Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Mar 1900, p. 7

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Observmious made [0 test this ques- tion showed that bees can _carry with ease. twice their weight in honey. Several bees were caught as they re- turned to their hives laden with honey. and. after enclosing them in a little 'box, \hey were carefully weighed. \Vhen the bees unloaded their honey they were again caught, placed in the same box and weighed a second time. This experiment showed that the bees w‘hen laden weighed three times as much as when empty‘ It was there,- fore proved that a bee can carry twice lts own Weight in honey. and can fly Jory long distances with that weight. made greater progress than any othâ€"' er nationalities. In Germany women" are not permitted to form political as- l sociations, while in Russia neither men nor women can band together in'any organization of a political naâ€" ture without special (‘UnSPIll of the . . imperial government. In Holland such an act is unconstitutional, hut in France. long hel'nre Frenvh Wanton (lin- pl-iyed any desire to study nwtivinv or obtain a university etlut'atimrtlw doors of scholastio institutions were thrown open to them. Antl even Eng:- lish and German women availed them- I selves of the privileges of becoming graduates of the University of Paris. ‘ __.__ .u. v u z The “ Balmoral.” Free Bus Hospital Fund. IOITIIAI. INTI]. BIRIO‘I’OI‘. W Lu. Pin. sun I) Europe-u Pin. Room from .1 I a" ug. Opp. 0.1.3. Stanton. Manual. 000. Clnlnh t 00. p'l. M 0111â€" 11 A . AVENUE “OWEâ€"Hm”. 33.31....‘3'1‘3 per d”. _.â€"_“__ 81'. JAMES: HgTEl-Ta:§°;:;g-E%ng: I‘ll-w. “Ts-10:33:? I on». on What npeets our men, and PSth't- ally the wounded. are the unearth- ly screams the Boers give rent to when wounded. If you 11:1‘ve, you have Diabetes. and nothing on earth but Dodd's Kidney D:]ln . Dodd’s Kidney Pills are the only medicine on earth that can cure Dia- betas. They are the only medicine that can cure the kidneys. Here is proof: Mr. Sam Desrochers. of 167 St. John St, Quebec. says: "I have suffered with Diabetes for five _years. "Fiva boxes of 'bbdd's Kidney Pills vured me completely. Toâ€"duy I am well upd _st_rong." .Pills c'fxu cure you Heal and strengthen the kidney and they will cleanse the blood. Then Diabetes will vanish. "I tried a dozen remedies before heard of Dodd's Kidney Pills. They all failed to relieve me. A well-known magazine writer has recently stated that in matters perâ€" taining to the advancement of Women the Angloâ€"Saxon race seems to have Render! Hav‘é you any of {he toms above? "M'y feet were always cold. I had pains in my lions, and aterrible t‘hirst. Poison gets into the blood through dafeotive action of the kidneys, which uhould filter it out. Exec-pl Dodd'u Kldney Pllli, Ihe Only Remedy on Burn: 'I‘IIM Removes the Cause of lhe Dlscuseâ€" Dodd’s Kld- ney PHI: Never Fall. Quebec, P.0. March 26.â€"There are bertain diseases that sap the brain 1nd dry up the springs of life, besides, undermining the strength. Diabetes is such a disease. Its symptoms are great thirst, fail- lng sight, dny mouth, coated tongue, paleuess, numbness in the thi hs, pains or aches in the loins, or smal of the back, increase of urine, sugar in the urine. .Any one, or two, seldom more, of these appear in the same case. Diabetes is caused by poison in (be blood. lleld In South Afrlen “here Print! Are Offered to the Hidden. The Sounh African aurtion, “"ilit‘h is in vogue at the Cape, is a far nmre exciting affair than its English imi- tation. Supposing a house is to he sold. The auctioneer rattles 50 sov- ereigns and cries out. "Fifty golden sovereigns for