Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Mar 1900, p. 5

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Don’t miss the High-Sclmolenter- tainment to be given in the Mnsunic Hall on Friday evening of this week. Among the attractions will be :1 lecture on The Boers, by Prnf. Mackenzie1 of Trinity University. selections by the Mendelssohn Choristex-s, a tableau by young ladies of the High School, who will present a fillllUll‘S witch scene ; the entertainment to conclude with an ex- citing sceiw among the outlaws in Sherwood Forest, entitled “ Robin Hontl .nnd His merry Men." Admis- sion, 10 and 15 Cl nts. Chair taken at 8 o’clock. The \V. M. S. of the Methodist Church purpose holding a bazaar fur- the. sale of useful and fancy articles on VVeduesdny aftvrnnon and evening, April 4th. The friends who so very graciously consented to cuntribnte articles will kindly send them in one .Qthe committee who solicited their aid, or m any member of the Auxil- iary, on or- bcfore Friday, the 3UL11 inst. Twu representatives of The Empire Tobacco Gd. visited this place on Sat- urday, and disposed Ufa large quan- tity of their different kinds of tobacco. The object was to introduce their goods. and as no charge was made they experienced nu difficulty in getâ€" t-ing rid of a lot of it. The team in themselves was quite an attraction, nneof them. including the plug but being more than 7 feet high. while “Shorty” was of very small dimen- siuns. excelled fni' stylish costumes. son & Switzen The object goods. and they export Ling rid of “’e have now passing customs sov- eml cases of dress gnods, linings, &c.. which fpy qualigygmd finish cannot be Pure lard, 3 lbs. for Clll‘l'lrllltS, 41bs. for 25c. : lencia raisins, 3 lbs. for: & Switzvv. Instead of the usual meeting of tho. Epworth League on Friday evening of ibis week, the League will take pal-t in a union prayer service‘ to he held in the school room of the Methudist church this ovoning. under the direc- tion ofâ€"the Missionary Department. Mr. G90. Duncan. brother of Mr. 301m Duncan of this place, died at ihe residence ofhis ln-othcr-in-laxx‘. B. H. Bull, Bmmpum, on Tuesday, 20th inst. Decoasud was in his .5th1 your. Inter~ anth in Muunt Pleasant Cemetery on Friday. Have you seen The \Vunderful Cul- culating Pencil that figures with a ‘LWist, of your wrist? It is made of pure aluminum, fits any pencil, is a pencil point protector, a pencil lengthener and an eraserâ€"an ingenious novelty. For sale at THE LIBERAL ,Oflico. Price 25 cents. Mr. Herbert Snowdon, formerly a school teacher, has nde arrange- ments to give an entertainment in the Public school at 4 p. m.on Friday 23rd inst. He will introduce Edison’s Sing- ing and Talking machine which gives band and orchestra music, instrumen- tal and vocal solos, 85c. Admission 5 cents. . The Junior Epwni-th League will ineet this week on Thursday afternoon :It41)’(-10ck. Mrs. Proctor will speak on "The Chinese Schuul in British Columbia.” A full attendance is re- quested. Ladies” print wrappers, fine quality print, with tucked yoke of muslin and muslin cuffs, for $1.50. Atkinson & Switzer. m. p wagâ€"cw W: W" ‘1‘," W: ' *‘ Lad-ios’ print wrappers, taimmed with white hmid and Spanish fiounce, $1.35 and $1.50. Atkinson & Switzer. The next. mgular meeting of Court, Ricllmnnd,A.O.F..will he held on Fri- dny evening. 30th inst.. instead of Fri- dny evening of this week. As this .Will be quarter night the officers would "Me to see a. full nttendnm-e. A nice range of cretnnnes in all the new calorings and patterns at prices from 10 £0470. Atkinson &. Switzer. The Toronto Daily Star has mixed its subscriptim) price to $2 11' 'yvar. By a. special] arrangement. The Star .and THE LIBERAL can be 8911!; to any address in Canada fur $275. The Palmer House was lighted up for the first; Lime last night, with acetylene gas. There are 24 lights in the first and second flats and the gon- erutm- seems to give (-H‘ry satisfaction. RICHMOND HILL, Mun-ch Miss Long, wh Kindergarten clus- give a COHCE‘I‘L in U Monday evening. Particulars will be day or two. fancy I) Switzer. The Richmond Hill Home Broodm‘s’ Associatiun held their annual