Until further native lIuils will be closed at the Blowond Hiil Post. Ofï¬ce as follows:â€"- MORNING IT. 8.05 EVENING ‘ . . . . 540 N. B.-â€"Regiatored Letters must be handed in It 10351; Flfteon Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closinn. Louvec P n Crossing at c. 7.20, 9.40. 11.30 a. m.: 1.30, 2.40. 3.30, 5.40. 7.45 p. m. Leave Richmond Hi118.05, 10.35 a. 111.; 12.25. 2.15 3.25.425, 0.35. 8.30 p. m. Episcopal Churchâ€"â€"Services at 3 p. In. every Bunda. 7 Presgivgeriazu Clip} 11 Services at 11 a. 1.11., and fl; .1 .m 1) Agflnnv.m . w...†w. V > 'I p. to. Sunday School 53.2.30. Prayer meet-jug Wednesda evening. Roman utholic Churchâ€"Services on ulter- nnhe Sundays at!) n. m. and 10.30 a. m. Methodist. Church-Services at 1n.30 n. m., and 'l p. m. Suudnv School at, 2.30. General pm) or meeting Thursday. (waging. ' . u- ".4, up... _Â¥'ui).l‘ic Library and Reading Roomâ€" Open Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday evenings vaorth Leagueâ€"Meets every Friday. Lonveflewmnrkat7. a. 111.; 1,53. 8.] 7.30 p. m. Leave Richmoan H11] 7. 8.25. 9.40, 11.50 a. m 2.40, 3.50. 4‘50. 6. 8.05 p. m. “ï¬â€˜i'é'lfli’lond Lodge. A F «Ind A M *Meets Mon- Gav on or before full moon Court Richmond. A O Fâ€"Meetï¬ second and fourth Friday Ivy Lodge. A 0 U Wâ€"~Moets fourth Tuesday of each month Camp Elam. S O S â€"Meets second and fourth Wednesday R T of Temperanceâ€"Meets ï¬rst Wednesday of each montu wï¬reliï¬Ã©Ã©ï¬aâ€"Meets ï¬rst Monday of every moush . METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE 31H. PRENTEGE (0f the ï¬rm of Ecknrdt 82 Prentice), agent for the Massey-Harris Lalmr- Saving Machinery, \Vagons, Plnws. Scniflers, &c.; also the Suwyor_ & Anyone sendipg a sketch and descrigtion may fuiokly asceruun om- oplnion free w ether au nvention is prohnhiyvmenmble. Communica- tlons s‘ rlctly conï¬dential. Handbook on Patencs lent free. Oldest fluency for securing patents. Patents taken throurzh Munn & Co. receive :11ch notice. without. chm-go. in the Massey-Harms repnu klclmlls, Ricluuund solicited. The Great English Randiy. - Sold and recommended by 9 druggjsts in Canada. On] re Able medicine discovcre . S f“ a“ “5‘ .- 3‘; fmckagw guaranteed to cure 3. forms of Sexua Weakness. all effects of ï¬lms or exoew, Mental Worry. Excessive use of To baoco. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receip 0! price. one aokage $1. six, $5. One will please 615th cars. mphlels free to any addrew. The “'ood Company, \V‘indsor, 03’ A handsomély inustmted we culntlon of any scientiï¬c jun year: four months. $1. Sold 1 MUM mm. Afl. POST OFFICE NOTICE Stiésitmc Memes. ï¬rmw‘u om Between Toronto and Newmntkot‘ GOING NORTH OFFLCE CLOSEB AT 7.36 P M M. TEEFY, Postmaster Village Directory. Unionville. GOING SOUTH n_36‘Broac!war, ‘hurchâ€"Services on ulter- m.a.nd 10.30 a. m. -Servicos at 1n.30 a. m.. and 301 at 2.30. General prayer veuing. ' mil. '1‘( ‘y all_ pev 1H! 53333:, “5W Largest ctr- fl‘ernis. $3 11 )ewsdoalers. 8.05 5.40 handed in the above Busi 1.53. 8.15 the A gpod experienced miti for farm work. extber muned or niugle. ' Apply personally to . 33-2 JOHN WEBBEB. Uniom’mo East parts of lots 59 and 60. lst con. Markham. and south east quarter 01101; 61, let com, Whit.- church. Apply to 38-3 NAUGHTON BROS..Elgin Mills Farm Hand Wanted. Lot 28 and part. of 29, rear of the 2nd con. Vaughan. conalsm‘ng o! 165 acres is for sale. Sandy loam. bunk barn. well watered, and in a. good state of cultivation. For particulars upplggg t_he premises to. Ecusn. stable and 2} acres of mud to rent on Lucas 815., Richmond Hill. 37-tf H. A. NICH OLLS. For Sale nr to Rent. Unfortunately leave it in the hands nfinferim- workmen for repairs, and consequently get their watches batchâ€" ed up. I tbok the highest course obtainable to learn my trade, and am now pre- pared to do the most difï¬cult jobs in It‘s a, sad'fact that; a great many poo- plc who invest; money In a I shall be pleased to have. you call and examine some of my work manship. $ERRY SMITE REPAIR General flanking Business Transacted. Rive me a trial. Your money refund- ed it' not satisfactory. HEGHEST SWEENT HATES PM Ni EPflSIW. RICHMOND HILL 4 Cents per Bag. I am 1' and Lru an taed A Fresh Milcb cow with cu.