Huaranteed Cure for Catarrh, Bron- chitis, Asthma, Throat Irritation, Colds. 8w. Don’t let that Catnrrh or Bronchitis fun on. Root it out before it becomes chronic. The best, simplest. and quickest remedy for these complaints laj'Catnl-rhozone." It costs nothing to test, for we will send you. free. a 25 Bent outfit, sufficient in many cases to cure, and one thousand testimonials, Enclose 10 cents for boxing, postage, &c. Polson 8: Co... Kingston. Ont. .AJ movement is on foot in Alliany to erect a statue to Gmnem'l Philip Sheridan. It is rather strange that this Warrior‘s birthplace has not al- ready done him that honor. Rheumatism has no terrors, when DOdd's Kidney Pills are used. Dodd‘s Kidney Pills. cu're Rheumatism, and all other. Kidney Diseases, just as certainly, easily, quickly and natural- ly as :1 drink of water cures thirst. There are a number of deep places In the Hudson, as every one is aware. but few know that spots ranging mom a depth of 20 to 24 fathoms Ire frequently met with south of the Highlands. ovul. Many remedies were used, in efforts to effect a cure. Different medical Inen were called in to attend her, but :11 failed dismally. At length Mrs. Fletcher. having read of Dodd’s Kidney Pills, decided to give them a trialwasl a fmnl effort. She did so and the only possible result, (ollowed. The first dose soothed her awful pain. Every succeeding dose did» more and more good, and five boxes left her a sound and healthy Woman. Not nvestige of her old disease remains. All who know this estimable lady, know that for months past, she has n a. ceaseless sufferer from In~ flammatory Rheumatism. So sev- Ire did the disease become that her finger joints and ï¬ngers were so terribly swollen that Ihe could not bend them. So was nï¬able to get downstairs wi‘lthout as- ] tance, and every impending change' at weather brought her the most in~ lefgribable agony. Ibo Wm: for Monlhs a Marlyr to In. flnmmalory BllennmusnIâ€"Dodd'n lflldney I’llls ('ured Her. Petrolea, April 2.-â€"No lady resident In this town 13 more widely known, and more highl esteemed for her many good qua ities, than is Mrs. A. Fletcher. of the Fletcher House. Throughout the adjacent country district also, she has a very Wide ac. Quaintanoe. A Petrolaa Lady Vanquishes Stubborn and Persistent Enemy- ‘ THE FLETCHER CASE menuts. President Feitner, of the Depart- Inent, says that the State Board of Tax Commlr‘sioners will add at least “00,000,000 to New York city assess- †Then a due-I ensued between the Bvain, SergeanL Mason and the Boer. very time Mason tried to peep round the Boer banged at him. The ergeunt returned the compliment. [live Mauser bullets were put through ason’s helmel, cutling his hair once ï¬r twice, but leaving him uninjured. Dlhers came perilously near his throat, arm and hands. Finally the Boer drilled a hole through Mason's Ihpnlder. Wounded, he changed the rifle to his left, resting it upon the look. A ducky shot of the, Sergeant’a t‘ouohed the Boer, who fell forward, with his head between the rocks, Then Mason "made siccar," putting ashot u- two into the head, which never vudrged. Week from loss of blood. son arose, retired, had his wound dressed and then walked out of the Action." ‘ f "Sergeant Mason, a former Glas- gow man and Durban hansom cab lriver, did some fine shooling. He lnd other Colonials by adoption are track shots. ’While potting Boers at I,500 yards’ range, he chanced to turn Ind saw. three creeping up the moun- lain side upon :his Iett‘ rear. ping his sights he bowled one over, the nan falling across a rock and never flirting. [or he was shot through the Ieart. An instant later he fatally wounded the second, who tumbled headlong down hill. The third Daught sight of his helmet und- rifle thfl_giodged behind a bawlder. Drop- ‘ lone-II Manon o! the Columnâ€. ma ' Home I’Iue Shooting. Writing 01 the ï¬ghting around Pot- [leter’a Drift, Bennett Burleigh, cor- respondent of the London Daily Tele- 1 graph, says :â€" . IN DUEL WITH THREE BOERS. 