Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Apr 1900, p. 1

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VOL. XXII. IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING- AT THE LIBERALPRINTINGJL PUBLISHINGHOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. '1‘. F. McMAHON. DR. LANGSTAFF. Office Hours : p. m Beet fitting teeth, also replating, at. lowest, prices. Good work. $I per annum, in advance. Oddfellow’s EM and 00110 Will be in Richmond Hill every \Vednesduy. Office:â€"Next dour south of Public School. DR. T. A. CUR REE, I)entist, (Successor to Dr. Cecil Trotter) 1333. W. 63:11 firettar, B. .-, .., DENTIST,- Telephone 3368 for appointment. firmed methods ‘t Gmduntn of the Ontario Veterinary College. with diploma from the Ontario Veterinary Dontal School. will visit Maple on Monday and Friday of each week, and Concord on Friday from 1 to 3 p. m. (‘ml‘s prompth amended to Diseuaos n! and other domesticm~ «1 animals treated by the latest and most up- VETERINARY SURGEON Remodelled,nnd newly furnished throughout. One of the most convenient. and comfortable hotels on Yonge Street. Every modsrn enn- venienco. Sample rooms for commercial travellers. Anidenlstopping place for riding or driving partiesmicycliscs, or funnel-s going to or ramming from market. Electric cars pusthe door. Room 12, 124 Victoria St, Toronto. F. J. GALLANOUGH, Jibflfl I’AIJIIZR. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. PALMER HOUSE, RICHDJO N D HILL, Cor. “floor and Spadma Ave.. Toronto. Member College Plxgsicimnn and Surgeons. nt. HULS EGTEL, Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. . J. T. Mcfilroy, RICHMOND HILL. RICHMOND HII (Hi-"FEES HOURS gtolortm: 6:08! DR. L. LAWRASON, BUSINESS CARDS. Ripans‘ Tabules cure flatulence. 1349mm Tabulos: pleasant laxative. @112 gibzml RIIKPIJE . THOROUGH LY REFITTED. VETERlNARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, VETERINARY SURGEON Emma J: Pnomxxron Wm. Rogufi Bufi'xsx, TEE Thornhill. medical. “urinary â€"-ANDâ€" Emma]. S $1.00 PER DAY. a, Toronto, cor. Yonge e Sts., Toronto, to 10 a. m.; 12 to 2 to 9 p. m. 6:08pm Prop HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, (EC. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. N 0 TA RY PU B L] C . LENNOX & MORGAN, Mouev to loan on landund c lowest mt. Auroraofliveâ€"Rcmoved to the old post one door west of the entrance Ontano Bunk. Newmm-kec otficeâ€"Three doors south Inst office. '1‘. HERBERT LENNOX, G. STV. Monmx Aurora. New; CUDK Barristers, Solicitors, etc. TORONTO OFFICE: No. 1. Adelalde Sty” Easb. ‘ Mr. 700k will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. WGAN, GRAN <24 SKEWS JAS. N EVVTON ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSESi EL<GEr1N BEILHJEE'B 3am Toronto Office. Mr. Grant‘s residence, Woodbndee. everv evening. Thomhill,enoh Wednesday from 10 to 12. Money to loan at Barrister, Solicitor. Notary, 350. Suite 77 and 78 Freehold Loan Build- ings, cor. Adelaide and Victoria. Streets, Toronto. SALEM Emunn'r. 63 Winchester St. Turonto LicenSeu Auctioneers for the County of Yoxk. Goods sold on consignment. General Rules! of atock.enc., momptly attendeé to ILL: reuvsonabla rates. Q.R.Goummg. Newton Brook, agent for the above License dAuccioneers for the County 01 York ,1'0- speetfully solicit your patronage and friendly mflueuce. sales attnuded on the sLortest notim> and A reasonuberates. King 25 KING STREluT WEST, TORONTO. J. T. Suigeon. Richmond Hill Licensed Auctioneer for the (‘ounty 01 York. Generalsales chum-laments, furniture.sta.nding timber. etc. ,ubteuded on th a shortest notice and at reasonable mtbs. Patronage solicited. P. 0. address Maple. Licensed Auctioneers forthe County of York Salesrnztouded to on shortest. notice and at rem sonablerates Patronagesnlicited. Licensed Auctionon for the Conuties and Ontann. All sales of farm stock tended to on the shortest notice and 1- rates. Mortgage and bailiff sales ntt Residence. Stoufi'vflle, Out. JOHNSTO‘NTROSS &‘ FALCONBRIDGE, Barristers, Everynooommodutiou so guastu. Board Der ds. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL " ; Tu PATENT Bond Ideas may be seaml'ed by our aid. Address. IHE 0"ENT RECORD. Banimore. Id. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. A large st ock LIBERAL Office, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. C STOKES Barristers and MONEY ’l‘O LOAN AT 5%. (Indorlakors é: Embalmors. @flaÂ¥@$ Qg‘g‘fifim 158 KING STREET EAST. TOBO Barristers, Solicitors, 62!: WRIGHT BROS, Saig Sckardt «6; PI entice saokes & Blough. )MMIBSIONER IN THE Lgfiafifig .l. D. Reudmnn, '1‘ 13} EC 1*“? J.D geou a; McEwen. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, APRIL 12, â€"Three doors south of the . LAWRENCE, In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." ALCONUBXDGE per ue )f Funeral Furnishings at both pla (‘95. W DING MACDONALD To PATENT Good Ideas rthe Counties of York Hhe old post office. the entrance to the Smith. fiollchorfi. note] 1:] nrtgagcs at TORONTO. J. H. 1?nEN'rICE Unlonvillo Telerhcuo 298-1 J. R. McEwen Weston. (120301: Rns NewmaJ-ket k. kc“ ut- reasonable temled to. D BLOUGE Richmond Hill and Vicinity To the Editor of THE Luann u. \Vhat a monotonous world this Would be if its people were, not allow- ed to laugh. Ofall God's rent crea- tion man is the only anima that the Divine Creator has made, to laugh. Carlyle says, “Beware of the man‘ that never laughs. He is only fit for schemes, strut-agems and spoils.” Man laughs in dimpled childhood, he joins in the hilarity of later years, and he (-huckles when again a. child over the ludicrous incidents of the long gone, hy, as sometimes in fantastic shapes they {lit across the memory. In these times of wonderful change for the better, these (lays of rapid ad- vancement in religion, education and temperance principles, we can afford to look back upon the past and smile at the eccentricities of those who have helped to make up their share, of the more humomus portion of the chron- ivles of our village. In this history repeats itself. for as we laugh over the primitive and somewhat uncouth do- ings of former years, so those. of the middle of the century on which we are about to enter will smile, perhaps audibly, at What we in our Wisdom call “advanced civilization,” as the crude notions of a. couple of genera- tions before. In these later years our village has been greatly improved in its religious and moral aspects. There are so many ways to which the time. and attention of our people can be directed to assist in enabling us to make our existence pleasant and our lives profitable that we can dwell with some degree of amusement on the escapades of those who, in former years. had to confine themselves to, narrower limits (If en- joyment, to cruder and perhaps ough- er methods of obtaining it. The ret- rospection should make us thankful for the opportunities of the present day and for the wisdom of later years, Like other villages and towns of less and perhaps of greater aspiratinns, we have had our regular ammunne- ments of Births, Marriages and Deaths, or as the Editor of a rut-111 paper once headed his obituary col- umn, Hatches, Matches and Despatch- es. Our births have not been without their incidents, our marriages not with-. out their romances, nor our deaths without their ludicrous as well as their solemn surroundings. To pass a chatty moment with the I‘eutlelS of THE LIBERAL without any pretentions to literary ability or supposition of any deep archeeological reseal ch the writer proposes to call up from the dim vista of the past episodes in marriages and deaths and perhaps other reminiscem ces that in their day have provoked a ripple of merriment and caused even solemn countenances to broaden to a smile. About thirty years ago there lived amongst us as the minister of the Methodist Church, the late Rev. John Bredon. The rev. gentleman was a typical Irishman ‘of the. educated class. He was always ready for an intellect- ual encounter in the pulpit, on the platform or through the press. He was most at peace when best engaged with a foeman worthy of his steel in . some combat that required great de- mands on his mental activities, and gratified his pugilistic proclivities for a fight. No one knew better how to appreciate a joke than Dr. Bredon, and no one could perpetrate one with a sharper point or with a greater relish than he. The writer I‘ecollects on one occasion coming down from Parry Sound on the Northern Railway. On board were the Rev. John Bredon, the then editor of the Guardian, and a number of other ministers returning from a. camp meeting held at the. the Sound‘. A lad with an armful of books for sale passing through the car stopped before the editor with a. tempting smile for his