u’léist Fxn‘uou r-n mamionod hours i 'Until further not Richmond Hill l’us MORNING EVENXNG fRiéhnunoml‘ Lodï¬u. A F and A M ~Meets Mimâ€" dtw on or before full moon CourtRichmond. A 0 Fâ€"Meets second and fourth Friday Ivy Lodge. A 0 U Wâ€"»Mbotsfourtb Tuesday 0! each month Camp Elam, S 0 S ~Neets second and fault]: Wednesday R '1‘ of Temperanceâ€"Moots ï¬rst Wednesday of each month Fire Briguda~MeeLs ï¬rst Mondny of every month Public lerm'y and Bonding Boomâ€"0pm: Tuesday. Thursday and Sammnv evenings Epworth Leagueâ€"Meets every Friday. Epiéoopul Church-~Scrvines at 3 p. m. every Sunday. Presbygorinu Churchâ€"Services M. 1! a. m..and 'I p. m. buuduy Schnul M. 2.30. Prayer moeling W ednesdnjg eyepgnuz‘ n , Roman Cathnh'c nus Sundays at. £1 Methodist Chm" 'l 1). m. Sunday S meeting Thursday Leave Newnmrket 7.45, 9. 11 The Great En lish Randy. Sold and recogxmended by druggism in Canada. On? re Mable medicine discovers . ii . , v FICkflgCS gum-outed to cure forms of Sexâ€"2m Weakness. all efl‘ects of abua or exee‘w, Mental Won-y. Excessive use 01 To baoco. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on racelp! of price. one mkage 51.61:. <5. 0125 wilt plum mwm cure. .-mp:'1!eis free to any address. . The Wood Company. Windsor, ON LouvaC P R Crossing at 6. 7.20. (HQ 1‘30, 240, 3.30. 5 40, .45 p. Leave Richmond Hill 8.05. l0.da u. m 3.25, 4.25, 5.35. 8.301). m. LeavaRichmond Hm '1 2A0, 350.150 Massey-harms I-npairs kf-pt Nichnlls. Richmond H111. solicited. Anyone sending a sketch and descrlbuon may quickly nsrerm‘n our opinion free Whether an inventin'n is probablypatenmble. Communica- uona smctly conï¬denunl. Hnndbook on Patents sent tree. Gide.“ agency for Eucunug‘ patents. Patents mkex; thmu h Mnnu & C0. receive mgal notice. mthout c urge. in the J. H. FREE (Of the ï¬rm of : agent for the 3 Saving Machim Summers. &c.; Massey Engines Brantfnrd \Viud Date. Tux-(mm Masseyâ€"Harris rt 50 YEARS' EXPEREENCE , .er-«>'.-:«? TRADE MARKS DESIGNS nnuunuuave. E: (z, M ETROPOLITAN TIME TABLE A lmndsom culnuou of cur: fnur mohths. $1. Sold by all newsnoalers. UNN &_€B,Eélï¬r°iirmÂ¥rï¬ï¬w 3931‘ Sciemi'i ï¬rixhbh Of POST OFFICE NOTICE W0 Between Tm; OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P M M. TEEFY. Postmaster Village Directory. {In {1011 ville .. y illustrated weekly. Largest cir- ,ny scientiï¬n our-nu]. Terms. #3 :1 onths. $1. So d by ull_ pewsdgalerg Drad Letters must be Minutes earlier than 1'5 for closinfl. GOING SUUTH Wood's I’hosp‘hodineu OING NORTH is Mariam. ice Hails will be closed at the comce as follows:â€" waning. A F and A M ~Meets Mbn L1“ to and Newmuket pai‘rs h); H_ skardt & Prentice), ssey-Hurris Lnbnr- .‘, \Vaguns, Plows, [$0 the Sawyer & and Thrashers. the {i1}, and the Up-tn- :uming Mill. All DESIGNS Cosvmau‘rs éc. i332. PW; i ï¬TECE III. 9.40, “.50 n p. m. 11.30 mm 8.05 5.40 handed in the above 5115111985 1.53. 