Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Mar 1900, p. 5

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An exizhamgé s:Lys:â€"-In our notice Offih‘e rite of baptism being adminis- -téred to several pen-Suns last, week we :wrot-e it right instead of rite. This of course was not right, but we write it rightthis week. “"9 gut one of the names \Vright, however, which was all right. RICHMOND HI! _ Purity. :SL‘SWit'Ae‘. Standaud granulated su grain granulated sugar, P2 sugar, icing sugar. guldel sugar. Atkinson & Switzer. Redd Mrs. Shutex-‘s nf Spring Millinm-y ( nther page. The W. U. 1‘. U hon‘m'of Mm. Storey next-Tuesday evenil‘ ' xTh‘P, Life nf D. L THELIBERAL nmc ce'nts ;' Board cov type is large and ( nations are gnnd. It, is mzmy rpm-s since a bazax- has lmen bvld in this villngv. Do not fail nilettvnd the mm {,0 he held’in the TélnpeI-unce Hall nvxt “Wednesday aftqnmun and evening. Those who buy here lead ions. Atkinson & Switzel‘. Any ])(‘I‘S: Chase of it should call Wheels at T '10,, and a.. 1 ago, and t Wheéls. Big advance in pure lard, but the {best value is found at Atkinsun and Switzer's. Amecting of the Curling Club to Wind up the business of the season w‘rll‘bghqld in McDonald’s shopJAn-ne Biiildifig on Saturday evenin at, 8.49. A ‘full il‘ttendance is requester: fiin‘g- Cuuncil will moot Lake hotel next. Saturday. The 'I\Iet.r(xpulitnn Railwny’s hill which was to he taken up in tlw Logis- lufiluze toâ€"mm-ruw has been postpuned fOI‘ a few da ys. _ Mr.‘ “r. R. Pmctm- is another victim nf'icy sidewalks. He slipped on Tues- day, spx-aining his ankle, which will keep filfim about the house for a few days; A patriotic concert and personal snbscr'pbion in King City netted $108.- 15. ‘j’l‘he net proceeds of the concert were $21.65, and the subscriptions in- cluded a donation from the Hon. E. J. Davis .of $50.00. Rudyard Kipling’s new animal “glory, “The Elephunt’s Child,” is a feature of the April Ladies’ Home Jourda). IL is the flxsl; of a series of ‘flfist; So ” stm'ivs, and describes, with Kipling‘sinimitable (h'ollery, how the cleRhgmt got his trunk. ,A special meeting of the \V. M. S. of (2115 M‘ebhuflist Church will be held , at the home of Mrs. Switvzm' next Mon- daiy aftm-lloolrat 3 o'clock sharp. A full mélnlyérship is‘ requesLed as final al‘rangemcnts must he made l‘vlatrive to the lmzar (which will be held in the Temperance Hall the following \Ved- nesday afternoon and evening. ---To-mm‘rmv afternoon the Junior ~Epworth League will meet at half I ust four instead of four. There will e :3 cumpetition in eswys by the members on the subject, “The Pleas- ures Nature gives.” The essayists are Misses Hazel Switzer, Ethel Mvtcalf. Mrytle Szllgenn, Masters Starl- Mc- Mahon. Km-l SLOrey,F1-zmk McDonald, Benn. Roddiu'. All are welcome. ' 'There is more thn‘n this sture. Atkinan “ Owing to' the Kindm-garlvn Convert next Monday owning, le'Epwm-Ih Ilka'gue. Reading Circle will be with- drawn. . ,The Public Library Board would be ‘ phased if any of our citizens would at :ypy time band to the Secretary at THE i EmmmL office the names of good I hooka not already in the Library. . This “‘ould greatly assist the commit- ‘ eé iii their selection of books. 1 Economy is kmson & Swii Th‘e pxicv- don't, ways. Atkinson Fair dealing is it tower of strength. Atk_1_us‘on & Switzer. , A large number of friends attended t._he_burial of Rev. Father Lynetvt. (\‘hiéh took place in the Thurnhill _ct;grx§tg(>:l'y' on Saturday lust. Decmsed, who was hum and spent his boyhood aiwsjn this place, died in New York on'the' previous \Vednesdny after a severe attack of pneumonia which lasted only a few days. A. fgscinatdng fashionable Atkinson 8; Switzer. - A gohfl Limo promised every buyer fitkillLs'ou & Switzer. ' ‘irsf B Hing. DIDN’T \VRIGHT 1T RIGHT L‘snn contemplating the pur- a, bicycle the coming spring lll and see the Cleveland THE LIBERAL office. A No. No. 60 arrived a few days they are both very pretty T0 CURLERS‘ bht meetin tell all the .tule' ab & Swimer. 