067109. by Which They Ar. Woool From the Unwnry. The steamship hands of the ocean liner: have a. systematic game for drawing tip- trom the pockets of unsuspecting passen- gers thaw rivals anything ever perpetrated by the most expert, hotel employees. The game is mlled “sea drullbhts" or “sea checkers,‘ and cnnsist, 0" :1. number of clever “moves†well known to every sail- or, steward. cabin boy and dcnkhand. Authorities differ as to the rate of growth of the human hair, and it is said to be very dissimilar in different individuals. The most usually accepted oaqulation gives 6 1-2 inches per an- mum. A ~man’s hair allowed to grow to its extreme le'ngth rarely exceeds [2 inches or 14 inches, while that of ; woman will grow in rare instances to 70 inches or 75 inches, though the lvemge does not exceed :25 inches to 50 inches. ' Tlmsu who know thvse "moves" the best are. however. very reluctant to reveal just how they are practiced. and they would still be dark secrete but for the informa- tinn gutherod by Dr O‘Laughlln. senior physician of the \Vhlte Star line. “Sea drunghts." says the doctor. "1! briefly the game. or rather a game, by which our men add to their wages by wno- big money out of our pntrons’ pockets. It took mu years to become acquainted with even the rudiments of the game. and but for the lnforniution received from n smok- lng mom steward whom I treated through a serious Illness I should still be in igno- rance on the subject “To the experienced deckhand ï¬bers are, I believe. 264 'umvcs‘ ln sou draughts. Move No. Iconsism in ‘spottylng'â€"i. 0.. in carefully watchingâ€"the passengers on the deck or as they come aboard, so as to select those with liberal. kindly faces and to avoid those who have been too openly taken in on previous voyages, The British soldier has not always morn ared uniform. White was the prevailing color under Henry VIII., 1nd dark green or russet in the time 4)! Elizabeth. l FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP bu boon and by molhnn for their children beechina. Iuooth 0 child, when: the gun“, allay: plin. cum win oolio‘: d in the belt. remedylfor dun-hag 250. I bob. n- ., An J .. d1 druulnu til-Folnzhouc Ego wor'ld. { (or " Mn Winnlow'l Soothing Syrup. The Boy Gatling. Mr. Richard Gatling, the inventor of the famous gun which bears his name, was a dabbler in science at the age of 19. At that time his father was puzzling overa machine fousowing cotton seeds; but. try as much as he would, he could not perfect it, and at hut, in a ï¬t of de- spair, he called in young Richard to his aid. The lad listened attentively to the details of the proposed invention, fully asped the difï¬culties, shut himself up n a room to think, and in a little while nuggested a way out of them. This was eagerly adogted by the elder Gatling. with the result that the machine was perfected and became a great success. “Move No. 2 in (70 approach a passenger In need of a match and, us if on the spur of the moment. tooï¬'er him alight. If the smoker be at all free with his money, he is pretty sure to ï¬sh out some small ra- ward for this attention. The smoking room steward has special facilities for playing move No. 2. It lies within his “New in Zululand, " she says, “those of us who wear clothes wear them until they are old. American women demand much Ittantlon. You want to be made a great leal of and you want the men to wait on you so much In Africa it‘s diflerent. I tell you. The women wait on the men there. Not but what I guess I like the change a little," she admitted meditative- ly, “but you go to the other extreme here. When you have ever so little :1 trou- ble you feel it so much. That is because on have been petted until you do not now how to be strong."â€"New York Tribune. “Move 2% begins with the sly addition of some chalk, or even paint. to the fa- mrite seat of a liberal passenger. The passenger in question returns to his pet Ipot, and all unconsoiously sits down. Suddenly he is aroused by the exclamation I! an apparently horriï¬ed deckhund: 'Lor’. air. you've been and sat in some paint. Never mind. though I‘ll get it of! for you. I never comes aboard with- out some benzino.’ In the case of chalk a clothes brush is produced with equal mdiness. “Let the traveler ponder over his past Mr. Rhodes fitted out the tattered 03139149110" 111001] the V345†deep and “can prisoners of Kimberley with new suits whether he has evor yielded up his worldly and transformed them into clean and wealth ln nesponse to some of the 254 I respectable members of society ‘moves‘ of sea draughts."â€"New York _ ' run, . .V power to let the smoking mom stock of matches run down and then to dispatch a confederate in search of would he smokers dong the deck. The confederate appears In the nick of Elmo. A Zulu Woman‘s" Opinion. Mrs. Dube. a natlve Zulu woman, who was educated in an American mission iohool in Natal. says that on coming to this country the strungest- thing to her Was the quantity of clothes that the wom- In here have The women seem to be al- ways buying new clothes or having them made in new styles. I ournal Take Lnxatdvo Bromo Quinlan Tableau. A11 [yugflya'gofgnd the money if 9 mil- to_ c_uro. TIPS ON OCEAN STEAMERS. T0 CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY in. 'W'. (ii-063'; Biï¬Ã©'cu’xi'Viuâ€"Si’iiéhâ€"Eéi NOT ALWAYS REDCOATS W MM/w GROWTH OF HAIR WM John, wrote a colored prisoner to his lean, did you know: dat yo' daddy is ‘Ln a nice, steam-hot jail, for do win- ter? Ef you didn't you knows it now, by dis letter, w‘icb. leaves me well en hearty en t‘ankful ter Providence. De weather is 001', but. John, I is 52 warm oz 3. political meetin’l Mrs. Samuel Ferndel, of Clements- port, N.S., writes: “It is with great Jrlensure that I write you to tell of the good I have derived from the use of Catarrhozone. I am in my eight- ieth year now and from youth up I have been troubled with Asthma, and 'not until I used Catarrhozone, did.I !get relief. It has cured my Asthma in an incredibly short time, and ] heartily recommend it to all." Ca- tarrh-o-znne is sold by all druggists. Trial outfit sent for 100 in stamps {by N. C. POLSON & 00., Kingston, i0nt., Proprietors. Is absolutely pure and uncolored Carters 00m nun: me. Go nt\vmun' p n.‘ A, THE 0E8 MOINES INGUBATonâ€"Bsat and cheap“! n Dnllnvu‘ In‘n nnnnf “wrunnnh ï¬x»- a...) «A; Sheâ€"They say the good die young. Heâ€"It’sawonder you didn't die long ago. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. (‘ahrrh in a blood or constitutional disease. and in order to cure it. you mum take internal remedies. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in‘ternnlly, and acts di‘ really on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not: quark medicine. It. was prescribed by one of the best physxbians in this country for yeah? and is a regular prescription. In is composed o the best tonics known com- bined with he beat blood urii'iera acting di- rectly on t e mucous our noes. I‘he perfect combination of the two ingredients is what xoduces such wonderful results in curing Saturn: Synd forte-pingqninls tree. ' N 0. Rolllud. sole agent (or Eh; Dglilxniéï¬: Eend 30? stump for outflows. 73 St. Pnul Street. Montreal Whaley Royce & 00., iAml she hasn‘t decided yet whethe!‘ he meant it for a compliment or a s'lrur. Carbolic Disinfectants. Soaps, (MM~ mont. Tooth Powders, etc, have been awarded 100 medals and diplomas for superior excellence. Their regular use prevent infecti- ous diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a supply. Lists mailed tree on application. Lowest prices ever quoted tmliom mailed free. Writev A sausalge, grinned the comedian boarder, is a ground hog. MI“. W Iâ€"olul Comm-tom Hugo. Modu- In fut-uhâ€" “. nod-Mo. Say not sci, exclaimed the court jes- ter. Say, rather. he'is enjoying a good knight‘s rest. FINE SCORN. Sometimes, said Meandering Mike,l wishes I had money. Sometimes! echoed Plodding Pete. Yes. Sometimes, but not often. Dere‘s millions of dollar bills issued by dne government. What do we want wilt’ anyt’ing' so common? 