3.15 ‘cbmoné To send a. statement of such claim together with their names and addrcsms bv posh p' epaid to Arthur Quanta, Langsme P. 0., or to Jesse Kefl‘er, Concord P. 0., administrators of the said estate. ,Andtuke furthernotice that after such Inst mentioned data the said administrators wdi proceed to distribute the assets among the parties entitled thereto, having mgmd oniy to such claims as they shu.11 then have received notice 0!. WILLIAM COOK. No. 1 Adeinide 9n. East, Toronto. Solicitor for Administrators Diced Aimâ€"ch ESL-41,1900. ' 53-4 Luca of the Towns Naelce‘ is hercbv ghcn that an pél‘SOnS having clmma again at; the estate of me said Anne Kefl’ar, who died on or about the 20th (lav of February last. are required on or bet: re the Special my 53 Tin u g Ln: 23mm part; of 29. rear ofâ€"mhe 2m? con. Vuughuu. consuming of 165 acres is for mm». The soil is Sandy loam. there is in frame bonse.‘ two Inn-us (one 1:, bank burn), qnd good nubbuiédâ€" jugs. The farm is well waterefl, and is in a goml state at cuitivatiou. ‘ For puninmgxs apply g‘pfgmises to. Mrs. M. Brown's; April 3rd and. 4th. All are cordially invited to call and see the latest styles in Spring Millinery for 1900. Millinery Wine 10 Gredimis Gama: Banging Susi mam? EEBEEET Pm me 35903373. RICHMON D H I LL Nedmstiay Thursday and Frisiag Wig. 4-. 5 16;, a 25th day of April, 1909, Pursuant to Statute R. S. 0. Chapter section 38. A Branch of this Bank hm opened at TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY, Farm for Saie mm gdvmistmmts. apizul () f Canada wan; T110 rnhill, ‘ Towuship n! Vaughan it: the County of York. widow. deceased. Has prepared for a. Easter JE KEFFER Smasacteï¬. In the estate of aornhifl AC _AT__. ROWLAND AT JOHN SLIINEY féiillinery WLAND. €52,000n000 600,000 Gpening Display Elgiu Mill‘ i‘ ~~~~~ Emac‘ia {Eycfie P1) i " Is successfully used mommy by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladles ask your dru gist for Cook‘s Cotton Root Com- found. Take no at er, as all Mixtures. pills and * mimtlons are dangerous. Price. No. 1, $1 er box - No. 2. 10 degrees stronger. $3 per box. 0. = l or E, mailedon receipt or price and two meant Btam s. The Cook Company WindsorT’Om. Q“ 05. 1 and 2 soldand recommended y All responsible Druggtste in Canada. GLEVELAND MASSEY-HARRIS, 3.332333%, 0R Send 10 cent will like it. n.5- Nu. 1 and No.2 5011 in Richmond Hill by W A. Sanderson Druggist. BECAUSE they have been the popular wheels for years, the sales of each in the past exceeding that of the largest compeutor. BECAUSE they are the only bicycles of ren- utation MANUFACTURED in Canada in large quantities. BECAUSE riders know by experience that prompt attention to their wants can only be obtained from re- liable home manufacturers who have a reputation to sustain. “ THE LIBERj‘XL †OFFIQE A monthly magazine full of interest- ing reading mattm- and useful information for Canada for the Canadians." EA!) THE Canadim Haas 3912,: 1eve12111d, T. F. MCMAHON ; M T. F. MCMAHON ‘ny 12 Varieties- you can receive it, with this paper for (me year by sending your or- drws m the publishers of THE LIB- ERAL at $1.75. .