Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Mar 1900, p. 4

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minim-sot .ihe 19th of read ft on) . using to 4 -ichmm)d than fifty {he \‘iIlngt- that (There was tremendous cheering in the House of Commons on Friday ‘lustz when Mr. Fielding: made his annual financial statement. He was able to show that there was a surplus of $7,500,000 for the current; year, and gave many evidences of unex- ampled prosperity in the country. The Government has decided to in- ‘crease the British Preference from 25 per cent. to sag per cent;., and there is to be Free Trade with the Island of Trinidad. a fish, red in color, which usually walks backwards.” “ Yes,” said a. bystander, “ the definition is quite correct, except that a lobster is not a fish, it is not; red in color, and it does {10$ usually walk'backwards.,’ "As a rule the Richmond Hill items they a'ppcar in The World-are about as correct as the above definit~ RelatiVe to No. 1, Rev. Mr. Simp- %on was 'at one time an honored pas- Ysor here,‘but we are in a position to ‘say that. he; has neither purchased the said residence for $700, nor at any other'pl‘ice. With all sincerity we say that The W’orld correspondent should be more careful in the items of news. They may seem harmless in thcuiselves,but to say the least it is- often annoying to. our citizens, when they visit neigh- boring towns and villages, to be com- pelled to contradict absurd statements as the items are often copied by the county papers. The story is told that, once upon a time, a mangaveflie following defi- finition for a lobster. “ A lobster is 4. “A quiet home wedding was "celebrated on" Monday night at the ngidence of the bride’s father,â€" Mr. John Savage, on the second of Mark- !gam. The contracting parties were Miss Mary Savage and Mr. Jacob BaymOndJ” _With regard to item No. 4 The World was not altogether wrong, as the wedding referred to did take place, but the bride’s father lives on the 2nd of Vaughan, his danghter‘s name is Florence Ida May, and the groomsman is Mr. Reaman. ion No. 3 is correct with the exception that Miss Keith will be glad to learn she is engaged as teacher in the sec- ond department of the public school 110% 'at a salary of $250 but $275. _ '1. “The residence of Mrs. M. Barker on Centre Street has been purchased by Rev. Mr. Simpson, who was a. former pastor here. The pur- chase price was about $700.” '2‘“ The Village Council met Tuesday night: and closed the Pa- triotic Fund." '3'. “ At a meeting of the Board of Education on Monday, Miss Keith of Sturgeon Falls} was engaged at a .{salary of $250." 7N0. 2 could not be correct as the. Council passed the by-law donating $25 to the Patriotic Fund only on Monday evening of this week. ly displays more blind zeal than good judgment in his efforts, as he says, to “ boom the town ” :â€"â€"â€" firc'HMOND HILL. March 29, 1900 FI‘ho Toronto World on Wednes day of last week contained the fol- lowing news items from the Rich- mond Hill correspondent who usuaL Millhie Milliue arm for .L‘A‘V Adv Change-â€" Changeâ€"H. C Elm fiiheml. I the T DEA Ne W That Shoe Factory. ALL CORRECT BUT â€" .\ R my itm' of THE anRAL: SIR,â€"I noticed by the printea of :1 council meeting held on of Februarv that; a letter was :11 Mr. \V. S. Patterson. pro- uvstnlflish a shoe factory in mi Hill. to emplov not less 'ty hands. on condition that: L;.~‘l‘ grunt the firm a. bonus. r. I am not prepared to say 7:? .20 is: in a position to givn H. C. Bailey, Canada Cycle and Motor Co Openingâ€"Mrs. M. Brown: Openingâ€"“rs. J. shuter. Creditorsâ€"William 090k. Snleâ€"Jnhn Sliney, .