VOL. XXII. THE LIBERAL PRINTlNG a PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. THURSDAY MORNING '1'. F. McMAHON. D R. LANGSTA FF RICHNIOND HILL. Ofï¬ce Hours :â€"â€"-8 to 10 a. m.; 12 to 2 p. m.; 7 to 9 p.111. Best ï¬tting tooth, also roplnting, at loxvestprices. Good work. . ‘ Oddfollnw‘s " ï¬i‘sguéhé [Si'segéurctilrerdï¬ll biker domesticat- ed animals create]. by the latest and most. 111‘- proved methods. F. J. GALLANUUGE Ofï¬ce :â€"Noxt doul Gmduace of the Ontario Veterinary College, with diploma from the ()uta-rio Veterinary Dantal School.wi11 visit Maple on Monday and Friday of each week. and Concord on Friday tram 1 to 3 pr. 11]. Calls prompny attended hp DR. T. A. CURREE Dr. W. Cecil Trait-er, B. DENTIST, Telephone 3368 for appointment. VETERINARY SURGEON $1 per annum, in advanc:.] numodoned, and n One of the most ( hotels on Ynngo veuienee. Sump! cmvellora. Au ixle JDHN l’AL‘x‘lBR. PALME R HOUSE, “ Calls by to] HULSE HGTEL, Every Accom Cor. Bloor and §padma Ave" ’H‘oromu. Member College Room 'avellor‘. An idea .‘ driving para-.13.!) )or returning fro assthe door. J. T. Mcfllroy, Ejpans RipaBS' RICHNIOND HILL. Dentist, (Successor to Dr. Cecil Trotter) \Vill be in Ri< DR. L. BUSINE SS CARDS. S to lflen THOROUG VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, RICE VETERINARY SURGEON, @112 gum: lllmv‘s Bldg, Toronto, cor. Yong and College. Sts., Toronto, IS PUBLISHED EVERY OFE‘ECE “ï¬vfls Eamon Jz Pnormn’ros WK“. Rogevs D 9W6; gi , r telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. 'l‘horuhill. Tabules cure flatulen I‘nhulos: pleasant lam: 121 Victoria St†Toronto. EMOND wm‘riuam "ï¬ttdiml. Richmond Hill every \Vednvsduy. â€".AND_ P11 ysh-iaus and Surgeon On Q. LAWRASDN, an: 6m 5 g) m 5353:1115} SchooL LY REFITTED. .60 PER DAY ublic 3i. with of Public thrnnplmut. ‘tive‘ Prop £30, trav DUE‘EBAN, GRANT 85 SKEï¬zNS EaatToronto Ofï¬ce. Mr. Grant's residence, Woodbndpo. every evening. Thornhillmnch Wednesday from 10 to 12. ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES. ELGIN DIIIJIJSG E. F. B. JOHNSTON. Q. ( Money $0103.11 at Barrister, Solicitor. Notary, 85:. Suite 77 and 78 Freehold Loan Build- ings, (-m‘. Adelaide and Vin-Lorin Streets, Toronto. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, Etc. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. 1w. TEEFY. NOTA RY PUBLEC. LENNOX & MORG Monev to loan on lnnd and chuLt-e'. movtgages at {wrest rates. T. chaan‘ 1’. Barristers, Solicitors, etc. TORONTO OFFICE: No. 1, Adelalde - St" East. COOK & MACDONALD Bnrrislcrs, Solicitors. &c.. 25 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO. Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. SALEM Ecxnm'r, 63 Winchester St. Toronto Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Goods sold on consignment. General sales of ï¬tock.etc.,vromptly attended vs at reasonable rates. G.R,Guuldmg, Newton Brook, agent (or the above. timt JOHNSTON, ROSS & FALCONBRIDGE, LicensedAucbionwrs for the County of York,re- spectfully snlicit your patronage and friendly Influence. sales attpuded on the sLortest notice and a reasounberatee. P. 0. address King Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York Sakesmttended to on shortest notice and at rear sonublm-atm Pntrouugesolicibed. Lice J. '1‘. 8.1122011, Richmond Mill Licensed Anotinneer for the Counties of York and Ontnrm. Allsn'les of mm.) stock. &c., ub- tended to on the shortest native and reasonable mteq. Mortgage and bailiff sales attended to. Residence. Stoufl'vine. Ont. Even- accommodation to guestt‘. Board net dn. RICHMOND HILL & AS. N EWTON LIBERAL Oflice, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. ' C STOKES A, G. F. LAWRENCE, ‘nderlakm‘s 5' E JANES BUILDINGS, TORONTO. iipans Tabules cure bad breath. Ripans Tabules cure dyspepsia- Ripans Tabules cure headache. Ripans Tabules cure indigestion WNOX & MORGAN, Barrister-s and Eollcimrs. @§:§¥§%3~E MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. 