10,000 FREE SAMPLES. Percyâ€"See 73. world, old chap! M. Anagos, principal of the Perkins. Institute for the Blind, in Boston, will be one u! the American representa- tives at the international congress in the interest of the blind, to he held in Paris, next August. Fredyâ€"éhe is all the world to me Wgat wogld youfladvise me to do? I-n -‘1 II; I m - u: on:qu can. an: nod-nu Lieut.â€"Gov. Woodruff, of New York, is well pleased with the result of his western trip and is now contemplating a. tour of the south, hoping to thereby still further strengthen his boom for the Republican nomination for Vice- President. IIUGVI val cull“), from u . d" n f"â€" QJ'J, union. Mantra-l. Goo. Cuslnï¬g a 00.. um: Housi- There s more Catarrh in this section a the country than all other diseases nut togo Igor. and um“ the last few years was supposed to be lncumb e. For afreet many yenra doctor pro- nounce it a lone disease. and reecribed one! remedial, and by co :stantly tall ng to cure with local treatment. pronounced lt incurable. 80% once has proven outarrh to be a constitutional dlseese. and therefore re uires constitutional treatment. Hall's Deterrh ure manufactured by r. J. Cheney a: Cy., Toledo. Ohio. is the only oon=tltutional cure on the market. In is taken internally 1n doses from 10 drops to a to "peon- rul. It acts direct] on the blool and mucous eurteoes of the eyellyem. They offer one hund- red dollnra for any ease It falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Addrens. F. J. CHENEYGc 00.. Toledo, 0 Sold by Dru 318%. 75c. Hell's Femi y P1113 are the beat; An agent for the Ameximn Bible Society says that the first book print- ad in Minnesota was aBib‘le. It was printed in 1836, about 13 years before the first Issue of a newspaper in St. Paul. IOITIIAL llfl‘rll. DIIIO‘I’OII'. WWW“ The “ Balmornl," Free Bus; Hotel GarslakE There are 8,750,000 volumes in ï¬che libraries of the American colleges and un-iVBrsities. Harvard has 500,000 vol!â€" umes, Chicago University. 350,000, 00‘!- umb’ia, 275,000, and Corne‘ll 225.000. O'KEEEESï¬ï¬‚R. MALT Take Laxative Bromo Quinlna Tablotl. All Fagigmgglg‘nd Lh_e money It 19 tall! 007 qura FREE TREATMENT. Liberal Offer to Sufferers from Ca- tarrh, Asthma and Bronchitis. Until Catarrhozone method of treatment for catarrh, asthma, and bronchitis was introduced. these dis- eases were thought incurable. Now it is different. This wonderful treatment is constantly curing thousands of at- flicted ones who had long ago given up hope. It cures by the inhalation of medicated air. You simply breathe; it does the rest. One trial of Catarrh- ozone will convince you of its merit, Take advantage of our special offer now; it will only last afew days. Send 10 cents in stamps to cover the cost of the mailing, and we will send you a. 25 cent outfit free. N. 0. Poison & Cot, Kingston Ont. ‘ Three men who have been news- paper reporters in Albany have be- acme members of the Cabinet. The late Daniel Manning, Daniel S. La- mont and Charfles Emory Smith. Governor Nash, of Ohio, is an: auth- ority on the history of that State, which he has made a lifelong study, His library of works on this subject Ls probably the largest and most valu- able extant. “ Pharaoh 100.