â€"wm. Rennie, Atkinson 6:: Switzer. Advertisements. GOOD MUSIC ON SATURDAY EVENINGS. Rink open to Curlers every day, and «m Tuesday and F uday evenings. Admission for skaters, 10 cents; Chil- dren 5 cents. The above rink will be open for Skat- ers during the season on ‘A good experienced man for iarm Work, ember p16 who invest money in u muned or single. | Apply tn 1‘ a. (zGGD WATCH _ ‘ Evenings of each week o’clock, b00000. p SKATING- RINK 100 acres more or less. west. hull' lut- zfil .mn. [Vaughmur at Dug‘gmfis mom. IUdiufi‘di'g. ' Sale utl o‘clock. Suigeuu 62 Mclfiwuu, uvuc- tiu‘necrs. Tunsnn. April 3â€"Credit sale of farm hawk, imâ€" plements, 610‘. on lot 33. con. JL Etm i-znka. nnar Thistletmxn, the pmnertv of J. T Fan. Sale at 1 u’clm‘k. '1 arms? msnkhs. snigaun d: McEweu. nuntiuneers. WEDNESDAY. April 4â€"C1edit mer of horses, catcle,&c., at. the Palmer House. Binhmond Bill. Salem 1 o'clock. Terms frmn 4 [0-8 months, Sui‘eon 6: McEwen, unanoneerx THURSDAY, April 12â€"â€" Credit sale of unving horses. ca'bie,vchic1us. sheep, harness (to... at Richmond Ell], the pmperw of W. R. Pmrmr. Sale utl o'clock :hm'p, Terms 7 months. Suigeun 6: McEwcn, nuctmneersz. WEDNESDAY April llâ€"Credit saleof {mm stock, implements, dzc , at Thomnsuu's Hutu], Lansing, Sale at 1 o‘clock. Tel ms 8 months. Eckardb 6.: Prentice. mucniunccl's. FRIDAY. April 13â€"Auction sale of blacksmith tools.househo!d furniture. etc.. at lfidgeL the property of A. Marzinr Terms cash. D. Reurlman. auctiouem’. IES'Parbies getting the“ bills printed at this Office will receive a. nutica fiimfim‘ to the above FREE OF CHARGE ' SAT 11mm, Mm-r-h 31â€" Auction am and incl-es of'mnd belong up, of the late Matthew Pears Terms made knm‘vn on day 01" 1 o'clock. Eckarllt & Prenzicc SATURDAY. March iiiâ€"Junction s 100 acres more or less. west. )1») The Clerk read an account from Mr. Alex. Mundie, amounting to $1.50, for supplies furnished to tho Gal'lislv finn- ily by under of the Reeve. Mr. Innes intioduced By-Luw No. 176 to authorize a. grant of $25in aid of the Patriotic Fund. The hy-iaw was read a first, second and third time and pajsedr. 'Ml:.v1nnes moved, seconded by Hill, that, the Treasurer do pay Moody’s accountâ€"Carried. The Council met, in the Clerk‘s Office on Mill't’h 26th. at 8.35 p. in. Members present: the known and Councillnrs Hill, Innes and Trmwh. The mimites of the 20th of March were read and approme A (-m‘mnuuicution was read from P. L. Mnrden & 00., of London, dutml 19th of March, relating to gmnoliLhic walks. 4 Jenna; perr- Bag. RATEPAYER Richmond Hill, March 28, 1900. the bonus asked fur, but I think sllt'll a. letter should not he igunnrd alto- gether. I would be pleased tn learn through THE LIBERAL from the wave or some member of the council ifun answer was sent to Mr. Paltm-snn's letter, and if 31:“ what. \V'aéx the cmm-nts of the letter. Several council mum- in s have been held since the 19111 of Fe ruury, but I cannot, see by the minutes that any action has evvr been taken in the above mutter. Mill in operation every day except Monday \VEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY Fifteen Adultv‘s ticke‘ts for $1.00 Thirty Children‘s tickets for b1.00.' The C(mucil adjourn ed. On account ofasnrplus of water W. Mnger purposes Grinding Grain Come One‘ Village Council. RICHMOND HILL Sale Registe Of 9.11 kinds at M; TEEFY, Clerk. Come All CCUHHL ll'UUl Dll‘. ing to $1.50. for he Gurlislv fumâ€" Ive. Econdod by Mr. lI't'l‘ do pay Mr. rried. Pd By-an No. It (If $25in aid of .