158 KING STREET EAST. TORONTO Barrister-8s, ed Anct x) sales ( Eckm'dt 5: Pl entice WRIGHT BROS. Saigeou & Moliwou. able rates Stokes & Blollgï¬a. COMMISSIONER IN THE J. DI FAr.annamGn RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, MARCH 22, [900. oneer for the (‘ounty of York. finmlements, turnimresmnding :euded on th a shortest notice and D. Hendman, "35:11:11. ted. P. 0. address Maple per cent 3 urow. In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty,- in all things, Charity.†EJZQJN’, Smith. G. 81V. BIORGAN‘ THORNHIIL ‘aahalmm's. Tolerhcne $84 J‘ H. PRENTICR Unionvnle GEORGE Buss J. B . McEwen Weatun. $3399 I\ e“ market D BLUUGH Like. an oasis of ulnquonce in the desertlnf verbiage. was Tuesday’s Sib‘ ting in the House of Commons. for the (lehntv upon Mr. Bourassu’s amend- ment, to the motion to go into Supply drew forth speeches of sterling merit fully up to the standard of par-lia- mentary Oratory, and unmarrcd by that. undigniï¬ed and reprehensible strain of personality and partisan hit- temess which has been altogether too much in evidence this session. Mr. Bum-assa‘s criticism of the Govern- ment‘s pnlicy in cunnectitm with South African affairs, Lhat it; was an uncon- stitutional and dangerous innovation. and his plea for an absolute recogniâ€" tion of the rights of Parliament, were all very well in the abstract, lmtas the Premier pointed out his amend- ment was innppor-tune and without raismi dietre. It may be readily con- ceded that Mr. Boui-assa made out the best possible case that could be pre- §ent.ed_in support of his contentions: But the fact that his moderate and well delivered speech, though atten- tively listened to, signally failed to carry conviction or even to secure sympathetic recognition, is most con- clusive evidence of the correctness of the. Premier's criticism. A MODEL OF NOBLE ELOQUENCE. of Sir 'Wilfrid Lunrier’s reply there are no two opinions existing. \Vith anunanimitynsbure as it is signiï¬- cant the. members of the. House and the press of the country applauded and endorsed his utterances. The Mail- Empire declared “his utterances met with marked approval from Conserv- atives as well as Liberals and his per- nration drew forth a tumult of ap- plause in which even Sir Charles Tupper vigorously joined,†while even the poor old Montreal Star was con» pelled to admit editorially that “upon the whole Sir \Vilfrid acquitted him- self very ably.†Nor Was this excel- lent effect conï¬ned to the Canadian public ; the, fame of that speech quick- ly crossed the Atlantic, and the Lon- don Times next morning declared that. “ The speech would rank high in any assembly in the world as a model of noble eltfluence, but it is not the language of the Canadian Premier's address which will make it live in the annals of the empire. The spirit. which glows through it and the thoughts which underlie itareprcg- nant with great issues for England and mankind. Sir \Vilfrid Laurier, the French Roman Catholic Premier of a Selfâ€"governing federation in which British Protestants are in the major- ity. has expressed more faithfully and more truthfully than any otherstates- ‘ man who has yet spoken, the, temper of the new imperial patriotism foster- l ed into selfâ€"consciousness by the war. lVVe look forward to a day not far ‘ distantin the life of nations when a Boer Premier of the Smith African Dominion shall kindle with a. like de- votion to the British flag.†.A “'ORD IN SEASON FOR SIR CHARLES. A WORD IN SEASON FOR SIR CHARLES. The above quotation is eminently satisfactory to the Canadian people, and it must he gratifying to the right hon. gentleman himself and his sup- porters. Here is another editorial comment from a leading British jour- nal which will he prettygenerally ad- mitted to be equally accurate and just, though possibly not as flattering to‘ the. subject thewnf. The St. James’ Budget (London, Eng.). says :â€"â€"“ It is a pity that the Canadian Opposition have not suflicient prudence to re- strain Sir. Charles Tupper from his petty attacks upon the present Laurier ministry. The ministry may have faults, but no one can deny that it has pursued an Imperial policy with great fearlessness and vigor; and these per- petual volleys uf absolutely barren criticism directed at a body of men who are doing their best to express the will of the (muutry, are only pro- voking several French-Canadian mem- bers to say things they (in not mean, and under other circumstances wuuld not have said. Is it nut almut time Sir Charles were replaced as leader of the Opptisitinn P †Council met. in Victoria Hall. Union- ville, on Tuesday, March 13th at 11 o’clock :1. 