meeting at the Palmer House yosteuluy. New spring prints in stripes. checks. spots and figures from 6 to l2§c. per yard. Atkinson & Swibzcr. Ladius‘ seamlvss fast, hlzwk hose, 10c. Atkinson & Switzer was: Apl'np gip‘ghapy,‘ 37 ii). .wide, with AD VERTIS [NG THE “’EED HIGH SCHOOL CONCERT. howrde'r \V. M . S. who is conducting :1 class in (he villugp. will in the Masonic Hall on ma, the 2nd of April. ll egiveu by hills iuu. 1250 Atkinsofi and 25c. sele ; cleaned rated Vu- Atkinson Atkin- ribbed 'Fm- \Vet W’oafllerâ€"Men‘s heavy lung bnubs. lmys’ and girls‘ school hunts, men’sand hnys’ rubber hunts, mom‘s. women‘s and children’s rubbers». Nunghton Bros., Elgin Mills._ Aurora Bunnerâ€"â€"The Misses Redditt of Richmond Hill are visiting friends here. Miss Pearl Paxton of X’Vaubaushene is spending a. weekwvith her auntQIrs, \Y, T, Storey. ' Miss Gertie Brown of Eglinton is a. guest of her cousin. Miss Ida Glass. Mr. J. \V. I‘m-ban of Newmarket, spent, Satin-day in the village. Ada. J., youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McBi ide was on Mon- day, 19th inst, married to Mr. H. J. Alliston of Pasqua. A853,, N. \V. T. The ceremony, which took place at the home of the bride’s arents, half a mile east of Richmond ill, was per- formed by Rev. N. \Vellwood, before a number of relatives of the bride and groom anda- few friends. The bride was attended by Miss \Vorth of Toron- to, and Mr. J. Horner sup orted the groom. She was neatly dJressed in cream silk while the bridesmaid Wore light. gray silk. The bride received many handsome gifts ad those present expressed the hope that. the married couple would enjoy years of happiness and prosperity. The following were amng those present; Mr. and Mrs. Alliston, 0f Pasqua : Mrs. S, McBride and son, Richmond Hill: Mrs. I. Mc- Bride and Miss Hazel McBride. King City; Mrs. John McBride, Vaughan; Mr. \V. J. McBride, Toronto; Misses Ethel and Gertrude McBride,’[‘oronto ; Mrs. R. Gould. Toronto; Mr. J. Bril- linger. Hoadford ; Mr. and Mrs. F. E. McBride, \Varren, Ohio; Mnand Mrs. Freeman Lloyd, Aurora; Mr. S. Dunn and Miss Lillian Dunn, “'illowdale. The young couple will leave for their home in the North-\Vest on Tuesday next. Now IS the time to place yolil' orders fm‘Enster costumes. Our dress and mantle making department, is in full swing, and we can assure you when ordering heie that you can always reâ€" ly on getting the most fashionable dressos that mm be got anywhere. Atkinson 8: Switzer. The Epworth League Reading Circle will meet as usual next Monday even~ ing in the VPSt-l‘y at 8.35 sharp. The meeting promises to he very interest- ing. Mr. Fred Harrison will lead the discussion, which willhegn “ Gaspard de Coligny," ‘Admiral of France, “ William Tyndale,” and “John Knox,” from “ The Beacon Lights of the Reformation.” Let every member be present next Monday evening and prepared to take part in the discussiun. No member can afford to miss one meeting. An exceedingly profitable hum was spent last Monday evening in conversation on “ The New Citizen- ship.” Nnn-members are always wel- come. The Executive Committee of the Ag- ricultural Socieby met on Saturday quenmon, when the revision of the prize list for the annual Fair to be held on. the 24th of May was taken up. Mr. T. Lluyd, Presidentof the Society. occupied the. chair. The Executive recmnmended that, the prizes in several of the classes be increased, and in speeding they decided to wise the purse in the free-form]! trot, from $70 to $100. The 3~uiinute trot, was changed 1502.40. and the purse raised from $50 to $60. \Vibh the above purses the directors hupe to draw ignie fast horses here on the 24thuf ’uy. This week we are showing the finest range of men’s snitings ever shuwn in this section, and it is needless to say that they are all good patterns and ex- cellent quality, at prices to suit every- body. Atkinson & Switzex'. A concert will he held in the School house at. 0sz Ridges on Monday even- ing, the 25th of March. commencing at 8 o’clock. A pmgrmnnie will be given by the schnlam, assisted by the best local tulcnt. Admission 15 cents. children .10 cents. Pl‘OCCCdS in aid of India Relief Fund. A TEACHER SELECTED. Eleven of the twelve, trustees who constitute the Bmud of Education met; on Monduy and opened the. applica- tions for the pnsitinn of teacher in the 2nd department of the Public School. Thilly-twn tenChers applied for the position. The. choice fell to Miss Keith. whn was engaged at a salary of $275.00. her duties to commence after the. Easter hnlidnys. Miss Keith is the holder of a. Second Class Profes- sional Certificate. and has had 9 years’ experience. 