†bv Bide Applyjo Two Fresh Milch cows with calves. ' Apply to SIMON BAKER, flh. gm ‘1 a at Mar {2 It. IS 395. am GOOD WATCH Mill in opera. Richmond A Branch of this Buka h opened at, On account. (1 spinel RICHMOND 37-2 Farm for Sale lh‘sl Grinding Grain 312w gantrtiéemmta. FOR SALE FOR SALE T0 RENT and t 38-h! J’. F. ROWLAND. Acting“ Agent. ()f Canada Practical VVam-hmuker, "JOHN SLINEY. Lot '13, 3rd con Vaughan n00 ‘lt Mn WNRRV all 1‘ JOHN SIZINEY rv day except Monday 351.000.900 600,000 Elgin Mills. P. 0 of Wu ter W LIE Richmond Hill Eiill been \XWELI In the construction of the Cleveland, Massey-Harris, Gendmn, Brantford and Welland Vale Bicycles support is afforded to=thousands of Canadim mechanics. Riders of experience know that prompt attention to their wants can only be obtained from a rcIiable home manufacturer who has a reputation to sustain. Cleveland, Massey-Harris, We1laml~,Vale. Brantfm‘d and years in material, workmanship. and improvements that ha age of the general public. Every part and detail of 3. Cleveland, Massey-Harris, Gendron, Brantford and Welland Vale Bicycle is examined and tested by a corps of competent bicycle experts. Does it not appeal to you as reasonable that such accurate, scientiï¬c and carefulness of construction must result in an absolutely reliable blcycle ? OR Cleveland, T. F. MCMAHON; ‘Massey-Harris, H. *\. NICHOLLS; VVeHand W T. F. MCMAHON; Brantiord, W. A. SANDERSON. Jekgeuts Everyvvhere. VVrite for Catalogue. FACTS READ THE “Canada for the Canadians." †THE LI BERJGCL. †OFFIG: Is successfully used monthly by over 10‘000 Ladies. Safe,eflectual. Ladies ask your dmï¬lgist; for Cookâ€: Cotton Root Com- fgmd. Take no or er. as all Mixtures. pills and itntions are dangerous. Prioe.No. 1, $1 er box- No. 2.10 degrees stronger.$3 per box. 0. 1 or 5, mailed on receipt of price and two Bâ€"cent stam s. The Cook Company Windsor Out. 09. 1 and 2 sold and recommended By all W . reaponalble Drugglsts La Canada. '3 No. 1 W, A. Sun A monthly magazine full of interest- 1ng reading matter and useful infomuation for Send 10 cents for sample copy. will like it. Address-â€" CANADIAN \VOMEN AND CANADIAN HOMES you can receive it with this paper for one year by sending your or- ders tn the publishers of THE L13- EHAL at $1.75. Canaiian Hcme Jamal Cc‘ ,Oook's Cotton Root Gunpound and 1*‘0‘2301‘. in Richmond Hill'by Ierson , Drug gist. GAEADA CYCLE £6 HOTQE (33., Limited, jOB PRINTING Is it a Bicycle that can be Degaenï¬ed Upan E3 Is it Protécted by a Home Guarantee? To PATENT flood Ideas may be secured by our aid. Address, TRE °"Ei"T RECORD, Batï¬more. Hid. NEAT AND ATTRACTIVE Is it a, Bicycle with a Reputation P Ilead Offline, "for-onto. Canada. TORONTO, ONT is it Really Made in Canada? DONE AT Sole EEG}? resentativ 011 ‘V’hich should be considered \vhell purchasing Vour Bicycle for the Gaming Season. Money to loan on ï¬rst mortgage farm proger ty, at ï¬vetper cent, 29-: 15min? at On the premises, Richmond Hill, a thoroughbred Registered Jersey Bull, and a. thoroughbred pedigreed Berk- shire Boar. Terms $1.00 cash. 2-tf T. LUDFORD, J. T. SAEGESNï¬â€˜: GORE, ()F GALT. FOE? SERVE." Money to Loan Richnlond E11111. Agent for the fnllo‘vins.y stock Fire Insmance Companies, viz.: YOR ' OF TORONTO, CANADA A First-class ( HESS B.‘antford :md Gendron Bicycles have led for ‘ements that have won the praise and patron- A LSO Enquire at THE LIBERAL Oflice Richmond Hill. ulna] W1 Any Flour will make Bread, but we will guarantee Eigh Gmï¬e Family Flour 1039. HALL, A éflflflï¬ï¬‚ FLEUï¬iï¬G Pa‘iiLLS. The Next Sitting nf Division Court. for N0. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room. The subsmiber wou the public that havin RICHMOND HILL SVESESEQ «a GEURT And doubled its busy ({hl Monday. ‘lenecda urday of eat-E1 THESE“, APREL 33, 1963, To make more bread, lighter bread and bread that will keep moist. longer, and better flavor- ed bre-ad with less lab- 01' than any other flour. Made to suit. the people and sold at a. reasonable price. It is strictly NAUG HTON BROS. 93 Yonge Street. BREE: ()mmencm BHAE’IJEJ turiï¬er 'notico nencing at 10 3.. m. T. F. MCMAHON, CLERK Ea! â€"-AN Dâ€" capacity. he will during the )ppmg season and until :ther notice chnp SELL IT. mm mm, VVeHand Vale, i respectfully intimate tn rebuilt Lhe choppmg mill {SED LUMBER uf AND MATCHING lay and sm- Ei week. A] Toronto. Ewart. 5.5 ‘arunteell