tihe man who first bids £5.000-" Nobody bids it. After a Dunne ‘he cries, "Fifty golden sow ereigns for the first. man who bids £4,000. And so on. until liegets a bid. It by no means follows that the tptroperty is sold to the bidder. For the. auctioneer is again at it. Sup- pose £4,400 is the first bid. Then the auctioneer shouts, "There are 215 rgUi- den sovereigns for the first man who has the courage to bid £4,601L" Possi- bly there is no bidder. Then £25 is o‘ffered [or a bid of £4,550. If there is no bid eventually above the £4,400, the man who made that offer is sad- diLecd with the property. Otherwise he pockets the bonus and has nothing more to do with the estate. Flame and ravenous. ls Diabetes, Which Defies all Medicines Brltnln's Soldiers in Soulh Afr-lea the non Magnificent Ever Seen. We have learnt one lesson in this war, it is that no nation on earth can Ilrivo us out of any position we have entrenched, remarks awar correspon- dent ou' the London Daily News. The Russians even delude themselves with the [lettering thought that they can Ittempt an invasion of India. With the modern ri lo and artillery â€" the lrtillery we shall have after this war â€"I have every confidence that the passes into India could be held by com- paratively small numbers. No one ever saw such magnificent soldiers as ours are here. No conscript army could hope to equal them. Ten thou- sand Of these men. under the conditions of the latest warfare, would be more th-in enough to hold any Russian army that internal difficulties would allow for the invasion of Afghanistan. Modâ€" ern weapons have made India safe. We never need again be scared either by the bogey of invasion or the possi- bility of its success. A MAN KILLER \VOMAFN AND POLITICS BEST ARMY ON EARTH. BEES ARE STRONG QUEER AUCTIONS. 0 test this ques- cnu _carry with eight in honey. .gbt as they re- Iden with honey. symp- Rev. M. McKay. of Goderich. Ont. wrxlos: "Some time ago you sent me a boille of your Catarrhozonm “6 have given it a fair trial and am glqd to say that the medicine is all it IS claimed to be. It appears to work well in case of Catnrrh, and is an ex- ‘cellont remedy for a throat irritation .arising from public speaking." For Public Speakers. Ministers. Singers‘ persons lroubled with irritable thronl. Catarrh or Asthma, Catarrhâ€"n-zone 13 ‘of ineslimnble value. It is :1 guaran- ileed cure. Sold by all (lruggisis. ‘The trial outfit sent for 100 im stamps ‘by N. C. Polson & 00., Kingston, 0nt.. Proprietors. A subscription list has been open- ed at the British Consulate. Copen- hagen. for the Princess of Wales Hospiml Fund. After one skirmish near Estcourt the Boers could be seen through fLeId glasses playmg at leapâ€"irog and him- mg wresLIing bouts. MRS‘ WINSLOW’S SOOTHING SYRUP hu bu- ued by mother: (or their children teething. It mother the child. soften- tha (mm All." Ill. ours. wind oolio. India the bucremedy for dinrr an 250. I bot- tle. Soldb Ill drunk“ throughout the world. 3- Inn had us (or " Mn. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. about £2,500 for the Mansion. House Fund. Of this at least £700 has been contributed ty Malay princes. Presidenti Steyn has given orders that none of the Army Medical Staff or of the Red Cross bearers are to be taken prisoners, Take Laxative Bromo Quinlno Tablets. A)! dnggiltl refund the money it 10 fall- w cure. the. BL W. Grave's ailuaturo is on no]: box. The road-bed at the Lehigh Valley is ballasted with rock, a decided imp pi'ovement over the old style cinder or other ballasting, and one which Summer passengers, when » windows are open. appreciate, as the rock bal- last does away altogether with the too