7 of which were in the tnwn of Uxhndge. OFFICIAL VISIT. The Grand Jury at the General Svssinus sitting in Tun-unto paid an Official visit to the County Industrial Home near Newmurkot lust Friday. This was the first Limo a Grand Jury evm- visited this public institution, and they expressed thmnselves as p9r~ fvctly satisfied with its management. They went. by Metropolitan car, which stopped here for Uuuuty Councillor Pugsley who accompanied the depu- tation and chapm-ouvd them through the Home. Ludies’ black sateen blouses, two rows bucks, and insertion of black and white, for $1.20. Atkinson &Switzex‘. Ludivs‘ print wruppvrs. full sizv. good pattern, 85c. : hvttvx- quality. $1 and $1.20. AtkinSUn & Switzvr. AGRICULTURAL MARRIED ON MONDAY. PERSONALS. B EADING GI RCLE. MEETING. The west part of lot 25, 2nd cnn. Markham, containing 100 acres is for sale or to rent. The nhceis olesu, the sail a. clxw 108.111. and the land is in‘excellent condition. Alflyfio. , The bride was the recipient of many handsmne and costly presents, not only from the wedding guests, but also from lll‘l‘ many friends. A (frood Ivan-m. For Sale or to Rent Al; the hour of 4 o’clock, Mrs. Chas. Savage of Toronto, who presided at the piano, struck up the air of a lively wedding march, and-soon the groom. accompanied by his brother Daniel J. Reaman, who acted as best, man, took his position at the west end of the capacious sitting-room. The bride leaning on the arm of her father soon appeared and took her place. beside the groom. Miss Mable Reaman, cousin of the groom, acted as brides- maid. The Short but important cere- mony was performed by Rev.‘ J. A. Grant, M. A., of Richmond Hill, in the presence of the immediate relatives of the contracting parties. After those present had extended their best wishes to the 11e\Vlyâ€"ln:u~ried couple, they repaired to the dining~roum where about forty partook of a sump- tuous wedding dinner. Before rising from the table. Rev. Mr. Grant propo: - ed a toast to the health and happiness of the bride and groom. The bride was attired in a pearl grey travelling suit trimmed with white satin; while the bridesmaid wore a beautiful costume quite suited to the occasion. and each carried a bouquet of white carnations. . 1n the evening, midst showers of rice and old shoes, Mr. and Mrs. Reaman left for the city. They will spend a week or so of their honeymoon with relatives of the bride in Western Ontario. Mr. C. 0. Robinson, \‘vhn for the past ten years has been solicitor for York County, has practically been ap oint- od Corporation Counsel for the Clty of Toronto. Cameo soap, 7 bars for 250. ; Rich- ard's "re, 6 fur 25c. ; big 1250. bar for 10c. ; uirhank’fi tar snap, 100. : COan floating soup, 5c. Atkinson 85 Switzer. Mr. G. H. Bertram, M. P. for Centre Toronto, and president; of the Bertram Engine \Vorks Company. died at his residence, Beverley Street, Tuesday evening. Decnasnd was a, vivtim of cancer and greatly suffered for the past fow monLhS. An operation per- formnd by specialists in New York pronâ€"d of no avail. Sunny Hill Farm, the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John Savage, was on Monday, March 19th, the scene of a very pleasant and happy event, when their only daughter, Florence Ida May, was united in the happy bonds matrimony to Jacob C. Reaman of Concord. Early in the forenoontbe sun burst forth in all its splendor and those ot'asnporstitiuus turn of mind remembered the old' adage, “Happy is the bride that. the sun shinvson.” Though the afternoon was anything but pleasant, all within doors was bright: and cheerful. Mr. A. Bell of \Vanbaushtme spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. \V. T. Storey. ALLISONâ€"MCBRIDEâ€"At