‘ was for fortyâ€"three years prominent in national office. He was secretary of the Whig convention which nominated Taylor for President in 1848. His career on the national stage began with the birth of the Republican party in 1854, when he was first e.)- ec-ted at Congress. Berlins, 21 Hamburgs. 23 towns hear- ing the name of Paris, and 13 Londons. One man in American historyâ€"Jus- tin S. Merrill, of Vermontâ€"had a long- er public career than that to which John Sherman can point. Mr. Sherman will displace all Japan Tea the sameas Salada black is displacing all other black teas. There are in the United States, 30 IMMES‘ HOTEL lnvizonwl :nd gin-oni- - I - IMYD WOOD. Toronto. aï¬nmu. AG"! 1'0 ClTllB .l COLD IN ONE I)" H. W. Grovo': signature is on «Eh box. CEY LON GREEN TEA GOOD ADVICE little more of the l__MoGHlâ€"CTIII;I Ann“. '_ !§ml_ly Hotel mu 015° per diy. ll hm of (Bruin. ï¬n. ‘ mu KAI-Mull. Furdqonn Plan. Boom uv‘plllw _ -..... . Religion: Picture; sum-n. sud CINE Ora-moat. Ednosu'onnl Worn. Mu'l order: «Au prompt Luau lion. 0. h J. IADLIII 0.. Montrinl. gathgllo Prayer "NEE! farm-i3“: u...“ Ill yum now at umu m unï¬l‘ï¬, Toronto, 93a", Quebec. Tu: on MDINEI lNGUBATOHâ€"Ieat and ohenpon n D-l|._A -.\l- ...__. .A_.L. “W, carters “waffle 21°- qaregn .-. W- ....... â€"..---. 0. Rollund, Iole nan}. {61; Eli; Damiulon. Bend Sot nump (or analogue. 373 St. Pnul Street. Monuul Lowest price: ever zmtlom uniled true. Whaley Royce & 00., Every Town can have a Band EiO\V [1‘0 MEND A GLOVE. 1 When a glove is too small and! spine. it IS wrose than useless to sew ‘ up the rent; it must be patched. The 1 patch must be of kid of the same co- " lor. Tum the part inside out, [having 3 trimmed the hole round so that the ‘ edges are even, and cut the patch of kid to the right size. Then with fine ‘ needle and cotton sew in the patch,‘ taking care only to take up the inâ€"i aid-a the kid and keep the seam flatl carbollc Dlsinfectanto. Guano. Olnt- meat, Tooth Powders, oto., have beQn awarded 100 medals and diplomas for superior excellence. Their regular uoe prevent intensi- oua diseases. Ask your desler to obtain 5 supply. Llits mulled free on application. Brass Band UNION SENSE KILLS Bushes. Bod Buy. it": And M100. Sold by .u Dmglilu. or an Quun W. Toronto. year carried 59,084,702 passengers, and the steam lines 50,269,468. held by women in America is estimated at $130,000,000I and the amount of pri- rate and State Bank shock at 3137.- 000.000. -: amnsu Alinl’dii’ ivi’fni Eb.- Instruments, Drums. _U;lorms. Etc [got to! Enlich your Iogn. or Ind I‘llâ€"0;. Trolley lines in Connecticut last The amount of National Bank stock Music or Musical lnstEï¬hEï¬ts. F. 0. CALVERT & 00., MANOHEOTER - - ENGLAKD‘ CALVERT’S “Canada’s Greatest Seed House.†._ _ ..._‘. . Commo- & 00.. Xian. Montronl‘ uoted. Fine catalogue 600 illus‘ Writs 9:) (or anything In r. Boom, notarlu, Cru- omxoo. annular-n. nd Church Ora-unpu. \V I’ C I018 Toronto, Ont . Ind Winnipoz. Man D I DDLB, DHIUUi G - A new agdistinct variety. roots rose We '1'“ good. IELIAILI. nuns: 0 men In “unlxprcseumd dbtriathhroughg$ the oulnion la I011 11! swok {or invutmenl. ' ll I 1 winning! Md dlvidnnd‘ paynhle hllf yurly. or fading to flu If nun- tlno to secure application: for good Ion". I w Ilium commissions. Apply. fl “Ill 0000 FARMING LANDSâ€"AR N40 [moï¬llml' Ind Crnvlord Oo flu. no pn. ohl 3n Ocnlnl. D-rmh Mmkimo “a m- m. Ru dl. u price: “nil!!! 1110- u lo we. Thm "191000 to Ennrprjqing Haw . nunâ€".5... __‘ Hull "7m. '51-, Ari-616:; Sign. iv!"