01's, '50 (: :Iear and inciph Moody fm' ‘g at ‘ynute heft ; unnonm-emvnt Opening on am- a price chm-m to & Switzvr. M99 \‘vil! meet at'tho Iichmnnd Street, M; 8 o'clock. (1 sugar, fine 1r, Pal-is lump gpldeu yellow Hi 301 'm' sale at 'covers, 25 out-s. The L113 illus- m E . the fash- )0 Mum display. Bond‘s A L DI] :lt Lansing (m‘ the hundsmne cows went as‘ k ments, most of ing make, also tial wig-(~15; T (MI [1 by Dll The V“ M. S. of the Methodist Church purposo holding a Buzar in the Temperance Hall on the afternoon and evening of \Vednosdny, 4th of April. A good progrmunw of vocal and instruim‘utal music will be given, and caudiLs, ice cream and light luuclws. togr‘ther with many pretty and unique articles will he on sale. The Buzar will 0pm] at 2 o’clock. Ad- missioufrue. A 10 cent Tea. will he sm'vvd from 5 to 7 O’clock. All are Welcome. Our motto immble, be Switzm‘. Mrs. C. E. Humhex-stnne 0f Newton Bl'onk has on sale a new game called. The National Game of “Bubs.” The gaum consists of 24 cards, 6' belonging to each of four different, cm1nt1-ios,\'iz : England, United States, Canada and Africa. It is played on the same principles as, “ Lost Hviia” and the in- Ln-rest, in the game is greater just now on account (If the war and the patriot- ic wave which is passing (IVlâ€"‘I' the? country. The author has secured the copyright in Canada, England and all the colonies. Pleusurv, profit and comfort by trad- ing" at Atkinson & Switzer’s. Miss Long’s Kindergarten class will give a concert in the Masonic Hall. Richmond Hill, on the evening of Monday, April 2. The programme will consist; of Kindergarten songs, Glces. Drills, Games, Dialogues and Recitations. The children are practis- ing their work, and hope to give a very interesting entertainment on Monday evening. Chair taken at 8' o‘cloclc’sharp by Mr. J. T. Saigeon. Admission 15 cents,Kindergarten class free. For particulars see small bills. At the. Epwm'lh League on Friday evening there will be a program of un- usual attractiveness. consisting of vocal music. and an orthographical contest. by the members of the League. The following parties will contribute : Miss Mm'tson. Soprano solo; Rev. R. S. E. Large, bass solo; Miss A. Glass, treblgsulu 37M rs. 0.7Mason, treble solo; There was a good time at Maple last night when fthe concert Fund debate were held. The principal feature was the debate on the subject, “ Resolved that more benefit is derived from Reading than Travelling." The de- - haters were all ladies, Maple. taking the affirmative. The names of the de- llaters were, Miss Emma. Byam, Miss Emily Line, and Mrs. (D12) Sisley, Maple; and MiSSes Mary McKinnon, Annie McNeil and Maggie Thompson, . Vellore. The judges were Mr. Ewers, | Principal of Kleinburg Public School, Mr. K. Langdon, Principal “’ood- bridge High School, and Mr. N. S. Mc- Donald, Principal of Richmond Hill Public school. The debate was inter- esting. and the judges decided in favor I of the afiirmative. The proceeds 9 which are for Charitable purposes ‘ amounted to $20.50. ' MRWV. A. “’1- Vinleb Storey lectiun will he League Fund. pronunciator : man. son. The others who assisted with the program added very greatly to the evening’s enjoyment. Rev. Mr. Imrie