LL'Amr property of C)*;us.l\inrp‘xy' Sale: Terms cash. Sale cannuuall Lil] powd of. Eckurdt & Prentice, EDI MONUAY,MI11‘CI) afiâ€"(hedit sule of f: implements. M: _ on 1053. 2nd mm the pmparty of Mn)“ ny Bowos. o'clock. Terva 8 months. Saige Ewenmuctioueers. TUESDAY,IV1&|‘ch27â€"Ul'odi1} sale) of it 1_1}Ipicmenr§. Met. on lot :6. l_st._ F33 SERVEGE I? iclnnond Iiill. The Royal Tempxam of Temperance “Emmy to Loan Agent for the folk)an stock Fire lnsuvance Companies, viz.: YORK MUTUAL, fimvwmufiwm wmmmmmmm mewxmmfi Cook's Cotton Root Compound A First-class Cash Mutual. OF TORONTO, CANADA. â€"â€" ALSOâ€"â€" autumn ailarkrtfi. Sale Register. ~oh 31â€" Auction sale of house. lot of land belong-m; to the estate e Matthew Pearson, Lansing. n knnwn on day of sale. SMH at Eclim‘dt, 6; Prentice, nacfioneerm ml llâ€"Credit Gale 0! farm Fftmk, a. ((10,, at 'l'l)(:n11mu)1“\ Hotel. Me at ln’clm-k ’l‘en'ns 8 months. 43c Auc Credit} sale) of mm stock, on lot :6. lst. con. “can $100 31.000131.£oo 67o Enquire at THE LIBERAL Ofline . lDen'Js: S nths. Snigec Richmond Hill. 050 075 026 018 045 250 1] SU Hm'm struck 1.. U VJ $364 0000 $2.000; 35‘ 50‘ (\Vorbmi) ule at 1 ‘u & Mc- 8009 069 $3.00 88 325 200 375 0 32 0 (In 0 ~17 ‘.' 1‘2. 7 00 0 (,9 0 80 l 00' MC. MASON, Axe Handles, 50. up; Crosscut Saws, 50c. per foot up; Axes, 70c. up ; Rogers’ Butcher Knives, Ioc. ; Pocket ' Knives, 50. to 75c. . Cow Chains, I2%C. Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Hockey Skates, 50 cents, com- plete, and everything sold at a reasonable price. All kinds of Tinware made to order. Gentleman’s, Laéies’ and Children’s Shoes. HARDWARE STORE Bargaim Every Day! “ THE LlBERfiCL ” OFFIQE, Guaranteed Americ an ‘Water White Coal Oil, 220. gal; and 210. gal. in 5 gal. lots. Sammie, White Goal 011 190. gal; and. 180. gal in 5 gal lots. And so can afford to give you bargains for yonr money. Custom work a specialty; repairing promptly and neatly done ROBERT SIVERS You cannot fail to be pleased with your selection. Shoes to suit everybody, both young and old. We are doing a suictly Repairing Promptly Done. JOB CASH USINESS Come and inspect our new lines of Richxnond Iâ€"Iill NE AT AN D ATTRACTIVE Q. BMLEYE MAPLE DONE AT PRENTING £0811 £0118 E 1'7, ' g 12 1 0011110011 and 50 Cents at our store on SaturdayMar. 17, will receive 12 LE ibs. extra granulated sugar. Richmond Hill um wrazwmfia»wwfi

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