Rxcnsm Tb? lined] the home 1 Tuesday uv Tn the i Mr. Bnyl Sand Ursa Ladies†$2.50; I)! cropun, $1 Next Division C Richmond Hill on Aplil. Last, day 231d inst. :m'd vicini day even' guod tum No. 1 corn starch, 59. ; Pure Guld Jellies, all flavors, 90.; mince moat. . 0.; good coffee, 15c. Atkinson 8; Switzer. At four ( the Junior Hume to p Morley lerkm', :1 pupil in tho sonim department of the Public Snlmul slipped on the ice yesterday and sprain ed his ankle. A meeting of the Exemxtivo Cmuâ€" mit-t'ee of the Agricultural Such-3y will be held in the (hr: Lm-uv Hall on Saturday next, 17th inst, at 2.30 p. m. A large load of teachers of the Meth- odist. and Presbyterian Sabbath schools attendvd the Sv S. C(mVPnt‘RUn 40 inch waist lini the hrsu'ivst Shh-ting; 100. {11k schools attends‘d we at Thornhill on Thu The Board 0f Education will meet, next Monday afternoon to consider ap- plicntions for the position of teaclwr for the 2nd department of the Public School. Thé members of [he Litmm'y Sneiely in connection with the High Schmal are arranging fox a dvhate to be given Thursday afternoon next. The Richmond Hill Horse Breeders’ Association will halal their annual meeting at The Palmer Housr‘. (m \Veduesday next, the let of March. "i‘wu sloigh-lnuds of pupils from the ‘Vellore Public School passed thruugh the village Tuesday afternoon, and seemed to enjoy their drive. You can’t gather ï¬gs f1 but you can get, very nice kinson 8: Swi ('3 lbs. Splendid quality and lwautiiul pat- tern fancy cretomm. at lflc. a, yard : fancy prints. 10 and 12410.. :1. yard. Atâ€" kinson & Switvzvr. The Iqunlity of mvn's furnishing gnnds at, Atkinson & Switzm’s is main- tained at the top notch and prices at the bottom. The muuthly auction sale held at the Palmer House yesterday was one of the must suceessful yer held. There was a largo. crowd of people and cattle- and horses realized very fni 1- prices. Copies of Rev. G. M. Sheldon‘s guper, The Topeka, Capital, which is eing issued this week on Christian principles. may ho had at THE LIBER- AL ofï¬ce. Do not miss the Mendelssohn Chor- Eï¬tii-sâ€"Musonic Hull, Friday, March 1 ., Jacob Eyvr 6: Son of this village are agents for Decrng light draught ideal hinders, com harvesters, mowers, rakes, twine, &c. Also for Mann’s seed drills. cultivatm's, diamond har- rows; disc hut-rows, 8w. Further par- ticulars will be given later by adv. The theme for the Christian En- denvur service Friday evening is “A Plumise and a Command for Me." Different speakers will consider a. choice promise and cmmmmd. Two snlus wiil intersperse the addresses. All are welcome. Green coffeu. 100.; pure lzu-d. 3 lbs. for 25¢. {Juhn Bull Pickles, 10c. ; Cow- an’s Muple'Leaf Brand Cocoa, § lb. Lin, 300.; rich red salmon, llc. Atkinson & Switzer. ‘In Aurora on Friday evening of this week, Prof. Baker, of Toronto Uni- :versity, will deliver the last of :1 series Oflectures hefui‘e the Public Library Board. . The title of the lecture is “Nebulm' Hypothesis," which might be p0 ulm‘ized into “The Making of the \ urld," m- “ The Beginning of our Solar System. ‘Our own baking pmvder, 1 lb. .tin, 150.: Mulwa, our own package pm-e Ceylon tea, blue package. 150.; red package, 21):. Atkinson & Switzer. The third open social of the Luther- an Joint Lndies‘ Aid Society was held at the home of Mr. John Clements last Wednesday, March 7. A very 0n- jnynble evenin was spent by all who were there, an the musiqrendered by the Lutheran Orchestra was received wth hearty applause. Proceeds satis- factory. The next, regular meeting of the Joint Ladies’ Aid will he held at the home of Mrs. Jacob Shiver, April all, Rohi n load of skaters from King City vicinity visited the rink (m Satur- »e\jening. and apparently had at IJ () (‘1 [EL ‘5 Friday sun by 1’9 hint vilï¬scdd; 2: e-niu UNIONVILLE. uly made 11x: ,ll( )\ “hm-ï¬gs from thistles. ‘k on ‘urth kinsm‘ Mon y ‘rd M :11 lnt hurt. will he hvkl Tuesday. the 3rd of st-rvice Frid 1g. 13, H and lie. ; no!) hx-mvn chuck 1mm 8; Switzor. m 7|‘iday after .vngne will 1 friends. w evening skirts 15 at At- rnmm Imxt flay Ml in T119 March number Home .Julu'nnl cunt: reading matter, and t m) is u m-vdit to the and g South studc: They Sulm thr (‘01 n1 ox'gn missmn mm 1: defu- mu 1::- the ‘ most being held Sltvrnutoly by each Skip. The following is‘ the smn‘e :-~â€" Sturoy 0110205001003004â€"17 Buyle 2002010220120120â€"15 Mrs. G. \Vilwygnt a severe fall on Sunday evening. The Was returning from chm-ch and Slippvd (m the sheet (:1 ion opposite Mr. J. Evot-‘s residence. She fell on her side. and so severe was the fall that she- had in be driven hmnv. IL was thought, her hip was injured. but the doctor found that no bum-s were fractured. She has since suffered munh pain, and will be con- ï¬nod to her mom for some timvto came. Straws are said to Show what way the wind blows; the now straws in Atkinson {1‘s Switzer’s millinery dept. indicate that the rustle of spring is at hand. The Brown’s Corners Presbyterian congregation will give an oyster sup- per in the chm-ch, Brown’s Corners, on Monday, March 19. Supper will be servvd from 6 to 8 p. m., after which a musical prograunne will be rendm'ed by the Methodist Choir of Uninnville, intm-spersed Wth addresses by Revs. \Vulkfl‘ of Unionvillv. and Keam of Thm-nhill. Also recitations by local talent. Tickets. .25 cents, Proceeds in aid of Church Building Fund. READING CIRCLE. ‘ The tupic for discussion at the Ep- wurth League Reading Circle next, Monday evening will be “The New .CitizmIsllip,"â€"chnpters viii. and ix.â€" “ThI-ough Vanity Fair†and “In Mill and Market.†A very proï¬table hour may be anticipated, as Rev. B. S. E. Large, B. A., B. D.,11asve-x-y kindly promised to lead the discussion. Let all the members be present and prepared to take some part, in the dis- cussion. The meeting will open at 8.35 sharp. An invitation is extended to all. The teachers, ofï¬cers and Bible class scholars of the Presbyterian Sunday School assembled on Monday evening for the annual sleigh-ride. Two- sleigh loads left the church at eight o’clock and travelled as far as Elgin Mills where they separated, one team going north and the. other south. At about 10.30 the teams met, after an en- joyahle drive, at the Sunday school where refreshments were served. At 11.30 the. sleighs were once. more ï¬lled to take the. scholars and teachers home each wishing that, there may yet be many years to come before they would be deprived of their annual sleigh-ride. A' i Extra quality cleaned Currants, 4 lbs. for 251:. ; selected Valencia raisins, 3 lbs. for 25c. ; golden dates, 4 lbs. for 25s.; best, Japan rice, 4 lbs. for 25c. Atkinsnn & Switzer. Sect etarv‘s statement of receipts and expenditure for Patriotic Concert held in Masonic Hull, Richmond Hill. on March 9, 1900 2-â€" Collectinn . . . . . ()uncert receipts Printing . . . . . . . . . . . , . . Postage & telephoning Travelling expenses pvrfnnners . . . . . . . March 14. 1900. The following were elected oFï¬cex-s for the \Vest York Sabbath Schnnl Association at. the Convention held at. Thnrnhill Thuxsday and Eridny last: PresidentJ. A. L. McPherson, Isling- ton; \’ice:Presiilents. R. Rae, Eglin- ton; R. H. Kellmn, Thistletown; I. Devins, Kleinburg; Secretary, A. H. Clemmer, Toronto Junction; Treas- urer, J. 0. Bull. “'eston; Executive Committee. York township. Mrs. Isa. Gilchrist. B. Abbott, Thus. Padget, \V. H. Moore, T. L. Mnffatt. jr.. J. A. Buthgate and J. J. Gartshore ; Vaugh- an tmvnshi , Mrs. Wm..Couk. Mrs. J. Shuter. T. \ ebstel‘, jr.. and H. Keï¬er; Etohicnke townshipLMiss Straight, A. H. Parker, ChasfPeters andâ€"VS. \V. Bingbzun; Primal-y Superintendent, Mrs. Â¥B. Abbott; Auditors, Enos. Campbell