111. Members all present. Reeve A. Quantz in the chair“ Minutes of last meeting read and C(mï¬x-mvd. Cummlmications leceivod : From Mrs. M. A. Curtis, 1‘9 grant to Mrs. Prehbles. Petitinn was received from C. J. James. l‘e L'lt’Ctl'lC railway. y From Standard Bank, re cashing checks at Richmond Hill branch. From County Treasurer, re refund of taxes. From J. C. Lundy, re commissioner for north townline. From Standard Bank. re 10:11]. From J. B. McLean, clerk of Vaugh- an, re account. Messrs. \Vm. and John Snmvbul] \Ym'e heard, re- their being nsSessed in were heard, 1‘0 then' “H the wrung school suctio The fullnwing :Lccnum ed and ordered to be pa Our Ottawa Letter. Mal'Kham Council. 1 was received from C electric 'nilwuy. Standard Bank, re cus Richmond Hill branch ounty Treasurer, re re re cashing brunch. refund in Hurt & Riddoll, stationery . . . . . . $ 2 48 Markham Sun, printing . . . . . . . . . 14 85 G. Baker, gravel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 46 E. (llubinv, gravel . . , . . . . . . . . . . . l 99 L. Reesor. gravel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 O. H. Chant, W. Prebhles’fnneml 15 00 Markham’s share, Yonge Street Account, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 5 8 Mr. Smmnerfeldt, seconded by Mr. Dimma. moved that the Auditors Re- port. as ï¬nally audited by this council he and the same is hereby accepted. Carried. Mr. Snmmerfoldt, seconded by Mr. Eckm‘dt, moved that the sum of $5.00 be granted to Mrs. Prehbles as extra, over and above her Weekly allowance. Carried. Mr. Sisley, svcnndod hy Mr.Ecknr-dt, moved that this council grant, the sum of $125 to be expended on the townline between \Vhitchnrch and Markham and that commissioner Summerfeldt expend the sqme in C(mjunctinn with the cunnnissaner from VVhitchm-ch. Carried. By-Law introduch by Mr. Summer- feldt to borrow certain sums for cur- rvnt expenditure. Bylaw read three times and passnd. Mr. Sunmwrfehlt, seconded by Mr. Eckai-dt. moved that the reeve is here- by anthnrizml to Inn-chase one car of sewer pipe for the use (if this munici- pality, amount payable on his order when thr‘ goods are delivered and ap- pl‘()_V9(L.â€"Uflrl‘if'd. Mr. Dimmn, seconded by Mr. Sum- merfvldt, moved that. the resolution of this council, passed May 1898,g1~anting one dollar per week Ln Mrs. Spring be hereby I'escinth-d, and thth the flaws. be authorized to pay Mrs. Spring one dollar per week from this date on de- mand.â€"Cm-ried. Mr. Eckardt, seconded by Mr. Sum- mer-feldt, mnved that this council ad- jmu-ns to nwet. again on Tuesday, April 1".â€"Czu'ried. Th9 Reeve in the chair, Members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and conï¬rmed. A petition from \V. H. Cluhilm and 25 ntlwrs was pl'E'SPnU (1 praying the council to oppose- certain legislation which was uhuut to take place in re- gle'd to the Metropolitan Railway Co. hning allowed the use (If Yonge Street for freight _t1-uï¬ic. Vaughan Council met at the Town Hall. Vellm-e, on Tuesday, March 13, ut.10:1. m. for freight; trafï¬c. The Auditors’ Report of the Treas- urer’s Accounts for 1899 wen: laid on the table. Kirbyâ€"Boyleâ€"that the Auditors’ Report of the Treasurer’s Accounts fhr the year 1899 he received and ad- opted by this council, and the clerk be instructed to have 150 copies printed for distributimi.â€"Uarried. Kill)yâ€"\Inlloyâ€"that the treasurer pay Geo. Cooper, for (me sheep killed, $6.766.â€"(.‘rar1-iied. _ V â€"-â€"U;U‘l'ivd. \Vatsnn-Kirbyâ€"that the treasurer pay the following accounts : Andrew McNeil, 1 cold of wood for Town Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5 00 ‘ Kii-Byâ€"‘Vatsonâ€"that Whereas cer- tain matters affecting this municipal- ity in respect to §h(:_DIet1:¢)p()ljt;ln “htsnnâ€"Bnyleâ€"that the treasm pay James Bell, for the Kleinhurg A ricultural Society, the sum of $10 Carried. 