- '3' gnu, “mumooll. on. “a will borlpol o: Inna-bl. um. Apply to ,7 , ,7," - _-__. v- “3...? uuuuunu syn-Ill u ' The Damon Commission (50., lelted, nor. Watt-Harlot & odbomn IL, Toronto. Ind other P3600017}. to emn'nrbut flu n_»_ h, n r . . . null-3553?:- POULTRY, BUTTER, gccu. APPLE? ..A An.-. nunnnnn ., HARRIS LAW vvmumums M M ‘u Mlohlgan Landâ€"form; Wholenlo only. Lon. Dllténue Tole};ovn:l; WILLIAM 8T., TORONTO. IT Is THE BESTâ€"Always pureâ€"always the sameâ€" Fm“m“.‘“ G. M “M ‘kï¬u Qï¬rï¬vï¬ I“ "Y. 'I 9"!00 “n "In 8." Can PAINT WASTED.. . LUDELLA 3.11:1: c .A enmwmmou .m on. .oï¬nha. wmmm.. 1m. GEYLON TEA. AGENTS WANTED. If not obtainable from your resident merchant, send your order: clinch, that you may have the best. CATALOGUE MAILED FREE TO INTENDING BUYERS. Steele. Bri gs' Field Root Seeds are all produced from spec! lly Ielocted roots an with unusual care, that the Canadian grower may saga the most proï¬table result from his crop. Steele, Briggs' Seeds may be obtained from local dealers who consider the growers‘ best interest. rather than the small increased proï¬ts to themselves by supplying "chuply" grown seeds. The Steele, Briggs Seed 80., out); A new aer distinct variety, roots rose color, very lame, clean, easily harvested and heaviest cropper of any Sugar Bee: kinown. Every grower should try it. “Can only be had In (1 lb.) unlod package. («0 Price, each, by mail (post-paid), 290. 1b.; in 5 11). lots . or more, 270. lb. “Steele, Briggs’ Money Makers" Have been peï¬â€™ccted by repeated selections of seed 1' at! éuring several years past, thus securing the ï¬nest strains t ’6! can be obtained. Growers who value their Mangol Crop Wm use Steele, Briggs' “Prize mammoth or Giant Long Red" “giant Yellow Oval" and “giant Yellow Globe." The King of Field Carrots, largest crapper, heavicgt and deanest room, most easily harvested of any Carrot sto'wn. Us. Steele, Brlggn' Sealed Pacing†only (on out), than you get the gonulno tort. Price (post-paid) } 1b., 200.; } 1b., 800.: 1b., 608. MANGEL WURTZEL Is in using the best ueedn It all times. because you locum more (on. per acre in the yield of roots. When you use cheapizirown out}. ou sacriï¬ce by poor ylcld in crop and inferior quality tool- may on the cost of good sud. Steele, Brlggs THE SECRET FOR SUCCESS Secure STEELE, BRIGGS’ Seeds W LEAD. COPPER. ERAS . Mlllo. Mlllo 81 Halo. Barristers.etc..ramovod '50 Wesley Bldgs., Rich- mond St. W.. Toronto. ’IEJ'Whiitâ€"Jï¬n. “Improved Short Whlto " NOTICE TO GROWERS STERLING SPEGIALTIES Price (post-paid) 500. per lb. -CARROT STEELE, BRIGGS’ Lead packages. 25, 30, 4o, 50 and 60¢. which are sold by all ï¬rst-class dealers, is a guarantee of satisfaction. A. RAMSAY & so". Plll'lt flake". MONTREAL. Eu’d .84.. They are mixed ready for use, and oï¬e gallon covers 360 square feet 1 coats. It’s a waste of paint, time and money to use inferior materials. The best costs but little more, and lasts twice as long. The reputation acquired by RAMSAY’S PAINTS, Tui crodueo Dr. be A: .. l bx hill: (or mnkjug blood 1’fqr pl oveoph. {emu}: makuelun. In" Ind lld' disuse. n rVonsnI-n. wonkne - 0! [he systom. «(Mil “iv; YRS yourr chniu a! a N]: (Bald Flt-um W COCOA iltin EV aï¬xr'ï¬l‘d. 770:: GQL‘IQI-elibnle «in. k T‘o‘pflh tre 35v pe‘rl this amount and yau w ï¬nch; or win: for panic Aunla wtmed In ovary Stem Wlnd Stem Sat} EPPS’S GRATBFULâ€"COMFORTING. Inswuos‘r nu'mmous. IIIAKFA‘Tâ€"SUPPER. TH! DR. DENT PILL 00., 3’) Adelaide 83‘, We“. orgnm. Ont rs or a 14k '(iax‘d ll Hun Meml V epar. wzurruzadï¬ Ã©r hm 33,50 for Visuenï¬ BEE? wn Ind city LIMITED Memo 10 TORONTO, no bone. a a bezel and I v Ont.