the residence of the bride's father. Mr. Samuel McBride. Rirh- mund Hleon Mondav. March 13th, by Rev N. Wolluood. Mr. H. J. Allison of Pausqun. Allan... N. W. ’l‘.. to Miss A-lu. T, McBride. REAMANâ€"SAVAGEâ€"At the residence of 'lie brixle'spax‘enm. Sunnv Hill Farm. on Mon- dax’, “arch man, by Rev. J. A. Gmnt, M. A.. Jacob (J. Reamuu of Concord. to Florence Iau May. only daughter of Mr. John Savage. Mr. \Vill Boyle of Toronto spent Saturday night and Sunday with his uncle. Mr. J. N. Boyle. Newnmrket, Exprpssâ€"Miss Gertrude Lynth of Richmond Hill. sme Sun- dzgy m; Mr. S. Doyle’s, Lydia St. Green coffec‘, 10c. ; fresh roasted coffee, 180. : John Bull mixed pickles, 10c. Atkinson & Switzer. Mr. and Mrs. Edwards of Kettleby were visiting Mr. and Mrs. \V. ’1‘. Storey ()1) Friday lust. Hnn. N. O. ‘Vullace, M. P. for VVe‘st York, slipped on the ice While gning to the train at Brncehridge a few days ago, and sustained a severe gush in his head. Mr. \Valker Hall started for Sud- bury on Monday. Where he has secur- ed a position as ledger-keeper in a branch of the Ontario Bunk. “"9. have a special line of men’s working shirts, made from heavy Ox- ford shit-Ling. well sewn and all gaod fitting. at; 500. each. Atkinson and Switzer. ReV. J. K. Hilty “f Venango. Pm, will preach in the Luthvmn Church, Sherwood, on March 25th and April lst, at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. 2542f Reaman~8avaga 11's NEWTON TANNING 00. Richmond Hill P.0 News Notes. MARRIAGES' 1flNobby‘ Shins For Nobby Men \A In) ge amount of private funds to loan on improved {arm property. Five per cent. in- terest. Easy terms for repnvment. No com- mission charged on loans. Apply to A. G. I". LAWRENCE, Freehold Loan Building, Toronto Or at Richmond EH] 0;: Saturdtys. MON Is the place to buy your Hum-ass and other supplies. Single Harness from $10 up. All work guaranteed first-class. Saskatchewan and Black Galloway Robes, $8 to $20. Jute Stable Blankets, 35 cents to $2.50 each. Shaped \‘Voul Blankets. $2.25 to $5 each. Dutch Kelsey Blankets, $1.25 to $2 each. Best English Kersey Blankets, 80x80 incl), $4 to $6 each. Trunks, Valises, Mitts, Gauntlets,“ and other supplies as low as the lowest. Miami)? 166 EY I MONEY! and 168 King St. East, 3 door KROPai win ,3“ Pronxptly Done. Black Clay worsted, fine twill, finished with best quality trimmings, fit guaranteed, $16.75. Black Clay worsted, better quality, 35:8.00. VBlue'Serge, medium twill, color will not turn, $I6.5o. We have just received direct from Glasgow at shipment 01 black and blue Serges, Clay Woisteds, Colored \Vorsteds, Cheviots, Vicunas, Scotch Tweeds, Pantings, and Overcoatings, in all the newest colorings and patterns and have also brought into stock a special line of trimmings including Italian Satin, Black and Colored Silesias; linen, p0cketing and all the necessaries which constitute a High Class tailor made suit. Scotch Tweed in all the newest shades and patterns, ranging from $14.00 to 3520.00. These are only a few quotations but for a further examination of quality and style drop in and see the range we have. Fancy Colored Worsted, in brown and bronze green shades, from $16.50 to $19.50. Halifax tweed suits, in shades of Brown, Fawn and Gray at $11.75, to order. Canadian Tweed, in nice neat checks at $10 Here is a list of a iew of our lines: RICHMOND WiLKINS 8:. CO. i Groundoystershell an & Switzer GREG. RECDONALD ‘VANTED â€" SEVERAL TRUS‘I‘WORTB-Y pel‘socsin this mum to manage our bun- ness in their own and nearby counting, It is mainly officawm-k conducted at ham, ‘Salmy straight $900 a. year and expensesâ€"definitemoug. fide, no mole, no lest salary. Monthly $75; Beterences. Enclose selfâ€"addressed smmpld envelope, Herbert D. 11935, Pmsl., Dept. M,‘ Chicago. fillâ€"8 3 west of George Street, Toronto makes the I at less than wholesale prices. at prices which will astonish you. Sugar Kettles Sap Buckets, g1.25 and $1.50 each. Cancertina. WTT.T. 9 cts. each. Nails 1811.5 slay. 20 lbs. for CtS. :pensesâ€"definite,boug. salary. Monthly $75; fâ€"addressed sumptd s, PresL, Dept. M, .75.

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