and W'm. \Vilsun: I’m- viucial Repl‘eseptatiwje. A. H. Clem- !llï¬fl‘o ' uriin M 1'. Th ltzcx l Cuttnn, 6c. spnul sphul; embroidery best 200 yard Mac I'm] spools, 46. (“ch THE PRESIDENT \VON IT. _ :~. \V. '1‘. Storey. President of the ing Club, will hnhl the Smith :Il during the year 1900, he having ufetl Mr. M. Boyle in the ï¬nal :11. Thv game fmm the start till lust stone was played Was‘ the l, exciting of the season, the lead 5; l1(’l(l_ alternately by each skip. following: is‘ the same :7» u m-vglit to the: pnhlishvrs 'iul mutter is spicy. the: ll knew-sting sun-ics, nn which are Sitpplied by are film SLIPPED AND FELL. xhln'nn (:17 MW) in preparation. ill hr assisted by the Mendels- mristors. one of the host music- nizntinns in the country. Ad‘ 10 and 15 cents. OYSTER SUPPER. NET RECEIPTS $85. ‘lpnm‘d Hi I Friday (J Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 85 00 T. F. MCMAHON, Sec’y. S. S. OFFICERS. SLEIGII-RIDE. EXPENDITURE RECEIPTS l High School concert ' (awning. 231d inst. vuzio “ill he )resont 111; an “The Incl-s in Thse High School gnnd solvctinn of songs ~twn in prepm-nt‘inu. m' nf the Ituins m of ..$ 16 71 784-1» ; silkcmchey, silk, 10. spool : 'k, white and Atkinson & thon- 110 Cmdean ach gnnd 'I‘Jll make- »$ 95 15 $10 15 The are the Mr. \Vm. Dennis. a butcher well- known throughout the county. whose place of business is 1085 Yongc Street. Toronto. was thrown from his cutter Tuesday aftrrnoon at the Patterson Cnrnvr, a mile west of Richmond Hill, and got a pretty sororv shaking up. Mr. Dennis drove up to Mr. Thomas Bowes’, Concord. on Monday evening, and remained over night. Tuesday morning he drove north to buy cattle in Kingr township. Returning from anleafterwards he was driving at a livvly gait around the corner at the cross-roads when the cutter slid off track and he was thrown out with force. As he is a. man weighing 240 ll)s.. he fell heavily. His head and face were cut and hrnised, and when found shortly afterwards by some one travelling along that way ho was in a, critical condition. He was driven to the home of Mr. Aaron Prentire, thrnr-e by Mr. Isaac Snidor to Mr. Bmve-s’. and afterwards taken to his home. Mr. Dvnnia wishes through Tm: LIBERAL to thank all the frivnds who showed him so much kindness. Tho horsr ran away and was caught, at Thornhill. One of our citizens. Mr. I). McKen- zie, has just received :1 medal and clasp for services at the time of the Fenian Raid in 186?. nearly 34 years ago. Mr. McKenzie, who was in net- ive service six months. belonged at the time to Port Rowan Rifle Oom- puny, and was stationed at the town of Paris. The medal came by mail direct from Col. Tisdale, our citizen not. being able to go to Simcoe a few days ago when the presentation ofa large number of medals took place. The trophy is made of sterling silver from the Royal Mint, and is about the size of a, silver dollar. On one side, is the word “ Canada." surrounded by a wreath of maple leaves with the (Jan- ndian flag in the centre. On the other side are the words, “ Victoria. Regina Et Imperatrix," and the recipient’s name, rank and company are, engrav- ed in the circular edge. Mr. McKen- zie‘s connection with the. Port Rowan Coinpnnv was purely accidental. His home was in this section of country, but being on :1 visit to a married sister he enlisted with the volunteers and went on duty. He has reason to look upon this as the visit of his Life, as it not only gave him the opportunity to serve his country, but when he return~ ed he brought with him his wife, who is still a )ared to look after his house- hold a airs, and share his joys and SOI‘I'U‘WS. Jully High School Chm-uses at the Masonic Hull. March 23rd. Mr. James Ecknrdt, License In- spector fur East, York district. ,visiLed the village hutels here ofï¬cially yes- terday. Miss