patronage. The man of letters replied that he sold such, and pointingr to the Rev. John , Bredon said. “Go and try that gentle- man, he lives in a dark and benightt-d part of the country." The Dr. over- heard the remark and as quick asa flash retorted, “ \Vell, if I do live in a dark and henighted part of the coun- try I am indebted to your farthing candle ifor it.” It was well known that the editor took a laudable and a well grounded pride in the makeup of the Guardian. The laugh caused by the keen thrust somewhat disconcert- ed the literary gentleman’s equilib- rium. One morning while on this circuit the Rev. John Bredon in his dressing- gown was strolling on the lawn in front of the parsonage making mental calculations for his next Sunday's sermon when he was necosted from the gate by a rustic looking specimen of the genus homo wirh “ Be you the chap that marries folks P" Ali-.Bredon replied that he did jobs of that kind occasionally. “\Vell," said the visitor. " me and my gal Want to he jined toâ€" gether; can you do it now?” The u (m‘idings and \‘Vnkvs. WM. HARRISON. P” M 1-.151‘edun zhs of that kind said the visitor. to be jined to- 71" it, now?” Lne rev. gentleman expressed his willing- ness m nccmnmodute them, and asked for the lady. “ I’ll bring her," was the response, and the-applicant, for mat- rixixoninl honors disappeared. The minister had‘ but just time to don his clerical robes when the parson- age door opened and the youthful as- pirant for domestic felicity ushered in a. fine handsome looking young wo- man, dressed in the height of fashion, decked with the gayest ribbons and smiling all over her face. “ Here she is ready and Willin‘," was the brief introduction, supplemented with the fellowing admonition :â€" “Now. parson. we want this business done up short, and we don’t want any of your darn long prayers in it nu ther." The pal-son said that he would do the best. he could for them. The contract- ing parties stood up for the ordeal. The obliging clergyman stretched the ceremony to its utmost limits, con- cluding with a. lengthy bit of advice on the proprieties of social life. By the time he got through that couple. were well tied. The ceremony over the new benedict proffered a substan- tial fee and with a. look of gratified ambition “ reckoned the job well done, and cheap.” 1 As soon as the happy couple were at it safe distance the 1ev. gentleman’s pent up visibilities were given vent, and he made the parsonage ring again and again. The following is the report of S. S. No. 6, Markham, for March : Senior 41 hâ€"Renn Scott, Mary Well- man, Jessie Scott, Willie Hingston. .Iu'uim- «uhâ€"W'er Frisby; Anson Nichols. 7 Senior 3rdâ€"Letn VVellman, Nellie Jennings. V lerlil’rlriigl'31'l1â€"‘31yl‘tle Klinck, Walter Scott. Junior Bar: Zmiâ€"r’ercy uagerman, Jean Scott. Part, lst~Herbio Sanderson. The following :lttanded regularly :â€" Mzu-y \Vellmun, \Villie Hingston, Leta. \Vellmnn, Hex-hie Sanderson. March 515E, Mummers an present. Reeve Lemon in the chair. The foliowing bills were paid : J. Murray, drawing sewer pipe.$ 2 50 A. Hamhleton, drawing pipe. , .. 5 00 F. A. Davis, drawing sewer pipe 5 00 R. Gellzltly, gravel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 12 W. Ough. shove-l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 H, Thompson, grant, 10th 0011.. 39 15 Brown & Sullivan, gl'ant5th con 93 43 Win. Paxton, gn'int 2nd con.... 5 90 H. Kitchen. blacksmith bill 1 3') T. Ferguson, taking Out-Cel- to Industrial Home . . . . . . . . . . . 1 25 J. Bovair, 2 tnise of stone . . . . . . 9 00 W. BOVflll'. 2 toise of stone . . . . 9 00 J. Billings, 1 month‘s salary . . . . 29 00 J. Shem-down, repairs to Hum- Ann 1 her bridge . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . G 00 John Glam-y, sheep claim . . . . . 14 75 Burns-â€"Gz11]ugherâ€"that the clerk be instructed to advise the council of Whitchurch to send a deputation with their assessor to meet a deputation from King with their assessors at Aurora on Saturday, April 7th, at 2 o’clock p. "1., to arrange values re as- sesmnent of Metropolitan Railway.â€" Carried. Bums â€"â€" Rogers â€" that the whole council be a committee to appear he- fm'e the Legislative Assembly of On- tzu-iu in the inteiest of the ratepayers of King when the Metropolitan Rail- way hill again comes up.