‘ANADIAN WOMEN AND CANADIAN HOMES CAUSE riders reali'ze that wheels which have maintained the lead for years must be reliable wheels. Cook's Cotton Root Gamma scription price $1 per annum kgents Every‘wher [‘1 F‘rEI‘A BL ES @373; ahbï¬faï¬'mn GANADA CYGLE 1013 PRIN’HNG ' 15,3 méh' Suifluluuch Add ago Pickling ugstm n her) m nd scarlet T0 PéTENT flood ldaas my be secured by our aid. Address. THE °"ENT RECORD. Baltimore. Md. Lâ€"Regula r ENNEE,TO§2 nund dc Bruns mple copy G u e 1‘- NEAT AND ATTRACTIVE .31 Co., Lim‘ted TORONTO, ONT Head Offline, ’K‘OI'OMto. Canada. IQâ€"Pul‘mlip, Hollow Crown Zoâ€"Itadihh,F1-euch Branki 50. Packagesâ€"Money refunded in not satisfactory (Curler!) vMusk Melon. Extra Earlv ~Wutor Melon Early Canada ~0uiou Large Red, Wern- ~0uiou Large Red, Wetn crsï¬um ~0nion, Yellow Globe, Dun -Hei‘hs, Sage â€"I1 erbs, “(wary â€"Hor1m, Morjoram ~Lectur‘e. Nunpuriel (Cab DONE AT 95010 E? O'll Are the Denver Ma rket 0n the premises, Richmond Hill, a thoroughbred Registered Jersey Bull, and 21 thuronghhl-ed pedigreed Berkâ€" shire Bozuz Terms $1.00 cash. Mancheste‘ ‘ Money to loan on ï¬rst mortgage farm proper fly, at ï¬ve per cent, 29-“ umpire at _ GORE, ()F ( FOE SERVICE mmmn‘m‘ Bichnlond 11in. . T. SASGEON, Money to Loan Agent for the fnllowing stock Fire Insurance Cumpauies, viz.: ,nchester, of London,E11g., BRITISH AMERICA, YORK MITT rnnm, Cmmdn~â€" my fur the farmel Business Su- OF TORONTO, CANADA A First~claas Cash 32-tf BY MAIL POSTPAID. ORDER TO-DA Y. rpresisen 0106 Of {1 Harris, H. Li. NICHOLLS; mim‘d, W‘. A. SANDERSON. ~Wild Flow. Niguone’vte, Sweet Pnnsv. Mixed ' Petunia. Mixed Nusturtiums. Tm] Radish mers (I Mn tic I Tomato. Dwarf Champion Aster Solicued‘ T. LUDFORD, Richmond Hill THE IIIBL‘RAL omce FLOWERS z. Mixer] Hubbard Ema. Early 'Iutnu m3 623., tath Tau MIX Gem. VVbite rdou Mixud adian each year they tLriaI, workma ments that ha and patronage {the Canada Cycle and Motor Co‘, .lmlte'l, consl‘ructs 85 per cent. of all the high grade bicycles actually manufactured in Canada and afford support to over two thousand mechanics and share- holders. money 01' IC thev BEAE‘ETFGRD 1 Any Flour will make Bra: 1’ will guarantee WEiï¬EA‘L AFR? M53031} FLDUREHG MiLLS. V RIâ€"CHMOND HILL JOS. HALL The Next Sitting of Division Court, fox; No. 3, Gnunty at York, will be held in the Com-b Room, EELLE éflï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ Eigh. Grade Family Fleur I believe in supporting tries and not sending for (3.?!) Remit: X FREE $53? To make more bread, lighter bread. and bread that will keep moist, longar, and better flavor- ed bread with loss lab- or than any other ï¬mn-1 S. S. Bï¬lflWii‘é. Made to suit the peeple and Tsold at a reasonable price. N AU G HTON BROS. It, is sit ï¬YPXiT'Efï¬ï¬ ., Limited. a £21m Q5“ 3% 'umnu y have led in mater- mship and improve~ ave won the pralse 3 ofâ€"the public. 1 UK 13311136 SELL IT. H) F. MCMAHO A. MOODIE, 1 country to em \Velland Vale, m EQURT. )flflï¬e. VA: :ad, but we. N. CLERK home their