common nuisance of dust. TRAVEL BET\\'.EEN CANADIAN POINTS AND NEW YORK. The Lr-hlgh Valley Railroad alfurds the most convenient train service, and is a particularly desirable route (or recidents of the Province of On- inrio to use in going to New dork. This 00. runs through train service in connection with the Grand Trunk Railway from points in Canada, and provides for the public a service which meets all the requirements of the most exacting. Its solid vestibule through trains be- tween Philadelphia, New York and Chicago. made up of luxurious new Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars. 0031‘ modious and comfortable coaches, “9 a la carte dining car service, and the ,uSe of steam heat and Pintsch Gas, are features which are highly appre‘ ciated by the traveler, and are guar‘ antees of physical comfort. The route, through the most picturesque portion of the eastern part of Ameri- ca. affiords an ever-changing panor~ ama of scenic eplendorI delightful to the eye. - O'KEEFE’SV’fi‘éVér MALT The Bond newspaper at Britstown havmg begun to preach open treason to the surrofinding dlstrict, three companies of the \Vzurwickshme regl- mam have visited the town. A Coldstreaan Guard writes from Modder Rivenâ€"“England should be Proud of us. They ought w thunk: the world of every soul who faces death for Queen and country." Mr. D. G. Collins. of Newgmte street. London, has received from the \Vn.r Office an order for twenty-four com- plete Comm-mien serVIces (or the army m Soth Africa. will displace all Japan Tea the same as Salada black is displacing all other black teas. The Straits Times has collected Inrl on!" sud Stren than: LLOYD W OD. Toronto. GEfiEBAL 40m. Excellent for Public Speakers. 1'0 CURB A COLD IN 0N3 I)" - aw}; i W. l W @Zé'gwamw' “2% (7m FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS CEYLON GREEN TEA >Ip_rl_ggr_n _l ;nd 5;};351â€"3n; I val-"VII" I l “’9' olflxee, scapularu. I Religion! Pictures, Statuary. incl Church Dru-menu. » Eduonuonll Worh. Muil orders receive prompt uten- ! lion. D. l J. BADLIEII & 00., Montronl. We wrmt. good. manna”. HNHRGE’HC mcn m "unrepresented dislriuh' Lhruugbnun the Dominion to sell our stock for inveument. This stock gunnnt good dividequ pnyuble half yearly. or adding to 1m I mom; I150 to sec-um lpplicatinus {or good lonm. We my liberal commissions. Apply. Sun Snvlngs and Loan Company, no AOIIU 0000 FARMING LANDSâ€"ARENAO Iowa. Olen-w Ind Onwiord Counties. Tinlo pan 0!: Miohignn Ocmnl, Detroit k Mackinac Ind m m. Railrondl. a! price: un'ln; from ‘2 to ‘1 run. These Lunch In Clone to Entomrilin‘ Now m. churches, Schooll. on. und will be laid on on menial. lerun‘ Apply to R 0 o F I N G and Sheet Metal Works. ROOFING SLATE in Bllck. god or Gtoefi. SLATE BLACKBOARDSAVG supp], ubllc 5nd i‘h Sehoola'Toronw). Ru flu Felt,PiLch. Con] Tu. 0M. ROOFILG TILE (See 'ew City Build. Inn, Tomato. donob ourflrm)‘ Metal Ceilinu, Con nib“. no. Eszlmntu urnhhod for work oompleto or! Illhrilluhipped to In, .110! the country. Phono 1933 n. nurmn sous. Ado aldohwmmnrsu..1’oronto Path?!" Prayer “ma-.2: Music or Musical” ihrsi-Fdflrr-ignlis. Whaloy Royce & 00.. “mm-0"" '"d Winnipeg. Man. Lowe-r. prices ever noted. Fine cutalocue BOOiIluf nation! mailed free. rite {Is for anything in ovemgfméamngn n, .v. w-.. u. w"... w um". u: Moitreal, ToEgrfio, Ottawa, Quebec. T“I{e"’lh1€abh‘ BEm'rfiEEibimcé'jf'iifiiifiéfi nor. Wont-Mark“ A Oolborno St.. Toronto. ._n_d only Pnénugn. to erg-ago h.n_r..'umponslgn 1S Every Town can have a Band ““V‘y‘éaxTâ€"Slaii «56:51:75; [fish action ; Iize. flshionable breediny; Price! reuonnbla. M. H. Ooch‘ flue. Hilhunc Station. Que, with LOCAL APPLICATIONS no