â€"â€"Ca.r1‘igd. Major Stephenson was appointed to operate mad machine in the north division of King, he to furnish besides himself one 1mm and team, and to be paid the sum of $4 per day of 10 hours actual service. W. H. Proctor‘s tender for cedar plank was accepted. The price to he paid was $12 per M. at mill. and $14 when delivered. By-Law N0. 98 was passed appoint;- ing Dr. ankhzu't; of King City. Med- ical Health Officer in place of Dr. Norman, resigned. Ny-Law N0. 99 was passed to enable the council of King to borrow the sum of $3.500 to meet, the current. expenses until taxes are collected. Next meeting of the council will be held at Nobletvon on April 28th next. Next meeting held at Nobletc C. PATTERSON, The Municipal Council of the town- ship of Vaughan met at the Township Hall on Tuesday, April 10. Members all present, Reeve BI-ysqn in the‘chair. 0K. :1 ‘(Lu Pl't‘ar‘uv, LICK u. u. . u v . . . . . v . . v v M w . . . Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Kirbyâ€"Boyleâ€"that the. treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the following road accounts:â€" J. E. Clubiie, 2'5 cedar posts . . . .$ 2 50 ‘V. Bone, levelling gravel . . . . . . 75 L. Page 52 yds. gravel . . . . . . . . . . 3 64 J. Robson hauling 21 yds. gravel 4 l King Council met at Bond’s Lake on arch 312m Momhprsr all present. King Township Council Vaughan Council School Report (TO BE CONTINUED.) Part Zuni-Percy Hagerman, Clerk. 1900. S. LEMON, Reeve 1 2 900 900 2900 OI Yonge St. acct. half to be paid by Markham. J. McKenzie. 4 dys. work in Feh.$ 4 00 “ 16 “ in March 16 00 J. Lackey half day with team. . 1 50 P. Phillips 1% toise stone deliv’d 7 50 J. Gm man 1% “ “ \Vm. Chatterley 15 days’, March 15 00 “ 6 “ April \Valtor Chatterley 2 dastliax-ch " 1 day, April M. Horn breaking l toise stone M. Conley “ 3 “ 1 J. Simpkins “ 1 “ 8 '888888 I ~0mried. Malloyâ€"JVatsonâ€"that- the tl-eas. he and is hereby authorized to pay tht' following accounts :â€" ’1 R. Rumble, taking Bogardis to the General Hospital . . . . . . l . . . . . . . $4 85 T. F. McMahon, printing account 36 75 â€"â€"Carried. Watsonâ€"Boylenthat the tl-eas. be and is hereby authorized to pay to T. F. McMahon the sum of $10 for Rich- mond Hill & Yonge St. Agricultural Society. . â€"Carried. By-Laws were passed apportioning the interest accruing from the Clergy Reserve Fund, and the Municipal Loan Fund among the various schools of the township ; also authorizing a loan of $1500 to S. S. No. 7, for the erection of a. new school house. The Council adjourned to meet on Saturday, the 26th of May, as a Court of Revision. next week. Mice in firediiors Late of the Township of Vaughan in the County of York, widow. deceased. Notice is herabv given that a.“ persons having chums again st the estate of me said Anna Kefier, who died on or about the 20th. day 01 February lajst, are required on or botcre the To send a. statement of such claim together with their names and adrlresars bv post prepaid to Arthur Quantz, Langszafif P. 0., or to Jesse Kexfer. Concord P. 0., administrators of the said estate. 7 A _ _ And take further notice that after such last mentioned date the said administrators will proceed to distribute the assets among the vmrties entitled thereto. having regard only to such claims as they shall then have recefied noticeof. Dated March 23rd, 1900. .5. T. SAIGEON, Manchester, of Londqn,Eng. , BRITISH AMERICA, Of Tux-onto, Canadaâ€"the coming comv pally for the farmers of ank Co. Business Sulicited. GOR The Next Sitting of Division Court for N0. 3, County of York, will he held in the Court Room, RICHMOND HIL L Bfi‘éifiiflfi - HEW. List of Path-masters will be SATUEDAY. JUNE 16, 1900, u bu..-....._V GLOBE mine“ 0% mm, 25th day of April, 1900, Pursuant to Statute R. S. 0. Chapter 129, Section 38. Biclnnond Ilill. Agent for the following stock Fire Insurance Companies, viz.: YORK MUTUAL, NNE KEFFER fl-Lf 93 Yonge Street, Toronto. We guarantee perfect [Single copies, 3 cts. #320119?! to Loan 0F TORONTO, CANADA. -â€"ALSOâ€"â€"â€" A First-class Cash Mutual EIGHEDED HELL, WILLIAM COOK, N0. 1 Adelaide Fe. East, Toronb. Solicitor for Administrators Commencing at 10 a. m. T. F. MCMAEON, CLERK E, ()F GALT. In the estate of Best Gold Fill 1.58 5 yrs 001d Fill 10¢ in“ Best Glasses... 1N n fin: mortgage form proper Enquire at THE L1 BE HAL 0330 a Sanâ€"(1' G’oldi..$2.85 satisfaction. No 41 given

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