‘he hy-law was 1 third time and ed. TEEPY, Clerk. LSLBI‘. on sale of hnnso, lot 1211p, tn the astute Pearson, hulking. my 01" sale. Eula at Lenzicc, auctioneers. inn sale at a furm, >81: half lut- XEI con. s “bu-l, Iiiaiué'aig. In 65 Mahmuu, uvuc- e offmm htnv,k,i1n- cuu. 15. En” innLa' mer of J. T Flu-1'. from 7.30 to 10 sale of horses "150. Binhmond 115 frnm 4 (lo-E n. auctioneevsV sale uf unving n. harness. &c. arty of W. R harp, Terms 1 u, unctmneers. :0. ! THE - LIBERAL Mr. Mr. gw. HEWESON, chse. stable and 9* acres of land to rent on Lucas SL, Richmond Hill. 37-tf H. A. NICHOLLS. SERRY SMITH, Give me a trial Unfm tunately leave it in the hands of inferior workmen for repairs, and consequently get their watches botch- 0111113. I took the highest course obtainable to learn my trade, and am now pre- pared to do the most, difficult jobs in I shall] be pleased to have you call and examine some of my work mauship. REPAIR Meet. in the Tempcrnnre Bu}! on the first Wed. uefldzzy of each month. Assessment system. Payable monttly. Lady or gentleman. Class J H. SAN HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and. Paper- Hanger. the lam] For Sale or to Ben Calls from a distance promptly ‘attended to. RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL. It’s_a. Sfld faot that a great, many peo- The west part )nmining IOU u RICHMOND HILL TO RENT The Royal '1' mpmrs of Temperance Suhscri be for SANDEHSON, Sulact Councillor. {Prâ€"ti 16 to 25 to 30 to 55 to 39 to 42 to 45 to 48 to PRICES AT FAhnEns‘ WAGGONS. white, per bush. ...3 0 72 red, per bush . . U 60 goose. per bush 0 '11) nor bush .‘. 0 83 ex bush .. 0 60 not bush 0 44 s,pe:']b . 013 Practical Watchmaker, Enrumu a trial. 'Your money refund- ed if not satisfactory. Parker’s Rmhmond Hill HUME, Apply to (:1â€" 0 0d 14‘211'111 TH'E'wa'mN TANNING co. Richmond Hill F TAILO R Agent. it 500 5H0 63c an. Che m alieut con 380 NE E WATCHES. $1,099} 1.500%52mo aiikzrkrtfi. A. E. SWITZER. Financial Sec'v ii a. 1 bio" r50 0 m o 23 n 15 0 45 2 50 11 cu no 00 uv loam. and 200 25L 00‘ w EU $3.00 3 00 13 50 ()0 01" 10 00 d 000 1.09. 10‘ C70 000 300 01C MI Also represent the Western Fire Insurance, York Mutuzri Fire. London Guarantee and Accident Company, Appraiser fm" (‘finr‘4" Perm WV” Lmzn an] Savings Company. Gentleman’s, Ladies’ $311063 Axe Handles, 50. up; Crosscut Saws, 50¢. per foot up: Axes, 70c. up; lx‘ogem’ Butcher Knives, 10c. ; Pocket Knives, 50. to 750.. Cow Chains, 12%0. Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Hockey Skates, 50 cents, com.- plete, and everything sold at a reasonable ‘pncem All kinds of Tinware made to order. HARDWARE STORE THE CONFEDERATION LIFE VV . J". CLARK, Hasjust published a new set of pamphlets giving full par- ticulars regarding the different plans of Life Insur- ance. The Unconditional Accumulative Policy is one of the best policies, guaranteed, ex- tended Insurance, Paid up Policy and Cash Value. Pamplets will be sent on application to .P. G. SAVAGE, District Agent, RICHMOND HILL And so can afford to give you bargains for your money, Custom work a specialty; repairing promptly and neatly done RGBERT SEVERS (Our own importation), . MASON, $890313 Em" insurance ,' terms 0t payment. Samples always on hand. Rewiring Promptly Done. ou cannot fail to be pleased with your selection: Shoas to suit everybody, both young and old. . ‘ Vv'e are doing a strictly Victgr Chop Japan Teas ofiee with@ nice decorated Bohemian GIa Tumbler, for 35c. Scfiaa CAfiH Bugs: NE Come and inspect our Eew York Cofi'ee Richmond Iiill. Richnnond E11111 M‘EW ESSNLEY, MAPLE PIANO, ORGAN, IF YOU WANT TO BUY A Richmond Hili new lines of lb., or 1% 1t and Children’s CALL ON OR WRITE mm)».me or $51.15. 7183

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