they onnunt reach the mat of the disease. ("Aim h h! a blood or «Institution's! disease. and In order to cure It you mu‘t Lake Internal romedinl. Hull's Camrrh Cure 1- tlken inlernally, and not: d1- rchly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure in notnqum k medicine. It. wan prescribed by one of the bow any-n lane in thin cnuntry 101- years, and II a rogulnrpreucrlpvl n. It is componed of the best, tonch known com- bined wllh the beat, blood purifier: noting di- rectly on the mucous aurfnaen. ’l‘he perfucfi oomblnatton of the two Ingredients is what, Ioducoa such wonderful results in curing Suburb. signify pply‘lmonlnls free, BOLD GUI?! 100. Cure-In n jifly P. Mo cartel-s Cormack; & 00., Anna. Montrell. qunnv, BUTTER, guns, Anus. THE I)“ MOINEB INOUBATOR n Dnllnnr‘ anl‘ nan-k I.“ Dh-n u and cheap.“ no”: q -A I Rolland, solo a eat for tho Domimgn: ééili'u'c? umnp tor outflows. 3 at. Pnul Street. Monti-ll The Majestic left Cape Towm for England with 170 wounded. Including Genera! Fealhersmnhnugh. Major Dalrymple Hamiho’n, and Mr. Knight, of the London Morning Post. W P 0 I017 HARRIS Oarbollc Disinfectantc. Soaps, Oint- ment, Tooth Powders, 010.. have been awarded 100 medals and diplomas for superior excellence. Their regular uae prevent, infecti- ous diseases. Ask your dealer to abtnln a unpply. Lists mailed free on application. In- the attack on Stormberg. saysa correspondent. British troops walked Ln dayhght in a column four deep rLght under the enemy‘s nose. N0 scouts or skirmishers were out. Emmaâ€"d LAW At the battle of Graspan Major J. H. Plumbe, of the British Royal Marine Light Infantry, was among the many killed while storming the main kopje. He had a pet dog. a terrier. which ran up the hill with him under the fiercest tire imaginable. When he fell the dog sat down and guarded his body until the ambulance removed it, six hours later. Agratifying feature of the war Is the imvaria-ble courtesy which the British officers on route for the tront dlsplay' at every station- nlong the [me towards the Dutchmen they meet. DINO" SINSE KILLS Ro-uhu. Bed Bugs. Run sud Mien. Sold by all Brand-u. or as) Queen W. Toronto. " Pharaoh 100.‘ """i'T'J. CHENEY & (30.. Prubé; Toledo. 0. Sold b dru‘rzisu. price 750. Half. am y Pllll are the best ACKNEY STALLIQNS FOR _SA_LEâ€"4_bay cya- Mlohlgan Land for Sale. Wholoule only ‘g nguyusn Auiilfiiil"b§éih§ "0'0.- Instruments. Drums. Vufiforms. Loot to_r glen} In your tannin-r land an“ F. O. CALVERT & 00., MANCHESTER - « ENGLAND. I. I. PIERCE. A cut. Well Bu OI”, HIGH. 0! J.W. CUR' IS. Whitmmoro. Mich. For theâ€" Catarrh Cannot be Cured PE’D DOG GUARDED HIM. WILLIAM 8T., TORONTO. CALVERT’S AGENTS WANTED. on)“: land your work to tho I Buys Box-a. , D LEAD. COPPER. mug. Long Distance Telephonulfl’. Barristers, to..romond to Wesla 1d 3., Rich Inond St. rauto. Mlllm Mlllo :- Hale: Barrlsurs,eto..romovm ll hm 9! 0min. Tau. Omani. to. ma. sunnn comquuo 110.. SUPPLIES) Aabutol condo. Pipe Oovorlng, Luhrloatlng (LII, Englnurs' TORONTO? l, flourlu, Dru. Toronto. Etc MI. I. Alllfl‘, MIR..-- The Canadian Heine Safety BOILER lllgh Glass Water Tubo’Steam Bollors. for All Pressures, nutles and Fuel. SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. Toronto Elwtflc Light. 00,. [aunt-d. The '1‘. Elton Co. Limited. The Haley-Hunk CoV. Limiud. The Outta Pare!“ Rubblr t M11. 