213‘ F01’b( O‘Connor, labor and mater in] for Town Hall shed . . . . . Vaughan Council lil‘VaV will ‘eutr scssiu blacksmith 1.111 8 69 4%49 2451 1 vu'riw asm'er | 580 8007J) 000 575.3050Umm555 U 799924654512 3 11 11111 Legislature; be it resolved that the. Reew, Messrs. John N. Boyle and W. H. Clubino be appointed a deputation to meet the Legislative Committh when such matters are introduced. and oppose such legislation as they may deem detrimental to the best in- terests 0f the municjpality.â€"-â€"Carried. _ Council adjourned lo m'eet on April 10th, at 10 a. m: The Epworth League purposes hold- ing a social in the vestry next Monday evgping. ~ _ _ Hop; Sabbath School contributed $2.30 to the Indian Famine Fund on Sunday l_as_t. A sleigh load of young people from Maple and one from Hope met at Mr. W. T. VVutson’s last, Thursday oven- ing. and spent. a. very pleasupb pimg. The oyster supper at Edgely last, Friday evening was very successful. Among those who took part in the programme were Mrs. (D12) Sislcy, Miss E. Kefl’el‘, Mr. L. Kel‘fer and Miss Emma Hymn. all of Maple. Mr. ‘V. Robinson attended the wed. ding of Mr. J. Reaman and Miss May Savage on Monday afternoon. Savage on Monday afternoon. At the meeting of the Literary So~ ciety last \Vednesday evening an in- teresting programme was given. Be- sides the members who contributed, Miss Fieldhouse and Mr. W. Street of TUI'OntO, each sang a. solo in avel‘y pleasing manner. The debate, “Re- solved thth Strikes are :L Beneï¬t to VVt)1"kin0me1),†was postponed until this wee . The afï¬rmative will be up~ held by Messrs. C. H. Byzun, W. Rob- inson and W. L. Keffer, while Messrs. J. R. Campbell, R. S. Thnmson ancl E‘. _A ‘. H.'Elliott will speak on the negative. On Wednesday evening of next week a debate will be held between the members of the Vellm-e and Maple, Societies. Subject. “Resolved that more can he learned by Reading than by Travelling." An interesting time is expect-ed. Th5 concert in the hall on Tuesday evening was not very well attended, but an excellent programme was givep. . . .-.,~.-.-/~. Mrs. V. V. Moore of Hope, teacher of vocal and instrumental music, in- tends giving .1 (pupils’) concert on Tuesday evening, April 17th, in the school house. An organ and a piano Willbe the musical instruments used on that evening. Mrs. Geo. Cook, urâ€" gnnist of Hope Methodist Church, will assist. For particulars sec pro- grammes at a, later date. Selections will be given from both the classic and modern composers. U A hurse belonging to Mr. G. J. Cook hanged itself in the stall last Saturday night. The council met in the Clerk’s ofï¬ce on Tuesday, Man-ch 20th, 1900, at 8.30 p. ‘13:. Member’s present: the reeve, coun~ cillors Hill, Inues and Trench. The minutes of February 19, were read and conï¬rmed. ‘ The following accounts were read and ordered to be paid : Charles Cooper, shovelling snow$ 1 50 \Villiam Gibbs “ “ l 50 Robert Kinnee “ ‘ “ 1 50 Joseph Blanchard “ “ 1 50 John Blanchard “ “ 1 50 Harry Gamble. 30 loads gravel 15 00 Ontario Pressed Brick Go . . . . . . . ll 00 Levi Gaby, teaming brick . . . . .. 6 50 T. F. McMahon, printing &c. . .. 19 60 Moved by Mr. Trench seconded by Mr.Hill that the treasurer is hereby in- structed to pay the above accounts. Carried. Mr. Innes introduced By-Law N0. 175 to authorize the Treasurer of the Village to deposit village funds in the Standard Bank of Canada at Rich- mond Hill, the hy-law was read a ï¬rst second and third time and passed. Mr. McMahon, as secretary of the Citizens’ Committee, being present, re- ported the result of the entertainment held on†the 9th instant in aid of the. Patriotic Fund, the net proceeds amounting to $86.25. Moved by Mr. Hill seconded by Mr. Trench that the clerk is hereby in- structed to prepare a by-law to anth~ orize the council to contribute out of the village funds the sum of twenty- iive dollars to the Patriotic Fund in addition to the proceeds of the recent. entertainmenuâ€"Carried. The council adjourned to meet on Monday, the 26th inst. at 8 p. m. M. TEEFY, Clerk. !. MEWSin HOUSE PAINTER, [Single copies, 3 cts. Village Councfl. from Grainer and Maple J. B. MCLEAN, Clerk. CE. RIC] nded t Ice pI‘OII No 38 ILI