Annie Glass is supplying for Mrs. \Vilvy in the junior department of the Public School. Councillor R. \V. Glass was grooms- mmx at the marriagwnf his uncle, Mr. Fred Pugslcy, and Miss Ursa B. Grose, at Keswick on Thursday last. Miss Maud Chnmbx'rlin who spent the past few munths in Gl'avvnhm-st, is home to spend a couple of weeks with her mother. Mrs. (Du) Coulter 3f Ottawa, who had been in Aurora a few days, spent Monday night with Mr. and Mrs. John Ctiull/el‘ on her way back to the Cupi- tn . PUGSLEYâ€"GROSEâ€"At the residence of the bri-lo'sfather. on the 8th iusb.‘ bv E‘d. Prus- ser, M1'.Fred Puueieymi Indian Head, N. W. T..to Ursa. B.Gmse. third daughter of Mr. Henry Grose of Keswick. FARRâ€"\VATSONâ€"Un Wednesday, Murr-h 7, at thebome of the bride's father. Fmrï¬eld Farm. Toronto Gore. bv the Rev. 1‘. Ma- Luchlun. B. A.. of Bolton, Agnes. eldest. daughter of Walter Watson. Esq, to Arthur Wnuams Fun- of Vaughan. FIERHELLnnâ€"At (‘mrm-m Mills. 3rd con. Mark- ham. uu Szlcunmv. MM‘ch 10, Wm. Fierhell- er, aged 84 years. GLOEE OPTICAL co. THRO\\'N FROM HIS CUTTER. FENIAN RAID MEDAL. _93 Yonge Street, Tqronto. BERSOH ALIS. NIAKIKIAGES BEA'I‘HS Solid Gold. ...§~2.s& 1363?: Gold Fill 1.5( 5 yrs Gold Fill 1.0( Best Glasses... 10( Nabby Suits EOE Nobby Egan Azkiénsmz & Switzer Is the place to buy your Hm-ums and other supplies. Single Harness from $10 up. All work guaranteed ï¬rst-class. Saskatchewan and Black Galloway Robes, $8 to $20. Jute Stable Blankets, ‘ 35 cents to $2.50 each. Shaped \Vool Blankets. $2.25 to $5 each. ' 1 Dutch Kersoy Blanket-s, $1.25 to $2 each. Best, English Kersey Blankets, 80x80 inch, $4 to $6 each. EARNESS Trunks, Valises, Mitts, Gauntlets, and other supplies as low as the lowest. The above rink will be open for Skat- ers during the season on Evenings of each week from 7.30 to 10 o‘clock, SKATING RENE GOOD MUSIC ON SATURDAY EVENlNGS. Rink open tn Curlers every day, and on Tuesday and Friday evenings. Admission fat-skaters, 10 cents; Chil- dren 5 cents. “'EDNESDAY AND SATURDAY Fifteen Adult‘s tickets for $1.00 Thirty Children‘s tickets for $1.00. Iï¬ichnlond Hill. asy terms of payment. Samples always on hand. Ilepail'in g 131‘0111ptly Done. RICHMOND HILL We have just received direct from Glasgow a shipment ol black and blue Serges, Clay VVorsteds, Colored VVorsteds, Cheviots, Vicunas, Scotch Tweeds, Pantings, and Ovei‘coatings, in all the newest colorings and patterns and have also brought into stock a special line of trimmings including Italian Satin, Black and Colored Silesias, linen, pocketing and all the necessaries which constitute a. High class tailor made suit. . Black Clay worsted, ï¬ne twill, ï¬nished with best quality trimmings, ï¬t: guaranteed, $16.75. ‘ Fancy Colored Worsted, in brown and bronze green shades, from $16.50 to $19.50. Scotch Tweed in all the newest shades and patterns, ranging from $14.00 to 511520.00. These are only a few quotations but for a further examination of quality and style drop in and see the range we have. Halifax tweed suits, in shades of Brown, Fawn and Gray at $II.75, to order. Black Clay worsted, better quality, $18.00. Blue Serge, medium twill, color will not turn, Here is a list of a few of our lines: 3'. C LARK, R. G. SAVAGE, Reeve. RICHMON D anadian Tweed, in nice neat checks at $10.75. G130. EEODONikLD Sflmg MAEHINE READ THE Canadian Home Journal “Canada for the CanadJans." OR you can receive it with this paper for one year by sending your qr- ders to thewpublishers of THE 'LIB~ ERAL at $L’75. _ Send 10 cents for sample copy. will like it. Addressâ€"- PIANO, ORGAN, n‘mnthly magazine full of interest- ing reading matter and useful information for Subscx-iptinnprice $1 per annum Canadian Heme Journal 00., Liz-Med :5.sz TORONTO, 0x52 CANADIAN \VOMEN AND CANADIAN HOMES IF YOU WANT TO BUY A CALL ON OR WRITE