0.. Th Wflnon Publuhlng 00.. him (All HIM "on Hana-I Imy bu Inn warns]. Esplanade, Opp. Bhorboumo 8L, QQCQA The “Happy Thought " Range gold by'ali druggists ; vnrge box 750. mm“ box 25c. or Lent postpaid. on leceipt of price by The Arnold Chemical Co.. Limited. Canada. Life Bld'z Toronto. Everyone neodiawnlc medicine to Glennie the blood. arace the nerves. and revitalize. reinvigorate the whole body. in the spring, The very best they onn get is Dr, Arnold's English Toxin Pills. They kill the germs of all dissuues. purify and enrich the blood. cure boils. eruptions. skin diseases. female \vgaquss. zipq oil other germ .disezis'esi A SPRING MESSAQE. EPPS’S THE WILLIAM BUCK STOVE 00.. lelted, BRANTFORD, ONT., In ohe heat in ms world. For Isle by landing dulen everywhen. GRATEFULâ€"COMFORTING. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. 'm““m“““ G.“ “M ‘Mm m V A. RAMSAV & SON. } Paint l'lakors. ‘ ' MONTREAL Eet‘d l841. .mwmwmu M m ‘w m Durlng the past four months but beon extensively enlarged .7... "n. rowed. Over 50 Private Baths Now Dinin: Room encloaau In gluon, dlreotly nclng the ocean, and unsurpassed on the Atlantlc Oo-st for decoration and elegance. Exchange and Sun Parlor. doubled In also. Capnclty loo, "(SWISS-AMERICAN 00., Windsor, Ont" Canada Our Method 1: sure and has cured thousandsâ€"some pmnounced lncurablc. Wrne at onco. Booklet and Proof on request. Addnu ON THE BEACH. Atlantic City, New Jersey. The World Famed All the Your Health and Plenum-o Roman. BREAKFASTâ€"SUPPER. flhwmatism HOTEL TRAYMORE EVERY DAY adds to the large list of drinkers of C EV LON TEA. “II J. “All. NIL "I M Made by All. lEATHERS. shoe Dressing SHOE DEALERS. L. H. Packard 8:. Go. MONTREAL. For sale by all first-OJus Toronto PAOKARD’S ALL COLORS FOB Word:- mu not convince you. but. I trill certainly wnl. LEAD PACKAGES. 25, 30, 40. 50 and 650. ond they sre mixed rudy for use. Ulorl by ma yâ€"spproved hi all. They do not (Mo. do not peel ofl lrom burning sun or freezing cold. One gallon covers 360 square feet. two count All first-elm dealers have sham. Ramsay’s Pants, To the Odorlesl Crematory Closet. 00.. Hamilton. 0n! DIAL Sm rrAbout A year ago I hang?“ {run you on at your ()dorleu Oremnuy Cloulr In an since u. it cumunzly In my private residN-t‘n with splendl rumination. I am no we” planned I] h i: that you on. In? me another at. our. for my hotci. Yours very truly, J. 1. Min [1. Murkdala. OaL The following are the names of a few prominent citizcns who are using this closet, and from whom we havo very flattering testimonials: Dr‘ D. L. Thompson. Toronto, Ont. Dr. McGlaughlan, Bowmanville, Ont. Dr. M. L. Dixo‘u, Frankville,‘0nt. Dr. C. F. Ferguson, Kemptville. Ont. Dr‘ Ulric Gabourg, Plantnganet. Ont. Judgn A. C. Chadwick, Guelph, Ont. MONEY LEM on Mauriton red um. norm... flucrnmonl Ind Munloipll Bundl. eto. Judgo A. C. Chadwick. Guelph, Ont. C. J. )1ickle, B..-\.. (Wesley. Ont. Rev. John Downie, Watford, Ont. L. Dampier, Mgr. Bank of Commerce, Strathroy, Ont. Peter Hope, merchant. Perth. Ont. Jas Moffatt, merchant. Amherst. NS DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Intern” Allowed. DEBENTUREE ISSUED for 1. l 3. ‘ orlnm with Interest coupons bthchod. Paid-up Capital, - - $2,600,000 Reserve Fund - - - 1,200,000 Head Wooâ€"Toronto at" Toronto. Crunch WIoooâ€"Vllnnlpog. Mum, Vancouver. [.0 utoonrunn‘lo 1365. The Oldest and Largest Canadian Hort: gage Corporation. CANADA PERMANENT For In“: und Hot Ind Cold Wner Pip“. Cold Stanza Pipes Inch-n Boilen. we. l'or pmlmflm up]; to D. 8. WHITE. JR , Owner and, Prop'r. Pot m" mnloulan apply to Loan and Savings Company. NEURALQIA. SOIATICA. “vacuum INFLAMMATOIV, GouT. LuMIAoo. RHEUMATIO PARALvaII, Arman haunt and In: covering In the Worm IIEA BOILER COVERING 00., leltod. ‘I‘I Tatum. Mom." And land“. In‘. 'Yho Odbrleu crematory Closet 80., humllton, 0M. PIPE AND BOILER J. HERBERT MASON. Man-gin: Director. Toronto. mired Goverlng reached by

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