discharged the duties of chairman in a very satisfactory manner. The pro- ceeds amounted _tu $23 all r~>f which will' be devoted to the India Famine Fund. a Mr. \Vm. Rennie, sun, has publish- n work on Agriculture, with illustra- tions of much scientific value. The book will carry“ weight of authority as the author for the past six years filled the highly responsible position of sup- erintendent at the Model Farm at Guelph. Mr. Rennie was the winner of the first silver medal awarded some years ago by the Agricultural and Arts Association for the cleanest and best managed farm in Ontario. “79 might say that the farm referred to is lot 14, 2nd con. Markham, about 3 miles from this 'village, and is still kept in it high state of cultivation by its present owner, Mr. Joseph Comis~ OAK RIDGES. The concert given in the Oak Ridges school-house on Monday evening, Mar. '26, was a decided success in every re- spect]. The pupils performed their parts in a most pleasing nunner,every nuiubm-Being distinctly heard by all in the building. The Columbiun Drill by the young girls from Temperance- ville was Well given and much enjoyed by all, also the. song and recitation givenby two little girls fvom Jeffein ‘111 Horses ORTHOGRAPHICAL CONTEST. KINDERGARTEN CONCERT. “ SUCCESSFUL FARMING.” THE GAME OF “DOES.” ‘01] DEBATE AT MAPLE. nd L':'.tth-0f1,lwl'ight stamp up: gmyl pl-icvs this spring. J. Sl'wpmfl‘s auction sale on Tuesday horses En-mlghb me figure of $153, and milch a: high as $38. The imple- ;t of which were the Deer- rtlso hrnughb good substran~ The sale was conducted 7. Suigeon, of the firm of McEwen. â€"B9 seasnnuble, be fash- l'euennublv. Atkinson & OI) ight, baritone suln; Miss , soprano $010. A col- taken up in aid of the Mr. T. F. McMahon, MI. W'. Harrison, chair- BAZAR PRH .hu. Fit-9 l’mnf un hand Bind-_, Itivntm-s, Seed Dinmnnd Hal‘- &4:. ley will rauuds tu any general, (‘IK Th9 Standard Bank lms erected this week it muv sign, gilt lettering, which looks Well. wards & 00., Roc-kland, Out“; A. VV. Smith, Maple Lodge, 0nb.; H. Smith, Hay, Ont. ; Walter Lynch, \Vest- hounm, Mun. ; J. &. W. B. \Vatt, Salem. Ont, and W. S. Lister. Middle- clnlrch. Man. “ ‘Iannda’s Ideal " is certainly a triumph of live stock, por~ tmilure and the engravers‘ art], and must. prove of inestimahle value to bhe live stock interests of the country. Them-ice, of the. pictuxe has been fixed at, the nominal figure of one dollar, but. may also he had by sending in two new suhscriptions to the Farmer‘s Advo- cate. \Ve trust it, will enjoy, as it; richly deserves, a, large :md wide- spread Circulation, not only because it will be, an ornament to any home, but for the good it will do. ‘ Seedsâ€"Timothy and clover send, good Quality. szghton Bum,- Elgin Mills. Mr. and Mrs. John March of Beth esda‘.- Spent over Sunday with Connoll- lm- lnnos and other friend's; Rev. Mr. VVellwnod will take for hfs subjt‘ct next Sunday morning, “ A Higher Sum-tificatbion.” Mr. Mullny, jI‘., of the Stnnffvine Tribune was in the village on Monday and gave THE LIBERAL a friendly cull. Revs. Dr. Milligzm, Toronto. and E. D. MncLarvn. St. Andrew’s Ohm-ch, Vancouver, British Columbia, spent Monday at the Manse. Capt. Robson, M.P “7. D. Flatt. Hum Pettit, Freeman. ewée OPTICAL 00a: Rem R. S. E. Large, B. A., B. D., on Monday evening delivered am address before the Epworth League in Aux-om mm “The Glory of Obedience” Mrs. Badly and'h'ttle sun, of Hollen, who are on thir way to PQHSP, N. W. T., spent Sunday with Mr. J. T. Sai- geon, Mrs. Bradley’s brother. Miss IdzL Snigeon of Toronto also spent Sun- day with herbl-othm- here. prepare ,l_t Baxter and Lemionx of Montreal, charged with conspiracy to defraud the Bunque Ville Marie out of a- large sum of money have bee». fomld’guilty. Rev. Murg‘anWVOOd, who has been pastor of Bond St. Congregational chuxch for nearly three years has accepted a call to the pastorate of Plymouth ma-cb. Cleveland, Ohio. Tine suhacriber would respectfully intimate to the public Lbat having rebuilt the choppmg mill NIAPLE mkka - ma WWW “Gunny, VHOdneiday and SH:- nmlay ul' «nu-I: week. \ml doubled its cmpncity. he will during t1 busy chopping season and until lumber uomco chop rv v v .4 WM‘Q‘W BestGla We guarantee perfect satisfa Put-rm. 98 Yonge Street, Toronto. Ripaus Tabules: a; druggiéis. 7 Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach. Ripans Tabules assist digestion. . Ripzms Tabules cure liver troubles. Ripans Tabules cure constination. Rinans Tabules cure dizziness. Ripans Tabules: gentle cathartic. Ripans Tabyles cure torpid liver. Henry Marsh. 1ge solimt‘ed ; sutislaction guaranteed u baudnud-in a few dzn‘s will he supp-y DRESSED LUMHEH uf :Lll ') PLAAIVG AND MATCHING of ‘0 still News Notes. N:‘Xi)1X)S I I, M.P.l’., Ildm-tun, Ont.; Hamilton, Ont; W. G. man. ()nt.; \V. 0. Ed- , Rot-Hand, Ont. : A. VV. NE‘VV {SONAL b‘ keeping Solid Gold. Best Gold Fill 1.5( 5 yrs Gold Fill l.0{ LL KINDS action l Almge amount ofprivate funds to loan on improved farm progeny. . Five per cent. in- terest. Easy terms {or repavumm. Eu com- l mission charged on loans. Apply-m I A. G. F. LAWRENCE, . Freehold Loan Buildinglgronto Or at Richmond Hill on Saturdays. RICHMOND HILL Â¥ SfiOP Is the place to buy your Harness and other supplies. Single Harness from $10 up. All! wovk~ guaranteed first-class. Saskatchewan and Black Galloway Robes, $8 to $11.0. Jute Stable Blankets, 35 cents to $2.50 each. Shaped \Vnul Blankets. $2.25 to $5 .each.. Dutch Kersey Blankets, to $2 each. Best, English Kersey Blankets, 80x80 incl), $4 to $6 each. Trunks, Valises, Mitts, Gauntlets, and other supplies as low as the lowest. MONEY .! MONEY! ryfiggwwwwwmwng 166 and 168 King St. East, 3 doors west of George Street, Toronm. Iicpairin g; fi’l-onaplly Don e. This will be an occasion of enthusiastic in- terest to all who attend, and promises charms in the way of artistic forecasts of Spring and Summer Styles that will surpass all former occas1ons. In Flowers, Foliage and. Ornaments we will show a large stock of the choicest that can be procured, and in Fruits, such as Grapes, Currants,Cherries,Plum3, etc, which cannot be surpassed for their loveliness. Ribbonstaces, Chiflons, in 'an endIeSs array will be shown, and altogether every- thing will go to show a plcture of neatness. We will show masterpieces which only need the names of designers such as Caroline Rebour, Virot, Loys, and Camille Rogers to assure you of neatness and style. Atkinson & Switzer 6 and. Friday and Saturday, WILKENS & 00.. [{emenlber the days ' 6 and 7. EVERYBODY INVITED {a} E 0. Bio D ONAIJI) Saturday, “April at less than \vho-‘zcsak prices. Ground oystershell makes the hens 1ay. 20 lbs. for 2; cts. ‘VANTED â€" SEVERAL TRUSTW-OBTBY personeiushis smco to manage our bm-L ness in their own and nearby counties. It is mainly orficewnrkcomfiuczed at home. Sunny straight $900 a yea: and expensesâ€"definite,bo:a- fide, no more, no less salar . Monthly $75. References. Enclose self-ad teased stampld envelope, Herbert E. fleas, PresL. Dept. M, Chicago. " ‘ ’ ' 3&8 Friday and at prices which will astonish you. $1, $1.25 and $1.50 each. Sugar Kettles Sap Buckets, Cancertina 9 cts. each. Nails

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