'VVhat is a sausage? inquired the sweet singer. King Arthur was moved to tears Sir Galahad, he isorbbegl, is dead. “ Pharaoh 100." wi'frfluuflfli“ C'I'TJKMES’ HOTEL": Instruments. Drums. Un ........... AVENUE HOUSEâ€"g HULUI um Diana, "on, .1 . a. u . o†01.3. snflon. Montrul. 0w. Cull-ht ougrop’l. The “ Balmoral," Free Bus Hotel Garslake! O'KEEFE’S L]; W?» MALT Soléb’ 'dru gisus. pi-ice 75b: 7 7 ' Hall's ï¬â€˜amlfy P1118 are the best. EVEN THE LANDLADY SMILED RHODES DRESSES PRISONER Music or Musical Instiuménts 7:. .6“an 3g egg;p;osg.:'woxeao. o ; F. G. CALVERT & 00., MANCHESTER - - ENGLAND. Invb'oratu Ind Sire the I. LLOYD W601). Toronto. cigar.th Lam. CEYLON GREEN TEA A Bad case of Asthma. CALVERT’S MIGHT BE EITHER MONTREAL HOTEL DIRIDTOR'. THE LONG SLEEP. Inyigogang Ind Qiréi Oomacx & 00.. Lain}; Méhithnl‘ HAPPY. ted Fine catalogue 149 I}: for anything in ,' camâ€"comic Avanna. my, Rota] race- .15. “7 P C 1016 luropun Plun. Boom , pollu0.T.B.DepoI 3:251“ you: 0. P: 40¢. per pound ENLIEFL'†E I I o aVG a Band ? GRATEFULâ€"COMFORTING. ue catalvgue 500 illus‘ < “anything in struments. Toronto. Ont . and Winnipeg. Man . -â€"~-â€"â€"‘ annAIrDAn'l' t!!!)an J Am. Pin. .LlOl up To the memory of Ann Sophia and Julia Hattie, his two wives. this stone is .erected by their grateful widower, James B. Rollins. They made home pleasant. On a. tombstone in an old New Eng- land churchyard there is an epitaph which never fails to bring a smile to the face of the reader: "‘y‘SQF-Jmi? coach" ' (yï¬eï¬; high scciou'; size‘ fashionable breeding; l’nces reasonable. 11. H. Cock rune. Hilhursv. Station. Que. The “Happy Thought " Range and other PRdDUCE. to enuiro best rcéultl consign lb The Dawson commission 60.. Limited, Oor. West-Market I: Oolborno at. Toronto. HARRIS POULTRY, BUTTER, guns, APPLES, Stem Wind watch; or write I Agents wanted THE WILLIAM BUCK STOVE 00., Limlted, BRANTFORD, emu, is the best in the world. For sale by leading dealer; everywhere. Dmafllh. or 381 Queen W. ’roroho. ACKNEY STALLIQNS FOR IOIMDN SENS! KILLS Rio-shes. Bod F Bun. Run “at! Mlco.__sgld by .u Wholesale only. Long Distnnce Telephonoflfl‘ “Canada’s Greatest Seed flea The Steele, Briggs Seed 00., BREAKFASTâ€"SUPPER. WILLIAM ST.. TORONTO. MIXED TRIBUTE. THE DR. DENT PILL 60., 29 Adelaide SL, Wen. Toronto. Ont. Made by LEADTCOPPER. BRAZs' wn and oily W5 want, good. RELIABLE; nmmou‘lo men in "unrepresented districts" throughout Lhe Dominion to sell our stock for investment. This stock guarantee: good dividends payable half yearly, or adding to "unant- Inent' also to secure applic-Llons (or goodloaus. We fly liberal commissions. Apply. nyeJng: cleaning: Moitiedl,‘1"6'r3rii3,'6?t5ï¬i; Qiéboc 6â€â€œï¬sm“w . M u“ TORONTO, Ont. Thor'SWISS-AHEIIIBAI 00., Windsor, 0111., Canada Our Method 1: sure nnd has cured thousandsâ€"some pronounced mcurable. Write u once. Booklet Ind Proof on request. Addnu ï¬heumaï¬ism W‘qu; . M“““‘M vm‘um “ BRITISH lumen mama co.- Look {a} giant In your toga. or [and 43m. Sun sums: and Loan Company. Toronto. C EYLON TEA. DAY adds to the large list of drinkch of For thoâ€"very has! land your work to tho AGENTS WANTED. Words may not convince you. but a trial certainly will lEAD PAéKAGES. 25. so, 40. 50 and sun You want Paint quality. rather than quantity. You W0n'L objcct. to getting n great, deal for your money though ; will yo I RAMSAY’S mm A. RAMSAY & SON, MGNTREAL. - Books Rouarlea eru- Gatholm Prayer “ï¬x-3., “mam Religious Pictures. Statuary. and Church Ornumanu. Eduonclonul Walks. Mail orde§_re_ce_ivp pggmp}. stagn- tion. “livlnloowjï¬ionixiviv and Crawford Countiel. TRIBE-Vt. 0n Mlohlun Central. Detroit & Mackinac Ind hko_Rallrg;d-._ at mile.“ (gazing- lroxpj! lg 85 roar-ojnflgé; Mia-7736701010 to‘Enâ€"bééï¬illlnl N.- ans. ppumhes. Sopoop. 9m. and VIII be wld on on 32:35:. {Juli ï¬rmly" to no aoua noon m3an HfloaeARENAO NEURALGIA. ecu'rIOA. Muscuun, INFLAMMATORV. Gour. LUMBAOO, RNIUMATIO PARALYBIB. ASTHMA Mlohlgan Land for Sale. For Ssle by all F Plint Hikers B. M. PIERCE. Agent. Wen Bu City. Mich. 0r J.W. CUB Is. Whltumoro. Mich. 11 look well . 1 gallon MUSQ J. aAnLI'ln ax'oo.,'MsTr-'¢'riil;' mired smm‘fl abmhcd 1842 LIMITED